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Name: Angel Niña A.

Section: I-A English Date: 02/26/2024 Score:

A. Watch the following video presentation entitled “10 Strategies to Improve Your
Communication Skills” at Then
write a summary and reaction based on the information presented in the video.


Success in both the personal and professional spheres depends on having effective
communication skills. It enables us to communicate, make connections, and complete tasks.
But as social media and other technologies have grown in popularity, communication skills are
frequently disregarded. This video provides ten proven strategies to help you improve your
communication skills.

The first strategy is to become familiar with the principles of nonverbal communication.
Important information can be conveyed to others by tone of voice, facial expressions, and body
language. Keep an eye out for how you convey yourself nonverbally and make sure it matches
what you say. Being aware of your audience is the second strategy. It is important to take into
account their age, interests, and cultural background when interacting. This will enable you to
better craft a message that will appeal to them.

Getting your audience to participate in a discussion is the third strategy. Pose queries,
invite involvement, and pay close attention to their answers. Your discussion will become more
engaging and productive as a result. The fourth strategy is to speak only enough to make your
point. Refrain from babbling or digressing. Make sure your message is clear and succinct and
stick to the important topics.

Starting and ending with important points is the fifth strategy. At the start and finish of
your talk, briefly restate the major topics of your discussion. This will aid in your audience's
memory of what you stated. Using timing skillfully is the sixth strategy. Don't speak too
quickly or too slowly, and pay attention to how long your audience will listen.

The seventh strategy is to listen well. Observe what other people are saying and seek
clarification as needed. This will demonstrate your interest in their thoughts and your respect
for them. Speaking clearly is the eighth strategy. Steer clear of employing technical or jargon
terminology that your audience might not comprehend. Provide examples and straightforward
language to support your arguments.

Treating your audience with respect is the ninth strategy. Remember how they feel, and
refrain from saying anything hurtful or prejudiced. Seeking frank feedback is the tenth
strategy. Ask friends, family, or coworkers for input on how well you communicate. This will
assist you in determining your areas of improvement.

You can become a more proficient communicator and enhance your communication
abilities by implementing these ten tactics.

The video "10 Strategies to Improve Your Communication Skills" provides useful insights
and practical advice for individuals who want to improve their ability to speak efficiently. The
presenter emphasizes the value of communication in both personal and professional settings,
showing its strong demand among employers. Throughout the lecture, 10 important techniques
are described, each with achievable measures to improve communication skills.

The video brings up an intriguing point about nonverbal communication. Drawing on

research results, the presenter highlights the importance of nonverbal clues in affecting listener
perceptions. This emphasizes the significance of body language, posture, and eye contact in
effectively communicating messages. The video offers practical methods for increasing
nonverbal communication, such as keeping eye contact, sitting erect, and making open

Another essential message is the significance of knowing one's audience. The presenter
recommends tailoring communication style to the unique demands and cultural backgrounds
of the listeners. This includes communicating in a familiar language, sharing important
anecdotes, and being aware of emotional dynamics. By catering to their audience,
communicators may guarantee that their messages are clear, succinct, and resonate on a deeper

The video stresses the importance of active listening. This is actively listening to what the
other person is saying, asking clarifying questions, and refraining from interrupting.
Communicators may establish rapport and foster a pleasant communication environment by
practicing real listening.

The video also covers other critical communication skills including arranging talks around
key topics, managing timing efficiently, and expressing ideas clearly. The presenter ends by
asking viewers to seek honest criticism from others, which may help discover areas for
growth and improve communication skills.

In conclusion, "10 Strategies for Enhancing Communication Skills" is an excellent

resource for anybody wishing to enhance their communication skills. The video provides
viewers with practical advice that can be used in a variety of situations, allowing them to talk
more confidently, build better connections, and achieve their goals.
B. Page 26-27

TRUE 1. Verbal communication is the use of words in written and spoken


TRUE 2. Communication is systematic because it involves components that

are interrelated and interacting in a static condition.

TRUE 3. Nonverbal signals are more vulnerable to misunderstanding than

written and spoken words

TRUE 4. Communication is dynamic because human perception can

change overtime

TRUE 5. Verbal cues can intensify and clarify the meaning of nonverbal

TRUE 6. Innovations in media and technology like texting, email and

virtual conferencing platforms can be very powerful in exchanging
FALSE 7. The interactive model illustrates communication as a linear,
unidirectional method.

FALSE 8. You cannot uncommunicate what you have already


TRUE 9. Communication may involve only one person.

FALSE 10. Normally as you grow, you remain unskilled in listening,

speaking, reading, and writing.

TRUE 11. You transmit messages and interpret those that you receive
regardless of your preexisting knowledge.

FALSE 13. The speaker, being the creator of a message, is the only one who
knows the exact meaning of his message.

FALSE 14. Offline and online communication media and technology have
considerably changed the way people connect and interact with one
FALSE 15. In practice, verbal and nonverbal communications are
C. Page 27

Transmission Model 16. The receiver in this communication model is considered as a

of Communication mere target or destination.

Tactile Language 17. It is considered as the most elementary mode of communication

(Haptics) and the first one a baby experiences.

Cultural Context 18. This context includes various aspects of identities such as race,
gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, and ability.

Intrapersonal 19. This form or level of communication takes place only inside a
Communication person's head,

Object Language 20. This nonverbal communication refers to the intentional or

(Objectives) unintentional display of material things.

Sign Language 21. It consists of body movements that are used as substitute for
letters, words, numbers, phrases and even sentences.

Mass 22. In this form of public communication, information is

Communication transmitted to receivers through print or electronic media.

Physical Distraction 23. Difficulty of hearing and poor eye sight are examples of this
problem in receiving the message.

Paralanguage 24. It is the area of language learning which refers to the use of
(Vocalics) language through speech and other forms of communication to
express thoughts and emotions.
Indecision about the 25. In this barrier, the sender has too much information on the
message content subject, which gives rise to the difficulty in choosing what to
include and what to exclude.
D. Page 28

26. Zachary is forced to go to a traditional family dinner. He is

upset and refuses to talk to anyone. At the dinner table, he ignores
Answer: B others' comments by remaining silent.

A. Communication is symbolic.
B. Communication is inevitable.
27. During the Covid 19 pandemic, educational institutions still
managed to conduct classes from in-person to online instruction
Answer: A using learning management systems and virtual meeting platforms.

A. Communication changes with media and technology.

B. Communication is active, powerful, and forceful.
28. After conducting a survey, HR manager Louie found out that
employees of XYZ Corporation clamor for cohesiveness and work
Answer: A safety. As a response, he immediately planned and conducted
capability building and workplace safety workshops.

A. Communication always results into something.

B. Communication is "schema-based."
29. During the job interview, you establish yourself as a confident
professional by using formal language in answering questions and
Answer: B discussing your credentials in an authoritative manner.

A. Communication is an interpretive act.

B. Communication is contextual.
30. When Zoe was still an infant, she didn't know a language. At 10
months, she could distinguish speech sounds and engage in
babbling. When she was 3 years old, she could follow two-part
Answer: B instructions such as "Go to your room and get your shoes". Now
that she is 7, her grammar is mature and she can give short oral

A. Communication is irreversible and unrepeatable.

B. Communication is developmental or progressive.

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