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Question: 1

Why should a manager know about research when the job entails managing people, products,
events, environment, and the like?

As a matter oI Iact managing people, products, events, environment is only a Iraction oI a
manager's responsibility. They have to manage the operations oI the department, and oIten
have responsibilities towards the proIitability oI the organization where a good manager is
always doing Iorecasting or research either to increase the market share or employee
motivation or even mergers and acquisitions all these researches help in the planning and
decision making oI the manager. E.g a company is planning to open a new outlet in a certain
area, beIore doing that a good manager undergoes a research process to check the Ieasibility
status oI that location either the area has target market or a competitive edge, this will help
the manager to take a solid decision and gaining a certain experience. Knowledge oI research
is always helpIul Ior a good manager. As it helps the manager in Iore coming problems as a
record will be available with him Ior that problem iI not he can conduct a new research which
will increase his knowledge and on the basis oI that knowledge the manager always Ieels
secure beIore taking any decision.

Question 2:
For what specific purposes is basic research important?

Basic or pure research is conducted solely Ior the purpose oI gathering inIormation and
building on existing knowledge or chieIly to enhance the understanding oI certain problems
that commonly occur in organizational settings and seek method oI solving them. Basic
research could be considered the Ioundation oI knowledge which provides people with the
basic inIormation they need to pursue particular areas oI research and where general theories,
ideas, and questions are explored and tested

Question 3:
When is applied research, as distinct from basic research useful?

Applied research is designed to solve practical problems oI the modern world, rather than to
acquire knowledge Ior knowledge's sake as in most oI the Basic research Iurther it can be on
the basis basic research or an idea that is why applied research is gaining more Iavor in the
today`s world. As taking the example oI Pakistan energy crisis one can conduct advance
research to improve the eIIiciency oI commercial and residential sector.

Question 4:
Why is important to be adept in handling the manager-researcher relationship?

Question 5:
Explain, giving reasons, which is more important, applied or basic.

Question 6:
Give two specific instances where an external research team would be useful and two
other scenarios when an internal research team will be deployed, with adequate
explanations as to why each scenario is justified for an external or internal team.

Question 7:
Describe a situation where research will help you as a manager to make a good decision.

Question 8:
Given the situations below, (a) discuss with reasons whether they fall into the category
of applied or basic research. (b) for scenario 1, explain with reasons, who will conduct
the research.

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