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Computer Science and Engineering

Semester II
CY 6251 Engineering Chemistry

(Regulation 2018 - RUSA)

Time: 3 Hours Answer ALL Questions Max. Marks 100
PART-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Write any two statements of laws of photochemistry.

2. Define 1. Degree of polymerization 2. Tacticity.

3. What are the differences between atomic and molecular spectroscopy ?

4. What is chemiluminescence ?

5. Distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.

6. Compare the differences between nanorod and nanowires.

7. Write the two statements of second law of thermodynamics.

8. What are the advantages of Ga As Technology ?

9. What is a composite ? Mention its few constituents.

10. Define 1. Doping 2. Dielectrics

PART – B ( 8 x 8 = 64 marks)
(Answer any 8 questions)

11. Explain the mechanism of free radical polymerization.

12. Compare the differences between thermoplastic and thermoset polymers.

13. Explain the technique of bulk polymerization with merits ,demerits and its applications

14. Write note on 1. Photoresist 2. Piezo and pyroelectric polymers.

15. Explain the mechanism of Jablonski diagram and its significance

16. Discuss the photosensitization and its quenching mechanism.

17. Explain the principle, instrumention (block diagram) and applications of UV spectroscopy.
18 .Derive Langmuir adsorption isotherm and verify at all pressures.

19. Derive Michaelis Menten Mechanism .

20. Explain the CVD and Laser ablation methods of preparation of nanomaterials.

21. Explain about the magnetic materials its classification and properties

22. Compare the differences between n-type and p-type extrinsic semiconductor.

PART – C ( 2 x 8 = 16marks)

23. Describe the salient features of metal oxide semi conductor technology.

24. Discuss the fabrication methods adopted for the manufacture of printed circuit board.

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