CO 501 CECE Study Guide

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CECE Stud Guide

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Learning Module 1
• Know the history of the counseling profession.
• Know pages 5-24 of Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Community and Agency Settings
• Who is Frank Parsons and for what is he known?
• Frank Parson is the founder of guidance. His work consumed of prevention and growth. “He
theorized that choosing a vocation was a matter of relating three factors : a knowledge of the
world of work, a knowledge of self, and the use of true reasoning to match two”
• What was the American Counseling Association previously called?
• The American Counseling Association was previously called American Personnel and
Guidance Association.
• Know the 5 moral principles of ethical decision-making. Define each principle.
• The five moral principles of ethical decision making is listed below :
A. Autonomy - Freedom of choice and action.
B. Nonmaleficence - refer to not harming other people
C. Beneficence - proactive concept that implies doing things that contribute to the welfare of
the client
D. Justice - treating all people fairly.
E. Fidelity- which means all counselors are loyal to their client, honor their commitments,
and fulfill their obligations.
• There is a 6th principle: What is it and what is its definition?
F. Veracity - key to ethical practice

• Know the areas where a mental health counselor could legally be held negligent. One example
would be duty to warn. Know all the possible areas and the definition of each area.
• Area where a mental health counselor could be held negligent is duty to warn, professional
competence, which falls under Section C.2.a of the ACA Code of ethics. End-of-life
decisions is another area, where counselors could be held negligent.
• Know the ACA code of ethics. In addition to the ethics associated with practicing counseling,
also pay attention to the supervision, training, and teaching section (specifically the Counseling
supervision evaluation, remediation and endorsement section), as well as the resolving ethical
issues section (specifically the Standards and the Law section).
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Learning Module 2
• How do assessments help counselors?
1. Assessments help counselors know if they can provide the help the clients need.
2. Assessments helps counselors understand the events related to the problems.
3. Assessment helps counselors recognize the uniqueness of individuals.
4. Assessment helps the counselor gain a more complete understanding of the client.

• What are the different types/methods of assessments?

1. Assessments as interventions
1. Five Factor Wellness Inventory
2. Assessment for Evaluation and Accountability
1. Self Monitoring surveys
2. Goal attainment scaling
3. Posttests
4. Client Satisfaction surveys
5. Outcome Questionares

Learning Module 3
• What is advocacy?
• Advocacy are actions taken by counseling professionals to help remove environmental
barriers that hamper clients’ well-being.
• What terms are associated with advocacy?
• Outreach
• Empowerment
• Social justice
• Social action.
• What do each of these terms mean?
• Outreach - refers to initiating behaviors towards people in need for the purpose of making a
helpful difference
• Empowerment - is a process through which clients gain the resources and skills needed to
have more control over their environments and their lives.
• Social Justice - Involves promoting access and quality to ensure full participation in the life
of a society
• Social action - refers to behaviors designed to promote social justice.
Learning Module 4
• What are the different types of group counseling?
• Psychoeducational groups
• Counseling Groups
• Psychotherapy Groups
• Task/Work Groups
• Mixed Groups

• What is the difference between each type of group; the focus, purpose?
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• Psychoeducational groups - primary function of this group is to the prevention of personal or

societal disorders through conveying of information and/or the examining of values
• Counseling Groups - focus on prevention, growth, and remediation. They also focus on
interpersonal problems or concerns. The difference between this group and psycoeducaitonal
groups is that psychoeducational groups are recommended for everyone on a continuous
basis, group counseling is more selective.
• Psychotherapy Groups - are set up to help individual group members resolve their in-depth
and sometimes serious psychological problems. There is an overlap between this therapy and
group therapy but the difference is the emphasis on major reconstruction of personality
• Task/Work Groups -apply group dynamic principles and processes to improve work practic4s
and to accomplish identified work goals. Unlike other groups, there emphasis on
groups on changing individuals.
• Mixed Groups - doesn’t fit into a category but is often aligned with self-help groups that are
either organized by an established professional helping organization/individual or those that
originate spontaneously and stress their autonomy and internal group resources.
• What are the stages in groups?
• Forming
• Storming
• Norming
• Performing
• Adjourning
• What happens in each stage?
• Forming - the foundation is usually laid for what is to come and who will be considered in
or out of group deliberations
• Storming - Transition stage, there is increased tension and testing of the group environment.
• Norming - generates enthusiasm and cohesion
• Performing - group members become involved with each other and with individual and
collective goals
• Adjourning - groups comes to an end

• What is self-disclosure?
• Here an now feelings, attitudes, and beliefs
• What are the benefits of using self-disclosure in a group setting?
• It builds cohesions among group members
• Indicates high trust within group
• Take a picture of Table 11-1 on page 265. Know this chart.
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TABLE 11-1 ON PAGE 265

• Take a picture of Table 11-2 on page 275. Know the legal and ethical issues related to working
with minors.

TABLE 11-2 ON PAGE 275

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Learning Module 5
• Know the different career-development theories, including who developed each theory and
what each theory states (including details of each theory).
• Trait and Factor Theory - Stresses that the traits of clients should first be assessed and then
systematically matched with factors inherent in various occupations.
• Super’s Developmental Theory - career development is the lifelong process of implementing
a self concept
• Learning theory of Career Counseling - four factors influence a person’s career making
decision making: genetic endowment, environmental conditions and events, learning
experiences, and task-approach skills.
• Social Cognitive Theory - provides a framework that focuses on (a) formation and
elaboration of career- relevant interests, (b) the selection of academic and career choice
options, and (c) performance and persistence in educational and occupational pursuits.

Gladding, S., & Newsome, D. (2017). Clinical mental health counseling in community and
agency settings (5th ed., p. 340). New York: Pearson Education.

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