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Importing custom models to RF Online

Originally posted on / Archived in this PDF by Alyx

At the beginning of 2015, we ordered an msh <-> obj converter for 3ds Max 2015.

I decided to make the plugin public and also tell you how to use it, in the hope that people will appear interested in this, and the game
will be replenished with new assets, and one or more new talents will show up on our project.

You will need at least basic knowledge of 3ds max. The plugin also only works with 3DS Max 2015 edition.

Plugin is installed by copying both files into the 3DS Max Plugin Folder ".../3ds Max 2015/plugins"

Once you install the plugin, you can open .msh files directly in 3ds Max, edit them there, and save them (no need to convert msh to obj).
In addition, you will be able to convert .obj format to .msh.

In this guide, we will not consider creating and editing models in 3ds Max. There are plenty of guides on this on the internet. Instead,
we'll look at other things: The position of the model in space.

I. The position of the model in space

To determine exactly where the edited model is relative to the player, you need to open the corresponding skeleton (for interracial
models such as melee weapons, it does not matter which skeleton you open).

Then you should have .msh files ready for the items you are replacing (level 45-50 weapons will do).

For example, if you want to make an epic two-handed sword, then you will need to open a lvl 45 two-handed sword at the same time.
This is necessary in order to correctly rotate your model in space and not make a mistake with the scale. And also in order to find out
which parts of the skeleton the model is attached to.

Click File -> Import and select our msh-blank. When selecting the model, it turned out that it consists of only one part (armour often
consists of several parts, since the character’s shoulders are not motionless, and with a single part of the character’s movement would
look very strange).

We just need to rotate our new model in the same way as this model is rotated.

Right click on the model -> Rotate.

Position in space (as opposed to scale and rotation) is often shown incorrectly. For example, the screenshot shows that the spear is far
from the hands. You will need to move the spear close to your hand, but even then you will most likely miss.

If the weapon is not rotated at angles a 0 or 90 degrees, then it is better to scale (scale adjustment) in advance.
II. Linking the model to the skeleton
In addition, the new model must be attached to the same part of the skeleton that the model from the game is attached to.

Our W00 spear is attached to Bip01 R Finger0. If you create a new spear, you just need to attach it there, dragging it to the same

For dual weapons, you will need to attach each model to different hands. Also, watch carefully, the rotation of the second weapon will
be different.

As for armour, even the torso can be made up of several parts, two of which are tied to the skeleton. If some parts are not bound by
default, their counterparts (new ones) need to be bound to the parts next to which they are located (your armour should be divided in
the same way).

If your item is interracial, then again it doesn't matter which skeleton you're bound to. Even if you are tied to a Bellato skeleton, then on
an Accretia, a two-handed sword will also move to the bone of the right hand. For armour, I think it is obvious that you need to use the
appropriate skeleton.

Hint: in the game you can see how the weapon models are positioned relative to the character. When switching to civilian mode, for a
brief moment the weapon moves to its starting position (the same one you see in 3ds Max).

III. Glow points

Using our spear as an example, open the W00 icon and see the following:

If you select them, you can see where they are, but not their rotation. Use the context menu to alter their rotation.

These points can work strangely and sometimes fail, so after adding them to your model, it is advisable to do several procedures:

• Align to Object (maybe several times)

• Reset Transform and Scale

• Go to the Modify tab and add an XForm from the Modifier List

• After that, rotate and move the pivot as you need.

All these manipulations will avoid sudden redefinition of the glow point (both position and rotation).
IV. Exporting
After your model is ready, click Export and select the RF Online MSH format.

You will be asked whether to export the skeleton and whether to use the Mesh8 structure. These questions must be answered “NO”.

If all goes well you will have now exported your new weapon / armour mesh. Now link up your new item with the resource.edf so the
desired item uses the new .msh.

Boot up the game and check the following

• Is the weapon visible and held in the correct location

• Using the developer overlay (GM Grade 4/4) pressing F7 check the glow locations match your edits

• Are there any clipping issues? Mostly for armour sets but can affect items like jetpacks

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