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 Content:
Lecture Page Lecture Name
1 3 Communication with patients with special needs
2 5 Communication with pediatric patients
3 8 Scientific publications as communication tools
4 8 Professionalism
5 9 Doctor-patient relationship
6 12 Virtual clinics, social media and Internet as tools of communication

 Done By:
‫أنس أبو وردة‬ ‫رؤى الحكيم‬ ‫ميرة خشان‬ ‫لينا الطيطي‬ ‫كندة ملحم‬ ‫محمد شناعة‬
‫ياقوت طعاني‬ ‫محمد أبو الهيجاء‬ ‫محمد دبوس‬ ‫محمد العمري‬ ‫آية سميرات‬ ‫عبدالله أبو اشقير‬
‫رجوة عامر‬ ‫رؤى أبو مغلي‬ ‫تاال خالد‬ ‫تائبة أحمد‬ ‫نور زيتون‬ ‫عمر فرغل‬
‫هبة قزاقزة‬ ‫رحمة عمر‬ ‫دنيا الجبالي‬ ‫علي حسن‬ ‫أحمد حسن‬ ‫شيماء الجوارنة‬
‫بشرى العمايرة‬

 Lecture 1:
1. All of the following are helpful steps in responding to manipulative, dependent patients,
a) Learning to say "No".
b) thorough assessment of the character and appropriateness of the dependent behaviors
c) Setting limits on the demands and requests of the patient
d) Socializing with the patient
e) Establishing the goals and expected patient behavior
Answer: d
2. All of the following are strategies to use when communicating with patients with low literacy
a) Using simple terminology and language and defining technical terms whenever used
b) Using passive voice in making statements to the patient
c) Organizing complex thoughts and ideas into understandable parts
d) Cultural and linquistic competence in sending and receiving massages is needed Presenting
important points first
Answer: b
3. Which of the following is not one of the stages of Adaptation to Illness and Injury:
a) Resolution and acceptance
b) Anger and hostility
c) Fear and anxiety
d) Depression
e) Joy and happiness
Answer: e
4. Which of the following is not a barrier to health literacy?
a) Low socioeconomic status
b) Older age
c) Complex illness/treatment
d) Very few encounters
e) Previous exposure to health system
Answer: e
5. Which of the following patient behaviors is a potential indicator of poor health literacy:
a) Calling to reschedule a missed appointment
b) Attending all the scheduled appointments
c) Delaying making decisions about treatment
d) Asking questions before leaving the examination room
e) Adherence to treatment plan
Answer: c
6. All of the following are helpful guidelines to follow with difficult patients except:
a) Practice unconditional positive regard
b) React, not respond
c) Always show concern and interest

d) Practice objectivity
e) Being consciously aware of patient's symptoms and any change
Answer: b
7. Which of the following patient behaviors is a potential indicator of poor health literacy:
a) Adherence to treatment plan
b) Calling to reschedule a missed appointment
c) Delaying making decisions about treatment
d) Attending all the scheduled appointments
e) Asking questions before leaving the examination room
Answer: c
8. All of the following are helpful guidelines to follow with difficult patients except:
a) React, not respond
b) Practice unconditional positive regard
c) Always show concern and interest
d) Practice objectivity
e) Being consciously aware of patient s symptoms and any change
Answer: a
9. Which of the following is not a barrier to health literacy?
a) Previous exposure to health system
b) Older age
c) Very few encounters
d) Low socioeconomic status
e) Complex illness/treatment
Answer: a
10. While you are explaining and giving reassuring information to the patient who received bad
news you should do the following except:
a) Discuss the available treatment options lab.
b) Avoid discussing the prognosis as this will augment the patient's fears
c) Explain how common the disease is.
d) Answering patient's questions
e) Avoid jargon especially when naming the diagnosis.
Answer: b
11. Which one of the statements is true?
a) Literacy is the same as functional health literacy
b) Patients with low literacy are not ashamed to tell they are so
c) Low literacy is less pervasive than expected
d) Low literacy has little influence on health outcomes
e) Circular situation with neither patient nor provider comprehending what is needed is a result
of low patient literacy
Answer: e
12. All of the followings are interventions to improve health literacy except:
a) Advocacy for health literacy in the organization
b) Conduct feedback loop
c) Time to construct reading materials using plain language and illustrations

d) Provider-patient time not to exceed 6-10 minutes
e) Providers knowledgeable and skilled in concepts of and assessment of limited literacy
Answer: d
13. All of the following are common barriers to effective communications except:
a) Lecturing without feedback
b) Use of jargon
c) Passive listening
d) Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents
e) Mature reassurance
Answer: e
 Lecture 2:
1. The elements of physician-parent-child communication are:
a) Interpersonal sensitivity
b) None of the mentioned Informativeness
c) Informativeness
d) Partnership building
e) All of the mentioned
Answer: e
2. Communication in paediatrics should address the following types of patient/family's needs:
a) There are no actual patient/family needs to address during communication
b) Affective (the need to feel that emotions are understood)
c) Yelling (shouting) at the child by the physician is allowed during conversation
d) Cognitive (the need to know and understand the medical condition)
e) Both cognitive and affective needs
Answer: e

3. Layla is a 2-year-old little girl who arrives to your clinic complaining of fever and right ear pain
and discharge for the past 2 days with runny nose and sore throat. She appears apprehensive
and afraid of the examination; she continues to hold on her mother and is sitting in her lap.
You try to talk to her during history but she cries and hides her head. During your examination
of Layla, all of the following are appropriate except:
a) Upon abdominal examination, be gentle and do not push hard
b) Okay to examine Layla in her mother's lap
c) Aapproach Layla from her back upon auscultation of the chest as she stays quiet if she doesn't
see the doctor
d) Start the physical exam with otoscopic ear examination and throat exam using tongue
e) May ask mom to hold Layla's head during otoscopic ear examination
Answer: d

4. Ali is a 6-year-old boy who presents to your clinic with his mother complaining of abdominal
pain. However, as you start to examine his abdomen, Ali refuses and cries. All of the following
manoeuvres could be implemented to help with abdominal exam except:
a) Allow mom to sit beside Ali and hold his hand throughout examination
b) Use Ali's hand to examine the abdomen first
c) Distract him with pictures of cars and toys
d) Yell (shout) at Ali to stay calm and call the nurse to hold him tight
e) Pretend to examine his teddy bear's abdomen first then try to examine Ali's
Answer: d

5. Regarding communication with pediatric patients and their families during history-taking, all
of the following are true except:
a) May use age-appropriate conversation with the child
b) Use the child's name to refer to him/her during conversation
c) You must ignore the child completely during history-taking as the parents are more reliable
giving the correct information
d) Smile at the patient during encounter
e) If you talk to the child, tell him when you switch the conversation to the parents
Answer: c
6. During performing pediatric examination, all of the following and true except:
a) May ask the parent or the patient himself/herself to remove the clothes & sit on the exam table
b) Defer the distressing maneuvers to the end of the exam
c) Allow the child to hold on a comfort object like a toy or blanket
d) Use age appropriate distractions if necessary
e) Ask for the child's permission and if he says no you should not proceed with the exam
Answer: e

7. Nader is 10 years old but with 6-7 years cognition because of Down syndrome, which of the
following is appropriate?
Answer: Talk with him at 6-7 year age-appropriate.
 Lecture 3:
1. In scientific articles, the term "Authors affiliations" represents:
a) Part of the results section of the scientific article.
b) Job ranks of the authors.
c) Part of the conclusion section of the scientific article.
d) Authors' Names.
e) Authors' working institutes.
Answer: e
2. Reproducibility is a scientific term related to:
a) Authors' Names
b) The discussion section of the scientific article
c) The methods section of the scientific article
d) Authors' affiliations
e) The results section of the scientific article
Answer: c
3. When describing a long method/procedure in scientific articles, it is acceptable to provide a
brief description and those who are interested in conducting the same procedure can ask you
for the details by email.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
4. In scientific articles, the term "Corresponding author" means:
a) None of the listed.
b) The Youngest author.
c) The oldest author.
d) The last author.
e) The first author.
Answer: a
5. In the acknowledgment section of the articles, you can acknowledge the continuous support
that your parents provide to you.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
6. In scientific articles, the abstract is located at:
a) Can be added anywhere within the article.
b) It is not necessary, and most articles do not have an abstract.
c) The conclusion part of the article.
d) The end of the article.
e) The beginning of the article.
Answer: e
7. What is the most important communication tool for medical knowledge among the medical
a) Videos
b) conferences.
c) scientific meetings.
d) Lectures.
e) scientific articles.
Answer: e
8. What is important about scientific articles is to provide the knowledge to others, therefore, it is
not that important to list your name on the articles that you prepared. You should always be a
humble person and not caring too much about showing off your name.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b

 Lecture 4:
1. Which of the following is NOT a challenge to professionalism?
a) Commercialism
b) Arrogance
c) Abuse of power
d) Honesty
e) Greed
Answer: d
2. The commitment to professional competence implies:
a) Lifelong professional development
b) Recognizing inherent vulnerablity and dependency of patients
c) Empowering patients to participate in decisions affecting their health
d) Disclosing fully and promptly all medical errors
e) Adhering to all safeguards governing the disclosure of patient information
Answer: a
3. initiative is one of the characteristics of professional conduct for medical students. All of the
following are features of this conduct EXCEPT:
a) The student independently identifies tasks to be performed
b) The student recognizes when help is required and when to ask for guidance
c) The student performs duties promptly and efficiently
d) The student maintains professional composure and exhibits good personal and clinical
judament in stressful situations
e) The student is willing to spend additional time and to assume new responsibilities
Answer: d
4. A good medical professional has integrity if he/she:
a) interacts effectively with “difficult individuals”.
b) Completes tasks promptly and well
c) Displays honesty in all situations and interactions
d) Performs duties promptly and efficiently
e) Demonstrates ability to accept people and situations
Answer: c
5. Regarding the professional behavior of medical students, tolerance is fulfilled if the student:
a) Is able to identify information that is confidential and maintain its confidentiality
b) Demonstrates ability to accept people and situations
c) Interacts effectively with "difficult individuals"
d) Provides support and is empathetic in interactions with peers, patients, and their families
e) Completes tasks promptly and well
Answer: b
6. Which of the following behaviors is unprofessional?
a) Participation in the processes of self-regulation
b) Breaking bad news
c) Promotion of research to create new knowledge
d) Disclosing confidential information only when considerations of public interest override the
interests of privacy
e) Increasing barriers to equitable health care
Answer: e
7. Regarding the professional behavior of medical students, dependability is achieved by
a) Recognizing and admitting mistakes
b) Completing tasks promptly and well
c) Recognizing when help is required and when to ask for guidance
d) performing duties promptly and efficiently
e) Demonstrating ability to accept people and situations
Answer: b
8. It is an essential therapeutic strategy of a practicing doctor to
a) Have frequent follow up visits
b) Have regular religious practice
c) Activate social support around a patient
d) Check adherence to medicines on daily basis
e) Give patient money to buy medicines
Answer: a
 Lecture 5:
1. Which of the following points is not helpful for building rapport the patient?
a) Show interest and respect
b) Respect patient confidentiality
c) Be flexible and respect patient's autonomy.
d) Don't be judgmental
e) Show love and passion
Answer: e
2. All of the following tips should be considered when performing physical examination except:
a) Expose total and full body parts
b) Inform the patient about what is going to be examined and why
c) Inform the patient when you finish the examination and thank her/him for her/his
d) Take the patient's permission to examine her/him.
e) Prepare the patient for possible pain or embarrassment.
Answer: a
3. Which of the following is not a verbal facilitation technique?
a) Paraphrasing
b) Identification
c) Verbal mirroring
d) Confrontation
e) Probing
Answer: b
4. In consumerism patient-doctor relationship, all of the followings are characteristics of the
patient except
a) Exercising independent judgment.
b) The patient can challenge to unilateral decision making by physicians in reaching diagnosis
and working out treatment plans.
c) Asserting the very basic nature of the power relationship.
d) Cost- consciousness
e) Information seeking
Answer: c
5. Regarding the importance of successful patient-doctor communication, which one of the
following is irrelevant?
a) Improves compliance.
b) Contributes to decrease doctor's fees.
c) Improved satisfaction
d) Improves decision making.
e) Decreases malpractice claims.
Answer: b
6. The most effective way the doctor can use to show how much he cares:
a) Establishing the Relationship
b) Sympathy
c) Building Rapport
d) Empathy
Answer: d
7. Doctors take the dominant role in:
a) Default
b) Mutuality
c) Paternalism
d) consumerism
Answer: c
8. All of the following tips should be considered when performing physical examination except:
a) Prepare the patient for possible pain or embarrassment.
b) Expose total and full body parts
c) Take the patient's permission to examine her/him.
d) Inform the patient about what is going to be examined and why
e) Inform the patient when you finish the examination and thank her/him for her/his
Answer: b
9. Which of the following points is not helpful for building rapport with the patient?
a) Show love and passion
b) Show interest and respect
c) Don't be judgmental
d) Be flexible and respect patient's autonomy.
e) Respect patient confidentiality
Answer: a
10. Which of the following is not one of the physician's duties during the medical interview?
a) Make the patient feels at ease.
b) Ensures privacy and trust of confidential information.
c) Give the patient free medication samples.
d) Limits distraction to provide patient undivided attention.
e) Respect the patient.
Answer: c

11. In the paternalism prototype of patient-doctor relationship which of the following is irrelevant:
a) Traditional form of doctor-patient relationship
b) Focus is on care, rather than autonomy
c) Doctor is the expert and patient expected to cooperate
d) Passive patient and a dominant doctor
e) Doctor takes on role of close friend
Answer: e
12. In consumerism patient-doctor relationship, all of the followings are characteristics of the
patient except
a) The patient can challenge to unilateral decision making by physicians in reaching diagnosis
and Working out treatment plans.
b) Asserting the very basic nature of the power relationship.
c) Cost- consciousness
d) Exercising independent judgment.
e) Information seeking
Answer: b
13. All of the following are considered facilitative responses, EXCEPT:
a) Handshaking upon entering the room if consistent with patient culture
b) Slight leaning forward while listening to patient story
c) Taking notes from patient answers
d) Slight head nodding accompanied by eye contact
e) Interviewing an opposite-gender patient in a closed room without chaperon
Answer: e
14. Which of the following is not a verbal facilitation technique?
a) Paraphrasing
b) Identification
c) Verbal mirroring
d) Confrontation
e) Probing
Answer: b
15. E in “NURSE” in empathic response related to:
a) Eye contact
b) Establishing
c) Explore and facilitate
d) Encouragement
Answer: c
16. Placebo makes the patients feel that their problem is more serious, this related to:
a) Muscaline behavior
b) Somatic fixation
c) Empathy
d) None of the above
e) Placebo effect
Answer: b

17. Which type in doctor-patient relationship makes a big responsibility on the physician?
a) Default
b) Consumerism
c) Paternalism
d) Mutuality
Answer: c
18. All the following are important factors in effective doctor-patient relationship except:
a) Trust
b) Credibility
c) verbal caring support
d) Negligence of any non-verbal cues.
e) Reasonable accessibility
Answer: d
19. When the doctor during the interview starts repeating whatever the patient has expressed in
past. this may be the example of:
a) Phrasing
b) Elaborating
c) Interviewing
d) Questioning
e) Paraphrasing
Answer: e
 Lecture 6:
1. The need for virtual clinics comes out from the fact that:
a) Globally, there continues to be lack of access to healthcare services by many people.
b) Face-to-face health care is cheap.
c) There are more healthcare professionals than needed.
d) There are increasing pressures on health systems in the current face-to-face form.
e) a+d
Answer: e

2. Which of the following is a potential negative impact of internet on practice of medicine:

a) Advancing practice of medicine by making knowledge available to everyone without delay.
b) Providing the latest updates on diagnosis and treatment of diseases to physicians.
c) Allowing for health professionals to network and share research results
d) Allowing patients to consult with their doctors remotely using telemedicine.
e) Increasing patient's anxiety by reading about all the possible side effects of a drug they were
prescribed by a trusted physician.
Answer: e
3. Which of the following is a benefit a patient can get by using internet:
a) Explain the results of their tests without need to go back to the physician who requested the
b) Diagnosing their diseases without need to consult with a doctor.
c) Reading about their illness from trusted patient-level sources.

d) Treating their diseases based on experience of other patients who share their "disease story" on
social media.
e) Getting access to sites that sell drugs directly to the patients without doctor's prescription, to
avoid paying for a clinic's visit.
Answer: c

4. Which of the following is/are mandatory requirement(s) for a good and fair practice of
a) Physicians should be paid equitably for telemedicine services.
b) All patients should have access to telemedicine, regardless of location.
c) Telemedicine should NOT replace a direct examination of a patient when there is a need.
d) All of the mentioned are correct
e) Telemedicine services should be included in patients' benefits and insurance plans.
Answer: d

5. COVID-19 pandemic increased the need for virtual clinics as virtual clinics can provide:
a) Less convenient care
b) Safer environment
c) Low quality care
d) Less beneficial care
e) Expensive care
Answer: b

6. Which of the following scenarios is an example of misusing social media by healthcare

a) Promoting networking among health care professionals
b) Advancing medical research
c) Communication between healthcare workers regarding common health service issues.
d) Discussing challenging cases with colleagues including sharing patients' names and personal
e) Educating patients
Answer: d

7. A healthcare provider or system should avoid which of the following when using social media
to reach out to patients or general public:
a) Grabbing people's attention and engaging them
b) Being honest and authentic
c) Respecting patients' privacy and medical information confidentiality
d) Increasing people's anxiety especially during times of crises
e) Professionalism
Answer: d
8. Virtual clinics can be used to:
a) Give a health advice to a patient
b) All of the mentioned are correct
c) screen a patient for a health problem
d) Diagnose a patient
e) Provide treatment plan to a patient
Answer: b
9. How to reach virtual clinics?
a) Call Video-link
b) Teleconference
c) Telemedicine
d) All of the following
Answer: d
10. While talking to your colleague about a patient, one is correct:
a) It is OK to make jokes about how big your patient's nose is
b) You whistle when describing how big his colon cancer is
c) Talk loudly because the ward is busy
d) You don't mention the relation of your patient to a celebrity
Answer: d

‫تم بحمد الله‬

‫ اللهم‬،‫وظهيرا‬
ً ‫ ومؤيدًا‬،‫ونصيرا‬
ً ‫ كُن إلخواننا في غزة عونًا‬،‫ وال إله غيره‬،‫اللهم يا من ال يُهزم ُجنده وال يخلف وعدُه‬
‫ وال تحقق لهم غاية واجعلهم للناس آية‬،‫ اللهم ال ترفع لليهود في القدس راية‬،‫انصرهم وال تنصر عليهم‬


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