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What Is Unrequited Love?

Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev, MD on November 15, 2023 Written by Martin Taylor, Amy Gopal

Signs of Unrequited Love What Else to Know About One-Sided Love What Causes Unrequited Love?

E"ects of Unrequited Love

6 min read

Unrequited love isn't just for books and movies -- it's a reality that many

London INR 40,688.–
people experience. When you develop romantic feelings for another now
person who doesn't feel them back, it's unrequited love. Whether you're
longing for your crush to make a move or you've told them how you feel
and are rejected, this kind of love remains one-sided.


Unrequited love happens when the person you've fallen in love with doesn't feel the same way. (Photo credit:
The Image Bank/Getty Images)
If the other person doesn't have romantic feelings like you do, there are
ways to move forward. At the same time, if someone expresses love for
you that you can't return, there are ways to address it.

Signs of Unrequited Love

Unrequited love can distort your ideas about the person you're in love
with. You may be so caught up in your romantic thoughts for this person
that it’s hard to notice they don’t feel the same. Signs of unrequited love

Unreciprocated emotions

Having an unrealistic view of the person you’re in love with

One-sided contact through phone calls, texts, and social media

Longing for your love interest’s touch

What Else to Know About One-Sided Love

There are five types of unrequited love:

A crush on someone unavailable

A fixation on someone nearby

Pursuing a love object

Longing for a past love

An unequal love relationship

A study on the five types of unrequited love found that all kinds of these
relationships are less emotionally intense than "real" reciprocated love.
That might be why unrequited love is also found to be four times more
common than the love shared by two people.

Unrequited love is less intense in passion, sacrifice, dependency,

commitment, and practical love than equal love. It can also cause less
inner turmoil than reciprocated love. For some people, that may feel

What Causes Unrequited Love?

One-sided love can start in similar ways to equal love, but one person
doesn't have mutual feelings of attraction or care. Causes of unrequited
love include:

Romantic feelings for a friend. Strong friendships that last over the
years are prime opportunities for intimate feelings. Some people believe
good friendship is a foundation for romantic relationships. You may start
to see your friend as more than a friend over time.

Your proximity to a person. Whether at work, school, or somewhere

else you go on a regular basis, you may develop feelings for someone the
more you get to know them.

Love interests due to shared hobbies. If you find someone who likes
the same things as you, you may see them as the perfect romantic

Mixed signals between friends. If your friendship consists of flirty jokes

or physical a"ection, you may start to see your friend as a romantic
interest. Mixed signals won’t make you fall in love with someone, but if
you already find them attractive, it can make you more likely to look at
them romantically. Especially if they’re acting like the feeling is mutual.

An unbalanced attraction level. If there’s a perceived di"erence in

attraction, the person seen as more attractive might not feel intimate
with a person they believe to be less attractive.

Insecure attachment style. According to attachment theory in

psychology, you can develop one of three attachment styles: secure,
anxious, or avoidant. One study examined how adults with di"erent
attachment styles handle daily social situations. It found that anxious
and avoidant people felt less cared for by others and less close to the
people they were with than secure study participants. If you struggle to
have healthy relationships, you may be drawn to unrequited love.

E!ects of Unrequited Love

One-sided love can cause both positive and negative feelings, including:




Low self-esteem



Overall, this form of love isn't emotionally fulfilling or healthy, so it's

important to protect your mental health while going through it.

Why Does Unrequited Love Hurt So Much?

Unrequited love is a common occurrence, but that doesn’t make the pain
less real. Studies have shown that your brain reacts to rejection the same
way it does to physical pain.

If you experience the rejection of unreciprocated love, know you’re not

alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a trusted person if you’re
having di"iculty moving past the unrequited love.

Depression due to one-sided love

Unrequited love could cause you to reach a depressed state. If you're

struggling, talk to a therapist about your feelings. If you are so unhappy
that you're considering harming yourself, reach out for help. You can call
or text 988 to reach the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline to reach free, live
support if you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, a mental
health or substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress.

How to Get Over Unrequited Love

Getting over unrequited love is possible.

If your love interest was already a friend, and they rejected your feelings,
here are some ways to try to maintain your friendship:

Give it time. Give yourself and them space to move past your
declaration of love. Start casually chatting again once you’re ready.

Reassure your friend. Let them know that you can accept their
feelings and still want to maintain the friendship. A#er the initial
conversation, try not to dwell on the rejection.

Return to your usual routine. You may automatically try to avoid

them. But your friendship has a better chance of surviving if you
keep talking and seeing each other as you did before the

Keep it friendly. Tone down flirting or sexual jokes that may have
previously been part of your relationship. This will help keep you
both from feeling confused or uncomfortable.

When ready, talk about new relationships. Sharing details about a

new love interest may ease any remaining awkward feelings about
the unreciprocated love.

If you’re struggling with overcoming the rejection, you may need to pull
back from your friendship. It may help to spend time with them only in
group settings. It's OK to need some space and time to heal a#er the
rejection. Your friend might also need space. If they're distant a#er
you’ve shared your feelings, they may feel guilty or sad and not want to
hurt you further.
If you aren't on speaking terms with your love interest, you can still get
over unrequited love. Try these strategies:

Stay busy. Beyond job or school activities, revisit your hobbies or

make plans with friends and family.

Invest in yourself. Try something new, whether it's a class to help

further your career or physical activity to help relieve stress.

Use humor as a coping mechanism. One study examined how

humor can help change your perspective a#er facing the rejection of
unreciprocated love.

Think about your relationship patterns. Before you open another

dating app, think through the qualities you're looking for in a
partner. Write down what you want to see change from previous
relationships. You can even reach out to a therapist to discuss past

Try meeting new people. When you feel ready, finding new people
to talk to or date could help you heal from the rejection.

Remember that it's OK to grieve this loss. Give yourself time to move
though and process your feelings.

How to Reject Someone

What if someone else is in love with you but you don't feel the same way?
You may feel like you're in an awkward position, but there are ways to
gently explain how you feel to the other person. Try these strategies:

Don’t avoid the other person. Without a response, the person may
keep trying to contact you.

Discuss things face to face. A text or phone call may not be enough
to get your point across. If you're worried about meeting in person,
bring a support person or meet in a public place.

Be compassionate and honest. Share how you're feeling. If you're

currently friends with the person, you can discuss if you want to
continue the friendship or not.

Be clear about your feelings, and don't give false hope. Rejection
hurts, but you don't want to tip-toe around telling them that you're
not in love with them. It only delays the healing process.

Don’t apologize. You are not required to fall in love with someone
who falls in love with you. If the feeling isn't mutual, it's not meant
to be.

Get outside support when necessary. A therapist can help you deal
with the emotions of rejecting the other person. If their behavior
ever makes you feel unsafe or puts you in immediate danger, call

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