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Class VI

General Instructions:
• Holiday Homework is compulsory for all students.
• Do all the activities and the worksheet in a thin scrap file.
• It is a part of subject enrichment and will be assessed based on the creativity and efforts of the
• Revise Chapters 1, 2, and 10 and complete the assignment attached below in a scrap file.
• The scrap file should consist of the cover page followed by the index.
1. Make a cover page of your scrap file with the title ‘Save Birds – Save Nature”
2. Make an index on the second page of your scrap file.

I. Do any one of the following activities in a thin scrap file:

Activity 1:Integrated /Life Skill Activity

As a Bird Watcher:
Create your magazine (5 -6 pages) by collecting information related to birds that visit your
backyard/garden. The following points should be included in the magazine:
• Predict a Bird’s lifestyle based on the “feet” of the birds you spot in your backyard or in the
• Explore the role of colour and sweet content in the feed consumed by Hummingbirds.
• You want to encourage a certain type of bird to visit your backyard or garden. What kind of
bird feeder and type of seeds should you use to attract them?
• What kind of assistance or protection does flying in a group offer (for example V- formation)?

Make your work vibrant and appealing. Most importantly, enjoy the moments spend in collecting
information based on above mentioned topic with the family! Enhance the information collected
with relevant pictures or drawings.

Activity 2: Adaptation in Plants and Animals

Write a research report (5 to 6 pages) on various adaptations in plants and animals which help them
to survive in any particular habitat such as deserts, forests, or polar regions. Write about any one
Enhance the information collected with relevant pictures or drawings.

II. The following activity is mandatory:

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global objectives designed to
address various social, economic, and environmental challenges the world is facing today.
These goals are promises that governments, men, women, and children across the world have to make to
help the world be a better place to live by the year 2030.
So, let us join hands with the UN by doing little things in our everyday lives and standing united to
accomplish the UN goals.
UN Sustainable Development Goal Number 15: Life on Land
Birds are among the most crucial species to the global ecosystem Sadly bird population around the world are
in decline, threatened by the irresponsible choices of the human population. Since our sincere actions can
bring biodiversity back, let us contribute to the noble cause in this summer break.
Collect information on ‘Save Birds, Save Environment’ and prepare a scrap file (4-5 pages). Information
collected should be represented under the following headings:
• Any two species of birds which are on the verge of extinction in India.
• Reasons for the decline in number of birds.
• Discuss their beneficial role in the ecosystem.
• Mention steps taken by your at home or local agencies of your city/ locality to preserve feathered
species from the scorching heat this summer.
Enhance the information collected with relevant pictures or drawings.

Take two wide mouth earthen bowls. Fill one with water and the other with seeds every day and keep
them outside for birds to drink and eat.

Doon International School
2024-25 SUBJECT: Science TOPIC: Assignment (Ch-10)

General Instructions:
(i) The science assignment needs to be done in the scrap file.
(ii) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

I. Choose the right options.

1. Boojho comes across an animal having a stream-lined and slippery body. What is the habitat of the
(a) Water (b) Desert (c) Grassland (d) Mountain
2. Choose the set that represents only the biotic components of a habitat.
(a) Tiger, Deer, Grass, Soil (b) Rocks, Soil, Plants, Air
(c) Sand, Turtle, Crab, Rocks (d) Aquatic plant, Fish, Frog, Insect
3. Which of the following cannot be called a habitat?
(a) A desert with camels (b) A pond with fishes
(c) A jungle with wild animals (d) Cultivated land with grazing cattle
For question numbers 4 and 5 two statements are given – one labelled Assertion and the other labelled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
4. Assertion (A) : Any animal which adapts itself against heat and water scarcity is well suited for desert
Reason (R) : In deserts only little water is available.
5. Assertion (A) : The plants and animals that live on land are said to live in terrestrial habitat.
Reason (R) : Ponds, rivers, lakes, etc., are examples of terrestrial habitats.

II. Answer the following questions as directed.

Q1. Compare adaptations of desert plants to those plants found in mountain habitat.
Q2. Explain why speed is important for survival in the grasslands for animals that live there. (Hint: There
are few trees or places for animals to hide in grasslands habitats).
Q3. The natural environment consists of air, water, soil, sunlight and temperature in a place. Do you
agree? Give reasons.
Q4. The hump of the camel stores water. Do you agree? Give reasons.
Q5. Write the adaptation in aquatic plants due to which.
(i) submerged leaves can bend in the flowing water.
(ii) leaves can float on the surface of water.

Q6. Read the features of plants given below:
(i) Thick waxy stem (ii) Short roots (iii) Cone shaped plant (iv) Sloping branches
(v) Small or spine-like leaves (vi) Hollow stem
Choose the type of plant for every feature given in (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) from the list given
(Aquatic plant, Desert plant, Mountainous plant)

Q7. Two animals X and Y both live in the same habitat called ‘forest’. The animal X is a herbivore. It
has eyes on the sides of its head and big ears. It also runs fast. The animal Y is a carnivore. It has eyes in
front of its head. The animal Y has long, strong and sharp claws in its front legs which it can withdraw
inside the toes. It can also run fast.
(a) What could be the animal (i) X and (ii) Y?
(b) What is the advantage to animal X of having eyes on the sides of its head?
(c) What is the advantage to animal Y of having eyes in front of its head?

Q8. What is meant by ‘adaptation’ and ‘acclimatisation’? Explain with the help of examples.

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