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BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968



Laude Firima
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


In comuniction and social interaction process appear a speaker to use language

variation, like: code switching and code mixing. This research only focused in code mixing.
Code-mixing was mixing foreign language elements in to the structure of main language. The
purpose of this research was to describe the form, background and function of the use of code-
mixing in the opinion writing of Media Indonesia News paper. This study used qualitative
research. Based on the data analysis, obtainsed descriptions of the use of code mixing form of
phrases, words, baster and clauses, description of the background of code- mixing that used
outer code- mixing ie. ie using English. The description of the use of code- mixing which serves
to identify the role, identification of diversity, and the desire to explain and interpret.

Keyword : code mixing, writing opinion, news paper.

Introduction the social phenomenon that occurs, the

Code Mixing is not only used in resulting writing ideas become more
spoken language by public speakers at assertive, logical, neatly arranged, coherent
seminars and other large meeting. Also and interesting to read so feasible to publish
code mixing is not only used in scientific by mass media, such as Media Indonesia.
writing-papers by great scientists, but code Media Indonesia is one of the mass
mixing in practically also used in news media published every day that has the role
publishing and opinion writing in various of spreading the message to other parties or
mass media, magazines and newspapers. to the wider community. According to
Both journalists in news writing and Daryanto, konsep komunikasi massa itu
professional opinion writers did not escape pada satu sisi mengandung pengertian suatu
inserting code in their writing. Especially proses dimana organisasi media
for opinion authors, with a variety of meproduksi dan menyebarkan pesan
language and distinctive arguments in kepada publik secara luas dan pada sisi lain
reviewing up to date social dynamics, that merupakan proses dimana pesan tersebut
still warmly discussed by the public with dicari, digunakan, dan dikonsumsi oleh
the application of code mixes, opinion audience ( Daryanti, 2016 : 115). In this
papers seem have their own mosaics. Not case mass media, especially the newspaper
only that even with the use of mixed code Media Indonesia can be used as a medium
with the title of opinion in accordance with of communication and education that is
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

effective for the public with a message that Fathurrohman studied the form and
is served especially through the opinion function of code mix and code transfer on
column can provide enlightenment to the "Ah ... Tenane" column in Solo Pos Daily.
wider community, especially related to the The focus of his research is the
dynamics and social phenomena are still characteristic of mixed code usage and code
warm discussed either related to local, transfer as well as the characteristic of code
national and international issues. And mixed and code overlapping function in the
noteworthy is not only the issue presented "Ah ... Tenane" section of the Solopos
which will be the focus of this research, but Daily. Based on the focus of his research,
the most important is the variation of the (Helmi, 2012: 28) states that the code
language in his opinion review is very mixed form in the rubric "Ah ... Tenane
interesting to discuss. daily Solopos is the tangible word, phrase,
The study of language variations reduplication and the most dominant code
that need to be the focus of study in opinion and mixed code is the word. While the form
writing in Media Indonesia newspaper is of code transfer is on the rubric "Ah ...
the use of code mixing because the use of Tenane is over the code between the Java
code mixing in the writing of opinion is a language Ngoko variety to the variety of
description of the understanding, Krama, over the variety of Krama to Ngoko
knowledge and skill of the writer so he/she variety and the transfer of internal code
can produce a quality writing. The use of between the Indonesian language to the
language variations and the writer's skill in Java language. The most dominant form of
producing such high value writing needs to code transfer is the transfer of internal code,
be transmitted and adopted by the between Indonesian to Javanese. The use of
generation and of course it is essential to be code mixed and coded in the "Ah ...
analyzed to develop self-capacity. With an Tenane" daily column of Solopos is to
overview of understanding through this affirm or convince something, to
research the readers are expected to be familiarize or resonate the conversation
motivated to become professional and because of the change of perception, to
productive writers. Being a prolific writer is respect, to improve the gensi, to adjust the
not a futile job, but being a prolific writer in subject / subject matter occurs and to show
the media is very promising, can be an an emotional sense or situation.
alternative livelihood and can be a While Abdul Kholik who review the
permanent livelihood. Especially in the code mix on the speech of the President of
difficulty era the youth in obtaining a the Republic of Indonesia Mr. DR. H.
permanent job today. This is one of the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The focus of
important factors for conducting opinion his research is the code mixed form found
review in Media Indonesia newspaper. in the Speech of the President of the
Recent research corresponding to Republic of Indonesia Mr. H. Susilo
code mixing are research conducted by Bambang Yodhoyono, the type of code
Helmi Rian Fathurrohman (2012), Abdul mixed in the Speech of the President of the
Kholik (2013) and Diyah Atiek Republic of Indonesia Mr. H. Susilo
Mustikawati (2015). Helmi Rian Bambang Yudhoyono and the use of code
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

mixed functions contained in the Speech of Javanese and Bahasa Indonesia. While the
the President of the Republic of Indonesia form of mixed code in the activity of buying
Mr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Based and selling codes involving the Javanese
on the focus of his research, (Abdul Kholik, language and Indonesian language
2013: 7) revealed that the code mixed form elements insertion into the elements of the
found in the Speech of the President of the Java language. The insertion is an element
Republic of Indonesia, Dr. H. Susilo of words, phrases, words, repetitions,
Bambang Yudhoyono in the form of mixed idioms, and clauses (Diyah, 2015: 28). And
code in the form of words, mix the code in the determinants of code change and code
the form of a phrase, mixed in the form of a intercepts in buying and selling activities in
baster mode, mixed code in the form of the Songgolangit market are caused by
word repetition and mixed code in the form factors such as the educational background,
of clauses. While the type of code mixed in the situation, the purpose of using language
the Speech of the President of the Republic variations (Diyah, 2015: 30).
of Indonesia Dr. H. Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono that there are two types of Based on the results of research that
has been done by the three researchers
mixed code that is mixing the code into
(Java language) and mix code out (English about code switching and and code mixing
and mixed code usage functions contained related to the focus of research that is the
form, the determinants of the occurrence of
in the Speech of the President of the
Republic of Indonesia Dr. H. Susilo code switching and code mixing and the
Bambang Yudhoyono for the identification function of the use of code switching or
code mixing on the principle they have
of roles, the identification of diversity, and
the desire to explain and interpret (Abdul similarities between one study with the
Khair, 2013: 8-9). other, structurally mixed codes found in
accordance with the hierarchy of language
Dan Diah Atiek Mustikawati
examines Code Switching and Code units. Of the three studies, all three find the
Mixing between Seller and Buyer form of mixed code in the form of words,
phrases, baster, word repetition, and
(Learning Language Analysis Through
Sociolinguistic Studies). The focus of his clauses. While the code switching occurs
research is the manifestation of code because there are factors that underlie its
transfer in the sale and purchase activities, use, one example because at the location of
the form of mixed code in the sale and the interaction is the community with the
purchase activities and the determinants of same cultural background and language or
other words of the same language used
code change and code mix in buying and
selling activities. Based on research focus, understood by the speaker.
(Diyah Atiek Mustikawati, 2015: 27) said Not so different from the results of
research that has been put forward by the
that the transfer of code in the research
involves the use of two languages namely researchers above, the study of researchers
about the code mixing in the opinion of the
Indonesian and Javanese language. Bahawa
Java is more dominant so the code change paper in Media Indonesia also found a
in the study focuses on the transition of form, background and function of mixed
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

code that has similarities. But unlike the The code mixed data is an opinion
source data code mixing obtained in a paper that has been published through
novel, a speech and interaction of buying Media Indonesia newspaper, in this study
and selling in the market, newspaper media, presents the mixed codes contained in three
especially Media Indonesia Newspaper that newspaper publications dated October 27,
published daily, in this newspaper opinion November 1, November 11, 2016 and
column presents an article of opinion December 6, 2016. The data collected,
everyday. a good writing opinion produced analyzed, discussed and finally concluded
by professional writers with the use of based on the discussion and research focus.
coded mixes and a distinctive writing style
that addresses current issues that follow the Results and Discussion
development of social dynamics, the Code Mixing used in opinion
writing has also become public writing in Media Indoneisa newspaper is
mixed code in the form of words, phrases,
consumption everyday. So the writing of
this opinion is very important to be a study basics and clauses, can clearly be seen
with the main hope can be a reference for through the work table with the form of
code mixed in italics in order to appear clear
novice authors and other readers who wish
to develop themselves through opinion and facilitate for researchers in conducting
papers for publication in the media. the analysis. Mixed code shown is a mix of
code that involves two variations of the
Indonesian language as the main language
The approach used in this study is a and English as a mixture of code in the
dissemination of opinion.
qualitative approach, while the research
method used in accordance with the type of According to Kachru in Suwito,
qualitative research, is using the method of quoted again by Rokhman gives the limits
of code mixing, sebagai pemakaian dua
content analysis or literature analysis. The
procedures or steps of the research that will bahasa atau lebih dengan saling
be used are: 1) collecting artistic opinion on memasukkan unsur- unsur bahasa yang satu
ke dalam bahasa yang lain secara konsisten
Media Indonesia opinion column all of
which are opinion writings with mixed code (Fathur Rokhman, 2013 : 38), besides that,
in English number of 25 opinion papers, 2) Suwito distinguish code mixing into several
clipping opinion articles from Media kinds, among others penyisipan unsur-
Indonesia newspaper which have collected, unsur yang berwujud kata, penyisipan
3) identifies and marks with a highlighter or unsur-unsur yang berwujud frasa,
penyisipan unsur- unsur berwujud baster,
underlines any form of mixed English code
on clipping opinions that have been penyisipan unsur- unsur yang berwujud
collected, 4) performs tabulation of data perulangan kata, penyisipan unsur- unsur
yang berwujud ungkapan atau idiom dan
mixed code used in opinion writing, 5)
conducts analysis which is the core activity penyisipan unsur- unsur yang berwujud
klausa (Suwito, (1983 : 92), he further
of research conducted by researchers with
reference to the theory of the interference of explained that : campur kode dapat
code mixing. diklasifikasikan menjadi dua macam yaitu
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

campur kode yang bersifat ke dalam ( mix the code is generally done among
internal ) dan campur kode yang bersifat others for the following purposes: a.
keluar ( external ). It means that code Familiarize the atmosphere, b. the other
mixing can be classified into two kinds person, c. Convince the topic of
namely inner code mixing and outer code conversation, d. To generate a sense of
mixing. humor and e. For just stylish or prestigious.
Still Suwito, with regards to the In correlation with the above
code mixed functionality explains that: concept and it be known that code Mixing
fungsi bahasa yang digunakan dalam suatu as part of a sociolinguistic study, in which
peristiwa tutur didasarkan pada tujuan sociolinguistics is the study of society in
berkomunikasi. Fungsi bahasa merupakan relation to language, so the use of code
ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan tujuan mixing in opinion writing is very necessary
tertentu, seperti perintah, menawarkan, to be a study for the development of
mengumumkan, memarahi dan sebagainya. language community, both in spoken and
Pembicara, menggunakan bahasa menurut written languages.
fungsi yang dikehendakinya sesuai dengan
tujuan, konteks, dan situasi komunikasi. Code mixing form in Media Indonesia
Dalam kegiatan komunikasi pada Newspaper
masyarakat multilingual alih kode dan Based on the results of research
campur kode pada umumnya dilakukan from 24 Media Indonesia newspapers in
antara lain untuk tujuan berikut : a. opinion writing, found 107 forms of
Mengakrabkan suasana, b. menghoramati English code mixing used by the author.
lawan bicara, c. Meyakinkan topik From the amount code mixing in the form
pembicaraan, d. Untuk membangkitkan of word 32, in the form of phrase 60, in the
rasa humor dan e. Untuk sekedar bergaya form of baster only 2 and the form of clause
atau bergengsi. It means that the language 15. The use of code mixing in opinion
function used in a speech event is based on writing in newspaper Media Indonesia tend,
the purpose of communicating. The only use English as the influence of social
function of the language is an expression status, are professionals in the field who
associated with a particular purpose, such have higher education. Various forms of
as command, offer, announce, rebuke and mixed code is used by the author in
so on. Speaker, using the language narrating the writings of opinion generated.
according to the desired function in And a number of forms of code
accordance with the purpose, context, and mixing in the English writing of opinion on
communication situation. In the the Media Indonesia Newspaper can be
communication activities in the shown only 4 opinion writings in the table
multilingual community over the code and below :

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

Table 1
Opinion paper entitled: Rational Voters written by Adi Prayitno as
Political Lecturer of UIN Jakarta and Researcher of The
Political Literacy Institute,
October 27, 2016
No Statements Parag/line to
1. Langkah awal yang kerap dilakukan para kandidat ialah political 3/3
publicity yakni sebuah upaya memoles diri (pencitraan) untuk
menjadi yang terbaik demi mendulang dukungan publik.

2. Para ahli marketing (paragraf 4 baris ke 1) politik mendefinisikan 4/1

politik sebagai sesuatu yang inheren dari upaya membangun citra
positif di depan khalayak.

3. Tim sukses, relawan, bahkan konsultan kenamaan dipakai untuk 4/9

melakukan personal branding kandidat biar ciamik. Tutur bahasa,
gerak tubuh, dan performa politiknya ditata.....

4. ......strategi yang sering dilakukan kandidat, termasuk juga 4/26

melakukan aksi serangan darat dengan cara door to door campaign

5. Bahkan tak jarang para kandidat ataupun tim sukses juga menyerang 5/3
attacking campaign lawan pesaing dengan isu- isu suku, agama, ras,
dan antargolongan (SARA) demi kemenangan elektoral

6. Dominasi Ahok di tengah hantaman badai isu SARA yang terus 6/6
berembus mengindikasikan sejumlah hal penting terkait dengan
perilaku pemilih political behavior di Jakarta

7. Sebab itu, personality serta track record calon seperti kinerja, 6/20
kapasitas, dan kompetensi menjadi ukuran penting bagi pemilih. 6/21

8. .....dukungan seseorang terhadap kandidat disebabkan perasaan 8/20

dekat terhadap kandidat, mempunyai informasi lebih tentang
calon,serta keyakinan bahwa calon pilihannya itu akan mampu
memperbaiki keadaan political efficacy

9. Dalam perkembangannya, pendekatan rational choice itu juga 11/2

ditarik ke sektor lain untuk menilai kinerja, rekam jejak serta
integritas pejabat ataupun calon pejabat publik

10. Pilihan rasional Bahkan, sentimen berbasis SARA sengaja 13/11

dikapitalisasi untuk men- down grade salah satu kandidat tertentu.

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

Table 2
Opinion's paper entitled: The Death of Idealism in the Making Regulation
Written by Bambang Sadono as Chairman of the
Assessment Board of the MPR RI, November 1, 2016
No Statement Parag/line to
11. .......bahwa hukum yang dibuat suatu bangsa di suatu negara 2/11
merupakan resultant kepentingan politik yang ada

12. Yang dihasilkan Pilkada, yang secara kesepakatan politik walaupun 7/5
melalui voting di DPR tetapi akhirnya dijungkirbalikan Peraturan
Pemerintah Pengganti Undang- Undang (Perppu) yang dibuat
13. 10/16
Pemungutan suara Ideal, struktur tersistem, dan kultur yang yang
terjaga agar sesuai legal feeling masyarakat.
.....dengan menunggu sampai UU itu disahkan dan kemudian 13/19
menggugatnya melalui judicial review MK.

Table 3
Opinion Writing entitled: Trump Nagi RI Victory Meaningwritten by Ganewati
Wuryandari as Senior Researcher,Head of Center for Regional Resources LIPI,
November 11, 2016
No Statement Parag/line to
15. Dengan slogan ‘Make American great again Trump mencoba 2/10
mencpainya dengan visi American first yaitu menempatkan
kepentingan nasioanal Amerika pada urutan teratas.

16. .......AS juga akan menarik dukungannya atas upaya global untuk 4/3
mengatasi perubahan iklim dengan menarik jutaan dolar bantuannya
di United Nations, Framework Convention on Climate
17. 8/6
Skala dunia AS akan lebih cenderung inward looking lebih
mengutamakan kepentingan ekonomi dalam negeri
18. 8/14
Ancaman Trump untuk perusahan- perusahaan AS yang bring out
Americans jobs juga bisa berimbas terhadap investasi AS di RI
19. 9/4
Membawa keluar pekerjaan di Amerika. Penarikan diri dan AS yang
‘semakin tertutup‘ pada gilirannya akan memberikan peluang lebar
munculnya kekuatan leadership baru sebagai hegemon di kawasan
20. 10/11
RI seharusnya menjadi negara yang sangat strategis untuk
kepentingan rebalancing AS terhadap Tiongkok kawasan
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

21. 12/14
Berimbang kembali Kebijakan Pivot ini diimplementasikan melalui
enam strategi kunci, yaitu penguatan aliansi, peningkatan hubungan
dengan emerging powers, penempatan kerja sama ekonomi sebagai
elemen utama kebijakan luar negeri AS, ......
22. 13/14
Kekuatan emergensi RI merupakan salah satu negara yang saat ini
telah menjadi benchmark untuk pengamanan masalah itu.

Table 4
Opinion paper entitled: Kemana Anggaran Infrstruktur written by
Effnu Subiyanto as Doctor of Economics FEB UnairIssue,
December 6, 2016
No Statement Parag/line to
23. Persoalan defisit atau shortfall, realisasi belanja ialah dua sisi mata 4/1
uang yang berdampak luas

24. Kekurangan Progress proyek prestisius PLTU 35 ribu Mw selama 9 6/7

bulan sejak diluncurkan baru terealisasi 9,4% yang memasuki
komersial atau commercial operating date. Kinerjanya sangat
25. 8/11
Tanggal komersial beroperasi lagi- lagi rakyat dirugikan, berharap
mendapatkan multiplier effect dari sebuah proyek, tapi tidak akan
pernah terwujud sama sekali
26. 9/12
Dampak, berpengaruh Lebih ironis, karena ketidakpastian
pembangunan infrastruktur sangat tinggi, upaya hanya dilakukan
normatif jika tidak terealisasi anggaran di-switch ke belanja lain
27. 10/2
Beralih, dihubungkan Politik jargon, propaganda, kamapanye, lip
service seharusnya dihentikan pada era yang sudah sangat informatif
seperti saat ini
28. 11/7
Propaganda Ini sekaligus membuktikan rakyat Indonesia men- drive
mayoritas ekonominya sendiri dengan hanya mengandalkan
konsumsi dalam negeri sampai dengan 5%
29. 11/15
.......sejarah pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tertinggi ialah 6,3 %
pada tahun 2007. Ini sekaligus captive given bahwa pemerintah di
atas kertas sudah mendapatkan 5%.

Based on the above table, which is issue on November 1, 2016, table 3 was
table 1 of Media Indonesia newspaper published on November 11, 2016 and table
published on October 27, 2016, table 2 4 dated December 6, 2016. Through the
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

statement column seen that there is Pembuatan UU/ 27 Oktober

generally one mix the English code in a 2016/ data 5). Attacking campaign
sentence, but in the table above there are has meaning attacking political
opponents, whereas previously
also two mixed codes in a sentence (see no
there was already a sentence that the
7 data). In writing Media Indonesia supporting teams also attacked but
newspaper opinion not all sentences have the author must confirm with the
mixed code. The statements presented in attacking campaign phrase. In this
the above table are presented to mewlikiki case the authors want to emphasize
mixed English code used in the writing of that in the election activities occur
opinion on the newspaper Media Indonesia attack each other among the
competitors or political opponents.
which became the target of this research.
2. Dominasi Ahok di tengah hantaman
From the table, code mixing form badai isu SARA yang terus
can be described that : First, code mixing berembus mengindikasikan
no. 2, 11, 12, 16, 29 and 20 are mixed codes sejumlah hal penting terkait dengan
of words form. Second code mixing no. 1, perilaku pemilih political behavior
3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, 15, 17, 21,25, 27 di Jakarta (MIO/Kemana
and 29 are code mixing in phrase from. Anggaran Infrastruktur / 27
Oktober 2016/ data 6). Political
Thirdly, code mixing no 10, 26 and 28 are behavior means political behavior
code mixing in baster form. And fourth, also means voter behavior, from the
code mixing no. 4, 18 and 24 are mixed above data seen after mentioning
codes in the clauses form. the behavior of direct voters
Code mixing in English as connected with the phrase political
described in the mixed code concept are behavior whereas without the
outer code mixing. In this case, in the phrase has been captured its idea
opinion of the paper, Media Indonesia is intent, in this case phrase political
using Indonesian mixed or code mixing in behavior used by the author as an
English. affirmation of the idea review.
3. Persoalan defisit atau shortfall,
Function of code mixing in the writing of realisasi belanja ialah dua sisi mata
Media Indonesia Opinion (MIO) uang yang berdampak luas
Code mixing function refers to what (MIO/Kemana Anggaran
the speaker or writer wants to reach ie Infrastruktur/ 6 Desember 2016/
referring to the explanation of the theory data 23). Shortfall has a meaning
study, the code mixed functions found by deficit, it is clear the authors pointed
the researcher are as follows : out things related to the deficit by
First, the function of the use of code mix to writing down the deficit problem
assert or convince the idea in the opinion but also the author is still writing or
paper as in the following findings : shortfall. The point is that the author
1. Bahkan tak jarang para kandidat affirms the word deficit with the
ataupun tim sukses juga menyerang word shortfall.
attacking campaign lawan pesaing 4. Kekurangan Progress proyek
dengan isu- isu suku, agama, ras, prestisius PLTU 35 ribu Mw selama
dan antargolongan (SARA) demi 9 bulan sejak diluncurkan baru
kemenangan elektoral (MIO/ terealisasi 9,4% yang memasuki
Matinya Idealisme dalam komersial atau commercial
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

operating date. Kinerjanya sangat mix the code is used by the author
perlahan......(MIO/ Kemana to explain in relation to the political
Anggaran Infrastruktur/ 6 steps undertaken by a candidate
Desember 2016/ data 24). leader of the region .
Commercial operating date means 2. ......strategi yang sering dilakukan
the timing of commercial kandidat, termasuk juga melakukan
operations, in this case without aksi serangan darat dengan cara
having to write the Commercial door to door campaign (OMI/
operating date in its opinion paper, Pemilih Rasional/ 27 Oktober
the reader can already believe the 2016 data 4 ). Door to door
intent of the idea. Then the campaign, it means that the team
commercial operating date clause is campaign from house to house, in
intended by the author to affirm or which case the author explains how
convince the reader more. to campaign for a candidate leader
5. Dampak, berpengaruh Lebih ironis, of regional namely the writer begins
karena ketidakpastian his explanation dengan cara door to
pembangunan infrastruktur sangat door campaign, it means campaign
tinggi, upaya hanya dilakukan from house to house. In this case the
normatif jika tidak terealisasi phrase or code mixing used by by
anggaran di-switch ke belanja lain the author to explain.
(MIO/ Kemana Anggaran
Infrastruktur/ 6 Desember Thirdly, the use of code mixing functions to
2016/data 26) Kata di-switch has show the intelligence toward the language
the meaning of switching or divert for code mixing in Media Indoenesia
used by the author as an affirmation
opinion paper as in the example of the
that if the budget is not realized it
will be transferred to the other item. following findings:

1. Para ahli marketing politik

Second, code mixing has function to
mendefinisikan politik sebagai
explain, it is as in the examples of the sesuatu yang inheren dari upaya
following : membangun citra positif di depan
1. Langkah awal yang kerap dilakukan khalayak (OMI/Kemana
para kandidat ialah political Anggaran Infrastruktur/27
publicity yakni sebuah upaya Oktober 2016/ data 2). Kata
memoles diri (pencitraan) untuk marketing has meaning as if to seem
menjadi yang terbaik demi sell and buy, the word is used by the
mendulang dukungan publik data author as an intelligence or skill of
(MIO/ Pemilih Rasional/27 the author in using English code
Oktober 2016, data 1). Political mixing.
publicity has meaning as 2. Tim sukses, relawan, bahkan
dissemination of information konsultan kenamaan dipakai untuk
related to politics. The phrase used melakukan personal branding
by the author as seen in the kandidat biar ciamik. Tutur bahasa,
explanatory data that begins with gerak tubuh, dan performa
the word is, where the word is politiknya ditata.....(OMI/Kemana
commonly used by speakers or Anggaran Infrastruktur/27
writers to explain something, then Oktober 2016/data 3). Personal

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 17 Nomor 1 Januari 2018
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

branding has meaning as a personal Kuncoro, Mudrajad. (2009). Mahir

who have a capacities, clever and Menulis, Kiat Jitu Menulis Artikel
wise and very suitable for the leader. Opini, Kolom & Resensi Buku.
The frase is used by the authors to Jakarta.
demonstrate proficiency in the use
Petty, Green. (1969). Developing Language
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principle the same as data 1 and 2, Rahardi, Kunjana. (2012). Menulis Artikel
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Rokhman, Fathur. (2011). Sosiolinguistik
Campur code that contained in the Suatu Pendekatan Pembelajaran
writing of opinion on the Media Indonesia Bahasa dalam Masyarakat
Multikultural . Yogyakarta: Graha
Newspaper consists of one character,
namely outer code mixing, it means that
code mixing that used is foreign language, Sebba, Mark. (2012). Language Mixing and
Code Switching in Writing,
code mixing in English. While the code
Approaches to Mixed- Languange
mixing form used are code mixing in the Written Discourse. New York:
form of words, phrases, baster and clause. Routledge.
The dominant form of code mixing used is
Suwito, (1983), Pengantar Awal
mixed code in the form of phrases. Function Sosiolinguistik, Teori dan
of code mixing that used in opinion writing Problem. Surakarta : Henary
on the Media Indonesia Newspaper are to Offset
convince or to make sure the ideas, to Tarigan, Hendri Guntur. (1989).
explain and demonstrate as intelligence Pengajaran Kedwibahasaan.
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References introduction to Sociolinguistics,
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BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2018

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