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Extra practice C15 U8

A- Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Jane is very realistic/angry/jealous. She’s always calling her boyfriend.

2. He had no determination / honesty / self-awareness, he didn´t say the true.
3 If you are impulsive/ sympathetic / motivated, your decision could be wrong.
4 My main motivation / result / objective is finishing my career in two years.

B - Laura called Joe two days ago a week ago, and he didn´t answer his cell
phone, and she is speculating about what happened. Rewrite the sentences
using past modals.

1. It´s possible Joe lost his cell phone


2. Maybe Laura dialed the wrong number(might). ________________________

3. It´s not possible he didn´t check his lost calls (could)_____________________
4. Maybe the cell phone had not battery (not/might).______________________
5. Joe didn´t take his cell phone with him(not/must)________________________

C- Consider this situation:

Last night Susan got home late after the party because there was an accident in
the highway and there was a lot of traffic. When she arrived at home, Daniel, her
father was very angry and he yelled at her. Susan tried to explain the situation
but her father didn´t pay attention.
Write sentences about how these people could have reacted differently. Use the
word in parentheses and past modals.


Example: (take / different reaction) Daniel could have taken a different reaction

1. (not / yell at her)_____________________________________________

2. (stay / calm )_________________________________________________

3. (call /her father )______________________________________

4. (talk / to him ) _________________________________________

D. Match the comments with responses below. Write letters. Then complete the
responses with expressions to share experiences. Use the words in parentheses.

1. Once, I took some milk at the supermarket and when I was going to pay I
noticed that I had forgotten my wallet! ____

2. Yesterday my father was talking to someone, but the person didn´t know him,
my father got confused. ___

3. I have this cousin who is always buying expensive things on the internet.___

4. My friend always calls me to talk about her problems, I don’t like that

a.___________________________ (like) my friend Laura, she pays a lot of

money in things she doesn´t need.

b.___________________________(similar) I didn´t take my credit card with me.

c.___________________________(happened) The man told me “I am sorry, I

don´t know you”.

d.___________________________(reminds) my classmate at the school.

E - According with the situation in part "D" What would you have done
differently? Have you experienced anything like that? Write an essay. Use at
least 200 of words at least. Explain your answers

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