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0.1 Introduction Performex LeadersPath

Introduction LeadershPath

Video: Overview Priority management

Video: Courses details Priority management

0.2 Performex Proaction (Work Habits)

Video Proaction Intro

Module 1: Assess Your Tendency of Pausing Your Activities For Tomorrow

Video: Assess Your Tendency of Pausing Your Activities For Tomorrow

Module 2: What Is This "Procrastination" Habit of Postponing Your Activitie,,,

Video: What Is This "Procrastination" Habit of Postponing Your Activitie,,,

): What Is This "Procrastination" Habit of Postponing Your Activities for To,,,

Module 3: Top 10 Best Practices for Taking Action and Avoiding Procrastination

Video: Top 10 Best Practices for Taking Action and Avoiding Procrastination

Module 4: Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

1. Priorities : How to better manage your priorities and overcome

your obstacles. How to make good to-do lists with the

Video course: 1.0 introduction

Module 1: Do You Face These Situations?

Video: Do You Face These Situations?

Video (next): Do You Face These Situations?

Video (next): Do You Face These Situations?

Module 2: What Are the Potential Benefits of Efficiently Managing Your Pr,,,
Video: What Are the Potential Benefits of Efficiently Managing Your Priori,,,

Video: Take a QUIZ

Video: Action Plan

Module 3: What Are the Strategic Obstacles to Leaders' Priority Management?

Video: What Are the Strategic Obstacles to Leaders' Priority Management?

Video: Take a QUIZ

Vidéo (next): What Are the Strategic Obstacles to Leaders' Priority Manag,,,

Module 4: How Do You Make a Good To-Do List Using the ABCDE Method?
Video: How Do You Make a Good To-Do List Using the ABCDE Method?

Module 5: Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video: Your appréciation

2. Priority: Better manage your priorities by evaluating your

practices with the best leaders. Start prioritizing with the Ivy

Video course: 2.0 introduction

Module 1: Do You Face Any Of These Situations?

Video : Do You Face Any Of These Situations?

Video (next): Do You Face Any Of These Situations?

Module 2: Develop Your Motivation

Video: Develop Your Motivation

Video (next): Develop Your Motivation

Video (next): Develop Your Motivation

Module 3: Overview of The 5 Best Practices For Mastering Your Priorities

Video: Overview of The 5 Best Practices For Mastering Your Priorities

Video: Take a QUIZ

Video: Action Plan

Module 4: How To Make Good To-Do-Lists and Start Prioritizing Your Obj,,,
Video: How To Make Good To-Do-Lists and Start Prioritizing Your Objec,,,

Module 5: Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

3. Priority : How to set up good priorities?


Video Course: 3.0 Introduction

Module 1: Do You Face These Situations?

Video: Do You Face These Situations?

Video (next): Do You Face These Situations?

Module 2: How to develop your Motivations?

Vidéo: How to develop your Motivations?

Video: Take a QUIZ

Video: Action Plan

Module 3: What Are the Five Steps to Writing and Creating Better Prior,,,

Video: What Are the Five Steps to Writing and Creating Better Priority Ma,,,

Video: Take a QUIZ

Video: Action Plan

Module 4: How to Make Your Priorities SMART?

Video: How to Make Your Priorities SMART?

Video: Take a QUIZ

Video (next): How to Make Your Priorities SMART?

Module 5: Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

4. Priority : How to accelerate the achievement of

your priorities with the « expected results » method?

Video: Course 4.0 Introduction

Module 1: Do You Face Any Of These Situations?

Video: Do You Face These Situations?

Video (next): Do You Face These Situations?

Module 2: The Expected Results Method (Concepts and Principles)

Video: The Expected Results Method (Concepts and Principles)

Module 3: Defining the Concept of Indicator and Processes and Applica,,,

Video: Defining the Concept of Indicator and Processes and Application Ex,,,

Module 4

Video: Action Plan Identify a meeting

Module 5 - Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video: Take a QUIZ

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

5. Priority : How to clarify expectations and

priorities with your boss?

Video course: 5.0 Introduction

Module 1: Do You Face Any of These Situations?

Video: Do You Face These Situations?

Video: Action Plan

Module 2: How Do You Clarify Expectations and Priorities With Your Boss?
Video: How Do You Clarify Expectations and Priorities With Your Boss?

Module 3: How to Overcome Your Boss's Foreseeable Resistance?

Video: How to Overcome Your Boss's Foreseeable Resistance?

Video (next): How to Overcome Your Boss's Foreseeable Resistance?

Video: Action Plan

Module 4: How to Get Your Next Promotion and Better Understand your Bo,,,
Video: How to Get Your Next Promotion and Better Understand your Bo,,

Module 5: Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

6. Priority : How to work and collaborate better

with your teammates?

Video:6.0 Introduction

Module 1: Do You Face Any Of These Situations?

Video: Do You Face These Situations?

Video (next): Do You Face These Situations?

Module 2: The Benefits of Discussing Your Priorities With Your Teammates

Video: The Benefits of Discussing Your Priorities With Your Teammates

Video (next): The Benefits of Discussing Your Priorities With Your Teammates

Module 3: The Three Reasons Why Your Coworkers Are Not Fully Coop,,,
Video: The Three Reasons Why Your Coworkers Are Not Fully Coop,,,

Module 4: How to Clarify Your Priorities Better With Your Teamma,,,

Video: How to Clarify Your Priorities Better With Your Teammates W,,,

Video (next): How to Clarify Your Priorities Better With Your Teamm,,,

Module 5 - Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

7. Priority : How to get better collaboration with

other departments in 7 steps?

Video Course: 7.0 Introduction

Module 1: Do You Face These Situations?

Video: Do You Face These Situations?

Video (next): Do You Face These Situations?

Module 2: What Are The Benefits of Working Better With Other Departments?
Video: What Are The Benefits of Working Better With Other Departments?

Video (next): What Are The Benefits of Working Better With Other Dep,,,

Module 3: The Seven Steps to Create Better Collaboration With Other De,,,
Video: The Seven Steps to Create Better Collaboration With Other Dep,,,

Video (next): The Seven Steps to Create Better Collaboration With Other De,,

Module 4: How To Do a Business Review With Other Departments

Video: How To Do a Business Review With Other Departments

Module 5: Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

8. Priority : How to build a balanced scorecard

for your priorities in 5 steps?


Video: Course 8.0 Introduction

Module 1: Do You Face Any Of These Situations?

Video: Do You Face These Situations?

Video (next): Do You Face These Situations?

Module 2: What Are The Benefits Of a Better Collaboration with Other De,,,

Video: What Are The Benefits of a Better Collaboration with Other De,,,

Video (next): What Are The Benefits Of a Balanced Scorecard For You?

Module 3: What is a Balanced Scorecard?

Video: What is a Balanced Scorecard?

Video (next): What is a Balanced Scorecard?

Module 4: How Do You Create a Priorities Balanced Scorecard?

Video: How Do You Create a Priorities Balanced Scorecard?

Module 5: Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

9. Priorities : How better communicate the value

of your priorities and your work to the management?

Video Course: 9.0 Introduction

Module 1: Do You Face Any Of These Situations?

Video: Do You Face Any Of These Situations?

Video (next): Do You Face Any Of These Situations?

Module 2: What Is the Importance of Communicating Your Priorities to Yo,,,

Video: What Is the Importance of Communicating Your Priorities to Your M,,,

Video (next): What Is the Importance of Communicating Your Priorities to Yo,,

Module 3: How Can The "Show Me The Money" Method Help You Commu,,,
Video: How Can The "Show Me The Money" Method Help You Communi,,,

Video: Action Plan

Module 4: Exercise To Calculate the Value of Your Priorities

Video: Exercise To Calculate the Value of Your Priorities

Module 5: Summary and Action Plan

Video: Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan

Video (next): Summary and Action Plan
Gogle Drive links
































































8. 5 steps to establish a balanced priority dashboard.
9. How you can properly communicate the importance of your
priorities and workload to your management.

** Corrections
Six answers to your frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions

1. Are the courses practical?

The courses consists of 80% hands-on exercises with the best
practices from proven leaders to answer the question “how-to?” and
also focus on implementing an action plan at your work.

2. How often should e-learning courses be held?

The course is usually run at the speed of a 30-minute class per week
or even two weeks. Therefore, this course path is the recommended
cruising speed to have an optimal effect.

3. On what media can courses be taken?

Courses are available on PC, tablet or cellular. All questions can be
answered online.

4. What is the support for participants during the course?

Participants have the chance to exchange with the teacher. In
addition, they receive a follow-up of their actions ten days after the
end of the course.

5. What are the advantages of the Performex community?

Membership in the community allows participants to receive support,
a newsletter, and an exchange on best practices.

6. Is it possible to have individual or group coaching?

Yes, obtaining individual or group coaching for participants via Zoom
is possible.

Answers to the six frequently asked questions
1. Are the courses practical?
The courses consists of 80% hands-on exercises with the best industry
practices from proven leaders to answer many “how-to” questions
and also focus on implementing an action plan in your workplace.

2. How frequently will the lectures be held per week?

The courses have been programmed to be delivered in weekly blocks.
Each weekly course block have a duration of 30 minutes. This can also
be held on a bi-weekly basis. The course path have been optimized by
professionals to be delivered at a rate that will have the most effect
on all participants.
How to set up good priorities in 5 steps and make sure that they are
aligned to the SMART objective.
Discover 5 steps to help you set up good priorities.
How to develop and nurture your motivation.
How to ensure that your objectives are aligned to the SMART
The right format to help you to start writing your priorities now.

How to accelerate the achievement of your priorities with the
“expected results” method?
Put in practice this simple way of achieving your priorities more
effectively in less time.
Discover how to measure and monitor your success.
How to quickly achieve your priorities by using the “expected results”
Implement this simple strategy to successfully achieve your priorities
in a lesser time.
Discover how you can easily measure and monitor your success.

How to clarify your priorities and expectations with your boss?
Get better annual evaluations and discover the fast track to your next
Conduct a clarification process of your priorities with your boss.

How to clarify expectations and priorities with your boss

Get better annual evaluations and a better appraisal for your projects.
Discover a faster pathway to your next promotion.
Conduct a priority clarification process with your boss.

How to work and collaborate better with your teammates?
The 5 best practices from seasoned leaders.
Weekly meetings with your team.
Coaching meeting (1:1 meeting).
Schedule your annual calendar with your team.
Weekly review of incidents with your teammates.
How to work and collaborate better with your teammates
5 best practices from seasoned leaders.
Weekly team meetings
Coaching meetings (1:1 meetings)
Schedule your annual calendar with your team.
Weekly review of incidents and errors with the team.

Access your tendency to procrastinate.
Reasons to take immediate action.
How to put an action plan into practice.
Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D. Biography

• Coach, trainer, and speaker for over 25 years.

• Founder of the Performex Getting Better Results method.
• Full professor of strategy and leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
• A BA in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry

Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D
Professional background and academic qualifications
• A decorated leadership coach, trainer, and a lecturer with over 25
years of professional experience.
• Founder of the Performex: Getting Better Results lecture series,
which is an online-driven leadership and management training
• A full-time professor of Strategy and Leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
(UQAM), in Canada.
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry

A short history of the course
A brief introduction on the course
This working habit of putting our activities off tomorrow is something
we can change
This habit of putting our activities off until later is something that can
be changed.
According to several studies…
… Almost 25% of leaders procrastinate for specific activities at work.
...and nearly 5% of leaders systematically procrastinate at work.

According to different study reports…

… About 25% of leaders procrastinate at work.
And nearly 5% of leaders systematically procrastinate at work.
Module 1
Assess your tendency to procrastinate.
Assess your tendency to put off your activities until later.
Assess your propensity to put your activities off tomorrow
Assess your tendency to put your activities off Until later.

The conclusions might provoke opposition.
The conclusions from this report might provoke disapproval among
the Executive Committee.

He needs to focus on this critical report
How is going the writing of our report?
Robert becomes stressed and starts to work urgently on his report.
Robert finds that it takes a lot more time than anticipated
While working on it, he soon discovers that he would need more time
than expected to complete this report.
He spent half the night working to meet his deadline of Friday at 8:00
This made him to spend half the night working on the report to meet
his deadline of Friday at 8:00.

He finishes writing his report painfully at 4:00 am but meets the
deadline of Friday at 8:00.
He finishes writing this report painfully at 4:00 am. However, he was
able to meet the deadline of Friday at 8:00.

Indicate an item that you share with Robert
… and you want to improve to better control your actions
Mention one habit that you and Robert share in common.
How will you improve this habit to make you more disciplined towards
your work?


Top 10 best practices to take action and stop putting your activities off
Top 10 best practices to take action and stop putting your activities off
until later
Reward yourself after lunch by doing tasks you like more.
Reward yourself after lunch by doing the tasks that you like more.
Reward yourself on other days of the week by doing tasks you like
Reward yourself on other days of the week by doing the tasks that
you like more



How to manage your priorities better and overcome your obstacles
Improve your priority management skills
Save a month’s worth of working time per year
Discover the obstacles compromising your efficiency.
Start applying the ABCDE method for a better management of your

Vincent Sabourin Ph. D, Biography
• Coach, trainer, and a speaker for over 25.
• Founder of the Performex: Getting Better Results.
• A full-time professor of Strategy and Leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
(UQAM), in Canada.
• BA in Industrial Psychology and Ph. D in Strategic Management
from the McGill University under the supervision of Henry Mintzberg.


Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D

Professional background and academic qualifications
• A decorated leadership coach, trainer, and a speaker with over 25
years of professional experience.
• Founder of the Performex: Getting Better Results lecture series,
which is an online-driven leadership and management training
• A full-time professor of Strategy and Leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
(UQAM), in Canada.
• BA in Industrial Psychology and Ph. D in Strategic Management
from the McGill University under the supervision of Henry Mintzberg.

A short history of the course
A brief history on the course

Identify an action that you can undertake tomorrow at work
Mention an action plan that you can implement at your work

Course Outline
1. DO you face these challenges?
2. What are the reasons for better managing your priorities?
3. What are the strategic obstacles impeding the management of your
4. How to make good to-do lists using the ABCDE method?
5. Summary and action plan
Course Outline
1. Do you currently face these challenges at your workplace?
2. What are your reasons for trying to improve your priority
management strategies?
3. “I am looking for ways to manage my work-time better and find a
better life balance.”

3. “I am looking for ways to manage my work schedule better and find

a proper work-life balance.”


4. “I would like to have more impact in a working week.”

4. “I would like to increase my weekly performance at work.

5. “I would like to improve my work with my colleagues to manage
our priorities better.”
5. “I would like to increase my contributions to the team in order for
us to manage our priorities better.’


Identify a situation in your own words you face at work
In your words, highlight one situation that you face at work
5. Do less but do better
Become more effective by doing more of the right things

5. Do less but achieve more

Increase your efficiency by focusing on what has to be done

Why is it worth investing in the management of your priorities?
Why do you want to improve on your priority management skills?

A lived experience
A live experience

A lived experience (cont’d)
List B
• Try to do too much at once
• Unrealistic assessment of time requested
• Procrastination, lack of organization
• Inadequate listening to colleagues requests
• Seems to like the sense of urgency
• lack of delegation
• Inability to say no
• Does not follow the order of the to-do list that he has established
• Lack of personal discipline to say no
• Important need to socialize
• Too many people involved in meetings
• Non-compliance with authority line
• Impulsive decisions
• Constructive criticism of work and others

A live experience (continued)

List B
• Trying to do more than is possible at a time.
• Unrealistic assessment of request timings
• Procrastination and a lack of organization
• Not listening properly to requests from colleagues
• Apparent preference for urgency
• Lack of delegation
• Inability to refuse more work requests
• Inability to follow the order work sequence in the to-do list that
he created.
• Lacking the discipline to refuse improper requests
• Important need to socialize
• Too many people involved in meetings
• Non-compliance with the order of hierarchy in the organization
• Impulsive decisions
• Constructive criticism of work and others

Action Plan
Identify a reason that you retain to manage your priorities better
Mention one strategy that you use frequently for managing your
Identify a situation in your own words you face at work
In your words, highlight one situation that you face at work
What are the strategic obstacles impeding the priority management
of leaders?
What are some of the strategic obstacles that leaders face when
managing priorities?

Obstacle #2
“I have financial objectives... but the objectives for my clients,
operations, and teams remain unclear.”

Obstacle #2
“I have clarified my financial objectives. But the objectives of my
clients, operations, and teams are still unclear.”

Obstacle #3
“My teammates do not have a full understanding of my priorities.”
“My teammates do not fully understand my priorities.

Obstacle #4
“I am facing problems with other departments that repeat
“I am currently having recurring problems with other departments”

Obstacle #5
“I have difficulty communicating the economic value of my priorities
to the management”
“I have difficulty communicating the monetary value of my priorities
to management”

Identify a situation in your own words you face at work
In your words, highlight one situation that you face at work
Assess the time savings of overcoming your obstacles
Calculate the total time saved when you overcome obstacles
How may days does it represent per a year?
How many weeks over a 5-year period?

In Your Action Plan
How many minutes a day do you lose each day because of your three
main obstacles?
Identify the three main obstacles that you face at work. Estimate how
many minutes you lose everyday because of these obstacles.
Convert the minutes lost to days and estimate how many days you
lose in a year.
Convert the minutes lost to weeks and estimate how many weeks you
lose over a 5-year period.

Most leaders lose an average of 45 minutes a day due to their top 3
Most leaders lose an average of 45 minutes a day because of the
three main obstacles that they face.
Make a list of your activities and give every task a letter from A to E.
Make a list of all your activities and assign each task a letter from A to

A = ‘A’ Items are most important
B = ‘B’ Items might have major consequences
C = ‘C’ Items only have minor consequences
D = ‘D’ For Delegate
E = ‘E’ For Eliminate

A = ‘A’ Items that are the most important
B = ‘B’ Items that might have major consequences
C = ‘C’ Items that only have minor consequences
D = ‘D’ Items that are to be delegated
E = ‘E’ Items to be eliminated
3. Other common obstacles: I face problems with other departments
that repeat themselves. “I have difficulty communicating the
economic value of my priorities to the management.”
3. Other common obstacles in my work include: I have recurring
problems with other departments. “I have difficulty communicating
the monetary value of my priorities to the management.”

4. Most leaders lose an average of 45 minutes daily due to their main

three obstacles.
4. Most leaders lose an average of 45 minutes daily due to the three
main obstacles that they face.

In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us how it went with the
implementation of your action
In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us about the results you
obtained after implementing your action



Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D. Bio

• Coach, trainer, and speaker for over 25 years.

• Founder of the Performex Getting Better Results method.
• Full professor of strategy and leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry

Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D
Professional background and academic qualifications
• A decorated leadership coach, trainer, and a lecturer with over 25
years of professional experience.
• Founder of the Performex: Getting Better Results lecture series,
which is an online-driven leadership and management training
• A full-time professor of Strategy and Leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
(UQAM), in Canada.
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry

A short history of the course
A brief history of the course


Your action plan is the most important thing for your
Identify an action you wish to undertake at work
The most important thing for you is your action plan
Mention an action that you plan to implement at work


1. Do you face these situations?
2. Develop your motivation
3. Assess your practices and overview of the 5 best practices.
4. How to make good to-do-lists and start using the Ivy Lee method.
1. Do you currently face these situations in your workplace?
2. Develop your motivation
3. Assess your practices and evaluate the 5 best practices.
4. How to make good to-do-lists and start applying the Ivy Lee

Module 1
Do you face these situations?
Module 1
Do you face these situations in your workplace?

00: 27
Are you like Peter?
1. At times, working with my boss is difficult.
2. There are situations where my team mates do not fully understand
my priorities
3. My priorities have a dead angle
4. I feel that some departments do not fully understand my priorities
5. My priorities do not get the attention it needs from the
Are you like Peter?
1. Sometimes, I find it difficult to work with my boss.
2. There are times where my team mates do not fully understand my
3. My priorities have a dead end
4. I feel that some departments do not fully understand my priorities
5. My priorities do not get the attention they deserve from the

Identify a situation in your own words you face at work
In your words, highlight one situation that you face at work


Identify a situation in your own words you face at work
In your words, highlight one situation that you face at work

Assess your practices and overview of the 5 best practices
Assessing your practices and an overview of the 5 best practices

Practice #2
Balancing your priorities
To better manage your priorities, you must balance 4 perspectives:
the finances, the client’s perspective, your operations, and your
team’s perspective

Balancing your priorities

In order to manage your priorities better, you must balance 4 key
work areas: these are your finances, the client’s needs, your
operations, and your team’s perspective

Practice #5
This is your capability to get the management’s attention by showing
the economic value of your priorities.
This involves your ability to get the management’s attention by
showing the monetary value of your priorities.

Identify a situation in your own words you face at work
In your words, highlight one situation that you face at work
important tasks to do.

One of the best ways to manage our to-do lists was developed a
century ago by productivity consultant Ivy Lee.
One of the best ways to properly manage our to-do lists was
developed a century ago by Ivy Lee, a productivity consultant.

Thee Ivy Lee method requires you to prioritize your day with simple
The Ivy Lee method helps you to organize your daily priorities by using
simple rules.

1. At the end of the each work day, and before you leave the office,
you write down the six most important things you need to do

Write at most six tasks.

1. By the end of the each work day, and before you leave the office,
write down the six most important things you need to do the next
Write a maximum of six tasks.

2. Rank these six items in order of importance
2. Rank these six items in order of importance
3. When you arrive at the office tomorrow, focus only on the first task.
3. When you arrive at the office tomorrow, focus only on the first task.
Complete the first job before on to the next.
Complete the first job before moving on to the next.

4. Approach the rest of your list in the same way
4. Approach the rest of your list in the same way
Move any unfinished items to your new list for the next day
Move any unfinished items to the next day’s list

5. Then reclassify these six items in order of importance
5. Then rank these six items again in order of importance

6. Repeat this process before leaving the office the next day
6. Repeat this process before leaving the office the next day

In your action plan
Use the Ivy Lee method and plan your activities for tomorrow.
Take a maximum of 6 things to do and rank them in order of

In your action plan

Module 5
Summary and Action Plan
Module 5
Summary and Action Plan

5 best practices to remember for you and Peter
1. Clarify the expectations of your boss and the management
2. Set priorities for four areas; your finances, customers, operations,
and team.
3. Align your priorities with those of your employees and team mates.
4. Improve collaborations with other departments of your company.
5. Communicate the economic value of your priorities to the
5 best practices that you and Peter should remember
1. Regularly clarify all expectations from management and your boss.
2. Set your priorities for four areas, namely: finances, customers,
operations, and team.
3. Align your priorities with those of your employees and team mates.
4. Improve collaborations with all other departments of in your
5. Communicate the financial importance of your priorities to the


A short history of the course
A brief history of the course

The most important thing for you in this course is your action plan
A specific action to put into practice at work

The most important thing for you in this course is your action plan
A specific action to put into practice at work

Course Outline
1. Are you facing these situations?
2. How do you develop your motivations?
3. What are the five steps to write and better manage your priorities?
4. How do you make sure your priorities are SMART?
5. Summary and action plan

Course Outline
1. Are you facing these situations in your workplace?
2. How do you develop your motivations?
3. What are the five steps to properly writing and managing your
4. How do you make sure that your priorities are aligned with the
SMART objective?
5. Summary and action plan

Action Plan
Identify an expectation for this course and in your action plan
Action Plan
Mention one expectation for this course and in your action plan

1. Are you like Mickael?

1. Are you like Michael?

2. “Sometimes, I start to work quickly without fully understanding
what is expected”
2. “Sometimes, I immediately start working without fully
understanding what is expected of me”

4. “I often do multiple project versions but can’t figure out what they
4. “I often create multiple versions of my project report but I can’t
seem to understand what they want”






Identify a situation in your own words you face at work
In your words, highlight one situation that you face at work

2. “M” Measurable
How will you measure the success of your priorities
2. “M” Measurable
How will you measure your performance with respect to your priorities


Action Plan
Take your priority and run a SMART test.
What could you improve?

Action Plan
Run your priority through the SMART test.
What could you improve on?


In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us how it went with the
implementation of your action
In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us about the results you
obtained after implementing your action
A short history of the course
A brief history of the course

The most important for you: your action plan
Identify specific action that you will be able to undertake to start
The most important thing for you is your action plan
Identify specific action that you will be able to undertake to start

Course Outline
1. Do you face these situations
2. The principles of the expected results method
3. Measuring success and taking action with the expected method
4. Practical exercise
5. Summary and action plan.
Course Outline
1. Do you face these situations at work?
2. The principles of the expected results method
3. Measuring your performance by using the expected method
4. Practical exercise
5. Summary and action plan.

Action Plan
Identify an expectation for this course
Action Plan
Mention one expectation that you have for this course


4. You have to be able to measure the success of your expected result
4. You have to be able to measure the performance of your expected

5. In sum, you have to start your actions with a result in mind
5. In summary, you have to start your actions with your goal in mind

Check your understanding
Check your comprehension level
Expected Result: IT projects completed on time and within budget.
Indicator: 80%
Processes: Limit meetings, validate the requests systematically,
minimize redo requests

Expected Result: IT projects completed on time and within budget.

Indicator: 80%
Processes: Limit meetings, validate the requests systematically,
minimize rework requests

Do the quiz
Check your understanding
Do the quiz
Check your comprehension level

00: 27
Do as Stephen does
“When my work is becoming more complex, I make sure that all my
actions are well targeted.”
Do as Stephen does
“When my work is becoming more complex, I make sure that all my
actions are properly focused.”

4. Include indicators to measure success
4. Include indicators to measure performance.


Action Plan
Identify an action you wish to undertake to define your priorities
Identify an action you wish to implement to properly define your
3. “I am looking for ways to manage my work-time better and find a
better life balance.”

3. “I am looking for ways to manage my work schedule better and find

a proper work-life balance.”


4. “I would like to have more impact in a working week.”

4. “I would like to increase my weekly performance at work.

5. “I would like to improve my work with my colleagues to manage
our priorities better.”
5. “I would like to increase my contributions to the team in order for
us to manage our priorities better.’
Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D. Bio

• Coach, trainer, and speaker for over 25 years.

• Founder of the Performex Getting Better Results method.
• Full professor of strategy and leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry

Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D
Professional background and academic qualifications
• A decorated leadership coach, trainer, and a lecturer with over 25
years of professional experience.
• Founder of the Performex: Getting Better Results lecture series,
which is an online-driven leadership and management training
• A full-time professor of Strategy and Leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
(UQAM), in Canada.
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry
A short history of this course
A brief history on this course

Course Outline
1. Do you face these situations?
2. How to clarify your priorities and expectations with your boss.
3. How do you overcome your boss’s foreseeable resistance?
4. The fast track to your next promotion.
5. Summary and action plan.
1. Do you face these situations at your workplace?
2. How to clarify your priorities and expectations with your boss.
3. How do you anticipate and avoid disapproval from your boss?
4. A fast track to your next promotion.
5. Your summary and action plan.

Action Plan
Identify an expectation for this course
Action Plan
Mention your expectation for this course
3. For Lisa
“I often make several versions of my product before finding an
acceptable version for my boss.”
“I often make multiple copies of my product before finding the most
suitable version for my boss.”

Identify a situation in your own words you face at work
In your words, highlight one situation that you face at work
Examples of questions for clarification
2. My job description says I am responsible for training staff
development. But I have questions about understand this
responsibility better.
3. Please clarify for me the objectives of this project?
2. My job description says I am responsible for staff training and
development. But I have questions that will make me understand this
responsibility better.
3. Please clarify the objectives of this project for me.

It is important to ask validation questions to your boss
This is what Sandra believes
“That is how I get clear priorities because my boss often does not
know in detail what we do”

It is important to ask task clarification questions to your boss

This is what Sandra believes.
“That is how I clarify my priorities with my boss because he often does
not have the full details of our tasks”
Module 3
How do you overcome your boss’s foreseeable resistance?
How tom expect and avoid disapproval from your boss.

You should expect normal resistance from your boss to your questions
You should expect disapproval from your boss to your questions

How do you overcome your boss’s foreseeable resistance in 4 steps?
How to avoid disapproval from your boss in 4 steps
1. You must be tactful and diplomatic to overcome your boss’s
1. You must be tactful and diplomatic to avoid disapproval from your

Identify a foreseeable resistance from your boss when asking
questions about your priorities.
Identify an expected disapproval with your boss when asking
questions about your priorities.

Identify a situation in your own words you face at work
In your words, highlight one situation that you face at work
2. “Your job is not to manage the increasing number of calls, but to
work with architecture system people to make sure that people no
longer call!”
2. “Your job is not to manage the increasing number of calls, but to
work with the architecture system experts to avoid all these people
from calling!”
Action Plan
Identify a question you want your boss to understand his challenges
and clarify your priorities
Choose a question to ask your boss to help you understand his
challenges and clarify your priorities.

5. 5 things to remember for you and William:
2. When asking questions to clarify your priorities, expect normal
resistance from your boss.
3. Do like Detective Columbo, ask questions with a low profile but be
5. 5 things you and William should remember:
2. When asking questions to clarify your priorities, you should expect
some form of disapproval from your boss.
3. Copy Detective Columbo, and ask questions in a way that is humble
and persistent

Action Plan
Identify an action you wish to undertake to clarify your priorities with
your boss
Identify an action you wish to implement to clarify your priorities with
your boss

In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us how it went with the
implementation of your action
In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us about the results you
obtained after implementing your action
• Coach, trainer, and speaker for over 25 years.
• Founder of the Performex Getting Better Results method.
• Full professor of strategy and leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry

Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D
Professional background and academic qualifications
• A decorated leadership coach, trainer, and a lecturer with over 25
years of professional experience.
• Founder of the Performex: Getting Better Results lecture series,
which is an online-driven leadership and management training
• A full-time professor of Strategy and Leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
(UQAM), in Canada.
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry
A short history of the course
A brief history of the course

The most important for you is your action plan
The most important thing for you is your action plan

Identify a specific action that you will be able to undertake to start

Mention a specific action that you will be able to implement in the
future with your work.

Course Outline
2. The reasons for better clarifying your priorities with your
2. Why you have to clarify your work priorities with your team mates

3. Why are your colleagues resistant and not fully collaborating with
3. Why your colleagues are reluctant to collaborate with you fully.

4. How better clarify your priorities with the 5 best practices?

4. How to better clarify your priorities with the 5 best practices.
00: 26
Let’s take the case of Michael, the customer service department
Let’s examine the case of Michael, a manager at a customer service

1. “There are as many versions of our priorities as people around the
1. “There are as many number of our priorities as there are people
around the table.”
2.” The vast majority of my team mates do not understand clearly the
objectives to be achieved.”
2.” The vast majority of my team mates do not clearly understand the
objectives that we have to achieve.”
3. “Too often, we are like an orchestra where each musician plays
different music”
3. “Most of the time, we look like an orchestra where each musician
plays a different tune of music.”
4. “When I assigned a task before going on vacation, it often remains
undone and waiting until my return”
4. “Each time I assign a task before going on vacation, it often remains
undone and awaits me on arrival.”
5. “Too often, the work done by my team mates is not what I expect
and has to be redone”
5. “Most of the time that I go over the work done by my team mates, I
discover that it barely meets my performance standards and would
have to be redone.”

Module 2
The reasons for clarifying your priorities with your team mates
Why you want to clarify your priorities with your team mates

1. To better harmonize your priorities with the ones of your
1. To better harmonize your priorities with each one of your team
4. To solve problems that are recurrent with your team
4. To solve recurring problems with with your team.
5. To improve the coordination among your team members
5. To improve work coordination among the members of your team

Your Action Plan

Write in your own words a reason to clarify your priorities with your
Write why it is important to clarify your priorities with your team
Why are your colleagues resistant and not fully collaborating with
Why your colleagues are reluctant to fully collaborate with you

Here is the question of Alfonso:
Here is a question from Alfonso:
1. “Why do my employees come to me in turn to ask me the same
1. “Why do my employees come to me one after the other to ask me
the same questions?”

Why, despite my explanations, do my employees continue to act as
they did before?
Why are my employees finding it very difficult to change their habits
in spite of my explanations?

A possible answer:
Your response on a Monday might differ from that one a Friday
The response that you gave on a Monday might be different from
what you gave on a Friday.
Paul implemented weekly Monday morning meetings with the team
to clarify priorities
Paul held weekly Monday morning meetings with the team to clarify
Danny says, “Every six weeks, I have 45-minutes coaching with my
team leaders”.
Danny says, “Every six weeks, I have 45-minute meetings with my
team leaders”.
“I oversee the actions of each team leader before things go too far.”
“I supervise the actions of each team leader before things get out of
3. Schedule an annual calendar of activities
3. Create an annual schedule of work activities

Roberta makes an annual team calendar to include all deadlines using

last year’s information.
Roberta makes an annual schedule of the team’s activities to include
all deadlines by using information from the previous year.

“I ask my team to integrate all deadlines, and we use the calendar in

our weekly meetings”
“I ask my team to update the schedule with all deadlines, and we use
the updated document in our weekly meetings.”

Your annual calendar becomes a tool to manage your priorities better
with your team.
Your annual schedule becomes a work tool to help you manage
priorities better within the team.

The weekly review of incidents should be done in a climate of trust
without blaming
The weekly review of mistakes and errors should be done in an
environment of trust without passing blames.

A three months review & planning process to engage in conversations
Ok our team.
A review and planning process held every three months where we
engage in team conversations and work performance evaluation.
5 things you and Michael will have to remember
1. Clarify priorities with your teammates by asking their
understanding of the work to be done.
2. There are
1. Clarify team priorities by asking each team member if they
understand the work to be done.
2. There are four best practices in summary. These are:
• Weekly meetings with the team to discuss priorities and issues.
• Private coaching meetings (one-on-one meetings) to review the
actions of each employee.
• Weekly review of mistakes and errors to discuss and solve
repetitive problems.
• Lastly, a quarterly business review meeting to discuss the team’s
priorities, progress, and challenges. This meeting is to be held every
three months.

Action Plan
Identify an action you wish to undertake tomorrow to work better
with your teammates
Mention one action that you plan to properly implement the next day
at work with your teammates.

The 7 steps for better collaboration with the other departments.
Learn how to conduct annual business reviews other departments.


Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D. Bio

• Coach, trainer, and speaker for over 25 years.
• Founder of the Performex Getting Better Results method.
• Full professor of strategy and leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry

Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D
Professional background and academic qualifications
• A decorated leadership coach, trainer, and a lecturer with over 25
years of professional experience.
• Founder of the Performex: Getting Better Results lecture series,
which is an online-driven leadership and management training
• A full-time professor of Strategy and Leadership at the School of
Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in Montreal
(UQAM), in Canada.
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in Strategic
Management at McGill University under the supervision of Henry

A short history of the course
A brief history of the course

Your action plan is the most important thing for you
Identify a specific action that you can undertake starting tomorrow

The most important thing is your action plan

Mention a specific action that you will implement later in your work

Course Outline
1. Do you face these situations?
2. What are the benefits of working better with other departments?
3. The 7 steps for collaborating better with other departments.
4. How to conduct an annual business review with another
Course Outline
1. Do you face these situations in your workplace?
2. What are the benefits of proper collaboration with other
3. The 7 steps for collaborating better with other departments.
Module 1
Do you face these situations?
Do you currently face these situations at work?

1. “Other departments often do not fully understand my objectives”
1. “Other departments usually do not fully understand my objectives”
2. “During the year, at times, I did not have the full cooperation of
some departments.”
2. “Some times during the year, I barely get a full cooperation from
some departments.”
3. “I receive urgent or last-minute requests from other departments
3. “I regularly receive urgent or last-minute requests from other
4. “At certain times during the year, some departments give me
incomplete or sloppy work.”
4. “At certain times during the year, some departments hand me an
incomplete or sloppy work result.”
5. “I have difficulty solving common problems with the same
5. “I have difficulty solving shared problems with the same

Module 2
What are the benefits of working better with other departments?
What are the benefits of proper collaboration with other

1. A better collaboration with other departments makes your work
more positive and enjoyable.
1. A proper collaboration with other departments makes you more
productive and your work more enjoyable.

4. With better collaboration, you could achieve your goals with fewer
efforts and priorities.
4. With better collaboration, you could achieve your goals with a
lesser effort and fewer priorities.

full support of management.

Step #2
Trick: To facilitate communication, take half a day to go and work with
another department.
Trick: To facilitate communication, try working with another
department for half a day.

Step #3
Launch a joint project with a single department to solve a specific
Launch a joint project with one department to solve a particular
Hint: Start with a problem that is easy to make a win-win
Hint: Start with a problem that can easily end in a win-win outcome.

Step #4
Have lunch or do a social activity together to reinforce collaboration.
To strengthen collaboration, have lunch or do a social activity

Step #6
Share your collaborative projects across the company
Give recognition to leaders across the company

Share your collaborative projects with everyone in the company

Give recognition to the deserving leaders across the company

An airline wants to improve its snack and beverage offer
They organize a collaborative project with some departments
An airline wants to improve its snack and beverage product range.
They organized a collaborative project with some departments

1. Find savings through snack and beverage partnerships
OkWork with the IT department to offer new processing payments.
1. Find how to make savings through snack and beverage partnerships
3. Work with the IT department to offer new payment processing

Identify a reason to remember for you in your action plan
Mention one strategy to remember to include in your action plan
How to conduct a business review with another department?
How to conduct a business review with other departments

An annual business process review aims to look closely at activities
and problems when working with another department.
An annual business process review aims to look closely at scheduled
activities and problems that occur when working with other

1. Start by developing your relationship. Have lunch or coffee with
your colleague.
2. Approach the meeting in a cordial and blameless manner
3. Set an agenda for the meeting and discuss topics where you agree
1. Start by developing your relationship with the representative of
your department. Have lunch or coffee with your colleague(s).
2. Approach the meeting in a cordial and professional manner
3. Set an agenda for the meeting and discuss topics where you share
similar interests.

Trick: Use your watch to make sure there is an equal speaking time for
both parties.
Trick: Allot time to everyone to make sure that there is an equal
speaking time for both parties.
5 things to remember for you and Emily
2. A collaborative meeting is a continuous improvement process. It
should be done cordially without blame
5 things you and Emily should remember
2. A collaborative meeting is a continuous improvement process. It
should be done cordially and professionally without conflicts or
negative energy.

Action Plan
Identify an action you want to undertake to improve collaboration
with another department
Action Plan
Mention an action you would want to implement to improve
collaboration with other departments.


How to ensure your priorities cover dead angles.
Become the pilot of your priorities.
How to ensure that your priorities cover up all blind spots.
Become a leader in achieving your priorities.
4. “I review occasionally my activities, but I am not sure this is
4. “I occasionally review my activities, but I am not sure this is


1. A better collaboration with other departments makes your
work more positive and enjoyable.
1. A proper collaboration with other departments makes you
more productive and your work more enjoyable.
4. With better collaboration, you could achieve your goals with
fewer efforts.
4. With better collaboration, you could simply achieve your goals
with minimal effort.

Action Plan
Write in your own words a reason to improve the balance of your
Write in your own words one reason to properly balance your


Step #4
Add success indicators to measure your success and an action to
be taken
Use success indicators to measure your performance(s) and an
action to be taken

Exercise Note
Since most of you already have financial and budget objectives,
we will focus on three overlooked priorities.
Since most of you already have financial and budget objectives,
we will focus on the other three overlooked priorities.
5 things to remember for you and Kimberley
1. The primary purpose of the balanced scorecard is to promote a
balanced view of your priorities.
2. A balanced scorecard allows integrating a short term view with a
longer view of your priorities.

5 things you and Kimberley should remember

1. The primary purpose of the balanced scorecard is to promote a
logical view of your priorities.
2. A balanced scorecard allows you to integrate your short- and long-
term priorities.

In 10 days we will send you an email to tell us how it went with
the implementation of your action
In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us about the
outcome of the implementation of your action.

In 10 days we will send you an email to tell us how it went with the
implementation of your action
In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us about the outcome of
the implementation of your action.
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in
Strategic Management at McGill University under the
supervision of Henry Mintzberg.
Vincent Sabourin, Ph. D
Professional background and academic qualifications
• A decorated leadership coach, trainer, and a lecturer with
over 25 years of professional experience.
• Founder of the Performex: Getting Better Results lecture
series, which is an online-driven leadership and management
training system.
• A full-time professor of Strategy and Leadership at the
School of Management Sciences at the University of Quebec in
Montreal (UQAM), in Canada.
• A bachelor’s in Industrial Psychology and a Ph. D in
Strategic Management at McGill University under the
supervision of Henry Mintzberg.
Identify a specific action that you will be able to undertake to
start tomorrow

Course Outline
2. Why better communicate your priorities to the management?
3. Exercise. Calculate the value of one of your priorities
2. Why you have to properly communicate your priorities to
3. Exercise: Calculating the value of your priorities.

Action Plan
In your action plan, identify an expectation for this course
In your action plan, mention one expectation you have for this
1. “I don’t get the attention you want from your organization’s
1. “I don’t get the attention that I want from the management of my

2. “The management of my company does not buy the importance of

my priorities.”
2. “The management of my company does not see the importance of
my priorities.”

3. “I am perceived more as a complainer than an effective person.”

3. “I am perceived more as a complainer than someone who gets
things done.”

4. “I am competing with a multitude of other priorities.”

4. “I am competing with different of other priorities.”

5. “I sometimes have difficulty communicating the importance of my

priorities to other departments.”
“I usually have difficulty communicating the importance of my
priorities to other departments.”

Identify a reason to remember for you in your action plan
Identify why it is important to communicate your priorities better.

Identify a reason to remember for you in your action plan
Identify why it is important to communicate your priorities better.

Action Plan
Identify an action that you retain and include it in your action plan
Choose one action that you like and include it in your action planning
John also wants to decrease the number of return goods from clients.
John’s objective:
To reduce the number of returned goods from clients
John’s calculations:
• Each return costs an average of $40
• There is an average of 5 returns per week
• There are 50 working weeks per year in this company
• Total value of returned goods per year is $10,000
• Over a period of 5 years, the total value of returned goods is

Two additional calculation examples
We present two additional examples of the “Show Me the money

The computer system is down
• Costs of $1,000 in lost time
• 3 X per week
• 52 weeks per year
• For five years = $780,000

The computer system is down

• This means a cost of $1,000 in lost time
• It is used 3 times per week
• There are 52 working weeks per year in this company
• The total value of lost time for over a period of five years is

Loss of 200 customers for a grocery store per year.
• $2,000 of income per customer
• Loss of $400,000 per year
• $2 million lost over five years
Calculating the loss of 200 customers for a grocery store per year
using the method
• There is a loss of $2,000 per customer
• This amounts to a loss of $400,000 per year
• For a period of five years, this amounts to $2 million

Exercise to calculate the value of one of your priorities.
Tip: start with the value of an incident
(For example computer failure, return of an order).
An exercise to calculate the value of each of your priorities.
Tip: start by estimating the value of an incident
(For example this incident can be a computer failure or the return of
an order).

Take one of your priorities (something you want to improve)
and calculate its economic value using the rule of thumb
(in gains or losses for the next 5 years)

Take one of your priorities (something you want to improve)

and calculate its monetary value using the rule of thumb
(whether gains or losses in the next 5 years)

5. Then multiply by 50 over a year...
5. Then multiply by 1 for a 1 year-period and then with 5 for a period
of 5 years. If you have a significant assessment, it will certainly get
the attention of the management.

5. Then multiply by 50 over a year...
5. Then multiply by 1 for a 1 year-period and then with 5 for a period
of 5 years. If you have a significant assessment, it will certainly get
the attention of the management.

In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us how it went with the
implementation of your action.
In 10 days, we will send you an email to tell us explain how you were
able to implement your action.

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