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The initial progran ard to shape ard built strategictools is "the'MI'/he buildsan enormous answer to the problemthat the

the problemthat the Structure: and voidard how Koolhaascreates

ofa buildingor architectural aganst the constantly changng er1'.Elopeforallkirdsofunprogrammed
activities ,:rogramistoolargeincomparison to "dynamiccoexistence of activities··
productin the urban contextare conditions in the urbanenvironment but differentiated activities"
Uameson. thesite.Furthermore herelatestothe The d~tion wll be Parede la Villette !Wall.1983:26).
constantlychangingand modifiedby Rem Koolhaas is knoNn as a Speaks,1992:30-37). Itcanbeseenthat projectas a matterofstrategyandnot composedof three main chapters. book"Delirious NewYork", the"clAture
1troduction strategist,WlO defineshis work as thestrategyitselfprorucesinstruments
culturalpotiticalortechrologicalforces. just "simplydesign"and the design The firstchapterwll beginby asking ofcongestion·· f'horizontal
Inorderforthearchitedl.ral productto a matter of strategy.RafaelMoneo to developthe "enormousernelope··, formulaappearsas "allowsfor the the question"howto designa social in Parede la Villette) willbe examined
besuccessful ithastoanswertothese states "Koolhaas has always under which differentarchitectural mostdynamiccoexistence ofactivities condenser·, by looking at OMA'sas well The amusement parks in
unpredictable forces.It is impcrtint been interested in the anal:f-;is conceptscan be settled.Thereforein x, y and z generatingthroughtheir urban mrks. This chapterwill also Coneylslard(LunaPark.Steeplechase
that the architectu:estntld be able of production.. (Moneo. 2004). the d~tion the analysisof Pare mutualinterference a chainreaction lookat the timeand periodwherethe and Dreamland) and alsoManhattan·s
to providesolutionsand flexibility de la Villetteprojectwll d-lop the of nev.,unprecedented -nts" !Wall. term"socialcondenser"firstappeared strategyofthegridandtheSkyscrapers
against,:rogrammatic indeterminacy. In his mrk he not only strategicWi1fthat formsthe structure 1983:26). Koolhaasraisesthe~estion as a nev.,corcept in the modem are importantto understand how
pro.,idessolutionsto a particular of enormous envelope.Uameson, howtodesign"asocialcondenser·· and architecture,particularly
the 1920sard Koolhaasstudiesthe changesin the
Ain: problem,butformulates itwth generic Speaks 1992:ll-Jl; bzkan, 2008) explains howitw:>rksasa generatorof theRussianConstructivist(Kopp,1985). urbancontextard toemphasizeonthe
The main aim of the text architectural concepts.Heoftenstates variousactivitiesexisting
ina harmony. The text will focus mostlyon the natureofprogrammatic indeterminacy.
is to lookat the designproressand "I thinkthat we are moreand more SUbject: OMA's Pare de la Afterthat he introduresthe strategy mrks of Ivan Leonidov, wiich will ThethirdchapterwiUexamine
explore its strategic a~ch in producersofcorcepts,not executors Vilelte Competition Project of strip which forms the design be analyzedard examined,so it can Parede la Villettecompetition project
order to understardhow it mrks. of ,:rogram:· (Koothaas,'Mliting. tacticsinLaVillette,
bygenerating "an be understoodhow social condenser in detail The conclusionwi'\ldiscuss
The strategicmechanismof design 1999:36-35) ard also in ..Content" Koolhaas states that the enormous erM?1ope·· under which mrks and how it is designed. how the combination of architectural
wll be formedon the basiseof Rem magazine, he acknc:M(edges,:rogram of the park should be variousarchitecturalconceptscan The secord chapterwi'\lcontinuet:ii, specifity wth programmatic
Koolhaass competition project the keyto conceptualproduction: "a read "as a suggestion,a proiisional be achievedin the future.(Koothaas, focusingon Koolhaasobservationsindeterminacyis achievedthrough
analysis for Pare de la Villette. buildingwas no longeran issue of enumerationof desirableingredients" Mau, 1998:921; Ozkan, 2008) of Bertin,the BertinWall and his the instrumentsof strategicdesign.
architecture,butofstrategy"(Koothaas, (Koolhaas,Mau, 1998:921 ). He is project Exodus: the Voluntary
Strategy: McGelrick, 2003:118). More<M!r,as ..combining architectural specifity Prisoners of Architecture. The
Fig.1 ModelofParee/el.a
The term "strategy" wll be FredericJamesonstatesthatthemost w'th programmaticindeterminacy" main purposeof these studiesis to
exploredas a structurethat is able recognizable aspectofKoolhaassw:>rk(Koolhaas, Mau,1998:921) in orderto emphasizeon the principlesof strip
7 8
Thechapterwll studyIvanLeonidois Thetenm"socialrondenser" specifiesthe roleof socialrondenser Social rondenser was appoed to La Villetteproject is significantlywas de.elopedas an approachto
iesign strategies in Pare de la Villette by Rem Koolhaas projectsof the "socialcordenser" firstawe.iredduringthe 1920sand in the constructivistarchitecture: as "Mechanismfor transforming addressed to a sociallyinteractive the mrkers club design and "the
and OONthey influencedKoolhaas it was introdiced0)1 the Russian habits" (Kopp, 1985:70)0)1 the program and it stands for "the organization ofconsciousness" (Gozak,
to design Pare de la Villette·s constructivist mo,ement[Khan,1987). "Ourw:irkshouldessentially be based constructivists and it was explored momentof extremeintensification in Leonidov,1988:66)..Aratole
CHAPTER1 programas a "socialcondenser". They irmrporatedsocial problems on a scrupulousand detailedstudy t- in many differentscale ranges. quantityand qualityof metropolitan in the bookConstructivist ArchitectLre
in to the architecturci fieldin order of the t.ief in the lightof our political z rongesoon" [Ducatez. 2005:12). inthe USSRthat Leonidov 'brokev.ith
Socialcmdenser to ..reorganizethe lifeof the mass and socialcircumstances. Itsessential w In his earty career Rem the usual architectural
Ivan Leonidov·s Social Condenser (projects)
population acxxirdingto the direction aim shouldbe the creationofSOCIAL ~
Koolhaaswas interestedand made l..eoridov's SocialCondenser Projects Constructivism and more generaly
Rem Koolhaasdefinesthe outlined in the Bol.she-ikparty's CONDENSERS for our times.Ths is a research1Mth[GerritOorthuys) on of ModernArchitecture of the period.
tenm"socialrondenser"as a "layering Marxistixogram",[Cooke,1995:29) theessentialobjectM! ofConstructivism z Leonidov's arclltecture,and some of Three kinds of social It asobroke\Mththe programthat ...
upon vacant terrain to eraxirage duringthe post-Rewlutionary ~rs. in architecture" (Kopp, 1985:70). 0 Koolhaas'Europeanprojects[Pare rondensers. su:h as the w:irkers' constituted the commonbasisforthe
dynamicroexistenoe of activities
and The architect'smissionwas as a ~ de la 1/illette,,MelaunSenartl club"Clubofa NFNV SocialType"as an majorityof clubs".Heabandonedthe
togenerate throughtheirinterference,"socialcatalyst"
and had the function Anatole Kopp higliights the
(Koolhaas, of "social ronstruction" (Cooke, multifunction of the socialcondenser -
are clearly inspiredtJJLeonoo/s exampleinbuilding scale,the'Palace existingclub tw<,logy
socialprogramand itsrepresentation ofCulture"inan urbanscale,andthe " order to irn.olve
and declared:
th05estrata of
McGetrick,2003:731.Heclaimsseries 1995:99).From the ronstructivist in society in su:h Wil'/ that: Zm througharchitecture [Koolhaas, Mau, "SocialistSettlement at Magnitogorsk"mrkers who are not so far being
of patentsplacedunderthe nameof VIFNV, the tenm socialrondenser is UJ : 1995).Moreo.ter. it is importantto in a largerscaleof cityplanningIMll propertyseM<l, it is essentialthat
Modernization Patent"and used to detenminearchitecturalor " in additionto its immediate 0 a: exploreOONLeonido,,designedthe be examined to understand the rulturalmrk shouldnot be confined
thefirstoneisthe "SocialCordenser" urbanstructuresofirf-f scalethatare function,[social condenser]w:iuld 0~ socialrondenser and to study his mechanismof the socialrondenser. \Mthin the framtw0rkof the club,but
[Koolhaas,Mau, 1998).His whole estimatedto playgreatimportanrein firstlyforeshadow the architecture and ~ ffi projectsofsocialrondenserinorderto Leonidc:w designedhisClubofa NFNVbe de.eloped\Mthinthe enterµises
designmettxxlsand strategiesare the transition of the societyaocorcing town plamingof the futureso that _, 0 l.l'lderstand
Koolhaas' pursuitofsocial SocialTypeina nFNV way.Herejected the~. the workshops,w:irkers'
createdto accommodatethe "social to nFNV Wil-f of Ufe[Cooke,1995:99). futureusers muld grcmaccustomed <( z condenser.Inmost of OM.<Xs texts,it e.ery el<isting
type of club designs. barracksand hostels.and w:irkers'
rondenser",and in Parede la Villette The bookStyleand Epochis defined to both; and secondly influence cc () designs becausethey'Mm!fl t abletosolvethe settlement"[Gozak,Leonidc:w, 1988:61).

is citedthatthe experimental
projecttis strategyis "to designa as a man~estofor the constructivistusers throughits use of spaces so UJ -J of Leonidoissocialrondensersare problems\Mththeculturalorganization
basedona i"oozontal rroiementand architectural
practire as to introdu:ea r,e./1/ Wil'/of Lifeinto
Mau,1998:9211 and the author MoiseiGinzburg their social habits" [Kopp,1985:70). -
as one of the mainreferencesof La of the mrking class. InsteadnFNV
Villetteproject [Oucatez,2005:101...method of cultural organization"
l .:, r' 13
Design strategies in Pare de la Villette by Rem Koolhaas
Leonicbis Club of a Leonidovorganizedthe dub Leoridc,,,continued his "~-Like auditorium.Leoridc,,,has designed into reN city planning projects. have the same linear organization
Ne.vSocialTypehad a •rumber of "as a vast park.. (Kopp,1985:112),organization",emphasizingon the the dstrict with its peripheriesas LeonidO'J oontinuedusingthe Unear of programmaticlines separatedin
separatebutintercoonected buildings. wtich can containdifferenta.iltural green and open areas for employing well Moreo.-er. this strategyof the organization in his projectfor the to differentsectors aaxxnmodating
some of v-.hichwere reservedfor and educationalfacilities,despite collective activnies,
v-.hichwas more gridand the foursectorsalso dMded socialistsettlementat Magnitogorsk.differentfacilitiesand activities.In
specializedpurposes,v-.hilethe rest the established architecture of detailed with more specific and intodifferent enablethe local 'The moodof time fcM:>red
facilities a multi- This projectthere are three main
were intendedfor unrestricteduse" that time and makinghis designto expansNeprogram."Heused a large productionto be containedas well lateralapproachto aUt= ptanring programmaticLines- one residential
(Khan-Maganedc,,,, Setim,1987:457).emerge amongst the others. His site on v-.hichhe proposedto create as the maintairing ofan ~rall unity. projectsand the solutionofthe entire Unethat is positionedbetw:en two
"Leonioovtreated a club park-Like approachis to be observed a culturalcomplexformingan oasis Ratherthan Limiting culturalactivities range of architecturalproblems leisure Lines.The residentialUne is
cxrnplexas a kindof socialcultural byregardingnot onlyitsgeometrical of greeneryamid throbbingmodem wllin a partia.ilar bu~ding,he withinthe frameivorkof a general divided intoa patternofsmallersquares
a wintergarden,a general- spatial organizationbut also its urban Lire,and shielded from its
center.with deliversseries of events that are conceptof ·socialist settlement'v-.hich that acmmmodatehousingsectors
LJ purpose hall for lectures,cinema, extensNeprogramofclub.Inaddition hul:bub,v.hereonemightfindspiritual accumulating on the impr'Ollisations of settlement and its component of low-riseand high-risebLilcings.
demonstrations,meetings,use as to the usualpmgrammatic elements relaxationafter a daf work" [Khan- of the activeusers.Leonidc,,, defines elements;a moreflexible organization and children'ssectors locatedin the
a Jjanetariumetc.:a laboratory: an forclub,hepf'OIXJSeda nf!-Nspectrum Magomed<N, Selim, 1987:/458).Four the futureof the Palaceof Cultureto ofplanning; thecreationofcommunal greenzonesbetw:!enthe complexes.
open groundforgtidercompetitions.of facilities, an open area for mass specificprogrammatic sectors,civided "bethe headquartersof the Cultural centers;the opportunities for zoring The lo.N-risesectors are arranged
motor racing,war games, tourism activities. as wellas open-airscreens by grid sy.;tem to aaxxnmodate Reiolution,wtichonthebasiis ofmas buildingsverticallyin cities, ard and subdivided inorderto formtypical
etc.;a sports hall;a playroomwith [GozakLeonidov, 1988:60). Byinjecting cifferent
wereintroduced. The independentworkand ofwide-ranging marryother such problems"!Khan- housingestates that are surrounded
playpensand a pool;and a park In these mass exhilaratingactiwies firstsectorwas designedforscientific developmentof workers Magomedc,,,, Setim, 1987:271). by sports grounds, swimming
Fig. 3 Clubof New Social Typemodel and plan VariantA Fig. 4 Clubof NewSocial Typeplan and elevationVariantB
terms.the'Clubofa Ne.v and the reN technology to the "Club and historicalresearches,the second organizethewholesystemofspreading LeonidO'J·s
projectat Magnitogorskpools and gardens. In actlitionthe
SocialType'representeda bruacly of Ne.vSocialType",he responded one for mas activnies. the thirdone political
kOOMedge, thev-.holesy.;tem uses the same Linear designstrategy leisureLinesare also separatedinto
conceivedand loosely orgarized to the necessity for developing fora fieldfordemonstrations, and the of cultural development,for its inorderto dealwiththe protiemsof sectorsthat containdifferentservices
~-Ul<e compositionwith, as its intellectualneeds of workers.and last one forphysicalculturalactivities. .. !GozakLeoriw, 1988:741.the socialistsettlementstatedab<Ne. such as pubticbuildings,stadiums,
centerpiecethe greathallroofedbya transforming cxrnplexityof urbanLire. Despte the i:roposal of In the 1920 there was a There is a great parks or zoologicaland botanic
parabolicvault-likea:,,ering..[Khan- In b;s Palace of Culture cifferent shapedbuildings inthesectors Fig. 5 Palace of Culture. elevationand plan rising industrialization and neN similarity between the Palace gardens. OJeraU.the organization
Magomedw, Setim. 1987:457).for the Proletarskiidistrict of such as pyramidshapedgymnasium changesfromthe pti.tateCM/Tlel"SnP of Cultureand the settlement at of the cityis actuallya resultof this
Moscowcompetition projectin 1930, or the hemisphericalglass domed toa oollectrve
economy, wtichresulted Magnitogorskbecause they both repetition ofdividing in the settlement.
14 15 17
Design strategies in Pare de la Villette by Rem Koolhaas

The diagram shCMIS- to define a flexible and Social condenser is a

Leonidov'sthree social condenser unified organic process with successfulprogram,becauseof ~
projects(Clubof Ni;wSocialType, active imprc:MSation of users. potentialto be openforimprovisations
Palaceof Cultureand the Socialist Leonidov uses this formula ard diversity.
In the abovennentioned
Settlement at Magnitogorsk) and also in a linear'M1/.v.hichbecomes social condenser projects. the
thatthef can be exploredand studied the strategyof strip in the project design is strategic,but also alli:ms
togetherforbetterunderstindingofthe Palace of Cultureto alli:ma park tacticalimpro.isations, flexibility
socialcondenserstrategy.hc:Mt~mrks Likeorganization. In orderto achieve future gro.Nth and development.
andhONitisappiedindifferent scales. better interactionhe organizesthe It is open for marry po55ibilities.
In all three projectscan be seen a differentevents into a ~ence,
sociallycondensedprogram,which resulting intoa clearspatialorder.The
is an €SS€ntialingredimtin creating formulationis dewlopoowithinthe
the social condenser mecharism. cityscalethrougha combination ofthe
Leonidov soM!dthe problemsof the strategiesof the gridsard the strips.
netv societyby designingthe Clubof ThecityisfirstdMdedintostrips,v.hich
New SocialTypeas a prototypefor laterare dividedintogridsin orderto
a sociallycondensedprogram,that accommodatea mixtureof facilities
later ewtves and becomes more andseivices.Theconstantrelationship
complexand organizedand aUCMISbetwaenthestrategiesofgridandstrip
infin~epossibilitiesfor the users. guaranteesthediversity of
--·--·- ..-=..-- --
Fig. 7 Diagram for future development As a result the formulationof the the programat arTo/ intersection
Fig. 6 Plan of the settlement at Magnitogorsk Fig. 8 Perspective view of the settlement at
social condenser looks like that:

condensed" ardj\ecture
19 20 21
Design strategies in Pare de la Villette by Rem Koolhaas

"OMA produces an Thischapter....;n

beginVvith actuallybcthstripandwid,intov.hich "transformed the [stripof)no man's Socialaindenserandthe str., and collected from Leonioo/s social
architecturethatembracesaspectsof his Europeanresearchof the BerLin variety ofscenarioscanbeinserted.Itisa landat thewallintoa ·stripofintense void condensersand as a result Exodus
the malignedmetropoLitan condition WaUand howthestrategiesofthestripstrip1M1ichdMdestheEastandtheWest metropolitan desirability"'
!Niemeyer. ·The wall as arch~ecture" project becomesthishybridbetweenthe
Vvithenthusiasm,and IM'lich restores andvoidaredevelopedandlaterused sidescreatingdifferent connections on 1990:/46).
Exoduscreates"framew:irk wasbasically anordnarystripofspace widand program"OW>:s architectural
mythicalsymbolic,literary,oneiric, inthela Villette andcontinuing eachside."Sometimes,
project; ...thewalllMlUld for the programmaticneeds of deLineated bya minimalarch~ectural theorydistilledthe classicalformula",
CHAPTER2 critical
and popularfunctionsto larye 'MthKoolhaas'book "DeLirious New separate,=lk:M,;ng,for instance,a complexreality"INiemE¥!f. 1990:46). intervention,a space waiting to "a mirimum architectureand a
urbancenters.Anarcl"itecture wtlch York"inorderto see howhe extracts church.Sometimesthe fencingIMlUld Koolhaas'approachto the accommodateprogram.L..eonidoismaximumprogram·· - todefinea script
The urban projects of OMA accommodatesand supports the toolsfordesignfromManhattan onthe surround,likea tigercage in a circus, projectis verysimilarto Leonicbis nbboncities,v.hichLikewise attempted that combinesthe strip of voidlthe
particularfomisofsocialintercourse, baseofhisexplorationof
thernetropoLis.a fortomsatelliteof Westemnessso social condensers ~ introducing to generatea comiwcrealityVvith a BertinWalO'Mthan intenseprogram
characteristics of metropolitan that a nine-year-<ildcolld bicycleto condensedand collectiveprogram mirimalarcl"itectural effort,follCMled(Social
Condenserl!Niemeyer, 1990:38).
an archftecture that houses TheBerlin wallandOMA'.s Exodus the schooleverymorning"IKoolhaas, 'Mtha similarWily oforgarization.
The.y a very similarconcept The Linear Koolhaascontinuesto use
inthemostpositNe Wi1'/the Cultureof Project Mau,1998:2211. ThewaUisalsothewid bothwantedfreedomforthe usersto territory ofthenoman'slandrigorously this combinationof program and
Congestion"[Koolhaas,Mau, 1998:926). that eLiminatesthe need of a foon to infin~epossibiLitiesdemonstrateda way to neutralize archilecturein his further projects
Rem Koolhaas'arcl"itecture "Olvlt(splace of originis predictthe complexity a1d establishes for futuredel.elopmentthe use of space throughits dsplacernentin and researches lthe Skyscraper.
positionandprojectsaremostfydrnen notNewYork,but Bertin"(Niemeyer,that ··... emptinessin the metropoLis rnartfopenspacesandtheimportance layersand strips... !in)the eartyOMA amusement parks), lhe.y also
andshaped~ thetoolsfordesi!T'that 1990:38). Olvlt(sfoundingprojectis is notempty,that ... voidcan be used oftechnology and itsinsertionintothe projects,such as Exodus,or... !in)the appear in his book "DeLirious New
he gainedfromhisurbanresearches. ''Exodusor the Voluntary Prisoners for programs ..." (Koolhaas,Mau, program,and organizingall these projectsfor the Pare de la Villette ... York",wtlch wU be exploredbelON.
Moreo,er, he relates to "Bertin of Architecture", wtlch is shaped 1998:111. The BertinWall combines elementsinto variousscenariosfor EvenintheOW>:s interpretationofthe
as a laboratory''IKoolhaas.Mau, fromf<oolhaas' impressions fromthe theflexibility
ofthe stripand the infinite the serviceof newculture.Koolhaas skyscraper;forexample, theDowntOMl
1998:200)to i~ine nottingness BerLinWall The projectreix-esents possibilities ofthevoid,it"isthestripof collectedhis design tools for the At~tic Club, the preoccupation
or he 5a'fS that ··eone.yis the the strategiesof strip and wid on no man's land"as Nieme.yer states. Exodusprojectnot only from the VvithLinearspace seem to be
laboratoryofTechnology of Fantastic" an urban scale,1M1ichlater on can Exodus or the Voluntary BertinWill, rut also fromLeonicbis backupof ·the wallas architecture'"
[Koolhaas,1m:56) or "Manhattan be seen in Parede la Vtletteproject Prisonersof Architecture is Koolhaas' social condenser mechanism. !Niemeyer, 1990:381 Koolhaas
as a laboratory''IKoolhaas.1m,9l The Bertin WaU is described as firstprojectinv.hichhe combinesand uses the Bertinwall as a base and
is ci>out"the Cultureof Congestion. a continuousurban wid. rut it is usesthestrategiesofstripandwid.He injects it a maximum program,
23 25
Anatysisof DeliriousNew York Coneylsland ThedrivingforcebehindConeyIsland
Design strategies in Pare de la Villette by Rem Koolhaas and its amusements was to offer
Koolhaasanalyzesthe city ConeyIsland'samusement a new and surprisingmrtd for the
inDeliriousNewYork,as a consta~ parks allow the understandingof pubLic. Consequently,the marryunmet
changing place, because of the the cultureof congestion.Koolhaas demands resultedinto a constantly
influenceof the economy,culture studiestheirunstableprogramsand c:hangng erMroomentinwhich inorder
and politics.
Moreover. he looksupon searches for instrumentsthat can tosurvive eachOM1er hadtocopewith
organizationalstrategies that can handlethesecons1ant changesoftheir the instability
and find a strategyto
raisefuturechangesand pos.sibiLities.conditions.The amusement parks controlit and attract'<isitors'attention.
ThissubsectionwiUfocuson Coney also help to comprehendthe busy ·Tosurviveas a resort,ConeyIsland
+ Island's amusement parks with metropoli1anwayoflivinginManhattan. forcedto mutate:itmusttum itselfinto
their ever-changingand unstable Koolhaasdescribes Coney Island: totaloppositeofNature,ithasnochoice
program,where Koolhaasdiscovers 'Tuestrategiesandmechanismsthat butto counteractthe artificiality of the
e-.idenceof congestionand learns later shape Manhattan,are tested new metropoliswith its OM1 Super
hoNto proceedwithManhattan; then in the laboratay of ConeyIsland - Natura£'[Koolhaas,1m:33). The
the grMng culturaldemands and beforethey finallyleap to.vardthe ladLities so much,becauseof
Manhattan·sCultureof Congestion, largerisland.ConeyIslandis a fetal theconstantinsatiable demandsofthe
Fig. 14 Steeplechase's mechanical track Fig. 15 Dreamland's calculated Fig. 16Luna Park's Moon theme the"Grid"andthe"Skyscraper" be Manhattan" (Koolhaas. 1m :30). pubLic
Vvill thatcreatedinstableconditions.
Fig. 11 Leonidov's ribbon city Fig. 12 OMA's Exodus project illustration The Bertin Wall Interactive Exodus circulation entrance analyzed.Thefinalpartwillbefocused Steeplechase,Luna Park Steeplechase,Dreamlandand
collage program on Koolhaas'irwestigationsand hoN and Dreamlandare the three major LunaParkfirstcamewithsolutionsto
he uses them to definetis design amusement parks, constantly theproblembyinventing organizational
strategyforParede la Vi.lette
project. competing witheochother.thatmade methodsandlayouts fortheiqrograms.
Fig.13 Exodus combines the strip of void and social condenser Coney Island the most desirable Steeplechase Park introduced
entertairrnentplace for the middle mechanicalhorses to be riddenon
andloNerclassesofthenewurbanLife. a railwaydrcLingaround the park
27 29
This was innovationthat can be displaytheirCMfl character,OON that All walkways~re made inclined Mamattanand the ruiure of (Koolhaas, 1997:87)in Manhattan.has to de.ielopownorganization within
definedas an architectural tacticfor theydo not haveto de.ieloptheirrmn (to oontrolthe speed and directionof Congestion Thereforethe demands for pleasure the limitations ofits size.Therefore
shapingnewadcitionsandcontrolling skins.they blur togetherLikemany movementlor leveted[conoentration (Jf\1.f'l.orwr.clff'AA1£ara lD~ll. ~INIWTf~ Thissubsectionwillfocuson that rulewer ConeyIslandtransferred identity of each blockis guaranteedby
of futuremodifications of the instal:k molluscsinonegigantic sheUinwhich of movementl. ~rything was hcMl the uncertainprogramconcitionsto rule CNerManhattanas demands the strategyofthe Grid,as ~ll as the
programof the park.The park also the publicinlosf'(Koolhaas.
adds a wall aroundthe attractions,
1997:43]. organizedarounda Lagoon,positioned
In Steeplechasethe "watr' consecutivealong a circular path.
whichbecameanothertactictootof determinedwhichis in and outside 'Tueparkbeingso laidout that there
-- ofConeyIslandtumintothe"Culture
of of the business.Herecomes the role interactionandcompetitionbetv.reenthe
of the "Grid"and the "Skyscraper''blocksintheoverallstructureofthecity.
toolsthatare usedinthe amusement as a strategy and instrument to "...allManhattan'sblocksare identical
"bordering" .Luna Park follONed the andthe railtrackorganizedthe inside is no possibility
of oongestionof the ..a:bf,w,. ..... I parksand laterreusedin Manhattan;organizethe unpredictableconditionsand emphaticallyequivalentin the
footstepsof Steepechaseby usinga of the park.½hile,in LunaPark the crclvl/ds.250,000 people can see the "Grid"and the "Skyscraper".of the business, and also v.hen unstated Ji,~osophyof the Grid,a
..park-€nclavemodel. .doubles the introductionof the "moon" theme e.ierything and mCM!aroundwithout The conditionsof Coney combinedtogethergeneratetheirown mutationinasingleoneaffectsallothers
isolationof LunaParkby imposinga changedthe layoutand the ..roof' fearofcongestion" (Kodhaas,1997:46) Islandcan be seen to reappearin a indeterminateprogram. The culture asalatentpossibility" [Koolhaas,1997:971
theme that embracesthe entiresite garden was to unite eveiytting
ina sy.;temofmetaphorical
meaning: beneathit Bothparksaimedtoiment parkswas to createinnerorganization
itssurfaoeisto be 'notofthisearth'but a structure to control and shape of the parks. to add a structureor
new form of culturein Manhattan.of congestionbecomes the result Therefore, anotherdistinctive
"...the strategiesand mechanism when these indeterminaciesmerge. gridisthatthe cityis no longerCXM?red
that later shaped Manhattan,are

in differenttextures,but becomeslike
partofthe moon"[Koolhaas, 1997:38]. the area of their parks withinthe frameworkthatgivesmeaningto each tested in the laboratoryof Coney TheGrid a mosaic of identicalfragmentsor
The v.hole park was transformed unstableen'Jironment ofConeyIsland. park and serveas a borderto isolate Islandbeforetheyfina[yleaptcmard consists eachblockislikean island,on its<Mfl.
The grid frarre.-\1'.Jrk
to lookas a soene from the moon Dreamland had another eachfromtheothersinanunpredictable the longerisland"[Koolhaas, 1997:30]ci 2,028identicaltjocks, and on each As a resultthe grid in Manhattanis

witha simulationof the topography strategy, instead of adding reN environment of Coney Island. The deielopment of blockthe de.elopersrale to "de-.eloplike islands(parks]withinthe island.
Fig. 17 Some of the structures, buildings and rides at Coney Island and available tripto the moonon the attractions;it just rearranged the Manhattanwas influencedby the a new systemci formalvalues,irM:nt
arship Luna rv.Therewas also an existingones. It also had a theme, gained koo.<IA.edge [the prcblem strctegiesforthe cistirdionof one block TheSkysaaper
artificial"roof' garden ro1eringthe but as an "underwater' city in of masses, the technologicalfromardher''andtodealVvihtheraising The Skyscraperis like Lifted
park.whichcanbe definedas another which ro realityexisted.The P3rk advantagesand the abiLity to answer dernandsofthebusiness(Koclhaas, 19971.replicasof each block in the grid,
arcMectural tactic of "!¥ring". was introduoedto a calculated to the raising cultural demands) Eachblockofthegridcanbe COf11xiredcreatingunlimited numberofle.letsthat
'Tuesingleroofdrastica[yreduces the circulation,
whichwas the equivalent Fig.18 The strategy of the amusement parks is used in the skyscrapers fromConeyIslandin a Wc1-fthat can to the parksin ConeyIsland,it similar generatetheirownsoenariosinorder
opportunities for individual to of the raitrack in Steeplechase.
facilities dealwiththe "unknowable urbanism•• to the amusementparks each block to aflS'M!fto the constantdemands
30 31 32 33
ofthe business.The erM:lope ofthe is managedby the strategyof the Starting with the social Pare de la Villetteproject layerscontainthe relationship of the maintairingthe ~rall unity..allows
skyscraperun~esits unprogrammed grid,becauseeach one is a skyNard CXlrldenser. the CXlrlnection
tothe Bertin can be seen as "researchinto the park to the peripheryand the green any shift, modification, replacement,
layers,thattheycaneasilybe modified multipLication
ofits plot Moreover.the Wallto Exodus,the parks in Coney possibilities
of ·cultureof Congestion· areas.Following thisorderthe project or substitution...without damaging
v.ithoutaffectingthe ~rall look. envelopeitselfis formedby the grid. Island,the tactictoolsand the instable in Europeand the..;abiLity of creating willbe analyzed
belcMl the initialllypothesis"[Koolhaas, Mau,
··As a vehicle of Urbcrlism,the If the attractions of the culture in Manhattanthis chapter a 'SocialCoodenser·on an emptylot" Similar to Cooey 1995:921), The coml:ination of flexible
indeterminacyof the Skyscraper amusement parks transform into exploredtools that interactbe\lNeen
CHAPTER3 (Cortes,2007:35].Koolhaas de.1:!lopedIsland's problem of pleasure and and organicprocesswith users free
suggeststhat - in the Metropolis - irdividuallayers of the skyscraper, program and operated actions. a methodto createan envelope"that Manhattan'sCultureof Congestion, to imi:ro,ise,redefinesthe program
no single specificfunctioncan be the conceptualtoolsand strategiesof Analysis of Pare de la Villette combines arch~ectural specifity a condensed urban park full of of La Villetteas a socialcondenser.
matchedwitha single~ce. Through Cooeylslardv.illbecomean envelope v.ith programmaticindeterminacy"dynamically coexistingactivitiescan
this destab~ization ~ is possibleto oftheskyscraper. Therailwaftrad<,the (Koolhaas. Mau, 1998:921). also produceinstableCXlrlditions or Strategy ofStrip
absorb the ·changethat is life' by calculatedcirculation or the roofthat Koolhaas represented horizontalcongestionin Vvhich"the The strategy of strips
CXlrltinuouslyrearrangng functions controlthe parksinConeyIslandare the scheme for the !JUieclwith a programcanundergoconstantchange definesthe spatialorgarizationof La
on the indMduaplatformsin an equivalent tothecoreoftheelevatorthat superimposition of 5e'A:fl lcfyersof and adjustment"(Koolhaas. 2004:73). Villetteprojectand Koolhaasgained
incessantprocessof adaptationthat vertically controlsthe skyscraperand diagrams.InitialHypothesisis the He"elaborate a structuregroundedin this organizational model from the
does not affectthe framEMOrk of the the flexibiLity
ofitslevels.Consequent¥, of thefreq.iencies
firstlayerrelatedto the redefinition ofthedifferent
actMties combination of the "void"of the Berlin
buildingitself [Koolhaas,1999:324).the threeamusementparksand the the programas a socialcondenser. and their interrelationships" [Cohen, Wall, the "script" of Exodus,the
"thesky.;craperstructures... mechanismof the skyscraperare the secondlayer- TheStripsshoNs 1991:13), in order to reevaluatethe "border"ofConeyIsland'samusement
embodf the programmatic workingin similarwat, transforming how to materializethe program programasa socialcondenser. parks, the "grief of Manhattanand
indeterminacyor instab~ of the theskyscraperintoa repLica ofthepark of social condenser.Point Grids BothKoolhaas andLeonidov the "elevator"of the skyscraper.
modem metropolis but at the inConeyIsland.Therefore, Manhattan consistsofthemathematical approachesshare in common the
(Confetti) By operating the social
same time perm~the stabiLity ofthe becomes an aggregationof parks formulation that locatesthe faciLities.mechanismofsocialcondenser. which CXlrldenser the strategy of strips
building'souterskin ard containthe withinthe frameworkof the grid. kress and circulationin a flow establishesmultipleLinksbetween "creates the maximum length of
architecturaldeterminationof each diagramand in the fifth layer- The the acl:Mties, communicates withthe 'borders' between the maximum
specificfunction"[Cortes,2007:11). FinalL.¥r. the majorelementsare outside,buildsthe whole,generates number of programmatic
The outer fac;adeof the skyscraper positioned.The sixth and seventh unpredicted events, and while components, and will thereby
35 37
Design strategies in Pare de la Villette by Rem Koolhaas
guarantee the maximum number voidof nothingnessand the intense changeconstan~ and independently TadicofDinension throughit"(Koolhaas, Mau,1995:923).TadicofAa:essandCi"cwtion
of programmatic mutations" programThisunionbetweenthevoid of each other withoutaffecting ...the 'Tue strips are based on Tus tactic"consistsof MO
[Koolhaas, Mau,1995:9Zl). KooUiaasand programbecamethe scriptof envelope"(Koolhaas. Mau,1995:937). a certainstandarddimensions- a Tactic ofDislrt>ution major elements:the Boulevardand
refers to the terms "layeringand Exodusproject, v-.hich
later~ into Theskyscraperbecomestheperfect basic width of 50 meters divisible Koolhaas added six the Promenade" (KooUiaas, Mau,
"bordering"to isolatethe parks in thestripofla Villette.
ConeyIsland,but here the borderis Villette isactually
Eachstripofla exampleof1-xm toarrangethestripsin
a widwitha program orderto organizela 1/illette as a social
intoincrementsof 5, 10,25,or 40- to distinctgrids on the strips in order 1995:927). Thefirstmrksasanelevator
facilitatechange and replacement to accommodatesmaller elements ofa scraperthatstopsatdifferent leJels
usedtogeneratea variety ofconcerted and that means that each strip is condenser. TheBertinWalland Exodus --
-~ without disruptionand to create intothe overaUframe,wrk[suchas of the strips,and the Promenadeis
fadities.In la Villetteeach Uneof equivalentto the (script)or Exodus. definethe programmaticcapacityof
the strip createsitsoNnborderand
each strip becomes indMC!ual
The third principleof the eachstripand the skyscraperhelpsto
unit strips(maximumflexibility in a single understandthe muttipLication process
..... fixed points for the infrastructure" sale kiosks,pcnicareas.playgrounds equr.ialent
[Koolhaas, Mau,1995:923). Thiswas or refreshmentbars). This is the inDreamland
one of the tacticalmethodsused to tactic of cistnbution,which also direction
to the calculatedcirrulatiori
or concentrationofmovement
in the v-.holecompositionwith its structure)
isregardedtotheskyscraper. of the strips. Moreover,Koolhaas
inner structureand definition. Koolhaasassociatesthe organization determines theDoivntONT1Athletic Club

-. determinethedimensions ofthestrips. definedthe dimensionsof each grid between the strips of la Villette.
mathematicalty. 'Tue frequency 'The Boulevard, runningnorth-south,
From his observationsof ofthestripsinla ViUette tothesection "as a ConstructMst SocialCondenser: TadicofDi'edicn calculation
is relativeto the available systematicalty
intersectsaUthe bands
the BertinWallKoolhaasmakes a oftheskyscraper:"thelayeringis not a machineto generateand intensify By integrating existing area.the totalarea per seiviceasked at rightanglesand connectsthemajor
comparisonto the stripsof la Villette unLikethe experienceof a high-rise desirableformsofhumanintercourse" elementsinthe parktothecomposition for in the program,an assessment architectural componentsof the park
that are placedparallelto eachother building, withitssuperimposed floors (Koolhaas,1997:152).The strips can of strips, Koolhaasdeterminesthe for the optimumnumber of points directty- the ScienceMuseumand the
and createmaximuminteraction ina all capable of supportingdifferent undergothesamechangesasthefloors of the stripsto the already requiredacrossthesite,andthe need Bathsin north,the Musiccityand the
maximumlength.Likethe MO sides programmatic~ts" [Koolhaas. ofa skyscraper;theycan be umed or existingstructures." The direction for distribution across eitherpart of GrandeHaUin the south.Of its total
ofthewall Healsouses thecapability Mau, 1995:9Zl). The typicalsection subdivided flexibly
andstillbeumedand of the bands is chosenso that the the site or the v-.hole.The formula widthof 25 meters,li\l:!are sheltered.


.. --....-•-
of the -.oidto absorba program,like of a skyscraperor for KooUiaas
inExoduswherehe prc:Nides thevoid DcwltOM1 Athletic
with a programto test its capacity. of metropolitan
Therefore, the stripableto transform configurations"
the ansNer to the programmaticneeds.
Clubisa "stad<ing
lifein ever-changing TadicofStr1)
and also structure The tools that activate
dominantelementsalreadyon the for determining the dimensions The Promenade,complementaryto
site- the ScienceMuseumand the of each point grid then becomes: the Boulevard,
GrandeHall- are ircorporatedinto WhereA is the availablearea; a is the identification
the system:the museumas an extra the area of the facilitiesrequired; demarcatiori
is generatedthrough
and subsequent
-in the form of plazas-
lNJ ....... --- theurbanfabricwas createdfromthe v-.hich 'interiors accommodate the strategy are the tactics. wideband[thatcoulditselfbe dMC!edand x is the rt.rmberof pointsto be certain significantcross sections
Fig. 21 The layers of Pare de la Villette combination of the continuousurban compositionof programandactivitythat Tht.y materialize the strategy. inanalogous thematicbands),ruming distnbuted" (Koolhaas,Mau,1995:925).throughthe bands v-.hosemarking
Fig. 22 The similarity of La Villtte layers with these of the Downtown Athletic Club i.1
39 40
Design strategies in Pare de la Villette by Rem Koolhaas
dfers an ~ to ~ wellaslhe(DI I lediol.swim lhepa,k The design,:rocessshould Island) orinevitableimpactofeoonomy bytheforcesofn01vsocialandcultural
I ~~
...,.. ____ mies of heigrimed procpmmc14.the l'bth a-idthe Soothed:Jesof
Tadicci ~ the lam:ape
Koolhaas(l)fT1l)05l!5 three be mecharizedstrategicalo/ in order [as in Manhattan)or coocistenreof lifein prerewlutionary era of Russia.

~ nterest as they a-e created the&uk!lad areloca!Edthebho mail typesof nanren the pa,k He lB!S toadaptitselftothechaoticronditions multiple events[asinLa1/11.iette). Also,the problemof the urbanwid is
t ~ lhrouji the nteractionof emances to the pa,k Anothermail ·regms n v.tim the inx,am iselfis
i [I£!
... ·- 1JJJ
___ bards" ll<oolhaas.
Mau, 1995:9'27l JX) recreatethe imagecl open
ofurbanoontext. Thedesignstrategy Themainaimoftheprogramcreatedbysocio-eoonomic
has to be ableto aa:eptthe oonstant of La Villetteprojectis to design oonflict
,_ -- TadicoftheMajorE'lemerts
of the Scieoo!~ The other fieldslthemati:gardensl.In atler to
tv.omail amecti:Jns are the liJtte determinethe border of the sb1lS
Conclusion chargesand instability
and to inoorporate
of urban life, a ,:rocess itselfin order to create TheproblemofpleasureinConeyIsland
the pro:Jrammatican envelopecapableof absorbing and the problemci businessin the
~~ i
Thistadicse!\ESthei:upose~ and the Aslnnlmc:aGarden Koolhaasposiions "thesaeensoltrees
a add~ the rra;relementsto the Themail ptspose ci theseirtl3'alful jB<lllelto the bands" and In thatWiJ/
indeterminacyv.ith architectural oonstantstate on revisionoriginated ailture ofoongestion
inordertocreateanadaptable fromoongestion ofcoexisting
ac:tMties.examplesof the relationship
< JI
t ~..:.. s,ste(n d ~ These elemE!1ts Jrinls is to mmed0tely atrad the from the north-sru!hci'ectiJn"these mechanism(itis used in La 1/illette The mainproblemis the possibiLitiesthe programand the forcesofcultural
w-- ··-· ·are t.niµ? or too1a-geto be kx:ated people tothe ma;t cmdensed faclli!s screens ~ and suggestthe
~ to malherralical rules ofthe parkl7fmeansofJnl9'1lffi and ~ cl a massCXM!mQ thesite"
project,by means of the strategy of mutationsin the productionof a oontextIn Koolhaas'designstrategy
of strip).Koolhaas' studies on the metropoLitan parkforthe21stcentury. the programis an engineoontrolled
or to a Sf.J-em"(Koolteas.Mau. also to "extffll the ~ ci the and from the mst-westthey " the BerlinWaUand the Thecultureofthe metropolis
metrclfXllis, change, ~ the evi:JMng culture,it is a process
19959'29L ft is the org.rimin of the pa,k" UWll"dsthe Paisian streets openzones. li<.efields". F~ he worksof RussianConstructivist Ivan so fast that beoomesunforeseeal:xe'Mththe capabiLity to shelterspecific
g,:xnJ l7fthe str1)Sand the useof (Cohen.1991:IBL The Astronomicalamposes the liiear Fuest alongside and his interestin the post anditsactionsbeoomeindeterminate. programmatic elements,to stimulate

the aher ladies N ~ these GardenSlripisOO}:lf'i2led nsecµince theCanalede raun:q 1Dad asa ruffer industrialcities shaped his urban The programcannotbe determined the interaction betweenthem and to
elemB'lts.This tadic sln,,.s that ci squares that creates a ~ and liter fortheScieoo!Musel.Inand agenda. He gains experienreon withoota primaryforceon thedesign be able to adapt to people'sdesires.
the sirµ. a-e abe to v.elmmereN, sk>h•. These squares (l.O by theCirular Rrest-israisedma three- urban oontextfromthese stuciesin suchastheindeterminate aitlure. In Parede la Villette project
dffen:!rielemenlsof the pro:Jram l.0-rJare used for exhlim spoc'l!S mets-socte·and•~ thefa-est order to definerules for oombining In La Vill.ettethestrategyofstripanditstacticaltools

- as IM!Ias respectilgthei" identir)! and contain"an OCE00 tias.i v,;tti as progrcm·

l:lad¥,caphe,the Alme lal.n:hn;i
Tadicci (Xii. iedioiI andelal:lcralionpoo.pemg1elt sheltereded'tii:lrl
Mau.1995:93.)l programmaticindeterminacyand project,the problemof ooexisting operateto createa socialoondenser.
architecturalspecifityThe forcesthat activities'Mth maximummutations Theframew:>rk
beofnewwayof can be oonsidered
ofthestripsacts as a
'Mththe rorizontal blankfieldon\'kiichdifferentelements

This tldic: oontnis space.the Herrispheri:alHall radio lMng[asin post-revolutionary Russia) oongestion.Theproblemofleisureisthe canlbeinserted,oonnected, movedetc.
the c:cnnedi:ns between the te!escqle. obseM!Jor6, and the or sociopolitical
divisions[asinBerlin) maindrMngforceofsocialoondenser The strategyhas an operationalrole,
-- pa,k and the ~ as AntEnnaFuest·· !Cohen. 1991i8Bl
orendlesspublicdemands[asinConey design, wtlch is manipulated and the tacticshas the activeone in
lbe inserted,connected,movedetc. the roofand the track!.InM~hattan strategyisdepending ontheresponses
The strategyhas an operational role, is the strategy of the grid that of the tacticsand can be changed;
and the tacticshas the activeone allowsthe tacticof the skyscraper. consequentlyeach neN strategy
in the designprocessand can be From the written abc:>,,e can be producesits CloNfl tacticalmethods.
seen in the urban prtjectsof OMA concludedthat the strategyand the In conclusionthe main aim
Firstlyin Leonida.issocialcondenser tacticswork and operate together of Koolhaas" design strategyor the
designpujects:the Clubfor a Neill as part of the strategic design strategic mechanism of design is
SocialType,IMlichis cfe.ieloped as a mechanism. ThestrategydictateshCIN to unite architecturalspecifitywith
strategy.and then this designmodel the systemshouldbe operatedand programmatic indeterminacy. It
evolves underthestrategyofstripand thetacticsaretheactionsthatac:!Mlte assumes maximum impro.iisation
transfonms intothe PalaceofCulture. the system effectively.The strategy of the users in a cooperative organic
FrallyinthecityofMagnitogorsk these and the tacticsare interdependent,process and achieves maximum
t'NOprojectsare CXJmbined by "the the strategy operates the tactics programin a minimumarchitecture.
strategyofthe gridofthe strips"'and and the tacticsac:!Mlte the strategy. It represents an envelope under
derM:! a flexible
mixtureof programs. Despitethat this interlink 1MJich marrytacticalvariationscan be
Moreo.-erthe Exodus' strategyofscrip belw:!enthestrategyandtacticsfoITT1Sinsertedand ac:!Mlted and a~t to
gainsitstacticaltools!suchas drvision, the design mechanism,it can be the programmatic instabiLity.
It allows
destruction,isolation,etcJ from the arguedthatthestrategycomesbefore a processconnectedto the external
BerlinWall ThereforeConeyIsland thetacticalelements.Itisbecausethe and internalforcesof architecture.It
withitsUnderwaterftvloon themesand strategycreatesfieldofexpression for is a desireto createan adjustatxe and
thewall,isan exampleofthestrategy the tacticsto work.~r, without foreseeatxestructurethat is fortified
and tacticsworkingtogether,where strategythe tacticscamot operate by the unexpectedurban conditions,
thefirstcreatestheborderoftheparks, andwithouttacticsthestrategy~not by the people's improvisations
and the secondinsertstacticaltools be executed.Thereforebothare atxe and by its working principles.
!such as the calrulatedcimilation to chargeor dismissthe other.Each

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