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EXERCISE - 1 Sex nA Q.1 Epithelial tissues lie on the basement membrane. It is made up of (1) Basal lamina composed of mucopolysaccharides and glycoproteins secreted by epithelial cells (2) Fibrous lamina composed of collagen and reticular fibres of underlying connective tissue a Both (1) & 2) (4) Cellular layer Q.2 Simple epithelium is not effeetive in (1) Nutrition 2) Bseretion (3) Secretion Nay fratcting the underlying tissues Q3 Which of the following epithelia forms the inner lining of lung alveoli, blood vessels and peritoneum of body cavity? (1) Cuoodai A Sauamous @) Columnar (4) Ciliated columnar Q4 Which of the following mammalian tissues is associated with filtration and diffusion? (1) Simple columnar \WySimple squamous G) Stratified squamous (4) Stratified columnar Q.5 The simple squamous epithelium lining the blood vessels is called (1) Mesothelium UBF Endothelium 3) Pavement epithelium (4) Tesselated epithelium Q.6 Ciliated columnar epithelium called ependyma is present in the lining of (1) Fallopian tubes ventricles of brain (3) Nasal passage (4) Bronchioles Q.7 Brush bordered cuboidal epithelium is present in (J) Intestine OF Proximal convoluted tubule 3) Stomach (4) Gall bladder QS Ciliated epithelium occurs in (1) Stomach \ oy Trachea and bronchi (3) Duodenum (4) Heum Q9 Germinal epithelium of testis and ovary is made up of (1) Columnar epithelium (2) Squamous epithelium $yCuboidal epithelium (4) Stratified epithelium Q.10 All the statements about stereocilia are correct except (1) They are non-motile (2)Ahese are found in epididymis and vas deferens an has 92 ultrastructure (4) The basal granule is absent QL Which of the following epithelia covers the inner linings of trachea, large bronchi and helps to remove mucus? (J) Ciliated columnar 5 Pscudo-stratified epithelium (3) Compound epithelium (4) Cuboidal epithelium Q.12__ The epithelium found in the inner lining of stomach and intestine is \_ Lo Columnar (2) Squamous (3) Stratified (4) Pscudostratified as jacent epithelial cells are held together by means of (J) Liposomes: (2) Glyoxysomes \ Pr Desmosomes (4) Microsomes Q.14 Pavement epithelium is the name of (1) Cuboidal epithelium V2 Squamous epithelium (3) Columnar epithelium (4) Ciliated epithelium Q.S Pscudostratified non-ciliated columnar epithelial tissue is found in (1) Urethra of male and parotid salivary gland \2)-Fachea and large bronchi (3) Vas deferens and epididymis (4) Buccopharyngeal cavity and oviduet Q.16 Stratified squamous non-Keratinised epithelium is present in the lining of Nef Buccal cavity, oesophagus, cornea of eye (2) Skin, hair, horn, nail (3) Small panereatic duets, thyroid follicles and ovary (4) Intestine, stomach and gall bladder Q.17 Which of the following epithelia is much thinner and more stretchable than the stratified epithelium and covers the inner surface of urinary bladder and ureter? Sais (2) Compound (3) Simple (4) Stratified Q.18_ Which of the following specialised for sensory functions, as cells of taste bud? (1) Myoepnhelial —.(2Xeuroepithelial (3) Cuboidal (4) Comified Q.19._ Cells of peritoneum comprise (1) Ciliated epithelium (2) Columnar epithelium (3) Glandular epithelium L2/Squamous epithelium Q.20_ Which of the following match is incorrect? (1) Holocrine ~ Sebaceous (2) Meroerine - Pancreas (3) Apocrine - Mammary glands }) Ecerine (Merocrine) - Mammary gland ©] Human mammary lands belong to one ofthe following types of slands (1) Simple alveolar (2) Coiled tubular (3) Compound tubule-alveolar (4) Simple tubular Q.22 Apocrine secretion of gland means (1) When the product is released but cell remains intact (2) When the entire contents of cell are discharged with the destruction of the cell (4) None of these Q.23 Which of the following tissues is present in maximum amount, joins different tissues, forms the packing ee them and helps to keep the organs in place and normal shape? Foolar (2) Adipose (3) Tendon (4) Ligament Epithelium covering the tongue is (1) Pseudostralified (2) Squamous keratinised (3) Squamous non-keratinised (4) Simple cuboidal Q.25. Which of the following are principal cells of areolar connective tissue and secrete maximum amount of matrix? (1) Macrophage (2) Mast \G)Fifroblast (4) Histioeyte Q.26 Which one of the following contains the largest quantity of extra-cellular material? (1) Striated muscle ey Rreolar tissue (3) Stratified epithelium (4) Myelinated nerve fibres Q.27- Where would you find mast cells? (1) Adipose tissue (2) Yellow fibrous tissue oe tissue (4) White fibrous tissue Q.28 Areolar tissue connects (1) Muscles with muscles (2) Bone with muscles (B)Skin with muscles (4) Bone with bone Q.29 Heparin, histamine and serotonin are secreted by (1) Lymphoid cells st cells 3) Fibroblasts (4) Macrophages, Q30 Q3l Q37 Q38 Q39 Q40 Qa Qa Q43 Qa4 Q4s Colloidal protein gelatin is obtained by boiling éollagen (2) Elastin (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these Fibres present in connective tissue are (1) Reticular (2) Elastic (3) Collagen wih of these A new bom baby has the cold resisting device due to (1) Be6wn fat (2) Adipose fat G) Fat rich in reticular tissue (4) None of these Which of the following tissues is present at the joints between skull bones and makes them immovable? (1) Cartilage ‘LEI White fibrous connective tissue (3) Ligament (4) Areolar Nucleus pulposus is present in (1) Intervertebral dise (2) Kidney (3) Testis (4) Cantilage Which of the following tissues connects bones at joints and enables us to move and rotate our neck, limbs, fingers comfortably? (1) Tendon (2) Cartilage Ligament (4) White fibrous cartilage Sprain is caused by (1) Excessive pulling of tendons (2) Excessive pulling of muscles (3) Excessive pulling of ligaments in which some fibres of supporting ligaments are ruptured (4) Too much stretching and tearing of all ligaments The connective tissue which mainly consists of yellow elastic fibres and binds the bones together is known oe (2) Tendon (3) Reticular fibres (4) None of these All the following statements are correct, except (1) Hyaline cartilage lacks fibres and is present in sternum, hyoid and ribs (2) White fibrous cartilage is the strongest and is present in intervertebral discs (3) Elastic cartilage is present in the tip of nose and ear pinna (4) Calcified cartilage is not present in the pubis of pelvic girdle of frog Hyaline cartilage is found in (1) Eustachian tube, epiglotis and pinna—\_{2arynx, nasal septum, tracheal rings and ribs (3) Joints between vertebrae (4) Between rows of chondrocytes in lacunae Bone forming cells which seerete ossein protein age called (1) Chondroblasts (2) Chondrocytes Wo Osteoblasts (4) Osteocytes The bone matrix consists of (1) 65% inorganic matter and 3: (2) 30% inorganic matter and 70% organic matter (3) 60% inOfganic matter and 40% organic matter (4) 40% inorganic matter and 60% organic matter % organic matter Protein found In cartilage, (1) Ossein @ (3) Myosin (4) Elastin ‘One of the following salt predominates in bone matrix (1) Sodium chloride (2) Magnesium phosphate (3) Calcium carbonate 47 Calcium phosphate Ifa clean dry bone is kept in dil HCI for about 3 days, it (1) Breaks into pieces (2) Becomes soft and elastic (3) Dissolves (4) Remains unchanged ‘Transverse canal, that joins longitudinal Haversian canals is known as Volkman’s canal Its a characteristic feature of bone of (1) Frog (2) Fish 3) Toad AG Rabbit Qs The bone of a mammal contains Haversian canals which are interconnected by transverse canals, known, = (1) Canaliculi (AVolksman canal (3) Trabeculae (4) Bidder’s canal Q.47__Spongy or cancellous bone is present in vertebrae. ribs, skull, epiphysis of long bones. They have (1) Haversian canals (2) Trabeculae (3) Red bone marrow (4) Both (2) & (3) Qd8_ RBCs of mammals are (1) Non-nucleated, biconcave and circular —_ (2) Nucleated, biconvex, oval (3) Non-nucleated, biconvex, oval (4) Non-nucleated, biconvex, circular 49. Which of the following 15 incorrect? (1) Increase in RBC count is polyeythemia (2) Decrease in leucocyte count is called leucopenia (3) Decrease in thrombocyte count is called thrombocytopenia (4) Purpura (a group of bleeding disorders) is due to increase in platelet count Q.50 Which of the following precipitates Ca** ions and consequently prevents coagulation? (1) Heparin (2) Thrombin (3) Potassium oxalate/Sodium citrate (4) Antithrombin Q.51__Erythropoiesis in the foetus occurs in (1) Spleen. 2) Liver (3) Both (1) & (2) @) Bone marrow Q.52 Anaemia is caused due to deficiency of (1) Folic acid (2) Vitamin B, , (3) Haemoglobin (4) All of these Q.53 An abnormal rise In RBC count as can be found during exercise and at high altitude to cope with the oxygen demand is known as (1) Polycythemia (2) Thrombosis (3) Leukemia (4) Angina pectoris Q.54 Which of the following is not an anticoagulant? (1) Histamine (2) Hirudin (3) Heparin (4) Citrate Q.55. Old RBCs are destroyed in “tissue macrophage system”. In the breakdown of haemoglobin bilirubin is formed from (1) Globin part (2) Porphyrin (3) Mainly from globin and a part from haeme (4) Iron part Q.56 Which of the following has kidney shaped nucleus? (1) Neutrophils (2) Monocytes (3) Lymphocytes DE Q.57 One of the following act as soldiers in human body (1) Monocytes (2) Lymphocytes (3) Erythrocytes (4) All of these Q.58 The maximum number of W.B.C’s in the body are (1) Eosinophils (2) Basophils (3) Monocytes (4) Neutrophils Q.59 Cardiac muscles are (1) Striated, voluntary with syneytial condition (2) Unstriated, involuntary, uninucleated (3) Striated, involuntary with intercalated dise (4) Involuntary and unstriated Q.60 Where would you find oblique cross connections forming a con tractile network of fibres and intercalated discs? (1) Voluntary muscles (2) Cardiae muscles (3) Involuntary muscles (4) None of these Q.61 Covering membrane around muscle fibre is known as (1) Neurilemma Q) Plasmalemma (3) Sarcolemma (4) Myolemma Q.62 Long refractory periad is present in (1) Smooth muscles (2) Cardiac muscles (3) Striated muscles (4) None of these Q.63. Erector pili muscles are (1) Voluntary, multiunit (3) Involuntary, single unit (2) Involuntary, multiunit (4) Voluntary, single unit Q.64 Diapedesis means (1) Movement of the food in gut (2) Formation of WBCs (3) The process by which monocytes and neutrophils squeeze through thin capillary wall (4) Formation of RBCs Q.65 Membrane of Krause or Z line is a dark membrane which bisects (1) Aband or anisotropic band (2) Henson’s line (3) [band or isotropic band (4) Sarcomere Q.66 _NissI’s granules are made up of (1) Ribosomes and RNA (2) DNA and proteins (3) Ribosomes and DNA (4) RNA. DNA and proteins Q.67__Incentral nervous system the myelin sheath around the nerve fibre is formed by the spiral wrapping of (1) Neurilemma (2) Schwann cells (3) Oligodendrocytes (4) NeurOlemmoeytes Q.68. Blood brain barrier is formed by (1) Astrocytes (3) Glial cells Q.69 Neuroglia consist of packing cells and occur in 2) Oligodendrocytes (4) Microgtial cells (1) Brain (2) Spinal cord (3) Ganglia (4) All of these Q.70 A nerve is a bundle of (1) Ganglia (2) Dendrites (3) Synapse (4) Axons Q.1 Compound tissue is defined as— (1) Similar types of cells held together by connective tissue (2) Different types of cells which are different in structure and function Dane types of cells performing one function (4) Similar cells at different regions performing many functions, Epithelial cells get nutrient material from- (1) Neighbouring cells Q2 (2) Blood vessels 3) Lymph vessels Q3 — Micsovilliof epithelial cells~ A ct surface area G) Engulaf the foreign matter Squamous epithelium is also called (1) Germinal epithelium {JF Pavement epithelium Q.5 “Epidermis of skin of vertebrates comprises (1) Simple epithelium (3) Transitional epithelium Q.6 Ciljated epithetial cells are present in ) Buccal cavity of Frog G) Pancreatic duct of Pancreas Tesselated epithelium is found in~ (1) Lining of intestine {G) Seminiferous tubule Q4 Q7 Underlying tissue. (2) Protect the cells (4) Give movements to the cells (2) Columnar epithelium (4) Sensory epithelium (U@f Stratified epithelium (4) Columnar epithelium (2) Stomach of Frog (4) None of these (2) Lining of blood vessel (4) Uriniferous tubules Q8 Germinal epithelial cells are present in eminiferous tubules (2) Uriniferous tubules (3) Lining of stomach (4) Inner fining of trachea Q.9 Transitional epithetium is found in— (1) Larynx (2) Vein (3) Kidney Wi ver and renal pelvis Q.10 Urinary bladder is lined with (1) Simpleepithelium — (2) Stratified epithelium (*fansitional epithelium (4) Pseudostratified epithelium QUI Presense of extracellular basement membrane is the peculiarity of, Pithelial tissue (2) Connective tissue (3) Nervous tissue (4) Muscular tissue Q.12_ Which of the following in mammalian tissues is associgged with filtration and diffusion (1) Simple columnar Serine squamous (3) Stratified squamous (4) Stratifed columnar Q.13 — Ciliated epithelium lines- (1) Stomach Tachea (3) Duodenum (4) Teum Q.14 — Ciliated epithelium occurs in— Ireter and Trachea (2) Trachea and Lungs (3) Trachea and Liver (4) Trachea and Uterus Q.15. Germinal epithelium of ovary is formed of (1) Columnar epithelium (2) Squamous epithelium ‘uboidal epithelium (4) Stratified epithelium Q.16 — The epithelium found in the lining layer of stomach and intestine is (1) Columnar (2) Squamous (3) Stratified (4) Pseudostratified Q.17 Epithelium present in cornea, oesophagus, urethra and vagina (1) Glandular \wCiliated (3) Stratified columnar (4) Stratified squamous Human mammary glands belong to one of the following types of glands (1) Simple alveolar (2) Coiled tubular (3) Compound tubulo-alveolar (4) Simple tubular Q.19 Areolar tissue connects ie skin with muscles (2) Muscles to muscles (3) Bone to bone (4) Bone to muscles Q.20 Matrix of the connective tissue is secreted by- \W)-Fitrocytes (2) Histiocytes. (3) Mast cells (4) Plasma cells Q.21 Dermis of the skin is formed of- (1) Adipose connective tissue 4G prpithetial tissue @) Muscular tissue 4) Areolar connective tissue Q.22 Tendon is made up of~ (J) Yellow fibrous connective tissue (2) Adipose tissue (3)Modified white fibrous tissue (4) Areolar tissue Q.23 Vhich of the following cell contains fat droplets— (1) Macrophages (2) Plasma cells oi Q.24 — Tendons and ligaments belong to- 108 cells (4) Leucocytes (1) Muscular tissue (2) Epithelial tissue “€3¥ Fibrous connective tissue (4) Areolar connective tissue Q.25 Fibres present in connective tissue are (1) Reticular (2) Elastic (3) Collagen CUPAIL the above Q.26 Histamine secreting cells are found in Connective tissues (2) Lungs (3) Muscular tissue (4) Nervous tissue Q27 Q.28 Q29 Q35 Qo Qal Qa Qad (1) Muscles Qs Qu6 Qa7 Histiocyte is a connective tissue cell which takes p; (1) Fibre production Mast eglls occur in. feolar tissue (3) White fibrous tissue (2) Matrix production }) Phagocytosis (4) Secretion (2) Adipose tissue (4) Yellow fibrous tissue In Camel, the hump is mainly made of tissue (1) Areolar Adipose (3) Muscular (4) Skeleton The cartilage found in larynx, trachea & bronchi is- () Hyalin (2) Elastic (3) Fibrous (4) Caleified Yellow fibres are made up of- (1) Ossein FElastin (3) Chondrin (4) Collagen Perichondrium covers the- (1) Bone \OrGatilage The process of bone formation is called: ‘Uysification (2) Calcification Matrix of cartilage is secreted (1) Chondrocytes 2Chondroblasts The main difference between bone and cartilage is of I salts (2) Blood vessels Matyix of bone is arranged— in concentric layers (3) Matrix forms the ground substance ‘Volkmann's canal connects (1) Osteoeyte with matrix (3) Haversian canal with matrix Ossification of connective tissue results in (1) Cartilage (2) Seasmoid Bone has longitudinal canals, called~ (1) Central canals, (3) Volkmann's eanals Calcified cartilage is found in (1) Head of femur. (2)ectoral girdle Supportive connective ti$sue means (1) Tendon (3) Ligament Yellow fibres are present in (1) Bundles (3) Singly and unbranched Inhyaline cartilage, matrix is— (1) Granular 27 Transparent Sprain is due to pulling of- (2) Ligaments Blood clot is mainly due to (1) Plasma and RBC (3) Heparin and corpuscles (3) Decaleified bone (4) Dried bone (3) Caleination (4) None of these (3) Osteoeytes (4) Histioeytes (3) Lymph vessels (4) Haversian canals (2) Not in concentric layers (4) None of these (2) Different bones 4 Haversian canal with other Haversian canals. (3) Membrane bone (4) None of the above ersian canals @ () None of the above (3) Ribs and sternum LerCartilage and bone (4) Blood and lymph WH Sinay and branched (4) None of these (4) Both | and 2 (3) Agranular LF Tendons (4) Semitransparent (4) Nerves (2) Plasma and thrombocytes (4) Fibrin and corpuscles Which of the following is not a phagocytic cell (1) Neutrophils (2) Monocytes (3) Lymphocytes (4) Eosinophils Blood platelets are not present in the blood of- (1) Fishes 2) Amphibians ) Reptiles (4) All the above Qs. Q.60 Q61 Q.62 Q.63 Qed Q.65 Q.66 Q67 Agranulocytes normally develop in (1) Bone marrow (3) Lymph glands and spleen Granulocytes are produced in— (1) Liver (2) Bone marrow Formation of platelets is known as- (1) Haemopoiesis (2) Thrombopoiesis Percentage of protein is more in (1) Lymph (2) Blood Which of the following acts as middle man () WBC (2) Plasma Blood is a~ (1) Epithelial tissue (2) Muscular tissue Life span of a W.B.C. in man is (1) 100 days (2) 50 days Formation of antibodies is the funetion of- (1) Monocytes (2) Neutrophils The main difference in the blood and fymph is (1) Absence of RBC (3) Number of WBC is less in blood Which of the W.B.C. has many lobed nucleus (1) Monocytes (2) Lymphoytes Q) Liver (4) None of these (3) Spleen (4) None of these (3) Hacmolysis (4) None of these (3) Plasma @ WBC (3) Blood (4) Lymph (3) Connective tissue (4) Supportive tissue (3) 7 days (4) None of the above (3) Basophils, (4) Lymphocytes (2) Absence of WBC (4) None of these (3) Neutrophils, (4) Basophils Number of R.B.C. is more in persons living at hills because (1) There is less oxygen (3) Heat is required to warm the body (2) Air is more purified (4) None of these Name any mammal where R.B.C. are nucleated (1) Elephant (2) Rabbit (3) Monkey (4) None Name the cells which help in clotting of blood in mammals (1) Platelets Blood platelets are- (1) Nucleated cells (3) Nonnucleated cells fragments ‘As compared to blood, Iymph contains (2) Thromboeytes (3) Lymphocytes (4) Monocytes (2) Nonnucleated cells (4) Nucleated cell fragments (1) More protein, same number of leucocytes mainly lymphocytes and few erythrocytes (2) Less protein, more leucocyts chiefly granulocytes and a few erythrocytes (3) Less protein, large number of leucocytes mainly lymphocytes and a few granulocytes, no erythrocytes (4) Less protein, same number of leucocytes mainly lymphocytes and a few erythrocytes Muscle fibres having rounded ends are (1) Unstriped muscles (2) Smooth muscles The eytoplasm of muscle fibre is known as (1) Neuroplasm (2) Protoplasm “All or Non” rule can’t be implicate on (1) Non straited muscles (3) Straited muscles Myofibrils show dark and light bands in (1) Cardiac muscles (2) Unstriped muscles Myosin filaments are localized in (1) Z-Band (2) H-Band (3) Striped muscles (4) Alll the above (3) Germ plasm (4) Sarcoplasm (2) Cardiac Muscles (4) All the above (3) Striped muscles (4) Both | and 3 (3) A-Band (4) None of the above Qs Q.69 Q.70 Qi Qn QB am Qi a7 Qn Q.80 Qsl Q.82 Q.83 Uninucleate muscles are~ (1) Smooth muscles (2) Cardiac muscles (3) Involuntary muscles (4) All the above Chemical ions responsible for muscle contraction are— (1) Ca and K (2) Na’ and K’ (3) Na’ and Ca’ (4) Ca” and Mg"* ions Schwann cells are present around (1) Medullated nerve fibre (2) Non-medullated nerve fibre (3) Medullated and non-medullated nerve fibres (4) None of these Neurilemma is outer covering of (1) Blood capillaries (2) Muscle fibre (3) Intestine (4) Nerve fibre Unipolar nerve cell means (1) Nerve cell with one dendron (2) Nerve cell with many dendrons (3) Nerve cell without dendron (4) None of the above Multipolar neuron means~ (1) With one dendron and one axon (2) With many dendrons and one axon (3) With one dendron and no axons (4) With many dendrons and no axons, Nissel’s gramules are absent in (1) Dendrons and dendrites 2) Cyton (3) Axon (4) Dendrons and eyton Collateral fibres are given out along its way is~ (1) Musele fibre (2) Axon (3) Dendron (4) Dendrites Which of the following posesses nodes of Ranvier (1) Medullated nerve fibre (2) Non-medullated nerve fibre (3) Muscle fibre (4) Medullated and non-medullated nerve fibres Bipolar nerve cells are present in (1) Skin tactile corpuscles (2) Spinal cord (3) Retina of eye (4) All the above Multipotar nerve cells are present in (1) Cochlea 2) Dorsal root ganglia of spinal cord (3) Retina of eye (4) Brain Which is correct (1) A medullated nerve fibre appears grey (2) A nonmedullated nerve fibre appears white (3) Neurilemma is composed of Schwann cells (4) Neurilemma is composed of neuroglia cells Tissue connecting bones is (1) Tendon (2) Ligament (3) Areolar tissue (4) Adipose tissue Certain fibres are long more than a feet, These are ~ (1) Muscle Fibres (2) Nerve fibres (3) Fibroblasts (4) All the above Characteristics of smooth muscle fibres are- (1) Spindle-shaped, unbranched, unstriated, uninucleate and involuntary (2) Spindle shaped, unbranched, unstriped, mutlinucleate and involuntrary (3) Cylindrical, unbranched, unstriped, multinucleate and involuntary (4) Cylindrical, unbranched, striated, multinucleate and voluntary Heart muscles are~ (2) Voluntary and unstriated (2) Voluntary and striated (3) Involuntary and striated (4) Involuntary and unstriated Qs Qs Q.86 Qs7 Q.88 Q.89 Q.90 Which one contains voluntary muscles- (1) Heart (2) Hind limb 3) Liver (4) Ling Muscles involved in movement of arm are- (1) Striated (2) Unstriated 3) Cardiac (4) Smooth. Ligaments made up of = (1) Yellow elastin fibre (2) White collagen fibre (3) White elastin fibres (4) None of above Bundles of striated muscle fibres are enclosed in ~ (1) Periosteum, (2) Epimysium (3) Perimysium (4) Endomysium Multi-unit smooth muscles are found in the wall of- (1) Large blood vessels (2) Intestine (3) Stomach (4) Urinary bladder Large irregular ovoid cells found in areolar tissue are (1) Fibroblasts (2) Macrophages (3) Mast cells (4) Chromatophores Muscles develop from- (1) Betoderm (2) Mesoderm (3) Endoderm (4) All the above EXERCISE - 2 Qu Q3 Q4 Q6 Qs Qs Q.10 Qu Qu Qu3 Quis Qs Q.16 Quit Previous Year’s Questions Compound squamous epithelium oceurs in - (1) Stomach (2) Pharynx Epithelial tissue is (1) Protective covering (3) Nerve cells Epithelium of bronchioles is (1) Simple cuboidal (3) Simple squamous Stratified and nonkeratinised squamous epithelium occurs in (1) Epidermis of skin (3) Buceal cavity Basement membrane is formed of (1) Epidermal cells (2) Endodermal cells (3) Both I and 2 [BHU-1995] Intestine (4) Trachea IMP-PMT-1995] (2) Reproductive structure (4) Corpuseles IMP-PMT-1996] (2) Pseudostratified columnar (4) Pscudostratified sensory [MP-PMT-1996] (2) Vagina and cervix (4) Both 2 and 3 [AIPMT-1996] (4) None of the above but present below epithelial cells Inner lining of gut, stomach and liver is made of (1) Simple squamous epithelium 3) Simple cuboidal epithelium Gastric glands are (1) Simple tubular (3) Branched tubular Regeneration after injury is absent in (1) Nervous tissue (2) Skin epidermis Brush border epithelium occurs in (1) Trachea (2) Stomach Adjacent epithelial cells are held together by means of (1) Liposomes (2) Glyoxisomes Vertebrate salivary glands and exocrine part of pancreas are (1) Apocrine (2) Holocrine Simple epithelium is made of (1) Noncellular layer of hyaluronic acid (3) Loosely arranged cells, Goblet cells are (1) Unicettular glands (3) Loosely arranged cells Sebaceous glands are (1) Apoerine (2) Holocrine ‘Squamous epithelium occurs in inner lining of () Kidney (2) Pancreatic duct Branched tubular gland is, 2) Gastric Characteristic of epithelial tissues is (1) Never produce glands (3) Abundant vascularisation (1) Salivary [AFMC-1997] (2) Simple columnar epithelium (4) All the above IRPMT-1998] (2) Simple coiled tubular (4) Compound tubular IRPMT-1998] (3) Tendon (4) Smooth muscles ICPMT-1999} (3) Small intestine (4) Fallopian tube [AFMC-1999} (3) Desmosomes (4) Microsomes [BHU-1991] (3) Epicrine (4) Meroerine [AIPMT-2000] (2) Actively dividing cells (4) Compactly packed single layer of cells [JKCMEE2000] (2) Multicettular glands (4) Dead keratinised cells, ICPMT-2000] (3) Mesoerine (4) Epicrine [Kerala-2000] (3) Lung alveoli (4) Liver ICPMT-2001] (3) Sebaceous (4) Sweat [Karnataka-2001] (2) Cells can undergo rapid divisions (4) Large intercellular spaces Qs Qu9 Q.20 Q21 Q.22 Q.23 Q.24 Q.25 Q.26 Q27 Q.28 Q.29 Q.30 Q31 Q.32 Q.33 Q34 Blood platelets are found only in the blood of [Uttaranchal PMT-2004] (1) Birds (2) Reptiles (3) Mammals (4) Amphibians Ligament connects [Uttaranchal PMT-2004] (1) Bone to bone (2) Bone to muscle (3) Muscle to muscle (4) Both *b” and ‘c” Mammary glands are modified [Uttaranchal PMT-2004] (1) Sweat gland (2) Sebaceous gland (3) Lacrymal gland (4) Endocrine gland ‘The term haematocrit means [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) The percentage of blood having is red blood cells (2) The ratio of blood volume to extracellular space (3) The percentage of new blood cells formed every 120 days (4) The percentage of blood that is white blood cells What is the main difference in human and frog RBC [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) Human RBC are non-nucleated (2) Haemoglobin is found only in human RBC (3) Human RBC have nucleus (4) Human RBC are multinucleated Prothrombin is found in [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) Intestine and helps in cellulose digestion (2) Liver and helps in production of bile (3) Blood and gives red colour (4) Blood and helps in blood clotting, Which type of WBCs are most aboundant in blood of rabbit and other vertibrates [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) Acidophils (2) Basophils, (3) Lymphocytes (4) Neutrophils Blood clotting in a test tube can be prevented by adding a little of [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) Sodium oxatate (2) Sodium chloride (3) Sodium hydroxide (4) Ammonium chloride Oval, biconvex and nucleated RBCs are found in [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) Camel (2) Rabit 3) Man (4) Rat Which of the following is an anticoagulant and checks blood coagulation in blood vessels [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) Prothrombin (2)Globutin (3) Thromboplastin (4) Heparin In normal healthy female, the number of RBC/mm’ of blood is, [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1)65-7.0 million —(2)5.5-6.0million (3) 4.5-5.0million (4) 3.5-4.0 million The tissue which forms the basic structure of lymphoid organs, spleen ete, is [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) Lymphoid tissue (2) Cartilage tissue (3) Blastic tissue (@) Areolar tissue Which of the following should be avoided in Biological marriage [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) A° boy and A girl (2) 4° boy and A~ girl (3) 0° boy and O° girl (4) O° boy and O girl ‘After examining the blood group of husband and wife, the doctor advised them not to have more than one child. The blood groups of the couple are likely to be [Uttaranchal PMT-2006] (1) Male Rh and male Rh’ (2) Female Rr and male Rh 3) Male Rh and female Rl (4) Male Rh- and female Riv ‘Tendons and ligaments are specialized types of [UP-CPMT-2003] (1) Nervous tissue (2) Epithelial tissue (3) Muscular tissue (4) Fibrous connective tissue Which one of the follwoing is transparent tissue [UP-CPMT-2001] (1) Tendon (2) Ligament (3) Fibrous cartilage (4) Hyaline cartilage Ciliated epithelium is present in [UP-CPMT-2002} (1) Trachea (2) Ureter (3) Intestine (4) Nasal chamber Q.35 Q.36 Q37 Q.38 Q.39 Q.40 QI Q.42 Q.43 Q44 Q.45 Q.46 Q.47 Q.48 Q.49 Q.50 Q.51 Q.53 Q.s4 Q.55 Difference between bone and cartilage is 2) Blood vessel Minimum regeneration power is present in (1) Nervous tissue (2) Connective tissue (1) Haversian canal [UP-CPMT-2002] (4) None of these [UP-CPMT-2002] (4) None of these (3) Lymph vessel (3) Epithelial tissue Which one of the following couple were suggested by Doctors to not have more than one child (1) Rh* male and Rh female (3) Rh* male and Rh ‘The pH of blood is (1) Between 7- 8 Histamine is secreted by (1) Goblet cell (2) Nerve cell Universal blood recipient is (1) Blood group -O (2) Blood group-AB Life span of RBC is female (2) Between 2 ~ 4 (1) 50 days (2) 70 days During blood clotting which of the following is used (1) Co 2) Ca Haemoglobin contains (1) Fe Q) Mg Which of the following does not play a role in blood coagulation (1) Vitamin (2) Vitamin D Which of the f (1) Mast cells (2) Reticular cells ‘The cavities of brain are lined by (1) Cuboidal cells (2) Polygonal cells Ligament is mainly made up of (1) Reticulin (2) Elastin Which is a sesamoid bone (1) Patella (2) Femur Mammary glands are modified - (1) Sweat glands (2) Sebaceous glands Anaemia disease is caused by (1) Deficieney of Fe (2) Deficiency of Na ‘The main function of ligament is (1) Joining of two bones (3) Joining of muscle to bone The following are needed for blood clotting (1) Ca and Vitamin E 3) Ca and Vitamin A ‘The type of epithelium found in conjunctiva of eye is (1) Stratified cuboidal (3) Stratified squamons Haversian canals are found in the (1) Bones of birds (3) Bones of frog, It is not found in the Red Blood corpuscles of human being, (1) Haemoglobin (2) Plasmalemma, Mowing cells of connective tissue secrete antibodies [uP-CPMT-2002], (2) Rh male and Rh* female (4) Rh male and Rhr female [UP-CPMT-2003] (4) Between 2 [UP-CPMT-2003] (4) Mast cell IMP-PMT-2003,06] (4) Blood group-B [UP-CPMT-2003] (4) 220 days [UPCPMT-2003} (3) Between 12 ~ 14 (3) Kupfer cell (3) Blood group-A (3) 120 days (3) Na aa [UPCPMT-2003] 3) Na (4) Ca [UPCPMT-2004] (4) Fibrinogen [UPCPMT-2005} (4) Plasma cells [UP-CPMT-2006] (4) Simple squamous cells IMP-PMT-2007] (4) Collagen IMP-PMT-2007] (4) Prerygoid IMP-PMT-2004] (4) Scent glands IMP-PMT-2006] (4) Deficiency of Mg IMP-PMT-2001, 06] (3) Calcium ions (3) Adipose cells (3) Ependymal cells (3) Myosin 3) Ulna (3) Cutaneous glands (3) Deficiency of Ca (2) Joining of muscles (4) Joining of muscle to nerves IMP-PMT-2001] (2) Ca and Vitamin K (4) K° and Vitamin K [MPPMT-2001] (2) Stratified columnar (4) Transitional epithelium [MPPMT-2001] (2) Bones of mammals (4) Cartilage IMPPMT-2001] (3) Nucleus (4) Cytoplasm Q.56 Q.57 Q.58 Qs9 Q.60 Q.61 Q.62 Q.63 Q.64 Q.65 Q.66 Q.67 Q.68 Q.69 Q.70 Qn Q72 Q.73 Q.74 Lifr-span of human R.B.C. is (1) 120 days (2) 90 days ‘Volkmann’s canals are found in (1) Bones of birds (3) Bones of mammals ‘An example of merocrine gland is, (1) Sebaceous gland (2) Pineal gland Bones formed by ossification of a tendon is called (1) Membrane bone (2) Sesamoid bone Epithelial tissues arise from (1) Betoderm (2) Endoderm ‘The percentage of Hb in RBC is (1) 48 % (2) 34% White adipose tissue contains (1) Multilocutar fat cells (3) Unilocular fat cells In human fibrous cartilage is found abundantly (1) Hyaline cartilage of joints 3) Intervertebral dises Which of the following is enucleate (1) Squamous epithelial cell (3) Mature human leucocyte Which one of the following anticogulant is added in blood during storage (1) Sodium carbonate Blood clotting requires, (1) Na* and K° (3) Na* and thromboplastin (2) Sodium oxalate Mammalian pinna is supported by (1) Hyaline cartilags (3) Elastic cartilage Bone marrow takes part in (1) Controlling blood pressure (3) Assisting kidneys granulocytes are (1) Eosinophils and neutrophils (3) Eosinophils and lymphocytes Platelets are a source of (1) Fibrinogen (2) Calcium Which is unrelated to blood plasma is (1) Fibrinogen (2) Fibrin Major component of blood plasma is, (1) Water (3) Organic substances, Connective tissue belongs to (1) Eetoderm (2) Mesoderm Which one is unrelated (1) Keratin, (2) Elastin [MPPMT-2001] (3) 2-3days (4) 20 days [MPPMT-2001] (2) Bones of amphilbians (4) Cartilage of mammals IMP-PMT-2001] (4) Mammary gland [MPPMT-2002] (4) Cartilage IMP-PMT-2002] (4) All the aboves IMP-PMT-2003] () Salivary gland (3) Dermal bone (3) Mesoderm (3) 10% (4) 20% [MPPMT-2003] (2) Bilocular fat cells, (4) Alocular fat cells, IMP-PMT-2003] (2) Nostrils (4) External ear IMP-PMT-2003] (2) Mature human erythrocyte (4) Mature frog erythrocyte IMP-PMT-2003] (3) Sodium chloride (4) Sodium hydroxide (2) Na‘ and prothrombin (4) Ca®* and thromboplastin IMP-PMT1995} (2) Caleified cartilage (4) White fibrous connective tissue IMP-PMT-1995] (2) As haemopoietic tissue (4) Assisting liver [BHU-2000] (2) Monocytes and lymphocytes (4) Lymphocytes and basophils IMP-PMT-1996] (4) Heamoglobin [BHU 1996] (3) Thromboplastin (3) Bilirubin (4) Calcium IAFMC-1996] (2) Inorganic Substances (4) Blood cells IMP-PMT-1996] (4) Any of the above IMP-PMT-1996] (4) Collagen (@) Endoderm (3) Dextrin, Q.75 Q.76 Q77 Q.78 Q.79 Q.80 Qsi Q.82 Q.83 Q.s4 Q.85 Q.86 Q.87 Q.88 Q.89 Q.90 Qar Q.92 Q.93 Qos Q.95 Q.96 Q97 Q.98 ‘Thromboplastin required for blood clotting is produced by (1) Platelets 2) Erythrocytes (3) Monocytes Maximum number of white blood corpuscles is that of (1) Basophils (2) Neutrophils (3) Monoeytes Protein present in cartilage is (1) Cartilagin (2) Chondrin (3) Ossein Life span of human white blood corpuscles is (1) 24 hours, (2) Less than 10 days (3) 120 days Which of the following is not a granulocyte (1) Lymphocyte (2) Basophil (3) Neutrophil Which of the following are involved in body defence (1) Neutrophils (2) Lymphocytes (3) Macrophages Ends of two long bones are connected by (1) Cartilage (2) Muscles (3) Ligaments Largest corpuscles in human blood are (1) Erythrocyrtes (2) Monocytes (3) Lymphocytes Heparin is formed by (4) Lymphocytes [DPMT-1996] (4) Eosinophils IMIPMT-1997,2000] (4) Oesein [AIPMT1997] (4) 100 hours [AIPMT-1997] (4) Eosinophil (CET Chd. 1997] (4) All the above ICPMT-2000] (4) Tendons [MP-PMT-1997] (4) Basophils [BHU-1997] (1) Liver cells (2) Plasma cells (3) Blood cells (4) Spleen cells Prothrombin, albumin and fibrinogen are synthesised by [AFMC-1997] (1) Pancreas (2) Bone marrow (3) Spleen (4) Liver Regeneration of cartilage can occur from its [CPMT-1997] (1) Matrix (2) Plasma (3) Perichondrium (4) A piece without perichondrium Mast cells oceur in (1) Connective tissue (2) Epithelial tissue (3) Skeletal tissue Ground susbtance of connective tissue is formed of (1) Phospholipids (2) Lipids (3) Monosaccharides Matrix of hyaline cartilage contains (1) Collagen (2) Chondrin (3) Ossein Ends of long bones are covered by (1) Blood cells (2) Ligaments, (3) Muscles Erythrocytes of adult mammals are formed in (1) Spleen 2) Liver (3) Bone marrow Histamine is scereted by (1) Mast cells (2) Histioeytes (3) Lymphocytes Blood leucocytes are (1) Epithelial (2) Endothelial (3) Glandular Which one is a factor for maturation of erythrocytes (1) Vitamin B,, (2) Vitamin A (3) Vitamin D Antibodies are (1) Albumins (2) Gamma-globulins (3) Sucrose In which state iron is present in haemoglobin (1) Unionic (2) Fe* (3) Fe White fibrous tissue is (1) Nervous (2) Muscular (3) Ligaments Loose coneetive tissue is (1) Areolar (2) Adipose (3) Blood Ligament is IMP-PMT-1997] (4) Nervous tissue IMP-PMT-1997] (4) Mucopolysaccharides ICPMT-1998] (4) All the above [MP-PMT-1998] (4) Cartilage IAFMC-1998] (4) Kidney [AIPMT-1998] (4) Fibroblasts [Pb.PMT-1998] (4) Connective [AIPMT-1998] (4) Vitamin IMP PMT-1998] (4) Vitamin (4) None of these ICPMT-1999} (4) Tendons [CPMT-1999} (4) Cartilage [AIPMT-1999] Q.99 Q.100 Quo1 Q.102 Q.103, Q.104 Q.105 Q.106 Q.107 Q.108 Q.109 Q.110 Qu Quiz Q.un3 Quid Quis Q.116 Qai7 Quis Q.9 (1) Modified white fibrous tissue (3) Modified elastic connective tissue Percentage of haemoglobin in RBCs is (1) 10% (2) 20% Immature RBCs of mammals have (1) No nucleus (3) Many nuclei Megakaryocytes (1) Produce leucocytes (3) Are carriers of oxygen During blood clotting. fibrin is produced by (1) Thrombokinase (2) Prothrombin Cartilage present in trac! (1) Fibrous (2) Elastic Number of erythrocytes per mm* of human blood is (1) 4 million (2) 5 million Number of WBCs per mm: of human blood is (1) 8000 (2) 7000 RBCs are nucleated in (1) Man Cartilage is (1) Nonvaseular (2) Rabbit (2) Poorly vascular An anticoagulant is (1) Heparin (2) Hirudin Collagen and elastin are formed by (1) Macrophages (2) Fibroblasts The rarest leucocyte of human blood is (1) Basophil (2) Monocyte Blood plasma has a pH of (74 Q)78 In Camel, the RBCs are (1) Oval and nucleated (3) Circular, biconcave and nonnucleated Bilirubin and biliverdin are derived from (Q)Globulin (2) Heam Protein required for coagulation of blood is (1) Haemoglobin 2)Globulin Globulinis (1) Plasma protein (3) Serum Which is not a component of areolar tissue (1) Macrophage (2) Plasma cell Structure absent from fresh frozen blood plasma is (1) Immunoglobulin (2) Plasma To prevent clotting, donor's blood is treated with (1) Sodium glyeochotate (3) Heparin Bones are mainly formed of larynx and bronchi is (2) Inelastic white fibrous tissue (4) None of these IDPMT- 1999} (3) 34% (4) 48% [BHU-1999] (2) Single beaded nucleus (4) Single nucleus IMP-PMT-2000] (2) Forms blood plate! (4) Are carriers of oxygen [MP-PMT-2000] (&) Proteolysis, [AFMC-2000] (4) Caleified [AFMC- 2000] 3) Liver (3) Hyaline (3) 6million (4)0.5 million [Pb PMT-2000] (3) 6500 (4) 6000 IMP PMT1991] 3) Rat (4) frog, [Har, PMT-2000] (4) Irregularly vascular [BV-2000] (4) All the above [Kerala- 2000] (4) Chondrocytes [Kerala-2000] (3) Highly vascular (3) EDTA 3) Mast cells (3) Neutrophil (4) Eosinophil [Kerala 2000] 3)69 (463 [Manipal-2001] (2) Circular, biconcave and nucleated (4) Oval and nonnucleated [Manipal-2001] 3) Iron (4) Fat [Manipal-2001] (3) Fibrinogen (4) Albumin [BHU-2001] (2) Antigen (4) Found in lymphatic tissue [Karnataka-2001] (3) Schwann cell (4) Adipose cell IBY-2001] (3) Albumin (4) Platelets [Wardha-2001] (2) Sodium citrate (4) Sodium taurocholate [AFMC-20001] Q.120 Qa2t Qu22 Q.123 Qu24 Q.125 Q.126 Q.127 Q.128 Q.129 Q.130 Q.131 Q.132 Q.133, (1) Caleuim and Magnesium (2) Calcium and phosphorus (3) Calcium and Sulphur(4) Calcium and fron Nasal septum gets damaged. Its recovery requires cartilage called ~ [AIPMT-2001] (1) Fibrous cartilage (2) Elastic cartilage (3) Hyaline cartilage (4) Caleified cartilage Which cartilage is present at the end of long bones [CPMT-2002] (1) Caleified cartilage (2) Hyaline cartilage (3) Elastic cartilage (4) Fibrous cartilage Continuous bleeding from an injured part of body is due to deficieney of - [cpMT-2002] (1) Vitamin-A 2) Vitamin-B (3) Vitamin-K (4) Vitamin-E What will happen if ligaments are cut or broken ~ ICPMT-2002] (1) Bones will move freely at joints (2) No movement at joint (3) Bone will become unfix (4) Bone will become fixed Abnormal increase in number of RBC in blood is called — IRPMT-2003] (1) Anaemia (2) Polyeythemia (3) Leukemia (4) Sarcoma Which one of the following contains the largest quantity of extracellular material — [AIPMT-2003] (1) Striated muscle 2) Areolar tissue (G) Stratified epithetium (4) Myelinated nerve fibres Liquid which remain after clotting of blood is called as ~ IRPMT-2005] (1) Serum (2) Plasma 3) Lymph (4) Blood Four healthy people in their twenties got involved in injuries resulting in damage and death of a few cells of the following. Which of the cells are least likely to be replaced by new cells [AIPMT-2005] (1) Osteoeytes 2) Liver cells (3) Neurons (4) Malpighian layer of the skin Which of the following substances, if introduced into the blood stream, would cause coagulation of blood at the site ofits introduction — [AIPMT-2005] (1) Thromboplastin (2) Fibrinogen (3) Heparin (4) Prothrombin Examination of blood ofa person suspected of having anemia, shows large, immature, nucleated erythrocytes \without haemoglobin, Supplementing his diet with which of the following is likely to alleviate his symptoms? [AIPMT-2006] (1) Thiamine (2) Folic acid and cobalamine (3) Riboflavin (4) Iron compounds Areolar connective tissue joins — [AIPMT-2006] (1) Fat body with muscles (2) Integument with muscles (3) Bones with muscles (4) Bones with bones Mast cell secrete — [AIPMT-2006] (1) Hippurin (2) Myoglobin (3) Histamine (4) Hemoglobin Which one of the following mammalian cells is not capable of metabolising glucose to carbon ~tioxide areobically ? [AIPMT-2007] (1) Red blood cells (2) White blood cells (3) Unstriated muscle cells (4) Skeleton muscle cells In which one of the following preparations are you likely to come across cell junctions most frequently ? [AIPMT-2007] (1) Hyaline cartilage (2) Ciliated epithelium (3) Thrombocytes (4) Tendon Q.134 Drop of each of the following is placed separately on four slides. Which of them will not coagulate ? [ALPMT-2007] (1) Whole blood from pulmonary vein (2) Blood plasma (3) Blood serum (4) Sample from the thoracic duet of Iymphatic system Q.135. Which one is the most abundant protein in the animal world ? [AIPMT Pre 2012] (1) Haemoglobin (2) Collagen (3) Insulin (4) Trypsin Q.136 Compared to those of humans, the erythrocytes in frog are [AIPMT Pre 2012] (1) nucleated and with haemoglobin. (2) very much smaller and fewer. (3) mucleated and without haemoglobin. (4) without mucleus but with haemoglobin Q.137 Select the correct statement regarding the specific disorder of muscular or skeletal system [AIPMT Pre 2012] (1) Oseoporosis - decrease in bone mass and higher chances of fractures with advancing age. (2) Myasthenia gravis - Auto immune disorder which inhibits sliding of myosin filaments (3) Gout - inflammation of joints due to extra deposition of calcium, (4) Muscular dystrophy-age related shortening of muscles. Q.138 Given below is the diagrammatic sketch of a certain type of connective tissue. Identify the parts labelled A, B, C and D and select the right option about them. Options = IAIPMT Mains 2012] Part-A Part-B Part-C Part-D (1) Macrophase Fibroblast Collagen fibres Mast cell 2) Mast cell Macrophase Fibroblast Collagen fibres (3) Macrophase Collagen fibres Fibroblast Mast cell (4) Mast cell Collagen fibres Fibroblast Merophase Q.139 Which one of the following pairs of chemical substances. is correctly categorised?|AIPMT Mains 2012] (1) Calcitonin and thymosin Thyroid hormones (2) Pepsin and prolactin Two digestive enzymes secreted in stomach (3) Troponin and myosin Complex proteins in striated muscels (4) Seeretin and rhodopsin Polypeptide hormones Q.140 The supportive skeletal structures in the human external cars and in the nose tip are examples of [AIPMT Mains 2012] (1) ligament (2) areolar tissue (3) bone (4) cartilage Q.141 The four sketches (A, B, C and D) given below, represent four different types of animal tissues. Which one of these is correctly identified in the options given, along with its correct location and function? [Alem Mains 2012] Tissue () —(B) Glandular epithetium 2) (C)Collag 3) (D) Smooth muscle tissue (4) (A)Columnar epithelium fibres Cartilage Q.142 The H-zone in the skeletal muscle fibre is due to Location Function Intestine Secretion Attack skeletal muscles to bones Heart Heart contraction Nephron Seeretion and absorption [AIPMT 2013] (1) the central gap between myosin filaments in the A-band. (2) the central gap between 3 in filaments extending through myosin filaments in the A-band. (3) extension of myosin filaments in the central portion of the A - band (4) the absence of myofibrils in the central portion of A- band, Q.143 Stimulation of a muscle fiber by a motor neuron occurs at (1) the myofibril (G) the neuromuscular junction Q.144 Choose the correetly matched pair (1) Areolar tissue - Loose connective tissue (3) Tendon - Specialized connective tissue Q.145 Choose the correctly matched pair [AIPMT 2014] (2) the sacroplasmic reticulum (4) the transverse tubules [AIPMT 2014] (2) Cartilage - Loose connective tissue (4) Adipose tissue - Dense connective tissue IAIPMT 2014] (1) Tubular parts of nephrons - Cuboidal epithelium (2) Inner surface of bronchioles - squamous epithelium (3) Inner lining of salivary duets - Ciliated epithelium (4) Moist surface of buecal cavity - Glandular epithelium Q.146 Erythropoiesis starts in () Liver (2) Spleen (3) Red bone marrow (4) Kidney [AIPMT 2015]

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