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Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715

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Oil spill impacts on mangroves: Recommendations for operational

planning and action based on a global review
Norman C. Duke ⁎
James Cook University, TropWATER Centre, Townsville, QLD, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Mangrove tidal wetland habitats are recognised as highly vulnerable to large and chronic oil spills. This review of
Received 6 January 2016 current literature and public databases covers the last 6 decades, summarising global data on oil spill incidents
Received in revised form 20 June 2016 affecting, or likely to have affected, mangrove habitat. Over this period, there have been at least 238 notable oil
Accepted 22 June 2016
spills along mangrove shorelines worldwide. In total, at least 5.5 million tonnes of oil has been released into man-
Available online 1 July 2016
grove-lined, coastal waters, oiling possibly up to around 1.94 million ha of mangrove habitat, and killing at least
126,000 ha of mangrove vegetation since 1958. However, there were assessment limitations with incomplete
Mangroves and unavailable data, as well as unequal coverage across world regions. To redress the gaps described here in
Oil spills reporting on oil spill impacts on mangroves and their recovery worldwide, a number of recommendations and
Impacts suggestions are made for refreshing and updating standard operational procedures for responders, managers
Pollution and researchers alike.
Monitoring © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Risk management
Standard operational procedure

Figure frontispiece. Shipping accidents cause most oil spills that threaten mangrove and tidal wetland habitats, as with the 2007 oil spill in Port Curtis, Queensland, Australia.

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
0025-326X/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715 701

1. Introduction millennia. As such, these ecosystems have well-developed strategies

for survival in their capacity for dealing with change. Today, as tidal
Mangroves are highly vulnerable to oil spills because oil deposits on wetlands ecosystems respond to change, they rely on their inherent
sensitive plant surfaces, affecting soils and dependant marine life caus- adaptive capacities (eg., Duke et al., 1998a). Where sea levels had
ing death and sublethal impacts (Swan et al., 1994, Duke et al., 1999, risen and fallen in the past, current occurrences of intact mangrove
Duke and Burns, 2003; NOAA, 2014). This disruption affects ecosystem stands, are tangible evidence of their resilience and abilities for success-
services of mangroves, like fisheries production and shoreline protec- ful restoration, migration and re-establishment. However such abilities
tion worldwide. Oil spill impacts also persist for decades, and they can are finite, and they cannot be taken for granted. In this context, it is co-
occur at any time, at any location. So, for as long as oil is extracted and gent that mangrove communities around the world are currently in de-
transported around the world, the risks are ever present. Therefore, it cline both in area and function. The causes appear related in large part to
is essential to be prepared where possible with prior risk assessments the combination of on-going ‘natural’ influences, coupled with an ever-
and surveys of baseline shoreline condition, along with database re- growing menace of direct and indirect human pressures (Duke, 2014a).
cords of earlier impacts and instances of recovery. There is an urgent Despite such pressures and limitations, there exists a highly diverse
need, for example, to quantify impact severity in a standard way, and thriving number of plant types within mangrove stands (Duke,
starting with relatively simple parameters like: area of tree death; esti- 2014b, Duke and Schmitt, 2015). And, a well-recognised benefit of man-
mated volume of oil reaching mangrove habitat; and, areas of potential grove habitats are their habitat role between shoreline and marine envi-
lethal and sublethal impacts. This article reviews current literature, and ronments where their biodiversity and structure uniquely provide
lists a number of key recommendations and guidelines for improving shelter, protection from erosion, as well as food for a number of terres-
longer term management and monitoring of mangroves affected by trial and marine species, like juvenile fishes (e.g. Meynecke et al., 2008).
large oil spills. The forested stands are known also for their traditional forest products,
including timber for construction and local energy demands (e.g.
2. Diverse and vulnerable mangrove assemblages Walters, 2005). Despite these uses, and others, unique wetland forests
are known only in a few instances for being managed in a sustainable
Tidal wetlands consist of forested mangrove woodlands, thick man- way. Around the world, these habitats are considered wild and uncon-
grove and saltmarsh shrubbery, low dense samphire plains, and trolled compared to upland plants used in urban, city, industrial park-
microlagal covered saltpans (Tomlinson, 1994; Duke, 2011). In the tro- lands and forestry plantations. Never the less, unmanaged mangroves
pics, mangroves are often the dominant shoreline ecosystem comprised occur along many heavily populated shorelines where they provide sig-
chiefly of flowering trees and shrubs uniquely adapted to coastal and es- nificant, but often unrecognized services, like shoreline protection, nu-
tuarine tidal conditions (also see Spalding et al., 2010). They form dis- trient plus carbon sinks, fisheries benefits, as well as providing distinct
tinctly dense structured habitat of verdant closed canopies fringing aesthetic improvements to otherwise drab mud banks, flotsum rubbish
coastal margins and tidal waterways of equatorial, tropical and subtrop- and constructed walls.
ical regions of the world. Normally, but not exclusively, these vegetation In summary, mangrove habitats are seriously influenced by a num-
assemblages grow in soft sediments above mean sea level in the inter- ber of often deterministic ‘natural’ factors including: tidal inundation;
tidal zone of sheltered coastal environments and estuarine margins. sea water and broad salinity fluctuations; exposure at times to severe
Mangroves are well-known for their morphological and physiological winds, waves and currents; variations over longer periods to overall
adaptations, coping with salt, saturated anoxic soils and regular tidal in- sea level changes; and, growth in unconsolidated sediments with fre-
undation; notably with specialised attributes like: exposed air-breath- quent instances of severe erosion and burial deposition. In recent centu-
ing roots above ground; extra, above-ground stem support structures; ries, there are added significant pressures of severe physical damage by
salt-excreting leaves; low water potentials and high intracellular salt human trampling, replacement with expanding human development,
concentrations to maintain favorable water relations in saline environ- and pollution (Duke, 2014a). All these have notable and profound influ-
ments; and viviparous water-dispersed propagules. With such survival ences on the distribution, functioning and well-being of mangrove hab-
traits, these habitats have key roles in coastal productivity and connec- itat. Few other natural ecosystems are subject to such an array of severe
tivity, often supporting high biodiversity and biomass not possible in abiotic influences, as listed above, including oil pollution.
upland vegetation, especially in more arid regions.
Mangroves are recognised as an economic and biological resource
with a number of highly beneficial ecosystem services (Mukherjee et 3. The influence of oil spills on mangroves
al., 2014, Duke and Schmitt, 2015). These include fisheries (nursery,
habitat and aquaculture), ecotourism and recreation, shoreline protec- Mangrove communities are particularly susceptible to damage from
tion, coastal water quality buffering (‘coastal kidneys’), coastal primary large oil spills (also see: Proffitt, 1997; Hensel et al., 2010, Lewis et al.,
production and pollution abatement ranking highly. It is of concern that 2011, Santos et al., 2011). When oil is released into coastal and estuarine
these services have been seriously under-valued in recent decades waters and washed ashore, it deposits on sensitive surfaces exposed
reflected in natural habitat replacement, alteration and general degra- during the regular daily ebb and flow of tidal waters. This includes the
dation associated with inadequate management of coastal areas (Duke sediments that thinly cover the highly sensitive fine feeding roots of
et al., 2007; Richards and Friess, 2016). Mangroves collectively face a mangrove trees. Once deposited, oil mostly adheres and rarely moves,
number of primary threats with habitat loss caused by direct and indi- having adsorbed to oleophilic surfaces of plants and animals alike.
rect human pressures coupled with global climate change. Along with Only in incidences where oil volumes are very large does it refloat and
reclamation and changes to hydrological flows, pollution damage is spe- continue to spread in a significant way with subsequent tidal flushing.
cifically identified as a major threat to mangrove ecosystems worldwide In each case, oil coats breathing surfaces of mangrove roots, stems, seed-
(Hensel et al., 2010). Such pressures have all contributed to an overall lings, and surrounding sediments, as well as fauna present in burrows
deterioration of the adaptive resilience of mangrove plants, adversely and root hollows. When smothered with oil, shorter plants and animals,
limiting their ability to respond and adapt to current human and natural die mostly within days. By contrast, taller mature trees and shrubbery,
pressures (cs. Lovelock et al., 2015). oiled only on their exposed roots and sediments, might persist for six
Mangroves and tidal wetlands are ancient ecosystems, having or more months before dying. Plants are accordingly smothered,
evolved over at least 60 million years. During this time, the earth, sea poisoned and starved by oil spills; and the lighter the oils are, the
level and climate have changed dramatically. Mangroves today, com- most damaging they are (Duke and Burns, 1999, 2003; Michel and
prised of plants and animals, are the survivors of changes through the Rutherford, 2014).
702 N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715

These differences between lethal responses and their quantification in Rhizophora stylosa and Ceriops tagal. The more sensitive species
are very informative, but there are also sublethal responses to consider. were those with greater salt excretion strategies as their likely co-related
The sublethal responses are rarely ever quantified (cs. Duke et al., 1997) physiological character. Duke and Burns (1999) further concluded that
but they are often very important since they help us better understand sediment type was also important where those plants in more porous
and define overall impacts and possible recovery trajectories. So, while sediments were more vulnerable than those growing in fine clay mud.
oil type and concentration levels have a primary influence on the im- In addition, oil types were ranked by increasing impact on plants, from
pacts observed, it is the responses of mangrove biota to all influential least sensitive: Bunker C fuel oil; Arabian light crude; Gippsland light
factors that better define their recovery potential, and the longer term crude; Thevenard crude; to Woodside condensate, the most harmful. In
fate of oil-impacted habitat. For these reasons, and that deposited oil general, impact level rankings corresponded to oil density, where light
often becomes less visible after a few days and weeks, it is strongly rec- oils were more harmful than dense heavy oils. Oil toxicity trials were
ommended that deposited oil be surveyed and mapped accurately at notably made during field trials and post-spill studies, and not during
the time when the spill is taking place, or very soon afterwards. spill incidents (Swan et al., 1994).
There are also further influential variables affecting habitat In field situations, oil-impacted mangrove ecosystems follow a rea-
responses, like differences in the sensitivity of individual mangrove spe- sonably ordered set of condition states with primary, secondary and re-
cies to oil and dispersed oil (Duke et al., 1998b; Duke and Burns, 2003; sidual effects, leading to recovery and/or loss. The schematic model
Lewis et al., 2011). In Australian studies, mangrove species were tested presented in Fig. 1, shows key trajectories followed by oil-affected man-
in planthouse trials where species showed a range of sensitivities from grove plants, including: undisturbed (left side, green) to either recovery
highest in Aegiceras corniculatum and Avicennia marina, to lesser levels (orange); and permanent loss from deterioration (lower right, pink).

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram depicting the effects of large oil spills on mangrove habitat.
Adapted from Duke et al. (1999) and NOAA (2014).
N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715 703

Note, the short term effects where some trees die while others survive 4. Past incidences of larger oil spills affecting mangroves
The longer term effects occur over decades with habitat either recov- Oil pollution incidents, as accidental or deliberate spillages, are the
ering via successful recruitment, or lost permanently in a cycle of pro- chief way oil reaches mangrove habitat, especially those in high risk
gressive degradation and deterioration. Because of the propensity of coastal areas like ports, refineries and busy transport corridors. Since
oil to clump, especially in cooler conditions, the areas oiled are often 1958, there have been at least 238 notable incidents of larger oil spills
patchy. The result can be a combination of both oiled and unoiled reported as affecting or threatening mangrove habitats worldwide
patches occurring in close proximity. Accordingly, responses can be var- (see Fig. 2; Table 1; Supplementary Data). Data on these spills have
iable and complicated. Some recovery of unoiled undisturbed patches been sourced from a number of incident reports, but particularly from
can be quite rapid (less than one year) with virtually undetected long- five exemplary online databases listing selections of marine spill inci-
term effects. The fate of oiled patches however may follow one of two dents (AMSA, CEDRE, NOAA, ITOPF and the Nigerian Oil Spill Monitor,
overall possible trajectories – one to recovery, and the other to deterio- 2016). Unfortunately, none of these sources list all spills affecting man-
ration and loss. These latter trajectories of recovery or loss further de- grove habitat. And, as mentioned in the recommendations, their content
pend on the severity of oiling, and the severity of any subsequent and access might also be usefully improved upon because many inci-
damaging events. dents were in the vicinity of mangrove habitat but these were mostly
Where oiling results in sublethal damage only, then recovery can be left unreported. Regardless, data gathered from these sources has
rapid (1–5 years) since affected trees only need to recover their canopy great value in this compilation, as compared and listed in the Supple-
foliage, and regain their associated fauna. But, where trees die, the re- mentary Data Tables 1 to 3. This first comprehensive review draws on
covery process will take much longer (5–25 years or more), involving published research survey results, technical publications as well as
seedling recruitment, establishment, and the growth of replacement these online databases.
plants to maturity with propagation. Such recovery processes are diffi- The distribution of reported incident locations (Fig. 2) generally
cult to achieve in this physically dynamic and demanding environment. match the global distribution of mangrove habitat (green shaded
By most accounts, tree growth to maturity can take at least 25–30 years. areas; see Duke, 2011) – demonstrating that oil spills occur very widely
Assessment protocols set out in the recommended operational guide- affecting mangroves where ever this habitat occurs. Four types of oil
lines below have been developed for assessments of both the extent spills are represented including: pipeline ruptures; vessel incidents;
and severity of impacts, and the status of recovery/degradation shore tank facility disruptions; and, well head damage. Sites of major
processes. experimental field trials include those in Port Curtis, Australia in
The aim has been to characterize and quantify the key characteristics 1995–1998 (also see Fig. 5). Some open water incidents within the
of any incident under consideration, with severity measures of impact mangrove area have not been included since they occurred appreciably
and condition status in rehabilitation, for any time during or after an offshore and were considered unlikely to have impacted mangrove hab-
oil spill. For example, Da Silva et al. (1997) identified an apparent out- itats since they are restricted to intertidal shorelines. In each case, the
come of continuing habitat deterioration where there was no progress choice to include each incident was made based on local circumstances,
towards recovery, while mangrove recruitment after oiling became ex- including distance offshore, when no observations were made about
tremely vulnerable to subsequent episodic events like hurricanes and impacts on specific shoreline mangrove habitats.
other human-caused disturbances. By contrast, other authors (Lewis, Understandably, there was a notable concentration of incidents in
1982; Lamparelli et al., 1997; Kadafa, 2012a) when describing impact areas of both high vessel traffic and extraction sources, like the Arabian
trajectories have taken a positive view, where comparable stages and Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, South eastern Brazil, and the Niger Delta. How-
timelines progress along a trajectory to full recovery of habitat. Unfortu- ever, the wider distributions dominate, and oil-affected mangroves
nately, this is not always the case, and there appears to be a growing could be found in all 6 global sub-regions. This occurrence is explained
number of impacted sites showing little or no recovery. by the bulk of spill incidents having occurred during the transport of

Fig. 2. Mangrove habitat zones (green shading) and shipping risk routes (blue tracks; Wikimedia Commons, 2016), describe major spill incidents (black astericks) only where mangroves
occur. This is representative of the 238 or so, reported oil spill incidents recorded between 1958 and 2016 (see Table 1, Supplementary Data Table 3; compiled from multiple sources). Note:
mangroves occur almost exclusively along intertidal shoreline margins, so their extent is restricted to enclosed margins of islands and continents within green shaded areas.
Adapted from Duke (2011).
704 N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715

oil, with shipping accidents accounting for at least 54%. The other coincides with a growing global demand for oil. Over this period, the
causes, like leakages from pipelines, shore tanks and well heads, number of incidents steadily increased in 4 of the 6 global sub regions
accounted for the rest. with apparent decreases in East Africa and Australasia, (Table 1; Fig.
The region of least incidents was the West American sub region in 3). The types of spill events were mostly vessel-related with collisions,
the Atlantic East Pacific. And, the area with the greatest concentration fires, holing and sinkings. Pipeline ruptures and damage to shore tank
of reported incidents was the East American region. While the reporting facilities make up about 34% of incidents while accidents on offshore
from the latter region (cs. mostly NOAA, 2016) was especially inclusive well heads account for the remaining 9%. A lack of reporting and assess-
and detailed, this greater level of reporting provides a challenge to other ment of the impact and death of mangrove vegetation greatly under-es-
regions. Perhaps the region of most deficient information was West timates the likely full extent of impacts on this habitat.
Africa where public reporting of oil spills was far less rigorous (Odeyemi A number of reports have documented the death and/or damage of
and Ogunseitan, 1985; Kadafa, 2012a) despite a seemingly first rate mangrove vegetation associated with released oil (NOAA, 2014). Most
reporting service with the Nigerian Oil spill Monitor (2016). This meant report overall oil volumes released into the environment. In total, over
that it was harder to get a balanced and uniform global comparison, and the last 6 decades, N 5.5 million tones of oil were spilled into coastal wa-
there are important observations stemming from this review. Firstly, it ters where mangroves occur. This equates to around 23,216 tonnes per
was cogent that reported spill numbers worldwide would be significantly spill. Volumes of oil released appear maintained at a high rate with little
greater should the same amount of reporting have been made worldwide change overall over half a century (see Fig. 4), as reflected especially in
as those covered by NOAA and the other databases. And, having said that, subregions: East America, West Africa, Indo Malesia and Australasia.
an international database that collated reports equally from all over the Slight decreases were observed in the 2 other subregions of West Amer-
world is a tangible goal. But this needs a greater commitment with ica and East Africa.
encouragement for global organizations to collaborate, either supporting The latter region of East Africa was affected by a number of war inci-
and contributing to a single database, or using shared regional databases dents that damaged refineries and storage tanks, as those in Iran and
that apply and link comparable reporting standards and maintain public, Kuwait affecting the Arabian Sea in the 1990s. These are some of the
open accessibility. largest releases of oil in modern times, with the damage in Kuwait caus-
While it may also be partly an artifact of progressively improved ing the loss of around 1.5 m tonnes of crude oil during 1991 – (Böer,
reporting, it is more likely that the overall number of incidents had in- 1993; El-Nemr, 2006; CEDRE, 2016; Webecoist, 2016; NOAA, 2016).
creased much as shown, from 7 in the 1960s, to 59 in the 2000s. This Mangroves were affected, but the areas of oiling or tree death were

Table 1
A summary table of reported oil spill incidents having actual and likely impacts on mangrove habitats worldwide over the last 6 decades from the 1958 to 2016. Asterisks (*) mark the
measures of under-estimated impacts (representing b17% of incidents were observations were available). See Fig. 2, for global regions represented. Individual incidents and multiple
sources are listed in the Supplementary Data Table 3.

1958–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2016 Total

Larger incident locations (number)

World total 7 28 39 56 59 49 238
East Africa 2 5 4 3 1 2 17
Indo-Malesia 0 1 0 2 5 8 16
Australasia 0 3 8 14 7 5 37
IWP global region 2 9 12 19 13 15 70
West America 0 1 1 0 2 0 4
East America 5 16 22 31 39 28 141
West Africa 0 2 4 6 5 6 23
AEP global region 5 19 27 37 46 34 168

Total oil spill threat

Spillage (tonnes) 83,832 1,685,234 852,043 1,735,425 393,205 775,773 5,525,512
Mean (tonnes/spill) 11,976 60,187 21,847 30,990 6664 15,832 23,216

Spill incident type (number)

Pipeline 0 2 6 11 14 16 49
Vessel 6 18 20 32 31 21 128
Shore Tank 1 4 9 8 6 5 33
Well Head 0 4 4 2 5 6 21
Other 0 0 0 3 3 1 7

Mangrove oiled* (ha)

World total 49 172 11,910 12,328 2962 665 28,086
Sites Measured * 1 9 9 11 7 6 43
Sites Observed, not measured 2 6 4 12 6 6 36
Likely, unconfirmed 4 13 26 33 46 37 159
% sites oiled 42.9 53.6 33.3 41.1 22.0 22.4 35.9
Studied incidents 1 8 8 7 4 1 29
Field trials 0 0 3 1 0 0 4

Mangrove oil-dead, reported* (ha)

World total 49 37 6528 12,215 216 32 19,077
East Africa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Indo-Malesia 0 20 0 0 1 0 21
Australasia 0 5 2 8 15 0 30
IWP global region 0 25 2 8 16 0 52
West America 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
East America 49 12 88 13 0 0 161
West Africa 0 0 6438 12,195 200 32 18,665
AEP Global Region 49 12 6525 12,208 200 32 19,026
% dead of oiled 33.3 60.0 76.9 39.1 46.2 9.1 44.1
N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715 705

A brief outline for each decade confirms the on-going situation in

Nigeria (see Nigerian Oil Spill Monitor, 2016, for overall information).
In the 1970s, mangroves were reportedly oiled in 783 incidents
(Odeyemi and Ogunseitan, 1985; Tolulope, 2004; Ukoli, 2005;
Twumasi and Merem, 2006; Kadafa, 2012a). In the 1980s, 11,210 ha of
mangroves were reportedly oiled in 2015 incidents (Ekekwe, 1983;
Snowden and Ekweozor, 1987; Thorhaug, 1992; Tolulope, 2004; Ukoli,
2005; Nwilo and Badejo, 2005; Twumasi and Merem, 2006; Aghalina
and Eyinla, 2009; Adeyemo et al., 2009; Kadafa, 2012a; NOAA, 2016).
In the 1990s around 12,195 ha were reportedly oiled in 4024 incidents
(Adeyemo et al., 2009; Twumasi and Merem, 2006; Kadafa, 2012a;
Eoearth, 2010; Human Rights Watch, 2016). In the 2000s mangroves
were reportedly oiled in 117 incidents (Adeyemo et al., 2009; FAO,
Fig. 3. Numbers of larger oil spill incidents affecting and likely to have affected mangrove 2010; Eoearth, 2010; The Guardian, 2010, 2011; Kadafa, 2012a; Shell,
habitats worldwide for 6 global sub-regions during the last 6 decades (Table 1; 2015; BBC, 2015). From 2010 to 2016, mangroves were reportedly
Supplementary Data).
oiled in 5 larger incidents (Huffington Post, 2010; UNEP, 2011;
Sciencythoughts, 2013; Wikipedia, 2014; The Guardian, 2015; Oil Spill
Intelligence Report, 2016).
unreported. Other large spills occurred in East America due to serious All together, these oil releases in the Niger Delta reportedly amount
accidents on two offshore well heads in the Gulf of Mexico, with the to around 100,000 t each decade with likely severe damage caused to
Ixtoc 1 well releasing around 1 m tonnes in 1979 (Hooke (1997); local mangroves as well as to the human communities that depend on
CEDRE, 2016; NOAA, 2016; ITOPF, 2016; Webecoist, 2016), and the them (Kadafa, 2012a). This amount of oil released equates to around
Deepwater Horizon well head releasing around 760,000 tonnes in 27% of that threatening mangroves worldwide. To this date, only the
2010 (Khanna et al., 2013; CEDRE, 2016; Webecoist, 2016; NOAA, Bodo West study of spills from pipeline sabotage (UNEP, 2011) has ad-
2016; Nixon et al., 2016). Each of these very large spills oiled mangrove equately verified and described clear impacts on mangroves. But, more
habitat, but no reports describe the areas oiled or whether mangrove is needed to document the apparently severe and chronic incidents
vegetation died after oiling. This lack of assessment and reporting across the Niger Delta.
from these very large spills makes it difficult to further evaluate the se- For all world regions (Fig. 2), the total amounts of oil released in each
verity of such spills on mangrove habitat. of the 6 sub regions are shown in Fig. 4 for each decade since 1958. Note
As noted, reporting was generally lacking for the region of West Af- that the amounts of oil released in West Africa were maintained, as de-
rican shorelines of Angola, and particularly Nigeria where there were scribed above. As they stand, these levels matched those in the East
very high concentrations of oil extraction infrastructure – as numerous American with lesser amounts in Indo Malesia. There were small de-
well heads and inter-connected piping (Odeyemi and Ogunseitan, clines in the Australiasian, East African and West American regions.
1985; Kadafa, 2012a, 2012b; Nigerian Oil Spill Monitor, 2016; see Sup- These differ from the trends with increasing number of incidents re-
plementary Data). While few prior reviews of world oil spill damage gionally and globally over the last 60 years (Fig. 3). Total oil volumes re-
to mangroves refer to these instances, a number of documents were leased and likely to impact on mangrove habitat, range from 393,205 to
found describing the relatively large number of incidents reported in 1,735,425 tonnes per decade. While these measures are generally useful
this review. Mangroves have been affected by numerous oiling inci- for overall quantification of incident severity, they have been less useful
dents throughout the Niger Delta since at least 1979, until the present in quantifying the incident impacts on mangrove habitat. More direct
day (Odeyemi and Ogunseitan, 1985; Seenreport, 2008; Twumasi and measures are needed, like the areas of mangrove oiled, and the areas
Merem, 2006; Adeyemo et al., 2009; Kadafa, 2012a; FAO, 2010; of mangrove tree death.
Eoearth, 2010; The Guardian, 2010, 2011; UNEP, 2011; Shell, 2015;
BBC, 2015; Oil Spill Intelligence Report, 2016). The amounts of oil re- 5. Oiled mangrove habitat – a measure of lethal and sublethal impact
leased, although not always clearly quantified, were unusually large
compared to elsewhere in the world. For instance, where this global re- Of the total amounts of oil released, only a portion is likely to impact
view lists 238 incidents of oil spills since 1958 affecting mangroves on mangrove habitat. Much of the free oil may distribute elsewhere be-
worldwide, in the Niger Delta there appears to have been that number fore reaching vulnerable mangrove shorelines. Released floating oil can
of incidents each year over the same time period (Odeyemi and evaporate and degrade, be diverted using booms, or even recovered
Ogunseitan, 1985; Kadafa, 2012a). using skimmers whilst at sea. A more direct measure of likely impacts

Fig. 4. Released oil spill volumes (tonnes) of larger oil spill incidents affecting and likely to have affected mangrove habitats worldwide for 6 global sub-regions during the last 6 decades
(Table 1; Supplementary Data).
706 N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715

on mangrove habitat is the amount of oil reaching mangroves, and the The largest areas of mangrove habitat damage reported (see Supple-
area of mangrove oiled. This measure best defines and describes the mentary Data Table 2; noting source references there in) were in the
subsequent responses of mangrove vegetation to both lethal and suble- Niger Delta with: around 340 ha killed by the Funiwa 5 well head spill
thal damage. in 1980; 200 ha killed by the Bodo pipeline rupture in 2008; and another
For the incidents reported, only 43 out of 238 (18.1%) were quanti- 32 ha killed by the Bodo West pipeline sabotage in 2011. Elsewhere in
fied for the amounts of mangrove habitat actually oiled (Table 1). This the World, the largest areas of oil-dead mangroves range generally
total area of oil-affected mangrove was around 28,000 ha. But, because lower, with: 69 ha killed in Panama by the Texaco Refinery spill in
this figure was derived from only a subset of incidents, the total amount 1986; 49 ha killed in Panama by the Witwater sinking spill in 1968;
oiled is expected to have been around 5 times greater – up to around 20 ha killed in Indonesia with the sinking of the Showa Maru in 1975;
155,000 ha. 12 ha killed in Puerto Rico with the Jet Fuel tank spill in 1999; 10.5 ha
To help quantify the measures of impact shown in the broadly killed in Brazil by a Jet Fuel tank spill in 1999; 10 ha killed in Yap, Micro-
sourced data used in this review, it was convenient to categorise three nesia with the sinking of the Kyowa Violet in 2002; and another 6 ha
levels of mangrove oiling where: ‘Site Measured’ quantified those inci- killed in Puerto Rico by an earlier Jet Fuel tank spill in 1986.
dents where oiled areas were measured (noted above); ‘Sites Observed, These data of amounts (area) of mangrove death are perhaps the
not measured’ – were the sites with mangroves observed as oiled, but most cogent, simple measures of impact severity, as the measures of le-
not measured; and, ‘Likely, unconfirmed’ – were those sites likely to thal habitat damage. They provide the means to quantify and compare
be oiled since mangroves are known in that locality, but not reported relative impacts from which we might later derive realistic estimates
as oiled. The three categories of oiled mangrove incident reports were of habitat recovery. Despite the great value of these data, and their
tabulated across all 6 decades in Table 1. ease of measurement, there have been relatively few reports recording
The percentage ‘Likely, unconfirmed’ was overall around 67%. An- these useful measures. The inclusion of such key measured observations
other 14% of incidents had the briefest of comments about mangroves in future reporting is one of the chief recommendations arising from
being oiled. So, without other accompanying details, the presence of this review.
oiled mangroves was deduced sometimes from photographs and
maps in the incident reports. This meant that b 20% of reports made de- 7. Relationship between oiling and the amount of mangrove damage
finitive mention of the presence of mangroves in the vicinity, despite
the habitat being unilaterally recognised as highly vulnerable. This review has drawn on a wide selection of marine oil spill inci-
A review of available reports shows the ten largest areas of man- dents to gain a much greater understanding of the variables and circum-
grove habitat damage (see Supplementary Data Table 2; noting source stances influencing oil-impacted mangrove habitat, and its possible
references there in). These rank the reported single incident impacts recovery. Further insights have been derived also from observations
of oiled mangrove area for the countries represented with the largest and findings of experimental field trials (Supplementary Data Table
spills first: 3). The overall aim has been to document key lessons learnt, and to de-
velop and support the revised list of recommendations, guidelines and
• Nigeria with the Funiwa 5 Well blowout in 1980 oiling 5107 ha; strategies for better informing and preparing responders, community
• Pakistan with the Tasman Spirit sinking in 2003 oiling around 1000 ha; and managers faced with actual and potentially oil-damaged mangrove
• Nigeria with the Pipeline rupture Bodo in 2008 oiling at least 1000 ha; habitat. Overall findings include the identification of knowledge gaps,
• The Philippines with the Solar 1 sinking in 2006 oiling 650 ha; and other useful deductions considered to be lessons learnt. One of
• Panama with the Texaco Refinery spill in 1986 oiling 377 ha; these found that impact severity can be equated to the amount of lethal
• Nigeria Pipeline sabotage, Bodo West in 2011 oiling 366 ha; damage. A further finding was an informative, emerging relationship
• Brazil pipeline rupture near Sao Paulo in 1983 oiling around 300 ha; between the area of mangrove oiled (sublethal and lethal impacted)
• Micronesian islands of Yap with the sinking of the Kyowa Violet in and the area of lethal impact.
2002 oiling 300 ha; India with sinking of the MSC Chitra in 2010 oiling These relationships have been derived from 7 well-studied spill
around 200 ha; and sites, including (see Supplementary Data Table 3 for source references):
• Australia with the holing of the Era in 1992 oiling 100 ha.
• the Texaco Refinery, Atlantic coast, Panama in 1986;
• Zoe Colocotronis, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico in 1973;
• World Encouragement, Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia in
6. Dead mangroves – the lethal response of mangrove habitat to 1979;
oiling • the Sao Paulo pipeline, Brazil in 1983;
• Era, Spencer Gulf, South Australia in 1992;
A specific and relatively easily deduced measure of impact on man- • Solar I, Iliolo, The Philippines in 2006; and,
grove habitat is the area of dead mangrove vegetation post oiling (see, • the Bodo West pipeline sabotage, Niger Delta, Nigeria in 2011.
Duke and Burns, 2003). These data were available only from a relatively
small number of reported incidents, just 36 incidents, or 15.1% of all 238.
The total area of mangroves reportedly killed by oil spills was around These more detailed findings show that for a total of around 1900 ha
19,077 ha for the subset of sites, extrapolated to around 126,338 ha of mangroves oiled, there were around 123 ha of mangrove death, or
for all incidents since 1958. There were a number of instances where a around 6.5%. So, for any given area of mangrove death, there might be
clear record was made of no mangroves having died. These considered a 15 times greater area of sublethal affected mangrove habitat. This
observations of no lethal impact have been as important to this review, measure of sublethal damage (as decreased canopy densities) was fur-
as those reports with measured areas of dead mangroves. Unlike other ther observed in Panama with assessments of the Texaco Refinery spill
measures, the losses and damage to mangrove vegetation are both di- (Duke et al., 1997). In that incident, although there were no specific
rectly related to the overall vulnerability of this environmental receptor. measurements of the area of oiled mangrove, the proportion of man-
This severity measure is easily recognised, mapped and measured from grove lethal damage was measured around 18% of the observed suble-
historical and current aerial/satellite imagery. In addition, change detec- thal damage. In this case, the area of sublethal damage measured from
tion assessments with appropriate field validation have been useful in low density canopies was at least 5–6 times greater than the area of
quantifying losses and gains in other studies of vegetation cover, post dead mangroves. If the previous ratio of 6.5% were applied it means
impact and post recovery (e.g., Duke et al., 1997). that N1000 ha were oiled, and the canopy damage observed
N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715 707

(~377 ha) was the area of more severe sublethal damage. In the same These observations describe two distinct levels of impact, with one
way, the previous measure of oiled mangroves above is likely also to being easily quantifiable and available. These are considered essential
be much greater based on the area of dead mangroves measured. So to both quantify such variables with each incident, and to learn more
the total amount of oiled mangrove in all incident sites around the about how mangroves respond to the presence of petroleum on their
world is more likely to have been around 1900,000 ha since 1958. roots, and coating surrounding sediment surfaces. While oil on exposed
Replicated field trials (Fig. 5) were conducted in central Queensland foliage is known to be lethal, the impacts on taller trees with oiling
to further test dispersant use and bioremediation treatments (Duke et around their trunks were more cryptic and previously uncertain. The
al., 2000). Oils were weathered and applied at a pre-determined rate observed dosage to sediments surrounding mature trees (noted above
of 5 l·m− 2, based on field observations from hydrocarbon sampling for the central Queensland field trials) was checked and found compara-
from actual oil spill sediments in Panama (Duke et al., 1997). The im- ble to concentrations in sediments measured during accidental large
pacts of Gippsland light crude and Bunker C fuel oil on mature stands spill events where trees died (Duke and Burns, 2003). Lower trial dos-
of Rhizophora stylosa were assessed over at least 18 months post oiling age levels of 0.1 to 0.5 l per m2 resulted in smaller patchy impacts on
in each case. With the application of light crude oil, around half of the vegetation and fauna, with no tree death (Duke et al., 2000).
trees in each plot died within 6–12 months, compared to control plots.
By contrast, there were no significant differences with the application
of the heavier fuel oil between plots. 8. Retention of oil in mangrove sediments
These findings suggest that tree death occurred only after exceeding
a defined threshold concentration of oil present in sediments. And, that Oil can at times be retained within sediments of the intertidal zone
there was a relational link between the area of dead and dying man- for decades following an oil spill. And, there may not always be harmful
grove trees and the oil type and volume (concentration) required to effects on plants, their growth or reproduction. Sediments deposited in
kill mature vegetation. Although precise dosage levels can be refined, intertidal habitats, especially mangroves, are often fine-grained, water-
this current estimate provides a tangible measure by which to extrapo- logged and rich in organic matter. These mostly oleophilic properties fa-
late first order estimates of released oil volume based on observed areas vour retention of oil and other contaminants via physical and chemical
of tree death – or vice versa. This has already been usefully applied in fo- processes (Lewis et al., 2011, Santos et al., 2011).
rensic post-incident investigations and legal considerations with a case The abundance of burrows made by crabs and other fauna has been
in Nigeria (BBC, 2015; Shell, 2015; The Guardian, 2015; The Maritime shown to enhance the retention of oil at depth within intertidal sedi-
Executive, 2015). ment (Duke et al., 2000; Culbertson et al., 2007, Hensel et al., 2010).
Of further critical importance, there was also a notable order of mag- Mudflats are less likely to accumulate oil relative to mangrove plants
nitude difference between recovery periods of lethal impacted given the lack of vegetation and debris to trap material, and their loca-
(deforested) habitat (Fig. 1) taking multiple decades for re-establish- tion lower in the intertidal zone where tidal flushing is regular. Also,
ment (with seedling establishment, growth and development, plus re- as noted previously, oil in mangrove sediments degrades more rapidly
establishment of animals), compared with months and years for recov- in places where there is greater tidal range and exposure (Burns et al.,
ery of sublethal impacted habitat (as mostly for re-establishment of an- 1993, Burns et al., 2000).
imals). This section outlines such vulnerabilities of mangrove habitat in Chronic impacts on mangroves have been observed across long pe-
relation to large oil spills, taking into account important geophysical and riods (up to decades) following oil spills, with the symptoms most com-
temporal variables. These are important for predicting the likely impact monly observed being: death of trees with seedling regeneration;
of spills on mangroves in any given circumstance. defoliation and canopy thinning; leaf yellowing; reduced height growth
The loss of keystone individual plants of mangrove communities is of surviving trees and poor seedling establishment (Duke et al., 1997,
likely to have substantial consequences for tidal wetland habitats. Mi- Hensel et al., 2010, Lewis et al., 2011); plus, likely toxic response defor-
croclimate is altered with the absence of canopy, resulting in increased mities and morphological changes such as pneumatophore branching
temperatures and lower humidity. Physical habitat is lost for plants and (Duke et al., 2005), reduced lenticel numbers (Böer, 1993), and genetic
animals that attach to mangrove stems and roots. Sediment can also be mutations like variegated leaves and chlorophyll-deficient propagules
lost when mangrove roots decay and become detached over large areas. (Duke and Watkinson, 2002).
Any loss of sediment, especially at the seaward edge of a mangrove, will Distinguishing both acute and chronic effects, as well as the different
represent a significant impediment to the re-establishment of the hab- responses from toxic or smothering impacts, are all important for
itat (Duke, 2001). predicting the ecological consequences of any spill and for modeling
subsequent impact and recovery. Because of the often complex circum-
stances surrounding any spill incident where the dynamic between
long-lived trees and short lived fauna are responding to an altered, com-
plex and heterogeneous environment, it is understandably challenging.
Additional controlled and replicated studies undertaken in realistic field
settings (see Duke et al., 2000) are needed to address the important data
gaps identified above. For instance, it is important to derive realistic
dose-response data, and to follow longer term processes associated
with the accumulation and breakdown of oil in sediment.
There are complex inter-relationships also amongst plants and ani-
mals. And, it is clear that each depends on the other in significant
ways. So, a decline in the condition of either plants or animals will affect
the well-being of the other biota types (Cannicci et al., 2008). One ready
example is the influence of crabs as ecosystem engineers, with their
burrowing and soil bioturbation affecting sediment aeration, nutrient
turnover, water exchange and leaching of salt within sediments. Crabs
also have a major influence on mangrove forest structure with their se-
lective predation of propagules. Other examples include the beneficial
Fig. 5. Field trials tested the resilience mature mangrove stands to oil and dispersant role of sessile sponges on mangrove roots preventing borer attack, stim-
during 1995–1998 in Port Curtis, near Gladstone (Fig. 2). ulating rootlet growth, and enhancing nutrient uptake; and heat-
708 N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715

restricted weevil borers that severely limit propagule establishment structure, and not the dependant fauna. From other studies, it seems
that might also influence mature forest structure (Duke, 2001). that recovery of fauna and full habitat recovery may take longer periods
than recovery of forest structure alone (Salmo and Duke, 2010).
9. Recovery potential of oil-damaged habitat It seems that once the toxic components of spilled oil have dissipat-
ed and broken down to more benign residual products, mangrove
Post spill assessments suggest that structural recovery of oil-dam- stands may re-establish in similar ways to non oil-impacted forests
aged mangrove forests takes place over a period of at least 3 decades. (see Duke, 2001). Erosion may also follow deforestation with tree deg-
For instance, an estimated time of recovery of 30–36 years was deduced radation and subsequent dislodgement of root systems and soil binding.
from 16 oil spills affecting various mangrove locations (Duke and Burns, Elevation within the intertidal zone governs inundation regime, which
1999). Based on the ranked recovery state phases described in Table 2, is critical for establishment and growth of mangroves with particular re-
the previous incident data were re-assessed as part of this treatment. quirements that vary between species. Therefore, any loss of soil and el-
The recovery period relationship is re-affirmed, as displayed in Fig. 6. evation via erosion will influence mangrove re-establishment (Lewis,
It must be emphasized however that this recovery only refers to forest 2005). Instances have also been reported where dead trees and

Table 2
Mangrove forest recovery goes through 6 phases and one negative state, based on structural regrowth from sublethal (marginal) and lethal (central, gap) impacts (also Fig. 1), respectively.
Indicators of gap condition status have been adapted from Duke (2001). Faunal status, while undoubtably important also, has not been included in this treatment. Actual times taken for
forest recovery vary due to the different trajectories of sublethal and lethal impacts.

Recovery phase of status % Sub lethal Lethal state representation
gap percent trajectory Lethal trajectory in gap in gap

Natural pre-damage Reference Foliage dense with yellowing leaf numbers b10%. Trees mostly alive throughout stand; occasional dead
state condition Seedling bank under closed mature canopy. trees and up to ~10% light gaps in ambient conditions.

1. Recently oiled Positive Yellowing and loss of foliage in affected areas, and Tree death (within 6–12 months after spill), dead
1–10 presence of dead, low-placed seedlings. Some seedlings and saplings. Trees with dead yellow leaves
surviving seedlings. and small twigs present. Mostly dead seedlings.

2. Recovery Positive Loss of foliage in affected areas, and presence of dead, Deterioration of dead trees missing small branches
preliminary 11–30 low-placed seedlings. and twigs. No appreciable recruitment, some

3. Recovery Positive Foliage density in recovery with new growth. Deterioration of dead trees missing large branches and
established 31–50 Re-establishment seedling bank under re-established upper stems. Establishment of additional seedling
canopies. recruits in open areas.

4. Recovery Positive Foliage density in recovery with new growth. Notable large stumps remain with some exposed
progressed 51–70 Re-establishment seedling bank under re-established roots. Saplings dominate in dense stands, in the forest
canopies. gaps. Immature, low level canopy closure.

5. Recovery Positive Foliage density in recovery with new growth. Reduced remnant dead stumps & wood sections.
advanced 71–90 Re-establishment seedling bank under re-established Canopy closure advanced. Notable thinning of saplings
canopies. and young seedlings present.

6. Structural Positive Normal foliage density with canopy closed. Site None or occasional remnant mature-sized stumps.
recovery in final 91–100 Maximal Canopy Height unaffected. Presence of Canopy closed. Damaged area Site Maximal Canopy
stages of seedling bank of 3–6 year old young plants, and a Height restored. Formation of seedling bank of 3–6
completion. notable gap between mature canopy trees. year old recruits, notable class gap to mature canopy.

Possible Negative Foliage absent in impacted gap area Dependent on state of gap degradation. Absence of
deterioration condition integrated roots, living seedlings, saplings and young
state post trees. Evidence of scouring.
recovery, likely
from phases 1 to 5
N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715 709

Fig. 7. Rates of annual recovery of mangrove forest structure influenced by different tidal
Fig. 6. Recovery of mangrove forest structure killed during various oil spills (see
ranges (see Fig. 6; Supplementary Data Table 3). The linear regression of ‘best fit’ shows a
Supplementary Data Table 3). Recovery was quantified in terms of total above ground
trend where greater tidal range equates to greater rates of recovery (dashed line: r =
biomass of mangrove stands before and after deforestation (see Table 2). The linear
0.827; N = 7; P b 0.005). Note, this trend does not necessarily represent complete
regression of ‘best fit’ shows a trend towards recovery of after around 3 decades
habitat recovery since faunal biota were not considered.
(dashed line: r = 0.878; N = 7; P b 0.005). Note, this trend does not necessarily
represent full habitat recovery since faunal biota were not considered.

sediments have sufficiently diminished, as the agents causing harm. Fi-

dislodged roots have been carried away by waves and tides, causing a nally, if changes in elevation and alterations in tidal flow have occurred
second wave of mortality through scouring of newly-established plants following severe or prolonged damage, re-engineering may be needed
around 6 years after the initial oil spill impact (Duke et al., 1997, Duke to create suitable conditions for establishment and growth (Schmitt
and Burns, 1999). While oil-impacted, fringing mangroves on high en- and Duke, 2015). For areas that have been denuded of cover and debris,
ergy coastlines are at greatest risk (Duke and Burns, 1999), it is such ex- strategic planting or the positioning of artificial structures may assist to
posed stands that maintain and support the integrity of the structurally- capture and stabilise sediment and create nodes of advanced recovery
delicate inner stands. Re-establishment of these stands is critical but (also see Gedan and Silliman, 2009).
there is little evidence demonstrating how this might happen. In any In conclusion, on-going improvements for better managing recovery
case, it means that all mangrove stands are highly vulnerable to oil and rehabilitation of oil-impacted mangrove tidal wetland habitat, de-
spills, and that lethal damage should be avoided at all costs! pends on the successful implementation of robust assessment and mon-
Biotic and abiotic interactions with mangrove ecosystems are com- itoring strategies and measures for gauging the success of intervention
plex, and each spill has a different set of circumstances. Hence, some and mitigation efforts. These measures need to be ecologically sound
generalisations about the long-term term consequences of oil spills in while providing quantifiable, longer term comparisons of reliable, prac-
mangroves are difficult to make. In summary, the primary factors tical and useful evaluations of habitat condition and health. While a
most likely to influence recovery time are oil type (heavy versus great deal of progress has been made in some aspects, the recommenda-
light), quantity, and oil condition (fresh and concentrated versus tions that have arisen from these considerations are considered practi-
weathered and dispersed). High initial impacts are most likely where cal and useful next level improvements in the sustainable
fresh, light oils are involved, but also possible also with concentrated, management of valuable but vulnerable tidal wetland habitats
heavy oils where they smother exposed surfaces (Duke et al., 1998b). worldwide.
Broadly applied dense oiling is also more likely to result in delayed re-
covery than small patches of oiling over several hectares or less. Recov- 10. Operational response guidelines for oil-damaged mangroves
ery clearly depends on biotic factors also, like the supply of propagules
for colonization, and variations in species tolerances. As noted, there is a great need for standard reporting of each spill in-
Furthermore, recovery may proceed more rapidly in areas of high cident affecting mangroves. This includes sharing these findings in a
tidal ranges where the effects of more flushing appears to break down public forum. Standard descriptors start with: the area of oiled man-
deposited oil faster (Burns et al., 1993, 2000). This is shown from the grove and surrounding sediments; as well as areas of oil impacted de-
currently considered data in Fig. 7, which shows the relationship be- forestation. Finally, there is a need to promote rehabilitation of
tween tidal range for particular incidents, and the estimated annual re- damaged areas, especially for areas deforested by oiling. With these
covery rates (Supplementary Data Table 3). The recovery rates vary measures, it is understandably considered best practice to support nat-
from 3 to 6% per year for a tidal ranges varying from 0.6 to 3.9 m. The ural processes of natural seedling recruitment, and to promote plant
implications of these preliminary findings are that the application of ar- growth generally. For instance, only if absolutely necessary, should sup-
tificial flushing may be beneficially applied to accelerate the recovery of plemental planting be used to aid recovery and seedling re-establish-
at least the structural components of mangrove stands. ment when stand integrity has not yet reached self-reliance.
A number of management options exist to assist recovery of man- A more complete set of suggested actions are listed in Table 3, cover-
groves following an oil spill. These focus on accelerating the rate of ing the four key threat phase periods that make up a ‘Pre, During, Im-
breakdown of oil (via degradation and bioremediation) and planting pact, Post’ (PDIP) Spill Response plan. It is notable, that this strategy
seedlings to assist natural regeneration. As a means for restoring man- reflects the nomenclature to be used by AMSA and CSIRO in the new
grove cover, facilitating natural regeneration is generally preferred Australian National Oil Spill Monitoring Handbook. By way of further
over planting as it is more cost-effective, and it can have a better out- explicit explanation, nine (9) key recommendations are also given for
come for structure and composition (Lewis, 2005). For oil spills, seed- improving the management of oil-damaged mangrove and tidal wet-
ling re-establishment may only proceed once toxic compounds in land habitat. Further included are brief guidelines for responders to
710 N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715

Table 3
Actions and response strategies for monitoring mangrove habitats impacted, or likely to be impacted, by large oil spills, as a set of recommended Standard Operational Procedures. The
types of responses, actions and their timing depend on the Threat Phase of the spill incident. The four Phases include: “Pre-Spill”, “During Spill Pre-Impact” and “During Spill Post-Impact”
and “Post Spill”. Modified from Duke and Burns (1999). This describes the “Pre, During, Impact, Post“(PDIP) Spill Response Plan for the four (4) critical phases when oil spills threaten, or
impact on, mangrove and tidal wetland habitat.

Oil spill threat phase Operational monitoring actions Response measures Justification

Pre-spill Proactive preparedness – Training of personnel in Specific responses include: This applies to unspecified threats from large oil
Before Spill Incident high risk areas, equipment preparations, plus the 1) Oil spill database. Develop and support a spill incidents that may affect sensitive mangrove
compilation of Reports, Data and the approval of national and/or regional database and atlas of habitat.
current best practice Strategies for Monitoring oil spill incidents affecting mangroves. It is essential best practice to be prepared using
and Assessment of Oiled Mangrove Habitat. 2) Current contacts. A network of current the best available resources and people.
• Feedback from prior incidents of monitoring, stakeholders, like the Australian Mangrove & Preparedness need be applied at a National and
recovery and mitigation measures used. Saltmarsh Network ( regional level since major oil spills can occur at
• Risk & Resource Assessments Minimization of 3) Shoreline risk evaluation. Shoreline mapping anytime and at any location.
risk at possible spill point sources, including using latest satellite imagery; in combination This ‘In between’ Phase is the best time to
safe ship handling practices. with shoreline condition monitoring and review, discuss and approve a series of
• Contingency Planning with the Compilation of assessments (like the Shoreline Video dedicated, current best practice guides along
best advice, equipment and personnel training Assessment Method) for the entire shoreline with current best practice monitoring
for effective rapid response. area at risk. strategies. It is also the time to prepare contact
• Publication of a coastal resource atlas, 4) Standard operational procedures. An lists for particular specialists who can assist
identifying risk levels and habitat vulnerability. approved and agreed set of both during the Rapid Response Phases, and the
• Research into fate and effects of oils and procedures/strategies for the monitoring and more considered post incident assessments.
dispersed oils on mangrove communities. rehabilitation of oil damaged mangrove habitat,
• Regular re-assessment and updating of based on past incident experience, reports and
response, cleanup and management protocols. research.
• Maintenance of a contact list of mangrove 5) Standard methods. Production of a series of
monitoring specialists. approved Standard Assessment Methods, like:
• Test likely products and strategies used in mangrove cleanup techniques; how to
mitigation and cleanup. recognise mangrove recovery status, and aging
• Supply & Equipment Stockpiles developed. dead tree decomposition; species identification
material that are regionally relevant for plants
and animals.
During Spill pre-impact. Oil threatening mangroves – reactive phase Specific responses include: Oil spill current – or within 2 weeks.
Spill Incident Taking improved greatly by any prepared response Oil not in mangroves but it threatens.
Place - oil threatens measures. 1) Standard operational guidelines. Follow any
mangrove habitat. • Urgent need for monitoring of mangrove agreed and approved Monitoring Assessment The primary aim at this phase is to protect sites
habitat to start with the Rapid Response Units Strategies and Field Procedural Check Sheets. of sensitive mangrove habitat. To be effective,
during the spill incident. 2) Standard reporting. Document Incident this requires a good knowledge of the
• Prediction of Threat - Spatial & Temporal - circumstances as recommended in publically whereabouts of any particularly vulnerable
Predict movement of oil and evaluate threats to available reports. habitats, as well as the current climatic
potential stranding sites of oil along the 3) Standard assessment methods. Specifically for conditions (like wind direction, waves, storms,
shoreline. identification of: oil type (collect fresh samples etc), and current movements.
• Apply Contaminant Delay and Diversion from source); oil volume released; oil volume Responders also need to have an eye on the
Strategies - evaluate the range of response salvaged; locations likely to be oiled; type of future with additional, targeted monitoring to
options, including “do nothing but monitor the corrective chemicals used, like dispersants; further improve future responses (like the
incident”. installation of booms; use of skimmers; trialing of cleaning techniques, innovative
• Dispersant Application - review cleanup and document impacts on mobile marine and bird products, etc).
containment techniques subject to habitat, oil fauna; collect water quality data. This includes the consideration and
type, etc. 4) Oil spill database. Add new and revised establishment of incident specific influential
• Recovery of Oil - Assess removal, disposal, and information to the national oil spill database parameters – as listed in Response Items. These
assisted degradation of oil. and atlas. particularly concern the locations of oil
deposition, as well as reasonably accurate
measures of habitat likely to be affected by oil.
During Spill post-impact. Newly oiled mangrove - Reactive Phase improved Specific responses include: Oil spill current – or within 2 weeks.
Spill Incident Taking greatly by any prepared response measures. Oil in mangroves, coating exposed roots, soil &
Place - oil deposited • Urgent need for monitoring of mangrove 1) Standard operational guidelines. Follow any wildlife.
amongst mangrove habitat to start with the Rapid Response Units agreed and approved Monitoring Assessment
plants and surrounding during the spill incident. There is only a very Strategies and Field Procedural Check Sheets. At this critical phase, it is essential to determine
sediments. short period of days and weeks before vital 2) Standard reporting. Document ongoing the extent of likely and actual oil spill impacts
evidence is lost. incident circumstances. related to both lethal and sublethal responses
• Habitat Affected - Shoreline Assessments - 3) Standard assessment methods. Specifically for by affected mangrove habit. This requires a
evaluation of affected habitat. identification of: oil volume released (collect oil good knowledge of the indicators by those
• Remote Imagery & Mapping - before damage - sample, floating/deposited on trees and on undertaking the monitoring.
evidence of canopy damage. mud); map locations where oil deposited; note It is essential during this phase to establish key
• Infauna Assessment - assessment of infauna oiled ‘hot spots’; document impacts on fauna; criteria that will frame all post spill assessment
condition. collect data and samples of each species reporting. For example, it is important to know
• Stranded Oil Assessment - map oil ‘hot spots - present; collect water quality data. about the extent of likely sublethal damage.
assessment of deposited oil 4) Oil spill database. Add new and revised This can only be determined if the extent of
information to the national oil spill database oiled mangrove is mapped during this short
and atlas. phase. Much of the visual evidence of broader
oiling disappears shortly after this phase.
Post spill. Previously oiled mangrove – opportunities to Specific responses include: Oil spill much earlier – maybe last year or decades
Oil Long Settled, evaluate mitigation strategies, as well as the since.
Mangrove notably quantification of past impacts and any recovery 1) Standard reporting. Document what is known
Impacted, and/or processes. of the primary oil spill incident – along with any For this phase, it is essential to document what
Recovery Taking Place. intervening severe events, like cyclones, or can be discovered about the earlier oil spill
• Habitat Damage & Recovery Assessments - additional oil spills. incident.
evaluation of damage, response and recovery of 2) Standard assessment methods. Specifically for Important parameters to add at this time
N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715 711

Table 3 (continued)

Oil spill threat phase Operational monitoring actions Response measures Justification

oiled habitat. identification of; visual presence of oil; collect include: the full extent of structural (lethal)
• Remote Imagery & Mapping - after damage - water samples; collect sediment samples for oil damage (this would not have been evident at
evidence of longer term canopy damage. assessment; assess status of mangrove habitat – the time of the spill); the extent of sublethal
• Assessment of Associated Biota - condition of condition; structure, biodiversity; record dead damage to reproductive success & productivity;
mangrove infauna. trees and status of decomposition; impacts on dependent animals, including local
• Oil in Sediment - analysis of residual oil in measure/sample presence of fauna, biomass, fisheries; review lessons learnt during the
sediments. species, abundance. incident for reducing impacts of future spills.
• Assist in restoration of habitat where and if 4) Oil spill database. Add new and revised It is important at this phase to establish
necessary. information to the national oil spill database amounts of progress, if any, towards recovery.
• Assessment of prior Restoration Interventions and atlas. Especially reporting on recovery This requires those monitoring to have a
status, and how affected sites responded to standard set of robust indicators for ranking
applied mitigation strategies. levels of damage, and recovery. Such objective
measures are needed when comparing
incidents, and to get more measured
evaluations of the effectiveness of prior
mitigation strategies.

large oil spills. The following points and recommendations are made For relevant spill incidents, both past and present background infor-
based on the prior studies and observations considered in this article. mation should be made available, collected and archived in a central
public repository. Full access to all relevant documents is essential if
11. Specific recommendations for monitoring oil-damaged there are to be further improvements in future response actions. This
mangroves database could build on prior reviews of large oil spill incidents, like
those from around Australia (see Duke and Burns, 2003). It is important
The history of oil spills affecting mangroves suggests that recovery to piece together, capture and link all relevant historical facts and obser-
and rehabilitation generally takes at least 3 decades (as noted above), vations that might otherwise be lost.
depending on climate, tidal range and geographic circumstances Exemplary examples of existing databases include those mentioned
(Lewis et al., 2011; Duke, 2001; NOAA, 2014). However, sufficiently de- in this review, including: AMSA (2016); CEDRE (2016); ITOPF (2016);
tailed studies of long term impacts are relatively few in number. What is NOAA (2016) and the Nigerian Oil Spill Monitor (2016). These model
required is more explicit reporting using a standard selection of key de- resources could be improved upon with: more defined content (cs. spe-
fining parameters. While an array of factors influence the outcome of an cific geographic areas, incident types, etc), better search capabilities
oil spill incident on mangrove stands, only a few parameters are needed (like, mangroves affected), a wider range of standardized entry fields,
to quantify impact severity and on-going changes towards recovery, or and multiple choice selections to help responders upload their observa-
degradation. By measuring these parameters, it should be possible to tions in a standard format.
quantify overall impacts and timeframes for recovery.
This understanding would greatly improve the management of oil-
damaged mangrove ecosystems. For example, oil type and the the Recommendation 3: Where possible, either as part of pre-spill con-
amount of habitat oiled are key determinants of impact severity, and tingency planning, or as part of rapid assessment pre-impact, it is
the longer term responses. With this knowledge, responders might be highly beneficial that baseline condition of the oil- threatened man-
able to more confidently apply targeted intervention with a reasonable grove shorelines be measured and evaluated using accepted
expectation of achieving certain outcomes and in reducing impacts. This methodologies, to support future ‘before and after impact’ com-
could include interventions like: the application of dispersants; the re- parisons. Where this is not possible, appropriate comparative sites
direction of oil deposits; the reduction to oil deposited within mangrove need to be established in suitable locations known to reflect as
stands; enhanced flushing; and bioremediation. The following nine (9) well as can be determined, the pre-impact state of the impacted
recommendations outline a series of strategies intended to guide better mangroves.
and more targeted responses that promote and accelerate recovery of
mangrove habitat affected by larger oil spills.

The ideal baseline monitoring of shorelines threatened by oil spills

Recommendation 1: Follow a Pre, During, Impact, Post (PDIP) Re- needs to be undertaken prior to an oil spill incident. But, since oil spills
sponse Plan (Table 3) to minimise impacts and costs associated are known to occur anywhere, as demonstrated in this review, it re-
with oil-damaged mangrove and tidal wetland habitat. quires regional shorelines be fully surveyed beforehand. This appears
to present a difficult challenge, but there are solutions found in recent
innovations in shoreline surveillance. One is critical evidence captured
For overall management of large oil spill impacts on mangrove and in high definition satellite imagery and data. Remote satellite mapping
tidal wetland habitat it is necessary to follow a plan like the all is extremely valuable in providing overall quantifications of habitat
encompassing strategy of Pre, During, Impact, Post (PDIP) Response types and locations, but there are limitations to its application which be-
Plan, adapted from Duke and Burns (2003) and described in Table 3. comes obvious only when ground verification is found lacking.
An important recent compliment to satellite remote sensing is the
Shoreline Video Assessment Method (S-VAM) as used from either
Recommendation 2: Report, record and make available publically, boat-based (Mackenzie et al., 2016) or low-level, aerial platforms
all relevant information about oil spill incidents where they impact (Duke et al., 2010). The S-VAM approach provides a unique, improved
on mangroves and tidal wetland habitat. perspective that allows quantification of shoreline processes as well as
likely impacting agents, like severe climatic events, storms, and large
712 N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715

oil spills. For instance, S-VAM aerial survey data was used to establish Table 4
shoreline baseline condition, including mangroves, threatened during A proposed standard list of information fields for reporting on large oil spill incidents, es-
pecially those resulting in mangrove dieback and habitat loss. Modified and adapted from
the offshore Montara oil spill incident off the north-west coast of Aus- Duke and Burns, 1999; NOAA, 2014.
tralia in 2009 (CEDRE, 2016; AMSA, 2016). A notable feature of this
low level aerial monitoring method is that it allowed not only establish- Standard reporting oil spill incident database fields

ment of baseline condition, but it also provided a permanent reference Primary information
database from which to evaluate future change along these shorelines. Date, or period, of spill
Date/time of landings of oil by location
The future application of this method depends on two key contribu-
Location, name and site coordinates
tions: continued image acquisition through space and time; and, the de- Tidal range, tidal phase during oil landings
velopment of a dedicated data management and display portal, called Site exposure condition – aspect, direction
ShoreView. The former requires its adoption by coastal surveillance Types of oil
agencies at a national scale, and the latter is under development for Quantities of oil released
Weather conditions at the time and subsequently
the Port Curtis Port Alma Coastal Habitat Archive and Monitoring Pro- Description of spill, details of incident, vessels involved
gram (Duke and Mackenzie, 2015). For those interested, the prototype Observations/measurements/samples, slick observations
PTTEP Montara ShoreView display portal is available for viewing at: Spill response Description of response action
Volume of oil recovered
Remediation/mitigation strategies used
Type and quantity of dispersant used
Recommendation 4: Collect all descriptive data on large oil spills in Sediment condition, physical site parameters
a standardized, expanded format, especially where spills might im- Sediment type
Hydrocarbons in sediments
pact on mangrove and tropical saltmarsh habitat.
Coastal features and water movements
Biotic condition, impact assessment
Area and extent of mangrove oiled – time of landing
Extent of mangrove deforestation – over one year
It is recommended that some additional fields be considered for Mangrove species affected – oil contacted
Other mangrove biota affected – death of animals
inclusion in future evaluation and monitoring guides. The value of
Status of plant condition, regrowth, recruitment
reports on oil spill incidents affecting mangroves could be greatly en- Remediation applied
hanced by adding the suggested fields (see Duke and Burns, 2003), as Natural restoration, no intervention, location areas
fully detailed in Table 4. And, these would be most useful if they were Assisted restoration, types and location of interventions
freely available as per Recommendation 1. The information fields Habitat recovery assessment
Monitoring strategies conducted
listed expand slightly, but importantly, on those listed by NOAA
Research investigations undertaken
and other organizations. The new observations made in this review Maps and remote sensing imagery
support further useful post-spill deductions, for example, regards Field sketch maps and notes
extrapolated volumes of oil lost based on the area of oil-related Satellite imagery, highest resolution, GIS layers
Aerial imagery flown
Historical imagery, background status, change detection
Image records and documentation
Photographic imagery archive
Recommendation 5: Determine, using accepted methods, the Official reports, publications
Popular media, newspapers, websites
type, extent and concentrations of oil within the impacted areas
Contact person(s)/organisation(s), email, web sites
of mangrove (cs., water surface, water column, sediment and Spill management and clean-up
mangrove surfaces and buried sediment) at both the time of oiling Impact assessment/monitoring/research
and at some period after initial oiling (i.e. 3–6 months) when lethal Recovery monitoring and current status
impacts are apparent, and the type, extent and severity of man- Site access restrictions, authorities and delegations

grove damage (e.g. severity of defoliation or deforestation) is


Recommendation 6: Post-spill monitoring of mangrove reforesta-

tion and the presence of hydrocarbons in sediments needs to be
The severity of damage caused by oiling of mangrove habitat, should conducted over 3–4 decades to assess habitat recovery where
be measured in terms of deforestation and habitat loss (the lethal im- trees have died.
pact), as well as sampling and measuring oil concentrations and oil
type and condition from contaminated sediments. These and other
influencing factors are needed in the making of a baseline assessment.
There is further value in using the reported lethal dosage of 5 l.m−2 of Habitat rehabilitation from recruitment to canopy closure and mat-
mature Rhizophora stands in Panama (Duke et al., 2000), to estimate ei- uration of previously deforested areas from oiling may take around
ther the area of mangroves likely killed by the known volume lost, or 35–50 years from the initial incident of first impact. Note that habitat
vice versa, to deduce the likely volume of oil from the area of dead man- condition refers to the diversity and health of both plants and animals.
groves. It follows that the area of mangrove death would not be the only Recovery rates are expected to be difficult to predict because there are
a measure of impact, but this measure is a useful proxy for the amount a number of influential factors like, tidal range, temperature and rainfall,
of oil deposited in mangrove habitat. This allows impact/response asses- coupled with site conditions of species assemblages, sediment type, site
sors a means to estimate the minimal volume of oil lost in mangroves, as exposure. There are also different residual oil effects, with their differing
the amount it takes to cause an observed area of tree death. Clearly, such rates of degradation. A further notable factor often overlooked is the
an estimate will be approximate, since there are other factors to consid- prior condition and resilience of mangroves before they had been
er, like oil type. The accuracy is expected to be improved as we learn impacted by a current incident. While it is essential where possible to
more from better and more specific reporting, as noted in these Recom- establish baseline condition, this recommendation requires the identifi-
mendations (2, 3 & 4). cation of adequate longer term funding and support through
N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715 713

appropriate mechanisms starting with insurance and company clean- sensitive habitats like coral reefs, while burning can produce solid resi-
up obligations. due that can wash ashore and also contaminate the intertidal zone.
Should oil enter a mangrove stand then a decision must be made at
the time to act, or not, based on best available evidence of all extenuat-
Recommendation 7: Mangroves along exposed foreshores and ing circumstances. Information reviewed by Hensel et al. (2010) pro-
fringing the waters' edge are more vulnerable to damage and re- vides some well-founded suggestions for the cleanup of oil spilled
quire the highest level of protection. within mangroves and associated intertidal habitats. A summary is pre-
sented (Table 5) as an additional guide for making informed decisions
about cleanup intervention. Of these, the most likely beneficial inter-
vention appears to be gentle flushing (Fig. 7), since this simulates
Rates of recovery are largely influenced by site exposure where
those in sheltered locations recover slowly while those in exposed loca-
tions may have initially recovered quickly only to be subsequently killed
by “driftwood scouring”. This degradation occurs after the roots of dead Table 5
trees have decomposed and become mobilised, after around 5–6 years, Once oil is within a mangrove stand, the following is a brief list of options ranging from no
as observed in Panama (Duke et al., 1997). This occurrence appears to action, to varying forms of intervention (adapted from Hensel et al., 2010; NOAA, 2014).

apply generally where trees die in exposed stands for various reasons Intervention action Comment
(like severe storm winds), and resulting in stand replacement and turn-
No action This is recommended for most affected areas.
over (Duke, 2001). Booms and other barriers, Can be effective but generally only for low
including adsorbant booms and energy settings and where advanced
pillows preparation enables structures to be
positioned in advance of the spill coming
Recommendation 8: Post-spill monitoring of animals needs to con- ashore.
tinue as part of habitat rehabilitation assessments for more than Manual removal Most applicable for heavy oils as they can be
two years to adequately assess their recovery. persistent and cause long term risks;
however, trampling and other forms of
physical damage are most likely to be
unreasonably destructive.
While mangrove trees take several months to die following a large Vacuuming Suitable only for the outer fringe of a
mangrove and/or in open stands, coarse
spill (as for Recommendation 6), this contrasts with the impact on ani- rather than fine sediment and heavier rather
mals which occurs within hours of the oil first settling after tide levels than light oil. Access by the necessary heavy
first drop. During the following days, the habitat can smell of equipment is a major limitation.
decomposing fauna, like those in Port Curtis after experimental oiling Flooding and flushing using Designed to remove oil from sediment
seawater surface and from mangrove parts; most
(Duke and Burns, 1999). The animals chiefly comprised small fish, shell-
effective for light and medium oils, on a
fish and crustaceans, including sesarmid crabs and pistol shrimps. How- receding tide when oil is moving out of the
ever, unlike the process for replacing trees taking decades, the crabs and mangrove and if sediment will not be
other animals reported dead in the trials (Duke et al., 2000), had re- disturbed. This type of intervention shows
established in plots after 1–2 months. However, it was notable that fau- great promise since this method concurs with
observed more rapid oil degradation rates in
nal activity levels remained relatively low compared to those in un- areas of higher tidal ranges (see Burns et al.,
oiled plots after 2 years. 2000; Duke et al., 2000; Fig. 7).
Longer term funding support is essential also for research and mon- Cleaners & dispersants To assist tidal flow or flushing treatments to
itoring of animals affected by oil spills. Animals are essential for the detach and dissolve oil from sediment and
mangrove parts; however, some cleaners
health and well-being of mangrove vegetation, as shown in the complex
may be toxic.
trophic and functional relationships observed (cs., McIvor and Smith, Bioremediation Promoting microbial breakdown of oil
1995). through nutrient addition and aeration;
noted that this approach is yet to be fully
evaluated and nutrient addition can
negatively affect mangrove health. But see
Recommendation 9: Once oil enters a mangrove tidal wetland, Duke et al. (2000) for a successful trial of
very serious consideration must be made for ‘no action’ where just bioremediation in Central Queensland and
about any intervention will result in further habitat damage, like Santos et al. (2011) for a further
trampling of sediments and seedlings, cutting away dead wood, comprehensive account.
Removal of oiled debris Appropriate when no further oil is likely to
sweeping up dead vegetation, planting seedlings, burning off oil, reach the shore (debris acts as a barrier),
scraping up oiled surface sediments, and applying dispersants or physical damage to mangroves can be
other industrial chemicals. Cleanup access and procedures must minimised and the activity does not result in
only be applied where these intervention actions are proven not significant habitat alteration (also see Duke et
al., 1999).
to cause harm to recovery processes.
Floating loose sorbents This includes dust or fibre sorbents, including
persistent polymers (i.e. plastics banned in
Australia and other countries, for their
persistence and negative influences), floating
Overall, the treatment of oil offshore is regarded as the preferred op- organic materials of little use (e.g. wool, hair
tion over the treatment of oil deposited within intertidal habitat. This coconut fibre, straw), or inorganic materials
applies especially to mangroves where clean up is extremely difficult (e.g. zeolites, cat litter, plasma silicates).
These may well sink and they are generally
since stands are often dense, remote and inaccessible. And, that the
not well researched. However, new products
clean up intervention is most likely damaging in itself; for example, and processes are imminent. For example, see
trampling, root breakage and other forms of physical impacts. Options the AMSA (2016) Oil Spill Control Agents
for treating oil offshore include mechanical containment and skimmer Register list. The product called OilZorb, as an
recovery, agitation and mixing, dispersant use, and burning. However, example with potential for better response
applications in and about mangrove areas.
chemical additives such as dispersants may have an impact on other
714 N.C. Duke / Marine Pollution Bulletin 109 (2016) 700–715

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