Mast cell activation syndromes definition and classification

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Mast cell activation syndromes: definition and

P. Valent
Department of Internal Medicine I, Division of Hematology & Hemostaseology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

To cite this article: Valent P. Mast cell activation syndromes: definition and classification. Allergy 2013; 68: 417–424.

Keywords Abstract
allergic reactions; classification; criteria; IgE;
mast cells.
Mast cell activation (MCA) occurs in a number of different clinical conditions,
including IgE-dependent allergies, other inflammatory reactions, and mastocyto-
Correspondence sis. MCA-related symptoms may be mild, moderate, severe, or even life-threaten-
Peter Valent, Department of Internal ing. The severity of MCA depends on a number of different factors, including
Medicine I, Division of Hematology and genetic predisposition, the number and releasability of mast cells involved in the
Hemostaseology, Medical University of reaction, the type of allergen, presence of specific IgE, and presence of certain
Vienna, W€ €rtel 18-20, A-1090
ahringer Gu comorbidities. In severe reactions, MCA can be documented by a substantial
Vienna, Austria. increase in the serum tryptase level above baseline. When symptoms are recur-
Tel.: 43 1 40400 6085
rent, are accompanied by an increase in mast cell–derived mediators in biological
Fax: 43 1 40400 4030
fluids, and are responsive to treatment with mast cell–stabilizing or mediator-tar-
geting drugs, the diagnosis of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is appropri-
Accepted for publication 28 December 2012
ate. Based on the underlying condition, these patients can further be classified
into i) primary MCAS where KIT-mutated, clonal mast cells are detected, ii) sec-
DOI:10.1111/all.12126 ondary MCAS where an underlying inflammatory disease, often in the form of
an IgE-dependent allergy, but no KIT-mutated mast cells, is found, and iii) idio-
Edited by: Hans-Uwe Simon pathic MCAS, where neither an allergy or other underlying disease, nor KIT-
mutated mast cells are detectable. It is important to note that in many patients
This work was in part supported by a mast- with MCAS, several different factors act together to lead to severe or even life-
ocytosis grant of the Medical University of threatening anaphylaxis. Detailed knowledge about the pathogenesis and com-
plexity of MCAS, and thus establishing the exact final diagnosis, may greatly help
in the management and therapy of these patients.

Mast cells are tissue-fixed effector cells of allergic and other ‘releasability’, depends on a number of different factors,
inflammatory reactions (1–5). In common with blood including the primary underlying disease, number and type
basophils, mast cells express high-affinity IgE-binding sites and of (pre)activated receptors and signaling cascades, and the
store numerous proinflammatory and vasoactive mediators in genetic background (9–13). The severity of an anaphylactic
their metachromatic granules (1–3). During a severe anaphy- reaction is determined by additional factors, including the
lactic reaction, allergen-induced cross-linking of IgE-binding numbers of mast cells (and basophils) involved in the reac-
sites on mast cells is followed by an explosive release of gran- tion, presence and type of allergen, amount and type of IgE,
ular mediators (1–3, 5–7). In addition, activated mast cells presence of comorbidities, the local microenvironment, and
release newly synthesized membrane-derived (lipid) mediators the cytokine- and chemokine networks (14–17).
of allergic reactions into the extracellular space. Blood Mast cell activation (MCA) occurs in a number of differ-
basophils also participate in allergic and other inflammatory ent pathologic conditions. Acute MCA is commonly seen in
reactions in the same way as mast cells (1, 8, 9). However, allergic reactions and often leads to the clinical signs and
not all allergic reactions involve both cell types, even if the symptoms of anaphylaxis (1–7). Severe or even life-threaten-
reaction is systemic. In addition, some of the mediators rele- ing MCA may occur when the burden of mast cells is high
vant to anaphylactic reactions are produced and released pri- and/or these cells are in an hyperactivated state. In these
marily in mast cells but not in basophils, or only in blood cases, a MCA syndrome (MCAS) may be diagnosed.
basophils but not in tissue mast cells. Historically, clinical symptoms arising from MCA have
The capacity of mast cells and basophils to release media- mostly been studied in the context of allergies or atopic dis-
tors of anaphylaxis in response to cell activation, also termed orders (18–20). More recently, however, MCA has also been

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Mast cell activation syndromes Valent

studied in the context of other diseases, including systemic often helpful in daily practice and has therefore been pro-
mastocytosis (21–25). During the past 3 years, criteria for posed as an additional criterion of MCA (27). This is of par-
MCA and MCAS have been developed by a consensus panel ticular importance when symptoms are unusual or the
consisting of experts in the fields of allergy, dermatology, patient is suffering from another unrelated disease that may
hematology, pathology, and molecular medicine (25–27). In provoke similar symptoms, mimicking MCA. An important
the current review article, these criteria and the classification point is that many different mediators may be involved in
of MCAS are discussed in light of new developments in the MCA-related symptoms (1–6, 28, 29) so that the final conclu-
field and the growing interest in the biology and implications sion the patient is not responding to antimediator therapy
of MCA and MCAS. should only be drawn after having applied several different
antimediator-type drugs. Likewise, severe hypotension may
be triggered by both histamine and prostaglandin D2,
Symptoms of mast cell activation (MCA)
derived from activated mast cells in the same patient, so that
The various symptoms of MCA are probably one of the the reaction can only be kept under control when administer-
more frequently recorded and frequently treated symptoms in ing histamine receptor blockers as well as a prostaglandin
daily practice in internal medicine. MCA-related symptoms synthesis inhibitor.
range from mild headache or abdominal cramping to severe Another important aspect is that systemic MCA may also
or even life-threatening anaphylaxis (Table 1). These symp- present as a chronic and less severe reaction, but may still be
toms are caused by a number of different vasoactive and pro- a challenge and relevant, clinically. Such symptoms are often
inflammatory mediators that are released from MC when less specific and include headache and fatigue or nausea and
these cells are activated by an allergen via IgE and IgE recep- insomnia. Although these patients may not fulfill formal cri-
tors, or other trigger(s) (1–6, 28, 29). Correspondingly, the teria of severe systemic MCA (no MCA syndrome by defini-
severity of MCA correlates with the amount and type of tion), the symptoms should be recognized as clinically
mediators released from mast cells during an anaphylactic relevant and should be treated appropriately using antimedia-
reaction. Well-recognized symptoms of immediate-type tor-type drugs or mast cell-stabilizing agents. On the other
allergy, suggestive of systemic MCA, include acute urticaria, hand, it is important to be aware of the fact that there are a
flushing, pruritus, headache, abdominal cramping and diar- number of differential diagnoses that have to be considered
rhea, respiratory symptoms, and hypotension (Table 1). in these patients, including neurologic and even psychiatric
Although none of these symptoms is absolutely specific for disorders.
MCA, most are typically found in these patients. Especially, Finally, MCA may occur as a local, nonsystemic, more or
when occurring together in one patient at the same time, less severe, event which may also represent a clinical chal-
these symptoms are suggestive of MCA and/or basophil acti- lenge for the treating physician. Especially the local variant
vation. The likelihood of MCA is even higher when two or of MCA that is associated with, or even triggered by, an ato-
more of these symptoms are recorded and respond to drugs pic disease or another chronic inflammatory disease may rep-
blocking mediator effects, mediator production, or mediator resent a major clinical problem. Although the criteria for
release in mast cells. Indeed, the response to such drugs is systemic MCA are usually not fulfilled in these patients, the

Table 1 Clinical symptoms typically found in patients suffering from mast cell activation (MCA)* and their impact in the evaluation of MCA
syndromes (MCAS)

Symptom(s)* Diagnostic impact in the evaluation of severe MCA ( = suspected MCA syndrome = MCAS)

Hypotension  shock Pathognomonic key finding in MCAS (other underlying diseases that could explain hypotension need to be excluded)
Tachycardia Tachycardia usually accompanies hypotension in MCAS
Diarrhea Usually accompanied by systemic symptoms of MCAS; in the absence of these, the diagnosis remains uncertain
Abdominal cramping Usually accompanied by systemic symptoms of MCAS; in the absence of these, the diagnosis remains uncertain
Nausea Usually accompanied by systemic symptoms of MCAS; in the absence of these, the diagnosis remains uncertain
Flushing Severe flushing may be an indicator of MCAS; in these cases; flushing is often accompanied by systemic symptoms
Pruritus Severe pruritus may be an indicator of MCAS; in these cases; flushing is often accompanied by systemic symptoms
Acute urticaria Severe acute urticaria may be an indicator of MCAS; in these cases, systemic symptoms are usually found
Angioedema Severe angioedema may be an indicator of MCAS and then is usually accompanied by systemic symptoms
Nasal congestion Diagnostic only in the context of other MCAS-related symptoms and the presence of other MCAS criteria
Wheezing Diagnostic only in the context of other MCAS-related symptoms and the presence of other MCAS criteria
Headache Diagnostic only in the context of other MCAS-related symptoms and the presence of other MCAS criteria
Neurologic symptoms Diagnostic only in the context of other MCAS-related symptoms and the presence of other MCAS criteria
Fatigue Diagnostic only in the context of other MCAS-related symptoms and the presence of other MCAS criteria

*All these symptoms can be triggered by mast cell-derived compounds. Therefore, an isolated symptom is not a typical finding in MCAS
patients. Rather, the likelihood of MCA, and thus MCAS, increases when two or more of these symptoms have been recorded and the
symptoms improve in response to therapy with antimediator-type drugs or mast cell-stabilizing agents.

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Valent Mast cell activation syndromes

impact of local MCA in these conditions needs to be For example, if the baseline tryptase level was 5 ng/ml, an
acknowledged, and specific therapy using antimediator-type increase to 10 ng/ml is suggestive of MCA [1(20%) + 2(abso-
drugs or mast cell-stabilizing agents is often required, with lute) = every value above 8 (5 + 3) ng/ml].
recognition that the underlying disease is the primary target Apart from tryptase, other mediators, when increasing
of therapy. from baseline, may also serve as useful parameters of MCA.
All in all, MCA can be classified into severe and less severe These include, among others, histamine (plasma, urine), his-
forms, into acute, episodic, and chronic variants, and into tamine metabolites (urine), and prostaglandin D2 (43–47).
systemic and local entities (Table 2). However, as mentioned, these mediators are less specific for
MCA compared with tryptase. Moreover, no criteria have
been proposed to define what minimal increase in these medi-
Laboratory assessment of systemic MCA
ators would count as a reliable indicator of systemic MCA.
In most reactions, MCA is followed by the release of pre- Nevertheless, these mediators are helpful in the evaluation of
formed and newly generated mediators of inflammation and MCA patients and should therefore be recommended, at least
other mast cell–dependent compounds. In severe systemic when the serum tryptase assay is not available or did not
reactions, increased levels of mast cell–derived mediators are show a convincing result.
measurable in biological fluids (serum, plasma, urine) in most Cellular assays have also been proposed to document mast
cases (30–35). Some of these mediators, like tryptase, are cell and basophil activation (48–51). Reliable and established
rather specific for mast cells (36, 37). Other mediators are less parameters of basophil and mast cell activation are CD63
specific and also produced by other cell types. Whereas hista- and CD203c. Both determinants (antigens) are upregulated
mine is released from mast cells and basophils in similar on the surface of IgE receptor cross-linked mast cells and
quantities, tryptase is rather specific for mast cells, although basophils (48–53). However, whereas basophils are easily
basophils can also express and release small quantities of the accessible for repeated investigations, mast cells are not
enzyme (38–40). However, for routine purposes in clinical accessible unless a tissue biopsy is performed.
immunology, a rapid increase in the serum tryptase level
from baseline is considered a specific and reliable parameter
Definition of MCA syndromes (MCAS) and related
of MCA. If no pretherapeutic baseline is available, the base-
line has to be assessed after complete recovery or in a symp-
tom-free interval (30–32, 41, 42). Most experts recommend The term MCAS should be applied when i) clinical signs of
that baseline tryptase should be measured at least severe recurrent (or chronic) systemic MCA are present, ii)
24-48 h after complete resolution of all symptoms in these involvement of mast cells can be documented by biochemical
patients. The other important question is: what is the mini- measurements (preferably increase in tryptase following the
mal increase in serum tryptase required to judge it as indica- 20% + 2 formula), and iii) the symptoms respond to therapy
tive (proof) of MCA. The recent consensus proposal is that a with mast cell-stabilizing agents or drugs directed against
minimal increase in tryptase to plus 20% of baseline plus mast cell mediator production, mediator release, or mediator
absolute 2 ng/ml would meet the definition of MCA (27). effects (24–27) (Fig. 1). All three criteria should be fulfilled
to establish the diagnosis of MCAS (27). However, in many
cases, only two or even one of these three criteria can be
Table 2 Proposed variants of mast cell activation (MCA)* documented. In the case of typical symptoms, the provi-
sional diagnosis of ‘possibly MCA/MCAS’ can be estab-
Variants* Indicator/criterion
lished, and in acute cases, immediate treatment should be
Severity introduced. For example, if a patient with known mastocy-
Mild MCA No therapy required tosis is admitted because of an anaphylactic shock (without
Moderate MCA Drug therapy required, but no need for signs of an underlying cardiovascular or infectious disease)
hospitalization but does not respond to antihistamines and glucocorticoster-
Severe MCA** Hospitalization required** oids but only to epinephrine, the diagnosis is suspected
Organ system involvement MCAS, and treatment will continue with antimediator-type
Local MCA Restricted to one organ, usually a local reaction and mast cell-stabilizing agents as well as intensive care
Systemic MCA Multiorgan involvement (in severe forms: treatment. In other words, in certain situations, a lack of
increase in serum tryptase found) response to antimediator-type drugs does not exclude the
Frequency presence of MCAS.
Acute MCA Symptom(s) recorded once
As mentioned above, MCA may also present as a less
Episodic MCA Recurrent symptoms
severe or chronic condition. In these patients, not all criteria
Chronic MCA Persistent symptoms
of MCAS may be fulfilled even if the episodes are of clinical
*Symptoms should always be described in detail in all patients relevance. In these cases, the condition should be called
using the three levels of delineation – for example: severe acute MCA, or suspected MCA, without MCAS. The consensus
systemic MCA; or: moderate local, episodic form of MCA. group has recommended that in patients with mastocytosis
**These patients are usually suffering from a MCA syndrome (regardless of the variant), any type of MCA requiring ther-
(MCAS). apy should be marked with the diagnostic label ‘SY’

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Mast cell activation syndromes Valent

Clinical and laboratory examinations have excluded

Signs and symptoms of MCA other underlying conditions mimicking MCA/MCAS

Severity of
Suspected MCAS Case history (e.g. SM or AD)

Documented elevation of serum total

Symptoms respond to drugs targeting mast
tryptase or of other mast cell-derived
mediators, such as histamine or PGD2 cells, mast cell mediators or mediator effects

Diagnosis: MCAS

Figure 1 Proposed diagnostic algorithm in patients with suspected basal serum tryptase level or other mast cell–derived mediators
mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). In the first step, symptoms during an attack will support the conclusion the patient is suffering
and signs of mast cell activation (MCA) are recorded, and clinical from MCAS. An increase in serum tryptase to at least 20% above
and laboratory examinations have excluded the presence of another baseline + additional 2 ng/ml (absolute) measured during or after
underlying condition or disease that can mimic symptoms of MCA. (within 4–12 h) a clinical episode(s) is indicative of severe MCA
Based on the severity of symptoms, the diagnosis MCAS is sus- (MCAS) (27). Finally, the physician will ask whether the symptoms
pected. The case history is also essential in these cases and may are responsive to drugs targeting mast cells (mast cell-stabilizing),
reveal the presence of a known systemic mastocytosis (SM) or a mast cell mediators, or mediator effects. If all these features are
known allergic or atopic disease (AD). In the next step, the physi- fulfilled, the diagnosis of MCAS can be established based on rec-
cian documents MCA by serology. A substantial increase in the ommendations provided by the consensus group (27).

appearing as a subscript in the final diagnosis (27, 54). These SM. There are also other activating mutations in KIT that
patients include those who have and those who do not have have been reported to occur in SM or CM (61–63), and sev-
an overt MCAS. For example, in a patient with systemic eral of these mutations may contribute to disease evolution
indolent mastocytosis (ISM) requiring continuous histamine and/or manifestation of certain symptoms. However, com-
receptor blockers and glucocorticosteroids to control MCA- pared with KIT D816V, all these mutants are rarely found in
related symptoms, the final diagnosis should be ISMSY SM and CM, and their exact impact and role as trigger of
(or ISM-SY), even if the criteria of MCAS are not fulfilled MCA remain at present unknown (61–63).
(or could not be documented) (54). Based on the underlying disease and recognized etiology,
MCAS can be differentiated into primary MCAS, secondary
MCAS, and idiopathic MCAS (27). In primary MCAS, KIT-
Underlying disorders and classification of MCAS
mutated monoclonal mast cells usually expressing CD25, are
Mast cell activation syndrome usually develops on the basis detectable, and the underlying disease may be SM or CM
of a known underlying systemic disease, which can be an (27). Even in the absence of SM and CM, a primary (mono-
IgE-dependent disorder, another inflammatory disease, or a clonal) MCAS with clonal mast cells can be diagnosed (27).
mast cell neoplasm (20–27). In most patients, the mast cell In these rare patients, the follow-up may reveal progression
neoplasm, if detected, is classified as systemic mastocytosis to overt CM or SM. In secondary MCAS, most patients are
(SM). In these patients, neoplastic mast cells usually carry suffering from an IgE-dependent allergic disease. If neither
the activating KIT point mutation D816V (55–58). The an allergic or other underlying inflammatory process nor a
related mutant, KIT D816V, is considered to play a role in monoclonal, KIT-mutated, mast cell population are detect-
the autonomous growth and expansion of neoplastic mast able in a patient with MCAS, the diagnosis ‘idiopathic
cells (59, 60). In addition, KIT D816V has been discussed as MCAS’ should be established (Table 3).
contributing to the enhanced releasability of mast cells in
SM, although this point is still a matter of discussion. An
The impact of comorbidities in patients with MCAS
important aspect is that KIT D816V is sometimes also
expressed in mast cells in patients with cutaneous mastocyto- As mentioned earlier, the severity of MCA is considered to
sis (CM) (61–63) or even in otherwise healthy individuals in depend on a number of different factors, such as the number
whom neither criteria for CM nor criteria for SM are fulfilled of mast cells participating in the reaction, releasability, type
(21–26). In these patients, the KIT-mutated mast cells may and amount of produced IgE, and the presence of activating
contribute to the symptoms of MCAS in the same way as in cytokines and chemokines. Whereas the underlying disease

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Valent Mast cell activation syndromes

Table 3 Variants of mast cell activation syndromes (MCAS)* and Table 4 Major differential diagnoses in patients with suspected
diagnostic features mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)

MCAS variant Discriminating/diagnostic features Cardiovascular

Myocardial Infarction
Primary MCAS KIT D816V-mutated clonal mast cells are found Endocarditis/Endomyocarditis
(usually these mast cells express CD25)** Aortic Stenosis with Syncope
Secondary MCAS An underlying Allergy or Atopic Disorder Pulmonary Infarction
inducing MCA and thus MCAS is diagnosed, Endocrinologic
but no clonal mast cells are detectable*** Acute Hypothyroidism
Idiopathic MCAS MCAS criteria are fulfilled, but no underlying Acute Hypoglycemia
reactive disease, no allergen-specific IgE, and Adrenal Insufficiency
no clonal mast cells are detectable*** Hypopituitarism
Gastrointestinal Disorders (with Diarrhea + Dehydration)
*The classification of MCAS is described in detail in a recent con-
Acute Inflammatory Bowel Disease
sensus proposal (27).
VIP-secreting Tumor (VIPoma)
**Most of these patients suffer from cutaneous (CM) or systemic
Acute Episodes of Morbus Crohn or Colitis Ulcerosa
(SM) mastocytosis. However, in some of them, criteria for SM and
Food Intoxication
CM are not fulfilled.
Infectious Diseases
***In these patients, no mutation of KIT at codon 816 is found. If
Severe Bacterial or viral infections  septic shock
flow cytometry is available, the phenotype of mast cells should be
Acute Gastrointestinal Infection with Dehydration
established: the presence of CD25-negative mast cells (normal phe-
Acute Encephalitis/Meningitis
notype) supports the diagnosis of secondary or idiopathic MCAS.
Acute Parasitic Diseases (e.g. Acute Chagas Disease)
Neurologic/Central Nervous System (CNS) Disorders
may be a primary mast cell disease, often presenting with CNS Tumors
excessive numbers of mast cells, or an IgE-dependent allergy, Other CNS Diseases
resulting in IgE-dependent release of allergic mediators from Intoxication
mast cells, the coexistence of both may represent a clinically Psychiatric conditions
serious, often life-threatening, situation (64). In addition, Skin Diseases
other comorbidities may be present that influence mast cell Hereditary or acquired Angioedema
releasability through cytokine exposure, the numbers of mast Pemphigus vulgaris
cells through KIT ligand exposure, or leukocyte activation Acute Lupus Erythematodes
triggered by chemokine effects. Some of the comorbidities Acute Toxic Dermatoses
represent classical combinations representing a high-risk situ- Hematologic – Acute Anemia  Hypovolemic Shock
ation for the occurrence of life-threatening MCA (anaphy- Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding
laxis). One typical example is the presence of an allergy Massive Hypermenorrhea
against hymenoptera venom(s) in patients with mastocytosis Drug-induced Side Effects
(23, 65–68). In these patients, insect stings can lead to extre- Drug-induced Hypoglycemia
Drug-induced Hypotension
mely severe reactions, and cases of death have been reported
Drug-induced Diarrhea
in the literature (65–68). Another high-risk situation is the
Drug-Induced CNS Damage
combination of food allergy and mastocytosis. IgE-dependent
allergy against inhaled allergens and a coexisting severe bron- In most instances, symptoms of acute hypotension are recorded. If
chial disorder, for example a chronic bronchial infection, is additional MCA-mimicking symptoms, such as skin lesions, head-
another example. In all these situations, severe reactions need ache, and/or diarrhea are found, it is often difficult to separate from
to be addressed immediately and often result in hospitaliza- MCA and thus MCAS.
tion. To address all these high-risk conditions in a prophylac- VIP, vasoactive intestinal peptide.
tic manner, patients are advised to take continuous
(prophylactic) antimediator-type drugs, to carry additional severe infections (sepsis), dehydration, and other systemic
emergency drugs (glucocorticosteroids, epinephrin self injec- diseases (Table 4). Other differential diagnoses relate to
tor) with them, and to self-apply these drug on demand to organ-specific symptoms, such as diarrhea (gastrointestinal
bridge the time until the emergency team will arrive and diseases), skin rush (cutaneous diseases), or neurologic symp-
bring the situation under control. toms (neurologic or psychiatric diseases). In many cases, the
etiology remains uncertain until all relevant laboratory
parameters have been collected. The increase in serum tryp-
Differential diagnoses
tase is a reliable marker of MCA. In fact, tryptase levels do
A number of differential diagnoses have to be considered in not increase in unrelated conditions or disorders mentioned
patients with suspected MCA/MCAS (Table 4). In patients above. However, serum tryptase levels may increase in case
with severe hypotension and shock, differential diagnoses of a severe trauma. Moreover, when no pre-event value is
include cardiovascular disorders, endocrinologic disorders, available, it is important to note that a slightly elevated

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Mast cell activation syndromes Valent

serum tryptase (>15 ng/ml) may be detected in mastocytosis, triggered by several different factors. In most patients, an
in other myeloid neoplasms, and in about 5% of the normal IgE-dependent allergic disease is diagnosed. Less severe forms
(healthy) population. This means, an elevated tryptase level of MCA or local forms of MCA that do not meet all criteria
alone is not indicative of MCA. Rather, only the increase in of MCAS also exist and may also represent a clinical chal-
the serum tryptase level above baseline measured in the same lenge. Several of these conditions need management and ther-
patient when no symptoms are recorded, counts as a robust apy similar to patients with full-blown MCAS. In those
indication of MCA, provided that clinical symptoms and the patients in whom no signs of MCA are found, additional
response to therapy are also indicative of MCA (27, 30–32). causes and alternative diagnoses have to be considered. For
In the example mentioned above, this means that a second the foreseeable future, recently emerging studies on MCAS
tryptase sample has to be measured (at least 1–2 days) after will lead to an increased understanding of the pathogenesis
complete resolution of all symptoms, to confirm MCA using and complexity of these conditions. This may in turn lead to
the tryptase test. the development of improved or even personalized treatment
strategies, through which each single component of the dis-
ease, including neoplastic mast cells, IgE production, releas-
Summary and future perspectives
ability, and others, are addressed separately using
Mast cell activation syndrome is a well-defined and impor- combinations of various targeted drugs. Whether this devel-
tant clinical condition that may occur in a variety of underly- opment will lead to a significant improvement of MCAS
ing diseases, including primary mast cell disorders, therapy and prognosis remains to be determined.
IgE-dependent allergic and atopic diseases, and other hyper-
sensitivity or immunologic reactions. Using recently estab-
Author contribution
lished criteria, MCA can be diagnosed and documented in
clinical practice, which may assist in the diagnostic work-up P.V. designed the concept and content of the study, collected
of these patients. When MCAS is diagnosed, the causative data, established the Tables, and wrote and approved the
agent(s) and final diagnosis should be established with recog- manuscript.
nition that an underlying primary mast cell disease with
KIT-mutated neoplastic cells may be present. Based on the
Conflict of interest
etiology, MCAS is either a primary, a secondary, or an idio-
pathic condition. Notably, in MCAS patients, the pathogene- The author has no conflict of interest to declare in this study
sis may be complex, and the process of anaphylaxis be and manuscript.

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