Role of Indiviual perception inthe completion of formalistic tasks

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The role of individual perceptions in the completion

of formalistic tasks
Wenjun Wu1 & Dengke Yu 1✉

Formalistic tasks are common in collective cultural societies such as China. They bring a great
loss of efficiency as well as some potential social benefits. The study aims to explore the

perception mechanism of formalistic tasks at the individual level, helping understand and
better manage them. Drawing on the conservation of resources (COR) theory, we proposed
that individuals’ perceived value (PV), perceived cost (PC), and perceived pressure (PP)
would significantly influence their participation in and completion of formalistic tasks. We
therefore developed two studies: Study 1 explored how individuals perceive formalistic tasks,
and Study 2 tested the effects of individual perceptions on the completion degree (CD) of
formalistic tasks. We collected the data from 319 and 536 Chinese respondents by ques-
tionnaire survey for the two studies respectively. Statistical approach and structural equation
model (SEM) were used to analyze the data. Through empirical studies, we substantiated the
positive role of PV and PC in the completion of formalistic tasks. Furthermore, coercive
pressure (CP) and normative pressure (NP), the two elements of PP, would significantly
moderate the effect of PC on CD. However, the moderating effects are weak. Our study
aroused scholars’ attention to formalistic tasks in organizations and filled the gap in for-
malistic management. Our findings therefore make a contribution to organization manage-
ment in collective culture and guide managers to better develop and promote formalistic

1 School of Public Policy and Administration, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China. ✉email:



ormalistic tasks are common in collective societies. In tra- affect their participation in and completion of the tasks? We
ditional understandings formalistic tasks were usually con- therefore developed two sub-studies. Study 1 carried out a sta-
sidered as tasks set by superior leaders and pushed to the tistical analysis of individual perceptions in terms of the char-
subordinates in a compulsory way, little linked with the sub- acteristics, value, costs, and pressure of formalistic tasks. Study 2
ordinates’ business post and performance. In the perception of developed a model to measure the effects of PV, PC, and PP on
subordinates, formalistic tasks were characterized by mean- the completion of formalistic tasks. Hence, the remainder of our
inglessness, low-value, and disinterest, for superficial and face- study were organized as follows. We proposed the basic theory
saving targets. For example, Chinese employees are often required and reviewed the literature in the section “Theory and literature
to take part in team building or political learning activities that review”. In the section “Methodology”, the methodology of the
are against their will and lack direct perceived value. They are two studies was displayed. Following that, their results were
required to save formalistic traces of their work, even though the summarized in the section “Results”. Finally, we discussed the
traces will not have a positive effect in the future. In addition, conclusions, implications, limitations, and future research in the
organizational leaders are accustomed to carrying out their work section “Conclusions”.
through calling meetings rather than taking action. Similar phe-
nomena exist in Chinese colleges. For example, students are asked
to attend lectures that they are not interested in and that have Theory and literature review
little to do with their major, just to impress academic superstars. COR theory. COR theory initially emerged as a stress theory,
Formalistic tasks are more likely to be fostered in eastern believing that the threat of potential and actual resource loss will
cultures (e.g. China) which emphasize collective interests, face- lead to individual tension and stress (Hobfoll et al., 2018). It
saving, and official rank standards. The trigger of formalistic tasks further points out that under pressure, individuals tend to use
is more diverse at the micro level. Their occurrence is probably existing resources to obtain new resources, so as to reduce the net
rooted in the need for organizational culture construction, a loss of resources. They would strive to maintain and protect their
reflection of bureaucratic leadership style, or the following of cherished resources when they are unable to evaluate the mar-
organizational routines. They may bring some problems such as ginal benefits of new resources and the threat of resource loss
increasing communication costs, reducing organizational flex- (Hobfoll et al., 2018). In our study, the theory was introduced to
ibility, and inhibiting individual creativity (Peng and Zhao, 2019; explain the psychological mechanism of individuals to perceive
Dai, 2018; Deng and Gong, 2021). the value, costs, and pressure of formalistic tasks.
Different from the negative phenomenon-based view, our According to Halbesleben et al. (2014), since resources are the
study attempts to recognize and explore the potential value of important “things that individuals perceive to help them achieve
formalistic tasks in certain fields, such as establishing organi- their goals”, individuals would be motivated by their perceptions
zational order, enhancing employee compliance, and keeping of the increasing and loss of resources when they make decisions
work on track (Barkema et al., 2015; Wang, 2022). We proposed on the behaviors requiring resource inputs. Because of the
that it is necessary to enhance the management of them for characteristics of formalistic tasks, such as lip-deep, bureaucratic,
improving organizational vitality and production efficiency. and ambiguous in cause and effect, individuals easily magnify the
When business tasks are closely related to organizational and perceived costs and risks of resource investment and under-
individual performance, the value of formalistic tasks is more estimate the perceived value. Hence, COR theory could well
reflected in the level of organization and leadership. Formalistic explain why individuals tend to reject tasks or complete them at a
tasks produce indirect or long-term effects on the subordinates, low level under pressure. Under the theory, we would like to
so the value is more difficult to be perceived. It then discourages develop a new framework of the relationship between individual
the enthusiasm of subordinates to accept and participate in perceptions and the completion of formalistic tasks, for better-
formalistic tasks, and in turn damages organizational expected predicting individuals’ decisions and behaviors in responding to
performance. the tasks assigned by their leaders.
Considering the pros and cons, we need to develop a theory of
formalistic management for enhancing the value and curbing the
flaws. The theory should be demand-side or based on the inter- Individual perceptions. In economic decisions, an individual
action of the supply and demand of formalistic tasks. The always weighs their efforts against the rewards. Both of them are
improvement of individual perception therefore becomes the key composed of economic, material, and social elements. Economic
to solving the problem. For example, individuals more easily rewards reflect as PV before individuals get involved in a certain
accept and effectively complete formalistic tasks when they activity. Material efforts reflect as PCs, such as time, energies, and
understand the causal relationship between the tasks and orga- tools. Social elements include social rewards such as esteem and
nizational performance through their leaders’ explanation, or communication, and social efforts through which individuals
when the tasks are integrated into their post activities and help could reduce their pressure in collective activities (Antoci et al.,
improving job performance. Hence, our study aims to explore an 2012; Mamuneas et al., 2006). Hence, we introduced the capital
individual’s perception mechanism to guide the management of theory to lead the development of our framework and analyzed
the participation and completion of formalistic tasks. In the the individual perceptions from three aspects, i.e. PV, PC, and PP.
study, individual perceptions were focused on the concerns of PV, PV is a kind of assessment of the benefits incurring in a
PC, and PP. Among them, PV and PC are individual’s percep- behavior (Boksberger and Melsen, 2011), e.g. obtaining and using
tions of the benefits and costs of formalistic tasks from a rational a product or deciding to do a task. It is a multidimensional
perspective, and PP is an individual’s perception of others’ atti- construct including monetary and non-monetary components
tudes to the tasks from social and emotional perspectives. The (Chahal and Kumari, 2012). The latter is composed of functional
three would affect an individual’s recognition, decision, and and epistemic values (Peña et al., 2012). In terms of completing a
behavior in the process of executing the tasks. task, functional values derive from the achievement of the task
Our study focused on the answer to two research questions. (Petrick, 2002; Sweeney and Soutar, 2001) and epistemic values
First, how do individuals perceive and recognize the formalistic refer to the acquisition of knowledge in the process of task
tasks in their organizations. Second, how do their perceptions completion (Duman and Mattila,2005).



PC is a physical and emotional connection between employees From a top-down perspective, the generation of formalist tasks
and the organization (Halbesleben and Wheeler, 2015). In the is motivated by factors, such as authoritarian leadership style,
completion of a job task, the need for resource inputs plays a vital assessment-driven pressure system, and instrumental rational
role (Bakker and Demerouti, 2009; Demerouti et al., 2001). PC is behavior (Peng and Zhao, 2019). From the bottom-up perspec-
defined as the physical and organizational aspects of the task that tive, the participation willingness and completion of formalistic
require employees’ sustained physical and psychological efforts tasks are influenced by factors including individuals’ rational
and are therefore associated with physiological and psychological evaluation of the value and significance, the correlation between
costs (Perez et al., 2019). the tasks and job duties, and the imbalance between the needed
According to the “resource caravans and resource caravan efforts and the expected rewards (Omansky et al., 2016). In terms
passageways” principle of COR, resources exist in environments, of the formalistic tasks for constructing organizational culture
and environmental factors, for example, the language and which are difficult to predict the quantitative performance, Song
behavior of superiors or peers, therefore have an important (2013) proposed that the lack of subjective evaluation of the tasks’
impact on the resource acquisition and culture shaping in value and the inconformity between individual’s expectation and
organizations (Hobfoll, 2012). When individuals engage in and the reality lead to an individual’s apathetic attitude, negative
complete organizational tasks well, they would gain social support, and low work efficiency. Furthermore, Ren (2018)
approval and self-image improvement. However, they would also highlighted the important role of activating an individual’s
gain PPs, including coercive, mimetic, or normative demands willingness to support top-down formalistic tasks in the
from their superiors and people around them (Wang et al., 2018). realization of participatory governance. Consequently, the
Individuals would then engage in similar practices that are management of formalistic tasks could be improved through
required to do so, imitate one another, or simply do the the optimization of top-bottom organization and the motivation
appropriate things. of individual enthusiasm and organizational vitality from the
Based on the expectancy valence theory, individuals’ behaviors bottom-top perspective.
are affected by their self-perceptions and external environments
(Chung and Kim, 2022). In detail, PV could determine an
individual’s intention, decision, and behavior. The failure to change The management of formalistic tasks. Few scholars have focused
behaviors arises when the changed behaviors have long-term rather on the management of formalistic tasks, though some relative
than short-term economic benefits. Individuals are less motivated constructs have been proposed. A similar concept is an illegiti-
to engage in a task when they perceive that they need to invest mate task, which was defined as the employees are required to
more resources (Perez et al., 2019). For instance, in an experiment perform roles beyond their expectations (Semmer et al., 2015). It
on operating robotic units, participants’ perceived performance reflects as unreasonable and unnecessary work. However, for-
decreased with a larger communication delay, while their reported malistic tasks usually have some other characters such as nor-
frustration, effort, and mental demands significantly increased mative, involuntary, lip-deep, and bureaucratic, and ambiguous
(Kim et al., 2022). In the scenario of performing an air-to-surface in cause and effect (Fang, 2019). It is therefore a new construct
task, Li et al. (2018) found that extra workload has a negative effect with academic significance.
on pilots’ situational awareness performance and increases the Similar to formalistic management, relative proposals include
probability of operating hazards. They therefore proposed to symbolic management, performative governance, bureaucratic
develop opportunities to compensate for the negative effect of management, etc. Scholars in the field of symbolic management
workload through human-centered organizational optimization (Li hold that leaders could establish organizational order, institution,
et al., 2018). Furthermore, as proposed by Wang et al. (2018), the and culture through some formal and symbolic actions (Sun,
pressure an individual perceived from institutions profoundly 2020). Symbolic management may bring enterprises into a bad
impacted his/her behaviors in the organization. situation where their leaders excessively pursue the satisfaction of
governments and the public by ostensibly acting in line with
external expectations, but lacking substantial contributions.
The completion of formalistic tasks. Formalistic task has the Performative governance is a thought at the national level similar
characteristics such as compulsivity, superficiality, and bureau- to symbolic management. It was defined as the theatrical
cracy that are different from other tasks. To organizations and deployment of language, symbols, and gestures to foster an
individuals, it may be valuable in potential in certain contexts, but impression of good governance among citizens (Ding, 2020).
it may also cause many problems in organization and motivation. Both symbolic management and performative management can
It is a kind of degenerate thing mixed with benign administrative partly predict the generation of formalistic tasks, but their
affairs. For one thing, value-neutral formalistic tasks take nor- connotation and emphases are quite different from formalistic
malized and standardized forms to organize rational adminis- task management. Bureaucratic management highlights the
trative works. For another, derogatory formalistic tasks are importance of control and obedience culture (Barkema et al.,
carried out with repetitive, inefficient, and superficial work styles 2015). It is a typical leadership style from top to bottom.
(Liu, 2021). They are often reflected in many forms in manage- Formalistic tasks usually show bureaucratic style in the process of
ment works, covering up and even deviating from leaders’ ori- promotion, but not all bureaucratic styles are related to
ginal purposes. formalistic tasks.
The fact that organization members are not willing to accept Considering to fill the gap in theory, we would make two
formalistic tasks is attributed more to the ineffective and differences, unlike the previous proposals. First, we tried to
inefficient forms than the tasks’ quantity and frequency (Jiang, reduce the criticism of bad management style but emphasized the
2019). In the context of national governance, the defects of positive value of formalistic tasks and developed solutions to
formalistic tasks have a negative impact on a nation’s compre- improve the degree of task completion through enhancing
hensive and sustainable development. The effects cover damaging employees’ cognition. Second, we are concerned with the
political ecology, reducing governance efficiency, cutting public relationship between individuals and environments as well as
satisfaction, etc. (Liu, 2021; Tuo, 2013). It is necessary to improve the interaction between individuals and the tasks, and so we
the management of formalistic tasks to clear the atmosphere and aimed to propose a bottom-up theory to lead the management of
increase work efficiency. formalistic tasks, unlike the fact that some studies focused on the



discovery of the problems in the management dominated by example, the incomplete ones, 295 valid questionnaires were
forceful and hypocritical superiors. finally collected through the formal survey. The effective recovery
rate was 92.48%.
The demographic characteristics of the respondents were as
follows. In terms of gender, 156 (52.9%) male and 139 (47.1%)
Our research included two quantitative studies. Study 1 was a
female participated in our survey. For major, 57.2% of the
statistical analysis. It aimed to answer three basic questions. First,
respondents were from humanities and social sciences, 39% from
what is a formalistic task, and what are its characteristics? Second,
science and technology majors, and 3% were from others. Among
how do individuals perceive its value and costs, and in turn how
them, undergraduate, master, and doctoral students accounted
do they support it? Third, how are individuals motivated by
for 56.9%, 40.3%, and 2.7% respectively. In addition, 27.5% of the
others to complete the task? We then proposed three hypotheses
respondents was a member of the Communist Party of China
about the relationships between individual perceptions (including
(CPC), and others were not. Student cadres were the majority,
PV, PC, and PP) and the completion of formalistic tasks, and
accounting for 51.5%.
developed a SEM model to test the hypotheses in Study 2.
We selected Chinese college students as samples for the fol-
Data analysis techniques. We used statistical methods to complete
lowing considerations. First, the formalistic task is a common
the data analysis of Study 1. The results were presented by sta-
phenomenon in the Chinese context, with a typical collective
tistical charts and contingency tables. Since the study is an
culture. It is more serious in administrative and public institu-
exploratory analysis, it is not suitable for using traditional
tions such as colleges than in private organizations. Second, it is
methods to test the reliability and validity of the data. However,
observed that many kinds of formalistic tasks do exist in the
we still checked the internal logical consistency between the data
authors’ working universities and surroundings. The authors have
of different items in each questionnaire through manual obser-
a better understanding of the operation of college organization
vation, so as to roughly determine the reliability of our data.
and therefore could make more in-depth investigations about
formalistic tasks. Third, for convenient sampling, we targeted the
students in the working university of the authors as samples in
The methodology of Study 2
Study 1. Furthermore, for increasing the generality of our find-
Hypotheses. As expectancy-value theory proposed, the decisions
ings, we expanded the scope of sampling in Study 2 to the stu-
on whether an individual chooses a task and how much the
dents of other universities in China.
individual engages in the task are determined by the comparison
of his/her expectancy for success and task PV (Chung and Kim,
The methodology of Study 1 2022). Individuals tend to excel in the field where they are con-
Investigation development. In order to execute Study 1, We fident of success and choose the tasks that are interesting, per-
developed an exploratory investigation of student respondents in sonally useful, and important (Perez et al., 2019). However,
Nanchang University through a questionnaire survey. The uni- formalistic tasks are often resisted since they are boring, useless to
versity is the largest comprehensive university with the best brand business development, and unimportant to personal achievement
in Jiangxi Province, China. It has a complete range of disciplines (Yu, 2008; Ren, 2018). Individuals are often difficult to perceive
including science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and the value of formalistic tasks since it is generally implicit or
humanities and social sciences. More than 50,000 students were collectivist-oriented. Therefore, it becomes particularly important
enrolled each year. to enhance individual’s value perception of formalistic tasks. The
The questionnaire was comprised of three sections. The first promotion of PV can stimulate individual intention to participate
one aimed to examine the demographic information of the in formalistic tasks and in turn, increase the results achieved by
respondents, including their gender, grade, major, and politics completing them.
status. The second one was to inquire about their general feelings For example, in the task of “building a civilized city” in
and status when they were suffering formalistic tasks. Finally, Liangjiang City, China narrated by Ren (2018), the problem of
through the development of five-point Likert scale, the last one indifference and resistance to the formalistic task occurred
aimed to measure their perceptions and the degree of supporting because of the weak PV of citizens. In order to improve the
and completing the tasks in three specific contexts with living environment of urban residents, the city government
formalistic characteristics: (a) a normative and probably unin- launched a top-down mobilization of civilization creation, calling
teresting lecture, (b) a seeming inspection activity lacking actual on more citizens to participate in community service and
effect in the situation of COVID-19, and (c) a compulsory but governance. However, there was a conflict between the single
probably boring group activity. The selected contexts and the self- government policy and citizens’ diverse demands for environ-
developed questionnaire items were repeatedly discussed by the mental improvement. As a result, they lacked awareness of the
research team members and confirmed by two professors in the overall task and rational thinking about the value of participation,
fields of sociology and management. In addition, we developed therefore the gap between their expectations and the reality
two open items to make deep explorations. We judged the happened. Finally, citizens passively participated in the task with
carefulness of the respondents on the basis of the filling of the a cold attitude and a lack of initiative. Consequently, we proposed
open items. the following hypothesis.
H1: Individuals’ PV has a positive effect on the completion of
Samples. The data of Study 1 was collected by questionnaires formalistic tasks.
responded to by the students recruited from Nanchang Uni- Guided by expectancy-value theory, individuals’ self-efficacy is
versity. Three hundred and nineteen students volunteered to fill a function of the relation between PC and the outcomes. Kim
in the questionnaire offline. Before the formal survey, we first et al. (2022) substantiated that PC was negatively related to
randomly sent out 39 questionnaires as a pre-survey on 15 March different components of engagement and achievement. The effect
2021, which confirmed the validity and comprehensibility of the was generated through two mechanisms. First, PC is related to
questionnaire items. From 23 May to 28 June 2021, we called in perceived difficulty (Toma, 2022). When individuals predict a
respondents who voluntarily answered the questionnaire through greater demand for resource inputs in a task, they increase their
face-to-face inquiries. After removing invalid questionnaires, for expectations of the task’s difficulty accordingly. Task difficulty



and the expected probability of success stimulate individuals’ negative strategy for a formalistic task, they hope that surround-
investments and effectiveness in task completion. According to ing persons make the same choice, so as to confirm their
achievement motivation theory, moderate perceived difficulty can judgment, improve the credibility of the evaluation, or at least
make individuals reach the highest degree of task participation reduce the relative risk of resource loss caused by possible
and completion (Capa et al., 2008). Second, PC is also related to decision-making errors. Therefore, to accept the pressure from
perceived risk (Cheng and Lee, 2011). According to COR theory, and keep pace with their superiors or co-workers could ease
individuals would be sensitive to the potential loss of resources individuals’ conflict between the perception of cost loss and the
when they make choices of task investment. When individuals completion demand of formalistic tasks, making them more likely
perceive a loss of resources, they are more likely to have stress to accept the tasks. We therefore propose the following
responses, such as job burnout and depression (Halbesleben, hypothesis.
2006). Formalist tasks with the style of authoritarian leadership H3: Individuals’ PPs (a. CP, and b. NP) weaken the negative
are usually collective interest-oriented and coercive, resulting in effect of PC on the completion of formalistic tasks.
the perceptions of temporary loss of and threat to individual The above hypotheses are suitable for measurement in the
resources. The perceptions lead to the amplified perceived Chinese context. First, the long-term Confucian culture in China
difficulty of completing the task and the perceived risk of has made collectivism and official rank standards deeply popular
resource loss, so individuals show the emotions of low support among the people, so formalistic tasks are quite common in
and negative response. Chinese organizations. Second, with the rapid development of
According to the investigation reported by Deng and Gong China’s economy in recent years, Chinese people have a stronger
(2021), there was a typical formalistic phenomenon in the sense of competition, and they are more sensitive to the
supervision and assessment system of the market supervision possession and preservation of resources. Therefore, COR theory
bureau of a Chinese city. The criteria of the assessment from is suitable to interpret their psychological motivations. Finally, the
superiors is work trace rather than actual results, which gives “guanxi” culture of Chinese people makes them hover between
birth to the routine of trace management. Under the pressure of rejection and acceptance when confronted with formalistic tasks.
frequent formalized assessment, subordinates spend a lot of time The complex psychological mechanism is worth measuring.
writing reports and making written materials in order to complete The above hypotheses based on the evidence of diverse social
the tasks assigned by their superiors but lack the motivation to groups are well adapted to the colleges. First, the perception of
really implement the tasks and serve the public. After job adult individuals is internally stable in a certain period. The
burnout, the subordinates even choose to complete only a part of perception of formalistic tasks of college students and social
the tasks. We therefore proposed the following hypothesis. individuals are all affected by the same collective culture, so there
H2: Individuals’ PC has a negative effect on the completion of should be little difference. Second, compared with the decision-
formalistic tasks. making whether firm employees identify with and participate in
According to stress theory, for the common interests of formalistic tasks, which may be affected by more diverse
survival or the completion of common tasks, organizations would environmental factors, the influencing factors of college students’
promote their members to adopt common attitudes and actions decision-making are more endogenous. Hence, college student
accepted by leaders or the majority through the influence of samples may be more suitable for our theoretical hypotheses.
institutions, leaders, or co-workers (Szalma and Teo, 2012). Third, college students are a group with self-pursuit and free
When the requirements from institutions and leaders or the minds, and their perception and response to formalistic tasks
influence from co-workers are inconsistent with individuals’ should be more sensitive and real. In addition, existing literature
intentions, individuals feel tensive and depressed, resulting in CP has shown that there is no significant difference between the
and NP (Liu et al., 2010). The former is derived from coercive perceptual variable data of Chinese firm employees and college
homogeneity driven by organizational system or leader power, students (Guo et al., 2019).
and the latter arises from social norms, morals, and the fear of
deviating from group opinions. The root of formalistic tasks is to Measures. We developed two scenarios, high formalism and low
unduly pursue the routine, standardization, and normalization of formalism, for measuring the variables in the completion of
the tasks. Excessive demands on them by superiors lead to passive formalistic tasks. Their features are described as follows. First,
acceptance rather than psychological approval by the subordi- high formalism. Each respondent was supposed as a student
nates (Johnson et al., 2016). The actions of the subordinates majoring in mathematics. He/she was required to listen to an
choosing silence, passive acceptance, and even resistance would academic lecture on improving moral standards. The lecture
form a herd effect. When their co-workers choose passive might be boring and not relevant to professional development,
acceptance, they would also choose similar actions to avoid to but mandatory. Second, low formalism. The respondent majoring
bear the pressure alone. Otherwise, they would choose to rebel in mathematics was required to listen to an academic lecture on
with their co-workers to achieve their own intentions. In the case the frontiers of mathematics. Though the lecture might be valu-
proposed by Yan and Zhang (2021), villagers with economic able, the respondent was not willing to participate in the activity
rationality were indifferent to the rural public affairs promoted by because of the inappropriate time. All respondents were invited to
governments, and they responded negatively even when they were answer the questionnaire items in one of the two scenarios that
required by the proprietors. Influenced by most villagers’ apathy, were randomly assigned. The items are exactly the same in both
few villagers took the way of supervision to express their scenarios.
dissatisfaction with formalistic tasks, but they blended in and We used three techniques to control the accuracy with which
became the silent majority. two scenarios were identified. First, we gave ample cues according
PC generates pressure for individuals in completing formalistic to the typical characteristics of formalistic tasks such as mean-
tasks, but the pressure is a psychological perception related to inglessness, irrelevance, and coerciveness in the scenario of a high
social processes. According to social comparison theory, indivi- formalism task. The cues act as stimuli for forming perceptive
duals achieve the self-adjustment of pressure through social and behavioral decisions on the participation in and completion
comparison (Kwon et al., 2022). When individuals make a of the tasks. In contrast, these cues did not appear in the scenario
positive decision, they expect emotional support from superiors, of the low formalism task. Second, we have already completed the
co-workers, friends, and family. Otherwise, when they make a data collection and analysis of Study 1 when designing the



measures of Study 2. Therefore, we made the experimental design survey service platform in China. Many Chinese scholars have
of Study 2 by integrating the knowledge gained from Study 1. been supported by it during their academic research processes
Moreover, the effective identification of two scenarios was (Rui, 2017; Li and Yu, 2018). The authors paid 5 yuan (about 0.70
conducted by a pre-survey among students in a master’s class. dollars) to the respondents.
The students were able to detect the cues and evaluate the The expected respondents were limited to college students.
differences between the cues in two scenarios. The perceived Although our research hypotheses seem to be suitable for
differences are basically consistent with the results of our Study 1. individuals in any type of organization in the context of Eastern
Third, we evaluated the sample data collected in two scenarios collective culture, we still chose students as samples while
and found that the two data were significantly different in core considering the feasibility of data collection. Several prior studies
variables such as PV and PC. This proves the effectiveness of our provide us with references, all of which collected questionnaire
control. In addition, the reason why we defined the second data of college students to measure the variables in terms of
scenario as a low formalism task is because it does have some individual perception (Atakan et al., 2008; Guo et al., 2019; Iqbal
weak characteristics of a formalistic task, such as the top-down et al., 2023). Guo et al. (2019) even found that there was no
form of task layout, the soft constraint of voluntary check-in, and significant difference between college students and firm employ-
the inappropriate time causing respondents to consider involun- ees in terms of psychological perception.
tary participation in the activity. Data collection consisted of two stages. First, on 18 September
Our study involved the measurements of four variables: the 2021, we distributed the questionnaire set as a high formalism
PV, PC, PP, and CD of formalistic tasks. In our research scenario. After collecting enough sample data in the first stage, on
framework, PV and PC are independent variables, PP is a 26 September 2021 we handed out the questionnaires in a low
moderating variable, and CD represents the dependent variable. formalism scenario. We finally invited 587 respondents in the
We adapted the items from mature scales and integrated them period of two weeks, but 51 of them were ruled invalid and
into a questionnaire for measuring these latent variables. The finally, 536 valid questionnaires were retained. The effective rate
items were measured by 5-point Likert scale, where 1 denoted was 91.31%. Since our study only involved 22 items, the sample
strongly disagree, and 5 denoted strongly agree. The items for has met the recommendation proposed by Hair et al. (2015) that
measuring PV were adapted from Lee et al. (2014), including four the number of samples should be 10 to 15 times the number of
items such as “the lecture is very helpful to my learning in the items in SEM.
major”. The items for measuring PC were adapted from Perez Among the valid questionnaires, 242 ones (sample 1)
et al. (2019), including four items such as “it’s a waste of time to reflected the scenario of high formalism tasks, and others
attend the lecture”. The measures of PP included CP and NP. For (294, sample 2) reflected low formalism tasks. Considering the
measuring CP, three items including “college leaders will want complementarity of the two scenarios in the measurement of
more students to attend the activity” were developed on the basis formalistic tasks, we believed that the combination of two
of Mezias (1990) and Lee et al., (2009). Four items such as “my samples could form a more complete measurement than any
roommates will actively participate in the lecture” were adapted separate one. Therefore, we carried out data analysis based on
from Lobo and Greenland (2017) to measure NP. Finally, the combined sample.
inspired by Ju (2020) and Luo et al. (2020), we developed seven We used an independent-sample t-test to analyze the
items such as “I will attend the lecture on time and listen to it heterogeneity of the variables in the two samples. We did find
carefully till the end” to measure CD. Since the CD of formalistic significant differences in the variables of PV (t = −8.003,
tasks is usually not directly related to individual performance, it is p = 0.000), CP (t = −4.695, p = 0.000), NP (t = −7.127,
difficult for us to directly describe and observe the completion p = 0.000), and CD (t = −7.507, p = 0.000), confirming the
effects. In the study, we measured the CD of formalistic tasks effectiveness in manipulating the scenario. The fact that
through the external form and degree of individual participation individuals’ PV and CD in high formalism tasks were lower
in the tasks, which is in line with the nature of formalistic tasks of than those in low formalism tasks was consistent with our general
which the performance is surface. In detail, we used some cognition. The lower CP and NP in high formalism tasks revealed
adverbs, for example, “carefully” and “actively”, to measure an that individuals might perceive lower pressures from leaders or
individual’s level of participation and completion. In fact, in the co-workers since the tasks have been institutionally mandated.
current Chinese assessment system, timely and serious participa- However, there was no significant difference in PC (t = 0.964,
tion in formalistic tasks is usually considered to be a good p = 0.328) between them, which indicated that an individual’s
completion of the tasks. In addition, we added an open item perception of resource input required by a formalistic task was
“what do you think is the purpose of the study” for checking and not related to the high or low formalism, but related to some
controlling the potential common method biases. The ques- other factors such as task difficulty.
tionnaires provided by the respondents who have guessed our The demographic characteristics of the respondents were as
study purpose would be removed from our sample. follows. Male respondents accounted for 58.0%. In terms of age,
When designing the above items to measure individual 67.9% of the respondents were between 16 and 22, 28.9% between
perceptions, we referred to some mature scales in the existing 23 and 28, and only 1.3% was 29 and above. In terms of
literature. The items of these scales may be more suitable for affiliation, 50.0% of the respondents were from first-class
individuals in business or social organizations, but not necessarily universities in China, 45.3% were from ordinary universities,
for college students. We therefore not only set up a research team and others (4.7%) were from other colleges. In terms of major,
including 2 professors and 2 doctoral students to adapt the scales 37.7% of the respondents learned humanities and social sciences,
to suit the situation of Chinese colleges but also conducted a test 28.4% natural sciences, technologies, and engineering, 26.5%
on the items among a class of master students (18 people). We medicine, biology, and agriculture, and finally, the respondents in
inquired each student about the correct understanding of the other majors accounted for 7.5%. In terms of grade, 66.6% of the
items and made several rounds of continuous improvement to respondents were undergraduate, 22.8.3% were master students,
increase the validity of the modified items. and the rest were doctoral students, accounting for 7.6%. In terms
of political status, 29.5% of the respondents was a member of the
Samples. We launched a survey on Sojump website (http://www. CPC, and others (70.5%) were not. Finally, 80% of the to collect data. It is a large professional online respondents used to be cadres.



Table 1 Means, standard deviations, and correlations.

Variables Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5
1. PV 4.095 0.800 0.813
2. PC 3.535 1.267 0.482*** 0.741
3. CP 3.976 0.915 0.337*** 0.211*** 0.641
4. NP 3.956 0.952 0.605*** 0.514*** 0.456*** 0.741
5. CD 3.928 0.989 0.526*** 0.432*** 0.316*** 0.562*** 0.821

n = 536. The diagonal values are the square root of AVEs.

***p < 0.001.

Table 2 The results of CFA.

Models Variables χ2/df AGFI RMSEA NFI CFI TLI Δχ2

Hypothetical model
Five factors PV, PC, CP, NP, CD 3.275 0.866 0.065 0.924 0.946 0.936
Competitive models
Five factors plus CMB PV, PC, CP, NP, CD, CMB 2.908 0.883 0.060 0.933 0.955 0.946 74.776
Four factors PV, PC, CP + NP, CD 3.658 0.852 0.070 0.913 0.935 0.925 89.586
Three factors PV, PC, CP + NP + CD 3.918 0.840 0.074 0.906 0.928 0.918 153.459
Two factors PC, PV + CP + NP + CD 4.805 0.806 0.084 0.883 0.905 0.893 343.052
One factor PC + PV + CP + NP + CD 7.356 0.713 0.109 0.820 0.840 0.821 873.366

Descriptive analysis and the tests of validity and reliability. We

Table 3 Reliability and validity.
calculated the means, standard deviations (SD), and correlations
of the core variables. The results are summarized in Table 1. The
mean values showed that the individual perceptions and com- Variables Factor loading Cronbach’s α AVE CR
pletion of formalistic tasks were at a high level, and the deviations PV 0.764–0.881 0.894 0.685 0.898
were not large. The data complied with the requirements of PC 0.419–0.887 0.804 0.549 0.830
homogeneity and normality. The appropriate correlations con- CP 0.507–0.739 0.651 0.550 0.821
NP 0.695–0.798 0.825 0.410 0.672
firmed the relationships between the core variables and supported
CD 0.752–0.873 0.932 0.669 0.935
to completion of the subsequent work of hypothesis testing.
Furthermore, the table also exhibited the discriminant validity of
the constructs. The square root of the average variance extracted
(AVE) of each construct was found to be larger than the corre- criterion suggested by Hair et al. (2015). The KMOs of all constructs
lations between the construct and others, confirming the ade- were higher than the threshold of 0.600, and their p-values of the
quacy of discriminant validity (Hair et al., 2015). Bartlett test of sphericity were <0.001. The standardized factor
As the result of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), The loading of the items ranged from 0.507 to 0.887. Only the factor
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO = 0.959) and the significance of loading of an item of PC was 0.419. That is, most of the loading was
Bartlett test of sphericity (approximate chi square = 8310.562, greater than the recommended value of 0.500 (Hair et al., 2015). The
and p = 0.000) indicated the suitability of factor analysis. We then construct validity of our study was therefore confirmed.
added all variables for analyzing the rotation sums of squared Cronbach’s alpha shows the internal consistency of a construct
loading. The results (see Table 2) showed that five latent constructs as a measure of reliability. As shown in Table 3, the alpha values
were extracted after varimax rotation for our final analysis. Each of all constructs ranged from 0.651 to 0.932, most of which were
construct had an eigenvalue over 1, and all of them reported above 0.700 recommended by Hair et al. (2015). Referring to
64.473% of total variances. The results further confirmed the Hatcher and Stepanski (1994), the construct with alpha 0.651
discriminant validity of the latent variables and the adequacy of the could also be accepted since it is above the threshold value of
five-factor model for structural equation analysis. 0.600. In addition, the composite reliability (CR) values of all
We adopted procedural and statistical techniques to control constructs ranged from 0.672 to 0.935, above the recommended
common method bias (CMB). First, we disrupted the order of the value of 0.600 (Hair et al., 2016).
items in the questionnaire to reduce the effect of respondent’s self-
attribution. Second, according to Podsakoff et al. (2003), we Data analysis techniques. In line with the results of CFA, we
ensured the anonymity and voluntariness of the recruited constructed a first-order reflective SEM for data analysis, testing
respondents. Third, we used Harman’s single-factor test to measure the hypotheses developed in Study 2. The model included two
the CMB (Aguirre-Urreta and Hu, 2019). The first principal independent latent constructs (i.e. PV and PC), two interactive
component with the largest eigenvalue accounted for 50% of the latent constructs (i.e. CP × PC and NP × PC), and one dependent
total variance, just meeting the requirement of the recommended latent construct (i.e. CD). The independent and dependent latent
value. In addition, as shown in Table 2, the goodness of the constructs were measured by the corresponding observed items.
competitive model (five factors plus CMB) was not significantly According to the method proposed by Ping (1995), we measured
and largely improved on the basis of the hypothetical model. the interactive latent constructs by introducing the pairwise
Hence, the CMB of Study 2 was effectively controlled. interaction terms of the observed variables corresponding to the
The convergence validity was measured via AVE. As shown in two interactive constructs. For example, the construct CP × PC
Table 3, all AVEs ranged from 0.410 to 0.615, basically meeting the was measured by 12 interactive terms including CP1 × PC1,



CP1 × PC2, ……, CP3 × PC3, CP3 × PC4. The interactive latent Results
constructs have also passed the tests of reliability and validity. The results of Study 1
We chose the SEM technique to analyze our data because of the The definition of formalistic task. We aimed to make the defini-
following considerations. First, it is an inferential statistical tion of a formalistic task on the basis of the investigation of
method for testing causal hypotheses and derives “quantitative respondents’ feelings and status when suffering the task. Hence,
causal conclusions and statistical measures of fit” (Bollen and we developed three items to achieve the purpose, including (a) in
Pearl, 2013). Second, compared with the regression model, it is what context do formalistic tasks often occur, (b) why do for-
more suitable for measuring the relationship between the latent malistic tasks happen, and (c) what’s about the PV of formalistic
constructs set in our study. Third, it allows the model to be tasks. The answers given by respondents from the perspective of
measured with greater elasticity and can estimate the goodness of recipients are shown in Fig. 1.
fit of the entire model. Finally, the properties of constructs in our According to part (a) of Fig. 1, college students were more
study and the way we measured them are also suitable for frequently involved in formalistic tasks or made a stronger sense
modeling and data analysis of reflective SEM. of the formalism of the tasks when they were in administrative
The tool for data analysis was AMOS 24.0. In addition to the management situations than in spontaneous contexts such as
advantages such as a friendly interface and easy operation, we course activities and culture construction activities. The results of
selected the tool because of two reasons. First, it meets the Fig. 1b indicated that students would perceive strong formalism
demand of measuring first-order reflective SEM. Prior literature of the tasks when task arrangers were pursuing superficial
has used the tool to infer causal relationships and measure performance, individual face, and formalization and routiniza-
moderating effects (e.g. Kwak and Lee, 2021; Lee et al., 2013). tion. Figure 1c revealed that the characteristics of formalistic tasks
Second, the medium size sample of our study meets the in terms of PV could be summarized as meaningless, mandatory,
requirement of parameter estimation by this tool. In this case, utilitarian, etc.
it can make a more comprehensive estimate than the Smart-pls Based on the above considerations, we therefore defined the
tool which is only suitable for small samples. connotation of formalistic task. It is a kind of task that originates
from the managers’ pursuit of superficial performance, individual
Model development. SEM is a linear cause-and-effect model that face, and procedural formalization and managerial routinization
combines path analysis and factor analysis. Among them, path in administrative and controlling management situations so that
analysis expands the model of linear causal relationships. We always being subjectively considered as not good by the recipients
constructed an SEM to measure the measurement model and due to their perceptions of meaninglessness, compulsion, and
structural model. utilitarianism. The definition does not deny the value of
First, to measure the effect of PV on CD proposed by H1, we formalistic tasks to leaders and organizations, but the value is
constructed the following model. often difficult to be directly perceived by the student recipients.
ηi ¼ αη þ B1 ηi þ Γ1 ξ i þ ζ i ð1Þ The motivation for completing formalistic tasks. The willingness of
students to attend and complete formalistic tasks is motivated by
CDi ¼ αCD þ ΛCD ηi þ εi ð2Þ the psychological interaction of individual perception of
responsibility and the perceived expectation placed by environ-
PVi ¼ αPV þ ΛPV ξ i þ δ i ð3Þ mental factors such as institutions and the influence of others.
Second, we developed the model to test the effect of PC on CD Hence, we developed several items to explore the potential
proposed by H2. motivating factors. The results are displayed in Fig. 2.
According to the figure, the majority of the respondents agreed
ηi ¼ βη þ B2 ηi þ Γ2 ξ i þ ζ i ð4Þ that the factors involving the PP from morality, institution,
superior, and peer could influence individual behaviors when they
CDi ¼ βCD þ ΛCD ηi þ εi ð5Þ performed formalistic tasks. In the context of university
education, whether students are willing to participate in
PCi ¼ βPC þ ΛPC ξ i þ δ i ð6Þ formalistic tasks is not only driven by the pressure of self-
responsibility and assessment system but also influenced by the
In the equations, the subscript of i stands for the ith case, ηi is motivation of teachers and classmates. Thus, we confirmed that
the vector of latent endogenous variables, αη and βη are the vector PP is an important moderator of the CD of formalistic tasks.
of intercepts, B1 and B2 are the matrix of coefficients that give the Formalistic tasks therefore may be performed in a herd effect, i.e.
expected effect of the ηi on ηi where their main diagonal are zero, the group decision would be led by some forerunners who choose
ξi is the vector of latent exogenous variables, Γ1 and Γ2 are the to support or not support the tasks.
matrix of coefficients that gives the expected effects of ξi on ηi,
and ζi is the vector of equation disturbances that consists of all The relationship between PV and CD of formalistic tasks. The
other influences of ηi that are not included in the equations. distribution of the respondents on different levels of PV and CD
Finally, we built the following models to measure the is shown in Table 4. The table revealed that more respondents
moderating effects of NP and CP on the relationship between tended to perceive a low level of the value of formalistic tasks for
PC and CD. individuals (50.85%) than for their organizations (72.20%). The
CDi ¼ i1 þ λ1 PCi þ μ1 NPi þ ν 1 PC*NP þ φi1 ð7Þ law is consistent with our existing knowledge. However, com-
pared with the perception of individual value, lesser people
CDi ¼ i2 þ λ2 PCi þ μ2 CPi þ ν 2 PC*CP þ φi2 ð8Þ (27.80%) failed to perceive the high organizational value of for-
malistic tasks. It might not indicate the low level of organizational
In the equations, i1 and i2 are constant terms, λ, μ, and v are value, but revealed the difficulty for students as ordinary indivi-
regression coefficients of the corresponding variables, φ is duals to link the promotion of formalistic tasks with the pursuit
random error term. PC*NP and PC*CP are complex matrices of organizational value. The phenomenon is related to students’
with pairwise interaction terms of the items attached to the two cognitive ability, constituting an important cause for formalistic
interactive variables respectively. tasks easily being treated negatively. Furthermore, according to



100 %

80 75.3 76.6
50.2 48.8
40 32.5
28.8 30.2 31.1
18.3 18.3
20 15.6 14.2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(a) (b) (c)

1=Course learning 1=Abuse of power 1=Normative
2=Course practice 2=Pursuit of superficial 2=Delusive
3=Code of conduct performance 3=Meaningless
4=Conference sharing 3=Emphasis of superior face 4=Mandatory
5=Administrative activity 4=Pursuit of formalization 5=Utilitarian
6=Class construction 5=Pursuit of routinization 6=Excluding in assessment
7=Team construction 7=Opportunistic

Fig. 1 The contexts, causes, and perceptions of formalistic tasks from the cognitive perspective of college students. The letter labels in parentheses
correspond to three items, i.e., a in what context do formalist tasks often occur, b why do formalist tasks happen, and c what’s about the PV of formalistic
tasks. The data in the figure represent the proportion of respondents who checked the corresponding options in the total sample.

Motivating factors No Yes values. Furthermore, the RMSEA value for our model was 0.065,
which was slightly above the strictly recommended value of 0.05,
Perception of self-responsibility 39.30% 60.70% considered a close fit of the model (Byrne, 2013).
We examined the hypothetical model through a path analysis
Pressure of assessment 28.80% 71.20% by AMOS 24.0. The results shown in Fig. 3 revealed that (a) PV
was significantly and positively associated with the CD of
Persuasion from classmates 32.20% 67.80% formalistic tasks (estimate = 0.847, p < 0.001), supporting H1,
(b) PC was significantly but negatively associated with CD
Guidance by teachers 35.30% 64.70% (estimate = −0.562, p < 0.001), supporting H2, and (c) PP
including CP (estimate = −0.0003, p < 0.05) and NP (estimate =
Fig. 2 The motivating factors of attending formalistic tasks. The answers −0.0000, p < 0.001) made significant but negative moderating
“no” and “yes” indicate the proportion of the respondents who disagree and effects on the relationship between PC and CD although the
agree with the corresponding motivating factor, respectively. effects appeared to be very weak, therefore supporting H3.
Consequently, all the hypotheses proposed in our study have been
passed the test.
the table, a majority of respondents (62.03% = 22.72% + 39.32%) In order to further confirm the results of the study, we
tended to express their weak willingness to complete formalistic constructed an alternative model that highlighted the mediating
tasks. However, regardless of the level of willingness, most people role of PC in the relationship between PV and CD in line with the
(73.90%) chose to support and complete the tasks. It could expectancy-value theory. We estimated the model and found that
probably be attributed to the coercive characteristic of such tasks. although some effects were still significant, its fitting indicators
became worse. For instance, the value of χ2/df (8.808) was much
higher than the recommended value 3.0, thus supporting to rule
The results of Study 2. A two-stage SEM procedure including a out of the alternative configuration.
measurement model and structural model was performed by
AMOS to test the hypothetical model of our study. Several Conclusions
goodness-of-fit indicators such as relative chi-squared (χ2/df), and Findings. Through the study, we mainly got the following five
AGFI for overall fit, as well as NFI, CFI, and TLI for measurement findings.
model fit, have been developed to avoid poor model evaluation First, formalistic tasks are significantly sensitive to contexts. In
(Cheung and Rensvold, 2002). The χ2/df should be around or <3.0 formalized and top-down organizational culture, individuals are
(Cheung and Rensvold, 2002). For our study, its value is 3.275, more likely to perceive the formalistic characteristics of tasks. The
slightly above 3.0, and within the acceptable range. For the perception affects their support and completion of the tasks.
remaining four indexes, values above 0.90 are evidence of good Second, the generation of formalistic tasks mostly stems from
model fit (Hair et al., 2015). For our model, three of four values leaders’ pursuits of face, formalization, and superficial perfor-
were above 0.90 (NFI = 0.924, CFI = 0.946, and TLI = 0.936), mance that differ from their subordinates in top-down organiza-
whereas AGFI = 0.866 was slightly below 0.90. Nevertheless, we tional culture. These pursuits tend to consume the resources of
deemed the results as satisfactory in correspondence with the fit the subordinates but make them feel meaningless. The



Table 4 The contingency table for showing the relationship between PV and CD.

PV\CD Low level (26.10%) High level (73.90%)

Weak willingness Strong willingness Weak Strong

(22.71%) (3.39%) willingness willingness
(39.32%) (34.58%)
Individual value Low degree (50.85%) 11.86% 1.02% 19.32% 18.64%
High degree (49.15%) 10.85% 2.37% 20.00% 15.93%
Organizational value Low degree (72.20%) 15.25% 1.69% 30.85% 24.41%
High degree (27.80%) 7.46% 1.69% 8.47% 10.17%

PV was divided into the perceptions of individual value and organizational value. CD was investigated from two dimensions: willingness to complete and level of completion. The high and low of the data
were measured by the scale. Individuals who chose the options of strong disagreement and disagreement were classified as low level, while individuals expressing general agreement, agreement, and
strong agreement were classified as high level. The data in the table represented the proportion of individuals with different willingness and levels of completion in the total sample under different PV

previously. That is, COR is still suitable for predicting individuals’

CP responses to formalistic tasks.
Our study reinforces and integrates the consciousness-context-
0.847*** -0.562*** behavior (CCB) framework (Wang, 2015) and the expectancy-
PV CD PC value theory (Perez et al., 2019). The CCB framework establishes
*** the unity of individual consciousness and behavior in a specific
-0.0000 context. However, our study holds that task context may also
NP separate individuals’ rational perception from their action
strategy. For example, in the context of formalistic tasks,
individuals may show low PV and low willingness but high
Fig. 3 The results of SEM. ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.05.
completion of the tasks. It could be explained by the expectancy-
value theory. The theory holds that individuals’ perception of a
compulsory characteristic of formalistic tasks is thus revealed due task includes both positive value and potential cost (Perez et al.,
to the psychological conflict. 2019). We confirmed the significant effect of individuals’ PC of
Third, environmental factors play an important incentive role formalistic tasks on the action. We also found that the effect was
in the completion of formalistic tasks. The requirements of the mediated by contextual pressures, which in turn was consistent
tasks, the guidance of close leaders, and the advice of co-workers with the theoretical expression of the CCB framework. Therefore,
put pressure on an individual’s decision and behavior for the framework was strengthened by us.
completing the tasks. Our results show that students’ behavior of formalistic tasks in
Fourth, in terms of goals and perceptions, the inconsistency organizations would be moderated by PP, indicating that
between superiors and subordinates makes the subordinates individuals’ behaviors are easily influenced by collective culture.
deviate from their perception and willingness in the CD of In oriental countries such as China, collective culture is a part of
formalist tasks. In other words, low willingness may be also social morality and has a great normative influence on individuals
accompanied by high task completion. (Frederickson, 2002). The culture highlights the importance of
Finally, empirical evidence shows that formalistic tasks are not managing the relationship with others and the necessity of
intrinsically different from general business tasks in the logic of obeying authority. Our result that individuals would be forced by
perception. The expectation and evaluation of the value and costs coercive and normative pressures to complete the tasks unwilling
of formalistic tasks fundamentally determine the degree of to do and with low PV has confirmed such a phenomenon. When
individual support and completion of the tasks. PP does play a an individual makes a decision on the completion of formalistic
significant role, but its effect is weaker than the influence of PV tasks, the priority to integrating into a group or expressing
and PC. uniqueness is an important choice. The idea is in line with the
view proposed by Barkema et al. (2015) that Chinese pay more
attention to harmony at work. According to COR theory, the
Discussion. Our study extends the application of COR theory to choice would also be an individual’s dominant strategy, since
the interpretation of formalistic tasks. Existing research on COR when he/she adopts the same strategy as the group, his/her risk of
emphasizes the decision-making and behaviors of individuals resource loss would be minimized.
under rational perception, which are controlled by the pressure Since few studies have paid attention to the governance of
response of individuals to resource gain or loss in future strategic formalistic tasks, existing studies of illegitimate tasks and
actions (Sun and Chen, 2017; Yousaf et al., 2020). However, the bureaucratic tasks could give us some inspiration. However,
compulsion of formalist tasks may limit the role of individual these studies focused on the negative effects such as individual’s
rationality and emphasize more on collective rationality. In this negative emotions (e.g., resentment, anger, and negative coping)
case, whether COR can explain the response mechanism of for- (Munir et al., 2017; Ahmed et al., 2018), the weakening of positive
malistic tasks becomes uncertain. Our study confirmed that attitudes (dissatisfaction, reduced engagement, and increased
individuals could perceive the context of formalistic tasks and turnover intention) (Eatough et al., 2016; van Schie et al., (2014)),
show their perception and evaluation of the value, costs, and and the reduction of organizational performance (counter-
pressure of formalistic tasks under rational thinking, but indivi- productive and passive work, and deviant behavior) (Schulte-
duals have a strong adjustment ability to balance their willingness Braucks et al., 2019)). Nevertheless, a study is also worthy of
(individual rationality) and the completion degree of responding attention. Liu et al. (2019) proposed that instead of focusing on
to the tasks (collective rationality). The ability was unexpected the negative effects of illegitimate tasks, we need to pay more



attention to how individuals deal with them. Liu et al. (2019) reduce individuals’ perceived risk of resource loss and in turn
suggested individuals adopt the positive coping strategy of task their resistance to the tasks. Second, leaders who assign tasks
crafting to alleviate the negative effects. The strategy emphasizes need to strengthen communication with their subordinates, so
that individuals properly adjust their perceptions and work that the latter can understand the purpose and expected effect of
performance, making individual goal approach towards a the assigned tasks, so as to achieve consistency in cognition and
collective goal, so as to obtain more sense of work meaning and goals between superiors and subordinates. Third, organizations
identity. The view is basically consistent with the value should attach importance to the construction of soft environ-
proposition of our study. ment and give full play to the positive influence of contextual
Regarding the governance strategy of formalistic tasks, we want pressure on individual participation and completion of for-
to introduce the suggestion proposed by Kishita and Shimada malistic tasks. Fourth, organizations need to be able to tolerate
(2011). As their proposal, the task performance could be the bias of ordinary employees’ perception of the value of
enhanced through increases in job control on the basis of work formalistic tasks culturally. Tolerance is conducive to the
redesign and in psychological acceptance on the basis of the harmony of the organizations when the negative effect of
improvement of individual perception (Kishita and Shimada, formalistic tasks cannot be fundamentally eliminated. Finally,
2011). Our study reached a similar conclusion to the study of when assigning tasks, leaders need to have an accurate prediction
Kishita and Shimada (2011), that subjective stress or perceived of subordinates’ perceived value and perceived cost of the tasks
pressure was expected to play an important moderating role, but and then strike a balance between the two in an appropriate
empirical results suggested that the role was actually very weak form, so as to reconcile the targeted performance of individuals
relative to the main effect. We therefore concluded that an and organizations.
individual’s perception of task value and costs is the internal
motivator of the completion of formalistic tasks while the Limitations and future research. Our study has several limita-
perception of environmental pressure constitutes an external tions that should be noted. First, though the sample size and type
motivator, and the internal motivator plays a decisive role in the of the study have addressed the requirement of SEM analysis for
mechanism while the external one makes a weak moderating parameter estimation, it is still insufficient according to China’s
effect. large population. Second, the data of independent and dependent
It is possible that our conclusions can be extended to other variables rated by the same respondents in a time may cause
social contexts though the sample of the study is limited to college CMB. Third, our study limited the sample to college students,
students because of the following reasons. First, as far as possible, which reduced the generalization of the findings. Fourth, cross-
we set up a context-free analytical framework to construct the sectional data used in our study can only reflect the correlations
theory. In our model, the constructs such as PV, PC, and PP, are between the considered variables but cannot infer the causal
not context-dependent. Second, according to the authors’ relationships. Fifth, the self-developed scale in the study needs
observation of Chinese cases, although formalistic tasks have more tests and improvements in the future. Sixth, in Study 2, our
different forms and characteristics in colleges, enterprises and classification of high and low formalistic tasks may bring certain
government organizations, there is no fundamental difference in biases to the research results and conclusions. Subsequent
their occurrence mechanism as well as subordinates’ perception researchers and managers should carefully use our research
and support mechanisms. Finally, college students who are results according to the actual situations. Finally, the study only
mentally sound adults can make the right appraisals and show completes a preliminary exploration of individuals’ perceptions
their affection about opportunities and risks in task contexts, so and behaviors of formalistic tasks. In the future, we plan to
their psychological cognitive mechanism, behavioral decisions, expand and deepen the research by establishing an improved
and task performance should not be very different from that of framework through introducing mediating variables (e.g., self-
firm employees or government officials (Chen and Qu, 2021). efficacy) and moderating variables (e.g., task difficulty), improv-
Hence, our findings should extend to other social contexts, such ing the measurements, and expanding samples.
as civil servants being forced to do superficial face-saving work,
firm employees being required to attend unexpected and
irrelevant meetings, and children being impelled by their parents Data availability
to learn without effective supervision. The authors are actually All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in
launching a survey in Chinese firms to further examine the this published article and its supplementary information files. The
perception mechanism of formalistic tasks in the context of supplementary files include the questionnaires of Study 1 and
employees’ routine work. Study 2 as well as the collected data in an excel file.

Received: 12 December 2022; Accepted: 17 October 2023;

Implications. The contribution of our study to literature is
threefold. First, we initiated an exploratory analysis of the
formalistic task and made a clear definition of its connotation
and characteristics, which would arouse more scholars to pay
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