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re pie ble is arzualy the most important concept in ‘Fan. bh in principle and in practice, 1 is the everday oot for stents 1 SUBBESTS New avenues of research to jonals, and it provides a succinct organization of the whole remiss It's @ remarkable demonstration of the fact that the al elements are nota random cluster of entities but instead uy sends and lie together in families, An awareness of the ‘Su able is essential 1 anyone who wishes to disentangle eon and sce how itis built up from the fundamental building fas of te chemistry the chemical elements. Glenn T. Seaborg iin the advent of time, chemistry had come a long wa! sare ie emi, ad come ong my of Gevovered which is quite remarkable from 31 elements in 1800 {p118 tll date. Out of these 94 clements are naturally occurring Sarest are man-made. While efforts to synthesize new elements ‘Fes going, it becomes a difficult task to study each and every dient precisely and their compounds. So an appreciable amount sfatention is required to systematise and arrange in a manner securing to their properties. This will not only rationalize the {nown chemical facts about elements but will also leave scope for the predicted elements. Dobereiner’s Law of Triads ‘The German scientist, Johann Dobereiner in carly 1800's vas the first to consider the idea of trends among properties of dleneats. By 1829, he gave his law of triads about a group of three elements possessing similar characteristics, the atomic mass of the central element was nearly the arithmetic mean ofthe atomic masses of the other two elements (sce table). The properties of the middle element were also in between those of the other two members. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties eee ‘Table: Dobereiner's Triads ron Str Ca Soran Li 1 Ca a | 355 Na 23 Sr 88 Br 80. K 39. Ba 137. 1 127. Drawback: The concept was not applicable toall known elements but only to a limited number of elements. Newland’s Law of Octaves An English chemist, John Alexander Newlands in 1865 made fan attempt to classify the elements known in the increasing order of their atomic masses, He noticed that every eighth element of the series has properties similar to the first element as every note resembles the first in octave of music. It means that after a difference of seven elements, the element with similar characteristics was observed. jewland’s Octaves Element Atomic Element Atomi Sonus 9 Pola 12 Eales ° 16 en ReD sey 35.5 Deambeeke The sytem worked only for lighter elements upto Lothar Meyer's Curve [1869] He plotted a curve between atomic weight and atomic volume of different elements. Elements having similar properties occupy similar positions on curve. The following observation can be made from the curve ~ (a), Most electropositive elements ie. alkali metals (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs ete.) occupy the peak positions on the curve. (®) Less electropositive i. alkaline earth metal (Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) occupy the descending position on the curve. (©) Metatloids (B, Si, As, Te, ‘occupy bottom part of the AL etc.) andtransition metals (@) Mos electronegative clement i. halogens (Cl, Be ‘occupy the ascending postion dk the eure Mendeleev's Periodic Table ‘The physical and chemical properties of elements are the Periodic function of their atomic weigh Characteristic of Mendeleev's Periodic Table (@) 63 elements were known, noble gases were not discovered. (®) He was the first sciemtist to classify the elements in @ systematic manner columns. (©) Hotizontal rows are calted ‘periods and there were 7-petiods in Mendeleev’s Periodic table (@ Vertical columns are called groups and there were 8 groups in Mendeleev's Periodic table ee (©) Each group upto VIT is divided into A & B subgroups.’A’ sub ‘group elements are called normal elements and ‘B” sub group elements are called transition elements. -° () The Vill gréup cotisists of 9 elemeris in three rows. GY The efémenits: helongiig to. samé group exhibit. similar properties. Table: System of the Elements in Groups and Series in horizontal rows and in vertical Merits or Advantages of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table (@ Study of elements ~ For the first time, all known elements ‘were classified in groups according to their similar properties, So study of the properties of elements became easier. (©) Prediction of new elements ~ It gave encouragement to the discovery of new elements as some gaps wete left in it. ‘The primary aim of Mendeleev was to arrange elements with similar properties in the same group and predicted 134 ‘Tabi Gal ) .e elements that were still undiscovey, raf gaps for those unknown elements, mn ere not known when Mendeleey p, (Germanium W enn vie rable These elements Were named Fg, Mey Perneke-silicot. Mendeleev not only predicteg 4 iy, mn aon ad Gearon bre ext matched the properties when thege Alneg a ty about som discovered. endeleev's Predictions forthe Elements sq, lm ium) and Eke-Silicon (Germanium) . | COM Cony ae Atomic weight [Melting poinv(k) lor scl, | Gach, ebloride For following elements, position and properties were yay tiefined by-Mendeleev even before their discoveries an p left the blank spaces for them in his table, Eka aluminium — Gallium (Ga) * tka Boron ~ Scandium (Se) Eka Silicon ~ Germanium (Ge) Eka Manganese ~ Teckinetium (Te) Correction of doubtful atomic weights ~ Corrections wee done in atomic weight of some elements. Atomic Weight = Valency x Equivalent weight, Initially it was found that equivalent weight of Bei 4a | itis trivalent (V = 3), so the atomic weight of Be was 135 and there is no space in Mendeleev’s table for this element So, after correction, it was found that Be is. actually divalent (V = 2). So, the atomic weight of Be became 2 x 45=8 and there was a space Between Li and B for this clement it Mendeleev’s table, Corrections were done in atomic weight of some oth elements also ~U, In, Au, Pt. 2. CHEMISTRY , @ JEE Dropper Modul in] Sri] hn ig | SCNNOdWOD NIDOWAAH SNOASVO AAHOU oul tohy| foul = fot] fou ‘oral \ | SACIXO ANITVS WIHOIH) ; Ter Tee | TPO | WL omar ere] eel] et | =| 4 70|, = Ay | ‘wunupejd| ump] unm) eSen Al oF | | eet | as dis 4 unue|_wumeeype7 | eset (ct ocr fost —fowrr. «eit aa. las lus lu ipo ay |eurpoy Jumunyay — |Auownuy [or fwrpuy une | saaits L sor] oeor] LTO 096) 06 508 ve 8 vse] #8] @y) Pal... ny on ax E 2 as ou] ‘ rumpeyied| _sorupory) umuounma -| umaopqéioye] —umigorys] eemuoang] wins] wnguons| _umpram] wordy 9 3 | | | Jos: Jsw 2D 2 | | femmorg fumuyos —_foosry _ftnpwuug 3 7 & 6] eo] Os 05] Te] Vis] Ts] ae | 2 IN| °9| aa uy 39) Al 4 ay g pyein|__ 18999) oy] ssourSueyy| wna] _umypeua] carucsn way; + 3 Isse ooze Jor iv 87 oor & 19 Ss ld oN z jaunoy —_|snyding ssnsoydsoyd Woon ¢ | | oer 0091 OFT zi 07 F 5 \ . al o| = NI a oH E \ guna] v584xo] _weFomn| ungja4| z| a 3 a 7 é Demerits of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table (@) Position of hydrogen: Hydrogen resembles both, the alkali metals (1A) and the halogens (VIIA) in properties, so Mendeleev could not decide where to place it ©) Position of isotopes: As atomic wt. of isotopes differ, they should have been placed in different Positions in Mendeleev's periodic table. But there ‘were no such places for isotopes in Mendeleev’s table (© Anomalous pairs of elements: There were some pair of elements which didn’t follow the increasing order of atomic weights Ex. Ar and Co were placed before K and Ni : i respectively in the periodic table, but havi ing higher atomic weights. (@ Like elements were placed in different groups: There were some elements like Platinum (Pt) and Gold (Au) which have similar properties but were placed in ‘different groups in Mendeleev's Periodic table Pt Au vin 1B (©) Unlike elements were placed in same group: T'group Li} Na i More reactive K { Alkali metal : (Normal elements) f° j (P It was not clear that anthanides and Actinides? are related with IITA group or ITB group. After development of atomic structure theories about sub-atomic particles, some spectacular achievements took place into the classification of elements. In 1913, the English physicist, Henry ‘Moseley observed regularities in the characteristic X-ray spectra of the elements where he found that a plot of Jv (where v is frequency of k,, X-rays emitted) against atomic number (Z) gave a straight line and not the plot of Jy against atomic mass, Thus he concluded that the atomic number is more fundamental property than atomic mass, So he modified Mendeleev's periodic table and defined the modem periodic law as “The physical and chemical 136 of the elements are periodic fun properties of the slments are peroie Facing ‘atomic numbers”. “The periodic law revealed importnt characteristics amo, naturally occurring elements, Modern Periodic Table Various tables devised from time to time could not tng, Bthe yy simplicity and informative modem form of periodic tae. as “long form” of the periodic tale ofthe elements yas, on Bohr-Bury concept of electronic configuration, Salient Features of the Modern Periodic Table (a) 1 contains 7 horizontal rows like that of Mendeley called periods and 18 vertical columns called group, (6) Elements with similar valence shell configura, arranged in same group. (6) Bach period corresponds tothe highest principal quiyg number (n) ofthe elements in the period. The first py contains 2 elements. The subsequent periods consis or 8, 18, 18, 32 and 32 elements respectively. (4) Fourteen elements of both sixth and seventh periods ig Ianthanoids and actinoids respectively are places i, separate panels at the bottom Merits of long form of Periodic Table over Mendeleev's Periodic Table % Positions of Isotopes and Isobars: Isotopes have sane atomie number and the periodic table is based on atomic numbers. Therefore, various isotopes of the same elemens have to be provided the same position in the periodie table Isobars have same atomic weights but different stoic numbers and therefore they have to be placed at dif positions. The general electronic configuration of the elements emis same in group. Defects of Long Form of Periodic Table ‘ The position of hydrogen is still disputable as it was therein Mendeleev's periodic table. ‘ Helium is an inert gas but its configuration is different fom that of the other inert gas elements “* Lanthanide and actinide series could not be adjusted in he main periodic table and therefore they had to be placed in separate block below the periodic table. ‘% Isotopes have different physical properties, but all isotopes of an element are provided with same position. @ SEE Dropper Module-2 CHEMISTRY jodie table of the elements Pet a Alkali metals Lr Alkaline-earth metals. ‘fs Me secnold series om) Re De Tony) ‘ Noble pases Tain met Rae-eath elements (21,39,57.71) Other metas snd lanthanide elements (87 Other nonmetats Actinid elemens JOMENCLATURE OF ELEMENTS | | ATO! NUMBER > 100 ‘New elements with very high atomic numbers are very unstable thatthey can be obtained in very small quantities. Discovering new tlements requires sophisticated technologies which is possessed ty few countries only. Scientists are tempted to claim for its discovery which may lead to dispute between these countries due twcompetitive spirits For example, both American and Soviet scientists claimed credit for discovering element 104, The Americans named it Ratherfordium, whereas Soviets named it Kurchatovium. pent els jo |- &,oaoid such problems TUPAC has given recommendation | [/7101/ [Uniti [Una | Mendelevium | Ma tte sew divrey ceded ze sel | | or ition [usb [nt So the atomic number of the element using the numerical roots for 103 |Unnittrium [Unt [Lawreneium |r pd master? The Fe oe aeattis ade 104 | Unnilquadium | Ung Rutherfordium | RE Tie: Nain fs IUPAC Nomenlste Een LE rer red ton O 106 [Unnithexium [Unh — |Seaborgium — |Sg . 107 |Unnilseptium [Uns [Bohrium Bh y a 108 | Unnitoctium [Uno | Hassium Hs 7 a | [409 [Unnifennium™ [Une [Meiterium [Mie Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 437 ears RAT AOR = =a MO |Urunnitivm [Uun — |Darmsiadtiom [pe ee a 1127 |Ununbium —— [uub Coperiicium | Cn, [113 [ounran [Woe Pthentun Nn 114 | Ununquadium Ung [Flerovium [FI [Tis unstpetin [Uap [Noon ae 16 |Ununhexium [Uuh, ” |Livermorium | Lv U8 |Ununoctium |Uuo — oganesson Og The Permanent name might reflect the country (or state of the Country) in which the element was discovered, or tribute to a notable scientist. Ri O MC Tacli} Example 1: What would be the IUPAC name and symbol for the element with atomic number 120? Sol. The root for 1, 2 and 0 are un, bi and nil respectively Hence, the name becomes unbinilium and the symbol is Ubn, Example 2: What is the atomic number of Ununhexium? Sol. Un ~1 Un-1 Hex~6 Cee In modem periodié table; the element with atomic number Z = 118 will be: (@ Uuo ; Ununoetium ; alkaline earth metal (®) Uno ; Unniloctium ; transition metal (©) Uno s Unniloctium; alkali metal (d) Uuo ; Ununoctium; noble gas - Unnilbium belongs 16 which block and group of the periodic table? (a) block, group-10 (©) p-block, group-13 ‘Atomic number of the recently discovered element Nihonium (Nh) is? () Fblock, group-3 (d) d-block, group-I1 @ U8 =) 14 © 13 @ 104 138 NIC CONFIGURATION OF = 'S AND THE PERIODIC TABLE a electron in an atom i charactefse by Seto {,mand.s) where the principal quantum fou inergy level known as the shel "by ‘We know tha quantum numbers (0. (n) defines the main e Electronic Configuration in Periods “The period indicates the value of m for the outermost or ya, ccessive period in the perio rll In other words, successive perio Periodic tty ancl ‘withthe filling ofthe next higher principal enero like n refers to the filliig of the 1*, ax “a ike n= 1, higher principal energy levels. (a) First period: Itcoresponds tothe filing of lectonsn frst energy shell. (K she, n= 1, since tis energy has only one orbital, ie. 18 which can accommodate two electrons, therefore the first period contains ony elements. Hydrogen (1s") and Helium (132), 2 ssponds to the filling of el (6) Second period: It correspon ecwony 2 the 2 energy shell (L shel) i. n=2. Since this shell ha fgg orbitals (one 2s and three 2p) which can accommodate, electrons therefore 2 period contains eight elemens: 4 starts with Li Z = 3) which has three electrons where tg electrons are inthe Is orbital and third electron enters thea, orbital. The next element Be (Z= 4) has four electrons wig, configuration 1s%2s?, From next element B (Z = 5) the Jp orbitals are filled with electrons and the L shell compet at Ne (Z= 10) with electronic configuration 1s?2s? 25 (© Third period: This-period corresponds to the iiliag ~ “sof electrons in the third shell ie., n = 3. This shell kas nine orbitals (one 3s, three 3p and five 3d). However ~ according to the energy level diagrani of multielecitog atoms, 3d-orbitals have high energy so they are filled afer 4s-orbital. Consequently the third period contains only fou orbitals (3s and 3p) accommodating only eight electron, ‘Thus 3rd period has only eight elements. It begins at sodium (Z = 11) where the added electron enters the 3: orbital. Successive filling of electrons completing the 3s and 3p orbitals ends at Argon (Z = 18) with electric configuration 3s%3ps, : (@ Fourth period: It corresponds to the filling of electrons in the fourth energy level ie., n= 4. It starts with potassium (Z=19) and the added electron first goes to 4s-orbital which completes at caleium (Z = 20). After filling of 4s orbital, filling of five 34-orbital starts that can accommodate tea. “electrons (before the filling of 4p-orbital, first filling of 3d orbitals take place). In the fourth period there ae nine orbitals in total which can accommodate eighteen electrons ice, eighteen elements. (©). Fifth period: Fifth period corresponds to the fifth shell i.e., m= 5, Like fourth period it also have nine orbitals (one 56s, three Sp and five 4d) which can accommodate eight électrons ie, it can have eighteen elements @ JEE Dropper Module-2 CHEMISTRY 0 sixth period: Itcoresponds to the filling of the sixth energy level ie. m= 6, Since in this period only sixteen ombitals (One 6s, seven 4F, five Sd and three 6p) are available, thereby sixth period contains thirty two element , seventh period: It correspond: @ ser 'sto the filling ofthe seventh eve shel 46 1=7. Like sh pro, a cont thirty two clements due to the sixteen orbital : teen orbitals (one 75, seven Sf, five 6d and three 7p). This includes most of the ‘man-made radioactive elements, JOD TO PREDICT THE PERI P AND BLOCK OF A GIVE! nee SEA CIENESEM allowing steps are followed to predi hock of the element: 1, Blectronic configuration ofthe elementis written by followin sarious rules (Afbau principle, Hund's rule ete), * 2, Period of the element is represented by the highest 2 highest principal quantum number of the valence shell. ope 3, Block of the element is predicted on the basis of sub-shell ‘which receives the last electron. 4. Group is predicted from the number of electrons in the outermost or penultimate shell as follows: (@ Incase the element belongs to s-block, then the group no. = (number of valence “s” electrons) oe (@ Incase the element belongs to p-block, then the group no. = (10+ total number of valence “s" and “p” electrons) (©) Incase the element belongs to d-block, then the group no. (number of electrons in (n = 1) d-subshéll +m. s-subshell). the group, period and - s ean Maximum number of elements in period can be calculated by te along fala +) = 22 foro pend n= 1357 (n+27 . for eyén period, Example 3: How would you justify the presence of 18 «elements in the 5" period of the periodic table? Sol. When n= 5,/=0, 1,2, 3,4. The order ofthe increasing energy of orbitals are 5s < 4d < 5p. The total number of orbitals available are nine. The maximum number of electrons that can accommodate is 18 and therefore 18 elements are there in the St period. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Coie econ ich should be theoretically Taal oof eements wi ma he modern long form of present in 8” period of t periodic table, is (a 32) 40 . Atomic number Z= 58 belon ‘and group (a) 4 period, d-block and 3 group (b) 6 period, d-block and 4” group (0) 6* period, f-block and 3° group (@) 5%, d-block and 5* group 0) 48 1gs to which period, block ‘On the basis of electronic configuration, the elements can be classified into the following four blocks. o w Note: co) ‘s-block elements : Those elements in which last electron ENG in s-orbital, are called s-block elements. These ‘elements contain 1 or 2 electrons in s-subshell of outermost shell. Elements of 1% and 2° group belong to. this class. These elements enter into chemical reaction by losing valence electrons so as to acquire noble gas configuration in the outermost orbit, a as! (group 1) ns? (group 2) (Alkali metals) ‘(Alkaline earth metals) ‘These clements genérally form electrovalent compounds and basic oxides. 5 : [p-block eleinents: Thiese elements contain 1 to 6 cleetfons In the:pasubshell oF the outermost orbit (ns* np!) The ‘elements belonging to 13 to 18" group are p-block tlements. In these fast electron enters in p-subshell. For ‘example: 13 Boron (B) 14 Carbon (Cy 15 | Nitrogen (N) 16 Oxygen (O) [17] Fluorine @) of 15, 16 and 17 group elements are called pnictogens, cchalcogens and halogens respectively. ‘The main characteristics of these elements are: (@) ‘The noh - metallic character increases along a period. from group 13 to 17. (®) They form covalent compounds among themselves but electrovalent (ionic) compounds with s-block elements. block elements : Those elements in which last electron centers in d-orbital, are called d-block elements. These are also called transition elements. The elements of group 3 t0 12 belong to this class. Their general configuration can be represented as : (n —1}d!“!° nsl-2 ™ 139 General characteristics of transition (d-block) elements are: (@ These are metals, hard, malleable, ductile and possess high tensile strength. (®) These are good conductors of heat and electricity (©) These elements exhibit variable valency, (@) These generally form coloured compounds (©) These metals, their alloys and compounds possess marked catalytic activity, Note: Zn, Cd, Hg and Cn are not considered as transition lements because these have fully filed d!° configuration in atomic as well as oxidation state, () Cdlock elements: They are inner transition oF Fblock elements. These elements are arranged inthe two ows at the bottom of the periodic table. In the first row, these are 14 elements from atomic number 58 to71 known as Lanthanides or rare earth elements. The second row of elements from atomic number 90 to 103, are known as actinides. Their general electronic configuration can be Tepresented as (2—2) £4 (n-1ygot ns? They show mostof the properties similar to each other and also their properties are similar to ‘d’ block elements. Q) Representative or normal elements: The p-Block Elements and the s-Block Elements are called the representative Elements or Main Group Elements. These Consist of some metals, all non metals and metalloid These are the elements which are found in nature in abundance and are reactive in nature. These elements have one of the following configurations in their ‘outermost shell. as!, ns, ns*np!, ns?np?, ns?np®, nsap*, ns?np> ‘The number of electrons in the outermost shell varies from 1 to7 (2) Imert gases: At the end of each period is a noble gas element with a closed valence shell ns*ap® (exception helium having 1s?) configuration. All the orbitals in the valence shell of the noble gases are completely filled by electrons and it is very difficult to alter this stable arrangement by the addition or removal of electrons. The noble gases thus exhibit very low chemical reactivity. Under special conditions, the higher members do form some compounds with other elements and hence, the name has been changed to Noble gases. Though elements are classified into s, p, d and f-blocks, it is possible to further classify them into metals, non-metals and metalloids. More than 78% of the known elements are metals. These elements are present on the left side and centre of the periodic table. Metals aré the elements which are malleable and 140 se possess ste 2 008 CODELEEES Of eat an aes have high densities Taal have high melting POI a Boing, Metal re solids at room temperate. Mercury ig creespite of being & metal is liquid at on boy , tem Yitan (203 K) and Caesium (302 K) aio haye Py, Gatmpoinis. Non-metals are much less in number yr) ‘There are only about 20 non-metals. These are loc ieht hand side of the periodic table. Nonmetiy y* top eh points and ow boiling points. They usualy yy melting Pom temperature. These non metals ae nein” “ atte. Tay per contro hes tod Fed, the non-metallic character increases from jp thet occa sharp line dividing metals from non-metajs Tr ee in etl fo og Glements such as silicon, germanium, arsenic, an ee tellurium exhibit characteristic properties. of meals as we meals These elements are called Semi-metals or meta a A - (COR Ca i Example 4: Explain that Cu, Ag and Au are transiog clements? : Sol. These elements are transition elements because hey elements have incomplete (n-1)d subshell in they ‘elemental state or in any stable oxidation state. Example 5: Why 16% group elements are known a chalcogens? Sol. 16 group elements are known as chalcogens or te ore-forming elements because many elements can be extracted from sulphide or oxide ores. Example 6: How many of the given element(s) belongs oxygen family? Cd, Ba, Mo, Te, Ra, La, Po Sol. Te, Po belongs to oxygen family. Ce cnrcuen 6. What is the atomic number of the element which belongs to fifth period of 16% group? @0 63% @2 @3 7. ‘The group number forthe inner transition elementsis (@ 3 6 O4 8 8. Which is not d-block element? @a WA jm WY 9 Which of the following is not a lanthanide element? (@) Samarium(Sm) (®) Terbium(Tb) (©) Hotmium(tio) (@) EBinsteinium(Es) @ JE Dropper Module-2 CHEMIST” ‘tence shell €” suffer force of, 0 ed fore of repulsion du ti p > d > fe.g. the pene! to the nucleus is more than that of a 2p-electrons Fe 2p electrons are more shielded from the nucleus by core of electrons than 2s electrons. ywards nucleus (Penetration stration of a2s-clectron tron; hence the the inner ilar electronic configuration after a regular “The repetition of sim a reper interval isthe cause of periodicity ofthe properties of elements Cause of periodicity in properties of elements is due to repetition i sronie. configurations after certain regular conn ae err inert bing 2 8 18,18 and 32 ‘These numbers ae also sometimes called as magic oan Periodic ies are directly or indirectly related to their fot roo fn oa from left to right in a period or from top to bottom in a group. Some important periodic properties are: oxidation number, shielding effect, atomic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity, electro-negativity, valency, density, and ‘Atom is considered to be a very small spherical entity. So, in ‘imple terms atomic radii can be defined as the distance of the ‘outermost shell of an atom from the centre of its nucleus. Being, very small, itis usually expressed in nm (Inm = 10A= 10°pm = 10m). Atomic radius is taken as the effective size which is the distance of closest approach of one atom to the another atom in a given bonded situation. Atomic radii can be measured by X-ray or other spectroscopic methods. Various names had been proposed for the atomic radii depending ‘upon their experimental determinations and nature of atom. These (Covalent radius (i) Metallic radius (ii) Tonic radius (i) Van der Waals radius @ Covalent radius: Covalent bond is normally formed between the non-metals hence this term, covalent radius is used for non-metals. It is defined as half of the internuclear distance between two successively covalently bonded atoms in a molecule. 141 tom B Here d is the internuclear distance between two covalently bonded atoms A and B. Ifwe consider a covalently bonded chlorine molecule (Cl,), the bond distance in it is 198 pm. The half of the distance (99 pm) is taken as the atomic radius of chlorine atom, The ‘atomic radii of few elements are given below which gives an inference about the trends in the terms of nuclear charge and energy level. ‘Table: Atomic Radii/pm Across the period Roo) nt Atom (Period 111) rr (Comma) If we observe the trend in atomic radii across the period ‘and down the group, we find that the atomic size generally decreases across the period whereas there is an increase in the size down the group. The reason which can be attributed to this variation is the nuclear charge, 2 4 6 8 10 ‘Atomic number (Z) Fig. (a) Variation of atomic radius with atomic number across the second period 142 250 en 3262) i any ‘Na 186) i 150 i152) «3 £ 100 199) Br(114). F(72) ‘Atomic number (Z) i with atomic number fop ig. (6) Variation of toni odin hat ic number fg number increases, the increasing Inaatoest ntoni nis ms the effective nuclear charge, consequently the force of atari of the electros tothe nucleus goes om increasing. This grag increase inthe effective nuclear charge result in the decreas op the atomic size along the period. (i Metallic radius: Metallic radius is taken as half of gp distance between two successive nuclei of two adjacent ney atoms in solid metal lattice. For example, the distance between two adjacent atoms in solid copper is 256 pm hence, the metallic raiu gp ‘copper is assigned a value of 128 pm. (ii Tonic radius: The removal of an electron from an aiag results in the formation of a cation, whereas the gain of electron leads to the formation of an anion. So, the ionie radius can be defined as the distance of outermog, shell of an anion or cation from its nucleus. For example te bond length (d,_g) for an ionic solid is given as ‘lla Teaae) (Aniox) Internuclear { distance (d) Fig. showing the bond length (d) between the cation and an anion of an ionic molecule AB. (Cation) yet tct ‘The size of a cation is always smaller than its parent atom because the cation formed after the loss of electron has fewet electrons. Though the nuclear charge remains the sim effective nuclear charge increases. For example, the atomic radius of sodium is 186 pm wheres the ionic radius for sodium ion (Na) is 95 pm. @ JEE Dropper Module-2 CHEMISTRY ‘Original radius fe (86pm) eee) ‘Shrunken a SF New ads Naat Na’ ion e829) (182s apf co [Na_[K [Re] pen 186 [STS ; Na’ [kK [Rb* [cs Het) 102 [sesh ‘of the anion is always larger than the = sation of one or more electons «oe bieosed repulsion among the electrons and a decreased ative nuclear charge. For example, the ionic radius of fporne is 136 pm whereas the atomic radius i 64 pm, ‘he size He (Gain oF one clecton) New F ~ radius: (1282p!) e (18228 2p er are atoms and ions which contain the same number of earns. These are known as isoelectronic species, rnecation with a greater positive charge has a smaller radius hese ofthe greater nuclear attraction ofthe electrons while be anion with the greater negative charge has a larger radius. far omic size (pm) BE fn i) Van der Wanls radius: It is defined as half the distance between the nuclei of two non-bonded neighbouring atoms oftwo adjacent molecules in solid state, This term is used for ‘oa-metals (in covalent compourids) and noble gases. Forexample, the van der Waals radius of chlorine is 180 pm (ay The Lamleue gt }(@)’At. size of Ga Be> B>C>N>O>FTi>V>Cr Fe = Co = Ni, < ame a fect cu Ti> V>CrFe=Co*NiV>Cr only ii only iv Itis also known as ionization potential or ionization energy which ccan be defined as the minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from the valence shell of an isolated gaseous atom in its ground state resulting in the formation of positive ion. M(g) > M* (g) +e" Since energy is always required to remove the electrons from the ‘atom, ionization enthalpy is always positive. ‘The ionization enthalpy goes on increasing for each successive removal of electrons. This is due to the fact that after the removal of an electron, the number of electrons decreases while the nuclear charge remains the same. Consequently the remaining electrons are held more tightly by the nucleus and removal of each successive electron becomes more difficult, Hence, successive ionization enthalpies go on increasing. So order becomes 144 i TE, < 1B er losing o%€ €~ B atains lectronic A onisation potential ofBismore ty renal of B > Be ity of half filled and fully Sted orbits 0 mal filed orbitals pd, for fully fled o 49, are more stable than othe remove e” from these configura NO 132282p? 1? 2s22pt 1 Ionisation Potential order is < Ny Because of haf filled p-orbitalsinN, (stability) is higher than 0, configuration of Be, ‘an Be. II™ Tonisation. filled orbitals 2, pS, 8. So it is difficult to ion its ionisation energy ‘Also, * ionisation potential order Na < Al = Mig Because s-orbital in Mg is completely filled and its penetration power is also higher than p-orbital (A), 1 jonisation potential order: Mg < Al Fe? > Fe a ]ODICVARIATION ") () Ina group: Size increase so ionisation potential decrease, li Na K Rb Cs Size increases, lonisation Potential decreases Exception: * Tonisation Potential: Ga > Allis due to Transition contraction) ‘lonisation HE > Zr Potential sq ad Ina period: In a period atomic size decreases and Z_ increases so removal of electron becomes difficult and ‘oisation potential increases. li Be B C N O F Ne aoe eee ss \ ecw ommin Order of ionisation potential APPLIC TION O1 IONISATION POTENTIAL (@) Metattic and non metallic character: Metallic ——» Low fonisation Potential (Ne, K, Rb te) Non metalic ——> High Tonisation Potential (F.C), Brete) 1 ‘Metallic property Tonisation Potential (®) Reducing character: Ee ae Tonisation Potential Group 1 elements has minimum ionisation potential in its period so they are strong reducing agents in gaseous state (LiK>Rb> Cs) (©) Stability of oxidation states: (0 If the difference between two successive ionisation potential > 16eV then lower oxidation state is stable. eg. Na —> Ne", I* jonisation potential Y 4) 4 oy Nat —> Ne, IP ionisation potential Difference of ionisation potential > 16 eV, so Na* is ‘more stable, (i If the difference between two successive ionisation potential < 11 eV higher oxidation state is stable. ‘eg. Mg —> Mg’, I* ionisation potential a ev Mg’ —> Mg, 11 ionisation potenti Difference of ionisation potential < 11 eV So Mg” is ‘more stable, Al— at Alt —» Ag+ f2:8eV 80, Al’ is more stable APY —> apt \ 60 eV so, AP* is more stable {e is stable only in gaseous state AD tis stable in liquid and solid state. (@ Basic nature: It is property of elements with loosely held. electrons Tonisation Potential oc Basi Property, M,0> MO -> No,0 > MgO, NaOH > Mg(OH), M,0 ~ Cs,0 > Rb, > K,0>Na,0>Li,0 (€) To determine the number of valence electron: Sudden change in values of IE indicate that next ¢- is to be removed from inner shells. LiO0>C>N-, (6) O>F>N>C (F>N>0>C " @N>F>0>€ 13, Which ofthe following have highest diferenceinthe value of 114 and II" Jonisation enthalpy? (a) 1s? 2s? 2p* 3s? 3p! (b) 1s? 2s? 2p® 3s? (©) 1s? 28? 2p® 3s! (d@) 1s? 28? 2p6 3s? 3p} 14, Which of the following has highest lonisation enthalpy? . (a) [Ne] 3s? 3p! (b) [Ne] 3s? 3p3 (6) [Ne] 352 3p? (@) [Ar] 4s? 3a!0 4p3 The amount of energy released when electron is added to the valence shell of an isolated gaseous atom is known as Electron affinity, X+e —+ X + Electron Affinity 146 288 of first Ele jg released inthe process Of BS Electog Moatly enerby iy x XK # Electron AMinity + © afinity. is exothermic, then oof Bley gain enthalpy). = —¥E Oe E tron addition is mostly Positive I Bleetron 9 eutral atom is €qUal £0 ionisation Electron affinity ny ofitsanion gyn eg. Xia) + © ation Foe 4 eleetron in anion X~ pet leet + II Electron Afinity X®) + Engp, on adding x+e St e-+11e¢ Electron Affinity —> X*, cones a nity is endothermic PrOCeSS i.e. energy ha, ue Election et electron in an anion, because of me fe ere God ce betwee sty is always negative 1! Electron Affinity is a + 168 op + © —P OW Ol (CxOthemy Oe @ 9 OF -912.7 Kcalimol fet reaction ow + 2e—> Or) Tota Electron Affinity = ~ 744.7 (endothe (a) Atomic size L Electron Affinity ‘Atomic size» ~ ( Séreening effect oe Lowe . léctzon Affinity Screening effect (©) Effective nuclear charge (Z,.) Electron Affinity Zp : Ta (@ Stability of completely filled or half filled orbitals; Electron affinity of completely filled or half filled ori. very less or zero. eg. (i) Elements (He, Ne, Ar, ..), Electron Affinity = Zero (@) Elements (Be, Mg, Ca, ...), Electron Affinity = Approximately Zero (iii) Elements (N, P, As, In Period (@) Electron affinity increases along the period due to incest in Z and decrease in atomic size. (®) Halogens possess maximum eleétron affinity due to smal size and maximum Z,, and after gaining one electron. 9 attain a stable inert gas configuration. 8 JEE Dropper Module-2 CHEMISTRY Bc [N] o al si [P|] less ui Ne =7210 zero pat! period -Ne F> Brel S>O>P5N g>se>0 Si>C>PsN application of Electron Affinity puctron afinity Oxidising nature put has more oxidising power than Cl because F (p Has high standard reduetion potential, (i) Has high hydration enthalpy. (i) Low bond dissociation energy. sample 10: Which of the following will have the imost smgative and which has the least negative values of electron panenthalpy? BSCE - Sol Electron gain enthalpy generally become more négative across a period, as we move from left to right. Within the group electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative 4 we move down the group. However electron «ddition in 2p orbital ead to greater repulsion then the ectron addition in 3p orbital. Hence, Chlorine has ‘most negative EA and phosphorous has least negative FA ? Example 11; Arrange the following elements in increasing Over of electron affinity. F.C1,0, N,B. SLCI> F> 0 > B > N— Nitrogen has stable electronic configuration. ‘ection ot Ete rents and Periodicity in Properties sorption of eneray i8 - r cr (@) FoF (6) Cla (0) 0-0 @ Ho 16. Arrange S, O and Se in ascending order of electron affinity (@ Se<8 sp? > sp? Scharacter 50% 33% 25% Electronegativity 3.25 2.75 of carbon, @ Oxidation state Electronegativity « oxidation state e.g. @ Mn? Cl but Electron affinity of Cl> F. So Fluorine is called Black sheep element. (©) In group 12 (Zn, Cd, Hg) value of electronegativity increases down the group, because of lanthanide contraction, (P) In 13 group, value of electronegativity increases down the group, because of transition contraction Electronegativity of Ga> Al. 148, Applications of Electronegativity " Metallic and non metallic nature: 7 Low ‘electronegativity —? Metals. High electronegativity ——> Non metals Heh on ‘along a period. ~ (b) Bond length: 7 <—— AEN © Fond length Here A EN = difference in electronegativities of bony atoms Ex. HF HCI>HBr>HIQBE) NH, > PH, > ASH, (stability) (a Acidic strength of hydrides: Itincteases With decreas difference of electronegativity. Down the group, thermal sta character increases. Order of acidic strength HF < HCI 50% ie. Predominant ‘bond 1X, —Xq< 24, covalent bond (D Nature of hydroxides: (O Asper Galli, In AOH, if electronegativity ofA ismox than 1.7 (Non metal) then itis acidic in nature. (i I electronegativity of “A” is less than 1.7 (metal th AOH will be basic in nature. Tonic % < 50% i.e. Predominen ee NaOH clon X 09 30 Nature Basic Acidic © Nature of oxides: Consider an oxide AO If X,-Xg> 23, Basic oxide If X,- Xo = 23, Amphoteric oxide If Xx, —Xy< 23, Acidic oxide (® Along a period, acidic nature increases. (i) Down the group, basic nature increases. F Module-2 CHEMISTR rv g Li Be B C Na Mg Al fs so kee Xp Xor 23 XqXo=23 XXoe Basie Amphoteric Sq °23 between the element ter increases, ig when in periodic table the distance oxygen increases, basic charac NO, > ZnO > K,O c0,AL0x.Z10, S10, PbO, Sn0, roteric oxides. C0. H,0,NO, NO ete. are neutral oxides, 2» PbO», Sb,0, ete, are -ci strength of oxide and onyacidl oc Electonegativigy +8,0s co, N,O, J _____, BN increase, acidic nature increase | ofacidic nature: wa s0;>$60,> 70, 1, H,S0,> H,Se0,> H,TeO, 3, H,S0, > H,SeO, > H,Te0, 4, HNO, > H,CO, > H,BO, 5, HPO, > HAsO, > H,Sb0, 6 HOF > HOCI > HOBr> HOI 1, HCIO, > HBrO, > HIO, 8. N,0; > P05 > As,05 4, NO, > P,0, > As,0,> Sb,0, 10, HCIO, > HCIO, > HCIO, > HCIO 1, HNO, > HNO, 12. H,80,> 1,80, ‘Acidie nature 13, N,0,>N,0, a 0,250, [oxidation state 4, SO, > SO, 15, 8b,0, > Sb,0, (W) Hydrolysis of AX: Where A= Other element and X = Halogen (@) Ifetectronegativity of X > Electronegativity of A then on hydrolysis product will be HX. €g, (BCL), Electronegativity of CI > Electronegatvity ofB + On” + Ht OW —aHicl+ BOW, PCI, + 3HOH > 3HCI + HPO, PCI, + H,O > 2H + POCI, POCI, + 3HOH > 3HCI + H,PO, ©) Ifelectronegativity of X Cl 5c, —> 20C1+ HO So On hydrolysis ~ (Nomenclature of inorganic compounds : Prefix — less electronegative element Suffix —— More electronegative element eg. C1,O(Right), OCL,(Wrong) In Dichloroxide the electronegativity of i.e. why Clis in prefix position. OF, - Oxygen difluoride ICI Iodine chloride NH, - Exception Here His es electronegative butitis sain) lis fess than “The clements in the periodic table show chemical properties with striking periodicity. Here we shall discuss the periodicity of the valence state shown by elements and anomalous behaviour of the clements of the second period (from lithium to fluorine). (@) Chemical reactivity: The atomic and ionic radii, as we know, generally decrease in a period from left to right. As ‘a consequence, the ionization enthalpies generally increase (with some exceptions) and electron gain enthalpies become ‘more negative across a period. In other words, the ionization ‘enthalpy of the extreme left element ina period is the least and the electron gain enthalpy of the element on the extreme right is the highest negative (note: noble gases having completely filled shells have rather positive electron gain enthalpy values). This results in high chemical reactivity at the two extremes and the lowest in the centre. Thus, the maximum chemical reactivity at the extreme left (among alkali metals) is exhibited by the loss of an electron leading to the formation of cation and at the extreme right (among halogens) shown by the gain of an electron forming an anion. The metallic character of an element, which is highest at the extremely left decreases and the non-metallic character increases while ‘moving from left to right across the period. (6) Periodicity of Valence or Oxidation States: The valence electrons determine the valence or the valency of the atom. ‘The valence of representative elements is usually equal to the ‘umber of electrons in the outermost orbitals (s and p-block ‘clements) or equal to eight minus the number of outermost electrons as shown below. ron Reman perenne Sic) In contrast, transition and inher transition elements, exhibit variable valence due to involvement of not only valence electrons but d or f-electrons as well (@ Variation along a period: Observing the number of valence electrons from left to right, it increases from 1 to 8, But the valence of element w.rt. H or O first increases from 1 to 4 and then decreases to zero, These trends, are observed in the valency of element in hydrides aid oxides are given below in the table. Table: Periodic trends in valence of elements as shown by the formulas of their compounds ‘of hydride|NaH_|CaHl, | AIH, ofoxide |Na,0|Cao |AL,0, © 150 BH Silt, ‘SoH, i | SiO, BaO |1n,0, |Sno, (i Variation within a group: When we move down the group, the number of valence electrons remains the same, therefore all the elements in a group exhibit the same valency! Anomalous Properties of Sécond Period Elements: The first element of each of the:groups,1 (lithium) and'2 (beryllium) and group 13-17 (boron to fluotine) differs in many respect from the other members of their-respective ‘groups. For example, lithium unlike other elements of the alkali metals and beryllium unlike other elements of the alkaline earth metals, form compounds with significantly covalent character whereas other members oftheir respective ‘groups form ionic compounds. The reasons attributed to the various anomalous chemical behaviour of the first member of a particular group of ‘elements in the s and p-blocks compared to the other members of the same group are due to their (i) small size (i) large ccharge/radius ratio (ji) high electronegativity of the elements (iv) absence of valence d-orbitals. The first member of each group has only four valence orbitals i.e., one 2s and three 2p-orbitals) available for bonding and hence, at the maximum 8 electrons can be accommodated. ‘Whereas the second member ofthese groups have nine orbitals (ie. one 35, three 3p, five 34) and hence, can accommodate more than 8’electrons. Ag-a result the maximumtovalency of first member of each group is 4, ¢.g., boron forms [BF,]" ‘whereas other members of the group can have maximum. covalency of six, ¢.g., aluminium forms [AIF,}>. © ® of p-block element J frst member —~ Pats ee el higher electronezativitY, displays gpa of smaller ize tp multiple bonds either with ise sbi 0 frm pee A or with oer lemena cal peied (24.6 -O:CeNCHN: =0) 5 compa si pe Sr al Elements: Thi mens ae caleg helen ames “These include Na, Mg; ‘AI, Si, PSC, ere perio of e COMED TE aroun fever group, For example, the general prop Sfalkati metals (Grp. 1) can be predicted from the prope ‘of Na, not Li, the first metnber of the group. Diagonal relationship: On observation ta been % Diagonal rrmojements of second period Have a sik Similarity with the elements of the third period plug Giagonally to each other, though belonging to dite se. The behaviour of lithium and beryllium is svar to magnesium and aluminium respectively similarity in properties of elements placed diagonally to, ther is called diagonal relationship in periodic properte For Example Group1 Group 2 Li Be B c a ig Al ™ Si Diagonal relationship is due to similar size of ions and almg similar electronegativities of the elements or more corres is due to similar polarizing power of ions (i.e. chargers ratio). wire of Oxide: The normal oxides of the elements att extreme left ofthe periodic table are most basic in nature. 0 the other hand, the elements at the extreme right react wit ‘oxygen to form most acidic oxides. Oxides of the elements the centre are amphoteric or neutral, Hie, oni moving across a period, the.basic character of th oxides. gradually changes first into amphoteric. and into acidic character. Also, on moving down a group, reverse behaviour observeid ie. from more acidic to more basic. ‘For example, Na,0 is strongly basic whereas Cl,0, is strongly acidic, Al,O; is amphoteric while CO, NO and afe neutral. Melting and boiling points: The melting points of elements exhibit some, periodicity with rise of ato number. It is observed that elements with low values atomic volumes have high melting points while elemed with high values of atomic volumes have low melting} In general, melting points of elements in ahy periodic at increase and become maximum Somewhere in the center a thereafter begins to decrease. ‘Tungsten has the maximum melting point (3410°C) amongs ‘metals and carbon has the maximum metting point (3727) amiongst non-metals. Helium has the minimutm melting po (€270°C)."The metals, C8, Ga and Hg-aré known in liqu tate at 30°C, * Group 13. Group 14 Pr poitng points oF he elements aay ope regularities BT Mot so errmeling points. ee yale: p MMipdrogen combines with a number o 7 Pereting metals and non-metal to ied hydrides. alont nature of hydridés incre i) ry decreases down the group. tonic Hydride ate better reducing agents th e wo sydrides and reducing nature of hydride eee pio riod and increases down the group, Sa ing and Reducing Power : Tenden si cy tolose el posit erin re oe cn ‘Becy 0 gain electrons and oxidisin di wiyed to each other. fhe group, the reduci (p Down . lucing character genera iets, Thus among alkali metas (excep fancy, cesium is the most powerful reduc n oa ing element (in (a Thereducing character decreases and oxidising character increases along the period from lef to right. Thus alka mals are strong. reducing agents while halogens are oxidising agents among halogens, ffuorine is the ‘most powerful oxidising agent; the oxidising property decreases from F to 1 and actually iodine shows reducing properties (d Inert gases are neither oxidising nor reducing agents (h) Generally, metals are reducing agents and non-metals are oxidising agents Show sna tnd king as noted inthe | f other elements form compounds eS across 't periowt 1 Power are directly Train Your Brain Example 12: Show by chemical reaction jascbidaael that 'NaO isa basic oxide and C10, is an acidic oxide) Sol. g,0 with water to form a strong base whereas ChO7 forms strong acid. Na,O + H,0 — 2NaOH 1,0, +H,0 + 2HC10, ‘Their basic or acidic nature can be qualitatively tested with litmus paper. i Example 13: Arrange the given oxides in increasing order of acidic nature: P,0,_, S05, C10; Sol. Acidic nature of oxide « non-metallic nature of element B,0,S>P>Si (b) Si> Al> Mg> Na (c) F>Cl>Br>1 (d) None of these 18, Which of the following acid is the strongest? @HE (HO ©NH, @ CH 1 Sol. 2 Sol, Sol. Sol. 5. 182 YN a Ts Elements A, B, C, D and E have the following electronic configurations A: 18?2s%2p! C: 1s?2822p3s%3p? E: 1s?2s?2p93s?3ph4s? Which among these will belong to the same group in the periodic table? Out of these, elements A and B will belong to the same group of the periodic table because they have same outer electronic configuration, ns? np! Select from each group the species which has the smallest radius stating appropriate reason, @ 0,00 (6) P,P, ps (@ O is having smallest radius. Anion is larger than its parent atom. Also the anion of the same atom with higher negative charge is bigger in size as compared to anion with smaller negative charge as proton to electron ratio decreases thus attraction between valence shell electrons and nucleus decreases, Hence clectron cloud expands, (6) The ionic radius decreases as more electrons are ionized off that is as the valency increases. So the correct order is P®* M* (g) e+ = 0.5 « 10° mole 12mg of Mg sot energy = 0.5 * 10"? 2188.6 = 1.0943 ky fore, (1,0943] is the correct answer, Therefore, ( ee Mig) —> M* (g) +26; AH = 250eV. Which is/are correct statement(s)? (a) IE, of M(g) is 100 eV. (b) IE, of M’ (g) is 150 eV. (0) IE, of M(g) is 250 eV. (d)_1E, of M(g) is 150 eV. M(g)—> M“(@) + we Mite TE, of M but IE, of M+ M—> M+2e (IE, +IE,) Therefore, (a, b, d) are the correct statements, Consider the elements N, P, O and $ and arrange them iq “order of increasing negative electron gain enthalpy. Order of increasing negative electron gain enthalpy ig N are the correct answer. 1A, Match the metals given in Column-II with their type given in Column-l (A) [Representative element | (p) )| Lanthanide | @ [Aluminum] (©) | Coinage metal (| Thorium Aeinide [Gold Ml (A). s-block and p-block elements are collectively called as representative elements. In aluminium | Jast electron centers in p-subshell ({Ne]!°3s?3p'). (®) Lanthanide series follows lanthanum (atomic number 57) and starts from cerium (atomic number 58) to Tutetium (omic number 71), fourteen 4f: series elements (©) Group 11-transition elements copper, silver & Gold are known as coinage metals (used for making the coins). (D) Actinides series follows! detinium (at nema omic number ‘number 90) t0 ‘and starts from thorium (atomic 89) and starts from thoriu Agu lawrencium (atomic number 103), fourteen elements. Therefore, (A) ~» (q) :(B) —* (p) s(C) + 9) 5D) + are the correct answer. , 414, Match the particulars given in Column-{ with the process ‘metal / species given in Column (A) ‘A‘(g) + energy —* A’ (g) +e (8) Isoel pe (B) Half filled orbital | Ar, K*, Ca" © Second ionisation energy | (r) | Lutetium (0) Tner transition efement | (s) | Antimony Sol. 15. (A). Species having same number of electrons but different ares hag ae called isoelectronic species As, K* & Ca" have same number of electrons ic. 18 but 18, 19 & 20 number of protons respectively (B) np, (0-1) dS and (n-2) " represent half filled orbitals ‘Antimony has ({Kr} 4d!°5s*5p") Therefore, (A) — (@) ; B) + (9) (© are the correct answer. Match the type of elements / characteristic of the elements listed in Column-I with the correct element listed in Column-tI. 0) 0 (A) | Highest 1* ionisation energy | (p) | Technetium (B) | Highest electronegativity | (@) | Lithium (©) | Synthetic etement () | Helium (D)| Strongest reducing agent | (9) | Fluorine Sol. 16. Sol. (A) Helium has highest 1* ionisation energy amongst all the elements of periodic table because of ns* valence electron configuration and its small size of atom. (B) Fluorine has highest electronegativity ie. 4.0 on Pauling, scale on account of its small size. (©) Technetium is a man made element. (D) Lithium is a strongest reducing agent because of its highest negative value of E° due to its higher hydration energy on account of its small size of atom. Therefore, (A) — (F) ; (B) + (s) ; (C) + (P); D) > @) are the correct answer. Considering the atomic number and position in the periodic table, arrange the following elements in the increasing order of metallic character: Si, Be, Mg, Na, P. Metallic, ‘character increases down a group and decreases in period as we move from left to right. Hence, the order of increasing metallic character is, PNi> Pd (d) Pd>P>Ni 11. Choose incorrect option regarding atomic size (a Zr=Ht (®) Fe=Co=Ni (© Y=La (d) Allofthe above + and Fare nearly the same (ie, 1 ered ofK and Frespestvely a (@ 134A,134A (B) 0.724, 1.96 A (©) 1.96A,0.72A (@) 1.964, 1344 13. In which ofthe following pairs, atomic size of second agg is larger than the first one? @ Ba (®) Na,Mg (©) S,.Ca (@ NP 14. Which of the following configuration of atom has lay radius? (@) 15228%2p 836? (@ 182822p83—— (A) 15228?2p 3323p 15. The maximum tendency to form unipositve ion is fo te clement with the electronic configuration- (@ 1s22822p 6362 (6) 18%2s22p63s23p! (©) 1s%2s%2p%3s23p? (a). 1?2522p636°3p! 16. If internuclear distance between Cl atoms in Cl, is 10 A & between H atoms in H, is 2 A, then calculate internuclear distance between H & Cl (Electronegatvityot A, H=21&Cl 0). (@ S919A (694 (© 79194 @ 491A 1. ‘Which ofthe followingis increasing order of paramagneti? (@ AlAP*> Ar (6) APS AP > ar (c) AP* Abr (d@) AP*>Alt>AP* 19. IP, and IP, of Mg are 178 and 348 Keal mot! The enttley required for the reaction, Mg —» Mg?* + 2c~is @ +170Keal (6) +526 Keal (© -170Keal (@) ~526 Keal @ JEE Dropper Module-2 CHEMISTR! sre oder of ft ionization eng thal pe B.Nais PIS Of the elements Li, Li>Be>B>Na Re @ a> Li>B> Be @ Cee Na o Be Lis ps ng | nich represents alkali metas ¢ 2h IE ad TE, values (in ki/motyp Sroup metals) based IE, IB, 1 wx 500 1000 wy 600 2000 | oz 5507500, @M 700 1400 First, second and third 1P vaty, 2 1500eV. Element can be - (@ Be ee oF @ Na The correct values of ionization enthalpy ; Sip ClandS respectively age = NP (OK mor of (@) 786, 1012, 999, 1256 (6) 1012, 786, 999, 1256 (0 786, 1012, 1256, 999 (@ 786,999, 1012, 1256 14, Consider the following changes - ASATHE IE and AY 5 A 461g ‘The energy required to pull out the tw. 0 electrons are E, and E, respectively. The correct relationship between two 6S are 100€V, 150eV and energies would be @E Na* (6) Limi ©N—N (@) 00> 1%, Correct order of electron affinity is: (@) S>P (b+) S

P @ o>s 1, Among O, O°, O?* and O*-, the species having most positive and most negative value of AH,, are, respectively (@) O*ando (6) 0% and o> (©) Oand o> (@) O* and O* 18. Ofthe following elements, which possess the highest electron affinity? @ As () 0 Os @ Se %, Increasing order of electron affinity for the following configuration, *asiication of Elements and Periodicity n Properties bh A, 18?2e22p) C. st2stap 3623p @ Acl>0>s (6) Li> Na>K>Rb>Cs (0) Be MgO > 1,0, > sio, (®) SiO, > Al,0, > MgO > Na,o ‘ativity on Pauling scale is: 39, > SiO, > MgO > Na, ALO; bi 0, ‘MgO > Na,0 > Al,05 ; «4a, Which of the following is most acidic oxide? Sa) Mn0 (b) MnO, (6 MO, (@ Mn,0, 41, Which of the following is an amphoteric oxide (@ Sn0 ® Vi0s (0) C405 (d@) Allof these AV=Y VO] at 1, The period number in the long form of the periodic table is equal to: (@) Magnetic quantum number of any element ofthe period. (©) Atomic number of any element of the period. (©) Maximum principal quantum number of any element of the period, (4) Maximum azimuthal quantum number of any element of the period, 2. Which one of the following statements related tothe modem periodic table is incorrect? (@) The p-block has 6 columns, because a maximum of 6 electrons can occupy all the orbitals in « p-subshell (©) The d-block has 8 columns, because a maximum of 8 electrons can occupy all the orbitals in d-subshell (© Each block contains a number of columns equal to the number of electrons that can occupy that subshell, (@ The block indicates value of azimuthal quantum number (¢) for the last subshell that received electrons in building up the electronic configuration, 3. The elements in which electrons are progressively filled in ‘f-orbital are called : (@) actinoids (6) transition elements (©) lanthanoids (@) halogens 4. Atomic number of Ag is 47. In the same group, the atomic numbers of elements placed above and below Ag in long, form of periodic table, will be: (a) 29,65 (39,79 (© 23,79 @ 39,65 '5. Choose the correct order of radius amongst the following: @ O>F (@ APT ps (Kcr @ 17. Arrange in the increasing order of atomic radi of, following elements: ©, C, F, Cl, Br (@ F<0M@) (6) Mig) > M*(e) © Me) > M(B) @ M**(g) > M*(g) 10. From the given information of element M: M() > M¥(g) + 3e-, AH = x ki/mol TE, (M)=y kJ/mol, IE, (M**) =z kJ/mol ‘The value of IE, (M) will be @ (x+y +2)ki mol (6) (x—y—z)ks/mol (© (x-y+2kimol— (d) 2—(x + y)k/mol 11, Match the elements with their corresponding IE. @ A+qB>nC>p,D3s ©) A+p:BogCorDos (© A>sBonC+qD-p @ A>pB45C+q:Dor 8 JEE Dropper Module-2 CHEMIST

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