122.Pingali Etal 1994 Pesticides

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Pesticides and Philippine Rice Farmer Health: A Medical and Economic Analysis

Prabhu L. Pingali; Cynthia B. Marquez; Florencia G. Palis

American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 76, No. 3. (Aug., 1994), pp. 587-592.

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Mon Jul 16 08:06:36 2007

Economic and Health Consequences of Pesticide Use in Developing Country

Agriculture (Robert W. Herdt, Rockefeller Foundation, presiding)

Pesticides and Philippine Rice Farmer

Health: A Medical and Economic
Prabhu L. Pingali, Cynthia B. Marquez, and Florencia G. Palis

Pesticides continue to be a significant and Methodology and Data Collection

growing component of Asian rice cultivation.
The relative importance of pesticides has in- This study was conducted on a random sample
creased despite the availability of alternatives of 152 rice farming households in the Philip-
to exclusive chemical control such as varietal pines, during the years 1989-91 (see Pingali
resistance and Integrated Pest Management and Roger, 1993, for a description of the
(IPM). While there is growing concern about sample and the methodology). These house-
the adverse human health effects of pesticides, holds varied in terms of the level of pesticide
little systematic research has been done to ad- exposure, from none to high. he sample
dress this issue. The few studies that exist are households were monitored over several crop
based on speculative and anecdotal paradigms. seasons and detailed records were kept for in-
This paper reports on a unique study in which put use, pest management practices, and pesti-
economists and a medical doctor teamed up to cide storage and handling practices. A detailed
assess the impact of prolonged pesticide use on medical assessment was conducted on the en-
farmer health. The specific objectives of this tire sample, including an interview, physical
study were to identify the types of health im- examination, laboratory tests, and exposure his-
pairments that may be attributed to long-term tory. A set of medical indicators of pesticide ex-
pesticide use and to quantify the magnitude of posure were defined and related econometrically
the impairments relative to the level of pesti- (using logit regressions) to a set of farmer char-
cide use. Detailed medical examinations found acteristics, such as, age, nutritional status, his-
rice farmers exhibiting symptoms of long-term tory of tobacco and alcohol consumption, and
exposure to hazardous chemicals. Econometric occupational exposure to insecticides and her-
analysis showed the magnitude of the chronic bicides. Probabilities of health risk were as-
health effects and health costs to be directly re- sessed relative to these farmer characteristics.
lated to pesticide exposure, among other Health costs associated with pesticide exposure
factors. When health effects were explicitly in- were quantified and included in the benefit-cost
cluded, the net benefits of insecticide use were ranking of alternative pest control strategies.
negative. In a complimentary study, on the Pest control strategies were evaluated for both
same sample, Antle and Pingali found pesticide a risk-neutral and risk-averse farmer.
related health impairments to cause significant A wide variety of pesticides are used by Phil-
reductions in labor productivity. ippine rice farmers, including insecticides, her-
bicides, and molluscicides (Rola and Pingali;
Wharburton, Pingali, and Palis). Insecticides in-
The authors are an agricultural economist, medical doctor (consult-
ant), and senior research assistant, respectively, at the International clude the organochlorine endosulfan; organophos-
Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines. phates such as methyl parathion, monocrotophos

Amer. J . Agr. Econ. 76 (August 1994): 587-592

Copyright 1994 American Agricultural Economics Association
Amer. J . Agr. Econ.

and chlorpyrifos; carbamates such as BPMC, although not significant. The probability of eye
carbaryl and carbofuran; and pyrethroids such abnormalities among the sample households is
as cypermethrin and deltamethrin. The princi- 0.36; this was determined from the logit func-
pal herbicide used was butachlor. The insecti- tion at the mean levels of all variables. An
cides used are classified as category I and I1 increase in the application of insecticides, from
chemicals by the World Health Organization, the mean level of one per season to two, will
while the herbicides are classified as category increase the probability of eye problems by
IV chemicals. Category I chemicals are the 22%. Farmers applying three recommended
most hazardous and IV are the least hazardous doses of insecticides face a probability of 0.53
in terms of acute toxicity. Rola and Pingali; and of having chronic eye problems.
Wharburton, Pingali, and Palis provide data for
the sample households showing that exposure Skin effects. Skin problems are commonly ob-
to pesticide hazards occurs during handling, served in farmers frequently exposed to
mixing, and spraying operations. For this study, pesticides. Mixing, handling, and applying pes-
the number of recommended doses of insecti- ticides could cause dermal contamination.
cides and herbicides applied during a crop sea- Dermal contamination is greater when spraying
son was used as a proxy for pesticide exposure. with a knapsack sprayer than with a spinning
disc applicator or an electrodyn sprayer
(Durand). The hands and forearms have the
Evidence of Health Impairments Among Rice highest potential for pesticide contamination.
Farmers Due to Pesticide Exposure Eczema, a chronic allergic dermatitis character-
ized by lichenification and fissuring, is a
The medical literature provides a set of indica- dermatologic health indicator of pesticide expo-
tors for assessing long-term health effects due sure. The skin appears thickened with
to pesticide exposure (Hock, Morgan, Nemery). accentuated markings.
Of these, the impact of chemicals on the eye, The incidence of skin problems is positively
respiratory system, and neurologic system, as related to the use of both insecticides and herbi-
well as dermal effects and gastro-intestinal cides, although only the latter are significant.
problems, are most discernable in a cross-sec- This is because most herbicides used in the
tion analysis. These effects are described below Philippines are acetamides, and unprotected use
along with empirical evidence from the farm of these chemicals is known to cause skin prob-
sample. Logit regressions were used to relate lems. Farmers at the sample average for age
the positive incidence of these ailments to pes- and nutritional status who do not apply any her-
ticide exposure. bicides have a probability of 0.12 of having
skin problems. The probability of skin prob-
Eye effects. The eye is very vulnerable to physi- lems rises to 0.30 for farmers with one
cal and chemical hazards in the agricultural herbicide application and 0.50 for farmers with
setting. A chronically irritated eye can lead to two applications.
the formation of a pterygium, a vascular mem-
brane over the cornea, usually affecting older Respiratory tract effects. Long-term exposure
people and people exposed to dust and wind. to chemical irritants like pesticides can cause
With increasing severity, the vascular mem- respiratory symptoms such as cough, cold, spu-
brane may encroach on the pupil, diminishing tum formation, wheezing, rales, tenderness, and
visual acuity and requiring surgical removal to decreased chest expansion (Hock, Nemery).
improve eyesight. Pterygium can therefore re- Bronchial asthma and other abnormal lung
duce farmers' productivity, initially because of findings are the two respiratory tract indicators
bothersome symptoms, and later because of di- of pesticide exposure.
minished vision. The incidence of respiratory abnormalities is
Logit regression estimates presented in table significantly related to age, smoking, and expo-
1 indicate that the incidence of eye abnormali- sure to insecticides. Herbicides had the
ties increase significantly with age and with expected positive sign although not significant.
exposure to insecticides. Exposure to herbi- Nutritional status (weightlheight) had the ex-
cides has the expected positive sign though it is pected negative sign but not significant.
not significant. General health status, as mea- Evaluated at the sample mean, the probability
sured by the ratio of weight to height, has the of abnormal respiratory findings for farmers
expected negative sign on eye abnormalities, who do not smoke is 0.30. These farmers apply
Pingali, Marquez, and Palis Pesticides and Philippine Farmer Health 589

Table 1. Logit Regressions on Health Impairments

- -

Poly- Gastro- Multiple

Eye Pulmonary neuropathy Skin intestinal impairments
alpha 1 -3.2373** -2.8914** -5.8633*
(1.391) (1.464) (3.4546)
alpha 2

alpha 3

alpha 4

Age 0.0455***
Weightlheight -0.00174
Smoking -

Drinking -

Total dosage 0.3497**

category 1 & (0.1714)
I1 pesticides
Total dosage 0.4986
category I11 (0.3942)
& IV pesticides
Cloth cover -
over mouth
n 148
Chi-square 19.849

Figures in parentheses are standard errors of estimate

one recommended dose each of insecticides and pected positive sign and nutritional status had
herbicides. At this level of pesticide use, farm- the expected negative sign on the incidence of
ers who smoke have a 50% higher probability polyneuropathy, although both coefficients
of abnormal respiratory findings. The probabil- were not significantly different from zero.
ity of respiratory problems increases by 16% Farmers who do not drink alcohol evaluated
for farmers applying two doses of insecticides, at the sample mean with respect to age, nutri-
and by 30% for farmers applying three doses, tional status, and the application of pesticides,
irrespective of their smoking habits. were found to have a probability of 0.02 for
positive findings of polyneuropathy. Farmers at
Polyneuropathy. Organophosphorous com- the sample mean who regularly consume alco-
pounds and 2,4-D are known neurotoxicants hol face a probability of 0.11 for positive
(Morgan, 1977). Both have been implicated as polyneuropathy findings. Farmers applying her-
causative agents for polyneuropathy, a neuro- bicides at the rate of three recommended doses
logic disorder that manifests typically as motor per season, were found to have a probability of
weakness in the distal muscles and sensory polyneuropathy findings of 0.24 if nondrinkers.
deficit with a "glove-and-stocking" distribution. The same probability for farmers who drink is
Absence of deep tendon reflexes in the early 0.70.
stages may be the only sign, but neuropathy
may be purely motor or purely sensory. Gastrointestinal effects. Pesticides usually enter
The incidence of polyneuropathy is signifi- the gastrointestinal tract accidentally through
cantly associated with drinking and with the mouth. For example, a farmer applying pes-
pesticide use. Herbicides had a significant posi- ticides who smokes or wipes sweat off near his
tive effect while the effect of insecticides was mouth may unknowingly ingest pesticide par-
positive but not significant. Age had the ex- ticles. Carbamate insecticides formulated in
Amer. J . Agr. Econ.

methyl alcohol and ingested may cause severe A Re-Assessment of the Costs and Benefits of
gastroenteritic irritation (Morgan). Organo- Pesticide Use
phosphates and copper salts also irritate the
gastrointestinal tract, manifested as intense Logit regression results presented above allow
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The health indi- us to determine the economic costs of pesti-
cator chronic gastritis is clinically characterized cide-related health impairments. These costs,
by epigastric tenderness and pain associated when explicitly accounted for in the farmers'
with nausea and vomiting. choice of pest control techniques, make pesti-
The incidence of gastrointestinal problems is cide using options less desirable. In this
positively related to pesticide exposure, of section, the health costs associated with pesti-
which exposure to herbicides was significant. cide exposure are quantified and used in
Gastrointestinal problems have a significant assessing the costs and benefits of various pest
negative relationship with nutritional status. control techniques.
The significant negative effect of age was un-
expected. ~ a r m e r sevaluated at the sample
mean applying one recommended dose of her- Valuation of the Health Cost of Pesticide
bicides have a probability of 0.27 of an abnor- Exposure
mal gastrointestinal finding. Two recommended
doses of the same chemicals increases the prob- The costs faced by farmers due to health im-
ability by 85% and three doses by 167%. pairments was computed based on the medical
tests conducted. The medical tests provided an
assessment of each farmer-respondent's ail-
Incidence of multiple health impairments. The ments and their seriousness. Such ailments may
analysis above isolated the impact of pesticides or may not be related to pesticide exposure.
on specific illness. However, farmers exposed The treatment required to restore the farmer's
to pesticides over the long term may face sev- health was assessed. Treatment costs (including
eral illnesses at the same time. Pesticides may medication and physicians' fees) plus the op-
also cause other nonspecific illnesses in addi- portunity cost of farmers' time lost in recupera-
tion to those mentioned above. Multinomial tion formed a measure of the health cost per
logit regressions indicate the incidence of mul- farmer.
tiple health impairments to be significantly and A regression model was used to identify the
positively related to age, smoking habits, and to relationship between pesticide exposure and
the use of pesticides, both insecticides and her- health impairment. Farmer heath costs de-
bicides. Nutritional status had the expected scribed above were related to pesticide
negative sign although it was not significant. exposure (the number of times the farmer
While the negative sign on drinking habits was comes into contact with pesticides) and with
contrary to expectations, it was not significant. "other" farmer characteristics (weight over
The use of a cloth cover over the mouth and height, age, smoking, and alcohol consump-
nose, a common practice during spraying, had tion). The logarithm of health costs, age, and (1
an unexpected positive and significant sign. + number of applications) were used in the re-
This probably indicates that, while farmers be- gression. Regression results are presented
lieve it provides them protection, the use of below.
such a cover actually creates more problems,
since it absorbs chemicals and the farmer in- log (Health Cost) = 4.366***
hales through this concentrated film of chemi- (1.39)
For nonsmoking farmers in the sample, ap- + 1.192""" log (age)
plying one recommended dose each of (0.3130)
insecticides and herbicides, the probability of
being affected by three or more illnesses at the - 0.0756** Ratio of weight to height
same time is 0.19. An additional dose of insec- (0.03 16)
ticides increases this probability by 32%.
Farmers who smoke face an additional 63% in- + 0.9160*** Smoking dummy
crease in the probability of three or more health (0.2360)
P i n g a l i , M a r q u e z , a n d Palis Pesticides a n d Philippine F a r m e r H e a l t h 591

- 0.53*** Drinking dummy For these farmers, the health costs work out to
(0.24) be 2,792 pesos on the average.

+ 0.486** log (Insecticide dose)

(0.232) Valuation of the Net Benefits of Pesticides
The expected effects of pesticides on mean
- 0.042 log (Herbicide dose) yields and on the variance of yields were deter-
(0.365) mined (see Pingali and Roger; and Rola and
Pingali for detailed results). Six crop seasons of
r2 = 0.30, degree of freedom = 100 farm production data, for each of the sample
households using pesticides, was used to esti-
Based on these estimates, insecticides signifi- mate the moments of the yield distribution.
cantly influence farmer health costs. Herbicides Insecticides were found to have a significant
have an insignificant coefficient. Costs increase positive effect on the mean and a significant
by 0.49% for every 1% increase in insecticide negative effect on the variance of the yield dis-
dose. The insignificance of herbicides in the tribution. Herbicides had a small negative
health cost equation could be due to the large effect on the mean and did not affect the vari-
number of insecticide-related illnesses relative ance of the yield distribution.
to herbicide-related illnesses. Four insect pest management strategies were
Weight-by-height ratio had a significant evaluated: natural control (no insecticide appli-
negative effect on health costs, while age and cation), IPM (one recommended dose of
smoking habits increased health costs signifi- insecticides), farmers' practice (two recom-
cantly. The coefficient of the drinking variable, mended doses of insecticides), and prophylactic
although significant, had a negative sign. Some control (six recommended doses of insecti-
measurement deficiencies may influence this cides). Herbicide use was held constant at one
result; that is, some farmers might have stopped recommended dose across the four pest control
drinking because they already have a disease or strategies. Productivity benefits of insecticide
ailment. Also, younger and healthier individu- use were evaluated, first assuming risk neutral-
als tend to be more candid about drinking ity, and then assuming risk aversion. The latter
habits. This kind of information would result in analysis was done in an expected utility maxi-
a high health cost for a nondrinker respondent mization framework. The coefficients of risk
in the data set. aversion were taken from Sillers, who mea-
The health cost regression results were used sured them in the same area of the Philippines
to estimate expected health cost values per rec- using an experimental approach.
ommended dose of insecticides. The mean cost When health costs are explicitly considered
per insecticide dose is based on estimates for a for a risk-neutral farmer, the net benefits of in-
nonsmoking, nondrinking farmer population. It secticides applied are negative. In other words,
assumes an average age of forty four years, a the positive production benefits of applying in-
weight-height ratio of 23.5, and an average her- secticides are exceeded by the increased health
bicide dose of 0.50 kilograms of active ingredi- costs. This is due to the small positive effect of
ents per hectare. insecticides on the mean of the yield distribu-
When insecticides are not applied, health tion relative to the large negative health effect.
costs are on average 1,084 pesos; with the ap- A farmer applying two recommended doses of
plication of one recommended dose of insecti- insecticides increases hisfher net profits by 492
cides, costs rise to 1,519 pesos. One dose of pesos relative to a farmer who applies none;
insecticides per season is generally the eco- however, hisher health costs go up by 765 pe-
nomic threshold level (ETL) of insecticide ap- sos, a net loss of 273 pesos. Pest control strate-
plication, the decision rule of integrated pest gies ranked in terms of net benefits, including
management (IPM). Most farmers usually apply health costs, indicate that the natural control
two doses of insecticides and, for them, the option (no insecticide application) is the domi-
health costs are 1,849 pesos. A complete pro- nant strategy, followed by the farmers' current
phylactic application package, consisting of practice of two applications and then the IPM
calendar spraying, requires approximately six strategy. IPM strategy in its current form ranks
recommended doses of insecticides per season. lower than the farmers' practice because of the
592 August 1994 Amer. J . Agr. Econ.

high labor requirement for monitoring pest need to be examined, especially in terms of
populations. their impact on farmer health and crop losses
Does the dominance of natural control hold due to pest damage. Investments in farmer
when we consider risk aversion? To do this, we training and information campaigns on proper
ranked the pest control strategies in terms of pesticide management could help reduce some
the certainty equivalent level of return. Again health risks.
when health costs are explicitly considered, the
natural control option is the dominant pest con-
trol strategy for both locations. IPM and References
farmers' current practice are not significantly
different and complete protection comes last. Antle, J.A., and P.L. Pingali. "Pesticides, Productiv-
Insecticides shift the net benefit function to ity, and Farmer Health: A Philippine Case
the left, as health costs increase the total cost of Study. Amer. J. Agr. Econ. this issue.
production. Once farmers are aware of the costs Durand R.N., R. Pascoe, and W. Bingham. "The
incurred due to pesticide exposure, the thresh- Handheld Electrodyne Sprayer: An Operational
old levels that they use as decision rules to Tool for Better Crop Management in Develop-
spray increase. ing Countries." Proceedings of the British Crop
Protection Conference, Brighton England, 19-
22 November 1984.
Conclusions Hock, W.K. "Pesticide Use: The Need for Proper
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and chronic health effects due to prolonged ex- mizing the Risks. Developed from a Symposium
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rologic, and gastro-intestinal problems are the 191st Meeting of the American Chemical
associated with long-term pesticide exposure. Society, 13-18 April 1986, New York. Washing-
Pesticides which might be linked with these im- ton DC, American Chemical Society, 1987.
pairments include certain organophosphates, or- Morgan, D.P. Recognition and Management of Pes-
ganochlorines, organotins, and phenoxy ticide Poisonings, 2nd ed. U.S. Environmental
herbicides. Most of these chemicals, commonly Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Pro-
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severely restricted for use in the developed world. Pingali, P.L., and P.A. Roger. Impact of Pesticides
Explicitly accounting for health costs sub- on Farmer Health and the Rice Environment.
stantially raises the cost of using pesticides. Boston MA: Kluwer Press, in press (1985).
The value of the rice crop lost to pests is invari- Rola, A.C., and P.L. Pingali. Pesticide, Rice Produc-
ably lower than the cost of treating pesticide- tivity, and Farmer's Health, an Economic
caused diseases. For rice production, when Assessment. World Resources Institute, Wash-
health costs are factored in, the natural control ington DC, and the International Rice Research
("do nothing") option is the most profitable and Institute, Los Baiios, Laguna, Philippines, 1993.
useful pest control strategy. Sillers, D.A. 111. "Measuring Risk Preferences of
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structure plus inadequate storage, unsafe han- Experimental Approach. PhD dissertation, Yale
dling practices, short re-entry intervals, and University, 1980.
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bility or exposure to chemicals, not only to the Pesticides on Farmer Health and the Rice Envi-
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household as well. Regulatory policies that dis- (1995).
courage the use of highly hazardous chemicals

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