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‫كل عام وانتم بخير‬

‫مرحبا بكم في قسم هندسة‬
‫االتصاالت و االليكترونيات‬
Course Name :
Measurements & Measuring
Course Code : ELC 122

Dr .Mohamed El-Khamry
Student Assessment Methods
Assessment Weights

Quizzes 10%

Activities 10%

Midterm 20%

Final 60%
Electrical vs Electronics
To understand what these two types of devices do, let’s look at a simple
dictionary definition of the two terms.
Electricity is defined as:
“of, relating to, producing, or operated by electricity” (1).

On the other hand electronics is defined in the same dictionary as

“the science dealing with the development and application of
devices and systems involving the flow of electrons in a vacuum, in gaseous
media, and in semiconductors” (2).

From this one can infer that electrical has to do with anything that concerns
with electricity where as the term electronics is used when one is talking about
the application of certain devices.
• Electrical relates to producing or being operated by electricity where as
electronic is commonly concerned with application of devices involving
flow of electrons.

• Electrical and electronics both convert current into another form of

energy but electronic devices manipulate the current to produce useful
Electronic devices can manipulate data to assign meaning to it but electrical
devices cannot.

• Electrical devices are usually AC, while electronic devices are mostly DC.
Electrical devices generally work on much higher voltages as compared to
electronic devices.
is a method (device or calculation) used to obtain information
(values) related to physical quantity such as

 Electricity (voltage, Current, Power)

 Fluid (velocity, viscosity, temperature,..)

Electrical measurements
are the methods used to measure electrical quantities
Why measurements

 Industrial manufacturing to improve the quality of the product

 Installing devices such as quality of wires ,specifications of
 Maintenance to remove faulted parts such as diode ,transistor
 Design to get optimum performance of projects
 Evaluation of devices such as power consumption of devices
 Acquire data or information to apply a required analysis
1.2.1 SI Unit
The system of units used in engineering and science is International System of units,
usually abbreviated to SI units, and is based on the metric system.
Table 1.1 Basic SI Unit
Quantity Unit Unit Symbol

Length meter m

Mass kilogram kg

Time second S

Electric current Ampere A

Temperature Kelvin K

Luminous intensity candela cd

Amount of substance mole mol

SI units may be made larger or smaller by using prefixes which denote multiplication or division by
a particular amount. A prefix may be added to a unit to produce a multiple of the original unit. All
multiple are integer power of ten.
A prefix usually used show in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 Standard prefixes for SI Units

deci d 10-1 0.1 Name Prefix Power of ten

Decimal equivalent

centi c 10-2 0.01 none none 10° 1

mili m 10-3 0.001 deca da(D) 101 10

hector h 102 100
micro 𝛍 10-6 0.000 001 Kilo K 103 1 000
Mega M 106 1 000 000
nano n 10-9 0.000 000 001
Giga G 109 1 000 000 000
pico p 10-12 0.000 000 000 001 Tera T 1012 1 000 000 000 000
Example 1

Perform the following conversion:

a. 56µ to milliseconds
b. 4.5m to millimeter
c. 150g to kilogram
d. 3.3kΩ to Ω

Solution 1:
a. l ms = 1000 μs c. l kg = 1000 g
56𝜇×1𝑚 150 𝑔 ×1𝑘𝑔
So 56μ = = 0.056ms So 150g = = 0.15 kg
1000𝜇 1000𝑔
b. l m = 1000mm d. 1k Ω = 1000Ω
4.5 𝑚 ×1000 3.3 𝑘×1000
So 4.5m = = 4500mm So 3.3kΩ = = 3300Ω
1𝑚 1𝑘
Electron Theory

All matter is composed of molecules which are made up of

a combination of atoms. Atoms have a nucleus with
electrons orbiting around it. The nucleus is composed of
protons and neutrons (not shown). Most atoms have an
equal number of electrons and protons. Electrons have a
negative charge (-). Protons have a positive charge (+).
Neutrons are neutral. The negative charge of the electrons
is balanced by the positive charge of the protons. Electrons
are bound in their orbit by the attraction of the protons.
These are referred to as bound electrons.
Free electrons
Electrons in the outer band can become free of their orbit by the
application of some external force such as movement through a
magnetic field, friction, or chemical action.
These are referred to as free electrons. A free electron leaves a void
which can be filled by an electron forced out of orbit from another
atom. As free electrons move from one atom to the next an electron
flow is produced. This is the basis of electricity.
Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors
An electric current is produced when free
electrons move from one atom to the next. Materials
that permit many electrons to move freely are called
conductors. Copper, silver, aluminum, zinc, brass, and
iron are considered good conductors. Copper is the
most common material used for conductors and is
relatively inexpensive.

Materials that allow few free electrons are called insulators.
Materials such as plastic, rubber, glass, mica, and ceramic are
good insulators.
An electric cable is one example of how conductors and
insulators are used.
Electrons flow along a copper conductor to provide energy to
an electric device such as a radio, lamp, or a motor.
An insulator around the outside of the copper conductor is
provided to keep electrons in the conductor.
Semiconductor materials, such as silicon, can be used to manufacture
devices that have characteristics of both conductors and insulators.
Many semiconductor devices will act like a conductor when an external force is
applied in one direction.
When the external force is applied in the opposite direction, the semiconductor
device will act like an insulator.
This principle is the basis for transistors, diodes, and other solid-state electronic
Electric Charges
• Elements are often identified by the number
of electrons in orbit around the nucleus of the
atoms making up the element and by the
number of protons in the nucleus.

• A hydrogen atom, for example, has only one

electron and one proton.

• An aluminum atom (illustrated) has 13

electrons and 13 protons.

• An atom with an equal number of electrons

and protons is said to be electrically neutral.
• Electrons in the outer band of an atom are easily displaced by the application
of some external force.
• Electrons which are forced out of their orbits can result in a lack of electrons
where they leave and an excess of electrons where they come to rest.
• The lack of electrons is called a positive charge because there are more
protons than electrons.
• The excess of electrons has a negative charge.
• A positive or negative charge is caused by an absence or excess of electrons.
• The number of protons remains constant.
We know from elementary physics that all matter is made of
fundamental building blocks known as atoms and that each atom
consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons.
We also know that the charge “e” on an electron is negative and equal
in magnitude to 1.602×10-19 C,
while a proton carries a positive charge of the same magnitude as the
The presence of equal numbers of protons and electrons leaves an
atom neutrally charged.

Electric current due to flow of electronic

charge in a conductor
The following points should be noted about electric charge:

1. The coulomb is a large unit for charges. In 1 C of charge, there

are 1/ (1.602 × 10-19) = 6.24 × 1018 electrons. Thus realistic or
laboratory values of charges are on the order of pC, nC, or µ C.

2. According to experimental observations, the only charges that

occur in nature are integral multiples of the electronic charge
e = -1.602 × 10-19 C.

3. The law of conservation of charge states that charge can neither

be created nor destroyed, only transferred.
Thus the algebraic sum of the electric charges in a system does not
1.2.2 Electrical circuit variables and elements

is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists,
measured in coulombs (C)
Coulomb - C
• The standard unit of quantity in electrical measurements.
• It is the quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by the current produced
by an electro-motive force of one volt acting in a circuit having a resistance of
one ohm, or the quantity transferred by one ampere in one second.
Ampere - A
The movement or flow of these electrons is called electron current flow or just current.
To produce current, the electrons must be moved by a potential difference.

The symbol for current is (I).

The basic measurement for current is the ampere (A).

One ampere of current is defined as the movement of one coulomb of charge past any
given point of a conductor during one second of time.

• Generally, electric current flow can be classified as one of two general types:
Direct Current (DC) or Alternating Current (AC).
An example of DC current is that current obtained from a battery.
An example of AC current is common household current.
Volt - V
The Volt - V - is the Standard International (SI) unit of electric potential or
electromotive force. A potential of one volt appears across a resistance of one
ohm when a current of one ampere flows through that resistance.
Ohm - Ω
The derived SI unit of electrical resistance - the resistance between two
points on a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 volt
between them produces a current of 1 ampere.

Watt - W
The watt is used to specify the rate at which electrical energy is dissipated,
or the rate at which electromagnetic energy is radiated, absorbed, or
The unit of power W or Joule/second
Definition, units and symbols of electrical quantities
Quantity Unit
No. Definition
Symbol Symbol
Charge is defined as the quantity of electricity which flows, past a given point in an
1. Charge, Q electric circuit when a current of one ampere is maintained for one second. Coulomb C
Q = It
The work is done when a force acts through a distance in a direction of the force.
2. Work, W Joule, J
Power is defined as the rate of doing work or transferring energy
P= =
𝒕 𝒕
3. Power, P Electric power is the rate of energy consumption in an electrical circuit. Watt, W
P = IV = I2R =

Electromotive Force, The force or electrical pressure that causes a current to flow in a circuit equivalent to the
4. Volt, V
e.m.f potential difference between the terminals.
Resistance is defined as the resisting or opposing the current flow in conductor when a
5. Resistance, R 𝑽 Ohm, O
constant electric potential applied at the two points to produce a current. R =

Electrical current is a measure of the amount of electrical charge transferred per unit
6. Current, I Ampere, A
7. Conductance, G Conductance is the reciprocal of electrical resistance. G = Siemens, S
8. Energy, E Energy is ability to do work. E = Pt Joule, J
The “12” basic formulas for Ohm's Law can be
Voltage = the Square Root of Power * Resistance
Voltage = Power / Current E EMF Electromotive Force - Volt
I Current
Voltage = Current * Resistance
R Resistance
Resistance = Voltage / Current
Resistance = Power / Current squared
Resistance = Voltage squared / Power
Current = Voltage / Resistance
Current = the Square Root of Power / Resistance
Current = Power / Voltage
Power = Voltage * Current
Power = the Current squared * Resistance
Power = the Voltage squared / Resistance
Example 2
If a current of 10A flows for four minutes, find the quantity of electricity transferred.
Solution 2:
Quantity of electricity, Q =l t coulombs. l =10A and t = 4 × 60 = 240s,
Q = 10 ×240 = 2400C
Example 3
Find the conductance of a conductor of resistance:
a. 25Ω b. 20 kΩ c. 10mΩ
Solution 3:
1 1
a. G = = =0.04 S
𝑅 25
1 1
b. G = = = 5 × 10 = 50μS
𝑅 20 × 103
1 1
C. G = = = 100 S
𝑅 10× 10−3
Example 4
A source e.m.f. of 15V supplies a current of 3A for 6 minutes. How much energy is provided this time?
Solution 4:
E = P t where P = I V = (3) (15) = 45W t = 6 X 60 s = 360 S
Hence, E = P t = (45) (360) = 16200 J = 16.2 K J
Example 5
RLC circuit has R = 425 Ω , L = 1.25 H and c = 3.5 μF . It is connected to an AC source with
f= 60Hz and Vrms = 150 V. Determine
a) Inductive resistance b) Capacitive resistance c) Impedance of the circuit
d) Maximum current in the circuit e) The phase angle between the current and voltage

Inductive resistance XL = ωL = 2 π f L = 2 x
3.14 x 60 x 1.25 = 471 Ω
Capacitive resistance = 758 Ω
Impedance of the circuit = 513 Ω
Maximum current in the circuit = 0.293 A
The phase angle φ = -34 o
 L = 0.0162 x 10-3  L = 16.2 μH
Example 6
•Two positive charges Q1 = 4 μC and Q2 = 9 μC, distance between them 5 m,
find the location of negative charge Q3 where the resultant force = zero
acting on Q3. Q1 = 4 μC Q3 Q2 = 9 μC

+ - +
r 5-r
According to Coulomb's law
Q1Q3 Q2Q3
F1,3  K , F2,3  K
r 2
(5  r ) 2
Q1Q3 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2
in equilibrium F1, 3  F2 , 3  K  K  
r2 (5  r ) 2 r2 (5  r ) 2

4 9 2 3
  applying square root    2( 5 – r) = 3r  10 – 2r = 3r
r 2 (5  r ) 2 r 5r
3 r + 2 r = 10  5 r = 10  r=2m
Example 7
•Two charges Q1 = 21μC and Q2 = -7μC, distance between them 2 m,
find value of distance (x) makes the resultant force acting on Q3 = zero as shown in next fig.
Q1 = 21 μC Q2 = -7 μC Q3 = -3 μC

+ 2 - x -

Q1Q3 Q2 Q3
F1,3 K F2,3 K
( 2  x) 2 x2

Q1 Q2
in equilibrium F1, 3  F2 , 3  
r2 (7  r ) 2
21 7 4.6 2.65
 applying square root  
(2  x) 2 x2 2 x x

4.6 x = 5.3 + 2.65 x  4.6 x – 2.65 x = 5.3  1.95 x = 5.3

∴x = 2.7 m

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