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RACSAM (2021) 115:8


A sharp lower bound for the complete elliptic integrals of the

first kind

Zhen-Hang Yang1,2 · Jing-Feng Tian3 · Ya-Ru Zhu3

Received: 19 April 2020 / Accepted: 8 October 2020

© The Royal Academy of Sciences, Madrid 2020

Let K (r ) be the complete elliptic integrals of the first kind and arthr denote the inverse
hyperbolic tangent function. We prove that the inequality

2 arthr q
K (r ) > 1 − λ + λ
π r

holds for r ∈ (0, 1) with the best constants λ = 3/4 and q = 1/10. This improves some
known results and gives a positive answer for a conjecture on the best upper bound for the
Gaussian arithmetic–geometric mean in terms of logarithmic and arithmetic means.

Keywords Arithmetic–geometric mean · Logarithmic mean · Complete elliptic integrals of

the first kind · Inverse hyperbolic tangent function · NP type power series · Inequality

Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 33E05 · 26E60; Secondary 40A99 · 41A21

Dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Zhejiang Electric Power Company Research Institute.

This work was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant
2015ZD29, Grant 13ZD19, and Grant MS117.

B Jing-Feng Tian
Zhen-Hang Yang
Ya-Ru Zhu
1 Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Computing for Complex Energy Systems of Ministry of
Education, North China Electric Power University, Yonghua Street 619, Baoding 071003, People’s
Republic of China
2 Zhejiang Electric Power Company Research Institute, Hangzhou 310014, Zhejiang, People’s
Republic of China
3 Department of Mathematics and Physics, North China Electric Power University , Yonghua Street 619,
Baoding 071003, People’s Republic of China

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1 Introduction

Let a, b > 0 with a  = b. The Gaussian arithmetic–geometric mean (AGM) is defined by

AG M (a, b) = lim an = lim bn ,
n→∞ n→∞

where a0 = a, b0 = b, and for n ∈ N,

a n + bn 
an+1 = A (an , bn ) = , bn+1 = G (an , bn ) = an bn . (1.1)
An amazing connection between AG M (a, b) and complete elliptic integrals of the first kind
K (r ) is given by Gauss’ formula
AG M 1, r  = , (1.2)
2K(r )
π/2 1
K (r ) =  dt,
0 1 − r 2 sin2 t

here and in what follows r  = 1 − r 2 ∈ (0, 1) (see [1]).
It is known that the complete elliptic integrals of the first kind K (r ) can be also represented
by the Gaussian hypergeometric function
π 1 1 (1/2)2n 2n
K (r ) = F , ; 1; r 2 = r , (1.3)
2 2 2

where (a)0 = 1 for a  = 0, (a)n = a(a + 1)(a + 2) · · · (a + n − 1) = (a + n)/ (a) is the

shifted factorial function and (x) = 0 t x−1 e−t dt (x > 0) is the gamma function. The
famous Landen identities [2, page 507] shows that
2 r 1−r 1 + r  
K = (1 + r ) K (r ) and K = K r (1.4)
1+r 1+r 2
for all r ∈ (0, 1). Moreover, an asymptotic formula for K (r ) as r → 1− is given by
K (r ) ∼ ln  as r → 1− (1.5)
(see [2, page 299]).
There is a number of bounds for the Gaussian arithmetic–geometric mean AG M (a, b)
and the complete elliptic integrals of the first kind K (r ). In 1991, Carlson and Vuorinen [3]
posed a problem that prove that
AG M (a, b) ≥ L (a, b) = (1.6)
ln a − ln b
with equality if and only if a = b, where L (a, b) is the logarithmic mean. This was solved in
[4] by Todd et al. Since then, some different proofs of the inequality (1.6) were presented in
[5–9]. And, various bounds for AG M (a, b) in term of logarithmic mean L ≡ L (a, b) were
found. In 1992, Anderson and Vamanamurthye [10, Theorems 3.2 and 3.10] proved that
AG M(1, r ) < L(1, r ),
L (1, r ) < AG M (1, r ) < L (1, r ) A (1, r ) = L 1/2 1, r 2 (1.7)

A sharp bound for the complete elliptic integrals Page 3 of 17 8

for r ∈ (0, 1) (see also [11]). In 1993, Borwein and Borwein [12] improved the upper bound
in (1.7) as
AG M (1, r ) < L 2/3 1, r 3/2 (1.8)
for r ∈ (0, 1) by using “Comparison Lemma”. Two succinct proofs were presented by Yang
[9] and Yang et al. [13]. In 1995, Sándor [5, Eq. (3)] obtained that for r ∈ (0, 1),
12/ (5π) 1 − 12/ (5π) −1 2/π 1 − 2/π −1
+ < AG M < + , (1.9)
where and in what follows AG M ≡ AG M (1, r ) and L ≡ L (1, r ). This was improved by
Alzer and Qiu [14, Theorem 19] as
β2 1 − β2 −1 α2 1 − α2 −1
+ < AG M < + , (1.10)
where β2 = 3/4 and α2 = 2/π are the best constants. Alzer and Qiu [14, Theorem 18] also
proved that the double inequality
A1−β1 L β1 < AG M < A1−α1 L α1 (1.11)
holds for r ∈ (0, 1) with the best constants α1 = 3/4 and β1 = 1. Comparing the inequality
(1.8) and the right hand side inequality of (1.11) yields
AG M (1, r ) < A1/4 (1, r ) L 3/4 (1, r ) < L 2/3 1, r 3/2 , (1.12)
which was reproven in [13, Theorem 1] by using “Comparison Lemma” [12, Lemma 2.1].
Motivated by inequalities (1.10) and (1.11), Yang et al. [13, Conjecture 1] conjectured that
the double inequality
1 p 3 p 1/ p 1 q 3 q 1/q
A + L < AG M < A + L (1.13)
4 4 4 4
holds for r ∈ (0, 1) if and only if p ≤ − (ln 4 − ln 3) / (ln π − ln 2) and q ≥ −1/10.
Recently, Yang et al. [15, Theorem 3.2] obtained two more accurate bounds for AG M,
that is, the double inequality
1 31G + 89A 1 (5π − 12) G + π A
L < AG M < L (1.14)
3 17G + 23A 2 (3π − 7) G + A
holds for all r ∈ (0, 1), where the lower and upper bounds are sharp. Several latest results
can be seen in [16].  
Moreover, there are many bounds for K (r ) in term of ln 4/r  , which are related to
asymptotic relation (1.5). Some early results can been seen in [10,17–23] and the recent
advance can be found in [24–34]. Some results on the generalized elliptic integrals of the
first kind can be found in [28,29,35–42].
In particular, we mention the double inequality
π  2 K (r ) 1   2
1+ − 1 r < <1+ r (1.15)
ln 16 ln (4/r  ) 4
for r ∈ (0, 1), where the right hand side inequality in (1.15) is due to Qiu and Vamanamurthy
[21], while the left one was proven by Alzer [22]. Alzer also proved that the constant factors
1/4 and π/ ln 16 − 1 in (1.15 ) are the best possible.

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Using the Gauss’ formula (1.2) and the first Landen identity in (1.4), those inequalities
for AG M (1, r ) mentioned above can be transformed into corresponding inequalities for
K (r ), for example, the double inequalities (1.10) for (α2 , β2 ) = (2/π, 3/4) and (1.11) for
(α1 , β1 ) = (3/4, 1) are equivalent to
2 2 arthr 2 1 3 arthr
1− + < K (r ) < + (1.16)
π π r π 4 4 r
arthr 2 arthr
< K (r ) < (1.17)
r π r
for r ∈ (0, 1), respectively, where arthr denotes the inverse hyperbolic tangent function,
that is,
1 1+r
arthr = ln .
2 1−r
The double inequality conjectured in [15, Theorem 3.2] can be equivalently changed into
   1/(−q)    1/(− p)
1 3 arthr −q 2 1 3 arthr − p
+ < K (r ) < + (1.18)
4 4 r π 4 4 r

for r ∈ (0, 1).

Inspired by the inequalities (1.16), (1.17) and (1.18), it is natural to ask that what are the
conditions such that the double inequality
   1/q    1/q
arthr q 2 arthr q
1−λ+λ < K (r ) < 1 − μ + μ (1.19)
r π r
holds for r ∈ (0, 1)?
The aim of this paper is to solve partly this problem. More precisely, we shall prove the
following theorem.

Theorem 1 Let q ∈ R and λ < 1. The inequality

2 arthr q
K (r ) > 1 − λ + λ (1.20)
π r
holds for r ∈ (0, 1) if and only if λ ≤ 3/4 and q ≤ 1/10.

Applying the second Landen identity of (1.4) and Gauss’ formula (1.2) to Theorem 1, we
obtain the following theorem, in which F = F (1, r ) for F = A, L, AG M.

Theorem 2 Let q ∈ R and λ < 1. The inequality

AG M < (1 − λ) A−q + λL −q (1.21)

holds for r ∈ (0, 1) if and only if λ ≤ 3/4 and q ≤ 1/10.

Remark 1 Clearly, Theorem 2 gives a positive answer for the second inequality of (1.13)
conjectured in [13, Conjecture 1].

A sharp bound for the complete elliptic integrals Page 5 of 17 8

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we introduce the notion of the NP
or PN type power series and polynomials and their signs rule. Several examples which will
be used in the proofs of two propositions illustrate that Lemma 1 is a simple but efficient tool
to deal with the signs of such special series and polynomials. In Sect. 3, we prove Theorem 1
by using three propositions.
Remark 2 Clearly, the proof of Theorem 1 is very complicated and challenging. It requires
not only strong analytical skills, but also needs a great number of computations. In fact, there
are some of complicated algebraic computations in Sects. 2 and 3, which are preformed with
the aid of built-in computer algebra system of Scientific Workplace Version 5.5.

2 NP or PN type power series and polynomials and their signs rule

From some early literature [43,44] and recent papers [27,45–55], we find that there is a
class of special power series and polynomials to appear frequently in the study for special
functions. Likewise, we shall encounter endlessly such power series and polynomials in the
sequel. For convenience, it is necessary to give a definition for them.
Definition 1 Let m ≥ 0 be an integer. A formal power series S (t) given by
m ∞
S (t) = − ak t k + ak t k
k=0 k=m+1

is called an “Negative–Positive type power series” , or “NP type power series” for short, if
its coefficients ak for k ≥ 0 satisfy
(i) ak ≥ 0 for all k ≥ 0;
(ii) there exist at least two integers 0 ≤ k1 ≤ m and k2 ≥ m + 1 such that ak1 , ak2  = 0.
Similarly, −S (t) is called a “Positive-Negative type power series”, or “PN type power
series” for short.
Further, if ak = 0 for k ≥ k2 +1, then S (t) is called a “Negative–Positive type polynomial
of degree k2 ”, or “NP type polynomial” for short. Likewise, −S (t) is called a “Positive-
Negative type polynomial of degree k2 ” , or “PN type polynomial” for short.
For the NP or PN type power series and polynomials, a simple but efficient criterion to
determine their signs has been proven in [44,56] (see also [15,30], where the paper [30] is a
slightly revised version of the electronic preprint [56]) by Yang et al. and it is known as the
“NP (PN) type power series (polynomials) sign rule”.
Lemma 1 Let S (t) be an Negative–Positive type power series converging on the interval
(0, r ) (r > 0). (i) If S r − ≤ 0, then S (t) < 0 for all t ∈ (0, r ). (ii) If S r − > 0, then
there is a unique t0 ∈ (0, r ) such that S (t) < 0 for t ∈ (0, t0 ) and S (t) > 0 for t ∈ (t0 , r ).
Remark 3 If r = ∞, then Lemma 1 is reduced to [43, Lemma 6.3] (see also [45, Lemma 2],
[46, Lemma 2.1]). Furthermore, if ak = 0 for k ≥ k2 + 1 , then Lemma 1 yields [44, Lemma
Remark 4 For an NP type power series, it follows from Lemma 1 that if there is a t1 ∈ (0, r )
such that S (t1 ) < 0, then S (t) < 0 for all t ∈ (0, t1 ); if there is a t2 ∈ (0, r ) such that
S (t2 ) > 0, then S (t) > 0 for all t ∈ (t2 , r ). For a PN type power series −S (t), the signs of
−S (t) on (0, t1 ) and (t2 , r ) are reversed.

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Remark 5 For an NP type polynomial, it is easy to see that if S (t1 ) < 0 for t1 > 0 then
S (t) < 0 for all t ∈ (0, t1 ); if S (t2 ) > 0 for t2 > 0 then S (t) > 0 for all t ∈ (t2 , ∞). For a
PN type polynomial −S (t), the signs of −S (t) on (0, t1 ) and (t2 , ∞) are reversed.

Next we list some examples for NP or PN type power series and polynomials, and deter-
mine their signs on given interval. These examples will be used to prove main results.

Example 1 The following cubic polynomial

p3 (x) = 559 709 654 781x 3 − 917 513 610 763x 2
−4814 645 272 417x − 3813 123 123 601
is clearly an NP type polynomial. Since p3 (3) = −11 402 520 758 632 < 0, it follows by
Lemma 1 that p3 (x) < 0 for x ∈ (1, 3].

Example 2 The quintic polynomial

p5 (x) = 15 709 947 467x 5 + 36 449 981 865x 4 − 87 705 576 338x 3
−171 477 502 766x 2 − 48 446 453 001x − 1877 981 227
is clearly an NP type polynomial. Since
p5 (1) = −257 347 584 000 < 0 and p5 (3) = 2711 400 339 296 > 0,
by Lemma 1 there is an x1 ∈ (1, 3) such that p5 (x) < 0 for x ∈ (1, x1 ) and p5 (x) > 0 for
x ∈ (x1 , 3).

Example 3 The polynomial of six degree

p6 (x) = 21 179 108 853x 6 + 11 845 577 538x 5 − 183 451 981 707x 4
−158 375 729 872x 3 + 65 891 149 283x 2 + 14 832 421 070x − 16 545 165
is neither NP nor PN type polynomial. But by making a change of variable x = y + 1 it is
obtained that
p6 (y + 1) = 21 179 108 853y 6 + 138 920 230 656y 5
+193 462 538 778y 4 − 350 145 704 260y 3
−1073 805 522 400y 2 − 876 017 856 000y − 228 096 000 000,
which is an NP type polynomial. In view of p6 (2 + 1) = −180 208 467 648 < 0, it is
deduced by Lemma 1 that p6 (y + 1) < 0 for y ∈ (0, 2], which implies that p6 (x) < 0 for
x ∈ (1, 3].

Example 4 There is a y0 ∈ (2, 11/5) such the the function

38 789 250
g35 (y) = 81e2y − 750e y + + y<0
150 3
for y ∈ (0, y0 ) and g35 (y) > 0 for y ∈ (y0 , ∞). In fact, expanding in power series gives

61 561 1514 81 × 2n − 750 n
g35 (y) = − − y − 213y 2 − 17y 3 + y ,
150 3 n!

which is clearly an NP type power series. It follows from Lemma 1 that there is a y0 > 0
such that g35 (y) < 0 for y ∈ (0, y0 ) and g35 (y) > 0 for y ∈ (y0 , ∞). Since g35 (2) =
−694.081 · · · < 0 and g35 (11/5) = 270.686 > 0, we see that y0 ∈ (2, 11/5).

A sharp bound for the complete elliptic integrals Page 7 of 17 8

3 Proof of Theorem 1

Before proving Theorem 1, we note first two simple facts. The first is well-known, which
states that the power mean of positive numbers a and b of order q with a weight w ∈ (0, 1)
defined by
Mq (a, b; w) = (1 − w) a q + wbq if q  = 0 and M0 (a, b; w) = a 1−w bw
is increasing with respect to q on R. The second states that w → Mq (a, b; w) is also
increasing if b > a > 0 since
∂ Mq (a, b; w)  1/q−1 bq − a q
= (1 − w) a q + wbq > 0 if q  = 0
∂w q
and it is clearly positive if q = 0. In view of (arthr ) /r > 1 for r ∈ (0, 1), we see that
arthr arthr q
Mq 1, ;λ = 1 − λ + λ
r r
is increasing in q and λ.
Necessity. Expanding in power series yields
2 arthr
K (r ) − Mq 1, ;λ
π r
1 3 2 160qλ (1 − λ) + 160λ2 + 416λ − 405 4  
=− λ− r − r + O r6 .
3 4 2880
Therefore, the first necessary condition for the inequality (1.20) to hold for all r ∈ (0, 1) is
that λ ≤ 3/4. The second necessary condition for the inequality (1.20) when λ = 3/4 to
hold for all r ∈ (0, 1) has to satisfies
160qλ (1 − λ) + 160λ2 + 416λ − 405 1
= (10q − 1) ≤ 0,
2880 960

that is, q ≤ 1/10.

Sufficiency. If we prove that the inequality (1.20) holds for all r ∈ (0, 1) when λ = 3/4 and
q = 1/10, that is,
2 1 3 arthr 1/10
K (r ) > + (3.1)
π 4 4 r

for r ∈ (0, 1), then by the monotonicity of Mq (1, (arthr ) /r ; λ) with respect to q and λ, we
arrive at, for λ ≤ 3/4 and q ≤ 1/10,
2 arthr 3 arthr arthr
K (r ) > M1/10 1, ; ≥ M1/10 1, ; λ ≥ Mq 1, ;λ
π r 4 r r
for r ∈ (0, 1), which proves the sufficiency.
To prove the inequality (3.1), we need the following propositions.

Proposition 1 [57] The inequality

2 5 r  + 126r  + 61
K (r ) > = L1 (r ) (3.2)
π 61 (r  )2 + 110r  + 21

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holds for all r ∈ (0, 1).

Proposition 2 The inequality

5 r  + 126r  + 61 arthr 1
L1 (r ) = > M 1/10 1, ;
61 (r  )2 + 110r  + 21 r 4

holds for r ∈ (0, r1 ], where r1 = 2 2/3.

Proposition 3 The inequality

2 π   2  4 arthr 1
L2 (r ) = 1+ −1 r ln  > M1/10 1, ;
π 4 ln 2 r r 4

holds for r ∈ (0, r1 ], where r1 = 2 2/3.

Clearly, Propositions 1 and 2 imply that the inequality (3.1) holds for r ∈ (0, r1 ]. While
the left hand side inequality of (1.15) and Proposition 3 indicate that the inequality (3.1) holds
for r ∈ [r1 , 1). Thus the inequality of (3.1) holds for r ∈ (0, 1), and the proof is complete.

3.1 Proof of Proposition 2

In order to prove Proposition 2, we need some elementary inequalities, which are based on
the Padé approximation.

Lemma 2 The inequality

4 61x 2 + 126x + 5 1 1 16 376x 2 + 41 573x + 6851
f 2 (x) = − >
3 21x 2 + 110x + 61 3 3 4767x 2 + 13 801x + 3032
holds for all x > 1. While
1 16 376x 2 + 41 573x + 6851 540x 2 + 901x − 1
[ f 2 (x)]9 > >5
3 4767x + 13 801x + 3032
2 789x 2 + 4007x + 2404
hold for x ∈ (1, 3].

Proof The first inequality is equivalent to

4 61x 2 + 126x + 5 1 21 143x 2 + 55 374x + 9883
f 21 (x) = ln − ln >0
3 21x 2 + 110x + 61 3 4767x 2 + 13 801x + 3032

for x > 1. Differentiation yields

 99 (x − 1)4 268 410 933x 2 + 814 496 054x + 594 752 917
f 21 (x) = > 0,
5 1 (x)
1 (x) = 21x 2 + 110x + 61 61x 2 + 126x + 5
× 4767x 2 + 13 801x + 3032 × 21 143x 2 + 55 374x + 9883
which gives f 21 (x) > f 21 (1) = 0.

A sharp bound for the complete elliptic integrals Page 9 of 17 8

The third inequality is equivalent to

1 16 376x 2 + 41 573x + 6851 540x 2 + 901x − 1
f 22 (x) = ln − ln 5 >0
3 4767x 2 + 13 801x + 3032 789x 2 + 4007x + 2404
for x > 1. Differentiation again yields
 p3 (x)
f 22 (x) = −12 (x − 1)3 ,
2 (x)
2 (x) = 540x 2 + 901x − 1 789x 2 + 4007x + 2404
× 4767x 2 + 13 801x + 3032 16 376x 2 + 41 573x + 6851 ,
and p3 (x) is given by (2.1). As shown in Example 1, p3 (x) < 0 for x ∈ (1, 3], which
 (x) > 0 for x ∈ (1, 3]. Consequently, f (x) > f (1) = 0 for x ∈ (1, 3],
indicates that f 22 22 22
which completes the proof.
Lemma 3 The inequality
64 21x 2 + 110x + 61 127x 2 + 226x + 223
f 2 (x) =  2
15 61x 2 + 126x + 5 21x 2 + 110x + 61
160 19x + 1
3 1877x 3 + 15 129x 2 − 1489x + 483
holds for x ∈ (1, 3].
Proof The inequality in question is equivalent to
64 21x 2 + 110x + 61 127x 2 + 226x + 223
f 23 (x) = ln + ln  2
15 61x 2 + 126x + 5 21x 2 + 110x + 61
160 19x + 1
− ln >0
3 1877x 3 + 15 129x 2 − 1489x + 483
for x ∈ (1, 3]. Differentiating and factoring give
 4 p5 (x)
f 23 (x) = − (x − 1)3 ,
5 3 (x)
3 (x) = (19x + 1) 21x 2 + 110x + 61 61x 2 + 126x + 5
× 127x 2 + 226x + 223 1877x 3 + 15 129x 2 − 1489x + 483 ,
and p5 (x) is defined by (2.2). As shown in Example 2, there is an x1 ∈ (1, 3) such that
 (x) > 0 for
p5 (x) < 0 for x ∈ (1, x1 ) and p5 (x) > 0 for x ∈ (x1 , 3). This implies that f 23

x ∈ (1, x1 ) and f 23 (x) < 0 for x ∈ (x1 , 3), and therefore,
f 23 (x) > min { f 23 (1) , f 23 (3)} = 0,
where f 23 (1) = 0 and
9 145 511 725
f 23 (3) =ln + ln − ln = 0.000 016 · · · > 0.
10 233 84 100 182 856
The proof is thus completed.

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We are now in a position to prove Proposition 2.

Proof of Proposition 2 Making the following change of variable

arthr = t, r = tanh t, r  = 1 − r2 = , (3.3)
cosh t
the desired inequality is equivalent to
sinh t
f 1 (t) = [ f 2 (cosh t)]10 − t > 0
cosh t
for t ∈ (0, t1 ], where f 2 (x) is given in Lemma 2. It should be noted that
√ √
t1 = arthr1 = ln 3 + 2 2 , cosh t1 = 3, sinh t1 = 2 2.

If we prove f 1 (t) > 0 for t ∈ (0, t1 ], then f 1 (t) > f 1 (0) = 0, and the desired inequality
holds for r ∈ (0, r1 ], then the proof is done.
Differentiation yields
64 21x 2 + 110x + 61 127x 2 + 226x + 223
f 2 (x) =  2 ,
15 61x 2 + 126x + 5 21x 2 + 110x + 61
1 sinh2 t
f 1 (t) = [ f 2 (cosh t)]10
+ 10 [ f 2 (cosh t)]9 f 2 (cosh t) − 1
cosh2 t cosh t
1 x2 − 1
= 2 [ f 2 (x)]10 + 10 [ f 2 (x)]9 f 2 (x) − 1,
x x
where x = cosh t ∈ (1, 3]. Using Lemmas 2 and 3, we obtain
 9 1 x2 − 1 
f 1 (t) = [ f 2 (x)] f 2 (x) + 10 f 2 (x) − 1
x2 x

540x 2 + 901x − 1 1 1 16 376x 2 + 41 573x + 6851
789x 2 + 4007x + 2404 x 2 3 4767x 2 + 13 801x + 3032

x 2 − 1 160 19x + 1
+10 −1
x 3 1877x 3 + 15 129x 2 − 1489x + 483
1 (x − 1)3 p6 (x)
=− ,
3 x2 4 (x)
4 (x) = 789x 2 + 4007x + 2404 4767x 2 + 13 801x + 3032
× 1877x 3 + 15 129x 2 − 1489x + 483 ,

and p6 (x) is defined in (2.3). From Example 3 we see that p6 (x) < 0 for x ∈ (1, 3], which
implies that f 1 (t) > 0 for t ∈ (0, t1 ]. We thus complete the proof.

3.2 Proof of Proposition 3

The following two lemmas are needed to prove Proposition 3.

A sharp bound for the complete elliptic integrals Page 11 of 17 8

Lemma 4 Let c = π/ ln 16 − 1. The function

 2 2   −1/10 9
x +c 4 1 2 x2 + c
g31 (x) = − ln (4x)
x4 3 3 π x2
is strictly increasing from [3, ∞) onto [g31 (3) , ∞), where g31 (3) > 1.181 745.
Proof Differentiation yields
  −1/10 −8
x5 4 1 2 x2 + c 
− ln (4x) g31 (x)
x2 + c 3 3 π x2
4 1 2 x2 + c
= −4c − ln (4x)
3 3 π x2
 −1/10 2
3 2 x2 + c x − 2c ln (4x) + c
+ ln (4x)
10 π x 2 ln (4x)
16 1 9x + 22c ln (4x) + 9c 2 x 2 + c
=− c+ ln (4x)
3 30 ln (4x) π x2
1 9x 2 + 22c ln (4x) + 9c π x 2 16
= − c := g311 (x) .
30 (ln (4x)) 11/10 2 x +c
2 3
If we prove that both of the functions
9x 2 + 22c ln (4x) + 9c π x2
g312 (x) = and g313 (x) =
(ln (4x))11/10 2 x2 + c
are strictly increasing on [3, ∞), then so is g311 (x). This indicates
g311 (x) ≥ g311 (3) = 0.434 926 · · · > 0
 (x) > 0, and so
for x ≥ 3, which implies that g31
g31 (x) ≥ g31 (3) = 1.181 745 483 · · · > 1.181 745,
for x ≥ 3. Now, differentiation yields
ln11/10 (4x)  22c 99 99c
10 g312 (x) = 180 − 2 − − 2 := g314 (x) .
x x ln (4x) x ln (4x)
Since g314 (x) is clearly increasing on [3, ∞), so g314 (x) ≥ g314 (3) = 139.244 984 . . ..
 (x) > 0 for x ∈ [3, ∞). While g
This indicates g312 313 (x) is obiously increasing on [3, ∞)
due to
π 1/10 c
g313 (x) = 1− 2 .
2 x +c
This completes the proof.
Lemma 5 The inequality
x 2 + 1 x 2 − 2c ln (4x) + c 624
g32 (x) =  2 >
x +c
2 625

holds for x ≥ 3, where c = π/ ln 16 − 1.

8 Page 12 of 17 Z.-H. Yang et al.

Proof Making a change of variable x = 3e y/2 with y ≥ 0, the desired inequality is equivalent

g33 (y) = 81e2y − 5625cye y + 9 (625 − 623c − 1250c ln 12) e y

−625cy − c (624c + 1250 ln 12 − 625) > 0

for y ≥ 0. Due to
π 4
c= − 1 = 0.133 090 · · · < ,
ln 16 30
ln 12 = 2.484 906 · · · < ,
we have
4 y 4 4 497 y
g33 (y) > 81e2y − 5625 × ye + 9 625 − 623 × − 1250 × × e
30 30 30 200
4 4 4 497
−625 × y− 624 × + 1250 × − 625
30 30 30 200
11 499 250 −y 51 289 −y
= e y 81e y − 750y + − ye − e := e y g34 (y) .
10 3 150
Differentiation yields

 38 789 250
e y g34 (y) = 81e2y − 750e y + + y = g35 (y) .
150 3
From Example 4 we see that there is a y0 ∈ (2, 11/5) such that g34  (y) < 0 for y ∈ (0, y )

and g34 (y) > 0 for y ∈ (y0 , ∞). Then g34 (y) ≥ g34 (y0 ). If we prove g34 (y0 ) > 0 then the
 (y ) = 0, we have
proof is complete. Since g34 0

38 789 −y0 250

81e y0 = 750 − e − y0 e−y0 .
150 3
Substituting 81e y0 into g34 (y0 ) yields
38 789 −y0 250 −y0
g34 (y0 ) = 750 − e − y0 e
150 3
11 499 250 51 289 −y0
−750y0 + − y0 e−y0 − e
10 3 150
18 999 15 013 −y0 500
= − e − y0 e−y0 − 750y0
10 25 3
18 999 15 013 −2 500 11 −2 11
> − e − e − 750 × = 119.005 · · · > 0.
10 25 3 5 5
Thus we complete the proof.

We now check Proposition 3.

Proof of Proposition 3 Making the change of variable (3.3), the desired inequality is equiva-
lent to
sinh t
g0 (t) = [g1 (cosh t)]10 − t > 0
cosh t

A sharp bound for the complete elliptic integrals Page 13 of 17 8

for t ≥ t1 = ln 3 + 2 2 , where

4 2 x2 + c 1
g1 (x) = ln (4x) −
3 π x2 3

and c = (π/ ln 16 − 1). If we prove g0 (t) > 0 for t ≥ t1 = ln 3 + 2 2 , then

sinh t1
g0 (t) ≥ g0 (t1 ) = [g1 (cosh t1 )]10 − t1
cosh t1
√   1/10 10
2 2 4 2 9+c 1
= ln 12 −
3 3 π 9 3

− ln 3 + 2 2 = 0.000 869 · · · > 0,

which is equivalent to the desired inequality for r ∈ [r1 , 1), and the proof is done.
Differentiation yields
 −9/10 2
4 2 x2 + c x − 2c ln (4x) + c
g1 (x) = ln (4x) ,
15π π x2 x3
1 sinh2 t
g0 (t) = [g1 (cosh t)]10
+ 10 [g1 (cosh t)]9 g1 (cosh t) − 1
cosh2 t cosh t
1 x2 − 1
= 2 [g1 (x)]10 + 10 [g1 (x)]9 g1 (x) − 1,
x x

where x = cosh t ≥ 3. To prove g0 (t) > 0 for t ≥ t1 = ln 3 + 2 2 , we write g0 (t) in
the form of

1 20 x2 + 1
g0 (t) = 2
[g1 (x)]10 − [g1 (x)]9 g1 (x) + 10 [g1 (x)]9 g1 (x) − 1
x x x
[g1 (x)]9  
 x2 + 1 9 
= g1 (x) − 20xg 1 (x) + 10 [g1 (x)] g 1 (x) − 1
x2 x
[g1 (x)]9
: = g2 (x) + g3 (x) .
Thus, it suffices to prove that for x ≥ 3,

g2 (x) = g1 (x) − 20xg1 (x) > 0,

x2 + 1
g3 (x) = 10 [g1 (x)]9 g1 (x) − 1 > 0.
We have
4 2 x2 + c 1
g2 (x) = g1 (x) − 20xg1 (x) = ln (4x) −
3 π x 2 3
 −9/10 2
16 2 x + c
2 x − 2c ln (4x) + c
− ln (4x) ,
3π π x 2 x2

8 Page 14 of 17 Z.-H. Yang et al.

2 x2 + c
ln (4x) g2 (x)
π x2
4 2 x2 + c 1 2 x2 + c 16 x 2 − 2c ln (4x) + c
= ln (4x) − ln (4x) −
3π x 2 3 π x 2 3π x2
8 x 2 [ln (4x) − 2] + c [5 ln (4x) − 2] 1 2 x 2 + c
= − ln (4x) := g21 (x) .
3π x2 3 π x2
2 x2 + c 2
ln (4x) > × 1 × ln 12 = 1.581 · · · > 1 for x ≥ 3,
π x2 π
we easily get
8 x 2 [ln (4x) − 2] + c [5 ln (4x) − 2] 1 2 x 2 + c
g21 (x) > − ln (4x)
3π x2 3 π x2
2 3x 2 + 19c 8x 2 + 8c
= ln (4x) − 2 > 0,
3π x 2 3x + 19c
where the inequality holds for x ≥ 3 due to
 √  √ 
  9x 2 − 71 − 16 7 c 9x 2 − 71 + 16 7 c
d 8x + 8c
ln (4x) − 2 =  2 >0
dx 3x + 19c 9x 3x 2 + 19c
8x 2 + 8c π + 32 ln 2
ln (4x) − 2 = ln 12 − 8 = 0.010 545 · · · > 0.
3x + 19c x=3 19π + 32 ln 2
It thus follows that g2 (x) = g1 (x) − 20xg1 (x) > 0 for x ≥ 3.
To prove g3 (x) > 0 for x ≥ 3, we write
  1/10 9
8 x2 + 1 4 2 x2 + c 1
g3 (x) = ln (4x) −
3π x 3 π x2 3
2 x2 + c x 2 − 2c ln (4x) + c
× ln (4x) −1
π x 2 x3
 2   −1/10 9
8 x2 + c 4 1 2 x2 + c
= − ln (4x)
3π x4 3 3 π x2
x + 1 x 2 − 2c ln (4x) + c 8
×  2 −1= g31 (x) g33 (x) − 1.
x +c
2 3π

By Lemmas 4 and 5 it is deduced that

g3 (x) =
g31 (x) g32 (x) − 1

8 624
> × 1.181 745 × − 1 = 0.001 491 · · · > 0,
3π 625
which completes the proof.

A sharp bound for the complete elliptic integrals Page 15 of 17 8

4 Conclusions

In this paper, we found the best constants λ and q such that the inequality (1.20) holds for
r ∈ (0, 1) (Theorem 1). This offers a new sharp lower bound for complete elliptic integrals
of the first kind, and improves Alzer and Qiu’s result in [14]. Importantly, this gives a positive
answer for the second part of a conjecture proposed in [13, Conjecture 1] by Yang et al.

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