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3D seismic volume visualization and interpretation:

An integrated workflow with case studies

Dengliang Gao1

ABSTRACT visibility of features of interest. In the structure and facies char-

acterization phase, vertical slicing along arbitrary traverses dem-
One of the major problems in subsurface seismic exploration onstrates structure styles, stratigraphic architecture, and reser-
is the uncertainty 共nonuniqueness兲 in geologic interpretation be- voir geometry in the cross-sectional view. Time/depth slicing de-
cause of the complexity of subsurface geology and the limited di- fines lateral and vertical variability in the structural trend and ar-
mension of the data available. Case studies from worldwide ex- eal extent in the map view. Stratal slicing and fault slicing map
ploration projects indicate that an integrated, three-dimensional chronostratigraphic seismic facies and cross-stratal, along-fault
共3D兲 seismic volume visualization and interpretation workflow seismic signature. Volume flattening and structure restoration aid
contributes to resolving the problem by mining and exposing in unraveling paleostructural framework and stratigraphic archi-
critical geologic information from within seismic data volumes. tecture and their growth histories. In the prospect evaluation and
Following 3D seismic data acquisition and processing, the inter- generation phase, a combination of volume trimming, co-render-
pretation workflow consists of four integrated phases from data ing, transparency, attribute analysis, and attribute-body detection
selection and conditioning, to structure and facies characteriza- is instrumental in delineating volumetric extent and evaluating
tion, to prospect evaluation and generation, to well-bore plan- spatial connectivity of critical seismic features. Finally, in the
ning. In the data selection and conditioning phase, the most fa- well-bore planning phase, informed decision-making relies on
vored and frequently used data are the full-angle, limited-angle, the integration of all the information and knowledge interrogated
and limited-azimuth stack amplitude with significant structure from 3D seismic data. Most importantly, interpreters’ geologic
and facies enhancements. Signal-to-noise ratio, color scheme, insight and play concept are crucial to optimal well-bore plan-
dynamic range, bit resolution, and visual contrast all affect the ning with high geologic potential and low economic risk.

INTRODUCTION are displayed and interpreted in a 2D manner, leaving the critical ad-
vantage and potential value of 3D seismic data underused. High-per-
Traditional two-dimensional 共2D兲 displays of a limited number of formance 3D digital computing and state-of-the-art volume visual-
seismic lines or maps often alias the interpretation of tectonic defor-
ization and interpretation technologies have played an important
mation, sediment deposition, and fluid flow occurring in three di-
role in facilitating 3D seismic volume interpretation in an interactive
mensions. Three–dimensional seismic imaging technology provides
a continuous volumetric seismic coverage of the survey area that manner.
makes it possible to investigate seismic structure, stratigraphy, and There is extensive documentation on various seismic volume vis-
hydrocarbon reservoirs from a 3D perspective. Although the 3D ualization and interpretation techniques; however, these techniques
seismic data offer a unique opportunity to make seismic observa- have been largely used as individual, independent functions in rou-
tions and geologic interpretations in 3D space, most 3D seismic data tine seismic interpretation applications. This paper presents and im-

Submitted to the new journal experiment. Manuscript received by the Editor 13 December 2007; revised manuscript received 17 May 2008; published online
16 December 2008.
Formerly Marathon Oil corporation, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.; presently Chevron Energy Technology Company, Earth Sciences Department, Houston, Texas,
U.S.A. E-mail:
© 2009 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.


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plements the key seismic volume visualization and interpretation GENERAL WORKFLOW WITH CASE STUDIES
modules in an integrated workflow beginning with data conditioning
and selection, through structure and facies characterization, concep- Subsurface exploration is challenging because it requires innova-
tual modeling, prospect evaluation, to well-bore planning. Using tive integration of geologic concepts and geophysical technologies.
case studies of worldwide exploration projects, this study demon- There is no single technique that can solve every problem, and a
strates that the integrated workflow helps interpreters unravel and combination of a suite of volume visualization and interpretation
understand structural, stratigraphic, and reservoir systems that are of techniques is the key to the success of subsurface seismic explora-
geologic and economic significance. The workflow should have tion. In general, an integrated workflow typically consists of four
general applicability in seismic exploration projects in diverse geo- major phases in a 3D seismic exploration project.
logic settings.
Phase one: Data collection and conditioning
Seismic volume image Amplitude trace data
Data selection and color mapping schemes
Reflection seismic information is available in many forms that re-
2D flect the subsurface geology from diverse perspectives in the survey
area. Among the most useful data sets are the poststack amplitudes
along with the prestack amplitudes at variable incidence angle 共off-
set兲 and variable azimuth. Typically, a 3D seismic exploration
project starts with full-angle/full-azimuth poststack data because it
can be easily manipulated and visualized in a 3D space. Given the
0 255 objective of seismic exploration, this study uses the regular post-
Amplitude stack amplitude data with significant structural and stratigraphic en-
Figure 1. Digital representation of a regular seismic amplitude cube. hancement to optimize visualization and interpretation for structure
Each trace consists of an array of amplitude samples that is visually styles and stratigraphic facies 共Gao, 2006a, 2006b兲. Because seismic
depicted by an array of voxels 共volumetric pixel兲 in 3D space. The amplitudes at different incidence angle 共offset兲 and azimuth better
gray level associated with each voxel denotes the amplitude intensi- depict the complexity and variability in subsurface geology, the suc-
ty of the sample.
cess of a seismic exploration project relies on using prestack, limit-
ed-angle, and limited-azimuth data.
Three–dimensional seismic data, which can be
acquired and processed according to exploration
N objectives, are visually represented by voxels
共volumetric pixel兲 in 3D space 共Figure 1兲. The
amplitude intensity of each voxel sample is
mapped with a distinct color 共Figure 2兲 共Balch,
1971; Taner et al., 1979; Ahern, 1999; Bertrand,
2001; Brown, 2004; Chopra and Marfurt, 2005兲.
A color spectrum is defined by 256 共28兲 levels for
8-bit resolution, 65536 共216兲 levels for 16-bit res-
200 ms

olution, or 4294967000 共232兲 levels for 32-bit res-

olution. Each color can be decomposed into three
primary components of red 共R兲, green 共G兲, and
500 m blue 共B兲 共Figure 2兲. Although there is no single
standard color-mapping function that applies to
all data sets, an optimal color scheme should be
g1 g2 c1 c2 graphically straightforward and geologically
g3 c3
0 255 meaningful in articulating the interpretation ob-
0 255
jective. For example, an effective color-mapping
g1 c1 function can be a single-gradational gray 共Figure
g2 c2 2a兲 or dual-gradational color 共Figure 2b兲 to differ-
g3 c3 entiate amplitude polarity. In seismic structural
interpretation, a simple grayscale color scheme is
effective in delineating structural fabrics. In seis-
mic facies analysis, distinct colors 共e.g., red and
yellow兲 are generally used to highlight major
seismic facies or anomalies of interest from the
background so they are easily recognizable from
among the other facies.
Although color does not alter the information
content and nature, it can dramatically affect the

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