Ly thuyet Bai tap Cau hoi duoi Tag Questions

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1. Câu hỏi đuôi gồm có: chủ ngữ (phải là đại từ nhân xưng) và trợ động từ hay động từ đặc biệt.
2. Nếu câu phát biểu ở thể khẳng định thì câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định và ngược lại.
3. Nếu câu hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định thì phải dùng hình thức tĩnh lược (contractive form).
He is a good boy, isn’t he?
The girl didn't come here yesterday, did she?
They will go away, won't they?
She hasn't left, has she?


a. Phần đuôi của “I am” là “aren’t I” .
Eg: I’m going to do it again, aren’t I?
b. Imperatives and Requests ( Câu mệnh lệnh và câu yêu cầu):
Có phần đuôi là “will you?” khi câu phát biểu diễn tả lời yêu cầu hoặc mệnh lệnh phủ định.
Eg: Open the door, will you? ( Xin vui lòng mở cửa)
Don’t be late, will you? (Đừng đi trễ nha.)
c. Phần đuôi của câu bắt đầu bằng “ Let’s ...” : là “shall we ?”
Eg: Let’s go swimming, shall we?
Nhưng phần đuôi của “Let us / Let me” là “will you”
d. Nothing, anything, something, everything được thay là thế bằng “ It” ở câu hỏi đuôi:
Eg : Everything will be all right, won’t it?
No one, Nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, everybody, everyone được
thay thế bằng “They” trong câu hỏi đuôi.
Eg: Someone remembered to leave the messages, didn’t they?
Lưu ý: Nothing, Nobody, No one được dùng trong mệnh đề chính, động từ ở câu hỏi đuôi
sẽ phải ở dạng thức khẳng định. (Vì Nothing, Nobody, No one có nghĩa phủ định)
Eg: Nothing gives you more pleasure than listening to music, does it ?
e. This/ That được thay thế là “It”. Eg: This won’t take long, will it?
f. These/ Those được thay thế là “They”. Eg: Those are nice, aren’t they?
g. Khi trong câu nói có từ phủ định như: seldom, rarely, hardly, no, without, never, few,
little… phần đuôi phải ở dạng khẳng định. Eg: He seldom goes to the movies, does he?
h. Nếu câu phát biểu có dạng : You ‘d better → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là : hadn’t you ?
( Had better – Hadn’t)
You’d rather → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là : wouldn’t you ?
(Would rather – wouldn’t)
You used to → câu hỏi đuôi sẽ là : didn’t you ?
III. Ý nghĩa của câu hỏi đuôi:
Ý nghĩa của câu hỏi đuôi phụ thuộc vào ngữ điệu diễn đạt nó:
- Xuống giọng và hy vọng người nghe trả lời “yes”
- Lên giọng và người nghe có thể trả lời “yes or no”
EXERCISE 1. Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence:
1. No one is better cook than his mother, ______?
A. is she B. isn’t she C. are they D. aren’t they
2. Do it right now, ______?
A. will you B. shall you C. do you D. don’t you
3. There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, _______?
A. are they B. are there C. aren’t they D. aren’t there
4. He seldom goes to the library, ______?
A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he
5. Let’s go for a long walk, ______?
A. will we B. shall we C .don’t you D. do you
6. I think he will join us, _____?
A. doesn’t he B. won’t he C. will he D. don’t I
7. The film is good, _______________?
A. is it B. are they C. isn’t it D. aren’t they
8. You are going to the party, ____________?
A. is you B. are you C. aren’t you D. were you
9. He can speak English, _________________ ?
A. can he B. can’t he C. can’t him D. could he
10. You don’t know him,__________________ ?
A. do you B. don’t you C. are you D. aren’t you
11. Lan speaks Chinese very well, __________?
A. does she B. doesn’t she C. is she D. was she
12. John has worked hard, _________________?
A. does he B. did he C. has he D. hasn’t he
13. They invited him to the party, ___________?
A. do they B. don’t they C. did they D. didn’t they
14. They are leaving here tomorrow________?
A. do they B. are they C. aren’t they D. did they
15. I’m a bit late, ______?
A. am not I B. aren’t you C. are you D. aren’t I
16. No one is indifferent to praise, ______?
A. is one B. isn’t one C. is he D. are they
17. Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, ______?
A. have they B. haven’t they C. has he D. hasn’t he
18. James owns a restaurant, ______?
A. does he B. is he C. doesn’t he D. didn’t he
19. You aren’t too busy to talk, ______?
A. are you B. have you C. aren’t D. do you
20. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, ______?
A. do they B. does it C. is it D. isn’t it
21. You don’t need me any more, ______?
A. do I B. don’t I C. do you D. don’t you
22. Nobody knows who invited the wheel, ______?
A. do they B. don’t they C. does it D. doesn’t it
23. Harry was working in Bristol then, ______?
A. was Harry B. wasn’t he C. was he D. didn’t he
24. You’ll be home before midnight, ______?
A. will you B .won’t you C. are you D. won’t you be
25. David is bringing some wine, ______?
A. is he B. isn’t he C. is David D. isn’t David
26. Don’t leave anything behind, ______?
A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. shall we
27. That isn’t Bill driving, ______?
A. is it B. is that C. isn’t that D. isn’t it
28. Nobody likes the play, __________?
A. do they B. don’t they C. didn’t they D. did they
29. The children can read English, __________?
A. can’t they B. can they C. they can D. they can’t
30. Your grandfather was a millionaire, ______?
A. was he B. is he C. wasn’t he D. isn’t he
31. Your brother’s here, ______?
A. is he B. are he C. isn’t he D. aren’t he
32. That was Ann on the phone, ______?
A. was it B. was that C. wasn’t that D. wasn’t it
33. Tom didn't see her, ______?
A. did Tom B. did he C. do Tom D. does he
34. Mary wasn't angry, ______?
A. was she B. is she C. wasn’t she D. was Mary
35. Susan doesn't like oysters, ______?
A. did she B. does she C. doesn’t she D. she does
EXERCISE 2 : Add tag questions to the following.
1/ They want to come,………………….?
2/ Elizabeth is a dentist, ……………….. ?
3/ They won’t be here, …………………?
4/ That is your umbrella, ………………….?
5/ There aren’t many people here yet, …………….. ?
6/ He has a bicycle,……………………?
7/ Peter would like to come with us to the party, ……………………..?
8/ Those aren’t Fred’s books, ………?
9/ You have never been to Paris,…………?
10/ Something is wrong with Jane today, ………… ?
11/ Everyone can learn how to swim, ……………… ?
12/ Nobody cheated in the exam, ………………….. ?
13/ Nothing went wrong while I was gone, ………… ?
14/ I am invited, ………………….?
15/ This bridge is not very safe,……………..?
16/ These sausages are delicious, …………….?
17/ You haven’t lived here long, …………?
18/ The weather forecast wasn’t very good, ……………. ?
19/ He’d better come to see me, .............. ?
20/ You need to stay longer, ................................?
EXERCISE 3 : Add tag questions to the following.
1. Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner, does she?
2. Tam didn’t go to school yesterday, did he?
3. They’ll buy a new computer, won’t t hey?
4. She can drink lots of tomato juice everyday, can ’t she?
5. She may not come to class today, ?
6. We should follow the traffic rules strictly, shouldn’t we?
7. Your mother has read these fairy tales for you many times, .hasn’ t she?
8. He seldom visits you, doe s he?
9. You’ve never been in Italy, .hav e you?
10. That’s Bob, isn’ t it?
11. No-one died in the accident, did they?
12. I’m supposed to be here, aren’ t I?
13. Nothing is wrong, is it?
14. Nobody called the phone, did they?
15. Everything is okay, isn’t it they?
16. Everyone took a rest, didn’t they ?
17. Going swimming in the summer is never boring, is it ?
18. Let’s dance together, shall we?
19. Don’t talk in class, wil l you?
20. Sit down, won’t you?
21. This picture is yours, isn’ t it?
22. Hoa never comes to school late, do es she?
23. You took some photos on the beach, .didn’t y ou?
24. He hardly ever makes a mistake, does he?
25. We must communicate with you by means of e-mail or chatting, mustn’t w e?
26. Nobody liked the play, did t hey?
27. She’d saved money if she bought fresh food, cou ldn’t she?
28. The area was evacuated at once, wasn’t it?
29. She’s very funny. She’s got a great sense of humor, hasn’ t she?
30. It never works very well, does it?
31. Mr.Smith usually remembered his wife’s birthdays, did n't he?
32. Neither of them offered to help you, did t hey?
33. He ought to have made a note of it, shouldn’t he?
34. There’ll be plenty for everyone, won’t the re?
35. Let’s go out for dinner tonight, shall w e?
36. That isn’t Bill driving, is it?
37. Nothing went wrong, did I t?
38. There used to be trees here, didn’ t there?
39. This won’t take long, will I t?
40. Don’t touch that button, will y o u?
41. I’m not too late, aren’t I?
42. Not a very good film, is I t?
43. Somebody wanted a drink, didn’t they?
44. They think he’s funny, don’t the y?

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