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1. Which of the following organizations referred to adolescence as a distinct stage that marks the transition
between childhood and adulthood?
2. Which is an example of the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage?
A. A teenager trying out new fashions and hairstyles
B. A preschooler insisting on picking out her own clothes, no matter how mismatched they are
C. A middle-schooler completing a challenging math assignment
D. All of the above
3. Teacher Anna found out that her student, Ramon, is facing dificulty in drawing a square. She assumes that
this student also finds it difficult to draw a diamond. Teacher Anna applies which of the following
principles to derive at her assumption?
A. Development is gradual
B. Development for different people is different
C. Development tends to follow an orderly sequence
D. Development is salutatory
4. A child coming to preschool for the first time cries profusely. After two years when the same child goes to
the primary school for the first time, he does not express his tension by crying, rather his shoulder and neck
muscles become tense. The change in his behavior can be explained on the basis of which principle?
A. Development proceeds in a sequential manner
B. Development is gradual
C. Development is different in different people
D. Development is characterized by differentiation and integration
5. Although both glasses contain the same amount of soda, 5-year-old Tammy mistakenly believes that her
short, wide glass contains less soda than her brother's tall, narrow glass. Which stage does Tammy belong
A. Sensorimotor
B. Preoperational
C. Concrete Operational
D. Formal Operational
6. Jeremiah cries when he is tired, and when he is hungry, he also cries if he is missing attention from his
mother. Tobin rarely cries in public, and expresses if he is hungry or tired using words. Using this example
of their behavior, suggest what age bracket each child is in
A. Infancy; Childhood (school aged)
B. Childhood (preschool); Middle age
C. Adolescence; infancy
D. Infancy; early adulthood
7. Someone who is in the development stage of early adulthood would Experience.
A. Peak physical fitness, advanced cognitive skills particular for areas of expertise, continuing
to develop self -identity and emphasis placed on intimacy and independence
B. Peak physical fitness, stable cognitive functioning, sexual maturity and adjustments to new roles
C. Slow in physical growth, advanced cognitive skills, stable self-identity and sophisticated pretend
D. Slow in physical growth, stable cognitive functioning, sexual maturity, and emphasis placed on
intimacy and independence
8. A four-year-old child at the sand table is trying to fill a container with sand using a measuring cup.
However, the child's attempts result in more sand spilling on the floor than filling the container. Which of
the following statements by the teacher would most likely prompt the child to engage in problem solving in
this situation?
A. "Im going to watch you fill the container step by step. You tell me what happens at each
B. "I wonder if you'd be more successful if you tried to fill a wide-mouth container."
C. "Now I see what's happening. You're pouring the sand before thcup is above the container."
D. "Perhaps it would work better to use the container to scoop up the sand."
10.Some professors want to teach about the life-span approach in a Human Development course, whereas
others want to keep the traditional developmental approach. They disagree about
A. The plasticity of development
B. The multidimensional nature of development
C. Whether development is life-long.
D. Whether development is multidirectional


1.Teacher Ed is a grade nine teacher in a special education class. He is required to undergo a formal training in
handling students with exceptionalities in order to properly teach and assess them. In what law is this action

A. Child and Welfare Code

B. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232
C. Presidential Decree No. 603
D. Republic Act No. 3562

2. Student A has a flat, broad face with small ears and nose. She also has floppy muscles. She is diagnosed as having
intellectual disability. What type of chromosomal disorder does she have?

A. Klinefelter syndrome

B. William syndrome

C. Trisomy 21

D. Prader-Willi Syndrome

3. A mother consulted a specialist about the intellectual capacity of her son. The result of the IQ test is 50. What
level of the classification of mental retardation does the child belong?

A. Mild

B. Moderate

C. Severe

D. Profound

4.When Teacher John reiterated the classroom rules, one of his students argued with him. The student stood with an
angry and resentful attitude and was firm with refusing to obey the rules. What could be the possible disorder of the
A. Oppositional Defiant Disorder V

B. Manic Depression

C. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

D. Bipolar

5. Ms. Ramos has two blind students mainstreamed in her class. The following are effective strategies when teaching
students who are blind EXCEPT

A. Do not use words "look" and "see"

B. Make the student who is blind a leader in group activities.

C. Use the Braille code.

D. None of the choices

6. Why do we have to include people with disabilities in our laws?

A. to require everyone to respect and to appreciate people with disabilities

B. to inform people about the strengths and weaknesses of people with disabilities

C. to mandate the government to have a budget for them

D. to uphold the rights of people with disabilities

7..You are a Grade Two teacher with one student who has a mental health condition. Which of the following is NOT
an appropriate way to handle him/her?

A. Provide clear and thorough explanations and instructions

B. Give the requirements at once so that he/she can rest after finishing them

C. Ask the student on how he/she would like to receive information

D. Be patient and flexible in teaching

8. Mona is a child with a profound hearing impairment. She finds it difficult to cope with the class academically,
especially in subjects that are highly technical in nature like Math and Science. As a teacher, what will you do to
help Mona learn?

A. Use clear and interactive visual aids, allow a slower pace in teaching, and be patient in re- teaching the

B. Give Math and Science books and instruct her to do discovery learning

C. Instruct her seatmate to do the activities and assessments for her

D. Speak loudly when discussing

9. Bryan, a grade eight student with partial vision impairment, was not given an opportunity to have a special seat in
front of the room and was deprived of using the braille. He was not also given an orientation to guide him when
walking in the school. What law was violated?

A. The Accessibility Law

B. Education Act of 1982

C. Child and Youth Welfare Code X

D. RA 5250

10. Which of the following situations does NOT show an inclusive school culture?

A. Teacher Mavic orients the students on the first day of class that there is a student who has partial vision
impairment, thus giving him/her a special seat in front.

B. Teacher France uses child-friendly and encouraging words whenever she discusses.

C. Teacher Jake allows the class to shout when talking to a student with hearing impairment because he/she
cannot hear properly.

D. Teacher Grace permits his student with physical disability to use his wheelchair in the classroom.


1. For the Beginning Career Stage, which trait is not yet included?



C. Consolidating

D. Applying

2. Which description correctly describes the Beginning teacher?

A.Teachers who consistently displaya high level of performance in theirteaching practice, mentor colleagues and
work collegially with other staff.

B.Teachers who embody the highest standards for teaching grounded in global best practice and lead colleagues in
promoting quality teaching and learning.

C.Teachers who consistently display a very high level of performance in their teaching practice, mentor colleagues
and work collegially with other staff.

D.Teachers who have gained the qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching profession and need
support from more experienced colleagues.

3. "Subject to the provisions of Section three hereof, teachers appointedon a provisional status for lack of necessary
civil service eligibility shall beextended permanent appointment for the position he is holding after having rendered
at least ten years of continuous, efficient and faithful service in such position." This clause in the Magna Carta for
Teachers falls under

A. Sec. 6 Consent for TransferTransportation Expenses

B. Sec. 5 Tenure of Office

C.Sec. 4 Probationary Period

D. Sec. 3. Recruitment and

4. Sec. 30. Rules and Regulations. The Secretary of Education shall formulateand prepare the necessary rules and
regulations to implement the provisions of this Act. Rules and regulations issued pursuant to this Section shall take
effect thirty days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation and by such other means as theSecretary of
Education deems reasonably sufficient to give interested parties general notice of such issuance. This section falls
under -





5. Under the ESD Pillars of Education, which concept falls on "learning to do"?

A Learning to Learn

B. Acquire universally shared values

C. Apply knowledge in daily life

D.Act achieve solidarity

6. Under the ESD Pillars of Education, which concept falls on "To transform one

self and society"?

A.Be respectful of the earth and life in all its diversity

B.Acquire technical and professional training

C.Encourage diversity an experimentation

D .Develop critical thinking

7. A citizen of the Philippines or an alien whose country has reciprocity with the Philippines in the practice of the
teaching profession; At least eighteen (18) years of age; In good health and of good reputation with high moral
values; Has not been convicted by final judgment by a court for an offense involving moral turpitude; graduate of a
school, college or university recognized by the government and possesses the minimum educational qualification.
These are requirements under

A.Article |I Section 13. Examination,Registration and License Required

B. Article I|I| Section 14. Scope of Examination

C . Article I| Section 15.Qualification Requirements of Applicants

D.Article II| Section 20. Failure to Pass the Merit Examination

8. What is Republic Act No.7836?






9.. In the Code of Ethics for teachers, which falls under Article ||l: The Teacher and

the Community?

A.Every teacher shall actively ensure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm
and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

B.A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work not of his own, and shall give due credit for the work of
others which he may use.

C.Every teacher has a right to invoke the principle that appointments, promotions, and transfer of teachers are made
only on the basis of merit and needed in the interest of the service.

D. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in community movements for moral,
social, educational, economic and civic betterment.

10. In the Code of Ethics for teachers, which falls under Article V: The Teachers and the Profession?

A. Every teacher shal actively ensure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm
and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

B. A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work not of his own, and shall give due credit for the work of
others which he may use.

C.Every teacher has a right to invoke the principle that appointments, promotions, and transfer of teachers are made
only on the basis of merit and needed in the interest of the service.

D. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in Community movements for moral,
social, educational, economic and civic betterment.



1. Which is not a "Learning Experience" concept?

A.Education is a social process and so school is intimately related to the society that it serves

B.Education is a social activity and the school is a social agency that helps shape human character and behavior.

C.Education is designed "to awaken students' consciousness about social problems and to engage them
actively in problem solving".

D..Values are relative but sharing, cooperation, and democracy are significant human values that should be
encouraged in schools

2. Which concept supports Utilitarian Education?

A.Acquire knowledge about the world through the senses

B.Curriculum should emphasize the practical, utilitarian and scientific subjects that helped human kind
master the environment

C. The sole purpose of education is to contribute to the personal and social growth of individuals.

D. Teachers should lead society rather than follow it. Teachers are agents of change.
3. Which idea supports critical pedagogy?

A.Technological era is an era of interdependence and so education must be international in scope for global

B.Education is designed" to awaken students' consciousness about social problems and to engage them actively in
problem solving

C.Teachers must not see themselves as the sole possessors of knowledge and their students as empty
receptacles. He calls this pedagogical approach the "banking method" of education

D.Simple ideas become more complex through comparison, reflection and generalization

4. Teachers should lead society rather than follow it. Teachers are agents of change. What educational philosophy is

A.Building a New Social Order

B.Social Reconstructionism

C.Utilitarian education

D. Empiricism

5. For a society to work, functionalists say, people must subscribe to a common set of beliefs and values. As we saw,
the development of such Common views was a goal.of the system of free, compulsory education that developed in
the nineteenth century. This is a function of education called


B. Social Integration

C.Social Placement

D.Social and Cultural Innovation

6. What purpose of schooling according to functionalists which is to educate future citizens; promote patriotism;
promote assimilation of immigrants; ensure order, public civility and conformity to laws.

A. Intellectual


C. Economic

D. Social

7. "Education is a powerful means of maintaining power structures and creating a docile workforce for capitalism.
The purpose of education is to maintain social inequality and to preserve the power of those who dominate society
and teach those in the working class to accept their position as a lower class worker of society".

A.This is the new advocacy for the 21st century learners .

B.This is how the proponents of Conflict Theory regard education

C.This is how proponents of Social of Reconstructionism regard education

D.This is how proponents o functional Theory regard education

8. Which is not part of the developments mentioned?

A.Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994.

B.. CHED İS responsible for higher education R.A.

C.A daily flag ceremony was made compulsory in all schools including the singing of the National Anthem
pursuant to R.A. 1265

D. 7722- Higher Education Act of 1994

9. Eradication of the idea of reliance upon Western State, fostering a new Filipino culture, elevating the moral of
the people took place during what era?

A Commonwealth

B. Japanese

C. Spanish

D.Post-Colonial Philippines

10. R.A. 4670 is the Law creating

A.The Magna Carta for Teachers

B. The LET requirements for Teachers

C. The K12 Program Law

D.Higher Education Act


1.Which of the following statements posits that the learning of a complex subject matter is most effective when it is
an intentional process of constructing meaning from information and experience?

A.Nature of the learning process

B. Goals of the learning process

C. Construction of knowledge

D Strategic thinking

2. Which of the following statements about goals of the learning process is incorrect?

A. The successful learner, over time and with support and instructional quidance, can create meaningful, coherent
representations of knowledge.

B. The strategic nature of learning requires students to be goal directed.

C.The successful learner can link of new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways.

D. Educators can assist learners in creating meaningful learning goals that are consistent with both personal and
educational aspirations and interests

3. . Which statement on construction of knowledge is incorrect?

A. The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways.

B. Knowledge widens and deepens as students continue to build links between new information and experiences
and their existing knowledge base

C. Educators can assist learners in acquiring and integrating knowledge by a number of strategies that have been
shown to be effective with learners of varying abilities.

D .The successful learner can create a repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies to achieve complex
learning goals.

4. Which of the following is not a benefit of strategic thinking?

A. Successful learners use strategic thinking in their approach to learning, reasoning, problem solving and concept

B. They understand and can use a variety of strategies to help them reach learning and performance goals, and to
apply their knowledge in novel situations.

C. They also continue to expand their repertoire of strategies by reflecting on methods they use to see which work
well for them.

D.Learning outcomes can be limited if educators do not assist learners in developing, applying and assessing
their strategic learning skills.

5. Which of the following statements best describes thinking about thinking?

A. Higher order strategies for selecting and monitoring mental operations facilitate creative and critical

B.The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies to achieve complex
learning goals.

C. Learning is influenced by environmental factors, including culture, technology and instructional practices.

D.The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways.

6. Which of the following statements does not conform with the principle of the context of learning?

A. Teachers play a major interactive role with both the learner and thelearning environment.

B.Cultural or group influences on students can impact many educationally relevant variables, such as motivation,
orientation toward learning and ways of.thinking.

C.Technologies and instructional practices must be appropriate for learners' level of prior knowledge, cognitive
abilities and their learning and thinking strategies.

D. What and how much is learned is influenced by the learner'smotivation.

7.Which of the following motivational and emotional influences on learning is not classified as intense negative

A. Panic

B. Rage

C. Insecurity
D. Mild anxiety

8. Which of the following is not a major indicators of the learners' intrinsic motivation to learn?


B. Insightful thinking

C. Flexibility

D. Insecurity

9. All of the following statements about developmental influences on learning are correct except:

A. Individuals learn best when material is appropriate to their developmental level and is.presented in an enjoyable
level and interesting way.

B.Because individual development varies across intellectual, social,.emotional and physical domains, achievement
in different instructional domains may also vary.

C. Overemphasis on one type of development readiness-such as reading readiness-may preclude learners from
demonstrating that they are more capable in other areas of performance.

D. Late and discontinuing parental involvement in schooling, and the poor quality of language interactions
and one way communications between adults and children

10. Which statement on individual differences is correct?

A.Educators need to be sensitive to individual differences, in general

B. Educators do not need to help students examine their learning preferences and limit them,ifnecessary.

C.Educators need to be insensitive to individual differences, in general

D. Educators do not need to attend to learner perceptions on the degree to which these differences are materials.


1. The ICT competency standards for teachers include all the following.EXCEPT one. Which one?

A. digital and non-digital technology

B.enhance financial literacy skills

C.ethical issues on the use of ICT

D. use of technology tool

2. Which is NOT TRUE about e-safety in the use of digital technology?

A. Restricts the use of digital technology

B.Facilitates better understanding how to use online facilities

C.Protects young learners and adults from the digital risks

D. Helps users to understand the new technology

3. When working inside a computer laboratory, all of the choices EXCEPT one, isallowed. Which one is allowed?
A.Foods and drinks should be handy on the computer table.

B. One external electrical outlet should have 5 computers


C. Fire extinguishers should be made available.

D. Computer desks should be near each other to allow sharing of information.

4. The following are the varied ways why ICT tools can be integrated in teaching and learning. Which statement
gives the least relevant idea?

A. Allows effective collaboration

B.Facilitates easy processing of information

C. Provides a specific tool

D. Permits easy accessibility and sharing of resources

5. Which among the choices states one educational use of a OR Code?

A. QR stands for "Quick Response" that allows learners to give answers quickly.

B.It was created by a Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994

C. It gives the URL linking to the website.

D. A QR Code can contain instructions for a homework or task of a lesson

6. When employing the alternative assessment of student's learning using an

ePortfolio, constructing it at the start of the term is essential for it provides the learners the time to document the
process of how they are learning throughout the course. This statement is

A. true
B. false
C. Unclear
D. Debatable

7. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT based on the idea of using an ePortfolio in assessing student

A. An ePortfolio contains students' reflections that discuss how they were able to accomplish the task and what they
have learned from the lesson.

B. Although it contains evidence of students' work and documentations of their outputs, it may be limited to
examination or quiz results.

C. Although challenging, students' progress can be seen as they include exhibits of their work from the initial
attempts to half-way of finishing their work and to the finished product.

D. An ePortfolio is very much similar to the physical portfolio for it contains essentially the same required outputs
although digital materials are easily uploaded in the former platform.

8. When you plan to improve the next time you pursue a similar activity or task by studying further or collaborating
with others, which part of Gibb's Reflective Cycle is being described?
A. Description


C.Action Plan

D. Conclusion

9. Which statement do you consider most disagreeable?

A. An ePortfolio can be used as a repository of student's documentsand soft files that can serve as evidence of

B. Writing reflections on what was learned can be daunting but with the use of Gibbs Reflective Cycle Model makes
it easier.

C. The use of an ePortfolio is an X explicit example of how technology is integrated in instruction.

D. Constructing an ePortfolio is doable by the student, managing it as an administrator requires more

advanced skills

10. Which situation exemplifies the best use of an application or digital technology allowing collaborative work?

A. The whole class communicating through the mail to resolve an issue being discussed

B. A Forum page in a class site allowing learners to post their ideas on a topic asynchronously

C. Creating an online survey using a digital tool such as survey monkey or google form

D. Applying the principles of TPACK as a framework in producing a collaborative output


1.Who among the teachers described below is doing an assessment?

A. Mrs. Bautista who is administering a test to her students.

B. Mr. Ferrer who is counting the scores obtained by the students in his test.

C. Mrs. Leyva who is computing the final grade of the students after completing all their requirements.

D. Prof. Cuevas who is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that students perform poorly in her test.

2. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borillo gave a short quiz to find out how well the students have understood
the lesson. What type of assessment was done?

A.Summative Assessment

B. Formative Assessment

C. Diagnostic Assessment

D. Placement Assessment

3. You are assessing FOR learning. Which of these will you likely do?

A. Giving grades to students

B.Reporting to parents the performance of their child.

C. Recommending new policies in grading students.

D. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of students.

4. Ms. Saplan is planning to do an assessment OF learning. Which of these should she include in her plan
considering her purpose for assessment?

A. How to give immediate feedback to students' strengths and weaknesses

B. How to determine the area of interest of learners

C. How to certify student's achievement

D. How to design one's instruction

5. Mr. Cidro wants to test students' knowledge of the different places in the Philippines, their capital and their
products and so he gave his students an essay test. If you were the teacher, will you do the same?

A. No, giving of an objective test is more appropriate than the use of essay.

B. No, such method of assessment is inappropriate because essay is difficult.

C. Yes, essay test could measure more than what other tests could measure.

D. Yes, essay test is the best in measuring any type of knowledge.

6. The students of Mrs. Valino are very noisy. To keep them busy, they were given any test available in the
classroom and then the results were graded as a way to punish them. Which statement best explains of the practice is
acceptable or not?

A. The practice is acceptable because the students behaved well when they were given a test.

B. The practice is not acceptable because it violates the principle of reliability.

C. The practice is not acceptable because it violates the principle of validity.

D. The practice is acceptable since the test results are graded.

7. At the beginning of the school year, the 6-year-old pupils were tested to find out who among them can already
read. The result was used to determine their sections. What kind of test was given to them?


B. Formative

C. Placement


8. Which is WRONG to assume about traditional assessment?

A. It can assess individuals objectively

B. It can assess individuals at the same time.

C. It is easier to administer than performance test.

D. It can assess fairly all the domains of intelligence of an individual.

9. Mr. Labalanga, an elementary school teacher in Science found out that many of his pupils got very high scores in
the test. What measure of central tendency should he use to describe their average performance in the subject?

A. Mean

B. Median

C. Mode

D. Range

10. A negative discrimination index simply indicates that

A. The test item has low reliability.

B. The test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper groups.

C. More from the lower group answered the test item correctly.

D. More from the upper group got the item correct


1. Which of the following literacies refers to the ability to correspond visual shapes to spoken sounds in order to
decode written materials and translate them into oral language?

A. Basic literacy

B. Comprehension literacy

C. Functional literacy

D. Literacy

2. It is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written
materials associated with varying contexts.

A. Basic literacy

B. Comprehension literacy

C. Functional literacy


3. Which statement on globalization is incorrect?

A. Globalization results in economic, political, and military dependence and interdependence between nations.

B. Globalization results in expanded flow of individual people among societies.

C.Globalization results in interdependence of expressive culture among nations.

D. Globalization results in limited flow of instrumental culture around the world.


4. The following are skills and knowledge required to be culturally literate except:

B. Unwillingness to compromise

C.Acceptance that there are limits

D. Idea that we can be friends with everyone

5. Which of the following social skills is manifested by a person that is able to feel what other person feels?

A. Greeting

B. Initiating conversation

C. Empathizing

D. Problem solving

6. Which statement on financial literacy is incorrect?

A. Financial literacy refers to knowledge of financial product.

B. Financial literacy refers to knowledge of financial concept.

C. Financial literacy refers to being engaged in certain activities such financial planning.

D. Financial literacy refers to the absence of mathematical skills or numeracy necessary for effective financial
decision making.

7. How do frugal people seek and spend money?

A. Frugal people seek financial luxury by living below their means and saving money.

B. Frugal people seek and use money to bring pleasure to themselves and to others.

C. Frugal people seek and use money to express their social status.

D. Frugal people seek money to express power or control over others.

8. Which statement on media messages is incorrect?

A. Media messages are constructed.

B. Media messages are produced within economic, social, political, historical. and aesthetic contexts

C. Media representations do not play a role in people’s understanding of social reality.

D.Media has unique languages, characteristics which typify various forms, genres, and symbol systems of

9. Which of the following statements best describe the characteristic of an inquirer ecologically literate person?

A. One who actively secures the basic skills and knowledge in order to carry out ecological responsibilities.

B. One who understands the value and limitations of human knowledge, the power and limitations of the natural
world, the role of intuition in real life pursuits, and the role of self as it is manifested in one’s personal narrative.

C. One engages in self-appraisal, sets new learning objectives, develops plan to achieve those objectives, carries out
those plans in a flexible inquiry-directed manner, and reflects on the whole process.
D. One who governs actions with precepts that maintain harmonious relationships.

10. Which of the following lessons or benefits education can learn from the arts which states that there is no content
without form and no form without content?

A. Form and content cannot be separated.

B.Everything interacts.

C. Nuance matters.

D. The limits of language are not the limits of cognition.


1. Assessment emphasizes the use of feedback and helps in development of

learners. What characteristic of 21st century assessment is described?

A. Communicated
B. Informative
C. Responsive
D. Technically sound

2. If Teacher Jhocelle is assessing the authentic experiences of her students, which

of the following will she consider?

A. Portfolio Assessment
B. Holistic Assessment
C. Alternative Assessment

D. Performance-Based Assessment

3. Which refers to the collection of students’ products and sample works for
evaluation purposes?

A. Portfolio
B. Performance-Based

C. Structured Record

D. Traditional

4. Mr. Herrera administered an achievement test in Science to his Grade 7 students.

He considered the performance of one student as basis for assigning the grade
equivalence of the score obtained by the other students. What type of assessment
did he use?
A. Holistic
B. Contextualized
C. Norm-referenced
D. Criterion-referenced

5. Which is the LEAST authentic method of assessment?

A. Research output in History Class

B. Photofolio in Educational Technology class
C. Paper-and-pencil test in Physical Education
D. Collection of outputs and experiments in Science

6. Mr. Kenjie is doing a performance-based assessment in web site development with

the use of different programming systems in her Information Technology course.
Which of the following will most likely happen?

A. Students are evaluated using portfolio..

B. Students are evaluated by traditional testing.
C. Students are evaluated on actual demonstration.
D. Students are evaluated based on past experience.

7. What should be considered in planning for performance-based assessment?

A. The table of specifications of the tasks
B. The purpose of assessment

C. The level of cognitive domains to be measured

D. Available paper-and-pencil

8. Mr. Garcia, a business management professor, makes sure that he includes

performance tasks at the end of the course study that will enable the students to
practice and apply what they have learned in the real world of business. Which task
is being practiced by Mr. Garcia?

A. Capstone Performance
B. Completing an Inquiry
C. Solving a Problem
D. Presentation Tasks

9. Which kind of rubric is BEST for rating a student's photofolio?

A. Holistic
B. Analytic
C. Both holistic and analytic
D. Either holistic or analytic

10. What is the first step in planning for performance-based assessment?

A. Prepare a scoring rubric.

B. Evaluate the performance

C. Identify performance tasks

D. Determine the purpose of assessment



1. It studies how a language changes through time, for example the development of English words for Old English
period up to the 20th century

A. Theoretical Linguistics

B. Applied Linguistics

C. Diachronic Linguistics

D.Synchronic Linguistics

2. What feature of language is described by the absence of inherent relationship between the words of a language
and the meanings or ideas conveyed by them?


B. duality


D. discreteness

3. What term refers to the study of how speech sounds form patterns?


B. Phonology



4. Which among the following speech organs is the most versatile and flexible?

A.upper and lower lips

B.upper and lower teeth


5. What term is used to refer to the characteristic noise produced by the vibration of the vocal cords?



D. articulation

6. How many morphemes are demonstrated by the following word: “ungentlemanliness”?





7. What type of morpheme is illustrated by the underlined item?

A.smarter morpheme

C.inflectional morpheme

D.derivational morpheme


8. This speech act pertains to the actual action performed during utterance?

A.illocutionary act

B.locutionary act

C.perlocutionary act

D.felicity condition

9. The following sentence is syntactically correct:

“Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.” Is it true or false ?



10. The major word classes play a structural role in a sentence. This statement is:




1. During the first part of the video, when the old lady said, thus; “all those things (referring to vagina) are kindda
like a secret and it is not for… it is only for your own little joy” translates to:
A. a woman’s validation of her identity

B.a demonstration of one’s cultural upbringing

C.a manifestation of a woman’s ownership of herself

D. description of how women assert her power

2. “Down there? I haven’t been down there since 1953. No, it had nothing to do with Eisenhower. No, no, it’s a
cellar down there. It’s very damp, clammy. You don’t want to go down there. Trust me. You’d get sick. Suffocating.
Very nauseating. The smell of the clamminess and the mildew and everything. Whew! Smells unbearable. Gets in
your clothes. No, there was no accident down there. It didn’t blow up or catch on fire or anything. It wasn’t so
dramatic. I mean…well, never mind. No. Never mind. I can’t talk to you about this. What’s a smart girl like you
going around talking to old ladies about their down-there’s for? We didn’t do this kind of a thing when I was a girl.
What? Jesus, OK.” This example of use or play of language:

A.supports the view that use of power in language are not class-bound and can be maintained

B.makes sociolinguistics provide insights not just into the course of language but also into its motivation a communication too used in their daily life as a means to convey information and arguments to others

D.structurally features a speaker's linguistic variety that can be used to express one’s ethnic identity

3. How does Eve Ensler use imagery in her Vagina Monologue?





4. “This time, when we got home, he got to shave my vagina. It was like a therapy bonus prize. He clipped it a few
times and there was a little blood in the bathtub. He didn’t even notice it ’cause he was so happy shaving me. Then,
later, when my husband was pressing against me, I could feel his spiky sharpness sticking into me, my naked puffy
vagina. There was no protection. There was no fluff. I realized then that hair is there for a reason — it’s the leaf
around the flower, the lawn around the house. You have to love hair in order to love the vagina. You can’t pick the
parts you want. And besides, my husband never stopped screwing around.”

What does the hair represent?

A.The hair represents identity.

B.The hair represents power.

C .The hair represents social class.

D.The hair represents gender.

5. “My vagina is a shell, a round pink tender shell opening and closing, closing and opening. My vagina is a flower,
an eccentric tulip, the center acute and deep, the scent delicate, the petals gentle but sturdy.” The play of words and
the metaphor used entertained us and gave language the power to bring us to a different level of ecstasy. This
strategy relates language to: we understand things

B.different languages can be manipulated we respond to our culture we appreciate our gender

6. The behavioral dimension of power refers to decision-making power that manifests in the open contest for
dominance in situations of objective conflict of interests. The following lines from the monologue gives us a clear
picture of what this dimension means:

A.My vagina’s angry. It is. It’s pissed off. My vagina’s furious and it needs to talk.

B.If my vagina could talk it would talk about itself like me, it would talk about other vaginas, it would do vagina

C.Vaginas are beautiful. Our self-hatred is only the internalized repression and hatred of the patriarchal

D.All of the above.

7. When the boyfriend in “Because He Liked it” was described as “ordinary,” here we see how language could affect
its simplicity as shown in:


B.identity class


8. What chapter of the monologue provides a typical concept of language and gender?


B.Not-So-Happy Fact


D.The Woman Who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy

9. In the chapter, Reclaiming Cunt, what literary device was used in order to stress the point?





10. What does the speaker of “Reclaiming Cunt” do to the word itself to renounce its vulgarity?

A.discuss it

B.tear it apart

C.dissect it
D.analyze it

E.all of the above


1. In the sentence, “Meet me at the office later this afternoon.” the underlined phrase functions as ___________.

A. Prepositional Phrase

B. Adjective Phrase

C. Adverbial Phrase

D. Noun Phrase

2. Which of the following types of phrases is highlighted in the following sentence?

He has bought a new house by the lake.

A. Prepositional Phrase

B.Adjective Phrase

C. Adverbial Phrase

C.Noun Phrase

3. Which of the following basic phrase structure rule best illustrates this phrase, “the gentle breeze by the sea”?


B. NP- (Det) (Adj) N (PP)

C. VP- V (NP) (PP) (Adv)


4. In the sentence, “The officer who went abroad is a subject of a lifestyle check.” The underlined clause functions
as _________.

A. Noun Clause

B. Adjective Clause

C.Adverb Clause

D. Independent Clause

5. Which of the following sentences has an adverb clause?

A. We need to replace the glass that was broken.

B.I will send whoever requested information.

C.Whatever you need can be found here.

D.We called because we were worried about you.

6. Which of the following sentences has an adjective clause?

A. The road that led to the golden city was filled with horse-drawn rides.

B. She appeared confident as she took the exams.

C. To see him is what I hope for.

D. He treated whoever arrived first.

7. Which of the following sentence structures is evident in this sentence?

“When I left the house, I was nervous, but I still continued the trip.”

A. Simple Sentence

B.Compound Sentence

C. Complex Sentence

D. Compound-Complex Sentence

8. Which of the following is not a complex sentence?

A. Although he was old, he could still walk unaided.

B.The call center, which has been in operation for six years, unexpectedly closed down.

C. The guest had arrived; the audience gave him a rousing welcome.

D.As soon as you’ve read the newspaper, come inside my room.

9. Which of the following sentence structure is evident in this sentence?

“The actress accepted the trophy, but she fainted on the stage, while she was delivering her speech.”

A. Simple Sentence

B.Compound Sentence

C.Complex Sentence

D. Compound-Complex Sentence

10. Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?

A. Because she looks sick, the girl who wears tattered clothes is taken to the clinic, but the nurses seem to ignore

B. Even though the typhoon was strong, our crops were not destroyed.

C.Either Bran or Dave will drive the car.

D. One group played the band passionately, and another danced joyfully.


1. The following are the characteristics of language acquisition EXCEPT _______________.

A.Language acquirers are not usually aware of the fact that they are acquiring language.

B.Language acquirers know the rules, aware of them, and able to talk about them.
C.Language acquirers are aware of the fact that they are using the language for communication.

D.Language acquirers are able to pick up a language.

2. Which is NOT the role of error correction in second language acquisition?

A. helps the learner to induce or "figure out" the right form of a rule

B. influences acquisition to any great extent

C..has little or no effect on subconscious acquisition

D. all of the above

3. It can be viewed as a means of gaining comprehensible input and lowering the filter.

A.Causative Variables

B.Language Teaching

C.Exposure Variables


4. The learner is socially integrated with the Target Language (TL) group and, as a result, develops sufficient contact
with TL speakers to enable him to acquire the TL.


B.Type One Acculturation

C.Type Two Acculturation

D.None of the above

5. The following describe the Silent Way Approach EXCEPT ______________.

A.Silence is used as a teaching tool.

B.Learners are encouraged to be independent, to discover and figure out the language for themselves.

C.Learning the target language is therefore seen as a creative, problem-solving process.

D. Skills that enable students to meaningfully engage with each other are developed.

6. Which of the following characterizes the Functional-Notional Approach?

A. Language is recognized as purposeful communication.

B. Grammar isn’t taught explicitly but is learned inductively by the students through repeated exposure to the
spoken language.

C.Learning the target language is seen as a creative, problem-solving process.

D.Students experience the target language as experienced by native speakers.

7. Creating role-playing scenarios where students get a basic feel for the typical workplace is a typical classroom
activity of this approach.

A.Functional-Notional Approach
B Community Language Teaching

C.The Silent Way

D.Communicative Approach

8. This approach encourages learners to be independent and to discover and figure out the language for themselves.

A.Functional-Notional Approach

B Community Language Teaching

C. The Silent Way

D. Communicative Approach

9. Teacher Y considers the students’ level of understanding in preparing learning materials. Which of the following
characteristics of optimal input does matter to the teacher

A. interesting




10. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of informal environment in second language acquisition?

A. Informal environment is a rich source of comprehensible input.

B. Informal environment does much better in adult beginners.

C. Informal environment relies on teacher talk.

D. Informal environment provides comprehensible input to young beginners

EDENG 105 – Language Learning Materials

1. Ms. Reyes was hired in a well-equipped school but she has to start preparing her instructional materials before
classes begin. Which of the following is a systematic process in preparing her materials?

A. design – utilization – evaluation - development

B. design – development – utilization – evaluation

C. development – design – utilization – evaluation

D.development – utilization – evaluation – design

2. With the pervasiveness of technologies nowadays, a learner-centered instruction can be promoted. Which of the
following statements support this approach to teaching?

I. It focuses on transformation of facts.

II. It supports the use of lecture and drill methods.

III. It gives emphasis on collaboration and authentic assessment.

IV. Students work on tasks determined and controlled by the teacher.

A.I and II only

B.I and III only

C.II and IV only

D. III and IV only

3. Which of these technologies are arranged from the most symbolic to multisensory?

A.visual materials, audio visual materials, print and computers

B.visual materials, print, audio-visual materials and realia

C.print, audio, visual materials, and computers

D.real objects, audio-visual materials, print and visual materials

4. Marnel prepares his school research works using computer to submit his requirements on time. Does the computer
make him productive and efficient? Why?

I. Yes, because it can generate its own data.

II. Yes, because it can make one’s work easier.

III. Yes, because it can perform tasks fast and accurately.

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C.II and III only

D.I, II and III

5. Susan’s mother tongue is a vernacular. Which of the following materials would be the most efficient and effective
material to learn a second language?

A.interactive multimedia

B pictures and print materials

C audio compact discs and radio

D.printed materials and real objects

6. Which of the following statements does NOT describe educational technology?

I. It includes hardware and software.

II. It refers to the efficiency of teachers in using computers

III. It is the development, application, and evaluation of systems, techniques and aids to improve human learning

A.I only

B.II only

C.Both II and III

D.Both I and III

7. There are countless things in the environment that you and your students can use to learn from such as trees,
globes, pebbles, blocks etc. These real objects and models are really effective if they are utilized properly. Which of
the following is incorrect about the use of real objects and models?

A.Familiarize yourself with the object or model.

B.Allow passing of a single object around the class.

C.Make sure that objects/models are large enough to be seen by the whole class.

D.Encourage students’ participation through questioning and having students

8. Ms. Pacheco showed a segment of matter in “sine eskwela” to her pupils without a follow-up activity. Thus, the
pupils got low in the test. What does this imply?

A.TV makes viewing enjoyable.

B.TV promotes mastery of the lesson.

C.TV induces alienation on the part of the learners.

D.TV is effective when learners attain the lesson objectives.

9. There are several reasons why teachers are reluctant in using electronic media in the teaching- learning process.
Which is the most common reason?

A.The difficulty in integrating them in the curriculum.

B.The limited exposure of teachers to new equipment.

C.Their incompatibility to diverse needs of the learners.

D.The confusion in integrating and coping with the use of technology.

10. Which of the following should you avoid if you were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional game
after using it in teaching a lesson in high school science?

A.Present problems which are relevant to learning objectives.

B.Allow learners to select different content materials.

C.Provide a cooperative learning atmosphere.

D.Encourage collaboration among learners.

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1. The following statements are definitions of Speech Communication Process except one. Which among these
statements is NOT TRUE?

A.Speech communication is the process of sharing meaning through audible and visual codes such as voice, facial
expression, gestures, movement, posture and the like.
B.Speech Communication process is a chain made up of identifiable links. The chain includes sender, encoding,
message, receiver, decoding, and feedback.

C.Speech Communication Process has absolutes. That a completely perfect speech has already been made,
created and used.

D.The communication process is the method by which the sender transfers information and understanding to the

2. This Theory of Speech Communication states that language is a set of verbal behaviors learned through operant
conditioning. Operant conditioning is a method of changing behavior so that a desired behavior is reinforced
immediately after it occurs.

A.Behavioral Theory


C.Semantic-Cognitive Theory

D.Social-Pragmatic Theory

3. This Organ of Speech is a bony structure at the front part of the roof of the mouth.

A.Soft palate

B.Hard palate

C.Alveolar ridge


4. Which of the following is NOT an attribute of the human voice?



C.Harmonic Structure


5. When you want to educate your audience about a certain topic, you’ll probably opt to create this type of speech.
its purpose is to simplify complex theories into simpler, easier-to-digest and less ambiguous ideas; in other words,
conveying information accurately. What type of speech is this?

A.Demonstrative Speech

B.Persuasive Speech

C. Entertaining Speech

D. Informative Speech

6. This is a type of debate where participants typically agree on time limits and topics ahead of time. Many high
school and college debaters are familiar with this format because it is very structured, yet it allows for people to
openly express their viewpoints and rebuttals. This debate lasts about 40-45 minutes.

A.Moderated Dabates
B.Lincoln-Douglas Debate

C.Town Hall Debate

D.Parliamentary Debate

7. Which is not a characteristics of Story Telling?

A.Storytelling does not involve interaction between the story teller and the listener. It is just the perspective of
the storyteller.

B.Storytelling uses words, actions, vocalizations and physical movements.

C.Storytelling presents a story.

D.Storytelling encourages active imagination from the listeners.

8. This part of the stage will always draw the most focus because that position is centered visually on the stage and
the actor is closest to the audience. All of the elements on the stage frame, the actor, and if someone or something is
staged in that area it will always draw focus

A.Center Stage

B.Downstage Center

C.Upstage Center


9. These are outdoor theatres that do not have a roof, although sometimes parts of the stage or audience seating will
be covered. These stages may make use of the natural light as it changes during the day, particularly sunset.

A.Arena Theatre

B.Black-box Theatre


D.Open-air Theatre

10. These are the key creatives who alongside the Director or create the setting for the production, allowing the
audience to believe they are in a different place or time.






1. Which does not define Literary Criticism?

A.It is the study, discussion, evaluation and interpretation of literature.

B.It is the evaluation of the literary works, that includes the classification by genre, analysis of structure and
judgment of value.
C.It asks what literature is, what it does, and what it is worth.

D.It dissects every literary line and identifies its grammatical structure and linguistic forms.

2. According to Kelly Griffith (2002), prior to the 20th century, the investigation of the nature and value of literature
had had a long and distinguished history, beginning with Plato and Aristotle and continuing into modern times with
such figures written in the options below, EXCEPT ONE. Who does not belong to the group?

A.Sir Philip Sidney

B.John Dryden

C.Samuel Jackson

D.William Wordsworth

3. The id, the ego and the Superego are the three divisions of the human mind which are important concepts in
which Theory of Literary Criticism?

A.Psychoanalytic Theory



Reader Response

4. This criticism focuses on the readers’ responses to literary text and their responses are important enough to
become the focus of the literary interpretations. There can’t be wrong responses and interpretations in this kind of

A.Psychoanalytic Theory



D.Reader Response

5. Getting and keeping economic power is the motive behind all social and political activities, including education,
philosophy, religion, government, the arts, science, technology, the media, and so on. Thus, economics is the base on
which the superstructure of social/political/ ideological realities is built. Economic power therefore always includes
social and political power as well, which is why many of these Theorists today refer to socioeconomic class, rather
than economic class, when talking about the class structure. What criticism is this?

A.Psychoanalytic Theory



D.Reader Response

6. The main goal of this criticism is to promote equality by ensuring the fair representation and treatment of women
in Literary texts and other concepts.

A. Psychoanalytic Theory


D.Reader Response

7. Mikhail M. Bakhtin (1895–1975) is increasingly being recognized as one of the major literary theorists of the
twentieth century. He is perhaps best known for his radical philosophy of language, as well as his theory. He is the
Proponent of which Literary Theory?

A.Queer Theory

B.Critical Race Theory

C.Carnivalesque/ Grotesque Theory


8. This literary theory and criticism having mainly to do with structural purposes of a particular text without taking
into account any outside influence. It rejects any notions of culture or societal influence, authorship, and content,
and instead focuses on modes, genres, discourse, and forms.

A.Queer Theory

B.Critical Race Theory

C.Carnivalesque/ Grotesque Theory


9. This Literary Theory is used to explore and challenge how scholars, activists, artistic texts, and the media
perpetrate gender- and sex-based binaries, and its goal is to undo hierarchies and fight against social and Gender

A.Queer Theory

B.Critical Race Theory

C.Carnivalesque/ Grotesque Theory


10. This Literary Theory debunks the belief in racial superiority, inferiority, and purity based on the conviction that
moral and intellectual characteristics, just like physical characteristics, are biological properties that differentiate the
races. It negates the unequal power relations that grow from the sociopolitical domination of one race by another.

A.Queer Theory

B.Critical Race Theory

C.Carnivalesque/ Grotesque Theory



1.Mary went to work but John went to the party. This statement is an example of a compound sentence which means
the following, except;
A.has two (or more) independent clauses joined by a conjunction or semi-colon.

B.each of these clauses could form a sentence alone.

C. is consist of just one independent clause (also called a main clause)

D.Both A and B

2. The following are the proper ways of correcting run-on sentences, except;

A.Use a semi-colon to separate two or more independent clauses. Independent clauses can stand on its own.

B.Add conjunctive adverbs after a semi-colon. The conjunctive adverbs are: therefore, nevertheless, however, as a
result, in any case, consequently, and thus.

C.Remember that only the subject affects the verb.

D.Break two independent clauses to form two sentences by ending the first independent clause with a period.

3. It functions as the thesis of your paragraph; second, it pushes the thesis of your essay forward and presents an
arguable point. It is usually the first or second sentence of a paragraph. What part of the paragraph is it?

A.Topic Sentence

B.Supporting Details


D.Subdivisions of supporting details

4. Fely plots her observation that is more than just summary of the contents of the paragraph. She ensures that it
provides a final idea that leads to the next step in her argument. What part of the paragraph does she write

A.Concluding sentence

B.Topic Sentence

C.Supporting Details


5. The following are fitting description of technical writing, except;

A.Technical writing is a type of writing which the author writes about a particular subject that requires direction,
instruction, or explanation.

B.Technical writing is a style that has a very different purpose and different characteristics than other writing styles
such as creative writing, academic writing or business writing.

C.Technical writing is a style that is meant to communicate the way the writer thinks.

D.Technical Writing has a degree of formality, and it generally focuses on a specific subject with the purpose of
making something happen or sharing useful information or knowledge.

6. In Annie’s presentation of her Feasibility Study, she should observe the following rules, except;

A.Do not personalize the document. Replace “I” with “We”

B.The headline of your article should be catchy and to the point.

C.State what the subject matter is and what should be done with the presented info and Italicize the most important

D.Writers should set their work in context and show that they know how it relates to other people working within
the same field.

7. The following are the descriptions of Science and Medical Papers, except;

A.Research results can be hard to explain, so scientists collaborate with technical writers to interpret and organize

B.Results are published in medical journals, so the presentation of material requires fine detail, accuracy, and

C.These papers act as learning resources for practitioners to understand procedures and results. As with any form of
research, technical writers ensure that proper credibility is given in the text.

D.The content stories combine facts and opinion, with a focus on the human interest side of the story. It
includes both to educate and to entertain as objectives in writing.

8. How is technical writing different from novel-, poetry- or journal-writing?

A.Technical writing uses a lot of figurative language.

B.Technical writing mainly records personal experience.

C.Technical writing requires a dialogue between writer and reader.

D.Technical writing requires no action on the part of the reader.

9. From the objectives of Technical Writing, which answers the question, “why you are doing the work”?





10. When writing a technical document, which of the following should you do?

A.Always describe things in technical terms.

B.Write for your readers.

C.Describe things exactly as they're described to you by subject matter experts.

D. Include everything you've learned.


1. Which of the following does not describe Children’s Literature?

A.Its literary elements differ from that of adult literature.

B.It varies from fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and other artistic genres.

C These are materials used for instruction, information, and entertainment of children and adolescents.

D.It gives target readers the particular kind of reading experiences that relate to their childhood experiences with the

2. In which era fell what is considered as the Golden Age of children’s literature?

A.Classical Period

B.Renaissance Period

C.The Victorian Age

D.The Edwardian Era

3. “Are You Sleeping?”, “Cock-a-Doodle-Do”, “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb” fall on what type
of poetry for children?



C. Calligram Poems

D.Nursery Rhymes

4. How are the following categorized in children and adolescent literature: legends, myths, fairy tales, fables, epics?

A.Modern Literature

B.Traditional Literature

C.Historical and Realistic Literature

D.Poetry for children and adolescent

5. Teacher Bea wants the Grade 10 students to be knowledgeable of gender discrimination and be aware of its
effects, and how as young as they are can contribute to an inclusive society. What literature must be her specimen

A.Modern Literature

B.Historical Literature

C.Traditional Literature

D.Realistic Literature

6. They are designed for beginner readers to be successfully independent readers. Here, the pictures are smaller than
the text.

A.Picture Books

B.Graphic Novels
C.Transitional Books

D.Chapter Books

7. What makes a Calligram poem different from other poetry forms for children and adolescents?

A.It is absurd and humorous.

B.It is a compressed metaphor.

C.It is not just read and recited but also viewed and admired.

D.Grasping its meaning requires significant intellectual deftness.

8. Teacher Agnes wants her students to experience the life and morality of people in the Puritan Age. Which best
literature can she give her students?

A.Modern Literature

B.Traditional Literature

C.Historical Literature

D.Realistic Literature

9. What makes a historical fantasy different from a science fiction?

A.Characters are purely imagined.

B.The narrative is highly speculative.

C.It uses supernatural and magical elements.

D. It has a well-developed and well-illustrated setting.

10. Which of the following is resorted to when challenged books for children are said to be in a worst case?

A.closed shelving, which means that access to the literature would require parent's note or permission

B.relocation to reference section where the material could not be checked-

C.outaltering literary texts to remove the offensive statements

C. banning the literary text or book


1. Which Period did the English language come to be used as a medium of instruction in the public schools?

A.The Period of Re-orientation (1898-1910)

B.The Period of Imitation (1910-1924)

C.Period of Self-Discovery and Growth (1925-1941)

D.Japanese Period (1942-1945)

2. Which statement best describes the ORAL LITERATURE of ancient Filipinos?

A.primitive and barbaric

B.oral literature only flourished upon the arrival of Spaniards

C.exemplifies the common experience of the people

D.portrays local tribal wars and conquest

3. Choose the best definition of Flash Fiction.

A.predicted numerous social changes and developments

B.medium of brief and enclosed stories

C.provide the opportunity to experiment in a low stake environment

D. stories that went beyond boundaries

4. Which statement best describes literature?

A.words on page

B.a product of time

C.a higher form of art

D.anything that is published

5. He is known for his one-act plays which he toured through his "mobile theatre".

A.Faustino Aguilar

B.Valeriano Hernandez Peña

C Wilfredo Maria Guerrero

D.Leon Pichay

6. What does canonical literature mean?

A.culturally representative of a particular genre

B .texts are religious in nature

C.literary texts focusing of the lives of saints

D.literature that is produced during war time

7. Which statement supports the value of reading literature as a school skill?

A.promotes socialisation among students

B.strengthens patriotism

C.creates opportunities for healthy discussions

D.sharpens vocabulary and comprehension skills

8. Which statement describes the English language situation of Filipino writers during the Period of Re-orientation?

A.Filipinos acquired the mastery of English Writing

B.Filipinos were confident and competent in the use of English language

C.Tagalog was re-introduced instead of the English language

D.English came to be used as medium of instruction

9. It is the first known Filipino poem in English.


B.The New Day

C.Sursum Corda

D.George Washington

10. He was the first Asian poet to win recognition in American literary circles.

A.Marcelo de Gracia Concepcion

B.Lorenzo E. Paredes

C. Zoilo Galang

D.Rodolfo Dato


1. Which is true about descriptive grammar?

A.A descriptive grammar study is non-judgmental, and it does not have the goal of determining what
represents good or bad language, correct or incorrect structures, or grammatical or ungrammatical forms.

B.A descriptive approach to grammar often encompasses many ideas, opinions, and judgments about how and when
grammar rules should be used.

C.Descriptive grammars are usually based on the grammatically judgments or language use of native speakers.

D.All of the above.

2. The teacher noticed this error pattern and created an activity that leads students through a guided noticing activity
to help the student understand that result is used when result is a noun. This situation is based on which principle?

A.Integrate Grammar With the Four Skills

B.Use Student Errors to Inform Instruction

C .Make Links between Grammar and Vocabulary

D.Teach Awareness of the Nature of Texts

3. Teacher D had her students read two texts with the same content and identify what makes one an effective text
and the other not effective. The teacher adheres to which principle?

A.Develop Awareness of Differences between Spoken and Written Language

B.Use a Variety of Teaching Approaches

C.Teach Awareness of the Nature of Texts

D.Identify the Grammatical Resources the Learners Need

4. Teacher B asks his students to use modals to make requests to friends, strangers, or people who represent different
power relationships. Which principle is described by the situation?

A.Provide Opportunities for Meaningful Communicative Practice

B.Use a Variety of Teaching Approaches

C.Teach Awareness of the Nature of Texts

D.Identify the Grammatical Resources the Learners Need

5. He displayed the smile______ had charmed so many people before. (which, that) This grammar item is an
example of ___________________.

A.Completion. B.Gap-Filling. C.Paraphrase. D.Vocabulary

6. Students are given a sentence and the first few words of another sentence to change the original sentence without
changing the meaning. What type of test is administered

A.Multiple Choice

B.Error Correction

C.Transformation Items

D.Completion Test

7. Which of the following level of reading comprehension calls for a student to read and recall the details and facts
as they appear in a narrative or expository selection?

A.Literal Comprehension

B.Inferential Comprehension

C.Interpretive Comprehension

D.Evaluative Comprehension

8. In a Biology class, students collect water samples as part of a citizen science project that tests water quality in a
local stream. To provide useful data, Teacher M asks her students to write about the water samples using
observational and measurement data. Which of the following types of writing does Teacher M requires her students
to do?





9. The following are guides in evaluating informative essay EXCEPT _____________.

A.The main topic of my paper is clear.

B.I do not address the ideas that refute my claim.

C.I present too few ideas on the topic.

D.I do not provide enough information about some topics.

10. Which of the following sentence starters describes reflecting and relating strategy?

A.This could be more effective if…

B.A conclusion I’m drawing is…

C.I’m getting a different picture here because…

D.This word stands out for me because…


1. Which of the following is not part of the 5 books that form the foundation of Chinese cultural, political, and
traditional life?

A..Book of Chances

B.Book of History

C.Book of Rites

D.The Spring and Autumn Annals

2. The Analects (Lun Yu) is one of the four Confucian texts. In his analects, Confucius inculcates the following in
his teachings, EXCEPT:

A.Filial piety and concern with social and religious rituals

B.People should cultivate the inherent goodness within themselves –unselfishness, courage, and honor.

C.Person’s inner virtues can be fully realized only through random acts of ritual propriety or proper behavior
toward other human beings.

D.Moderation in all things through moral education, the building of a harmonious family life and the development
of virtues such as loyalty, obedience, and a sense of justice

3. How have Indonesia's islands, languages, oral storytelling tradition, faith and politics influenced its thriving
contemporary literary scene?

A.It explored the rich literary and cultural heritage of the country.

B.Stories were told and listened to and they are very evocative

C.It manifested sophisticated expression of one’s innate feelings.

D.All of the above

4. Why do you think the author chose the rural community setting for the story, "Footnote to Youth"?

A.The rural community is a wonderful place to live in.

B.People in the community know each other well.

C.The barrio depicts simple dreams and simple life.

D.The barrio represents hopeful dreams and aspirations

5. “Sanskritization” depicts .

A.Beliefs, customs and practices of the lower class

B.Sacred texts in the regional language are translated into Sanskrit

C.Ancient government policies insisted that only Sanskrit be spoken

D.Alternate religious ideologies are appropriated and adopted into Hinduism

6. How did the Romans finally defeat Hannibal

A.They attacked Carthage itself

B.They got the Gauls to turn against him and murder him

C.They ambushed him and his troops near Sicily

D.They perpetrated and collaborated with the troops

7. Which is not a characteristic of Chinese theater?

A.Conveys an ethical lesson in the guise of art in order to impress a moral truth

B.A total theater with singing, recitation of verses, acrobats and dancing

C.There are two types of speeches – the dialogue and monologue

D.Drama which is highly conventionalized and ethical

8. Which is not a feature of African oral literature?

A.Repetition and parallel structure

B.Repeat-and-vary technique

C.Call-and-response format

D.Lyrical in nature

9. How is the Hellenistic World described?

A.Greece during its Golden Age.

B.Alexander's empire, between the time of his death until its conquest by Rome.

C.The world of Greek mythology.

D.The imaginary world of the Greek playwrights.

10. Why did Julius Caesar decide to let Egypt remain an independent kingdom with Cleopatra in charge?

A.Cleopatra threatened Caesar's life

B.He didn't Caesar made Egypt part of the Roman Empire

C.Caesar and Cleopatra had a son together who could be king of Egypt

D.Cleopatra has manifested her prowess and strong leadership

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