General Role of Nurses

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General Role of Nurses

Unlike the medical doctor, whose primary role is one of diagnosis and treatment, the role of the nurse can be thought of in terms of caring, healing and actually dealing with the patient on an intimate basis as he or she goes through the process of improving their health. This necessarily makes the nurse responsible for the physical, mental, emotional and sometimes spiritual well-being of the patient. In order to effectively accomplish their mission, however, the nurse must not only act as an administrator of care, but also as a leader in general well-being. This is the philosophy espoused by one of the major theorists in nursing, Sister Calista Roy. According to Roy, the role of the nurse is to function as a facilitator of the patient's own natural ability to adapt to injury and illness. This dynamic model sees nurses in what is essentially a leadership capacity, bringing their knowledge, expertise, techniques and compassion to guide the patient toward good health.

Leadership Specifics

Susan O. Valentine of the University of North Carolina writes that nursing can best take advantage of current medical knowledge and recent technological advancements by adopting a "transformational leadership approach." Through this approach, the nurse becomes instrumental in leading the charge toward more effective care in the clinical setting. She mentions, for example, how simply being beside a patient's bed for up to 24 hours makes the nurse the first line of leadership in ensuring well-being. They are often called upon to make instant life-saving decisions before a doctor can be called on scene. Furthermore, they are also often in charge of deciding how best to approach a patient when it comes to sensitive issues revolving around care. Combined with functioning as a sort of liaison between patient and doctor, the nurse must be a master of interpersonal relationships and show leadership in order to get the job done.

Other Forms of Leadership

In addition to the transformational approach, there is also the idea of "quantum leadership," for which nurses seem especially suited. This theory sees leadership within any organization or group as emerging from various places and at different levels within hierarchies. For example, a nurse administrator might set a hospital's overall policy when it comes to nursing, while the nurse in the emergency room can show effective leadership when patients suffering from life-threatening wounds are brought in. While some nurses may have more prestige and recognition within this understanding, all of them form an integral part of overall function and act as leaders in their own right.

Theory and Practice

Beyond the idea of nurses as transformational leaders, affecting all aspects of care and inspiring each other, other staff and the patients themselves, they can also lead in terms of an advancement of the theory and practice of nursing. Many notable theorists of the 20th century have led the way in redefining what it means to be both a nurse and a leader. Such leadership requires both careful scholarship and insightful imagination, requiring the grandest of efforts in order to be the sort of paradigm shift needed to advance the discipline.


An example of this leadership can be found in the work of Hildegard Peplau, who wrote "Interpersonal Relations in Nursing," first published in 1952. Her work centered on the various roles taken by nurses, including what she called the "active leadership role." In that role, the nurse becomes primarily responsible for ensuring that the patient reaches the treatment goals which have been prescribed. Aside from helping to define the leadership roles of nurses, she also helped push

the envelope when it came to adapting many of the insights obtained in psychology to the field of nursing. It is precisely that incorporation of new knowledge that makes it possible for nurses to lead in the intellectual capacity as well as the others described previously. From that starting point of theory, as Peplau shows, the nurse leader is able to apply what is effective and what is not when it comes to practice, thus helping to shape both the future of the profession and the well-being of all patients.

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Nurses of Influence: Nurse Executives and Clinical Nurse Leaders

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By Megan M. Krischke, contributor

For nurses with a love of leadership who are looking to advance their careers, the nurse administrator/executive or clinical nurse leader (CNL) are career paths worth investigating.

While a nurse executive position doesnt necessitate an advanced degree, a degree in nursing administration would certainly allow a nurse to gain more competency in skills such as people management and budget development along with a stronger grasp of the four areas I see as being critical for a nurse executive to stay abreast of: leadership, nursing informatics, economics of health care and nursing and health policy. These are the issues a nurse executive deals with daily, remarked Donna M. Nickitas, Ph.D., RN, NEA-BC, CNE, professor, Hunter College, City University of New York, Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing and editor of Nursing Economic$. Nurse executives hold administrative positions in which they supervise and direct the care given by others. Nurse executives are people who have a drive to make a difference, stated Nickitas. They usually have a high sense of motivation and strong people skillsthey motivate, direct and support others, people trust them, they have strong team building skills, they know what it takes to be successful in leading others and understand how to cooperate, collaborate and build consensus. You have to be a superb communicator, an effective delegator and an astute listener. You have to be politically savvy and know how to maneuver within the system. The career continuum of a nurse executive typically follows the course of nurse manager to middle manager, then assistant or associate director of nursing, followed by chief nursing officer. Nurse executives also serve as deans of nursing in the academic setting or might serve in other arenas such as in the government.

If you are considering stepping up, you need to have a strong sense of who you are as an individual and a lot of resiliency because you will have to make difficult decisions and you cant please everybody, advised Nickitas. I also think nurse leaders have the responsibilitythe obligation, evento build succession. I need be sure that those who are coming up behind me have the necessary skills and knowledge. I know I have done my job well when someone else says, I want to be a leader too. If a nurse would like to pursue a leadership position but doesnt want to leave the clinical setting, becoming a clinical nurse leader (CNL) could be the perfect option. This relatively new role was developed about eight years ago to meet identified gaps in care. The CNL is a masters-prepared position that is focused on quality improvement and patient safety, improving patient outcomes, inter-professional communication and coordination of care. The clinical nurse leader is a clinical manager, not an administrator, who helps oversee and coordinate care, assists nurses and other health care providers to make changes in practice along evidence-based guidelines and may do some hands-on care, typically either assisting others in providing care or caring for the most complex patients, explained Joan M. Stanley, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN, senior director of education policy, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Initially, some think the CNL role sounds like a clinical nurse specialist (CNS), but the CNS has an advanced specialty area of expertise and the CNL is more of a generalist. The two roles complement each other very well and advance nursing practice. While many CNLs work in acute care, they can also be found in long-term care, rehabilitation, home health, school health, outpatient care and health departments. The role draws nurses who want to work with patients at the point of care and who are motivated by seeing the outcomes of their work, said Stanley. It also offers the benefits of career advancement, increased pay, a typically nine-to-five, Monday-through-Friday schedule, and the required masters degree can be a step toward a DNP or Ph.D. In 2007, AACN established the Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) to oversee all aspects of the CNL Certification Program. Stanley stresses that because it is a new role, the greatest challenge a CNL faces is helping others understand what he or she has to offer. But, for those who have experienced working with a CNL, the feedback is extremely positive. Where a CNL works on a care team, hospitals see improved patient care outcomes, including decreased readmissions and length

of stays, improved nurse sensitive measures, and increased patient and family satisfaction along with increased physician and nurse satisfaction. If you are interested in becoming a CNL, you have to be someone who is willing to take on a challenge and who is a strong communicator, commented Stanley. This isnt a job for somebody who prefers being told what to do. You have to be a leader. It is a perfect role for someone who wants to work to the full scope of their nursing practice, partnering with other professionals and improving patient care and outcomes.

Copyright 2011. AMN Healthcare. All Rights Reserved.

Leadership Skills: Managing Meetings

By: CJ Williams

Analyse Strategic Level Meetings Needs, by: considering the strategic direction and objectives, and senior level operational objectives; identifying an appropriate structure of meetings to satisfy the communication and decision making needs in these areas. Evaluate The Current Meetings Structure, by: analysing the current structure and format of senior level meetings: identifying and evaluating the frequency, format, attendance, and outcomes of current meetings; comparing these findings with the needs identified in the previous stage. These two stages are critical. In all areas, and at all levels, leaders of organisations must not allow the status quo to remain in place without regular and rigorous evaluation against current and forecast objectives. The same is true of senior level meetings. The attendance, format, frequency, and outcomes must be regularly evaluated to ensure that they meet the needs of the current strategic direction and objectives. Establish Agreed Meetings Structure, by: informing and discussing proposed changes with all senior level stakeholders; agreeing and implementing the revised or new structure; providing training for new roles and approaches, where necessary. Changing the existing framework and format of senior level meetings will inevitably cause some disruption and possibly some conflict. However, it is essential that the organisation has structures and processes in place, at all levels, and in all areas of activity, that support and contribute to the strategic direction taken by the organisation. Meetings are a key part of the communication, information management, and decision making processes, and must therefore be shaped and managed to meet the needs of these functions. Any difficulties that change in this area brings, must be dealt with and overcome. Planning for meetings for the leader, by: discussing and agreeing with colleagues, when appropriate, the purpose of the meeting; deciding on the purpose of the meeting; setting clear and precise objectives, as outcomes of the meeting; deciding on who should attend, though this might be a by-default list it is still necessary to review this regularly; set an appropriate date, time, and place for the meeting,again a default may apply, but should be reviewed regularly; issue an agenda to all participants and to all other stakeholders; issue supporting information in time for participants to become familiar with it; arrange pre-meeting discussions where necessary; ensure that necessary administrative arrangements will be made; complete personal participation preparation. Planning for meetings for the participants, by: ensuring that all participants are made aware of their obligations to prepare professionally for the

meeting; ensuring that participants are provided with all necessary information to enable them to contribute to the meeting effectively; arranging for pre-meeting discussions with participants with particular concerns or needs regarding the meeting; adjusting the agenda to take into account legitimate specific needs of individual participants. In ensuring that each individual meeting is effective, planning is the most important stage. As with all key activities, appropriate preparation is the key to success. Even regularly scheduled meetings should be prepared for in the manner described above. The most common reason for regular meetings losing their credibility and influence is that each meeting is not given sufficient individual attention. The purpose, the desired outcomes, attendees, format, frequency, timing, location, should all be reviewed regularly. The leader must ensure that each meeting is managed professionally and that its purpose is not diluted by lack of preparation, not on the part of the leader, or chairperson, nor on the part of any of the attendees. Chairing Meetings Effectively, by: being fully prepared, as described above; arriving in advance to oversee final preparations; welcoming participants as they arrive; starting the meeting at the agreed time; introducing new participants; summarising the format of the meeting; reiterating the purpose of the meeting; reiterating the agenda; shaping and controlling the nature and direction of discussion on each agenda item; ensuring that each participant is encouraged to contribute appropriately; remaining as objective as possible; summarising progress and decisions, at appropriate intervals; managing the time spent on each agenda item and overall; reviewing key discussion points and decisions made; confirming individual and collective follow-up actions; thanking participants for their contributions; reminding participants of the next scheduled meeting; formally close the meeting. When taking the role of Chair, the leader is highly visible, and the way in which they manage the meeting will be judged by the participants and add to or detract from their opinion of the leaders capabilities. For this reason, the leader must ensure that when they personally chair meetings, they do this in a professional, firm but fair manner. Although some would argue that the Chair of a meeting should remain unbiased and act purely as a facilitator, this is not possible when the Chair is also the leader, or one of the leaders, of the organisation. Nevertheless, when acting as Chair, the leader should make every effort to facilitate effectively, whilst also presenting their own views when appropriate. A difficult role, but one that must be carried out well. Follow Up Effectively, by: ensuring that all key discussion points, issues raised, decisions made, actions agreed, are recorded accurately; distributing the minutes of the meetings to participants; requesting action plans from participants who have agreed to take follow up actions; monitoring the progress on follow up actions; obtaining feedback from participants on their view of the effectiveness of the meeting; adjusting the approach to future meetings as necessary. In Summary: although managing meetings at a senior level can appear to be technically straightforward, these meetings play a critical role in the strategic level communication process, and if ineffective will seriously damage the quality of this activity. In addition, poorly managed meetings can damage relationships between the leader(s) and the team and between team members. The objective of senior management meetings are to inform, discuss, make and confirm support for decisions, and agree continuing support for, or changes to, the strategic direction of the organisation. The role of the leader is to ensure that these meetings are planned and managed effectively, are productive in terms of outcomes, and contribute to maintaining the quality of communications at the senior level. Author Description : CJ Williams is a tutor and management consultant currently working with Brighton School of Business and Management in the UK, specialising in Business and Management courses taught via distance learning. The writer, CJ Williams, can be contacted via

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