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SESSION : 2024- 25

1. Design a Tropical Paradise Guidebook

Craft a comprehensive guidebook spanning 8-10 pages, encompassing both

destinations' essence, from hidden gems to iconic landmarks.

*Research and Information Gathering:*

Conduct research on Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar Islands to gather
information about their geography, culture, attractions, and activities.
Explore online resources, books, and travel guides to gather detailed
information about each destination.

*Design and Layout:*

Design a creative and visually appealing travel brochure using a computer
software or by hand.
Include sections such as "Welcome to Lakshadweep," "Discover Andaman and
Nicobar Islands," "Must-Visit Places," "Adventure Activities," "Local Cuisine,"
and "Travel Tips."

*Content Creation:*
Write descriptive paragraphs for each destination, highlighting its unique
features, cultural significance, and natural beauty.
Include captivating images of the islands' landscapes, beaches, wildlife, and
local attractions.
Provide practical information such as transportation options, accommodation
recommendations, and safety tips for travelers.

*Creative Elements:*
Use colorful fonts, attractive graphics, and thematic designs to enhance the
visual appeal of the brochure.
Incorporate maps, icons, and symbols to help readers navigate through the
brochure and locate key attractions.

Present your travel brochure to your classmates during the first week of school
after the holidays.
Explain the highlights of each destination, share interesting facts, and
encourage your classmates to plan their own trips to Lakshadweep and
Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

2. Revise the portion that has been covered in April- May.

Art Integrated Learning Project Work
Subject-enrichment Activity

TOPIC- A Sneak Peak into Rich Demographics of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
& Lakshadweep

SUB TOPIC- A Comparative Study of Languages of Andaman and Nicobar

Islands & Lakshadweep

• Spoken languages of Andaman and Nicobar Islands & Lakshadweep

• To learn about Andaman and Nicobar Islands & Lakshadweep and its rich
• Empowering students with the knowledge of type of languages spoken and
followed in Andaman and Nicobar Islands & Lakshadweep.
• Project will enhance students’ thinking & calculation skills.
• To enhance Team spirit.

• A group comprising 6 students to be made roll no wise (1-6, 7-12….). Last
group can have more than 6 or less than 6 students in the group.
• Groups will make two pie charts of the top five languages spoken in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands & Lakshadweep
• Group will submit the project mentioning the names of the participants on
the first page.
• Work should be done on A4 size pages /colored pages.

Content - 2 M
Creativity – 1 M
Innovative Idea- 1 M
Team Work- 1 M
आतंरिक मूल्यंकन
कलय समेककत शिक्षण परि्ोजनय कय्य (कक्षय 10 हे तु )
विष् - कहं दी

पूणयांक - 5 अंक
प्रस्तुत ियज्् - कदलली + लक्ष््द्वीप, अंडमयन औि शनकोबयि
( सी.बी.एस.ई द्वयिय प्रदत्त )
च्शनत विष् -
लक्ष््द्वीप, अंडमयन औि शनकोबयि की ्यत्रय हे तु विज्ञयपन
व््विगत कय्य
१ ियशि
२ घुमयने के शलए स्थल
३ आकषयण
४- ऑफि
५ – नयिय
६ – ककतने लोगों के शलए
७ – सम् एिं कदनयंक
८ – कंपनी कय नयम एिं पतय
शिक्षण अशिगम
1. स्ि्ं किके सीखने पि स्थय्ी ज्ञयन प्रयप्त किें गे |
2. शिक्षण में रूशच बढ़े गी |
3. िचनयत्मक एिं सृजनयत्मक ज्ञयन बढ़े गय |
4. ितयनी विकयस होगय
5. आत्मविश्वयस में िृवि होगी |
6. छयत्र अपनी ्ोग््तय ि क्षमतय से परिशचत हो पयएंगे |
7. अपनी बयत को व््यपयि के शलए कैसे प्रस्तुत किनय है िह भी सीख पय्ेंगे |
8. इस प्रकयि के परि्ोजनय कय्य छयत्रों में सकयियत्मकतय उत्पन्न किें गे |
परि्ोजनय कय्य को किने कय तिीकय
1. व््विगत रूप से चयर्य कय एक चौथयई कहस्सय लेकि उस पि विज्ञयपन कय शनमययण किें |
2. विज्ञयपन कय विकड्ो बनयएंगे जजसमे पहली स्लयइड पि स्कूल कय नयम एिं अध््यवपकय कय
नयम होगय |
3. दस
ू िी स्लयइड में ‘एक भयित श्रेष्ट भयित’
4. तीसिी में र्ू ि कदलली से लक्ष््द्वीप, अंडमयन औि शनकोबयि
5. चौथी आपके द्वयिय बनय्य विज्ञयपन आपके संियदों औि आपकी विकड्ो के सयथ
6. शनदे िन कतयय कय नयम ,
7. जयनकयिी कहयाँ से आई , अध््यवपकय कय नयम , कदनयंक कब कद्य ग्य थय , कब पूिय हुआ
आकद |
8. आजखि में िन््ियद तथय आपकय नयम, कक्षय िगय सकहत तथय सन (2024-2025)

मूल्यंकन के आियि वबंद ु

विष् सयमग्री - २ अंक
िचनयत्मकतय - १ अंक
प्रस्तुशत - २ अंक
३० जून २०२४ तक कय्य कय समयपन सम् िहे गय
शन्म – सम् पि कय्य उपलब्ि किियने पि कय्य ५ अंकों में से जयंचय जयएगय |
सम् सीमय समयप्त होने के बयद एक हफ्ते तक कय्य उपलब्ि होने पि ्ही कय्य ३ अंक में से जयंचय
जयएगय |
उसके बयद प्रयप्त होने पि ्ही कय्य २ अंक में से जयंचय जयएगय |
अंत में कय्य सशमशत द्वयिय शनिययरित होगय की इसके अंक दे ने है ्य नहीं |


Science Project with Art Integration

Climatic and Vegetation information in Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar

Island in comparison with Delhi

Prepare a project on the following guidelines:

Explain how the differences in geographical and climatic conditions between

Delhi and Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar Island impact the
vegetation, biodiversity and ecosystems in these regions.

What measures can be taken to promote conservation and sustainable

utilization of their natural resources as a part of the ‘Ek Bharat Shrestha
Bharat’ initiative.

Prepare the project file of around 25-30 pages:

Use data, pictures, advertisement, newspaper cuttings etc. to make the file
All the pages having relevant content must be only hand written.
Project must start with the following pages: Cover page, Index page,
Acknowledgement, Objectives of the project and bibliography (details given

A group comprising 5-6 students needs to take up AIL task.
Each group will have to take up all aspects of Vegetation, Biodiversity and
Climatic condition.
The group together can make short video introducing and telling about the
project, its making, challenges, effort put and designing related work.
Name, Class, section, Admission number, Photograph of the students is must
when the project concludes.

Learning Objectives:
Student will learn about climatic conditions, biodiversity and vegetation of these
two locations.
Through comparison they will also understand how latitude and longitude
affects climatic conditions of the area.

Assessment Rubrics:
Content – 2 marks
Creativity – 1 marks
Innovative ideas – 1 marks
Team work – 1 marks


1. Revise the chapters done till now and complete the assignments.
2. Map Skills- Types of Soil on the political map of India.
Social Science Project with Art integration – Consumer Rights
and Movement in Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar Island

Keeping the above mentioned Chapter of Economics in mind; prepare a project

on Consumer Rights as per the following guidelines:

1. Highlight the following:

- Definition of ‘Consumer’.
- What is ‘Consumer Right’?
- Need of Consumer Movement
- Consumer Movement in Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar(India)
- Consumer Act in India
- What are the various consumer rights? (Diagrammatic Presentation)
- Rights to Consumer (Detailed Explanation)
- Three Tier Quasi Judicial Machinery
- Protest and Movement of consumers showcasing protest in Andaman and
Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep
- Consumer Rights Forum in Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar
- Standardisation and its Importance
- Consumers’ Day and Critical comment on Consumer Redressal Process
Prepare the Project File of around 25-30 pages
Important Instructions:
- Use data, pictures, pie charts, bar diagrams, advertisement, newspaper
cuttings, tables, etc. to make the file presentable.
- All the pages having relevant content must be only hand written.
- Project must start with the following pages: Cover Page, Index Page,
Acknowledgement, Objectives of the project and bibliography (details given
Procedure for SST Subject Enrichment Activity:
▪ A group comprising 5-6 students needs to take up the AIL task.
▪ Each group will have to take up all aspects of the Consumer Rights for the
Project and prepare FILE.
▪ Different students can be given different work like content checking, creativity,
designing, compilation, and other coordinations and so on.
▪ The students together can make a very short video clippings introducing
themselves and telling about the project, its making, challenges, effort put and
designing related work.
▪ Name, class, section, admission number, photograph of the students is must
when the project concludes.
▪ Bibliography should be detailed including even the full name of NCERT Book,
Chapter’s Name and Page Nos. Also, the full link of the websites referred for
the AIL Project needed to be put after copying it from the address bar.

Sequencing of the slides:

Sub-Heading – Subject Enrichment Activity (AIL integration –
Andaman and Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep ) Social Science Project
Bottom Line (Below)- N. K. Bagrodia Public School, Dwarka (in small fonts)

❖ To help students gain an insight and pragmatic understanding of the theme
and see all the Social Science disciplines from an interdisciplinary perspective.
❖ To help in enhancing the Life Skills among the students.
❖ To enable students to apply the Social Science concepts that they have learnt
over the years in order to prepare the project report.
❖ To enable students to go out to collect data and use different primary and
secondary resources to prepare the project. If possible, different forms of art
may be integrated in the project work.

PERFORMA OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (like this it can be prepared)

PERFORMA OF CERTIFICATE (like this it can be prepared)

घकर्कय शनमययणं (शभवत्तपत्रे द्वयदिहयियजत्मकय द्वयदि घकर्कयशनमययणम ्)
समयसयनयं PPT
पकितपयियनयं व््यकिणस्् च शलजखतयभ््यस:।

1. Describe education system of France on A4 size sheet
2. Describe your own future plans in french using future antérieur on A4
size sheet
3. Make a PPT on culture of France of X

Q1. Revise Chapter 1 Introduction to AI, Ch-2 Project Cycle and Emp Skills –
Chap 2 Self Management Skills
Q2. Suppose you become an AI professional. Prepare your resume in MS Word
that you can forward to a company or circulate to employers with job vacancy in
this field. Highlight the following in your resume:
a. Soft Skills that make you suitable to make career in the field of AI
b. Technical Skills that make you choose this field.
Q3. Think of a problem around you and find out the solution using all the steps
of project cycle.


1. Revise Unit 3 Database management system(chapter-4 Database

Management and chapter-5 More on Database)
2. Do Application based questions given on page No. 327 in Open office base
and paste the screenshot of queries and their output in notebook.
3. Practice all the SQL commands in open office base.


( for painting students only)

 Mosaic Art
 Folk Art
 Calligraphy
 Book cover

Q1. Read and Practice Unit 3 HTML 1, Unit 4 HTML II and Unit 5 HTML III
Q2. Design the following webpage in HTML using the following Specifications:

1. Background color should be Cyan

2. Use Ordered and Unordered List as shown in the image
3. Use highest heading size for both the list headings and Red should be
4. Page Heading should have font size=7, font face = Georgia, Color=Red
5. Rest of the text should be Arial, font size=5 and black in color
Q3. Design the following page as it is :

Get the coloured print outs of both Q2 and Q3 (Both Output and Notepad File)

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