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Please translate this text !

Boy: Look, Mum, that’s my teacher, Miss Sky. Isn’t she pretty?
Wm: Yes. But her face is very red!
Boy: That’s because she’s skipping!
Wm: I thought the teachers didn’t want to be in the Sports Day!

Boy: Yes. The other teachers only wanted to watch, but Miss Sky is different!
Wm: Who is that very tall boy?
Boy: That’s Nick. He’s very good at basketball.
Wm: But he’s not playing basketball!
Boy: No, in this photo, he’s playing baseball. He can run very fast!
Wm: Oh look at the girl in this photo! She’s very thin!
Boy: Yes, that’s Sally. She does a lot of sport.
Wm: What’s her favourite sport?
Boy: Tennis but in this photo, she’s playing badminton.
Wm: Oh, that small boy is very sad in this photo!
Boy: That’s Fred. He’s sad because he is watching the football game.
Wm: Don’t all boys like football?
Boy: Yes and Fred loves it! But he broke his leg yesterday! Wm: Oh, I understand,

Wm: That small girl is very busy!

Boy: The one standing by the table?
Wm: Yes.
Boy: Oh, that’s Lily. She’s making tea.
Wm: Why is she doing that?
Boy: It’s for the girls who are playing hockey. They ‘re always thirsty after a game!
Boy: Look, Mum! That’s Paul. He’s my best friend! Wm: He’s very happy!
Boy: That’s because he’s doing his favourite sport!
Wm: Table tennis?
Boy: Yes, he loves it! He doesn’t like football or basketball, but he loves this sport!

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini :

1. Siapa yang hobi bermain tenis meja ?

2. Apa hobi sally ?
3. Siapa yang hobi bermain sepak bola ?
4. Apakah yang tidak disukai Paul ?
5. Apa hobi Nick ?
Script 4
Ahmad : I like football very much. I always do it three times a week, on Sunday,
Thursday andFriday. What about you Fandi? Do you play football, too?
Fandi : I like football, but only watching it on TV. My favorite sport is cycling. Almost
every morningI doit although just for a half hour. I usually do it together with my
father. There are three bikesinmyhome. Sometimes, my mother comes with us to do
cycling on week end.
Ahmad : Wow, it’s very good. How happy you are!

Lembar KerjaTugas Menulis

Tulislah cerita tentang hobimu seperti paragraf di bawah ini!

Nama saya Edi. Umur saya 9 tahun. Hobi saya bermain sepak bola. Saya bercita-
citamenjadi pemain sepak bola yang hebat. Setiap pulang sekolah, saya selalu main
sepak bola.
Saya bermain bola bersama temanteman. Kedua orang tua saya sangat mendukung.
Minggu depan,mereka akan mendaftarkan saya di sekolah sepak bola. Saya akan
latihan sepak bola dua kalidalam seminggu. Saya punya kakak perempuan. Namanya
Deti. Deti suka memasak. Setiap hariia membantu ibu memasak di dapur.

Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini untuk membantumu!

1.Apa hobi kamu?
2.Sejak kapan kamu memulai hobi itu?
3.Dengan siapa kamu melakukan hobi itu?
4.Mengapa kamu memilih hobi itu?
5.Apa hobi keluargamu?

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