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Violent crimes
A violent crime or crime of violence is a crime in which the oIIender uses or threatens to use violent
Iorce upon the victim. This entails both crimes in which the violent act is the objective, such as murder, as
well as crimes in which violence is the means to an end, (including criminal ends) such as robbery.
Violent crimes include crimes committed with and without weapons. With the exception oIrape (which
accounts Ior 6 oI all reported violent crimes), males are the primary victims oI all Iorms oI violent

II.Types of violent crimes
In criminology, how a violent crime is approached depends very much on how the crime is deIined. So
many diIIerent legal terms exist Ior various Iorms oI violent crimes that it`s oIten hard Ior people to keep
track oI what means what. Following are simple yet detailed deIinitions oI some common types oI violent
O omicide: The killing oI one person by another (regardless oI the circumstances).
O :rder: The intentional killing oI another human being.
O irst-degree m:rder: A term some states use to reIer to an intentional killing.
O $econd-degree m:rder: A term some states use to reIer to an unintentional killing in which the
killer demonstrates 'extreme indiIIerence to human liIe or 'wanton disregard Ior the liIe oI the
O elony m:rder: A term some states use Ior a death that occurs during the commission oI a serious
Ielony, such as robbery or kidnapping. (All participants in such a Ielony can be charged with
O ,nsl,:ghter: The unintentional killing oI another person, where the killer engages in reckless
conduct that causes a death.
O egligent homicide: The causing oI someone`s death through negligence.
O ,ttery: The act oI making oIIensive physical contact with someone.
O ss,:lt: The threat oI a battery, or an attempted battery, without actual physical contact.
O $imple ,ss,:lt or b,ttery: The act oI causing someone low-level not serious physical injury.
O ggr,v,ted ,ss,:lt or b,ttery: Serious Ielony conduct that involves the use oI a dangerous or
deadly weapon or that results in serious injury.
O Vehic:l,r ,ss,:lt: Dangerous driving that results in injury to another.
O $po:s,l ,ss,:lt (,lso c,lled domestic ,ss,:lt or intim,te p,rtner violence): Violence between
domestic partners.
O #,pe: The act oI Iorcibly compelling someone to have sexual intercourse, or sexual intercourse
between an adult and a partner under the age oI 18, or the act oI having intercourse with someone
whom the law deems incapable oI consent because oI a mental handicap.
O $odomy: The act oI having Iorced anal or oral sex with someone, or the consensual act oI
participating in those same acts between an adult and a juvenile.

(violent crime)

Mark Anthony A. Azaa

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