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Definitions in syllabus:

Meaning of Terms in Syllabus:

Difference & Identification:
Statement of Laws:
Values to recall:
Prayers for your best grade in Physics.
Best of Luck !
Cambridge O Level Physics 5054 syllabus for 2023, 2024 and 2025. Details of the assessment

Electrical symbols

cell switch

battery of cells

or earth or ground

power supply junction of conductors

d.c. power supply + – lamp

a.c. power supply motor M

fixed resistor generator G

variable resistor ammeter A

thermistor voltmeter V


heater light-emitting diode

potential divider fuse

transformer relay coil

magnetising coil oscilloscope

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Cambridge O Level Physics 5054 syllabus for 2023, 2024 and 2025. Details of the assessment

Symbols and units for physical quantities

Candidates should be able to give the symbols for the following physical quantities and, where indicated, state the
units in which they are measured.

Candidates should be able to use the following multipliers: G giga, M mega, k kilo, d deci, c centi, m milli, μ micro,
n nano

Quantity Usual symbol Usual unit

length l, h, d, s, x km, m, cm, mm

area A m2, cm2

volume V m3, cm3, dm3

weight W N

mass m, M kg, g, mg

time t h, min, s, ms, μs

density ρ g / cm3, kg / m3

speed u, v km / h, m / s, cm / s

velocity u, v m/s

acceleration a m / s2

acceleration of free fall g m / s2

force F N

gravitational field strength g N / kg

spring constant k N / m, N / cm

momentum p kg m / s

impulse Ns

moment of a force Nm

work done W J, kJ, MJ

energy E J, kJ, MJ, kW h

power P W, kW, MW

pressure p N / m2, N / cm2, Pa

temperature θ, T °C, K

specific heat capacity c J / (g °C), J / (kg °C)

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