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1 Which graph shows the relationship between the percentage of fibrous tissue in

the cerebral part of the skull and the progression time (growing elder)?

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

2 How many turns are there in a piece of the double helix that contains 2000 purines
nitrogenous bases?

A) 50
B) 100
C) 150
D) 200

3 What is the technique that is considered as an application of the human genome?

A) Formation of bacteria that produce interferons.

B) Transferring growth hormone genes to mice.
C) Comparing genes between humans and dogs.
D) Producing DNA in order.

4 Study the corresponding drawing and then conclude What is the letter that indicates the
structure that contains ciliated epithelial cells?


5 Which of the following statements applies to the reproduction in living organisms?

A) Organisms cannot survive without reproductive organs.

B) The failure of an individual to reproduce leads to the extinction of the entire species.
C) Reproduction is necessary for the continuity and survival of the species.
D) Terrestrial organisms usually produce more offspring than aquatic organisms.
6 What distinguishes cork from gum?

A) They are formed by the plant after infection.

B) pre-existing in the plant.
C) They prevent the entry of microbes.
D) Role in permanent support of the plant

7 Study the following table that shows the percentage of nitrogenous bases in various
samples of Nucleic acids and then answer ..

What are the numbers that indicate the samples that represent the genome of poliovirus
and bacteriophage respectively?

A)1,2 B)2,4 C)3,1 D)3,4

8 Study the following diagram showing some stages of the life cycle of Plasmodium malaria
and then determine

What is the purpose of the division labelled by the letter A?

A) Gamete formation. B) Decrease the number of phases.

C) Reduction in the number of chromosomes. D) Formation of the Ookinete phase.

9 What is the common property between the skull bones, rib cage, and the vertebral

A) Supporting the moving limbs.

B) Protects soft organs.
C) It contains fibrous joints.
D) It contains cartilaginous joints
10 In DNA replication, what is the main function of ligase enzyme?

A) Adding nucleotides to the new DNA strand to form a strand of DNA

complementary to the template strand.
B) It binds the fragments formed that are complementary to a DNA strand
C) It breaks the hydrogen bonds between base pairs of nitrogenous bases.
D) Repairs any damage caused by incorrect pairing of bases during DNA replication.

11 Where does the first meiotic division occur in both females and males, respectively?

A) Graafian follicle - seminiferous tubules.

B) Fallopian tube - seminiferous tubules lining.
C) The ovary lining - seminiferous tubules
D) Uterine cavity - epididymis

12 Study the drawing in front of you and then answer.

What is the difference between cells 2 and 4 ?

A) Number of chromosomes.
B) Type of division.
C) Number of resulting cells.
D) Method of reproduction.

13 The figure shows one of the large phagocytes in different stages of

phagocytosis from A to (D). What is the correct sequence of these stages?

A) B D A C
B) C D A B
C) C D A B
D) B A D C

14 Study the following figure and then determine

Where can the nucleotide sequence CCA be found?

A)1 and 2only

B) 3 and 4only
C)2, 1,3 only
D) 1,2,3 and 4.
15 Study the drawing of the ovary of a married woman
What is the contraceptive method that is excluded to be used by this case?

A) Using an IUD(Coil).
B) Use a condom .
C) Ligation of the fallopian tubes.
D) Taking pills

16 Study the following diagram if (X) and (Y) are Lymphocytes and then answer
What distinguishes the organ (A) from the organ (B)?

A) Maturation of all lymphocytes.

B) Maturation of most lymphocytes.
C) Tissue found inside flat bones.
D) It picks up any microbe or foreign body

17 Study the figure for tRNA molecule and using the codon table
and then answer What is amino acid that indicated by the letter (A)?

A) valine.
B) Proline
C) Alanine

18 What is the main function of structural support materials in plants?

A) Increasing the rate of transport of materials throughout the plant.

B) Gain the plant flexibility and movement.
C) Maintaining the shape of the plant and plant cells.
D) Controlling the entry and exit of substances from plant cells.

19 What is the hormone whose deficiency causes the inability of Klinefelter

males to form sperm?

A) Testosterone.
B) Adrenal cortex hormones.
20 What is the difference between scalariform conjugation in Spirogyra and
reproduction in bony fish?

A) Formation of the zygote .

B) Surrounding conditions.
C) Method of reproduction.
D) The number of individuals which participates in it.

21 What is the result of transplanting a nucleus extracted from the stem cells of
a male frog (A ) into an ovum of a frog (B)?

A) It develops into a male with the same characteristics of the frog (A).
B) It grows into a male that has the characteristics of the frog (B).
C) It develops into a female with the characteristics of the frog (B).
D) It grows into a female that has the characteristics of the frog (A).

22 Study the drawing in front of you that illustrates the effect of one of the
endocrine glands on the body’s organs. What is the name of the gland and
the two hormones 1 and 2 respectively?

A) Pituitary gland - LH - FSH.

B) Adrenal - testosterone - androsterone.
C) Pituitary gland –FSH- LH
D) Adrenal gland - androsterone - testosterone

23 What are the cells by which TS bind through its receptor CD8?

A) Plasma B cells and cancer cells .

B) Helper T -cells ,B cells and natural killer cells
C ) Cytotoxic T –cells and macrophages.
D) Helper T -cells , Plasma B cells and cytotoxic T –cells .

24 What is the common property between the genome of a prokaryotic cell and
that of a human cell?

A) The presence of chromosomes

B) DNA complexed with protein
C) The presence of plasmids
D) Types of replication enzymes.
25 Which of the following describes the recombinant DNA technique ?

A) Pairing of two strands of DNA from two different sources as a result of the integration of
nitrogenous bases.
B) Inserting the hemoglobin production gene into plasmids extracted from a type of bacteria.
C) Using a PCR device to multiply pieces of DNA thousands of times within minutes
D) Producing an artificial gene from DNA molecules as in order.

26 In which cell, the cytoplasmic streaming can be observed when it is

examined by light microscope?

A) Sieve tubes in the phloem.

B) Stone cells.
C) Cells of palisade tissue in leaves.
D) Companion cells in the phloem.

27 Study the diagram and then determine What is the appropriate description
of the timing of the occurrence of the two reactions A and B in each of the
prokaryotes and eukaryotes, respectively?

A) Coincident - successive .
B) successive - Coincident .
C) Coincident – Coincident .
D) Coincident - Coincident .

28 What is the similarity between pollen grains and ovules in the flowering

A) The number of nuclei in each of them.

B) The number of divisions that form them.
C) The type of divisions that form them .
D) Completely surrounded by thick coat .

29 Study the drawing that shows a bone of the appendicular skeleton and then conclude
What are the bones to which the parts (A and (B) connected respectively?

A) Pelvic Girdle - tibia.

B) Scapula- ulna.
C) Tibia - Pelvic Girdle.
D) Ulna - Scapula.
30 In front of you is a drawing showing different types of antibodies, study it
and then conclude. What are the numbers that indicate the antibodies that
invalidate the toxicity of pathogens and lyses the antigens?

A) 1,2
B) 3,4
C) 2,4
D) 3,5

31 What is the organism in which repairing the damage to its genetic material is
difficult despite the availability of ligase enzymes?

A) Bacteria (s).
B) Bacteriophage virus.
C) poliomyelitis virus
D) yeast fungus.

32 Study the diagram and then determine What does letter (X) indicate?

A) High genetic variation

B) One parent is needed.
C) Producing female aphid insects.
D) High rate of producing new individuals.

33 What is the similarity between Sertoli cells and interstitial cells?

A) They are located inside the seminiferous tubules.

B) They have a direct role in nourishing sperm.
C) Both are haploid cells.
D) They are both secretory cells.
34 What is the similarity between the structure of DNA and tRNA in prokaryotes?

A) Binding of guanine with cytosine.

B) 5’ prime ends with a phosphate group.
C) Adenine binding with thymine.
D) 3’ prime ends with an OH group.

35 Which of the following contains only DNA with joined ends?

A) Secondary Oocyte of a human female.

B) Yeast.
C) A spermatid.
D) Bacteria (R).

36 What is/are the tissue(s) needed to give the plant stem flexibility and
hardness respectively?

A) Collenchyma only
B) The sclerenchyma only.
C) Collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
D) Parenchyma and sclerenchyma.

37 Study the figure that shows the structure of three flowers, then determine
which of the following flower/flowers can form fruit?

A) 1 only.
B) 2 and 3
C) 1 and 2.
D) 3- only

38 A woman underwent surgery and tied one of her fallopian tubes What is the
effect of this surgery on both ovulation and menstruation in this woman?

A – Both ovulation and menstruation stop.

B - Ovulation occurs every 56 days and menstruation occurs every two months.
C- Ovulation occurs every 28 days and menstruation stops.
D - Ovulation occurs every 28 days and menstruation occurs every month.
39 “A person was exposed to infection with microbe (A) at the age of (5
(5) years, then he
recovered from it, and then he was exposed to infection with microbe (B) when he was (7
years old and recovered from it, then he was exposed to infection with microbe (A) when he
was (30
(30)) years old, and no symptoms appeared on him». How many times has primary and
secondary immune responses been occurred by this person›s immune system, respectively?

A) 2,1 B) 1,1 C) 1,2 D) 2,2

40 Which of the following describes the wheat grain?

A) Ex-endospermic seed.
B) A single-seeded fruit.
C) A false fruit.
D) A seedless fruit.

41 A person suffers from inability to rotate his hand.

What is the reason for this case?

A) Fatigue of the arm muscle.

B) Erosion of hand cartilages.
C) Fracture of the radius bone.
D) Dryness of the synovial fluid .

42 What is the result of hypo activity of the thyroid gland?

A) Decrease the level of calcium in the blood.

B) Decrease the level of iodine in food.
C) Increase the heart beats .
D) Damage of the hairs and nails.

43 Which of the following is not a function of the placenta?

A) Transferring digested food, water, oxygen, and vitamins to the fetus’s blood.
B) Getting rid of the excretory waste of the fetus.
C) Protecting the fetus from shock and dryness.
D) Secretion of relaxin.
44 Arrange the following processes that illustrate the stages of activation the B –cells .

1 – Lysing the antigens by lysosomal enzymes of macrophages.

2 - Release of interleukins and activation of B-cells .
3 - The histocompatibility protein binds to the antigen and displays it on the cell surface.
4 - TH cells bind to antigen –MHC complex .

A) 1,2,4,3
B) 1,3,4,2
C) 2,3,4,1
D) 4,3,2,1

45 A - Explain two ways by which you can obtain new individuals of starfish if you
have one starfish female.


B - What is the gender of the individuals resulting from each method?


46 Study the following drawing and then conclude

A - What letter refers to the compound that the scientists Hershey and Chase
labeled by a radioactive element, this normal element is found in the direct
energy source of muscles?


B - What is the result of treating the phage with a deoxyribonuclease enzyme

before it attacks a bacterial cell?
1)C 2)D 3)C 4)A 5)C 6)D 7)C 8)C 9)B 10)B

11)A 12)C 13)A 14)D 15)D 16)C 17)D 18)C 19)C 20)B

21)A 22)C 23)D 24)D 25)B 26)C 27)A 28)C 29)C 30)C

31)C 32)C 33)D 34)A 35)D 36)C 37)C 38)D 39)A 40)B

41)C 42)D 43)C 44)B

45) A- a) By artifictial parathenogenesis b) Regeneration

B- Both are female

46) A- B only
B- Destroy the phage›s DNA and it cannot infect bacteria

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