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Mock Tests Compendium - Current Affairs including

General Knowledge.
Career Launcher
Warmup Mock 03 (81%ile 18.5)

01. Geographical Indication (GI) Tag

● GI Tag → 10 years IND - GI Registry → Chennai, Tamil Nadu
● Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and protection) Act, 1999 →
enforced: 2003
● Article 22(1) of WTO → Indications which identify a good as originating in the
territory of a member, or a region or a locality in that territory, where a given
quality, reputation, or characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its
geographic origin.
● Nalanda’s Bawan Buti Saree, Gaya’s Pattharakatti stone craft, Hajipur’s Chiniya
● Darjeeling tea → 1st GI Tag (2005) → WB - Darjeeling/ Kalimpong District →
made from Camellia sinensis var
● Muga silk (2007) → Assam
● Ministry→ Department of Industry Promotion and Internal Trade, Ministry
of Commerce and Industry
● Slogan→ “Invaluable Treasures of Incredible India”

02. 2022 FIFA World Cup

● 1st African country to reach World Cup Semi Final → Morocco (3 other African teams to
reach QF - Cameroon (1990) , Senegal (2002) , Ghana (2010).
● FIFA World Cup → founded : May 21, 1904 → HQ: Zurich, Switzerland → President:
Giovanni Infantino → Federation Internationale de Football Association → 1st
President : Robert Guerin
● Max Fifa World Cups → Brazil (5 times) - only team to have played every FIFA
● Golden Ball award → By French Magazine France Football → since 1956 → 2010-15:
Temporarily merged with FIFA World Player of the Year (Founded in 1991) → Max
awards: Lionel Messi (7 times)
● Diego Maradona → nickname: El Pibe de Oro (The Golden Boy) → 1986 FIFA: Scored
Handling goal “The Hand of God” in Argentina vs England - Scored 2nd goal called
“Goal of the Century”.

03. Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) -

● GEAC →apex biotech regulatory body in India→ MoEFCC → GM Mustard cleared
by GEAC (Prev. cleared in 2017 but vetoed by MoEFCC)
● IND - GM Crops → Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 + Regulation of FSSAI under
Food Safety and Standards Act (2006)
● 1st GM Crop approved for commercial cultivation (2002) → Bt Cotton (Bt = Bacillus
● Genetic Modification → manipulate DNA
● a statutory body→ ‘Rules for the Manufacture, Use /Import Export and Storage of
Hazardous Microorganisms/Genetically Engineering Organisms or Cells, 1989’
→ under the Environment (Protection) Act , 1986.

04. 2022 Nobel Peace Prize in context of Russia-Ukraine War;

Nobel Prize
● Alfred Nobel death - inventor of dynamite - holder of 355 patents.

● established in 1895 through his last will and testament

● first Prizes were awarded in 1901

● Years when Prizes have not been awarded due to war.

○ World War I (1914-1918)

○ World War II (1939-45)
● The Nobel Day - 10 December every year - anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death - Nobel
Prizes are presented.

● Responsibility: Nobel Foundation (estd. 1900)

● Nobel Prize Categories

○ Physics
○ Chemistry
○ physiology or medicine
○ literature
○ peace

● 1968: Sweden’s central bank - established the Sveriges Riksbank Prize -


● Laureates receive a Nobel Prize diploma , a Nobel Prize medal, and a document
detailing the Nobel Prize amount.

● Prize can be shared by up to three individuals

● can also be awarded to an organisation in case of peace prize.

● cannot be awarded posthumously - But,

● since 1974, if the recipient dies after the prize has been announced they can still be
awarded it.

● all prizes awarded by Swedish institutions. Exception: Peace Prize - • decided by a

committee of five persons elected by the Norwegian Parliament.

● not possible to revoke a Nobel medal

● Self-nomination is not allowed - nomination is by invitation only

● youngest Nobel Laureate - Malala Yousafzai - Peace Prize (2017) - at age of 17 yrs.

● oldest Nobel Laureate - John B. Goodenough - Chemistry (2019) - at age of 97 yrs.

● Marie Curie - only woman who has been honored twice - 1903 Nobel Prize (Physics)
and 1911 Nobel Prize (Chemistry).

● Authorities for Selection of Laureates

○ Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - Physics, Chemistry

○ Karolinska Institute - Physiology or Medicine
○ Swedish Academy - Literature
○ Committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Parliament (Storting) -
○ Economic Sciences instituted in 1968 was given to Royal Swedish Academy of
Sciences (1969)
● Indian Laureates

○ till now, 12 are Indians (5 Indian citizens and 7 of Indian descent)

○ first Asian to be awarded: Rabindranath Tagore (1913)
○ Only woman on the list: Mother Teresa

Laureate Year Field Work

Ronald Ross 1902 Physiology or Work on malaria


Rudyard Kipling 1907 Literature

Rabindranath Tagore 1913 Literature

C.V. Raman 1930 Physics Raman scattering effect

Har Gobind Khorana 1968 Physiology or Genetic code and protein

Medicine synthesis

Mother Teresa 1979 Peace Helping suffering humanity

S. Chandrashekhar 1983 Physics Studies on the evolution of


Amartya Kumar Sen 1998 Economics Welfare economics

Venkatraman 2009 Chemistry Structure and function of

Ramakrishnan ribosomes

Kailash Satyarthi 2014 Peace Children’s education

Abhijit Banerjee 2019 Economics Alleviating global poverty

○ Mahatma Gandhi was nominated unsuccessfully for the Peace Prize five times.
● Nobel prize winners 2022

○ Physiology or medicine: Dr. Svante Pääbo - genomes of extinct hominins and

human evolution.
○ Physics: Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger - quantum
○ Chemistry: Carolyn R. Bertozzi Morten Meldal and K. Barry Sharplessn -
bio-orthogonal chemistry
○ Literature: Annie Ernaux
○ Peace: Ales Bialiatski, a jailed Belarusian activist; Memorial, a Russian
organization; and the Center for Civil Liberties in Ukraine.
05. “Belagavi Dispute” - Karnataka vs Maharashtra
● 1st state on linguistic basis → Andhra pradesh (estd 1953) from Tamil Nadu
● State Reorganisation Act (1956) → recommended Vidarbha state - capital: Nagpur
(instead estd. As Maharashtra - 1960)
● Belgaum/Belagavi → part of Karnataka → claimed by Maharashtra
● 20th CM Maharashtra → Eknath Shinde
● Mahajan Committee (1966-67) → Dispute b.w. Maharashtra and Mysore →
Recommendations: Karwar, Haliyal, Suparna Talukas to Maharashtra; Belgaum to
Mysore (Karnataka)
● 1947→ India consisted of nearly 550 disjointed princely states.
● 1948, SK Dhar committee→ division of state on linguistic basis
● 1948, the JVP Committee→ Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabh Bhai Patel and Pattabhi
● 1953, Fazal Ali commission→ submitted report on states reorganization
● 14 states and 6 union territories→under the States Reorganisation Act→ November

06. COP-27 Summit, Sharm-el-Sheikh (Egypt)

● Sharm-El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda → 30 Adaptation outcomes → for 4 bn people
living in vulnerable areas by 2030.
● Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (to CBD) → effective since 2003 → Protect
biological diversity from risk of GM Organisms
● Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing
of Benefits Arising from their Utilisation (to CBD) → 2010
● Rotterdam Convention (1998) → shared responsibility in import of hazardous
chemicals → effective since 2004.
● Solutions
○ “Loss and Damage” Fund for Vulnerable Countries
○ five-year work program was launched to promote climate technology solutions
○ Action on Water Adaptation and Resilience Initiative (AWARe)
○ African Carbon Market Initiative (ACMI)
Prime Mock 01 (80%ile 21.5)

08. Goods and Services Tax (GST) - Introduction, Regime and

Recent Statistics on Tax Collection
● France → 1st country with GST
● 140 countries → GST
● Vijay Kelkar Task Force → estd by Atal Bihari Vajpayee govt in 2003 → 2005
Recommendation: Implement GST as per 12th Finance Commission.
● Committee led by Asim Dasgupta (Former Fin Min of WB) → estd. By Vajpayee → to
investigate different aspects of implementing GST.
● GST launch in IND: 1 July, 2017 → 101 CA
● GST → single indirect tax → destination based → Dual GST (Centre+States
simultaneously) → One Nation One Tax –. Calculated only on value addition at any
● Slabs (5): 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, 28%
● Exempted from GST → Petroleum products, alcoholic drinks, electricity
● Special rate → 0.25% on rough, precious, semi precious stones
● 3% tax on gold
● 22% Cess + 28% GST applied → Aerated drinks, luxury cars, tobacco products
● Statutory tax rate for most goods: 26.5% (Pre-GST) → 18% (Post-GST)
● Article 279A → GST Council - constituted within 60 days of commencement of Article
279A by President → Notification: September, 2016 → Members of Council: Union
Finance Minister (Chairperson), Union Minister of State (Finance)
● July 1 → GST Day (1st celebrated: 2018)
● GST Compensation Cess → Compensation to state for revenue shortfall below 14%
growth (base yr 2015-16) for 5 yrs till 2022 → Paid by Centre every 2 months

09. National Supercomputing Mission (NSM)

● Launch: 2015
● Led by DST, Meity + CDAC, Pune + IISc, Bengaluru
● Fastest Supercomputer in IND → airawat AI - 210 Petaflops - Launch: 2020 → by
Department of Science and Technology (DST), Meity + C-DAC (Center for Development
of Advanced Computing), Pune
● PARAM Ganga → IIT Roorkee → 1.66 Petaflops
● Prathyush → Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune; Mihir →
National Centre for medium Range Weather Forecast (NCMRWF), Noida. Both are
High Performance Computing (HPC) Units –. 1st multi Petaflops supercomputer ever
built in India
● Param-Kamrupa → IIT Guwahati → Named after Kamrupa, 1st known historical kingdom
of Assam → replaced Param-Ishan (inaugurated in 2016)
● IISc → Param Pravega
● India’s 1st Supercomputer → PARAM 8000 → 1991 → by Vijay P Bhaktar (Architect
of India’s Initiative in Supercomputing) → PARAM = “Parallel Machine”
● PARAM Series → PARAM 8600, PARAM 8000, PARAM 9000, PARAM 10000
● World’s fastest supercomputer → Frontier → by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) for
US Dept of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) → 1.1 exaflops.
● 2nd fastest → Fugaku → RIKEN Center for Computation Science, Kobe, Japan → 442
● India fastest→ Airawat PSAI→Rank 75 in world

10. Suspension of Russia from UNHRC

● UNGA - suspend Russia from UNHRC (Reason: Bucha Massacre) → replaced by
Czech Republic
● Russia elected to HRC in 2020
● UNHRC → 47 countries → replaced UN Commision on Human Rights → estd. By
UNGA in 2006 → meets at UN Office in Geneva, Switzerland
● Membership of UNHRC → 3 yr term → x consecutive terms
○ 13 Seats - Asia Pacific
○ 13 seats - Africa
○ 8 seats - Latin America and Caribbean states
○ 7 seats - Western Europe
○ 6 seats - Eastern Europe
● USA (Trump) → withdraw from UNESCO in 2017 and UNHRC in 2018

11. India’s Vaccination Drive

● Covaxin → Bharat Biotech + ICMR + National Institute of Virology (NIV) → Whole Virion
Inactivated Vero Cell Technology → by Bharat Biotech’s Bio Safety Level 3 facility
● Emergency Approval → Covaxin (6-12 yrs), Corbevax (5-12 yrs), Zydus’s two dose jab
(>12 yrs)
● Smallpox vaccine → Edward jenner
● IND → Declared “Polio-free” in 2014
● Mozambique → 1st wild poliovirus Type 1 Case in 30 yrs
● August, 2020 → Africa declared free of indigenous wild polio
● Polio → highly infectious → virus multiplies in intestine → can cause paralysis → x
treatment → endemic in Pakistan + Afghanistan
● Har Ghar Dastak Campaign → Health Ministry → COVID-19 Vaccination Drive
● Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) → head of Dept. of Central Drugs Standard
Control Organization → approves specified categories of drugs → Ministry of Health
● India’s 1st mRNA based COVID vaccine → HGCO19 → by Gennova
Biopharmaceuticals Ltd. + HDT Biotech Corporation of USA

12. European Union (EU) and Entry of Bosnia along with the
Crisis in Balkan Peninsula
● Balkan Peninsula → Albania, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo,
Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia (+ Portions of Greece +
● Schengen Area → 27 countries → 1985 Schengen Agreement + 1990 Schengen
Convention - signed in Schengen, Luxembourg
● Treaty on European Union → Maastricht Treaty (1992)
● 1 Jan, 2023 → 20th member of Eurozone → Croatia
● Other 19 members of Eurozone: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
● 8 non eurozone members of EU → Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary,
Poland, Romania, Sweden
● Croatia - currency: Kuna
● Christian Lagarde → President of European Central Bank → prev. Managing
Director of IMF
● European System of Central Banks → European Central Bank (ECB) + National Central
banks (NCBs) of 27 countries
● Monetary Union→1999→force in 2002

Prime Mock 02 (70%ile 15)

13. Electoral Bonds and Recent Statistics on its Sales

● Electoral bonds - Rs. 10,246 cr - sold by SBI since 2018 launch
● SBI → 29 Authorised Branches for Electoral Bonds
● Denominations: Rs 1,000, Rs 10,000, Rs 1 lakh, Rs 10 lakh, Rs 1 crore
● Can be purchased only digitally/ via cheques
● Valid for 15 days only
● Sale of 1st Batch of Electoral Bonds → March 1-10, 2018
● Bearer instrument in nature of promissory note → interest-free instrument
● Purchased by citizen, entities incorporated/ estd in India
● Criteria - Registered political parties → at least 1% Votes in Last Lok Sabha or
Legislative Assembly Elections
● Purchaser of electoral bond - to first fulfil KYC Conditions as per RBI
● Electoral bond deposited by Political party - credited on same day
● SC → “Right to know” in context of elections → part of Article 19 - freedom of speech
and expression
● Anonymous identity of donor

14. 250th Birth Anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan Roy

● Title of ‘Raja’ to Ram Mohan Roy → Akbar II (started festival Phoolon ki Sair)
● Raja Ram Mohan Roy → Born May May 22, 1772 → Bengal
● Founder of Brahmo Sabha (1828)
● 1814: Raja Ram Mohan Roy estd. Atmiya Sabha
● 1822: estd. School based on English Edu
● 1831: Travelled to UK as Ambassador of Mughal Emperor - pension and allowances
● Death: 1833
● “Father of Bengal Renaissance” + “Architect of Modern India”
● 2004: Roy - 10th in BBC’s Poll of Greatest Bengali of All Time
● 250th Birth Anniversary → yearlong celebration → inaugural ceremony: Raja Ram
Mohan Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata + Science City Auditorium, Kolkata - organised
by Easter Zonal Cultural Centre (EZCC), Ministry of Culture
● Sati banned by William Bentick on December 4, 1829
● Title of “Mahatma” to Gandhi → by Rabindranath Tagore
● Title of “Father of Nation” to Gandhi → by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose -
Singapore Radio (thereafter by Sarojini Naidu)

15. 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

● 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry → Carolyn Bertozzi, Morten Meldal, K Barry Sharpless →
Indigenous tool for building molecule → Click Chemistry + Bioorthogonal Chemistry
● 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry → Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (IND), Thomas A. Steitz,
Ada Yonath → study of structure and function of ribosome
● 1st winner of Nobel Prize in Chemistry → Jacobus Henricus Hery van’t Hoff jr. →
chemical affinity, equilibrium, kinetics, thermodynamics
● National Science Day → 28 February → CV Raman (+ student KS Krishnan) - Raman
Effect → 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics → Raman Effect: Modified Scattering - while light
traverses a transparent material, the deflected light changes its wavelength and

16. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

● Original Members: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, UK, USA → Washington Declaration (1949)
● Greece and Turkey (1952)
● West Germany (1955)
● Spain (1982)
● Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland (1999)
● Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia (2004)
● Albania, Croatia (2009)
● Montenegro (2017)
● North Macedonia (2020)
● France → withdrew in 1966 → resumed in 2009
● Article 5: Collective security and attack → invoked only once: September 12, 2001
after 9/11 Attacks
● NATO’s Purpose → Political + Military means (x socio, economic)
● NATO’s Annual Nuclear Exercise → Steadfast Noon (14 countries) → October

17. Vikram S
● Launch of ‘Vikram S’ - India’s first privately developed rocket by Skyroot
Aerospace, Hyderabad → Launch from SDSC, Sriharikota → Mission named
● Father of India’s Space Sector → Vikram Sarabhai
● Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) → estd. 1963 → 1st Director:
HGS Murthy
● India’s 1st Communication Satellite → Ariane Passenger PayLoad Experiment
(APPLE) → Launch in 1981 from French Guiana → PM Indira Gandhi
● 1st IND Remote Sensing Satellite → IRS-1A (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-1A) →
Launch in 1988 → 2 sensors: LISS-1 + LISS-2
● ISRO Propulsion Complex → Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu (Prev called Liquid Propulsions
Systems Centres - LPSC)

Prime Mock 03 (75%ile 14)

18. Central Vista Redevelopment Project and National Emblem

● National Emblem → 6.5 m → by Sunil Deore (Aurangabad) + Laxman Vyas (Jaipur)
→ bronze → 9,500 kg → supporting steel structure (6,500 kg)
● New parliament Building → Triangle shape → Architect: Bimal Patel → Lifespan: 150
years → earthquake resistant → 888 seats (LS) + 384 seats (RS) → x central Hall →
Lok Sabha max capacity: 1272 (Joint session)
● Satyamev Jayate on State Emblem → Mundaka Upanishad → National Motto
● State Emblem → from Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka → 4 lions → crowned by Wheel of
Law (Dharm Chakra)
● National Calendar → based on Saka Ea → Chaitra as first month → Normal Year: 365
days → adopted on 22 March, 1957 → correspondence with Gregorian Calendar (1
Chaitra → 22 March, in case of Leap Year: 21 March)
● New Delhi → by Sir Ediwn Lutyens → Lutyens’ Delhi
● Parliament → 1927
● Sir Herbert Baker → designed monuments in New Delhi → India Gate, Viceroy’s House
(Rashtrapati Bhavan)
● Budget estimate →20k crores
● Announced→2019, finished→2024
● Existing parliament→ Heritage Grade-I building
● Three galleries→ sangeet, sthapatya, shilp
● Lok sabha→peacock, rajya sabha→lotus
● Redevelopment architect→ bimal patel

19. 125th Birth Anniversary of Alluri Sitaram Raju

● Launch by PM Modi → Bhimavaram
● Birthplace (1897-1924) → Pandrangi in Vizianagaram district
● 100 years of Rampa Rebellion (1922) → Chintapalli Police Station
● Alluri Dhyan Mandir → Mogallu
● Called “Manyam Veerudu” (Hero of the Jungles) by Locals
● Born in andhra Pradesh
● Opposed 1882 Madras Forest Act
● Azadi ka Amrit Mohotsav → 75 week countdown to 75th Anniversary of Independence
→ 12th March, 2021 - 15th August, 2023
● Revolt of 1857 → Delhi, Kanpur (Nana Saheb - adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II),
Lucknow, Bareilly (Bakht Khan), Jhansi (Lakshmibai), Arrah (Kunwar Singh) → under
Bahadur Shah Zafar
● Paika Bidroha (Rebellion) → 1817 → under Bakshi Jagabandhu → Lord Jagannath as
symbol of Odia unity → declared 1st Indian armed movement against independence (x
Revolt of 1857)
● Non Cooperation Movement → suspended (1922) - Chauri Chaura Incident, Uttar
Pradesh - killed 22 policemen
● NaMo→75 kg only

20. Vice-President and President Election

● 1st Vice President → S. Radhakrishnan (Oath: 13 May, 1952)
● Only President to die during tenure →
● Of 14 Vice President → 6 later became president
● M. Venkaiah Naidu → 1st Vice President born after Independence
● 14th Vice President → Jagdeep Dhankhar (Born: 1951) - since Aug, 2022 → Prev.
Governor of West Bengal → 1st Vice President to be born after India became a Republic
● SC → Final word on disputes regarding election of Vice President/ President
● If the Election of President/ Vice President found invalid → Acts done prior can’t be
considered invalid.
● 2022Vice Presidential Election → Opposition Candidate: Margaret Alva
● Vice President → Ex officio chairman of RS → Should be qualified for election as RS
member → Primary power for removal of Vice President - Rajya Sabha
● Vice - Presidential Election → PR System by Single Transferable vote using secret
ballot → Only Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha ke elected and nominated members (x
role of State Legislative Assemblies)
● Removal of Vice-President → formal resolution in RS by Absolute Majority (Majority
of total capacity of house) → to be agreed by LS.
● Art 63→ existence of vp; art 63 to 71→ about VP
● Vp with two terms→S radhakrishnan, MH Ansari

21. 2022 Nobel Prize in Economics

● Officially: Sveriges Riksbank Prize
● Estd. in 1968 → donation from Sveriges Riksbank → 300th Anniversary
● 2022 Nobel Prize in Economics → Ben S Bernanke, Douglas W Diamond, Philip H
Dybvig → research on banks and financial crisis → 10 mn Swedish kronor
● 1st Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences → 1969 → Jan Tinbergen + Ragnar
Frisch → dynamic models for analysis of economic processes
● 1976 Nobel Prize in Economics → Milton Friedman → Monetarism → International
protest - accused of supporting Pinochet Dictatorship of Chile → Letters of Protest
against Friedman’s Awards by 4 Nobel Laureates: George Wald, Linus Pauling, David
Baltimore, Salvadore Luria.
● 2019 Nobel in Economics → Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee (IND), Esther Duflo, Michael
Kremer → Experimental approach to alleviating global poverty (Banerjee + Duflo → 6th
married to jointly win a Nobel)
● Amartya Kumar Sen → Nobel memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (1998) + Bharat
Ratna (1999) → Welfare Economics
● 1st Woman to win Nobel in Economics → Elinor Ostrom (2009) → Analysis of
Economic Governance, especially the commons → shared with Oliver Williamson
● Won by 2 women till date → Elinor Ostrom (2009), Esther Duflo (2019)
● IND → Chief Economist of World Bank Group and Senior Vice President for
Development Economics → Indermit Gill → 2nd Indian (1st: Kaushik Basu → 2012-16)

22. Elon Musk and Twitter Takeover

● Deal: 44 bn USD → Indian CEO Parag Agrawal → acquisition process: April - October,
● Twitter Inc. → based in San Francisco, California → Prev operated Vine Short Video
App + Periscope Live Streaming Service → estd in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass,
Biz Stone, Evan Williams
● Elon Musk → SpaceX, Tesla, The Boring Company, Neuralink, OpenAI, Musk
Foundation, Twitter → Born in South Africa
○ Estd. SpaceX in 2002
○ Investor in Tesla Motors in 2004 → became CEO in 2008
○ 2006: Helped create Solar City
○ Founded Open AI in 2015
○ 2016: Founded Neuralink - neurotechnology company - brain-computing
○ The Boring Company → tunnel construction company
● 1st Employee hired in Tesla Autopilot team → Ashok Elluswamy

Prime Mock 04 (78%ile 14)

22. Energy Security and Renewable Sources of Energy

● Tata Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi → prev. Tata Energy Research
Institute → Estd. in 1974 → renamed in 2003.
● ISA → 1000 bn USD by 2030 for solar deployment
● Largest producer of Solar Energy in IND (2022) → Rajasthan (16,060 MW)
● Largest producer of Wind Energy in IND (2022) → Tamil Nadu (9000 MW)
● IND → Renewable Energy Capacity of 500 GW by 2030
● PM → COP-26 @ Glasgow summit → Panchamrit
○ Non Fossil Installed Electricity Capacity to 500 GW by 2030
○ 50% electricity requirement from renewables by 2030
○ Reduce carbon emissions by 1 bn tonnes by 2030
○ Reduce carbon intensity of Economy by 45% by 2030
○ Net Zero by 2070
● International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) → HQ: Masdar City, Abu Dhabi →
estd. In 2009 → statute entered into force in 2010 –. Director General: Francesco La
Camera (Italy)
● Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA) → estd. In 1987 → MNRE
● PM KUSUM→ Farmers→ financial and social security→via solar energy→17,750 MW
by 2022
● INDIA→3rd renewable→5th hydroelectric
● Worlds largest park under installation→ gujarat

23. 2023 Golden Globe Awards

● Golden Globe Awards →by Hollywood Foreign Press Association → since 1944
● Hollywood Foreign Press Association → estd. In 1943
● Annual Ceremony → Jan
● Eligibility period: Calendar yr (Jan 1-Dec 31)
● Venue: Beverly Hills Hotel/ Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
● 1950: HFPA estd. Special honorary Award - outstanding contribution - entertainment
industry → 1st award: Cecil B. De Mille → Official Name: Cecil B. : De Mille Award
● 1956: 13th Global Globe Awards → 1st Golden Globe in Television Achievement
● 1962: 19th Golden Global Awards → estd. Best TV Series, Best TV Actor, Best TV
Actress Award

24. Corruption Perception Index 2021

● By Transparency International
● Scale of 0-100
● IND → 85th of 180 countries (Score: 40)
● Top: Denmark, Finland, New Zealand (Score: 88)
● Bottom: South Sudan (Score: 11)
● 1st Lokpal in India → Pinaki Chandra Ghose (2019-22)
● 1st state to est. Lokayukta → Maharashtra (Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayuktas Act, 1971)
● Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013 → Lokpal at Union + Lokayukta at state →
● IND → Concept of Ombudsman - 1st by Ashok Kumar Sen (1960s)
● Term “Lokpal” + “Lokayukta” → by LM Singhvi
● Recommended by 1st ARC (1966)

25. 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

● 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine → Svante Paabo - genomes of extinct
hominims and human evolution
● Sushruta Samhita → Ancient Sanskrit Text on Medicine and surgery → Sushruta
● Foundational Texts on Ayurveda → Sushruta Samhita, Charaka-Samhita,
Bhela-Samhita, Bower Manuscript.
● 1st Appearance of Hominims → Miocene → 5.3 mn years ago

Prime Mock 05 (73%ile 9)

26. Black Hole and Mysterious Celestial Objects

● At Galactic Centre of Milky Way - Black Hole: Sagittarius A* → close to Butterfly Cluster
(M6) + Lambda Scorpii
● 1st image of Black Hole (2019) → Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) → centre of Galaxy
Messier 87
● Albert Einstein → Predicted Black Holes in 1916 (General Theory of Relativity)
● James Webb Telescope → infrared astronomy → named after James E Webb - NASA
Administrator (1961-68) - Mercury, Gemini, Apollo Programs → Launch on 25 Dec, 2021
by Ariane 5 Rocket from French Guiana → arrived at Lagrange 2 (L2) point in Jan,
● 1st IND Mission to study celestial sources in X-Ray, Optical and UV Spectral bands
together → AstroSat → Payloads: Ultraviolet, Limited optical, X-Ray Regime → Launch:
2015 → PSLV-C30 → from SDSC, Sriharikota → 5 yr life
27. Padma Awards 2023 (see further in this doc)

28. Vande Bharat Express

● 1st Vande Bharat → Delhi to Varanasi
● Architect: Sudhanshu Mani → Manufacturer: Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai
● Called Train 18 → Semi-high speed, electric multiple unit train
● Budget FY 22 → 400 Trains in 3 years
● 4th gen Vande Bharat → speed: 200 km/hr –. VB4 coaches: aluminium alloy
● 1st VB4 Train → 2026
● India’s 1st Bullet Train → Mumbai-Ahmedabad (Station: Surat) → to be operational
by 2027 → Funded by Japan (17 bn USD)
● National High Speed Rail Corridor (NHSRCL) Chairman → Satish Agnihotri

29. “Survival of the Richest” Report by Oxfam

● Oxfam Intl → estd. In 1995 → Secretariat: Nairobi, Kenya → name “Oxfam” from
Oxford Committee for Famine Relief estd in 1942 in Britain
● Findings
○ Richest 1% → 40% of total Wealth
○ Bottom half population → 3% of total wealth
○ Taxing India’s 10 Richest at 5% can bring children back to school
○ Total number of Billionaires → 102 (2020) → 166 (2022)
● Global Gender Gap Report 2022 (since 2006) → take 132 years to close gender gap
→ IND: 127th of 146 (146th in Health and Survival) - gender gap closed by 64.3% →
South Asia: Longest to reach gender parity (197 years)
● Economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, political empowerment,
health and survival.
● Agriculture → highest percentage of women employed (60%)’
● lowest female literacy rate → Bihar (51.5%)
● G3 Report → Economic Prospects →
○ WB → falling long-term global economic prospects in the absence of deep
structural transformation
○ IMF → 2.8% Growth (2023)
○ baseline global inflation → 7% (2023)
○ Cooling off of labour markets after pandemic
● Lowest gender disparity in male and female workers → unemployment is lower for
female workers than for male workers → East Asia and Pacific Region
● WEF → Skills and Gender Parity Accelerator in India (2006)
● WEF → include women’s participation at panchayat level (from now)
● Bloomberg Billionaires Index → 100 bn USD Club → Latest to join from IND: Gautam
● Former Billionaires List 2022 →

30. SCO: Indian Chairmanship

● SCO 2022 Summit → Samarkand , Uzbekistan → Samarkand Declaration
● Iran → New Member of SCO - admitted in 2022 - application pending since 2008
● Turkmenistan x member → 1999 “Permanent Neutrality” at UN
● Belarus → Applied for full SCO Membership (2022)
● Official Language: Russian + Chinese
● 2 Permanent Bodies → Secretariat (Beijing, China) + Regional Anti-Terrorist
Structure - RATS (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
● IND → Observer - 2005

Prime Mock 06 (66%ile 17)

31. FATF Suspension of Russia’s Membership

● FATF → Intergovernmental org
● IND → observer (2006) → full member (2010)
● President: T Raja Kumar (Singapore) → Prev. Marcus Pleyer (Germany)
● Black List (High Risk Jurisdictions): Myanmar, Iran, North Korea
● Grey (Increased Monitoring): 24 countries: UAE, Turkey, Jordan, South Africa, Nigeria
● South Africa → 2nd G20 country after Turkey to be added to grey list
● Oct, 2022 → Pak removed from Grey list.
● X Financial Aid by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) → IMF, World Bank, ADB,
● FATF estd. 1989 → French name: Groupe d’action financiere (GAFI) → estd by G7
● 2001: Terrorism Financing

32. Jupiter: Planet with Most Moons and Recent Space Missions
● 2019 → Saturn - planet with most moons (82 moons) - became 83 in 2021
● Now → Jupiter → 92 moons (includes 12 new moons)
● “King of Planets” + “King of Satellites” → Jupiter
● ESA → Juice Spacecraft → April, 2023 → Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer → 3 major moons:
Ganymede, Europe, Callisto → developer: Germany → testing: France →
contractor: Airbus Defence and Space → Launch: French Guinea → aboard Ariane
5 → first satellite from Earth to enter orbit of Ganymede.
● Europa Clipper (Europa Multiple Flyby Mission) → by NASA → Launch: October,
2024 → study Europa moon of Jupiter → Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) + Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) → Follow of Galileo Spacecraft (Revealed Existence of
Subsurface ocean beneath Europa’s ice crust)
● Lucy Mission → NASA → Study Jupiter’s Trojan Asteroids → 12 yr life → 8 ancient
asteroids (1 main belt + 7 Jupiter Trojan)
● Asteroid Belt → b.w. Mars and Jupiter
● Intl Astronomical Union (IAU) → HQ: Paris, France → estd. 1919
● Shukrayaan I (IND), VERITAS (USA), EnVision (Europe) → Venus (China - 2026-27)
● Radha krishnan Mathur → 1st LG of Ladakh (2019-23) - prev. Chief Information
Commissioner of India (CIC); Present LG of Ladakh: BD Mishra

33. 6th Schedule: Ladakh’s Demand for Tribal Status (Fast by

Sonam Wangchuk)
● Sonam Wangchuk → Climate Fast at Khardungla Pass
● Leh Apex Body + Kargil Democratic Alliance → Demand for 6th Schedule
● 6th Schedule → Other Tribal Areas → Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram (ATMM) →
Article 244 + Article 275 → est. Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) - Jurisdiction
determined by Governor
● 6th Schedule Requirement: 50% Population - Tribal (Ladakh: 95%)
● IND → 8 UTs → Andaman and Nicobar Island (Port Blair), Chandigarh, Dadra and
Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Jammu and Kashmir (S-Srinagar, W-Jammu),
Ladakh (Leh), Lakshadweep (Kavaratti), Puducherry.
● Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) order, 2019 → issued by President
(Article 370 (1)) → modified Article 370 (x revoked)
○ X separate constitution, flag, anthem
○ X dual citizenship
○ X Laws of Parliament to be applicable to JK (including RTI + Right to
● Instrument of Accession –. 26 October, 1947 → Maharaja Hari Singh → defence
and external relations control to Union. (accession accepted by Mountbatten)

34. ChatGPT: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML)

● Chat GPT → by Open AI → launch: November, 2022 → GPT-3 family
● Open AI → estd. In 2015 → Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livington, Elon Musk,
Ilya Sutskever, Peter Theil (USD 1 bn)
● Elon Musk resigned from Board (2018)
● 2019: Microsoft invested 1 bn USD
● Jan, 2023: Microsoft invested 10 bn USD
● Inventor of AI → John McCarthy
● Branches of AI → ML, neutral Networks, Computer Vision, Robotics, NLP
● Programming Languages for AI → Java, PROLOG, LISP
● Father of theoretical CS + AI → Alan Mathison Turing
● May, 2022 → IND: 1st Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Technology Park
(ARTPARK) → Bengaluru, Karnataka → by IISC Bengaluru; ARTPARK + AI → 100
mn USD venture to support AI in India

35. 1st Anniversary of Russia-Ukraine: UNGA Resolution (Include

UN, its Structure, History, India’s Representation to UN)
● India’s permanent Representative to UN → Ruchira Kamboj
● IND → one of 50 countries to sign UN Charter in 1945
● 8th term at UNSC → 2021-22
● UN → 193 countries→Denis Francis(Prez)
● Vijay Lakshmi Pandit → Woman President of UNGA (1953) - 8th President → 1st
Woman Governor of Maharashtra (1962) - 6th Governor
● League of Nations → estd. On 10 January, 1920 by Paris Peace C1st onference →
ceased on 20 April, 1946
● 1919: India signed Treaty of Versailles - direct entry to League of Nations
● 1919: US President Woodrow Wilson → Nobel Peace Prize → Architect of League
of Nations

Prime Mock 07 (81%ile 17)

36. Earthquake in Syria and Turkey

● Arabian plate pushing northward → Anatolian plate moving westward
● 7.5 M Earthquake: Epicentre: Kahramanmaras Province
● Specific areas where earthquakes not recorded → Shadow Zone
● Surface Waves → most destructive
● Origin of Earthquake → Focus/ Hypocentre
● Point on Earth nearest to Focus → Epicentre
● Magnitude scale → Richter Scale → absolute numbers 1-10
● Intensity Scale → visible damage caused by the events → range: 1-12 → named after
Mercalli (Italian)
● Seismograph/ Seismometer → record motion of ground during earthquake → invented
by Chang Heng (Seismoscope)
● Pacific Seismic Belt (World’s greatest earthquake belt) → along rim of Pacific ocean
→ 81% of planet’s earthquakes → along boundaries of tectonic plates where plates
are sinking beneath other plates → Alpide Earthquake belt (Java to Sumatra) - through
Himalayas, Mediterranean, Atlantic.
● 4 Seismic Zones in IND → Zone V, IV, III, II (x I) → Highest seismicity: Zone V,
Lowest Seismicity: Zone II
● Nodal agency - Monitor earthquake activity → National Centre for Seismology (NCS)
● Gujarat Earthquake (Bhuj Earthquake) → 26 January, 2001 → 7.6 M on richter scale
→ Intensity X on Mercalli Intensity scale

37. EC Symbol Battle and Defection Law: Shinde vs Thackeray

(Include CEC and ECs)
● SC → Appointment of CEC + ECs → by President on advice of Committee: PM,
Leader of Opposition in LS, CJI
● CEC Tenure → 6 years or 65 years
● Art 324 → Appointment of CEC and ECs by President subject to law made by parliament
○ Candidates suggested by Law Minister → Appointment by President on advice of
● Conditions of Service + Term of Office → by President
● ECI → Constitutional Body (Art 324) → estd. In 1950 → EC Amendment Act 1989 -
adopted in 1990 - three member body - majority vote
● ECI → election to Parliament, state legislature, vice president, president
● 1st CEC → Sukumar Sen (1950-58) → 1st CEC in Sudan(okay bhai}
● CEC → can be removed by President → resolution by RS + LS - 2/3rd majority -
ground of Proven misbehaviour or incapacity → Process similar to Removal of SC Judge
● ECs → Removed by President - advice of CEC
● 1st Women CEC → VS Ramadevi (9th CEC - 1990-90) → 1st and only woman
Secretary General of Rajya Sabha (1993-97)

38. Death of Queen Elizabeth and Succession to Royal Throne

(Include Family Structure)
● Queen Elizabeth → state visit to IND → 3x (1961, 1983, 1997)
● Elizabeth (daughter of Duke and Duchess of York)
● Elizabeth’s father succeeded throne (1936) after bro Edward VIII
● 20 November, 1947: marriage - Elizabeth + Philip Moutbatten (Prince of Greek +
Denmark; Duke of Edinburgh) → Death of Philip in 2021 → 4 children: Charles, Anne,
Andrew, Edward
● Last Emperor of India → King George VI (Abolished in 1948 by Indian Independence
Act 1947) → Death of King George VI (1952) → Coronation of Elizabeth (2 June, 1953)
● IND → became Republic in 1950
● Pakistan → became Republic in 1956
● National/Royal Anthem of UK → God save the King/ God Save the Queen → Composer:
John Bull → one of 2 national anthems of New Zealand since 1977
● Last Viceroy of India/ First Governor General of Independent India → Lord
● 1st Governor General of India → Lord William Bentick
● Elizabeth II → Queen: 6 February, 1952 - 8 September, 2022 (70 years + 214 days) →
Queen of 32 states during lifetime → head of state of 15 states at time of death
● Elizabeth II → succeeded by Charles III

39. Hindenburg Report on Adani Group

● Adani Group → HQ: Ahmedabad → estd. In 1988
● April, 2021: Adani crossed USD 100 bn in market capitalisation → April, 2022: Crossed
USD 200 bn (3rd after Tata and Reliance) → November, 2022: USD 280 bn → lost 104
bn USD
● World’s Billionaires Rankings → by Forbes → since 1987 → Adani: Highest Rank: 3
● Hindenburg Research → “Adani Group: How the World’s 3rd Richest Man is Pulling The
Largest Con in Corporate History”.
● Bernard Arnault replaced Elon Musk as CEO of Louis Vuitton (186 bn USD)
● Oct, 2022 → Competition Commission of India → Penalty on Alphabet → Anti-trust laws
● Android OS Acquired by Google (2005)
● SEBI → Ministry of Finance → estd. In 1988 → statutory power in 1992 (SEBI Act,
1992) → current and 1st woman chairperson of SEBI: Madhabi Puri Buch
● NSE → Mumbai → estd. In 1992 → recommendation by Pherwani Committee (1991)
→ Blueprint by Ravi Narain, RH Patil, SS Nadkarni (1992)

40. COP 27, Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol and UNFCCC

● COP 27 → Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt (x Glasgow, Scotland) → 1st held in developing
country since COP 22 in Marrakech (2016)
● Loss and Damage Fund for Vulnerable countries
● AWARe (Action on Water Adaptation or Resilience) → Launch at COP 27 by World
Meteorological Organisation (WMO) → for success at 2023 UN Conference on Water.
● Infrastructure Resilience Accelerator Fund (IRAF) → Launched by Coalition for Disaster
Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) → India Pavilion, COP 27 → support of UNDP + United
Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction → managed by United nation Multi Partner
Trust Fund Office (UN MPTFO), New York → by IND, UK, Australia, EU → support Small
Island Developing States (SIDS) in Disaster Resilience → 50 mn USD for 5 years → 1st
initiative to be supported by IRAF - Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS)
● Global Shield (GS) → Coordinators: G7 + V20 → 1st recipient: Pakistan
● V20 estd → inaugural Meet: V20 Ministers of Finance of the Climate Vulnerable forum
(2015) - Lima, Peru
● UNFCCC → 1st Technology Mechanism - 2023-27
● Paris Agreement → Legally binding → @ COP 21 - Paris - 2015 → entered in force:
2016 → 2*C → Preferably 1.5*C

Prime Mock 08 (89%ile 20)

41. Political situation in Peru

● Former President of Peru → Pedro Castillo (Till 7 Dec, 2022)
● Attempted to dissolve Congress - Impeached and removed from office → 7 December,
● Currency: Sol (replaced Peruvian inti in 1991) - Prev form of sol in use: 1863-1985
● Dina Boluarte → President of Peru (since December, 2022)
○ First Vice President and Minister of Development and Social Inclusion under
○ Prev → officer at National Registry of Identification on Civil Status (RENIEC)
○ Constitution of Peru
■ Enacted in 1993 (Replaced 1979 Constitution)
■ Greater power to President than 1979 Consti
■ Peru’s 5th Consti in 20th century
■ Drafted by President Alberto Fujimori → Peruvian Constitutional Crisis
(1992) (Congress was dissolved by Fujimori)
■ Democratic Constitutional Congress (CCD) elected in 1992
■ Final draft approved in 1993 referendum
○ Article 61: Only ground for removal of President → Violation of Constitution
■ Impeachment process → start from any House of Parliament → quarter of
members’ signature → to be passed by special majority (2/3rd) in
originating house → investigation of charges in other house → notice to
President → taken up for consideration after 14 days → President has
right to defense - lawyer → Special majority in 2nd house.
○ President’s Term → 5 years (Even after 5 yrs, in case no new President elected)
○ No cap on re-election
○ Elected by Electoral College → Composition: Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
members, LA’s of states (No role of Legislative Councils), LAs of UTs o Delhi
and Puducherry.
○ No President faced impeachment.
○ Article 71 → SC decides about Election of president → can be removed by
SC on grounds → electoral misconduct and becoming ineligible for LS as
per RPA, 1951.

43. Russia-Ukraine War

● PM of Ukraine → Denys Shmyhal (since 2020)
● Ukraine Borders: Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova
● Coastline: Black Sea, Sea of Azov
● Op. Ganga by IND
● Crimea annexed in 2014 → Isthmus of Perekop connects Crimea to Kherson Oblast in
mainland China → Strait of Kerch (estd. 2018) connects Crimea to Krasnodar Krai in
Russia → Largest city : Sevastopol.
● Independence of Ukraine → 24 August, 1991

44. NISAR: NASA-ISRO Space Aperture Radar

● Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
● Map globe in 12 days
● Launch - SDSC, SHAR, Sriharikota, Andhra P
● Target date: Jan, 2024
● On GSLV Expendable launch vehicle
● Venus Missions
a. Shukrayaan I → India’s Venus mission → Postponed to 2031 (Prev schedule:
December, 2024)
b. USA → Veritas → 2031
c. ESA → EnVision → 2031
d. China → 2026-27

● Venus → Earth’s twin sister → brightest natural object in Earth’s sky apart from Sun,
Moon → x moons → Solar days length: 117 earth days → orbits Sun every 224.7 fays.
● Mercury → smallest planet in solar system → orbits sun every 87.97 days (Shortest of all
● Definition of a Planet (Adopted by International Astronomical Union - IAU in 2006)
a. Must orbit a star
b. Be big enough to have enough gravity to force a spherical shape
c. Big enough that gravity cleared away other objects of similar size near its orbit
around the Sun.
● 2006: IAU → status of Pluto to “dwarf planet”
● Inner Solar System → Mercury, Venus, Earth Mars, Asteroid Belt
● Outer Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus (Gas giants)

45. Assam-Meghalaya Border Dispute, Odisha-Andhra Pradesh

Border Dispute, Inter-State Council, State Reorganisation Act,
● Assam Meghalaya Border → 885 km → disputes in 12 stretches
● Meghalaya carved out of Assam in 1970 → became a full fledged state in 1972 via
Assam Reorganisation (Meghalaya) Act, 1969.
● Belgavi (Belgaum) Border Dispute → Maharashtra v.s. Karnataka → part of Karnataka
● Dispute over Kotia Gram Panchayat (21 villages) → Odisha v.s. Andhra Pradesh since
○ 2003: Odisha - Complaint to Centre under S3 of Inter-State River Water Disputes
(ISRWD) Act, 1956 → water dispute over River Vamsadhara.
● Inter-State Council → Article 263 → can be estd. By President → Chairman: PM → CMs
of all states and 6 Union Ministers as members.
● State Reorganisation
○ Dhar Commission - 1948 (Linguistic Provinces Commission) → Chair: SK Dhar
→ reorganisation based on history and geography → x linguistic basis
○ Linguistic Provinces Committee - 1948 (JVP Committee) → Jawaharlal Nehru,
Vallabhbhai Patel, Pattabhi Sitaramayya → rejected reorganisation on linguistic
basis but issue could be looked at again due to public demand.
○ State Reorganisation Commission (SRC) - 1953 → Chair: Fazal Ali → members:
KM Panikkar, HN Kunzru → 16 states and 3 UTs
○ Recommendations of Fazl Ali Commission implemented in State Reorganisation
Act, 1956 → 14 states and 6 UTs

46. Monetary Policy Instruments

● Reduce CRR → Increase Credit Creation in Economy
● Reduce Excess Liquidity → 1. Raise Banks’ CRR, 2. Increase Repo Rate 3. Decrease
Reverse Repo Rate
● Open Market Operations (OMOs) → conducted by RBI - Sale and purchase of govt
securities from the mkt (excess liquidity - sale of securities; less liquidity - buy securities)
● Operation Twist → An Open Market Operation conducted by the Central bank where
short term securities are sold and long term securities are bought, simultaneously.
● Monetary transmission → pass through of RBI’s rate actions to the Economy at large
● Monetary Policy Committee → meet 4 times a year → under article 45ZB → 6
members (3 from govt and 3 from RBI) → silent Period 7 days before and after meet -
confidentiality → Ex Officio Chairperson - RBI Governor → Governor has casting vote in
case of tie → Target: 4% annual inflation until March, 2026 → Target CPI Combined -
since 2016 (Base yr: 2012) - published by National Statistics Office (NSO), Ministry of
Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI)

Prime Mock 09 (90%ile 20)

47. End of French Op. Serval in Sahel Region, Africa

● Macron → end of Operation Barkhane in Africa
● France → Op. Serval in the Sahel Region since 2013. → scaled up in 2014 - renamed
Op. Barkhane.
● Sahel Region
○ Transition b.w. Sahara to North and Sudan savannah to south
○ Between Atlantic Ocean and Red Sea
○ Derived from Arabic term “coast, shore”
○ Includes Seneal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkino Faso, Algeria, Niger, Nigeria,
Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea,
Ethiopia. (Kenya x included)
○ Africa’s Great Green Wall (GGW) Programme → launch in 2007 by African
Union → restore 100 mn hectare of degraded ecosystem → sequester 350 MT
carbon, restore 100 mn hectare of degraded land, create 10 mn jobs - all by 2030
→ select 11 countries → Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mali,
Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan.
● USA → Op. Neptune Spear → killed Osama Bin Laden on May 2, 2011 in
Abbottabad, Pakistan —> by US Navy SEAL Team Six (DEVGRU).
● USA → Op. Enduring Freedom → War in Afghanistan (2001-21) + Global War on
Terrorism (OEF-Philippines and OEFTrans Sahara)
● IND → Imp Operations
○ Op. Devi Shakti (2021) → Afghanistan
○ Op. Ganga (2022) → Ukraine
○ Op. Kaveri (2023) → Sudan
○ Op. Vande Bharat (2020) → Covid 19
○ Op. Samudra Setu (2020) → Naval Op. during Covid 19
○ Op. Nistar (2018) → Cyclone Mekunu in Socotra Island, Yemen
○ Op. Insaniyat (2017) → help Bangladesh against Rohingya refugees from
○ Op. Sankat Mochan (2016) → South Sudanese Civil War in Juba
○ Op. Raahat (2015) → Yemen v.s. Houthi
○ Op. Maitri (2015) → 2015 Nepal Earthquake
○ Op. Safe Homecoming (2011) → Libya
○ Op. Sukoon (2006) - Beirut Sealift→ Military conflict b.w. Lebanon and Israel
○ Op. Poomalai (1987) - Eagle Mission 4 → support LTTE with supplies

48. ICC Arrest warrant on Putin; ICC vs ICJ

● ICC → estd. By Rome Statute (1998) → HQ: The Hague, Netherlands
● Rome Statute - 123 members (include Britain, Japan, Afghanistan, Germany) → Not
signed by USA, China, India
○ Jurisdiction: Individuals charged with grave crimes
○ Limited Jurisdiction to after it came into effect (2002)
○ Cases can be referred by UNSC
○ Offence should be committed in a country that ratified the agreement or by
national of a ratifying country
○ No power to arrest → Relies on other leaders and govts to act as sheriffs
○ inter-state disputes
○ Binding ruling with no direct means of enforcement
○ Current President → Joan E. Donoghue (USA)
○ Principal Judicial Organ of UN
○ HQ: The Hague, Netherlands
○ Estd. by Charter of UN (1946)
○ Successor to Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ) → 1st sitting: 1922
- dissolved in 1946
○ 1st ICJ President - Jose Gustavo Guerrero (El Salvador)
○ 1st case (1947) - UK vs Albania - Incidents in Corfu Channel: strait of Ionian
Sea between Greek Island of Corfu and Albania
○ Only one principal organ not located in New York City
○ 15 Judges → 9 yr term → elected by UNSC + UNGA - vote simultaneously but
○ A third of court elected every three years
○ ICJ - only gets jurisdiction if parties consent to it
○ Final and Technical Binding Judgement → No provision of Appeal (Revision/
interpretation allowed)
● IND → ICJ Judge (present) → Dalveer Bhandari
● IND → 4 Judges at ICJ
○ Official Languages (2) → English + French
○ ari (Present) - Former Judge of SC
○ RS Pathak (1989-91) - Former CJI
○ Nagendra Singh (1973-88) - Former CEC
○ Sir Benegal Rau (1952-53) - Advisor to Constituent Assembly
● IND → 6 times party to a case at ICJ (4 involved Pakistan)
○ Right to Passage over Indian Territory (1960) - Portugal vs India
○ Appeal Relating to the Jurisdiction of the ICAO Council (1972) - Pakistan vs India
○ Trial of Pakistani Prisoners of War (1973) - Pakistan vs India
○ Aerial Incident - 10 August 1999 (2000) - Pakistan vs India
○ Obligations concerning Negotiations relating to Cessation of the Nuclear Arms
Race and to Nuclear Disarmament (2016) - Marshall Islands vs India
○ Kulbhushan Jadhav (2019) - Pakistan vs India

49. GEAC - GM Mustard (DMH-11), Bt Brinjal, Bt Cotton

● GEAC → under MoEFCC
● IND → 1st GM Crop to be commercialised → Bt Cotton
● New Properties → increase yield, tolerance to herbicide, resistance to disease or
drought, improved nutritional value
● DMH 11 → GM variant of Herbicide Tolerant (HT) Mustard → Cross b.w. Varuna (IND) +
Early Heera - 2 (European) → by Deepak Pental (Delhi University) in 2002 → 28% yield
● Barnase + Barstar isolated from Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens
● Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) → New Delhi → Ministry of Agriculture →
Union Minister of Agriculture as President → Largest Network of Agri Research + Edu
● 2007 → GEAC recommended Bt Brinjal - Commercial release by Mahyco (Maharashtra)
+ Dharwad University of Agricultural Sciences + Tamil Nadu Agricultural Sciences. (Bt
Brinjal suspended in 2010)

50. Bomb Cyclone, Tropical Cyclones, Other Cyclones,

Naming of Cyclones
● Bomb Cyclone → Mid latitude cyclone that intensifies rapidly → massive winter storm →
rapidly declining pressure + extreme cold → atmospheric pressure in the middle of the
storm drops rapidly.
● Tropical Cyclones → near the Equator → get energy from heat released when water
vapour condenses to rain → clockwise in the southern hemisphere; anti-clockwise in the
Northern hemisphere → warm tropical oceans.
○ Conditions:
■ Large Sea Surface with temp > 27*C
■ Presence of Coriolis Force
■ Small Variation in vertical wind speed
■ Weak low pressure area or low-level cyclonic circulation
■ Upper Divergence above sea level
● Name for Tropical Cyclones in Bay of Bengal + Arabian Sea → suggested by
Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Iran,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen →Named by Regional Specialised Meteorological
Centre (RSMCs) + Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres (TCWCs) → formula agreed by
UNESCO + WMO @ 27th Session (2000) → Warmer temp in Bay of bengal - higher
possibility of cyclone
● Cyclone Freddy → Name by Australia → affected Mascarene Islands, Madagascar,
Mozambique (Feb, 2023)
● Cyclones → Typhoons (China Sea, Pacific Ocean), Hurricanes (Caribbean Sea, Atlantic
Ocean), Tornados (Guinea, South USA), Willy-willies (Australia), Tropical Cyclone
(Indian Ocean).
● Rules for naming of cyclones
○ Neutral to politics, Religious beliefs, culture, gender
○ Not be rude or cruel
○ Not hurt sentiments
○ Short and easy to pronounce
○ Max 8 letters
○ With pronunciation + voice over
○ Not be repeated
● “Western Disturbance” → Origin in Mediterranean Sea → sudden winter rain to
northwest India
Prime Mock 10 (95%ile 25)

52. Disqualification of Rahul Gandhi from Parliament + Conviction

● Rahul Gandhi → Wayanad Constituency, kerala → 2019 Election rally remark →
Conviction by Chief Judicial Magistrate, Surat → 2 yr jail → S500 IPC (Defamation - 2
yr imprisonment or fine or both)
● S8, RPA, 1951 → 6 yrs since release of MP/MLA → disqualification
● MP/MLA Barred from Office of Profit → Article 102 + Article 191 (Remember, given in
Constitution and Not RPA)
○ “Office of Profit” → Held under Central or state government, other than the office
declared to to disqualify its holder by law passed in Parliament/ state legislature.
(not defined in Constitution)
○ Decision-making authority → President on binding advice of ECI
○ Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959 → exempts posts from
disqualification (Recent amendment → 2013)
○ 10th Schedule, 52nd CA, 1985 → Anti-Defection Law

53. India’s G20 Presidency

● Since December 1, 2022
● Baton passed from Indonesia
● Logo: Earth juxtaposed with Lotus
○ Goddess of Knowledge and Prosperity on Lotus. 7 petals reflect the music
● Theme: Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (One Earth One Family One Future) → from Maha
● Guest countries: Bangladesh, Egypt, Mauritius, Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman,
Singapore, Spain and UAE
● Troika: Indonesia, india and Brazil (three developing economies for the first time) -
During Indonesia’s Tenure (Indonesia, India, Italy)
● “Troika” - top grouping within the G20 - consists of the current, previous and the
upcoming presidencies.
● G20 members: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India,
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.
● India’s G20 Sherpa → Amitabh Kant
● India 1st Model G20 Summit → Rambau Mhalgi Prabodhini’s Indian Institute of
Democratic leadership (Mumbai) → President Vinay Sahasrabuddhe → inaugurated
by Amitabh Kant
Bali Summit (Nov, 2022)
● Indonesia Presidency → Theme : Recover Together, Recover Stronger
● Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov instead of the President attending the
● Cultural Gifts from Modi - Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh (LOL , LOL , LOL)
○ Joe Biden - Miniature paintings from Kangra
○ Sunak - Mata ni Pachedi (sacred textile peace)
○ Georgi Meloni (Italy) - Patan Patola Scarf in decorative sadeli box, wooden craft
from Surat. - motifs weaved inspired from Rani ki Vav, a stepwall in Patan - built
in 11th century AD.
○ Joko Widodo - Kinnauri shawl and silver bowl (Surat)
○ France, Germany, Singapore - Agate bowls from Kutch (underground mines of
Rajpipla and Ratanpur)
○ Anthony Albanese (Aus) - Pithora (tribal art piece from Chhota Udaipur)

About G20
● formed in 1999 (1997 Asian financial crisis in East and Southeast Asia)
● Signed at Cologne Summit (Germany) of G7; Established at G7 Finance Ministers’
● First chairman: Canadian finance minister Paul Martin
● Host of Inaugural meet: German finance minister Hans Eichel
● Formal name: “Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy”
● first G20 Meet: Berlin (1999)
● No permanent staff or HQ - rotational 1yr presidency: 1 Dec- 30 Nov
● to secure global financial stability by involving middle-income countries.
● include 2/3rd of the world’s population, 85 % of global GDP, and 75 % of global
trade, 60% of land area, 75% of global carbon emissions.
● Members: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India,
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,
Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and the EU
● representatives of the G20 countries, known as ‘Sherpas’
● 1999-2008. Just a grouping of central bank governors and finance ministers. 2008:
Changed to heads of State.
● Summit of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: created in response to
the financial crisis of 2007-08 to implement decisions of heads of state.
● EU is represented by the European Commission and European Central Bank
● 2009 summit: G20 declared itself the primary venue for international economic and
financial cooperation
● Guests:- Spain ( Permanent guest ) - the Chair of ASEAN; two African countries (the
chair of African Union and a representative of the New Partnership for Africa's
Development (NEPAD)) and a country (sometimes more than one) invited by the
presidency, usually from its own region.
● Chief Executive Officers: IMF, World Bank, International Monetary and Financial
Committee, Development Assistance Committee.
● 2011 report by Asian Development Bank (ADB): Large Asian Economies (China, India) -
greater role in future world economic order. .

● G7 Presidency: (2022 - 48th) Germany; (2023 - 49th) Hiroshima, Japan , 50th summit
is in italy
○ Modi → Mahatma Gandhi Bust in Hiroshima.
● G7 members: 60% global net wealth
● intergovernmental org - • formed in 1975.
● Members: UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US. + EU
(non-enumerated member)
● Russia: Formal Member from 1997 to 2014. (Crimea annexation) Permanently left G8 in
2017 (announced) and 2018 (implemented ).
● No formal secretariat - rotation of presidency - representatives called sherpas
● 10% of the world’s population, 31% of global GDP, and 21% of global carbon
dioxide emissions.
● 2022 G7 Summit highlights:
○ Guests: Argentina, India, Indonesia, Senegal and South Africa
○ 600 billion dollars by 2027 under Partnership for Global Infrastructure and
Investment (PGII)
○ Decarbonize electricity sectors by 2035
○ LiFE Campaign (Lifestyle for Environment) by PM Modi
○ PM Modi: ask G7 countries to invest in India’s developing clean energy
○ G7 Digital Trade Principles adopted in meeting of G7 Trade Ministers in
London (Oct, 2021).
● Proposals to Expand G7
○ D10 Strategy forum: since 2014 by Atlantic Council - G7+EU and Australia,
South Korea. Other democratic countries like India, Indonesia, Poland, Spain as

● Formed: 1964 - 77 Developing Nations signed: - Joint Declaration of the Seventy-Seven
countries - UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva.
● first meet: Algiers (1967)
● Member nations: 133 (presently)
● annual meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs
● Largest intergovernmental organisation of developing countries
● chairmanship rotates on a regional basis (between Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and
the Caribbean)
● Chapters of G77:
1. Rome (FAO)
2. Vienna (UNIDO)
3. Paris (UNESCO)
4. Nairobi (UNEP)
5. G-24 in Washington D.C,1971 (IMF and World Bank)
● Activities financed by member states (according to First South Summit 2000)
● Chairmanship: 2021 (New Guinea) and 2022 (Pakistan)

54. CAA Rules: 6 Month Extension given

● 7th such extension by Home Ministry
● Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 (amend Citizenship Act, 1955 - citizenship by birth,
descent, registration, neutralisation, incorporation of territory) → Fastrack Citizenship:
Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Christian, Buddhist, Jain → Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh
→ enter IND before December 31, 2014 without documents. (Relax Naturalisation
requirement from 11 yrs to 5 yrs)
● Manual on Parliamentary Work → bolti hai ki extension Committee on Subordinate
Legislation → for all such extensions.
● National Commission for Minorities (NCM) → estd. Via National Commission for
Minorities Act, 1992 → Minorities: Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians
(Parsis), Jains (2014: Jains added) → total 18.8% population (Census 2001)
● Article 350b → Special officer for linguistic minorities → appointed by President → 7th
CA, 1956
● Citizenship → Part II of Constitution
● First Citizen → President
● Citizenship Act, 1955 → amended in 1986, 1992, 2003, 2005, 2015, 2019
○ 1986: Restricted Citizenship by birth to require at least one parent to be Indian
○ 2003: further restriction → Parents can’t be illegal migrants. Also est. NRC.
○ Article 29 + Article 30 → Linguistic/religious minorities → Right to Administer and
run its own educational institutions

55. FCRA Account Suspended: Centre for Policy Research (CPR)

● 2019 → MHA Amended FCRA → Journalists, politicians, members of Judiciary →
accept upto 1 lakh foreign fund from relatives. → inform MHA.
● July 2022 → Compoundable offences increased (7 → 12)
● Individuals → receive upto 10 Lacs foreign fund from relatives → x inform MHA
● FCRA Act (1976) → Amended (2010 and 2020)
● Valid for 5 years
● NGOs to apply for renewal within 6 months of expiry
● Cancellation of FCRA by Centre → NGO not eligible for 3 years
● MHA → suspend NGO Registration + freeze funds for 180 days pending inquiry.
● Granted to associations → definite cultural, economic, educational, religious, social
● 2020 Amendment
○ Prohibit Public servants from receiving Foreign contri
○ Prohibit transfer of foreign contri to a person not registered
○ Aadhar number mandatory for key functionaries of FCRA
○ Max 20% funds → administrative expenses (2010: 50% limit)
○ Person - permitted to surrender FCRA certificate by Centre
● Implemented by MHA
● S5, FCRA (2010) → absolute power to centre to declare org as political and stop
foreign funding.
● Prior Reference Category → to donate to NGO, foreign donor to take prior clearance
from MHA
● Receive funds → Designated bank account in State Bank of India (SBI), New Delhi

56. Pakistan’s Economic Crisis

● Shehbaz Sharif → 23rd PM of Pakistan (since April 2022) → Pakistan Muslim League
(N) - PML(N) → Prev. Longest serving CM of Punjab (three terms)
● Imran Khan (22nd PM: 2018-22 - No confidence motion)→ Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf -
PTI (Pakistan Movement for Justice) - estd. 1996 → As captain, won 1992 Cricket World
Cup → Assasination Attempt: Wazirabad, Punjab.
● Currently anwar ul haq is the interim PM as the pak’s parliament is dissolved .Next PM
would potentially be NAWAS SHARIF ( latest info. Hai )
● World’s second largest Muslim Population - 11.1% (Largest: Indonesia - 12.7%) =
4th largest population
● 1st PM in Pakistan to be removed on no-trust
● 342 member house
● India → Article 75: President appoints Prime Minister
● Article 74 (IND): Council of Ministers with PM at head to aid and advise President
● May, 2014: Modi - swearing in ceremony → invited Nawaz Sharif
● Pervez Musharraf → Ex President → Passed away - Amyloidosis
● Indo-Pak Wars: 1947-48, 1965, 1971 (3 wars)
● River Ganga on entering Bangladesh → Padma
● Pak-India Issue → Kishenganga Power Plant and Ratle Power Plant

Prime Mock 11 (89%ile 22)

57. Ajay Banga, World Bank President; World Bank, World Bank
Group Members, IMF, ADB etc. (Multilateral Financial Institutions)
● World Bank President: Ajay Banga (Prev. Vice Chairman of General Atlantic, CEO of
Mastercard (President till June, 2023 → David Malpass)
● World Bank + IMF → HQ in USA
● Bretton Woods conference (UN Monetary and Financial Conference) - 1944 → estd.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Bank for Reconstruction and
Redevelopment (IBRD)
○ 44 original signatories (include India)
● International Financial Corporation (IFC) → estd. In 1956 → India: Founding member
● International Development Association (IDA) → estd. 1960 → India: Founding
member → “Soft Loan Window of World Bank”
● Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) → estd. 1988 → India joined
● India → x member of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
(ICSID) - cited unfair terms: No scope of review of award by Indian court. → estd. 1966.
● Latest (189th) Member of World Bank → Nauru
● 1st Indian Chief Economist at World Bank → Kaushik Basu (2012)
● 2022 → Indermeet Gill (IND): Appointed as Chief Economist + Vice President for
Development Economics as World Bank.
● 1st ceo of world bank - julian nyers ( 1946 )

58. Russia’s Deployment of Nuclear Weapons in Belarus

● Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
○ Enforced: 1997
○ Destroy old and abandoned chemical weapons
○ Members to Declare riot control agents (tear gas)
○ Estd. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) - 1997
- 193 members - HQ: The Hague, Netherlands → 2014 Nobel Peace Prize.
● Geneva Protocol
○ Enforced: 1925
○ Ratified by IND in 1950
○ Banned use of biological weapons in war
● Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)
○ Enforced: 1975
○ Ratified by IND in 1974
○ Prohibit development, production, stockpiling, acquisition, retention of biological
● Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) (informally London Suppliers Group) (estd. 1974) →
48 members (include P5) → Guidelines not binding → Decisions by consensus. →
Response to Nuclear tests of India → Smiling Buddha (1974), Operation Shakti
● Non Proliferation treaty (NPT) → Enforced: 1970 → Non-signatories: India, Pakistan,
Israel. (North Korea → signed 1985, withdrawn → 2003)
○ “Nuclear Weapon States” → States that tested devices before 1967 (cut-off
○ NPT to be signed for country to join NSG
● Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)
○ Negotiated at conference on Disarmament in Geneva → adopted in 1996
○ 182 members
○ Most recent member: Ghana (2011)
○ Zero yield test ban → prohibit supercritical hydro-nuclear tests
○ Yet to enter into force
○ Non signatories – North Korea, India, Pakistan
○ CTBT Organisation (estd. 1996) - CTBTO → Verification system to monitor
compliance → HQ : Vienna, Austria

59. Amritpal Singh: Khalistan Movement in Punjab; NIA, CBI and

● Inspired by Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale → Killed in Operation Blue Star (1984) -
Indira Gandhi - in Harminder Sahib, Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab.
● Feb, 2023 → Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF), Jammu and Kashmir Ghaznavi Force (JKGF),
Harwinder Singh Sandhu Rinda (Babbar Khalsa International - BKI) → “Terrorist
organisation” under UAPA (1967) → 54 Designated Terrorists (IVth Schedule of
● NIA → estd. 2009 (after 26/11) → NIA Act, 2008 → HQ: New Delhi
● Several Visit of LeT - David Coleman Headley - before 26/11
● After 26/11 → estd. NIA and National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC)
● NATGRID: National Intelligence Grid (2009 - mooted by P. Chidambram)
● Operation All Out (2017) → against terrorism in JK (LeT, LeM, Al-Badr, Hizbul
Mujahideen) → by Army, CRPF, Jammu and kashmir Police, BSF, IB → Death of Burhan
Wani (2016)

60. 6 submarines - Project 75 Kalvari Class

● 1st: Yard 11879 - INS Kalvari (S21) (Dec, 2022)
● At Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. (MDL) Mumbai (Maharashtra)
● Collab with M/s Naval Group, France
● 1st: INS Kalvari (2017), 2nd: INS Khanderi (2019), 3rd: INS Karanj (2021), 4th: INS Vela
(2021), 5th: INS Vagir (2022), 6th: INS Vagsheer
● 5th: INS Vagir (S25) → diesel-electric → Scorpene Class → design by French Naval
Defence and Energy group → manufactured by Mazagon Dock Ltd.
● INS Vikrant → 1st aircraft carrier in India → by Cochin Shipyard Ltd., Kerala → Motto:
jayema sam yudhi sprdhah (I defeat those who fight against me) from Rigveda.
● Vikram-S (2022) → 1st privately developed Rocket in India → by Skyroot Aerospace
→ Launch from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.
● Project-17 Alpha Frigates (P-17A) → Niligiri class frigates → built by Garden Reach
Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) + Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders (MDL)

61. Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB

● Rs 5 lakh per family → secondary care (x super specialist) + tertiary care (*super
● PM-JAY → 2018
● Beneficiaries identified by Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC)
● Funding (Centrally Sponsored Scheme): 60:40 with states and UTs with Legislature,
90:10 in Northeast JK Himachal UK, 100% in UTs without Legislature.
● Implementation: National Health Authority (NHA) under Society Registration Act, 1860 +
State Health Agency (SHA)
● World’s largest health insurance scheme fully financed by govt
● 10.74 cr families → 50 cr beneficiaries
● No restriction on family size, age, gender
● Upto 3 days pre-hospitalisation and 15 days post-hospitalisation expense
● PM Digital Health Mission → PM-DHM Sandbox
● 1st Health Minister: Rajkumari Amrit Kaur (1947-57)
● World Health Day → April 7 (WHO estd - 7 April, 1948) - 2023 Theme: Health for All

Prime Mock 12 (72%ile 22)

62. Impeachment of Donald Trump

● Donald Trump
○ 45th President of USA (2017-21) → Republican → won against Democratic
Hillary Clinton
○ 1st US President - no prior military or government service
○ Only American President to be impeached twice.
■ December: 2020 → Abuse of Power: Tried to pressure Ukraine to
investigate Biden in 2019.
■ January, 2021 → incitement of insurrection
○ December, 2022 → House January 6 Committee recommended Criminal
charges against Trump.
○ 1st President to face Criminal Charges → Manhattan grand jury - plead not
● US Constitution: House - sole power of Impeachment → Senate: Sole power to try for
● 1st to face Senate Impeachment Trial: Andrew Johnson
● 2ns to face Senate Impeachment Trial: Bill Clinton (1998) → impeached for lying
under oath and obstruction of justice → case by Paula Jones for sexual harassment of
White House intern Monica Lewinsky (Starr Report → by Ken Starr for House
Judiciary Committee)
● 1st President of the US → George Washington (1789-97)
● IND: Dispute in Election of President (Article 71) → Sole Jurisdiction of Supreme
Court - Grounds to remove President: Electoral Malpractices or not eligible of being
a member of Lok Sabha under RPA, 1951
● IND: no president faced impeachment proceedings
63. Metaverse
● Term “metaverse” → by Neal Stephenson → Science Fiction “Snow Crash” (1990s)
● Included in Oxford Dictionary (1992)
● Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
● World’s 1st metaverse for law enforcement → by Interpol → Launch: 90th General
Assembly (New Delhi) → Interpol HQ : Lyon , France → 195 members of Interpol.
● World Economic Forum (collab with Accenture and Microsoft) → Global
Collaboration Village
● 1st Bank in world to set up shop in metaverse → JP Morgan (CEO: Jamie Dimon) →
Decentralised Platform → Onyx Lounge (Blockchain business of JP Morgan estd. In
● 1st Bank in India to launch Metaverse based virtual lounge → Union Bank of India
(July, 2022)
● Meta Platforms Inc. (formerly Facebook) → Menlo Park, California → Facebook,
Instagram, Whatsapp.

64. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

● May, 2022 → Finland and Sweden moved to join NATO.
● Finland → 31st NATO member
● US Secretary of State → Antony Blinken
● Hungary and Turkey → x approve the application of Sweden.
● North Atlantic Treaty (Washington Treaty) → 1949 - 12 founding members: Belgium,
Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
United Kingdom, United States.
● NATO hq: Brussels, Belgium
● Allied Command Operations hq: Mons, Belgium
● 13th NATO Secretary general (since 2014) → Jens Stoltenberg (34th PM of Norway:
2000-01 and 2005-13)
● Article 5: principle of collective defence

65. Black Hole, Types of Hole, James Webb Telescope, Hubble

Space Telescope *( kitna repetition hai inke mocks mai )

● Term “Black hole” → by John Wheeler (1967)

● 1st Black hole discovered → Cygnus X-1 (in Milky Way, in constellation Cygnus, the
● 1964: 1st signs of Black Hole
● 1916: Theory of Relativity → Albert Einstein
● Three Layers of Black Holes
○ Outer Event Horizon
○ Inner Event Horizon
○ Singularity
● Event Horizon → Boundary around mouth of black hole, past which light can’t escape.
● Singularity → Single point in space-time where mass of black holes are concentrated.
● 1st Image of Black Hole (2019) → Event Horizon Telescope → centre of Galaxy M87
● White hole (Theory of eternal Black holes) → hypothetical region of space time and
singularity that can’t be entered from outside, although energy-matter, light and
information can escape it.
● 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for black holes → Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, Andrea
Ghez (Chair of Physics Prize Committee: David Haviland)

66. New India Literacy Programme, New Education Policy, Higher

Education Commission of India
● New India Literacy Programme
○ 2022-27
○ Adult education → Age of 15 years and above
○ Foundation Numeracy and Literacy target → 5 cr learners @ 1cr per year
using “Online Teaching, Learning and Assessment System (OTLAS)” → collab.
with National Informatics Centre (NIC), NCERT, NIOS)
NIS’24 Siddhant Prabhu
● NEP, 2020
○ 2 earlier NEPs → 1968 and 1986
○ 100% Gross Enrolment Ratio in school education by 2030
○ 5+3+3+4 system → replace 10+2 system
○ Bring uncovered 3-6 yrs under school curriculum
○ 3 yrs of Pre-schooling + 12 yrs of schooling
○ Since Class 6 → Vocational Training + Internships
○ No rigid separation between academic streams
○ Teaching uptill class 5 → Regional language
○ 360 degree Holistic progress card
○ Class 10 and 12 Board Exams → Test core competencies → students allowed to
take the exam twice.
○ National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) 2021 → by
○ Minimum Qualification for Teaching to be 4-yr integrated B.Ed. Degree → by
○ 50% Gross Enrolment Ratio in Higher education by 2035 (Present: 26.3%)
○ Add 3.5 cr seats to higher education
○ Undergraduate edu → multiple exit and entry points
○ M.Phil Course to be discontinued.
○ UG, PG, PhD courses to be interdisciplinary.
○ Est. Academic Bank of Credits → transfer credits
○ Est. Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities (MERUs)
○ Est. Apex Body: National Research Foundation (NRF)
○ PARAKH (national assessment centre) → Performance Assessment, Review,
and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development.
● Est. Higher Education Commission of India (HECI)
○ Single umbrella body for higher education (exception: medical and legal
○ 4 Independent Verticals
■ National Higher Education Regulatory Council (NHERC)
■ Gender Education Council (GEC)
■ Higher Education Grant Council (HEGC)
■ National Accreditation Council (NAC)
○ Autonomous Body: National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) → free
exchange of ideas.

Prime Mock 13 (96%ile 22)

67. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) - e-RUPI

● Developed by National Payments Corporation of India (Ministry of Finance)
● Regulated by RBI
● e₹-R (Pilot: December 1, 2022) → CBDC Retail and and e₹-W (Pilot: November 1,
2022) → CBDC Wholesale
● 1st phase of Pilot → Close User Group (CUG) → Mumbai, New Delhi, Bengaluru,
● Amend RBI Act (1934) → Definition of “Bank note” to include currency in digital form
● Digital form of fiat currency → Wallets backed by Blockchain technology
● Fiat Currency: government issues currency not backed by a commodity like gold
● 2020: 1st nationwide CBDC - Sand Dollar (Bahamas)
● 2021 → Nigeria → eNaira (2021)
● June, 2022 → Jamaica → JAM-DEX
● e₹-R
○ Issued in same denominations as paper currencies and coins
○ Distributed via financial intermediaries i.e. banks
○ Transactions: Person to Person (P2P) and Person to Merchant (P2M)
○ No interest
○ Can be converted to other forms (eg: Deposits with banks)
● e₹-W
○ Limited to settlement of secondary market transactions in government securities

68. World Happiness Report 2023

● Released by UN Sustainable DeveloPment Solutions Network
● Based on surveys by Gallup Institute → Life Evaluation
● 1st report: 2012
● Finland → Happiest country for 6th year
● Top 3 happy countries → Finland, Denmark, Iceland (4th: Israel, 5th: Netherland)
● Unhappiest countries: Afghanistan
● IND: 126th Rank (2022: 136th)
● Neighbours’ Rank → Sri Lanka (112th), Pakistan (108th), Nepal (78th)
● Madhya Pradesh → 1st state to estd. happiness dept. (2017) → CM Shivraj Singh
● Andhra Pradesh → 2nd state to est. happiness dept.
● Parameters: GDP per person, health life expectancy, opinion of residents
● Only country to measure Gross national Happiness (GNH) → Bhutan - as per 2008

69. COVID 19 and CAWACH

● COVID → SARS-CoV-2 Virus → Wuhan, Hubei Province, China Outbreak (December,
2019) → (Latin) halo or crown.
● Corona virus → caused Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) → Nidovirus family → Nidovirales Order
(includes Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, families)
● WHO - Director General: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Ethiopia) since 2017 - HQ:
Geneva, Switzerland - estd. 7 April, 1948 - 1st meet of World Health Assembly: 24 July,
● CAWACH (Centre for Augmenting WAR with COVID-19 Health Crisis) initiative →
National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board, Dept. of
Science and Tech.
● Virus → collection of Genetic Code (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat. →
inactive outside host.

70. Padma Awards

● Bharat Ratna>Padma Vibhushan>Padma Bhushan>Padma Shri
● Instituted in 1954 along with Bharat Ratna
● Recognise fields → element of public service
● Certificate signed by President + medallion (can be worn at public and government
● No conferment of titles → not to be used as prefix/ suffix.
● Padma Awards Committee → constituted by Prime Minister
○ Can give higher award after 5 yrs of previous award
○ Max 120 awards every year (excludes posthumous award, NRIs, Foreigners)
○ Government servants (including PSUs) except doctors and scientists not
● No provision to seek written/formal consent of recipient
● X eligible for Padma Awards → Government servant working with a PSU
● 2023 → 106 Padma Awards → 6 Padma Vibhushan, 9 Padma Bhushan, 91 Padma
● Padma Vibhushan 23’ → for exceptional and distinguished service
○ UP CM Mulayam Singh Yadav - posthumously
○ Dilip Mahalababis → Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) - posthumously
○ Zakir Hussain → Art
○ Balkrishna Doshi → Architecture → Pritzker Prize (2018) - posthumously
● Padma Bhushan 23’ → distinguished service of higher order
○ Sudha Murty
○ Deepak Dhar → statistical physics
○ SL Bhyrappa
○ KM Birla
○ Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji
● Padma Shri 23’ → distinguished service
○ MM Keeravaani
○ Raveena Tandon
○ Jodhaiyabai Baiga - Art
○ Usha Barle - Art
○ Premjit Baria - Art
● 1st recipient of Bharat Ratna → C Rajagopalachari, S. Radhakrishnan, CV Raman
● Posthumous Awards since January, 1955 → 1st to be honoured posthumously: Lal
Bahadur Shastri
● Youngest Bharat Ratna recipient → Sachin Tendulkar - age 40 (2014)
● 1st singer to be awarded - MS Subbulakshmi
● 1st actor to be awarded - MG Ramachandran
● Dhondo Keshav Karve (Social reform) → 100th Birthday - Bharat Ratna
● Bharat Ratna - 1 naturalised citizen: Mother Teresa; 2 Non-Indians: Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(Pak), Nelson Mandela (South Africa)
● Bharat Ratna + Other civil honours → suspended twice - 1977-80, 1992-95
● Subhash Chandra Bose → only time when Bharat Ratna was announced but not
● Posthumous awards to Vallabhbhai Patel (1991) + Madan Mohan Malviya (2015)

71. AAP declared a National party - 10 April, 2023

● AAP → estd. In 2012 by Arvind Kejriwal (2011 Indian Anti-Corruption Movement) →
“Broom” symbol → Delhi and Punjab → fulfilled condition - recognition as state party in
four states: Delhi, Punjab, Goa, Gujarat.
● Conditions of Para 6B (National Party) - Election Symbols Order, 1968
○ Recognised state party in 4 or more states
○ 6% votes in any 4 or more states in last Lok Sabha or Assembly elections and 4
MPs in Last Lok Sabha polls.
○ 2% seats in Lok Sabha from at least 3 states
● Conditions of Para 6A (State Party) - Election Symbols Order, 1968
○ 6% votes in last Assembly election and 2 MLAs
○ 6% votes in last Lok Sabha elections from the state and 1 MP from state
○ 3% seats or 3 seats, whichever is more, in last Assembly elections
○ One MP for every 25 members or any other fraction allotted to state in Lok Sabha
○ 8% total votes in Last Assembly or Lok Sabha Election from state
● 6 National Parties: BJP, Congress, Bahujan Samaj party (BSP), CPI(M), National
People’s Party (NPP), AAP.
● “National Party Status” suspended → All India Trinamool Congress, National
Congress Party (NCP), Communist Party of India (CPI)
● “State Party Status” granted
○ Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) in Uttar Pradesh
○ Bharat Rashtra Samiti (BRS) in Andhra Pradesh
○ People’s Democratic Alliance (PDA) in Manipur
○ Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) in Puducherry
○ Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) in West Bengal
○ Mizoram People’s Conference (MPC) in Mizoram
● Advantages of Recognised party
○ Election symbol can’t be used by another party
○ Require only one proposer to file nomination
○ Free 2 sets of electoral rolls from ECI
○ Copy of Electoral Roll for free
○ Receive land/building from govt for party offices
○ National Parties - upto 40 star campaigners (others: upto 20)
○ Expenses of star campaigner → not included in election expenditure
○ Time slot on radio and TV
● 2016: ECI → to review status of political parties every 10 years (prev. 5 yrs)

Prime Mock 14 (70%ile 22)

72. New GI Tags allotted

● Under GI Act, 1999 → came into force in 2003
● GI Tag valid for 10 yrs (can be renewed for 10 yrs)
● Article 22 of WTO TRIPS Agreement (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights) → Define GI Tag.
● 1st GI Product in IND → Darjeeling Tea - West Bengal (2004-05)
● Most GI Tags in FY 22-23 → Kerala
● Nagri Dubraj → Basmati of Chhattisgarh (Help by Indira Gandhi Agricultural University,
Chattisgarh Produced by Women SHG: “Maa Durga Swasahayata Samuh”)
● Morena and Rewa Mango → Madhya Pradesh
● Cumbum Panneer Thratchai or Cumbum grapes → Tamil Nadu
● Wood Carving → Ladakh
● Ramnagar bhanta (Brinjal), Chandausi adam chini chawal (rice), Banarasi Paan, Langra
mango, Aligarh Tala, Bakharia Brassware, banda Shazar Patthar Craft, Nagina Wood
craft, Pratapgarh Aonla, Hathras hing→ Uttar Pradesh
● Marcha Rice → Champaran, Bihar
● Mithila Makhana (aquatic fox nut) → Bihar
● Alibag White onion → Maharashtra
● Tandur Redgram → Telangana
● Ladakh Raktsey Karpo Apricot → Ladakh
● Gamosa Handicrafts → Assam

73. Tokyo Olympics Results and Scandal; India’s Track Record at

● India’s 1st winner of Olympic Athletics Gold medal → Neeraj Chopra - nominated for
2022 Laureus World Breakthrough of the Year Award.
● Olympic gold winners → Abhinav Bindra - Air Rifle (2008); Neeraj Chopra - Track and
field - 87.58 m throw — Till now, IND → 10 gold Medals at Olympics (8 as team)
● 2020 Tokyo Olympics → IND: 48th position - 1 gold, 2 silver, 4 bronze (1st: USA, 2nd:
China, 3rd: Great Britain, 4th: Japan)
● 1st Indian → 2 medals at Olympics → Sushil Kumar (Wrestler) - 2008 (Beijing) and
2012 (London)
● 1st Indian Female → 2 medals at Olympics → PV Sindhu (badminton) - 2016 (Rio) and
2020 (Tokyo) → gold at 2019 World Championships
● Mirabai Chanu (Weightlifting) → Silver at Tokyo (2020) 49 kg - Gold at
CommonWealth Games (CGW) 2022 → Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna (2018).
● Mirabai Chanu → 2nd Indian Weightlifter after Karnam Malleswari to win Olympic

74. R21/Matrix-M → New Malaria Vaccine

● 1st approved by Ghana
● 1st to exceed WHO’s target of 75% efficiency
● Alexander Fleming → 1st antibiotic: Penicillin
● Edward Jenner → smallpox vaccine (using mild cowpox virus)- 1st to be developed
against contagious disease
● (1958-77) → WHO: Global vaccination campaign against smallpox (only human disease
to be eradicated)
● Covaxin → by Bharat Biotech, Hyderabad (Chairman: Krishna Ella) Padma Bhushan
+ Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology, Pune, Maharashtra
→ Nov, 2021 - WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) → inactivated platform.
● Covishield → by University of Oxford + AstraZeneca → Manufacturing partner:
Serum Institute of India (SII) → technical name: AZD1222 or ChAdOx 1 nCoV19 →
Viral-vectored platform.
● Sputnik V → Gamaleya Institute + Defense Ministry
● ZyKoV-D → DNA Plasmid based → by Cadila Healthcare (IND) + Biotechnology
Industry Research Assistance Council.
● India’s 1st cervical cancer shot → by Serum Institute of India.
○ Cervical cancer → 4th most common cancer among women.
○ Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 → 70% of cervical cancers
○ Works for HPV Type 16,18 11, 6.
○ Main Makers of HPV Vaccines → Merck & Co. + GSK Plc

75. QUAD

● 1st by Shin Zo Abe (Japan) in 2007

● Estd. in 2017 → India, Australia, Japan, USA
● 1st QUAD Summit → virtual mode - host: USA
● Feb, 2021 → QUAD Ministerial meeting
● Asian NATO → Balance China
● 2020 US-China Economic and Security Review Commission
● Name changed → Quadrilateral Security Dialogue to Quadrilateral Framework
● 2012: ShinZo Abe → concept of Asia’s “Democratic Security Diamond”
● Malabar Naval Exercise → since 1992 (originally b.w. India and USA)
● I2U2 (estd. October, 2021) → India, Israel, UAE, USA → 1st Joint Statement (14 July,
2022) → Investment in Water, Energy, Transportation, Space, Health, Food security.

76. Ramon Magsaysay Award 2023

● Established in 1957 - Asia's premier prize and highest honour. (Nobel Prize counterpart
of Asia)
● by trustees of Rockefeller Brothers Fund (NY City)
● Ramon Magsaysay - seventh president of the Republic of the Philippines. (death:
○ guerilla leader during the Pacific War - governor of Province of Zambales.
(Liberal Party)
○ Created party: Nacionalista
○ Philippines’ first president born after the Spanish colonial era
○ country’s first president born in the twentieth century
● honours individuals and organisations in Asia, regardless of race, creed, gender, or
nationality every yr. - 31 August
● Till 2009, awards were traditionally given in five categories:
○ Government service; public service; community leadership; journalism, literature
and creative communication arts; and peace and international understanding.
○ post 2009 : • field of Emergent Leadership.
● 1st award presented: 31st August, 1958
● agency: Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation (RMAF)
● Capital Manila and Currency Philippine peso
● Indian Recipients:
○ 1st: Vinobhe Bhave (1958) - New Social revolution in India (Bhoodan Movement
- Land Reforms)
○ Mother Teresa (1962) - Peace and International Understanding
○ Verghese Kurien (1963) - Father of White Revolution (Operation Flood)
○ Jayaprakash Narayan (1965) - Public Service
○ Satyajit Ray (1967) - Journalism, Literature and Creative Communication Arts -
from Kolkata - 36 films - 1st: Pather Panchali
○ MS Swaminathan (1971) - Green Revolution in Agriculture
○ Subbulakshmi (1974) -first Indian musician to receive the award; classical songs
○ Boobli George Verghese (1975) -Journalism: Hindustan Times, IE, Centre for
Policy Research.
○ Kiran Bedi (1994) - reforms in Tihar Jail
○ Aruna Roy (2000) - founder Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathana - Led RTI
Movement: led to RTI Act, 2005.
○ Arvind Kejriwal (2006) - Parivartan movement - RTI campaign against govt
○ Ravish Kumar (2019) - ‘Prime Time show’ on NDTV
○ KK Shailaja (Former Health minister of Kerala) rejected award for contributions
to preventing COVID and Nipah Virus.

Prime Mock 15 (89%ile 22)

77. SCO Defence Ministers’ meet

● India+Pakistan → Full Time members since 2017 (Astana Summit, Kazakhstan)
● March, 2023 → Saudi Arabia - Dialogue Partner of SCO
● Members: China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan,
Uzbekistan (turkmenistan x member)
● Observers: Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, Mongolia
● Dialogue Partners: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey
● 2021 → The Accession process of Iran started.
● Only Central Asian country not part of SCO: Turkmenistan (1995: Resolution of
“Permanent Neutrality” to UN)

78. Disqualification from Parliament

● Afzal Ansari (Bahujan Samaj Party - BSP) - Member from Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh →
4 yr jail → Disqualified from Parliament. (Along with bro Mukhtar Ansari)
● 2019 Defamation Case → Rahul Gandhi → member from Wayanad, Kerala → 2 yrs in
● S8, RPA, 1951 → If MP/MLA jailed for 2 years or more → disqualified for 6 years from
time of release.
● S8(4), RPA, 1951 → If an MP/MLA/MLC appeals in 3 months, can continue their post.
→ Removed by SC in Lily Thomas v.s. UOI (2013)
● Disqualification from State Legislature → Final Decision by Governor → advice of EC.
● Disqualification from Parliament → Final Decision by President → advice of EC.
● ECI → powers of civil court in case of any enquiry → may reduce or remove
● Criteria for Disqualification - RPA, 1951
○ Found guilty of election offences or corrupt practices
○ Convicted - imprisonment of 2 yrs or more (Exception: Preventive Detention)
○ Failed to lodge account of election expenses
○ Has interest in government contracts, works, services
○ Director or managing agent or office of profit in a corporation with 25% share of
○ Dismissed from govt for corruption or disloyalty to state
○ Convicted for promoting enmity between different groups or bribery
○ Punished for practising social crimes: Sati, dowry, untouchability

79. Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) of RBI

● To absorb excess liquidity from commercial banks without giving government securities
in return.
● Banks can park as much money with RBI as they want, without getting collateral, at
lower rate than Reverse repo rate.
● 1st mooted in Urjit Patel Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) Report (2014)
● Govt’s approval → 2018 → amend S17, RBI Act, 1934 → create SDF.
● Finance Act (2016) → amend RBI Act, 1934 → framework for MPC - meet 4 times per
● Increase in Repo Rate (Rate at which RBI provides loan to commercial bank in short
term) → higher borrowing cost
● Increase in Bank Rate (Rate at which RBI provides loan to commercial banks in long
term) → make loans more expensive.
● Reduce inflation → Reduce money supply → Increase Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
and Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
● 25 bps below Repo Rate and 50 bsps belo Marginal Standing Facility (MSF)

80. Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report

● By Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) → 6th Assessment cycle -
AR6 (since 2015)
● IPCC → estd in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UN
Environment Programme (UNEP) → hq: Geneva, Switzerland → 195 members →
Bureau - usual cycle of 6 to 7 years.
● UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) → “Earth Summit” (1992)
–. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
● Earth Day → 22 April (since 1970) - 2023 Theme: “Invest in Our Planet”.
● Key Observations
○ Excess Emissions raised temperature by 1.1* C above 1950-1900
○ At current rate, we’ll deplete carbon budget (of 500 GtCO2)
○ Cut GHG emissions by 2030
○ Solutions to shift to low-carbon economic systems
○ Political commitment and equity are key
● UN Conference on Human Environment (Stockholm Conference, Sweden) - 1972 -
Theme: Only One Earth - 122 countries → commemorate 50 yrs - Stockholm+50 (in

81. Persecution of Muslims in China and Myanmar

● Uighur issue in Xinjiang, China → Ekpar Asat - social media influencer - disappeared
after returning from the USA.
● 700,000 Refugees from Myanmar → Cox Bazar, Bangladesh
● UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)- estd. 1950 → Geneva, Switzerland
(1951 Refugees Convention)
● January 2020 → ICJ Verdict on Rohingya issue, Myanmar
○ Binding ( x appeal ) → but no means available to enforce.
○ Myanmar govt → Prevent Atrocities against Rohingya Muslim Community →
Convention on Prevention and Punishment of Crime of Genocide (Genocide
Convention ) - 1948
○ Preservation of evidence of genocide
○ Army to stop genocide
● 1st Indian to become permanent Judge of ICJ → Sir Benegal Narsingh Rau (1952-53)
● Indian President of ICJ (1985 - 88) → Justice Nagendra Singh
● 4 Indian Judges at ICJ → BN Rau, Nagendra Singh, RS Pathak, Dalveer Bhandari
● Last China Convoy to India → Sun Wiedong

Prime Mock 16 (58%ile 22)

82. SCO Council of Foreign Ministers

● At Taj Exotica Resort in Benaulim
● Secretary General: Zhang Ming (China)
● Ministers attending
○ China → Qin Gang ( gayab karwa diya bechare ko )
○ Russia → Sergey Lavrov
○ Pakistan → Bilawal Butto Zardari (37th Foreign Minister) - Son of Benazir Bhutto
(assassination → 27 December, 2007) - PM: 1988-90; 1993-96.
○ Uzbekistan → Bakhtiyor Saidov
● 2023 Theme: “SECURE-SCO”
● Founded: 2001 in Shanghai (Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan,
● Security issues in Eurasia
● SCO Council of National Coordinators, 2023 → Panaji, Goa

83. Inauguration of 1st Air Force Heritage Centre, Chandigarh

● Inaugurated by Rajnath Singh
● MOU: Chandigarh and Air force
● Displays Hindustan Piston Trainer-32 primary flying aircraft, MiG 21, GNAT Aircraft
(Sabre Slayer)
● Displays Air Force Kanpur 1 → made by Air Vice Marshal Harjinder Singh (1958)
● Theme: “Rich Heritage in IAF”

84. Civil War in Manipur

● Trigger: HC Order for SC Status to Meitei community
● 64% population → non-tribal Meiteis - Imphal Valley
● Process of Inclusion in ST List: Recommendation of state govt → Review by Tribal
Affairs Ministry → approval by Registrar General, Home Ministry → sent to NCST →
Final Decision by Cabinet → Bill in Parliament to Amend Constitution (SC/ST) Order,
1950 → Final Decision by President under Article 341 and Article 342
● 90% area → hills → inhabited by 35% of recognized tribes
● Meiteis → Politically and academically advanced.
● Manipur CM → Nongthombam Biren Singh (since 2017)

85. WTO 12th Ministerial Conference (MC)

● Every 2 yrs
● IND led by Min of Commerce and Industry Piyush Goyal → Favourable outcome for
farmers and fishermen
● Held in Geneva, Switzerland
● 164 members (including EU)
● Major Outcomes
○ Binding Decision → exempt UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) from export
restrictions. (Exception: Domestic food security needs)
○ Waive Intellectual Property Patents on COVID vaccines without consent of patent
holder for 5 years
○ Continue Moratorium on Custom duties on Electronic Transmission (ET) until
next MC or March 31, 2024.
○ Curb Harmful subsidies on illegal fishing for 4 years (Exception: Subsidies by
Developing or least-developed countries for fishing within EEZ)

86. Oscar Awards 2023

● Honorary Oscar for Lifetime Achievement (64th Academy Awards) - 1991 → Satyajit Ray
→ Announced by Audrey Hepburn
● 1st Indian → Academy Award for “Best Costume Design” (1982) → Bhanu Athaiya -
Film: “Gandhi”
● 2 Academy Awards - Best Original Score and Best Original Song (2009) → AR Rahman
- Slumdog Millionaire. (“Jai Ho” - shared with Gulzar - 2013 Dadasaheb Phalke Award) -
Best Song Mixing Award: Rosul Pookutty, Richard Pryke, Ian Tapp.
● 96th Academy Awards

○ Best Original Song: RRR - Naatu Naatu - Composer: MM Keeravani, Lyrics -

Chandrabose, Vocals - Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairava. (won Golden Globes,
Critics’ Choice Awards, Hollywood Critics Association)

○ Best Documentary Short: The Elephant Whisperers - Director: Kartiki Gonsalves,

Producer: Guneet Monga. (couple and Raghu-elephant)

Prime Mock 17 (81.4%ile 22)

87. Green Climate Fund (GCF)

● Tamil Nadu Green Climate Fund (TNGCF) → 1,000 cr funs size + 1,000 cr greenshoe
option → managed by Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Fund Management Corporation
● Estd. under UNFCCC in 2010 → fully operational in 2015
● Main Purpose → assist developing countries address climate change via financial
● Criteria to access GCF → vulnerability to climate change impact
● GCF Secretariat → South Korea
● Most significant greenhouse gas emitted via human activities → Carbon Dioxide
● Methane → Potent greenhouse gas with higher warming potential than CO2

88. Sudan Military Crisis

● 2019: Omar al-Bashir removed via Military coup by Rapid Support Forces (RSF) -
Mohamed Hamdan “Hemedti” Dagalo and Army - Abdel Fattah al-Burhan.
● Max clashes → Khartoum (Capital) - at confluence of White Nile and Blue Nile
● Civil war → Army v.s. RSF
● Currency of Sudan → Sudanese Pound (SDG)
89. SSLV D-2 Mission
● Launch from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Andhra Pradesh
● EOS 7 → Earth Observation Satellite
● Janus 1 → Antaris (USA)
● AzaadiSAT-2 → SpaceXidz (Chennai, Tamil Nadu)
● SSLV D-1 → August 7, 2022 → Partial failure: Shortfall in velocity - failed to inject
satellite payload in intended orbit.
● ISRO Chairman → S Somnathan

90. Comprehensive Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific

Partnership (CPTPP)
● Entry into force: 2018
● 1st new member: United Kingdom (1st European Country to join CPTPP) → compensate
trade loss from Brexit → CPTPP to be more than 15% of world GDP.
● free trade Agreement in Asia Pacific
● 11 members: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand,
Peru, Singapore, Vietnam
● Original Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) → 2005
○ US backed out → other 10 countries + Canada formed CPTPP

91. Inner Line Permit (ILP)

● To protect interest of indigenous communities and regulate movement of non-residents
● 4th state with ILP → Manipur → since December, 2019
● Manipur → 398 km border with Myanmar → 2,000 Myanmar Refugees identified
● Manipur CM N. Biren Singh → Facial Recognition System (FRS) for ILP
● Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram → Exempted from CAA, 2019 due to
● Protection Area Permit (PAP) → needed by foreigners to visit tourist places in protected
● Inner LinePermit (ILP) → needed by domestic tourists to visit tourist places in protected
● Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation (BEFR) Act, 1873 → protect Crown’s commercial
interest in North-east India
● Integrated Command and Control Center → Imphal, Manipur
Prime Mock 18 (86.7%ile)

92. End of “Global Emergency Status” to COVID-19: WHO

● COVID-19 → Global Emergency status since - Jan, 2020
● COVID to be treated as seasonal influenza
● WHO: Emergencies Director - Michael Ryan
● Mpox (Monkeypox) → WHO Emergency Committee: End Public health emergency
status → in humans due to direct contact with blood, bodily fluid, lesions of infected
animals → Viral Zoonotic disease → similar symptoms to smallpox but with less severity.
● “Outbreak” → rise in number of cases above baseline in a specific location and time

93. European Union

● 13th President of European Commission → Ursula von der Leyen (Germany) (since
2019) - member of Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and European People’s Party
(EPP) - 1st woman to hold the office.
● EU → 27 countries
● BREXIT → 31 January, 2020.
○ UK → EU Member since 1973
○ European Union (Withdrawal) Act, 2018 → retains relevant EU law as domestic
law → can be amended/ repealed.
○ Northern Ireland → continue to participate in European Single Market in goods →
De facto member of EU Customs Union
● Eurozone → 19 members - estd. By Maastricht Treaty (1993) → estd. In 1999
● Origin of EU (European Communities)
○ Western Union - 1948 Treaty of Brussels
○ European Economic and Steel Community (ECSC) - 1951 Treaty of Paris
○ European Economic Community (EEC) - 1957 Treaty of Rome
● Original Members: Inner 6: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, West
● HQ: Belgium, Brussels
● Charles Michel (Belgium) → President of European Council (since 2019)
● 2022: Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine → Application for EU membership
○ Ukraine → 28 February, 2022 (5 days after war)
○ Georgia, Moldova → 3 March, 2022
● Latest country to join Eurozone → Croatia (1 January, 2023)

94. Ladakh’s Demand for 6th Schedule

● Demand → due to fear of big conglomerates

● 6th Schedule (Article 244) → Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram → Limited Autonomy
in legislative, Judicial, Administrative Matters within state
● NCST: Recommend Ladakh to be put in 6th Schedule - significant tribal population
● MHA → High Powered Committee on Ladakh → protection of land and employment
● Autonomous Districts (6th Schedule) → 30 members: 4 nominated by Governor + 26
elected by adult franchise
● Acts of Parliament - x applicable to autonomous districts - except when President or
Governor advises otherwise

Prime Mock 19

Countdown Mock 01

Drought in Somalia
● Since 2020
● For 1st time at top of International Rescue Committee Emergency Watching
● Capital → Mogadishu
● Currency → Somali Shilling
● Most somali people → Nomadic pastoralism or agro pastoralism
● Led to food crisis
● COVID-19 → displacement of people to better areas within country.
● UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia → 1.4 mn children below 5 years
severely malnourished → 3.5 lakh will perish by the summer.
● Year of Nutrition → by African Union (AU)

Gaganyaan Mission
● To demonstrate human spaceflight capability.
● IND → 4th country to launch a manned spaceflight mission (after US, Russia, China)
● Vyommitra → Robot
● ablative thermal protection system (TPS) → protect astronaut from aerodynamic heating
● Collaboration with ISRO → Indian Armed Force, DRDO, Indian Maritime Agencies,
Indian Meteorological Department, CSIR Labs, Academic Institutes, and Industry

Climate Change Performance Index, 2023

● IND → 8th Rank (Improved 2 positions)
● NDCs
○ reduce the Emissions intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005
○ 50 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from nonfossil fuel-based
energy resources by 2030 → Tech transfer from Green Climate Fund (GCF)
○ create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent
through additional forest and tree cover by 2030
● IND → Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy → submitted in COP 27.
● IND → Perform, Achieve and Trade program → reduce Specific Energy Consumption
(SEC) in energy-intensive sectors.
● IND → High rating in GHG Emissions category
● As per CCPI → India is on track to meet its 2030 emissions targets → x on track to meet
renewable energy target.
● CCPI Concern about IND → increase in coal, oil, and gas production by over 5% by
2030 → x meet 1.5°C target.

Countdown 2

Nepal PM Prachanda’s Visit to India

● Sister city agreement → Kathmandu + Varanasi
● Lord Buddha
○ Birthplace - Lumbini
○ Enlightenment - Bodhgaya
○ 1st sermon - Sarnath
○ Death - Kushinagar
● West Seti Hydropower project → stranded by Chinese company → taken up by NHPC
● Dr Ambedkar Chair for Buddhist Studies → Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) +
Lumbini Buddhist University
● Joint degree Programme by IIT Madras + Kathmandu University
● Arun-4 Hydropower Project in Nepal → by Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) → 900 MW
Aruna-III Project.
● 900 MW Upper Karnali Project → GMR
● Kalapani Dispute → Treaty of Sugauli (1816) with East India Company - River Kali as
Indo-Nepal Border
● Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Route (Uttarakhand) → Dharchula in Pithoragarh,
Uttarakhand to Lipulekh Pass

Bharat 6G Vision Document

● 6G → 100 times faster than 5G → speed upto 1 terabyte per second
● India Mobile Congress (Ericsson Stall, Delhi) → Modi - Remote Test drive of car in
● 1st to launch 6G Communications test satellite → China → Taiyuan Satellite Launch
Center, Shanxi Province → Long March 6 Rocket.

● 2nd IPEF Negotiations Round → Bali, Indonesia (March)
● 5 Pillars (IND participated in II-IV)
○ I: Trade
○ II: Supply Chains
○ III: Clean Economy
○ IV: Clean Economy
● 1st IPEF Negotiations Round → Brisbane, Australia (Dec)
● Special Negotiation Round → New Delhi (Feb)
● “Digital Governance” → Conflicts with India’s Position on privacy and data
● IPEF Members (14) → IND, USA, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, India, Indonesia, Japan,
Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
● Launch: 2021
● 40% of World GDP
● Flexibility in choosing desired participation

22nd World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS)

● Theme: “Mainstreaming Sustainable Development and Climate Resilience for Collective
● Prev. called Delhi Sustainable Development Summit
● Org by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi
● Brundtland Commission → “Our Common Future” (1987)
Legal Edge

LE CLAT Mock 01

1. Massive water reservoir found - Goethe University, Frankfurt

● Rare Diamond - 660 m below Earth surface → ringwoodite mineral → from Botswana,
Africa →
● By Institute of Geosciences, Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany (estd. 1914)
● National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) → prev. National Centre for
Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR) → at Vasco da Gama, Goa → under Dept. of
Ocean Development (DOD), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MES) → NCPOR estd. In 1998
● Components of Surface of Earth (4) → Crust, Mantle, Inner Core, Outer Core
● Crust → outermost shell → 40 km deep → 1% of Earth’s Mass → Made of Solid rocks
and minerals
● Mantle → Solid Rocks and Minerals + Malleable semi- solid magma → top component of
Lithosphere, a division of Earth’s layers - includes crust + upper part of mantle.

2. Cybersecurity and SOVA Trojan

● SOVA Virus → Android Banking Trojan Virus → add false overlays to apps + mimic
banking + payment applications → hides within fake Android apps with logo of famous
legit apps (Chrome, Amazon)
● IND Federal Tech Arm against cyber threats → Indian Computer Emergency Response
Team (CERT-In)
● VPN: Virtual Private Network → extends private network across a public network →
enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks if their
computing devices were directly connected to the private network → used for remote
● Meity → Ashwini Vaishnaw
● Computer Viruses → Cerberus, BlackRoc, Kronos (H2N2 - Influenza A Virus - x
computer virus)

3. Russia Ukraine War and Entry mechanism of NATO

● NATO → 31 countries → estd. On 4 April, 1949 → Treaty of Washington → HQ:
Brussels, Belgium → HQ of Allied Command Operations: Mons, Belgium
● Warsaw Pact → Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance → Signed:
1955 → Complementary to Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMEcon) -
Regional eco org for socialist states.
● Ukraine → President: Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy; PM: Denys Shymhal
● Capital of Ukraine → Kyiv → along Dnieper River

4. India’s Exemption from CAATSA

● CAATSA Exemption→ by Ro Khanna → Countering America’s Adversaries Through
Sanctions Act → Reason: China
● 1st National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of USA - 1961 → Jurisdiction of
Senate/House Armed Services Committee (US Congress - oversee defense budget via
NDAA + Defense Appropriation Bills)
● 2016: US designated India as “Major Defense Partner”
● IND-Russia Deal → 5.43 bn USD → S-400 Triumf Surface-to-air missile (2018)
● CAATSA (2017) → by Donald Trump → Sanctions on Iran, North Korea, Russia

5. UN Ocean Conference 2022, Blue Deal and UNCLOS (1982)

● UN Ocean Conference 2022 → Hosts: Portugal + Kenya → Theme: “Life Below Water”
(SDG 14) → Key Agenda: Moratorium on Deep Sea Fishing + Carbon Sequestration
● Discussed “Blue Deal” → Sustainable use of ocean resources for Economic Growth
● Last intl agreement on ocean protection - UNCLOS → 1982

6. Quadrilateral Security dialogue and Humanitarian Assistance

and Disaster Relief Partnership (HADR), Recent Exercises by
conducted by India.
● QUAD - started in 2004 as Australia-India-Japan-US Tsunami Core Group
● QUAD signed Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (Q-HADR) Partnership →
agreed at Tokyo Summit of QUAD
● Ex Desert Eagle → IND-UAE → Al-Dhafra Air Base, Abu Dhabi

7. Arogya Manthan 2022, PMJAY, Ayushman Excellence Awards

2022 and Various Initatives of Kerala
● Kerala → Free medical treatment under Ayushman Bharat Karunya Arogya Suraksha
Padhati (AB-KASP)
● Ayushman Utkrishtata Puruskar 2022
○ Top performing state/UT: Andhra Pradesh
○ Top performing district: Parvathipuram Manyam (Andhra Pradesh)
○ Top Performing Government Facility: District Hospital Dharwad (Karnataka)
○ Best Performing States: Kerala, Meghalaya, Gujarat, Manipur, Jharkhand,
Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh.
○ Best Performing UTs: Chandigarh, Jammu and Kashmir
○ Top Government Integrator with highest number of health records linked to
ABHA: National Informatics Centre (NIC)
● Kerala Health Minister: Veena George
● National Medical Commission (NMC) replaced Medical Council of India (MCI)
● Kerala govt → Aardram Mission - Public Health sector

LE CLAT Mock 02

8. Ethiopia-Tigray War
● Beginning: 3 November, 2020
● Eastern Part of African continent
● Ethiopia+Eritrea v.s. Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)
● African Union (AU) → 55 members → announced on 1999 - Sirte Declaration in Libya →
founded in 2001 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia → Launched in 2002 in Durban, South Africa.
● Organisation of African Unity (OAU) → estd. In 1963 in Addis Ababa by 32 members →
replaced by AU.
● AU → Chair: Macky Sall (President of Senegal)
● Horn of Africa → called “Somali Peninsula” → East Africa → 4th Largest Peninsula in
world → along Red Sea, Guardafui Channel, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Arabian
Peninsula → includes Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, de facto Somaliland.
● 4th PM of Ethiopia → Abiy Ahmed Ali → Nobel Peace Prize 2019
● Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) → Left wing ethnic nationalist paramilitary group

9. Internationalisation of Rupee
● RBI estd. In 1935 by RBI Act, 1934 (Recommendations of Royal Commission on Indian
Currency and Finance - Hilton Young Commission - 1926) → Nationalised on 1 January,
● CBDC → by RBI → wholesale + retail
● India’s Central Bank before RBI → Imperial Bank of India
● Banknotes minting → Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran (BRBNM) of the Reserve
Bank of India + Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) of
● T Rabi Sankar (RBI Dy. Gov) → talked about internationalisation of Rupee
● Masala bonds → bonds issued outside India but denominated in Indian Rupees, rather
than the local currency → Term by International Finance Corporation (IFC) → e investors
bear the risk → 1st by in 2014 - 1,000 crore by World Bank backed IFC.
● 25th RBI Governor → Shaktikanta Das
10. FATF
● founded in 1989 - by G7 Summit, Paris
● FATF blacklist ("Call for action") + FATF grey list ("Other monitored jurisdictions")
● IND → FATF Observer Status: 2006 → Full member: 2010
● Myanmar → added to Black List
● Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) → Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and
the United Arab Emirates (6) → HQ: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia → Charter of the GCC (1981)
→ all members - monarchies → 3 constitutional monarchies (Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain), 2
Absolute Monarchies (Saudi Arabia, Oman), 1 Federal Monarchy (UAE)
● IMF Chief Economist: Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (France) → succeeded Gita Gopinath
● FATF President → T. Raja Kumar of Singapore (replaced Marcus Pleyer)

11. El Nino and La Nina

● La Niña → cooling of surface ocean waters along the tropical west coast of South
America → cooler-than-normal waters in the tropical Pacific
El Nino → unusually warm ocean temperatures in the equatorial region of the Pacific
Ocean → every 2 to 7 years → Not a regular cycle or predictable like ocean tides
● phases of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) → "cold" (La Niña) and "warm" (El Niño)
● Affect ocean temperatures, the speed and strength of ocean currents, the health of
coastal fisheries, and local weather from Australia to South America
● Cyclone Sitrang → India and Bangladesh → 25 October 2022 → Formed near
Andaman and Nicobar Islands → Name by Thailand
● Paris Agreement Article 4, Para 2 → NDCs
● 2022 UNFCCC COP 27 → Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
● Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) → Ministry of Earth Sciences → HQ: Delhi

12. DPDP Bill and IT Rules (2021)

● IT (Intermediaries Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 - notified:
February 25, 2021
○ Significant Social Media Intermediaries (SSMIs) → Social media intermediaries
(SMIs) with registered users >50 lakh (5 mn)
○ SSMIs → Additional due diligence measures (x SMIs) → Appointing certain
personnel, enable identification of first originator, deploy technology based
measures to identify certain types of content.
○ 3 -tier grievance redressal mechanism
○ IT Act, 2000 → Amended in 2008 - exemption to intermediaries from liability for
any third-party information.
○ IT Min → Ashwini Vaishnaw

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13. United Nations

● UN → estd. 1945 → Members: 193
● IND → founding member (Total: 51)
● UN → 5 Permanent Members

14. ISRO LVM-3 One Web Launch

● LVM 3 → GSLV Mark-3 → orbited 36 satellites of OneWeb (UK) → Launch Capability:
4,000 kg in Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) + 8,000 kg in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
→ 3 Stage Launch Vehicle: S200 Strap On Solid Stage → L110 Liquid Stage → C25
Cryogenic Stage
● Features of LVM 3
○ First Commercial Mission of LVM3
○ First launch of LVM3 to LEO
○ First Indian rocket with six-ton payload
○ First NSIL Mission with LVM3
○ First OneWeb Mission with NSIL/Department of Space
● Mission via New Space India Limited (NSIL)
● One web constellation → LEO Polar Orbit → 1200 km above Earth → Each satellite - full
trip of Earth - 109 minutes
● PSLV → 1st Launch: 1994

15. National Maritime Heritage Complex (NMHC)

● World’s oldest dockyard → Lothal → establishing National Maritime Heritage Complex
● 4 Theme Parks → Memorial theme park, Maritime and Navy theme park, Climate theme
park, Adventure and Amusement theme park.
● Lothal → Trade with West Asia + Africa
● 2014 → Lothal nominated as UNESCO World Heritage Site
● Sites of IVC → Harappa (Pakistan), Mohenjodaro (Afghanistan), Ropar (Punjab),
Banawali (Haryana)

16. Global Hunger Index (GHI)

● 2022 → 107 of 121
● 50-point scale
● By Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilife
● Indicators: Undernourishment, Child stunting, Child wasting (low weight for height), Child
● IND → Child Wasting: 19.3%, Undernourishment: 14.6%
● NFSA, 2013 → up to 75% of the rural population and 50% of the urban population to
receive subsidised food grains → Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS)

17. Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings’23

● Topper (7th time consecutively) → Oxford
● 1,799 universities → 104 countries
● four indicators → Teaching, Research, Knowledge transfer, International outlook
● IND → 75 Institutes in THE Rankings (none in top 250)
● IND → Highest ranked - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore → 251-300 ranks
● IND → 6th most represented country

18. Green Energy in India

● IND → reduce carbon emission by 1 bn Tonne by 2030
● IND → reduce carbon intensit by 45% by 2030
● IND → Net Zero carbon emissions by 2070
● IND → 45 solar parks → 37 GW
● total installed capacity for renewable energy in IND → 151.4 GW
● world’s largest renewable energy park → 30 GW → Gujarat
● Govt Initiatives → PLI scheme to Support Manufacturing, Domestic Content
Requirement (DCR), Imposition of Basic Customs Duty on import of solar PV cells &
modules, Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS)

19. International Day of World’s Indigenous People

● first meeting of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations → Geneva
● 9 August, 2023
● 2023 Theme: Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-determination.
● Tribal people in IND → 809 blocks - Scheduled areas
● Govt schemes for tribal welfare → Digital Transformation of Tribal Schools,
Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups, TRIFED, 1000 Springs Initiative
● Expert Committee on Tribal Health → by Ministry of Health and Family Welfareand
Ministry of Tribal Affairs → recommended National Tribal Health Action Plan - 10 yr
target → 80 measures for 10 priority health problems.

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20. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

● IND → FDI of 578 bn USD (All-time Highest - September 3, 2021 - 642 bn USD)
● FDI → ivestment through capital instruments by a person resident outside India in: An
unlisted Indian company; or 10% or more of the post issue paid-up equity capital on a
fully diluted basis of a listed Indian company → only in listed + unlisted companies →
Largely non debt, creating capital flow.
● Reasons for Surge in Forex reserves → Rise in capital flows, Low credit takeoffs,
Narrowing Current Account Deficit, Favourable BoP.
● RBI → Accumulated reserves in 2006-08 → deal with 2008 global financial crisis
● Benefits behind surge in forex reserves → increased ability to absorb external shocks,
appreciation of the value of rupee → Reduce India’s Import Bill → SDR with IMF will

21. Global Food Policy Report

● IND by 2030 → food production drop 16% → People at risk from hunger increase 23%
● Context of Climate Change → Global food production - grow by 60% over 2010 level by
● Per capita consumption levels in developing countries will remain less than half of those
in developed countries.
● Production and demand are projected to grow more rapidly in developing countries,
particularly in Africa, than in developed countries, due to projected growth in population
and incomes.
● Diets are shifting towards higher-value foods outside high income countries.
● NFHS Survey - “Anaemia” → 67% Children (6-59 months), 57% Women (15-49 yrs),
25% Men (15-49 yrs)
● NFHS → 11% children (6-23 months) - Minimum acceptable diet
● NFHS - “Food Habits” → 29% Women, 17% Men - vegetarians
● NFHS → Diet deficiencies due to low consumption of fruits, milk, and curd were more
widespread in poorer communities and the ST community.

22. Shallow and Deep Ecologism

● Concept by Arne Næss (Norwegian Philosopher) - 1970s
● Shallow Ecologism - Weak Ecologism
● Deep Ecologism - Strong Ecologism
● Article 48A (DPSP) → State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment
and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country.
● Article 51 A (g) (Fundamental Duties) → Fundamental Duty of every citizen to protect
and improve the natural environment including forests and Wildlife
● USA → 5% World’s Population → 35% World’s Energy Consumption → 2nd largest
consumer of Electricity after China.

23. Global Annual to Decadal Climate Report

● 50% Chance → World may Breach 1.5*C in next 5 years
● Arctic temperature anomaly, compared to the 1991-2020 average, is predicted to be
more than three times as large as the global mean anomaly when averaged over the
next five northern hemisphere extended winters.
● 93 per cent chance → at least one year between 2022 and 26 will replace 2016 as the
warmest year on record/
● annual mean global near-surface temperature for each year between 2022 and 2026 is
predicted to be between 1.1 °C and 1.7 °C higher than preindustrial levels (the average
over the years 1850-1900)
● Earth Day → 22 April
● IND → Green Grids Initiative-One Sun One World One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) project
(Integrated global electricity grid with UK)

24. Open RAN

● Open Radio Access Network (O - RAN) → part of a mobile network system - part of a
mobile network system → Antennae + RAN Base Station → Radio access technology →
Silicon chip in both Core Network + User Equipment
● expands the ecosystem, and provides more Options to the Operators.
● Part of 5G
● January 1, 1983 → official birthday of the Internet. → Transfer Control
Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP)

25. Local Elections

● Supreme Court: must be conducted before expiry of the five years’ term
● Justice G Rohini Commission → examine sub-categorisation of other
● backward classes (OBCs) → Former Delhi HC Judge → 14th extension till July, 2023
● ‘K Krishna Murthy (Dr) and Ors v Union of India & Anr’ (2010) → Triple test for providing
OBC reservation → 1. set up a dedicated commission to collect empirical data on
backwardness → 2. Specify the proportion of reservation required → 3. reservation not
to exceed aggregate of 50% of the total seats.
● 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts (1992) → Panchayats and Urban local
bodies - 5 yr term → Election within 6 months of dissolution.

● interest that the fund accrues → deposited in the Consolidated Fund of India
● Launched in 1993
● Annually per MP - 5 crore
● 15% work under MPLADS in area with SC Population
● 7.5% Work under MPLADS in area with ST Population
● ceiling of Rs. 75 lakh → building assets by trusts and societies
● Release of funds –. In form of grants in-aid directly to the district authorities →
non-lapsable (carried forward to next year if underutilised).

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27. Operation Barkhane

28. Artemis 1 Space Mission

29. State of the Climate in Asia 2021 Report

30. UK-France Migration Agreement

31. Foreign Portfolio Investors dumping Indian Stocks

32. NIRYAT Portal

● National Import-Export Record for Yearly Analysis of Trade (NIRYAT) Portal
33. 5.3M Afghanistan Earthquake

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34. UNEP Adaptation Gap Report, 2022

35. Man and Biosphere Reserves

36. Climate Risk Index for Biodiversity

37. 22nd SCO Summit - Samarkand, Uzbekistan

38. Sovereign Green Bonds

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39. UAPA: Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, 1967

40. China’s Communist Party Congress

41. CRISPR: Genome Editing

42. Two Finger Test

43. Economics

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44. 1st Private Launchpad and Mission Control Centre in IND

45. 2022 UNFCC COP 27 - Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt

46. 2022 State of Food and Agriculture Report

47. 36th National Games

48. Air Quality Index (AQI)


49. 4th India-Maldives Defence Cooperation Dialogue

50. Right to Health BIll in Rajasthan

51. Space Debris and De-orbiting; RLV

52. Indo-Japan; Japan’s Asia Energy Transition Initiative

53. Demonetisation

55. Nationally Determined Contributions and Carbon Emissions

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56. SC Plea challenging 1st CA to Right to freedom of Speech

and Expression

57. DPDP Bill, 2022

58. Human Development Index 2021-22

59. NASA’s Artemis Programme

60. East Asia Summit

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61. National Green Hydrogen (NGH) Mission

62. Same Sex Marriages

63. Sammed Shikhar + Shetrunjay Hill → Jain Protest

64. Report on Cancer by Parliamentary Standing Committee on

Health and Family Welfare

65. Marital Rape

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66. WEF’s Annual 2023 Meet

● Theme: “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”
● Coalition of Trade Ministers on Climate → Led by Trade Ministers from Ecuador,
European Union, Kenya, New Zealand
● WEF+45 partners → Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA) → Public Private and
Philanthropic Partnerships (PPPs) → Achieve target of 3 tn USD every year for Net Zero
by 2050.
● World Economic Forum (WEF) → HQ: Cologny, Geneva, Switzerland (x Davos) → estd.
In 1971 → by Klaus Schwab (Germany) - Executive Chairman
● Borge Brende → WEF President (since 2017) - Norway
● WEF Chief Economist’s Outlook 2023 Report → “Global Growth prospects remain
anaemic and global recession risk is high.”
● IND → 135 of 146 countries → Global Gender Gap Index 2022 (Ranked 146 in “health
and survival”)
● WEF+Accenture+Microsoft → Global Collaboration Village
● 25th Governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) → Shaktikanta Das (earlier: 15th Finance
● Flagship event → Invitation only annual meeting → January: Davos, Switzerland → Key
issues → Role playing events (Eg: Investment Heat Map)
67. Joshimath Land Subsidence
● Subsidence → sinking of ground due to underground material movement → Removal of
water, oil, natural gas, mineral resources by pumping, fracking, mining activities →
Natural Events: Earthquake, soil compaction, glacial isostatic adjustment, erosion,
sinkhole formation, adding water to fine soils deposited by wind (loess deposits).
● Joshimath → Rishikesh-Badrinath National Highway (NH-7) - Uttarakhand → confluence
of Alaknanda and Dhauliganga rivers from Vishnuprayag
● 4 Pitas (monasteries) estd. By Adi Shankara
○ Sringeri in Karnataka
○ Dwarka in Gujarat
○ Puri in Odisha
○ Joshimath (near Badrinath) in Uttarakhand
● Landslides (Landslips) → mass wasting - ground movements: rockfalls, slop failures,
mudflows, debris flows → Submarine landslides - occur underwater → Caused by
gravity + other factors.
● BRO (Border Roads Organisation) - estd. 1960 → Initially: Ministry of Road and
Highways → Since 2015: Under Ministry of Defense → 21 states + 1 UT + Friendly
● Origin of Earthquake waves → Focus (Hypocentre)
● Point of Ground level directly above focus → Epicenter
● Tsunami → series of waves in a water body caused by displacement of large volume of
water → by Earthquake, volcano eruption, underwater explosion.
● Geological Survey of India → estd. 1851 under Ministry of Mines → 2nd oldest Survey in
India (Oldest: Survey of India - estd. 1767)

68. 18th Global Risks Report 2023

● Based on Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS)
● Most severe global crisis in short term (2 years) → Cost of Living Crisis, Natural
Disasters, Extreme Weather events, Geoeconomic Confrontation
● Most severe global crisis in long term (Decade) → “failure to mitigate climate change and
biodiversity loss” + “ecosystem collapse”
● Minister of Labour and Employment, MoEFCC → Bhupender Yadav
● 17 SDGs
○ GOAL 1: No Poverty
○ GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
○ GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
○ GOAL 4: Quality Education
○ GOAL 5: Gender Equality
○ GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
○ GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
○ GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
○ GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
○ GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
○ GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
○ GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
○ GOAL 13: Climate Action
○ GOAL 14: Life Below Water
○ GOAL 15: Life on Land
○ GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
○ GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
● 18th edition (x 17th)

69. Heat dome and Jet Stream

● Heat dome → Region of High pressure traps heat over an area → weak winds and
increase humidity → clear skies and very hot temperature → drought conditions →
decreased air quality → more likely to form in La Nina (like 2021)
● Heat wave → period of time during which temperature is significantly higher than
average temperature for the time of the year → caused by heat domes, lack of cloud
cover, strong ridge of high pressure.
● Jet stream → 5 to 9 miles above Earth’s Surface → band of fast winds high in
atmosphere that runs from west to east → used in aviation and weather forecasting →
discovered by Wiley Post (USA) - 1933 - 1st pilot to fly around the world.

70. Digital India Innovation Fund

● “New India for Youth India: Techade of Opportunities” @Catholic Bishop House Campus,
Kerala → Meity Rajeev Chandrasekhar - announced Digital India Innovation Fund.
● Deep Tech Startups → blockchain, AI, drones, robotics, biotechnology → Radical nature
→ High Capital investment.
● Atal Innovation Mission → Atal New India Challenge
● NASSCOM → estd. Deep tech club (2021)
● Max Deep tech startups in technology → AI
● IIT Madras → I-NCUBATE programme (by Gopalakrishnan-Deshpande Centre for
Innovation and Enterpreneurship - GDC)

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71. 2021 Census

● Census 2011 → 15th Indian Census → 2 stages: House Listing and Population
enumeration → Registrar General + Census Commissioner - CM Chandramauli
● Census 2021 → 16th Indian Census → Postponed at least to October, 2023 → states to
freeze administrative boundaries by 30 June, 2023.
○ 1st time → data via mobile applications.
○ In 16 languages
● Article 82: Parliament to pass Delimitation Act after each census → Delimitation
Commission estd. By Union after Act takes into effect.
● 4 Delimitation Commissions → 1952, 1963, 1973, 2002 under Acts → 1952, 1962, 1972,
2002. (1981, 1991, 2001 Census → No Delimitation)
● 1830 → Henry Walter (Father of Indian Census) → 1st complete census of an Indian city
→ Dacca
● Article 246 → Census - Union Subject (7th Schedule)
● Since 1872 → Census in India after every ten years
● 1951 → 1st census of Independent India → 9th Indian Census → 1948 Census of India
Act used for first time

72. 33rd World Report 2023 by Human Rights Watch

● Findings
○ Court system + Constitutional Authorities (including NHRC) → reflected govt’s
Hindu majoritarian philosophy (NHRC 8th Chairperson: Arun Kumar Mishra)
○ Release of 11 convicts of 2002 Bilkis Bano Case → Hailed by BJP Supporters
○ Journalists + Activists → Arbitrarily detained under UAPA (1967).
● Human Rights Watch (HRW) → New York
● Helsinki Watch (USA) → estd. 1978 → L Bernstein, Jeri Laber, Aryeh Neier → oversee
USSR’s adherence to Helsinki Accords (signed. 1975)
● Human Rights Watch → 1997 Nobel Peace Prize (co founded International campaign to
Ban Landmines)
● NHRC → estd. 1993 → by Protection of Human Rights Ordinance (baad mein 1993
Protection of Human Rights Act aaya)
● Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) → estd. In 1948 by UNGA R 217 →
drafted by Eleanor Roosevelt
● Montreal Protocol → protect ozone layer → signed 1987 → enforced 1989
● International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) → signed 1966 → enforced
● International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) → signed
1966 → enforced 1976
● Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) →
signed 1979 → enforced 1981

73. National Geospatial Policy 2022

● Est. High resolution topographic survey using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) by 2030
● Defense stream officers in Survey of India to return permanently to Military Survey,
Ministry of Defense.
● Covers Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), Global Positioning
System (GPS).
● India Observatory (Hyderabad) → 1st open source integrated geospatial data
observatory → inaugurated at GeoSmart India Conference
● Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
○ GPS (initially NAVSTAR GPS) → by US Space Force (x NASA) → launched in
1973 by US Dept. of Defense → 1993: Constellation of 24 satellites went online
→ 1978: 1st prototype.
○ NavIC → Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) → 1500 km
around border of IND
○ GLONASS → Russia

74. National Green Hydrogen (NGH) Mission

● Rs. 19,744 cr
● Green Hydrogen → Less than 1% Global Hydrogen production
● Cost of Green hydrogen → 3.5-5.5 USD/kg (high production cost)
● Green hydrogen production capacity → 5 MMT per annum by 2030
● Additional Renewable energy capacity of 125 GW by 2030
● 1 lakh crore rupees cumulative reduction in fossil fuel imports by 2030
● Hydrogen production cost → to drop to 3 USD/kg by 2025
● NGH → Invest 8 lakh cr by 2030 → create 6 lakh jobs by 2030
● Reduce 50 MMT GHG Emissions by 2030
● Green hydrogen from Water electrolysis → 0.1% of hydrogen generation
● By Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) - RK Singh
● Strategic Hydrogen Innovative Partnership (SHIP) → R&D in PPP Mode
● Intl Solar Alliance (SA) → 123 signatories → most b.w. Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of
Capricorn → HQ: Gurugram (Foundation Stone (2016) by Modi and Francois Hollande -
● Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition Programme (SIGHT)
● China → 1/3rd Global hydrogen production - 200 MT → Largest in world. (500 MT by
● IND → Energy Independence by 2047
● Most abundant chemical substance in the universe → Hydrogen (75% of all matter)
● Types of Hydrogen → Classification Basis: Method of Extraction
● Blue Hydrogen → utilizing natural gas or coal gasification + carbon capture storage
● Grey Hydrogen → splitting methane with steam.
● Green hydrogen Consumption Obligation (GHCO) → Boost demand for green hydrogen

75. Measles and Rubella (MR) Elimination

● Measles → Measles virus → highly contagious sickness
● Rubella → German Measles/ 3 Day measles → “Small Red” in Latin → Named German
Measles after Discovery in 1814.
● WHO → HQ: Geneva, Switzerland → 6 Regional offices + 150 field offices → estd. 7
April, 1948 → Director General: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (since 2017, reappointed
● Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP) - 1985 → Joined Child Survival and Safe
Motherhood Programme - 1992 → National Rural Health Mission - 2005 → UIP’s
measles vaccination introduced in 2017.
● Mission Indradhanush (2014) - Health Min. JP Nadda → India’s Complete immunisation
coverage of 90% by 2022
● Minister of Health → Mansukh Mandaviya; Minister of State for Health → Bharati Pawar
● RNA: Ribonucleic Acid → expresses Genes (RNA + Deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA →
nucleic acids)

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Khalistan Movement
● Operation Blue Star (1984) and Operation Black Thunder (1986 and 1988)
● Punjab Suba: Demand for Punjab speaking state → Rejected by States Reorganisation
Commission (1955) → Punjab estd. In 1966.
● Ranjit Singh → Sikh empire → Capital: Lahore (not Amritsar)
● Right to freedom of Religion in Constitution
○ Article 25 → Secularism
○ Article 26 → Right of every religious denomination to manage its own affairs
○ Article 27 → prohibits the state from compelling any person to pay taxes for the
promotion or maintenance of any particular religion.
○ Article 28 → prohibits the imparting of religious instruction in educational
institutions funded or run by the state, except for those institutions that impart
religious education.

El Nino and La Nina

● Part of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle.
● Upwelling → To replace that warm water, cold water rises from the depths during
● Impact Agricultural Productivity, Hydroelectricity Power generation, Natural Disasters,
Marine Trade.
● transition from a La Niña winter to an El Niño summer → largest deficit in the monsoon,
on the order of 15% → favors cyclone formation.
● El Nino
○ warming of the eastern and central Pacific Ocean
○ increased rainfall in the western Pacific and decreased rainfall in the eastern
○ Impacts Peru, Ecuador, Indonesia, Australia
● La Nina
○ 3rd consecutive year

Anti-Defection Law
● New Zealand → defectors called “waka-jumpers”
● Nigeria → Defection called “carpet crossing”
● Defection in Maharashtra → Eknath Shinde v.s. Uddhav Thackeray-led Maha Vikas
Aghadi (MVA) government
● Keisham Meghachandra case (2020)
○ Set 3 months as the outer limit for speakers to conclude disqualification
○ Parliament should amend the constitution to set up a Permanent tribunal to
decide the cases
● 2003 Amendment: 1/3rd split provision → protection to defectors → deleted. (defectors
could now avoid disqualification only by merging with another party with two-thirds of
legislative members)
● Deciding Authority: presiding officer of the house → Reasonable period.
● Kihoto Hollohan v. Zachillhu and Others (1992) → Presiding officer to promptly
decide defection petition → ideally within three months.

Sealed Cover Jurisprudence

● Suggestions of committee to enquire into Hindenberg Report by Centre in Sealed cover
report → refused by Chandrachud.
● Authority to use sealed cover reports → SC Rules 2013 and the Indian Evidence Act
1872 (not 1943)
● S153A → Hate Speech - imprisonment upto 3 years

2nd Foundation Literacy and Numeracy Report

● By EAC-PM Chairman Bibek Debroy
● Released at India Dialogue Conference (Organised by Institute of Competitiveness +
US-Asia Technology Management Centre, Stanford University)
● NIPUN: National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy
● Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) → ability of a child between the ages of 3
and 8 years old to read basic texts and do basic mathematical problems such as
addition and subtraction.
● Key Aspects: Role of Nutrition, Access to digital technology, and language focused
instructional approach
● National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Skills 2022 → 'Jadui Pitara'
SC on Adani and Hindenberg Report Issue
● Regulation of securities market in India
○ Companies Act of 2013
○ Securities and Exchange Board of India Act of 1992
○ Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act of 1956
○ Depositories Act of 1996
● SEBI → stock brokers and depository participants to maintain a website containing
information related to client funds and securities
● Price Limits designed to prevent excessive volatility and provide stability to the market
→ Lower circuit and upper circuit
● Vostro Account → an account that is open and maintained by a foreign bank in
domestic currency.

HIV Resistant Genetic Mutation

● Germany → Dusseldorf patient → 3rd person to be cured of HIV. (2022 → “The City of
Hope patient” and “New York patient”.
● Bone marrow → produces red and white blood cells ( red blood cells, which carry
oxygen throughout the body, and white blood cells, which are a crucial component of the
immune system and help fight infections)
● Stem cells → unique cells that have the ability to develop into different types of cells. →
potential to regenerate damaged tissues → found in bone marrow, umbilical cord blood,
and adipose tissue. → also found in embryos (Stem Cells – 1. Embryonic stem cells and
2. Adult stem cells)
● Embryonic stem cells → potential to differentiate into any type of cell; Adult stem cells
→ differentiate into a limited number of cell types.
● H3N2 virus → Hong Kong flu
● Used in Brain Disease treatment: Parkinsons and Alzheimers; Cell Deficiency Therapy:
heart diseases and type I Diabetes.

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National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) and UPI

● NPCI Circular on UPI → 1.1% interchange charge for PPI (Prepaid payment
instrument) above Rs. 2000 (No charge for normal bank account to bank account
pased UPI Payments.Meal vouchers (eg: sodexo), Prepaid travel cards, Digital gold,
Prepaid phone recharges.
○ Interchange charge: a fee charged by the credit card network to the merchant's
bank for processing a credit card transaction
○ PPI Instruments: Digital mobile wallets, Prepaid cards (eg: travel cards, gift
cards, and prepaid debit cards),
● UPI, or Unified Payments Interface - launched by NPCI in 2016
○ transfer funds without the need for the recipient's bank account details (use UPI
ID or mobile number)
○ Instant fund transfer via mobile
○ peer-to-peer payments, bill payments, and online shopping.
○ at physical stores, by scanning a QR code
○ no requirement for a minimum balance in the user's bank account
● UPI → adopted by Nepal, Bhutan, Oman, UAE, France, Malaysia, Singapore, and
the UK.
● NPCI (estd. 2008) → intermediary that facilitates the transfer of funds → manages UPI,
National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) system, and the Immediate Payment Service
(IMPS). → x regulatory body or payment aggregator.

10th Global Terrorism Index (GTI) Report 2022

● Afghanistan → most impacted by terrorism for the fourth consecutive year
● By Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), a think tank
● Uses data from Terrorism Tracker (estd. 2007)
● 9% decrease in global deaths from terrorism (peak: 2015)
● India → 13th Rank
● Srinagar → G20 Tourism Working Group Meet (May, 2023)

Bedaquiline → Anti-Tuberculosis Drug

● By Johnson & Johnson (J&J) → Patent to end in July, 2023 → Patent extension denied
by Indian Patent Office.
● Georgia → Patent for bedaquiline not granted.
● Patents Act (1970) → against deceptive practice of "evergreening" patents
● Highest TB Cases in world → India
● World TB Day → 24th March (declared in 1982 by International Union Against
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - IUATLD)
● Robert Koch → Discovery of TB Bacterium

IMF Aid to Sri Lanka

● Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) → international reserve asset of International
Monetary Fund (IMF) → basket of five currencies: the US dollar, euro, Japanese yen,
British pound sterling, and Chinese yuan → currency composition review every 5 years.
● 1991 IMF Bailout of India - BOP Crisis
○ 2.2 bn USD Loan
○ Conditions: devaluation of the Indian rupee, reduction of government subsidies,
and liberalization of the economy.
● Sri Lanka → 1st ever debt default → April, 2023
● Sri Lanka → Independence: 1948
● Extended Fund Facility (EFF) of IMF → Long term assistance for BOP Crisis →
conditions: Policy changes and structural reforms → available to low and middle income

Women’s Reservation Bill

● 1 Day Hunger strike → Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) leader K Kavitha
● 72nd CA (1992) and 73rd CA (1993) → 1/3rd seats for women in urban and rural local
● Global Gender Gap Index → IND: 135 of 146 (Ranked 146th in “health and survival”
● Article 39 (a) and (d) → mandate the state to ensure equal pay for equal work and to
promote the welfare of women.
● American Economic Association study → “countries with a higher share of women in the
national parliament are more likely to pass and implement gender-sensitive laws.”

Assam Delimitation Exercise

● to provide equal representation to equal segments of a population.
● Composition: : a retired Supreme Court judge, the Chief Election Commissioner of India
and respective State Election Commissioners.
● Appointed by President
● works in collaboration with the Election Commission of India.
● 4 Delimitation Commissions in History of IND → 1952, 1963, 1973 and 2002 under the
Acts of 1952, 1962, 1972 and 2002.
● 2002 Act → left out Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur - “security risks”
● Delimitation Commission reconstituted on 6 March, 2020 → JK, Assam, Arunachal
Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur
● last delimitation exercise that changed the statewise composition of the Lok Sabha →
1976 (based on 1971 census)
● BJP → 2008: Opposed to Delimitation in Assam → only after the completion of the NRC
● Assam govt → Merge 4 districts → South Salmara-Mankachar, Majuli, Charaideo and
Biswanath (x Hojai)
● Assembly seats unchanged at 126
● Delimitation in USA → redrawing electoral district boundaries

Arctic Sea Ice

● Arctic region experiences more rapid warming compared to the rest of the planet →
Arctic amplification
● Increased warming effect in arctic → reduced albedo, increased water vapour, and
changes in atmospheric and oceanic circulation.
● Sea ice extent → integral sum of the areas of all grid cells with at least 15% ice
● Sea ice volume → total amount of sea ice in a given region, taking into account both its
horizontal and vertical dimensions
● Black carbon → soot → fine particulate matter that is emitted during incomplete
combustion of fossil fuels, biomass, and other organic materials.
● Svalbard Treaty → 1920 → Norway, the US, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, the
Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden → Spitsbergen → Norway sovereignty over
the archipelago of Svalbard.

Report: “Death Penalty in India: Annual Statistics 2022”

● By Project 39A, NLUD → Criminal Justice Reforms
● Since 2022 → 165 death sentences imposed by Sessions Courts in India - highest
number in two decades. (38 due to Bomb Blast case, Ahmedabad)
● 539 prisoners on death row at present
● Highest no of convicts on death row → Uttar Pradesh
● Majority of cases with death penalty → Sexual violence (51.28%)
● 98.3% cases → Trial courts-imposed death sentences - without considering mitigating

LE CLAT Mock 23

Recent Israel v.s. Syria attack

● Raid on Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem by Israel →
Retaliatory rockets from Lebanon, Gaza Strip, Syria
● Al Aqsa Mosque → 3rd holiest after Kaaba (Mecca,
Saudi Arabia) and Prophet’s Mosque (Medina, Saudi
● Israel → President: Isaac Herzog and PM Benjamin
Netanyahu (Likud Party)
● Lebanon → Border with Syria, Israel and Mediterranean
● Iran is Shia Muslim and Israel is Sunni Muslim
● Iran → Proxy groups: Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, Houthi rebels in Yemen
● Israel → Golan Heights Law (1981) → Annexation of Golan Heights by Israel

Justice Ranganathan Mishra commission for Religious and

Linguistic Minorities
● Submitted Report in 2007 → Give SC Status to Dalit Converts to Christianity and Islam
● Govt discredited this report → replaced by Balakrishnan Commission - 2 yrs to prepare
● Chairperson of National Commission for Minorities (NCM) → Iqbal Singh Lalpura
● India Justice Report, 2022 → Top-ranked in terms of diversity in judicial system: Tamil
Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka (x Kerala)
● Census Survey of India and Linguistic Survey of India → by Registrar General of India
(estd. 1961) - under Home Ministry
● 1st SECC since 1931 → 2011

International Conference on Human-Wildlife Conflict ad

● Held in Oxford, UK
● Organised by IUCN, FAO, UNDP
● UNEP → 75% of world’s cat species affected by conflict-related killing
● 15th COP - CBD → Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) → 4
objectives and 23 targets by 2030.
● 5th cycle of All-India Tiger Estimation (2022) - every 4 years → Tigers in India: 2967
(2018) → 3167 (2022) → method: Ground based surveys and camera traps
● Western Ghats (Maharashtra, Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) → World’s single largest tiger
population → significant decline
● State with max tigers → Madhya Pradesh
● Project Tiger → 1973 - Centrally Sponsored Scheme → MoEFCC
● Concern → Increase in tiger population - higher Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) Cases
● IUCN → HQ: Gland, Switzerland → estd. 1948
● International Big Cat Alliance → Tiger, Leopard, Lion, Snow Leopard, Jaguar, Puma,
Cheetah (7 cats)
● PM Modi → Book “Amrit Kaal Ka Tiger Vision”


● Launch from Aeronautical Test Range (ATR), Chitradurga, Karnataka → April, 2023
● RLV LEX → Reusable Launch Vehicle Autonomous Landing Mission
● 1st successful experiment of RLV by ISRO → RLV-TD HEX (2016)
● RLVs
○ HEX: Hypersonic flight
○ LEX: Autonomous Landing
○ REX: Return flight experiment
○ Powered cruise flight
○ SPEX: Scramjet Propulsion Experiment (SPEX)
○ 1st RLV in world → Space Shuttle by NASA → 1981-2011
○ SpaceX → Partially Reusable Launch system - Falcon 9 + Falcon Heavy Rocket
(since 2017) → working on full RLV: Starship
○ Indian Space Policy (April, 2023) → ISRO to focus on R&D; Pvt sector to
manufacture operational space systems.

Indo-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline

● Rs. 377 Cr → 131.5 km pipeline
● Transport High speed diesel → capacity 1 mn Metric Ton Per Annum (MMTPA)
● From Numaligarh in Assam
● Presently → diesel supply via 512 km rail route
● 2013: Cooperation in power industry began
● 2018: Capacity of Behrampur-Bheramara link increased to 1,000 MW (2nd 500 MW
HVDC at Bheramara)
● Maitree Express (Friendship Express) → From Kolkata (India) to Dhaka (Bangladesh)
● Bhutan - Bangladesh Agreement on Movement of Traffic-in-transit and protocol →
Bhutan allowed to use Mongla, Payra, Chittagong Ports.
● Minister of North East Region → G Kishan Reddy
● 26th March → Bangladesh Independence Day

LE CLAT Mock 24

LE CLAT Mock 25 (AIOM)

Deep Fakes
● Voice Skin/ Voice Clone → Deepfake synthesised audio to mimic voice of public figures
● Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) → by Ian Goodfellow in 2014 → two neural
networks contest in 0 sum game framework → “Generator” creates new data instances +
“Discriminator” evaluates authenticity.
● Indications of Deep Fake → Poor Lip synching, Irregular Head movements, irregular skin
tones, unnatural blinking patterns, inconsistent lighting. → AI can be trained on these to
spot deepfakes.
● Security risk → Mimic Biometric Data

Wassenaar Arrangement
● IND → 1 year chairmanship from Ireland → Handed at 26th Plenary
● 42 members
● IND Ambassador: Jaideep Mazumdar
● IND → Joined Wassenaar in 2017 as 42nd member
● Plenary → Main decision making body
● Every 6 months → Exchange of info on delivery of conventional arms
● 8 Weapon categories → Battle Tanks, Armored Combat Vehicles (ACVs), Large-caliber
Artillery, Military and attack helicopters, Warships, missile or missile systems, small arms
and light weapons.
● Tier I: List of Basic Items; Tier II: List of very sensitive technologies
● x China Member (Members: France, Japan, UK, USA, South Korea, Germany, Australia)
● Regulate Dual Use Items → both civilian + military applications → Potential threats

● IND → 8th term as non-permanent member - since Jan, 2021 (2 year term)
● 15 Nations - P5+T10
● Presidency rotates every month
● UNGA President Csaba Korosi

Exploration of Titanic
● Submarine Titan → by OceanGate Expeditions → 5 people crew → can reach max
depth 4,500 m (14,800 ft)
● Went missing - 18 June, 2023 - 2*C (36*F) - Pressure: 300 atmosphere - North Atlantic
● Has 96 hr emergency oxygen supply
● SS Californian → British Leyland → Missed Titanic’s Distress Calls when it sank in 1912

Indus Water Treaty (IWT)

● Eastern Rivers: Beas, Ravi, Sutlej - Unrestricted use by India
● Western Rivers: Indus, Chenab, Jhelum - Use by Palistan - Limited Rights of use of
water for irrigation, storage, power generation to India.
● Dispute Resolution Mechanism: 3 Steps → Permanent Commision → Neutral Expert
(appointed by World Bank) → Court of Arbitration
● Pakistan x resolving dispute on Kishanganga and Ratle hydropower projects → Notice
by IND to Pak to review/modify treaty.
● Article XII (3) → Article 12 (3) → Modification of IWT

Aditya L-1 Mission

● At L1 Point → Continuous view of Sun without interruption
● Primary Payload → Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) → observe Solar Corona
(Outermost Layer of Sun’s Atmosphere)
● Total 7 Payloads (4 Remote + 3 In-Situ)
● Understand effect of Sun or Earth

Padma Awards (See Prime Mock#13)

Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2023

● “Deal Value threshold” →
● Penalty to be calculated on basis of “Global Turnover” derived from all products and
services of the party.
● “Deal Value Criterion” → Transaction requires CCI Approval if exceeds rupees 2000
● “Material Influence” as standard for control. - Factors that enable an entity to influence
the affairs and management of another enterprise.
● Settlements and Commitments mechanism for companies facing investigation before
● Appellate tribunal to entertain appeal only if the company deposits 25% Penalty amount
imposed by CCI (for only serious and meritorious appeals)
● Overall time limit for assessment of combinations (mergers and acquisitions) reduced
from 210 to 150 days
● Competition Commissioner of India → Ravneet Kaur

Jain Protests
● Sammed Shikhar, Parasnath Hill, Giridih (Jharkhand)
○ Issue: Parasnath
hill being declared a tourist spot and an
eco-sensitive zone (2019)
○ Parasnath - 23rd Jain Tirthankara (symbol- snake)
○ 20 of 24 Jain Tirthankars attained Kaivalya at Parasnath hill.
○ Named by Santhals as Marang Buru (Protest by Santhal Tribe)
○ Highest peak: 1350 metres (Highest in Jharkhand)
○ Shikharji Temple at top.
○ Earliest Reference in Literature: Jnatrdharmakatha (one of 12 Angas of jainism)
● Shetrunjay Hill, Palitana, Bhavnagar, Gujarat
○ Issue: vandalising of a shrine and related security concerns
○ Rishabha, first Tirthankar of Jainism delivered first sermon here.
○ Founder of Jainism - Rishabha (Adinath) meditated here under rayan tree.
● Jainism
○ Prominence in 6th Century BCE - Propagated by Lord Mahavira.
○ 24 great teachers (Tirthankaras) - 1st: Rishabnatha (Symbol: Bull); 24th: Lord
○ Lord Mahavira (Vardhaman Mahavira)
■ Born in Kundagrama close to Vaishali
■ Jnatrika Tribe
■ Mother Trishala sister of Chetaka, ruler of Vaishali; father Siddharta
leaded of Jnathrika Kshatriya Tribe.
■ Gave up home when 30 yr old. - Age 42: Acquired Kaivalya (overcame
suffering and happiness)
■ Preached for first time @Pava
■ Symbol: Lion
■ Passed away: Pavapuri, Bihar
○ Three Jewels (Triratna)
(i) Right Faith (Samyakdarshana)
(ii) Right Knowledge (Samyakjnana)
Right Action (Samyakcharita)
● 5 Doctrines of Jainism
○ Ahimsa: Non-injury to living being
○ Satya: Do not speak a lie
○ Asteya: Do not steal
○ Aparigraha: Do not acquire property
○ Brahamacharya: Observe Continence (self-restrain in sexual matters)
● Schools of Jainism: Digambara and Svetambara
○ DIGAMBARA: Led by Bhadrabahu - relocated to South India due to 12 yr
famine in Magadha - Rigid Rituals
○ SVETAMBARA: Stayed in Magadha - More Relaxed attitude (white
● Jain Council
○ 1st Jain Council: Patliputra - presided by Sthulbhadra
○ 2nd Jain Council: Vallabhi - presided by Devardhi Kshmasramana
● Śvētāmbara Pancha Tirth (five principal pilgrimage shrine): Shikharji, Ashtapad,
Girnar, Dilwara Temples of Mount Abu, Shetrunjaya.
● Tirthankara → A Bridge-Builder → helps people cross sea of innumerable births and

National Green Hydrogen (NGH) Mission (See LE CLAT Mock 12)

Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of Sugarcane

● Madras HC → FRP of Sugarcane not fair
● Sugarcane Control Order, 1966 under Essential Commodities Act, 1955
● Essential Commodities Act, 1955 –. Payment in 14 days of delivery of sugarcane
● Factors to determine FRP
○ Cost of production
○ Return to the flowers from alternative crops
○ General trend of prices of Agricultural Commodities
○ Availability of Sugar to consumers at fair price
○ Price at which sugar produced from sugarcane is sold by sugar producers
○ Recovery of sugar from sugarcane
○ Realization made from sale of by-products
○ Reasonable margins for the growers of sugarcane on account of risk and profits
● Agriculture –. Entry 14 of State List and Entry 33 of Concurrent List
● Recommended by CACP to CCEA
● CACP - established in 1965 - renamed in 1985

LE CLAT Mock 27

e-SCR Project - Electronic Supreme Court Reports

● Access to official legal reports encompassing judgements (x all documentation of
Supreme Court)
● Repository of Judgements since 1950
● Deployed on
○ SC Official Website
○ Judgement portal of National Judicial Data Grid (NJDC)
○ SC Mobile Application
● Phase III (recently concluded) → digital and paperless courts, online court system,
broadened extent of virtual courts, technologies like Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) + AI
● e-SCR Search Engine by NIC

Regulations on Online Gaming Industry

● Online game → game presented for consumption on Internet, permitting users to access
it through a computer resource or an intermediary platform.
● 1st Online game based on Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) - in 1978 by Roy Trubshaw +
Richard Bartle (ARPANET, BBS used to engage in MUD)
● Self-Regulatory Organisation (SRO) - allows better on cricket matches - to be denotified

Gallantry Awards
● Param Vir Chakra → Bravery in face of enemy
● Ashok Chakra → Bravery other than in face of enemy (Peacetime equivalent of Param
Vir Chakra)
● To any member of Armed forces (Army, Navy, Air Force)
● Param Vir Chakra → Estd. in 1950
● 1st recipient of Param Vir Chakra → Major Somnath Sharma (posthumously)
● Only Air Force Officer awarded Param Vir Chakra → Flying Officer Nirmal Kit Singh
Sekhon (Posthumously)
● Yudh Seva Medal → high degree of distinguished services in an operational context,
including times of war, conflict, hostilities. (x gallantry or peacetime award specifically)

Dabba Trading
● Betting on price movement of stock rather than actually buying or selling shares
● Illegal trading outside stock exchanges
● Lack of security for investors
● Transactions in cash without taxation
● Growth of black money
● Use unrecognised software terminals
● Growth of parallel economy
● Broker makes profit → when investor faces loss due to decrease in price of stock

Digital India Awards 2022

● Presented by Droupadi Murmu
● Nomination of digital initiatives by Government entities through Rashtriya Puraskar
● Raking of Entries by Nomination Processing Partner - IIT Delhi
● Selection of Winners by jury - chairman: Secretary, Meity
● e-NAM - Electronic National Agriculture Market - 2016
● e-NAM - facilitate farmers, traders, buyers with online trading in commodities
● e-NAM - Platinum Award - Digital Empowerment of Citizens Category
● PLatform of Platforms (PoP) under e-NAM → Digital Ecosystem to leverage expertise of
individual service platforms
● Benefits of e-NAM
○ Access to prevailing commodity prices
○ GPS Based feature capturing e-NAM Mandis and Mandi prices within 100 km
○ Route Map, Advance lot registration, SMS Alert on Final Bid Price of the Lot,
Payment Receipt
○ Real Time Competitive Price bidding
○ Weighment integration for accurate weight
○ Direct trade between farmer and trade (direct payment to farmers’ bank account
+ reduction in transaction costs)

Multiple Indicator Survey (MIS) by NSSO

● 29.3% persons (15-24 yrs) → Not in Education, Employment or training (NEET)
● 78th Round
● 34.9% persons (15-29 yrs) → formal and non-formal education and training for 12
months preceding survey
● 9.9% households → purchase or construction of new house/ flat (of these, 9.9%
households - first time purchase)
● Less than 90% access to improved source of drinking water → Kerala, Manipur,
Nagaland, Jharkhand.
● Low access to tapped drinking water in both rural and urban households → Assam,
Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha.
● Lowest percent households using LPG for cooking → Jharkhand
● Firwood as primary source of energy for cooking in more than 70% households →
Chhattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh.
● People aged above 18 years who used a mobile telephone with an active SIM Card in
three months prior → 72.7%
● Highest Percentage (Over 20%) of men aged 15 to 24 years not engaged in education,
employment, training → Uttarakhand, Odisha, Kerala, Delhi
● Free healthcare to all individuals → Brazil

LE CLAT Mock 28

Budget 2023-24
● Saptarishi - key focus: Inclusive Development
● 7 Priority areas → Agriculture, education, health, reaching the last mile, infrastructure
and investment, unleashing the potential, green growth.
● Harit Pragati Yojana → Green Growth
● Krishi Startup Yojana → Agri startups
● 23-24 → Fiscal deficit: 5.9%
● Railway → 2.40 lakh cr
● PM Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman (PM VIKAS) → skill development
● Max no of budgets → Morarji Desai

BIND Scheme
● Prasar Bharati → Left Wing Extremism (LWE)
● AIR FM → 66% geographical area → 80% population
● 8 lakh DD Free Dish Set Top Boxes
● 2,539.61 cr till 2025-26
● Radio signals → Electromagnetic waves through atmosphere
● 1st Radio Broadcasting → KDKA - Pennsylvania (1920)

Special Window for Affordable and Mid-Income Housing

● Funding for stalled residential projects
● Sponsor: Ministry of Finance
● Managed bt SBICAP Ventures Ltd.
● Only Net worth projects (Receivables+Unsold inventories>Completion Cost)
● Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) → Investment vehicles that pool money from a
variety of investors to invest in assets beyond traditional stocks, bonds and cash.
● SEBI (Alternative investment Funds) Regulations, 2012
● Open ended mutual funds → shares of these funds can be bought and sold at any time

International Yoga Day

● 9th
● Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
● Yoga → by Patanjali
● Prayanama → focuses on breathing techniques and control

LE CLAT Mock 29

UNICEF’s Triple Threat Report

● WASH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) Hazard to children
● 1. Less than 50% access to at least basic water or sanitation services
● 2. Ranking within the top 20 countries with the highest burden of deaths among children
under 5 due to unsafe WASH conditions
● 3. Ranking within the top 25% of countries facing the highest risk of climate and
environmental hazards according to UNICEF's Children's Climate Risk Index (CCRI)

LE CLAT Mock 30
USA’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
● $25 billion from USA → $15 billion for infrastructure + $9 billion for defense
● Open principles for cross border data flow
● China → sanctions → March 2023 → Mike Pompeo, Robert O’Brien, National
Endowment for Democracy → response to the US summit of democracy leaders
● largest contributor → UNESCO Budget → China (15.22%)
● Omnibus Appropriations Bill → Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 → Dec, 2022 →
waiver to a 1990 law - stop funding to any intl org with Palestine as Member
● suspension of U.S. funding → UNESCO → 2011
● 2017 → USA exit UNESCO
● Audrey Azoulay → Head (2017)
● UNESCO → reconstruction of Mosul, Iraq
● World Heritage Marine Programme (2005) - 50 marine sites → x World Heritage Site
(WHS) in India
● World Heritage Education Programme → raise awareness among young people about
the value and diversity of cultural and natural heritage
● World Heritage Volunteers Initiative → youth to support World Heritage conservation
● World Heritage Sustainable Tourism Programme → tourism - conservation of World
Heritage properties and benefits local communities

Amendment to Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

● Source of Inspiration → UNCITRAL Model Rules, New York Convention on the
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Geneva Convention (x The
Hague Convention)
● Terms of Reference → costs of arbitration, fees of arbitrators, and charter of duties of
the tribunal, parties and arbitral institutions.
● principles for determining the jurisdiction of arbitrators → Section 16 (competence
● Amendment → Section 43B → Arbitration Council of India (ACI)
● Amendment → completion of domestic arbitration → 12 months from completion of
proceeding → 6 months from date of constitution of arbitral award (prev: 12 months from
the constitution of arbitral award)
● Amendment → S11 → Supreme Court and the High Courts have the power to designate
any arbitral institution for the appointment of arbitrators
● Amendment → S9 → parties can seek interim measures from courts even after the
arbitral award is made but before it is enforced.

CLAT Possible
CPossible CLAT Mock 01

Gubernatorial Appointments
State Name

Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Lt. General Kaiwalya Trivikram Parnaik


Governor of Sikkim Lakshman Prasad Acharya,

Governor of Jharkhand C P Radhakrishnan,

Governor of Himachal Pradesh Shiv Pratap Shukla,

Governor of Assam Gulab Chand Kataria,

Governor of Andhra Pradesh S. Abdul Nazeer,

Governor of Chhattisgarh Justice (Retd) Biswa Bhusan


Governor of Manipur Anusuiya Uikye

Governor of Nagaland La. Ganesan

Governor of Meghalaya Phagu Chauhan

Governor of Bihar Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar

Lt. Governor of Ladakh Brig (Dr) B D Mishra (Retd)

Governor of Maharashtra Ramesh Bais

Aero India Show 2023

● 14th edition
● At Air Force Station, Yelahanka, Bengaluru
● Theme of Conclave of Defense Ministers: “Shared Prosperity through Enhanced
Engagement in Defense”
● 1st ever Airshow (Avia India) → 1993
● 1st edition of Aero India Show → 1996

New Parliament Building

● 1st Election → 1951
● 1st Speaker → GV Mavalankar
● Capital of India shifted to Delhi → 1911
● Parliament building inaugurated by Lorn Irwin
● 1962: Parliament Campus Declared “Heritage Precinct”.
CPossible CLAT Mock 13 (AIOM)

Mount Everest
● Intl Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) → #SaveourSnow Campaign
(+Nepal Mountaineering Association + Mountain Partnership)
● 1st to climb Mt Everest → Edmund Hillary + Tenzing Norgay
● Thinning of Khumbu Glacier
● One yr in 2023-27 → 66% chance of crossing 1.5*C temperature.
● 1st to discover marine fossils on Mt Everest → Noel Odell
● 1st woman to climb Mt Everest → Junko Tabei
● Sherpa - climb 28 times → Kami Rita
● Intl Mountain Day - 11 December
● Mt Everest → 8849 m

Odisha Train Accident

● Coromandel Express, Bengaluru-Howrah Superfast, Goods train
● “Location Box’ → hold junction of connections to point motor (movable piece of rail that
physically guides a train to its designated track when there are two divergent tracks)
● 1st Railway Minister of Independent India → John Mathai
● 1st Female Railway Minister → Mamata Banerjee
● Suresh Prabhu Comm → Combine General Budget + Railway Budget
● ashvini vaishnaw → Minister of Railways, Communications and Electronics & Information
Technology (IT)

NRCTC → RapidX
● NCR (1985)
● RRTS: Regional Rapid Transport System
● 19 Railway Zones
● Limited Extent → Private entry into railways
● NRCTC → JV - Centre + Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, UP

CPossible CLAT Mock 14

Evergreening of Loans
● Extending additional loans to borrower who is unable to repay the existing loans to
conceal the true status of Non-Performing Assets
● Basel Norms III
● Indian Banks Association (1946) → CEO → Sunil mehta
● Syria → biggest narco-state in the world → Captagon - replacement of amphetamine
● Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
● Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940
● Drugs Control Act, 1950
● Nasha Mukt Bharat Action Plan → Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
● Art 47 → Public Health (Art 48: Animal Husbandry, Art 46: SC/ST Reservation)
● Geography → India between Golden Crescent + Golden Triangle
● NIRF (2015)

CPrep CLAT Mock 03

Reform of UNSC in context of Russia-Ukraine

● Csaba Korosi (Hungary) → UNGA President
● Antonio Guterres (Lisbon, Portgual) → UN Secy. General
● UN → 193 countries
● UNSC → estd. By UN Charted in 1945
● Recently selected as World Heritage Site → Odesa (Ukraine)

FY 2023-24 Budget
● Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) → Improve quality of School education
● People → Income upto 7 lakh
● 1st Budget presented in 1947
● Eliminate Sickle Cell anaemia by 2047
● Fiscal Deficit (FY 22-23) → 6.4% of GDP
● Max Deposit Limit for Senior Citizens Savings Scheme → increase from 15 lakh to 30
● IMF: World Economic Outlook Report (Not WEF)
● World Bank: Global Economy Prospects Report
● UNCTAD (UN Convention on Trade and Development): World Investment Report
● Tuvalu → Smallest Member of IMF in terms of holding SDR
Space Debris
● ISRO System for Safe and Sustainable Operations Management (IS 4 OM) - 2022 →
mitigate risk posed by space debris
● Highest share in Space Debris → Russia
● Project Netra → by ISRO: Early warning system to detect space debris
● China’s Long March 5B Rocket → debris fell in Maldives Region
● ISRO estd. In 1969

Petition in SC to bar election from more than one seat

● SC Bench: Chandrachud, PS Narasimha, JB Paradiwala → Candidates may contest
polls from more than one constituency.
● S 33 of RPA, 1951 → A person can contest election from 2 constituencies.
● Article 74: Council of Ministers to aid/ advise President
● Anti-Defection Law (10th schedule) → 1985: 52nd CA
● 61st CA, 1988 → Voting age reduced from 21 to 18 yrs.

PM Kusum (see GK Fiesta)

World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day

● January 30
● WHO: Global Report on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2023
● Neglected Tropical Diseases caused by Virus, Bacteria, Protozoa
● 75th World Health Assembly (May, 2022) → Geneva, Switzerland
● WHO Head: Tedros Adhonam Ghebreyesus (Ethiopia)


Digital Health Summit 2023

● By Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) + Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
● Theme: “Building One Health Together - Improving Health Equity”
● At Goa
● Goa CM: Pramod Sawant
● Minister of State for for Health and Family Welfare: Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar
● Emphasis on Citizen Centric Approach
● Govt schemes on Health care → Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, e-Sanjeevani
Teleconsultation Service, Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
● G20 Health Working Group → Main Focus: Digital Health innovations and solutions to
aid Universal health coverage
● AB-PMJAY → upto 5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care
● e-Sanjeevani Teleconsultation Service → by Centre for Development of Advanced
Computing (C-DAC), Mohali

World Heritage Day 2023

● 18 April
● Theme: “Heritage Changes”
● Since 1982 by International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
● Approved in 1983 → 22nd General Conference of UNESCO
● 1st observed in 1983
● IND → 40 UNESCO World Heritage Sites (x 35) → 32 cultural, 7 Natural, 1 Mixed:
Khangchendzonga National Park (located on Brahmaputra River)
● Article 49 (Constitution): State to protect monuments and places of artistic and historic

NASA’s TEMPO Mission

● NASA Administrator: Bill Nelson
● NASA’s TEMPO Project Manager: Kevin Daugherty
● TEMPO Instrument launch by SpaceX Falcon 9
● TEMPO: Tropospheric Emission Monitoring of Pollution (specifically tropospheric
● Focus on North America
● Spatial Resolution: 4 Square miles
● Sensitive to visible and ultraviolet wavelength of light
● NASA estd. In 1958 → National Aeronautics and Space Act signed by President Dwight

G7 Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment

● At Sapporo, Japan
● Ensure Carbon free electricity production by 2035
● Accelerate Phase out of Coal
● Produce 1,000 GW of solar power and 150 GW of wind power from off-shore platforms
by 2030
● Global goal → Net Zero by 2050
● G7 Summit → Hiroshima (May 19-21)

India-ASEAN Digital Work Plan 2023

● Founding Fathers: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand
● ASEAN Motto “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”
● 8 August → ASEAN Day
● ASEAN Trilateral Highway → IND - Myanmar - Thailand

Indo-Mongolia Relations
● 2015 Modi’s Visit to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia →”Strategic Partnership”
● Estd. diplomatic relation in 1955
● IND → 1st country outside the eastern bloc to establish diplomatic
relation with Mongolia
● Treaties of Mutual Friendship and Cooperation → 1973, 1994,
2001, 2004
● Mongolia → Landlocked country → Neighbours: Russia, China
● World’s Largest landlocked country → Kazakhstan
● Mongolia → Land of the Horse
● Mongolia → Gobi Desert in South + Altai Mountains in West

Line of Actual Control (LAC)

● LOC → Shimla Agreement (1972)
● LAC → not agreed upon → neither delineated on map or on ground.
● McMohan Line (1914) → B.w. British India and Tibet
● Survey of India → oldest scientific department → estd. In 1767
● HQ of Survey of India → Dehradun (Survey of India HQ x Kolkata)
● 2nd Oldest → Geological Survey of India (GSI) - estd. 1851 → HQ: Kolkata → Ministry
of Mines

Lymphatic Filariasis (LF)

● Called Elephantiasis
● IND → Eliminate LF by 2027
● High Burdened Areas → Bihar (highest), Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu, West Bengal → 86% mf carriers + 97% diseases
● Lowest: Goa
● Drug Treatments: Ivermectin, Diethylcarbamazine citrate, Albendazole
● World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day → 30th January
● Leishmaniasis → Tropical disease → Bite of Sand flies

200th Birth Anniversary of Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati

● 12th February 2024 → 200th Birth Anniversary (Born in Gujarat)
● Estd. Arya Samaj
● Book “Satyarth Prakash”
● 1st to give call for Swaraj as “India for Indians” in 1876
● Slogan “Back to the Vedas”
● 1st Arya Samaj Unit → Bombay
● 1st Dayanand Anglo Vedic School → Lahore → Headmaster: Mahatma Hansrajas
● Denounced Idolatry and Ritualistic worship
● Classless and Casteless society
● Earlier Name: Mool Shankar (Born during Mool Nakshatra)

All India Radio Day

● 13 February
● 2023 Theme: Radio and Peace
● Inventor of Radio: Guglimo Markoni

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