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Purposive Communication: Extemporaneous Speech



SPEECH BULLYING ( Experience-based bullying )

It was much harder to adjust to and understand things growing up. It's possible that

some people have a narrow view of what constitutes "normality," while others may be

clinging to the important truth that is considered to be covert and unpredictable.

Saying that any of us could temporarily blind everyone is a bit of a stretch. It comes as

no surprise that I act like someone I am not. I am a skilled con artist. To amend the

truth, I embrace the false. Filled with faith but full of lies. I don't exactly recall when I first

began to deceive others. It just happened, not something I planned. A lot has unfolded

during the years I've spent hiding. Despite the fact that I am well aware of who I am.

Perhaps I am no phobia but a body of constitutional complexity.

I reached a point where I began to wonder who I was. I admitted to having a deal with

dishonesty and satisfaction to stand to gain very little and lose a lot. It may give me the

sphere of favors on a silver platter, but it will ultimately be seized in the end. The truth

will be true and that prevails; one of being honest to oneself and of experiencing reality.

I committed mistakes, but they do not define who I am. I have learned such things can’t

be forced to happen but I may acknowledge the changes.

The only way to better move forward was to let go of the pain and pursue a life of

compassion and love. Knowing that holding onto anger and resentment would only hurt

feelings in the long run.

Purposive Communication: Extemporaneous Speech

SPEECH DISCRIMINATION ( Experience-based discrimination )

I also experience being discriminated during grade school and JHS. If I'm going to be

asked what is beauty and how will I describe my body image. I would answer it to be

typical of the lower cast. I have these physical attributes I considered insecurities which

make me feel unimportant and strange. We all know that self-esteem is being impacted

by how we characterize our physical image. Whereas depend on those flaws to make

us tired, which lowers our sense of self-worth in general.

Looking back at a few situations from my past experiences, though, I can see that I am

in favor of bodily validation because I know that I am not perfect and that is why I am

envious of those who are beautiful. This suggests that the idea of beauty would give

validity and soundness because how other people view your physical appearance

reflects how you view beauty in yourself.

In keeping with this, I learned the profound significance of beauty. In doing so, I

considered the beauty hidden in flaws rather than my tendency to concentrate on

beauty's tangential aspects. Understanding its underlying meaning in abstract terms and

defining its significance in a horizontal manner that encompasses several strokes—

rather than requiring me to idealize another's physical form—teaches me to recognize

and support imbalances in my body instead of forcing me to alter it. Knowing that I am

conscious of my flaws is related to me discovering what it is to be beautiful all at once;

even though I may have doubted my physical characteristics, I automatically understand

what beauty is and how to apply it.

Purposive Communication: Extemporaneous Speech

SPEECH MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES ( Words of symbolism, relativity, and

encouragement )

The OPTIMISM is represented by the color. It conveys the idea that even in the face of

change and loss, there is still hope. Embrace scars as symbols of courage. Navigate

life's burdens and destiny. Hold onto dreams amidst uncertainties. Unfold your dreams,

reach unimaginable heights, and uncover possibilities.

AGE suggests a sense of resilience and defiance in the face of challenges. It portrays

the idea that age and experience can be worn as badges of strength as if daring the

hardships of life to leave their mark. It makes no difference how old you are or how

challenging the challenges you encounter will be. Wear those scars as symbols of your

courage. And challenge battles just as how they challenge us

EXISTENCE evokes a sense of the weight and significance of existential being. It

implies that the journey of life is both a burden and a delicate balance, with the grip

symbolizing the challenges and responsibilities that come with being alive.

Feel the weight and importance of your being on this journey through life, which is a

delicate balance of burden and destiny. Understand how to move through the realm of

favors while clinging to dreams at this stage of life.

PURPOSE combines the idea on earth; and how we tend to exist in the world. of the

pleasant earthy scent after rain (petrichor) with the concept of dreams and exploration.

It suggests that like the scent of petrichor, dreams have the power to inspire and

motivate us to venture into unknown territories, embracing new experiences and

Purposive Communication: Extemporaneous Speech

Just as the scent of petrichor in a phenomenon called. Your dreams will soon unfold

and come to be a birth of optimism and inspiration, propelling you to reach

unimaginable heights and uncover unfathomable possibilities.


An urgent problem that is having a significant effect on our world is climate change. The

consequences of climate change are frighteningly obvious and pose a serious threat to

our economy, environment, and general well-being.

The increase in global temperatures is one of climate change's most obvious effects.

Heatwaves, droughts, and wildfires are becoming more common and severe as a result

of the rising temperatures. In addition to posing a threat to human safety, these extreme

weather events destroy infrastructure, crops, and ecosystems.

Sea levels are also rising as a result of climate change because glaciers and polar ice

caps are melting. Because of this, coastal towns run the risk of erosion and floods,

which might force millions of people to relocate and jeopardize their homes and means

of subsistence.

The disturbance of ecosystems and biodiversity is another way that climate change is

having an effect. There is a loss of biodiversity and the extinction of sensitive plants and

animals as a result of many species finding it difficult to adapt to the rapid changes in

their ecosystems.

In addition, climate change is making food insecurity and water scarcity worse in many

parts of the world. Changes in precipitation patterns and the frequency of extreme

weather events are affecting agricultural productivity.

Purposive Communication: Extemporaneous Speech

Apart from the effects on the environment, climate change is also a factor in the

disparities in social and economic status. The effects of climate change

disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, such as disadvantaged groups and

low-income communities, which further widens the wealth divide.

It is evident that climate change is having far-reaching effects, and this global issue

requires immediate attention. To minimize greenhouse gas emissions, the entire world

community must unite. Transition to renewable energy sources, and implement

sustainable practices to mitigate the impacts of climate change and build a more

resilient future for generations to come.


Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, connect, and share

information in today's digital age. The power of social media is undeniable, as it has the

ability to influence opinions, shape trends, and bring about social change on a global


One of the most significant aspects of social media is its ability to connect people from

different parts of the world in real-time. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and

LinkedIn allow individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives with a

diverse audience, breaking down geographical barriers and fostering a sense of

community and belonging.

Furthermore, social media has become a powerful tool for activism and advocacy.

Movements like #ClimateStrike had gained momentum and raised awareness about
Purposive Communication: Extemporaneous Speech

important social issues, sparking conversations, mobilizing support, and driving

meaningful change both online and offline.

The power of social media also lies in its role as a democratizing force in society.

Individuals and grassroots organizations can leverage social media platforms to amplify

their voices, hold institutions accountable, and challenge traditional power structures,

giving rise to a more inclusive and participatory democracy.

Moreover, social media has transformed the way businesses, brands, and influencers

engage with their audiences. Through targeted advertising, influencer partnerships, and

user-generated content, companies can reach and connect with consumers in new and

innovative ways, driving sales, building brand loyalty, and shaping consumer behavior.

However, it is essential to recognize that with great power comes great responsibility,

the power of social media is immense and multifaceted, offering opportunities for

connection, expression, and impact in our interconnected world. By harnessing the

potential of social media for positive change and responsible engagement, we can

create a more informed, connected, and empowered society for the benefit of all.

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