BPP Kit Mapping question wise

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BPP Kit Mapping

Compiled by Sir. Mohammad Waseem Afzal

Question wise
Section 1 (Preparation questions)
1. Financial Instruments
a) & b) IAS 32 (compound instruments)
2. Leases
IFRS 16 (calculation & extracts)
3. Defined benefit plan
IAS 19 (Defined benefit expense)
4. Sundry standards
a) & b i) IAS 19 (F/S extracts & settlement) ; b ii) IFRS 9 (embedded derivates)
& c) IFRS 9 Classification of F.A
5. Control
IFRS 10 (control)
6. Associate
Consolidation, Goodwill & Associate accounting (C.SOFP)
7. Part disposal
a) Consolidation Sub to Associate disposal b) sub to sub disposal
8. Step acquisition
Consolidation (step acquisition)
9. Foreign operation
IAS 21
10. Consolidated statement of cash flows

Section 2 (Exam-standard questions)

11. Robby
a i) a ii) Goodwill & Joint operations & b) IFRS 9 (factoring arrangement w/
Conceptual Framework)
12. Diamond
a i) Goodwill ; a ii) Disposal ; a iii) IAS 19 a iv) IFRS 16 ; b) IFRS 9 (Debt
13. Banana
a i) Goodwill & contingent consideration ; a ii) Equity method ; a iii) gain on
disposal; a iv) 2018 amendments to IAS 19
b) Business combination c) IFRS 9
14. HILL
a i) Deffered consideration; IAS 16 & Goodwill ; a ii) sub to associate
(disposal); a iii) Convertible Bond IAS 32 ; b) IAS 12
15. Angel
a i) IAS 16; a ii) IAS 23 (adjustments to PBT) ; a iii) Cash Flows; b i) Financial
statement differences ; b ii) Non-financial performance measures
16. Moyes
a i) ii) Cash flows & explanation and use of scenario ; b) Purchase
consideration (shares and deferred cash) Impact on consolidated statement
of cash flows of Subsidiary acquisition (including dividend) Subsidiary
disposal ; c) IFRS 5 d) intra group transactions & ethics
17. Weston
a i & ii) Group statements of cash flow & consolidation b) ethical discussion
18. Bubble
a) i) consolidation (intra loan) ii) translation of SOFP) iii) Goodwill b) IAS 21
19. Elevator
a i) Ethical considerations (non financial reporting) ii) comments on Non
Financial performance measures b) Financial reporting (IFRS 15 Revenue
from Contracts) & ethical issues
20. Star
Ethics a) lease Agreement b) Ethical and social responsibility c) Internal
auditor profit-related bonus
21. Farham
a) IFRS 13 F.V; Allocation of impairment loss; Provision; IFRS 5 b) Ethics
22. Ethical issues
a) IFRS 16 (initial recognition & measurement) & ethical issues b) Ethics
23. Chippin
a) Direct method & Indirect method adv & disadv b) Reporting the loan
proceeds as operating cash flow & Ethics
24. Gustoso
a) Accounting issues ( IAS 37 provision; IFRS 9 recognition of a derivative)
b) Ethical implications
25. Fiskerton
a) IFRS 16 (finance lease) b) IFRS 15 (performance satisfied over time or at a
point in time c) Ethics
26. Janne
a i) Ias 40 & IFRS 13 ii) Selection of measurement basis b) Annual report
discussion (Practice Statement 2 Making Materiality Judgements; IAS 1; IAS
24) c) Alternative performance measure;
27. SunChem
a) IAS 38 (licenses & Acquisition of interest in Conew) b i) Practice Statement
2 ii & iii) IAS 24; Related parties & disclosures
28. Egin Group
a) Conceptual framework (Need for a conceptual framework & Resolve
practical accounting issues) b i & ii ) IAS 24 ( Why it is important to disclose
related party transactions; Materiality judgement, Practice Statement 2:
Making Materiality Judgements Nature of related party relationships)
29. Lockfine
a) IFRS 1 and deemed cost b) Fishing rights (IFRS 1; IFRS 3 retrospectively to a
business combination; IAS 38 two criteria to recognise intangible asset) c)
(IAS 38 Intangible asset characteristics) d) IAS 37 (restructuring provisions)
30. Alexandra
a i) Loan – accounting treatment a ii) Ethical implications & impact on
investors analysis b i) Director’s remuneration (IAS 24 Related party
disclosures & Ethical implication)
31. Verge
a) IFRS 15/ IAS 8 (Recognition of revenue; calculation & Correction of prior
period error) b) IAS 37 (Provision) c) IAS 1/16/20 (framework of IAS 1
Presentation of Financial Statements; IAS 16: recognition of building; IAS 20:
Government grant) d) Amendments to IAS 8
32. Avco
a i & ii) IAS 32 (distinction between debt and equity) b i) IAS 32 (Classification
differences between debt and equity) b ii) IAS 32 (Classification differences
between debt and equity) c) Current Issues (Accounting for cryptocurrencies)
33. Pensions
a) IAS 19 (Difference of Defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans)
b i & ii) IAS 19 (Reduction to net pension liability & Amendments to IAS 19)
34. Calendar
a i) IFRS 15; IAS 38 & IAS 8 (revenue recognition & classification of a gain on
derecognition of an intangible asset & retrospective correction) a ii) IFRS 16
Leases b) Materiality (PPE IAS 16 & Disclosure notes IAS 1 & IFRS Practice
Statement 2 Making Materiality Judgements)
35. Lupin
a i) IFRS 2 a ii) IFRS 16 a iii) intra group balances b i) Conceptual framework
(accounting for deferred tax is questionable) b ii) IAS 12 (Tax reconciliation
discussion) c) Principles of ED 2019/5 & effect on Entity
36. Lizzer
a i) IFRS 7 (disclosures of debt risk) a ii) IFRS 7 & IAS 10 (Potential breach of
loan covenants) b i) IFRS Practice Statement 2 Making Materiality
Judgements & ED 2019/6 Disclosure of Accounting Policies (Optimal level of
disclosure; Causes of excessive disclosure) b ii) Barriers to reducing
37. Jogger
a) Social and environmental reporting b) APM (EBITDA advantages and
disadvantages; management of earnings; Moral/ethical considerations)
38. Moorland
a) Interpretation of financial statements for different stakeholders.
b i) IFRS 8 (Operating segment) b ii) APM (Underlying earnings per share)
39. Calcula
a) IFRS 5 (Subsidiary held for sale) b i) Integrated reporting (Confusion & IR
guidelines) b ii) Cost-cutting Programme
40. Toobasco
a) APMs (comparability; Extraordinary items; FCF; its description; EBITDAR &
Tax effects) b i) (Adjustment of net cash generated from operating activities
for errors in the statement) b ii) Free cash flow reconciliation b iii) IAS 7 Cash
flows (Purchase and sale of cars; Purchase of associate; Foreign exchange
losses; Pension payments; Interest paid)
41. Tufnell
a i) IFRS 5 (Discontinuance) a ii) IAS 12 (Deferred Tax) a iii) IAS 36
(Impairment) a iv) Ratios (Formation of opinion of impact on ROCE)
b) APM & residual income
42. Amster
a i) Importance of information concerning an entity's capital (Published
information & Integrated reporting) a ii) IAS 32 (classification) b) IFRS 2
(cash settled share based-payment & impact on adjustment)
43. Havanna
a) IFRS 15 (revenue recognition; Contract with sports organisation)
b) IFRS 5 (Sale of division) c i) IFRS 16 (key changes due to IFRS 16 investors
will see) c ii) IFRS 16 & IFRS 15 (sale & Lease back) c iii) Effect on interest
44. Operating Segments
a) IFRS 8 (guidance on allocation and basis as per scenario; Differing amounts
in segment report to financial statements) b i) IFRS 8 (Criteria for
aggregation; Customer base/risk & conculsion) b ii) IFRS 8 (Investor appraisal
and segments; aggregation less useful; conclusion & ethics) c) CSR
(Reconciliation of ethics of CSR disclosure to shareholder expectations)
45. Skizer
a i) Concetual framework & IAS 38 recognition Criteria a ii) IAS 38
(derecognition & impairment assessment) a iii) IFRS 15 (application to entity)
b i) IFRS 3 (recognition of intangible assets) IAS 38 (cost or revaluation &
differences; differences in treatment of R&D and development expenditure)
b ii) Integrated Reporting (measurement choices made in the financial
statements & whether IR can supplement financial statements i.e providing
more info)
46. Cloud
a i) (Current presentation requirements; Conceptual basis)
a ii) Reclassification adjustments (Arguments for and against reclassification)
a iii) Integrated Reporting b) IAS 2 (NRV vs cost)
47. Allsop
a i) IAS 12 & IAS 21 (deferred tax charge) a ii) IFRS 15 (Revenue recognition &
variable consideration) b) IAS 7 & IR (Usefulness of statement of cash flows
and the Integrated Report)
48. Kiki
a i) IFRS 15 (Revenue recognition & unexercised rights as breakage)
a ii) IFRS 15 (Royalty) b) IAS 40 (Investment properties effect of SOFP, SOCI &
49. Holls
a i) IFRS Practice Statement Management Commentary (Arguments for and
against the non-binding framework) a ii) Framework (discussion of
understandability, relevance and comparability & Application to MC) b) IAS
12 (explanation of why taxable profits are different from accounting profit;
Explanation of Tax reconciliation; Tax rates; Deferred taxation)
50. Kayte
a) 2010 Conceptual Framework (Inconsistent application of the probability
criterion; Changes to the recognition criteria in 2018 Conceptual Framework)
b i) IAS 16 (application of IAS 16 (sold after 10 years) IFRS 5 (Accounting
treatment for non-current assets held for sale) b ii) IAS 34 (policies) & IFRS 5
(application) c) Conceptual Framework and interim financial reporting
(accounting policies)
51. Fill
a) IAS 2 (potential measurement basis, NRV and relevant Standards &
application of IAS 2) b) IAS 16 & 36 application to scenario c) Conceptual
framework & IFRS 3 discussion as per scenario (Control)
52. Zedtech
a i) Conceptual Framework (recognition per current Conceptual Framework
& ED's approach to recognition) a ii) IAS 12 (recognition criteria) IAS 37
(recognition criteria) IFRS 3 (recognition in business combinations) b i) IFRS
15 (collectability of consideration & performance obligation) b ii) (application
of above principles to O inventory & inventory X)
53. Royan
a) IAS 37 (Existing Guidiance & critique) b i) IAS 37 treatment ii) Ethics c)
Contingent liability
54. Formatt
a) Conceptual Framework & IFRS 9 (Financial asset) b i, ii & iii) IAS 36 & IFRS
5 ( NCA at cost; NCA @ valuation; NCA @ asset held for sale)
55. Emcee
a) IAS 23 (requirements and calculation of capitalised interest) b) IAS 38
recognition requirements, applicability of IFRS 5 and impairment under IAS
36 c) IFRS 13 and IAS 24 (discussion)
56. Scramble
a) IAS 38 – (Internally developed intangibles) b) IAS 36 – CGU (Discount rate
for impairment & disclosures) c) IAS 38 & IFRS 9- (subjective assessment)
57. Estoil
a) IAS 36 (Changes in circumstances; Market capitalisation; Allocating
goodwill; Valuation issues; Disclosures) b i) IAS 36 (discount rate) b ii) IAS 36
Cash flow forecasts
58. Evolve
a) IAS 32 & IAS 10 (Obligation to purchase own equity instruments);
b) IFRS 5 (Classification as held for sale) c) IAS 16 & 40 (Investment property)
59. Gasnature
a) IFRS 11; IAS 16 & 37 (Joint arrangement) b) IFRS 9 (buy or sell a non-
financial item not settled net in cash) c i) IAS 16 (overhauling) c ii) IAS 10
60. Complexity
a i) IFRS 9 (Identical payment; Carrying amount; Fair value)
a ii) IFRS 9 (Hedging discussion; Effectiveness discussion)
b i) IFRS 9 (model for the classification and measurement of financial
instruments) b ii) Practice Statement 2 & IFRS 7 (suggestion on information)
61. Blackcutt
a) IAS 16 & 40 (accounting issues) b) IFRS 16 (Lease) c) IAS 37 (Provisions) d)
IAS 36 (impairment of Building)
62. Carsoon
a) IFRS 16 (Classification of lease as operating lease not finance lease,
accounting requirements for lease payments and assets and cash flow
implications) b) IFRS 9 & 13 (Type of financial asset, IFRS 13 requirements,
account for financial asset) c) IFRS 15 (penalties, counter claim and additional
63. Leigh
a) IFRS 2 (Shares issued to the directors; Shares issued to employees)
b) IFRS 2 (Purchase of property, plant and equipment)
c) IAS 28 (Investment in Hardy treatement)
64. Yanong
a) IFRS 13 (Fair value of agricultural vehicles) b) IFRS 13 (Accounting
treatment of maize) c) IFRS 2 & 13 (Share-based payment) d) IFRS 13 (F.V
measurement Farmland)
65. Mehran
a) IFRS 13 (Land and brand name) b) IFRS 13 (Fair value of inventory) c) IFRS
9 & 13 (Investment in Erham)
66. Canto
a) IFRS 13 & IAS 16 & 40 (Fair value MEASUREMENT OF PROEPRTY, PPE to
investment property) b) IAS 38 & IFRS 3 (Order backlog & Water acquisition
rights) c) IAS 36 Impairment of Assets (CGU)
67. Ethan
a) IFRS 13 (Fair value of investment properties) b) IFRS 9 (F.V of options) c)
IAS 32 (B shares)
68. Whitebirk
a) SMEs (Subjective assessment including professional judgement) b i) SME’s
& IFRS 3, IAS 38 R&D, IAS 40 & IAS 38 (business combination, R&D
Investment Property & intangible assets)
69. Lucky Dairy
a) IAS 41, IAS 37, IAS 20, IFRS 5 (The dairy herd, Legal proceedings and
additional compensation, government grant, Planned sale of Dale farms)

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