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Understanding Players of First Person

Shooter’s Violent Tendencies and How It

Affects Their Social Lives

Thank you for participating in this interview, fellow Benildean. As explained in the title, the
goal of this interview is to interview you about your personal experiences regarding the
behaviour of people you know or even your own experiences engaging in First Person
Shooter games and how it affects you or other’s social life.

The interview itself should take an hour or less to conduct and we really appreciate you for
taking the time to participate. Any personal data or video and audio recordings will not be
shared in correspondence with the Data Privacy Act of 2012. We also guarantee that your
privacy will be respected and you may choose to not answer or leave out details in your
answers if you have any personal reasons.

Is it fine if I record audio from our interview? Gathering a recording can help us understand
and collect data more efficiently and easier. If not, we can always take notes instead.

That being said, introduce yourself to us.

What is your name and age?
What is your occupation?(student or teacher etc.)
What is your course and strand?
What student batch are you from?
Thank you for telling us more about yourself.

Understanding the interviewee’s experiences

with first person shooter games:
Tell us about your experiences regarding first person shooters.
Have you ever played an FPS game before?

If so, do you regularly play FPS games? What FPS games do you usually play? How often
do you play FPS games? How many hours do you put in a single session?
Do you or did you enjoy the FPS game you previously mentioned? What made you say that
you enjoyed the mentioned FPS game? Elaborate on your experience. Are there features or
experiences that you dislike in the FPS game that you played? What are they?
Do you know other people who regularly play FPS games? What FPS games do they
usually play?
Have you ever played with that person in the FPS game you mentioned before? How is or
was your experience playing with that person?
Has the FPS game you mentioned affected your social life positively or negatively? Why
and how so? Elaborate on your reasons and experiences.
What effect do you think has the FPS game affected the people you mentioned who played
them? How so and why?
Do you get frustrated at times when playing an FPS game? How often do you get
frustrated? How do you usually react?
When were you the most frustrated while playing an FPS game? How did you react?
Have you heard of or experienced other people getting frustrated at the FPS game they’re
playing? What did you observe, hear of, or experience from them?
Would you continue to play the game you mentioned despite those frustrating moments and
Have you gotten in trouble for being aggressive in these FPS lobbies?

Final Remarks:
Are there any remarks or questions you would like to add before we end the interview? Is
there anyone you would like to recommend or refer to participate in this interview? Who are
they and how may we contact them?
The data conducted from this research will be used to determine how first person shooter
games affect a person’s psychological and social behavior. Thank you again for
participating in this interview.

What is a theory?

-analyzing frameworks


● The study of signs and relationships between signs and symbols, applied theory.
● an icon an index and a symbol.

Narrative theories


● Stories,Legends and parables that has reality into it.


● Umbrella term to describe your film or animation etc.

Social learning theory

● Learning through a demonstrated action and better engagement.

Simulcara and Simulation

● Something that represents reality but is fictional or none existent

● 1st lvl- Sign is recognized as a representation of reality
● 2nd lvl - the sign is an illusion
● 3rd lvl - masks reality, reality is questioned
● 4th lvl - There is no longer amy distinction between reality and its representation
(hanggang lvl 3 lng daw for us tho)

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