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Historical Biology

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Skull morphology of the enigmatic Genyornis

newtoni Stirling and Zeitz, 1896 (Aves,
Dromornithidae), with implications for functional
morphology, ecology, and evolution in the context
of Galloanserae

Phoebe L. McInerney, Jacob C. Blokland & Trevor H. Worthy

To cite this article: Phoebe L. McInerney, Jacob C. Blokland & Trevor H. Worthy (2024) Skull
morphology of the enigmatic Genyornis newtoni Stirling and Zeitz, 1896 (Aves, Dromornithidae),
with implications for functional morphology, ecology, and evolution in the context of
Galloanserae, Historical Biology, 36:6, 1093-1165, DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2024.2308212

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Published online: 03 Jun 2024.

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2024, VOL. 36, NO. 6, 1093–1165

Skull morphology of the enigmatic Genyornis newtoni Stirling and Zeitz, 1896 (Aves,
Dromornithidae), with implications for functional morphology, ecology, and evolution
in the context of Galloanserae
Phoebe L. McInerney , Jacob C. Blokland and Trevor H. Worthy
College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia


The presence of Dromornithidae in the Australian Cenozoic fossil record was first reported in 1872, yet Received 20 November 2023
although eight species and hundreds of specimens are known, key information on their morphology Accepted 14 January 2024
remains elusive. This is especially so for their skulls, which contributes to a lack of resolution regarding KEYWORDS
their relationships within Galloanserae. The skull of the Pleistocene dromornithid, Genyornis newtoni, Skull morphology;
was initially described in 1913. Additional fossils of this species have since been discovered and Homology; Galloanserae;
understanding of avian skull osteology, arthrology, and myological correlates has greatly advanced. Musculus adductor
Here we present a complete redescription of the skull of Genyornis newtoni, updating knowledge on its mandibulae externus;
morphology, soft-tissue correlates, and palaeobiology. We explore the diversity within Dromornithidae Functional morphology
and make comprehensive comparisons to fossil and extant galloanserans. Furthermore, we expand on
the homologies of skull muscles, especially regarding the jaw adductors and address the conflicting
and unstable placement of dromornithids within Galloanserae. Findings support generic distinction of
Genyornis newtoni, and do not support the close association of Dromornithidae and Gastornithidae. We
thus recommend removal of the dromornithids from the Gastornithiformes. Considering character
polarities, the results of our phylogenetic analyses, and palaeogeography, our findings instead support
the alternative hypotheses, of dromornithids within, or close to, the Suborder Anhimae with

Introduction articulated fossils to be uncovered (see Stirling 1894 for origi­

The fossil evidence for an endemic Australian avian radiation nal descriptions of Lake Callabonna). It is the type locality for
of evolutionarily distinct giant birds, the Dromornithidae, G. newtoni, and the source of the specimens described in this
shows this family had a long temporal range, extending from paper.
at least the Eocene (Vickers-Rich and Molnar 1996) to the late Dromornithids are represented primarily by an abundance of
Pleistocene (Rich 1979; Wells and Tedford 1995; Murray and postcranial material (Rich 1979). Historically, cranial fossils were
Vickers-Rich 2004; Miller et al. 2005; Worthy et al. 2016a; rare, extremely fragmented, and/or inadequate for a comprehensive
McInerney et al. 2022). Named taxa span a shorter interval, morphological analysis (Murray and Megirian 1998; Worthy et al.
however, and include late Oligocene-early Miocene 2016a). This is evidenced by the first described dromornithid skull
Barawertornis tedfordi Rich 1979; late Oligocene Dromornis material: that of G. newtoni was reported by Stirling (1913; see
murrayi Worthy, Handley, Archer and Hand 2016a; middle Appendix One: Figure A1), redescribed by Murray and Megirian
Miocene D. planei (Rich 1979); middle to late Miocene species (1998), and again by Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004), despite
Ilbandornis woodburnei Rich 1979 and I. lawsoni Rich 1979; recognition of the specimen being ‘a friable mass of broken frag­
late Miocene D. stirtoni Rich 1979; as well as possibly Pliocene ments . . . [that] had suffered such great distortion from pressure
D. australis Owen 1872 (see Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004). affecting it laterally that anything approaching a satisfactory recon­
The youngest representative is Genyornis newtoni Stirling and struction was quite impossible’ (Stirling 1913, p. 111). Following
Zietz 1896, the only dromornithid species currently known to numerous attempts at stabilising and reconstructing the skull,
have survived into the late Pleistocene; a range of dated and Stirling concluded that the specimen failed to yield important
undated fossil localities support a Pleistocene occurrence of information on shape and structure, although other described ele­
G. newtoni (e.g. as reviewed in Saltré et al. 2016). The most ments, i.e. quadrates and a mandible, were better preserved and
recent and robustly dated site, Lake Callabonna shows remained relatively informative. Regardless, the 1913 description of
G. newtoni survived minimally 48 – ~45 thousand years ago this skull has formed the basis of all reconstructions of G. newtoni,
(Ka) in the north-eastern region of South Australia in association with interpretations that were misled by an early
(McInerney et al. 2022). Lake Callabonna is a unique fossil consensus that the Dromornithidae had ratite affinities (see Owen
locality in Australia and spans many square kilometres 1874; Stirling and Zietz 1896, 1900, 1905; Stirling 1913; Lambrecht
wherein thousands of animals (mostly large mammals) were 1933; Rich 1979: fig. 1; Rich 1980; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004;
mired. The unusual deposition has allowed for near-complete, Nguyen et al. 2010).

CONTACT Phoebe L. McInerney College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at
© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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Published online 03 Jun 2024

Rich (1979) described five additional dromornithid species in been facilitated by digital dissections (e.g. Zusi and Livezey
three genera, yet did not attribute cranial material to any taxa, nor 2000; Holliday and Witmer 2007; Lautenschlager et al. 2014;
discuss Stirling’s (1913) skull material of G. newtoni, as noted by Jones et al. 2019; Smith-Paredes and Bhullar 2019). The
Olson (1985). In 1998, the first skull materials for species of results of this study are used to refine the systematic place­
Dromornis and Ilbandornis was described by Murray and ment of dromornithids, make inferences on dromornithid
Megirian (1998), and those of G. newtoni redescribed despite the evolution, and infer the ecology of G. newtoni.
authors not directly examining the fossils themselves (p. 74). They
concluded this latter material contributed important proportional
Materials and methods
information for dromornithid morphology, identifying elements
which aligned the dromornithids with the Galloanserae. Crown Institutional Abbreviations. AMNH, American Museum of
group galloanserans form two diverse orders of birds, that from Natural History, New York, U.S.A.; ANSTO, Australian Nuclear
most to least basal, include the Megapodiidae, Cracidae, Science and Technology Organisation, Sydney, New South Wales,
Numididae, Odontophoridae, and Phasianidae – galliforms – and Australia; FU, Flinders University, Adelaide, Bedford Park, South
the Anhimidae, Anseranatidae, and Anatidae – anseriforms. They Australia; FUR, Flinders University Vertebrate Collection,
further suggested that G. newtoni closely resembled a goose (Anser, Palaeontology Laboratory, Flinders University, Adelaide, South
Anatidae) or screamer (Chauna, Anhimidae) and concluded anseri­ Australia; MHNT, Muséum d’Histoire naturelle de Toulouse,
form affinities; subsequent publications, therefore, treated the dro­ France; NMV, Museums Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria; NTM,
mornithids as anseriforms (see Nguyen et al. 2010; Angst and Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Alice Springs,
Buffetaut 2017). Analysis of phylogenetic relationships among Northern Territory; QM, Queensland Museum, Brisbane,
extinct Galloanserae by Worthy et al. (2016b; 2017b) instead Queensland; QVM, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery,
resolved dromornithids as sister to the ordinal-level lineages, Launceston, Tasmania; SAHMRI, South Australian Medical and
Anseriformes and Galliformes. Health Research Institute, Adelaide, South Australia; SAMA, South
Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004) discussed the skull mor­ Australian Museum, Adelaide, South Australia; USNM, United
phology of the dromornithids, and in 2016 new skull material States National Museum, Washington D.C., U.S.A..
for species of Ilbandornis, Dromornis, and Barawertornis were
subsequently described (Worthy et al. 2016a). Additional key
Specimen collection, preparation, and morphological analysis
dromornithid cranial characters were identified, and Worthy
et al. (2016a) reiterated the lack of informative skull material We studied the morphology of the skull including the braincase,
available for G. newtoni. This is supported by the exclusion of upper bill, palate, parts of the jugal arches, hyoid skeleton,
Genyornis newtoni from a study on dromornithid endocranial lower bill, and quadrates of Genyornis newtoni from six speci­
anatomy by Handley and Worthy (2021) and recent observa­ mens (see Table 1), all from Lake Callabonna Fossil Reserve,
tions of the original G. newtoni skull material (now SAMA Pirlatapa and Adnyamathanha Country, South Australia,
P10838). Although the ratite affinities of the Dromornithidae Australia. For additional specimen photos, see Appendix One.
have since been dismissed (Olson 1985; Murray and Megirian Specimens were collected during expeditions in 2013, 2014,
1998; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004; Mayr 2011, 2022a; 2018, and 2019, authorised by permits from the Department
Worthy et al. 2017b), the lack of new skull material for of Environment, Water, and National Resources, Government
G. newtoni over the past 109 years has led to misconceptions of South Australia (U26313–1, U26313–2, and in 2018 and 2019
on morphology, derived from photos and descriptions of the File ref. DEWNRF-26892) and the South Australian Museum,
original skull (e.g. the shape of the upper bill), that have only and were prepared at FU; fossils were mechanically cleaned of
been partially resolved through inferences from other dromor­ matrix using both dental and PalaeoTools pneumatic Micro
nithids. As a result, despite the species being known for more Jack® tools and stabilised by infusion with ParaloidTM B-72
than one hundred years and one of the longest known and dissolved in acetone. Additional material of G. newtoni, stored
best represented dromornithids – much of the leg, sternum, in FU and SAMA collections, were also examined, including
pelvis, and vertebral column have been described (Stirling and those available from the 1913 descriptions (see Stirling 1913).
Zietz 1896, 1900, 1905; Stirling 1913; Murray and Vickers- Descriptions are based off morphological observations and com­
Rich 2004) – the morphology of the skull of Genyornis new­ parisons with other dromornithids and galloanserans.
toni requires a review. This is now possible due to discoveries Measurements, made using Erskine Oral Care Dentagauge 2
made during a series of expeditions to Lake Callabonna from callipers with results rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm, are given
2013–2019 wherein multiple skull elements were recovered. in Appendix Two (Table A1).
It is evident that an analysis of the skull of G. newtoni Specimens SAMA P59516 and SAMA P59521 were scanned
based on modern knowledge of dromornithids and updated (neutron beam scanning at ANSTO, Sydney by Joseph Bevitt
literature on the skull of Aves is necessary, and so we present and µCT scanning at SAHMRI, Adelaide, respectively) to assess
detailed descriptions of the skull of Genyornis newtoni based internal structures although in neither case could the bone be
on the first new material discovered since 1913. These speci­ reliably distinguished from the infilling matrix (a mix of kaolin
mens provide novel information on the morphology of the and smectite clays, calcite concretions, and paraloid, as ascer­
braincase, upper bill, palate, quadrate, and lower bill. We tained by X-ray diffraction analysis, authors’ unpublished data
additionally use these skeletal elements as a framework of for SAMA P53833, field ID: Geny10) in subsequent reconstruc­
osteological correlates for soft tissue structures which enable tions in Materialise Mimics (Materialise’s Interactive Medical
justified inferences on kinetic capabilities, and skull myology Image Control System) Innovation Suite (versions 18.0–22.0).
and syndesmology. This most especially relates to the adduc­ Assignment of skull material to taxa follows Murray and
tor chamber – homological understanding of which has grown Megirian (1998) for Dromornis planei, D. stirtoni, Ilbandornis
substantially for Aves since the turn of the century, and has species, and Worthy et al. (2016a) for D. murrayi, Barawertornis

Table 1. Preserved skull elements, damage and taphonomic distortion in recently recovered Genyornis newtoni skull material from Lake Callabonna. Note that all of these
specimens are also associated with post-cranial material not described here.
Number Preserved element(s) Brief description
SAMA Articulated skull: cranium, rostrum, mandible, quadrates, Extensive deformation to the skull: some lateral compression, left side displaced caudally
P59516 pterygoids, paraglossum, basihyal, ceratobranchials, atlas, relative to right; the mandible and quadrates are shifted and rotated caudally relative
axis to the cranium, but the quadrates remain articulated in the quadratic fossa; the
cranium is tilted rostroventrally, underlapping the caudally displaced rostrum; the
right mandibular ramus is heavily damaged on the lateral side; fragmentary
pterygoids are disarticulated caudally on either side of the cranium; the paraglossum
is displaced rostrally and crushed between the palatines and the medial side of the
right mandibular rami; the basihyal and ceratobranchials are disarticulated; and the
atlas and axis are together articulated but disarticulated from the skull.
NMV Cranium, quadrate, mandible Skull fragments include a mediolaterally compressed partial left caudal skull, separate
P256893 right quadrate, parts of a left ceratobranchial and mandible. The articulated left
quadrate is fragmented; the disarticulated right quadrate lacks the processus orbitalis
and has sustained damage to the lateral side and the medial apex of the condylus
mandibularis lateralis. A fragment of the rostral mandible preserves part of the left
ramus mandibulae and pars symphysialis, the fragmented articulated caudal
mandible preserves the processus medialis mandibulae and associated cotyla
SAMA Cranium, quadrate Only preserves the fragmented partial condylus occipitalis (occipital condyle) and partial
P53830 right quadrate. Of the quadrate, only the pars otica is without significant damage,
although a fragment of the orbital region is also retained.
SAMA Rostrum, mandible Disarticulated elements. Near-complete rostrum but mediolaterally flattened, the height
P59517 of the rostrum and key features are still assessable, e.g. right palatinum largely intact.
There are two mandible fragments which represent the right and left ramus
mandibulae, partes intermedialis et caudalis. The right ramus has suffered much
damage with the processus medialis mandibulae and cotyla medialis poorly
preserved. The opposite ramus is completely eroded dorsally. Two fragments of shaft
from one ceratobranchial, no ends preserved.
SAMA Rostrum Disarticulated and disassociated rostrum. Near complete specimen with only slight
P59521 bilateral compression mid-way along the flattened lateral plates of the praemaxillaria,
and thus, forms the main basis of the G. newtoni rostrum descriptions herein.
SAMA Cranium, quadrate, mandible Fragmented section of the left side of the caudal skull. Preserves the osseus meatus
P59520 acusticus externus and processus paroccipitalis, and a partial left quadrate remains in
articulation; the pars otica is well preserved, pars mandibularis is heavily abraded, and
the articulatory region of the mandible, is crushed. A fragment of the right ramus
mandibulae, pars symphysialis, is also preserved.

and Ilbandornis ?woodburnei. All Genyornis newtoni skull mate­ Nomenclature

rial is identified by its association with partial skeletons includ­
Higher taxonomic nomenclature follows Worthy et al (2017b;
ing the diagnostic leg bones, comparison with material
2017a; Sun et al. 2017) except we use Galloanserae due to taxo­
described by Stirling (1913) and furthermore, G. newtoni is
nomic priority and thus, galloanseran, as the adjectival form and to
the only dromornithid species known from the Pleistocene.
refer to members of Galloanserae. In addition, the Superfamily
A three-dimensionally modelled Ilbandornis woodburnei cra­
Anatoidea, and its distinction with respect to the Suborder
nium was produced via segmentation of CT data in Materialise
Anseres, is used in the sense of Livezey (1997), as advocated by
Mimics (Materialise’s Interactive Medical Image Control System)
Field et al. (2020). For anatomical nomenclature, we follow Baumel
Innovation Suite 22.0 (for scan data, see Handley & Worthy, 2021),
and Raikow (1993) unless indicated otherwise. Selected updated
digitally altered and reconstructed to be more complete using
and synonymised terminology, i.e. for the bony palate proposed by
Blender v. 2.93.2, and images of perspectives subsequently adapted
Zusi and Livezey (2006), the maxillary bone by Mayr (2018a), the
using Adobe Photoshop v. 24.
quadrate by Elzanowski et al. (2001) and Elzanowski and Stidham
(2010), and the myology of the adductor chamber by Holliday and
Comparative material Witmer (2007), has been used when necessary. The prefix os is
omitted from the names of skull bones and the term cranium is
Dromornithid and galloanseran specimens were loaned to THW at FU
used to refer specifically to the neurocranium or braincase as per
from SAMA, NTM, QM, and QVM. A range of comparative speci­
Baumel and Witmer (1993: annot. 8a, p. 68), not to be mistaken for
mens were also accessed using the Flinders University Vertebrate the term skull, which is used here to refer to the entire head skeleton
Collection. Where specimens were unavailable for direct observation, including the cranium, jaws, quadrates, hyoid apparatus, and other
e.g. gastornithids and other fossil galloanserans, comparisons were associated bones of the combined neurocranium and splanchno­
made using the available literature, photographs supplied by THW cranium (see Zusi 1993). While maxilla refers to the total structure
(e.g. Gastornis giganteus, Presbyornis pervetus), and a scan of comprising the upper jaw (Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 93;
Presbyornis pervetus (supplied by L. M. Witmer). All comparative Zusi 1993, p. 394–395), we opt to use the term ‘rostrum’ herein
material used can be found listed in SI 1. All comparative specimens when referring to this complex (as per Mourer-Chauviré and
including some with dried musculature intact, and targeted dissections Balouet 2005), to avoid confusion with the maxillary bones (ossa
of single Gallus gallus, Anas superciliosa and Chenonetta jubata speci­ maxillaria) that participate in its composition (however, see Clarke
mens (unregistered), were used to support interpretations on the 1993: annot 12, regarding the proper anatomical use of the term
myology which was derived from the published literature. rostrum). As per Mayr (2018a), we follow the correct Latin spelling

for the bilaterally paired upper jaw bones, the praemaxilla, rather only. These 100 morphological/standard discrete characters
than ‘premaxilla’. For myological homologies, see Appendix Three address variation across the complete skull (3), cranium (28),
(Table A2), additional skeletal homologies are present in SI 2. lacrimal (3), quadrate (22), mandible (29), and rostrum (15). Of
A notable subject of contention is the use of osteological terms these characters, 51 are ordered. Missing data was coded as ‘?’,
associated with the ‘fossa temporalis’ or ‘temporal fossa’, resulting and no gaps (‘-’) were coded. See SI 3 and 4 for the correspond­
from imprecisions in referring to it through interpretation of the ing NEXUS files that were used in phylogenetic analyses. These
associated myological homology in different clades (see Zusi and analyses are summarised below. In consideration of the likely
Livezey 2000, pp. 165–166). In general, the temporal fossa accom­ extensive convergence in postcranial material and the modifica­
modates adductor muscle origins in various configurations across tions derived from the giant, flightless nature of the dromor­
different groups of Neornithes, including musculus pseudotempor­ nithids, a reassessment of dromornithid postcranial morphology
alis superficialis, bellies associated with musculus adductor mandi­ is required to inform on the characters and methods used in a
bulae externus (AME) profundus, and musculus AME superficialis more complete analysis. This is beyond the scope of this study
(using terminology of Holliday and Witmer 2007), the latter of which specifically focuses on testing the phylogenetic informa­
which being the most superficial of the external adductor muscu­ tion pertaining to the skull.
lature and attaching to the caudolateral region of the cranium (e.g. Currently, a lack of directly comparable skull elements for
see Goodman and Fisher 1962; Elzanowski 1987; Baumel and some dromornithid species (resulting in missing data) and our
Witmer 1993; Vanden Berge and Zweers 1993; Weber 1996; Zusi exclusion of postcranial material from these analyses, restrict
and Livezey 2000; Holliday and Witmer 2007). Use of this term has quantitative assessment of intrafamilial dromornithid relation­
also included association with musculus depressor mandibulae (van ships. These phylogenetic analyses are thus focused on testing
Gennip 1986, p. 5; Baumel and Witmer 1993: fig. 4.1; see below). To the interfamilial relationships in the context of Galloanserae.
address this issue, Zusi and Livezey (2000) advocated the use of All analyses in the present study were constrained to mole­
‘fossa muscularis temporalium’ as well as terms that specifically cular-based topological relationships for modern taxa follow­
relate to the musculature occupying each region (e.g. impressio ing a combination of Wang et al. (2013), Burleigh et al.
musculi adductor mandibulae externus (AME) profundus, pars (2015), Prum et al. (2015), and Kimball et al. (2019), and
coronoideus, using applied nomenclature of Holliday and Witmer appropriated to the taxon-selection herein at specific or gen­
2007), which we support. However, when referring to the complete eric levels. Molecular-based constraints for Anatidae were
region of attachment for the musculus AME on the lateral squa­ relaxed following Worthy et al. (2022).
mosum, we opt to use the generalised topographic term ‘temporal Parsimony analyses were conducted using PAUP*
fossa’ (Holliday and Witmer 2007). Additionally, following v. 4.0a169 (Swofford 2003). The search for optimal trees
Holliday and Witmer (2007), directional terms are used to refer to involved a heuristic approach, with 10,000 replicates of ran­
specific structural regions within this (i.e. ‘dorsotemporal fossa’ and dom stepwise taxon addition using the tree-bisection-
‘caudotemporal fossa’). Hereon, in names for certain muscles and reconnection (TBR) branch-swapping algorithm, holding 10
nerves, ‘musculus’ (plural ‘musculi’) is abbreviated to ‘m.’ (‘mm.’) trees at each step, and saving no more than 100 trees of
and ‘nervus’ to ‘n.’ respectively. a length greater than or equal to 1 in each replicate.
The term ‘fossa subtemporalis’ (impressio temporalis, sensu Subsequent bootstrapping involved 10,000 bootstrap replicates
van Gennip 1986) is similarly ambiguous. Following Zusi and with the following parameters: 100 random-addition sequence
Livezey (2000, p. 166), we refer to this depression with replicates per bootstrap replicate; no more than 1,000 trees at
regards to the associated musculature, although note that a score equal to or greater than 1 saved per bootstrap repli­
here (in the context of the Dromornithidae) it is instead cate; holding 10 trees each step; and TBR branch swapping
solely related to the origin of m. depressor mandibulae (i.e. implemented. Multistate characters were treated as
impressio musculi depressor mandibulae). uncertainty.
An undated Bayesian analysis of the morphological data
was also performed using MrBayes v. 3.2.7 (Ronquist and
Phylogenetic analyses
Huelsenbeck 2003), appropriating the same character and
To qualitatively assess some of the hypotheses present herein, taxon selection, ordering settings, and molecular-based topo­
and to precede future, more extensive analyses assessing the logical constraints as the parsimony analysis. The Mk model
phylogeny of Dromornithidae and their relationships to other (Lewis 2001) was used to apply maximum likelihood phylo­
galloanseran families, we only present preliminary analyses geny inference to the variable, discrete morphological dataset
using a limited character and taxon sample. Our ingroup (coding = variable). Evolutionary rate variability was distribu­
includes 22 modern species from across the Galloanserae radia­ ted according to gamma parameter (rates = gamma). Four
tion and 12 relevant fossil taxa that are hypothesised to have independent analyses were simultaneously run for a total of
galloanseran or near-galloanseran affinities, while the outgroup 50,000,000 generations, and sampled every 5,000 generations,
consists of three palaeognaths (Eudromia elegans, Dromaius to confirm convergence. The heating parameter was set as 0.1,
novaehollandiae and Casuarius casuarius) and four neoavians and four chains per analysis, one cold and three incrementally
(Antigone rubicunda, Fulmarus glacialoides, Accipiter fasciatus heated, were used to better explore the tree topology space.
and Colius striatus). We have reassessed and added to the The first 20% of sampled trees from all runs were discarded
characters of Worthy et al. (2017b; see Appendix Four) and as relative burn-in, and the remaining samples combined to
produced a character matrix comprising characters of the skull produce a consensus tree.

Figure 1. The near-complete, articulated skull of Genyornis newtoni (SAMA P59516): A. Left lateral view; B. Left lateral view outlined with major parts distinguished; C. Right
lateral view; D. Right lateral view outlined with major parts distinguished; E. Dorsal view; F. Caudal view; G. Ventral view; H. Rostral view. Annotations: cb., ceratobranchial;
cr., cranium; ma., mandible; or., orbit; pt., pterygoid; ro., rostrum; qu., quadrate; ve., articulated vertebrae. Scale bars: 50 mm, E. to G. all to same scale.

Systematic palaeontology approximately 296 mm in length from the rostral apex of the
rostrum to the condylus occipitalis. This is perhaps slightly fore­
AVES Linnaeus, 1758
shortened by the disarticulation of the craniorostral hinge (sensu
NEORNITHES Gadow, 1892
Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005) and the caudal movement of
NEOGNATHAE Pycraft, 1900
the rostrum to overlap the cranium by maximally 33 mm. The
GALLOANSERAE Sibley, Ahlquist and Monroe, 1988
maximum height of the cranium from the dorsal surface to the
DROMORNITHIDAE Fürbringer, 1888
ventral tip of the processus paroccipitalis is 135.5 mm. Our obser­
GENYORNIS Stirling and Zietz, 1896
vations support Stirling’s contention that only a total length and
GENYORNIS NEWTONI Stirling and Zietz, 1896
maximum depth of the skull could be ascertained from specimen
SAMA P10838 due to poor preservation limiting identification of
Referred material the margins of important structural features. However, Murray and
Megirian (1998) inferred goose-like proportions of the skull with
Lake Callabonna Fossil Assemblage. SAMA P59516, articulated
the rostrum accounting for 50% of complete rostrocaudal skull
cranium, rostrum, quadrates, pterygoids, elements of the hyoid
length. Contrary to this, specimen SAMA P59516, instead shows
apparatus, and mandible associated with a complete postcranial
that the rostrum is closer to 1.8 times the length of the cranium.
skeleton of individual 1 of CB2018.75 field collection number.
The proportions of the cranium and rostrum within the skull
SAMA P59517, flattened rostrum and part mandible associated
of G. newtoni differ from other dromornithids; the rostra of
with several postcranial elements from individual 2 of CB2018.75.
Dromornis stirtoni and D. planei are near three times as long as
SAMA P59520, fragmented, articulated partial left cranium, quad­
the cranium. This is most extreme in D. stirtoni, wherein the
rate, and caudal mandible, disarticulated rostral mandibular frag­
entire skull would have been approximately just over 500 mm
ment, and other associated cranial fragments, associated with
long with 460 mm taken up in beak length (Murray and
postcranial elements and gizzard stones of individual 3 of
Megirian 1998: fig. 28). There are currently no rostra known
CB2019.14. SAMA P59521, complete rostrum associated with post­
for species of Ilbandornis or Barawertornis, precluding compar­
cranial elements from either individual 1 or 2 of CB2019.14. NMV
isons. Marked rostrocaudal compression of the cranium is char­
P256893, partial articulated left side of cranium, jugal arch, cerato­
acteristic for dromornithids, with the dorsoventral depth of the
branchial, quadrate and caudal mandible, disarticulated right par­
cranium considerably greater than the rostrocaudal length
tial quadrate, jugal arch, and cranial and mandibular fragments, all
(Worthy et al. 2016a; Handley and Worthy 2021). This feature
associated with the near complete, articulated postcranial skeleton
is increasingly extreme in Dromornis species; least in
of individual CB2018.23. SAMA P53830, right partial quadrate
D. murrayi, greater in D. planei, and especially so regarding
with disarticulated caudal part of the jugal arch and condylus
D. stirtoni, wherein the cranium length of the latter is only half
occipitalis, associated with postcranial elements of individual
the dorsoventral depth, with the impact of this also evident in
CB2014.Geny5. Skull fossil previously attributed to Genyornis new­
the subtle signs of brain compression (Handley and Worthy
toni include SAMA P10838, a fragmented skull, SAMA P10788, a
2021). Although, as in Ilbandornis, some rostrocaudal compres­
partial mandible and unregistered quadrates (Stirling 1913).
sion is evident, the cranium of G. newtoni lacks such exagger­
ated compression and, as no cranium is known for the early
Descriptions and comparisons Miocene Barawertornis tedfordi, a trend, if any, in non-
Dromornis dromornithids cannot be ascertained.
Complete fusion of the constituent bones of each of the
Craniorostral hinge
cranium, rostrum and mandible is evident in all specimens
signifying that they belonged to mature individuals (Zusi The skull of G. newtoni is prokinetic (the rostrum is inflexible
1993). This is supported for specimen SAMA P59516 by but bending occurs at a craniofacial hinge: see Hofer 1949;
histological interpretations by Chinsamy and Worthy (2021: Frazatta 1962; Bock 1964; Bühler 1980; Bühler et al. 1988;
Table 2) of the leg bones. All fossils described herein are Gussekloo et al. 2001; Pecsics et al. 2017). The zona flexoria
variably affected by crushing, deformation, and fragmentation craniofacialis is one of the primary flexion zones associated
(see Table 1), which limits morphological interpretation, with cranial kinesis in birds (Fisher 1955; Bock 1964; Bühler
although together they allow for a reliable and detailed 1980; Zusi 1984, 1993; Bühler et al. 1988; Baumel and Raikow
description of nearly all features of the skull of G. newtoni. 1993; Bailleul et al. 2017), generally composed of overlapping,
Descriptions are facilitated by comparisons with the morphol­ thinned premaxillary and frontal processes of the nasalia
ogy of other dromornithid fossils throughout. (nasals) and praemaxillaria (premaxillaries), respectively,
from the rostrum, which are fused with the rostral ends of
the frontalia (frontals) and the dorsal lamina of the meseth­
moidale of the cranium, and sometimes stabilised by laterally
The articulated skull of specimen SAMA P59516 (Figure 1), pro­ bounding lacrimalia (lacrimals; Fisher 1955; Bock 1964; Bühler
vides a basis for proportional estimates of the skull in this species. 1980; Zusi 1984; Baumel and Raikow 1993). This region is
Specimen SAMA P10838 (see Appendix One: Figure A1) was, instead represented by a completely mobile synovial joint
according to the original descriptions, 290 mm long from the con­ (Bühler 1980, p. 449, 451–452; as defined by Baumel and
dylus occipitalis to the symphysial apex of the mandible, and 150 Raikow 1993: Arthr. Intro., annot. 1, 4, 46) in Genyornis new­
mm high (Stirling 1913, p. 112). Comparatively, the most complete toni, other dromornithids, gastornithids, and sylviornithids
skull described here, specimen SAMA P59516, is slightly larger, among galloanserans (Witmer and Rose 1991; Andors 1992;

Murray and Megirian 1998; Worthy 2000; Mourer-Chauviré the rostrum and the cranium; when the rostrum is occluded
and Balouet 2005; Worthy et al. 2016a). As such, specific with the mandible, the hinge would form a shallow dorsal notch
referral to this articulation as a craniorostral hinge (Murray in lateral aspect, becoming deeper as the upper jaw is opened
and Vickers-Rich 2004; craniorostral joint, sensu Mourer- (also see Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004). In contrast, recon­
Chauviré and Balouet 2005) throughout this document, is structions of Gastornis giganteus (Cope 1876) suggest the tran­
considered more appropriate for these taxa. This morphology sition in lateral aspect across the hinge is flat (see Witmer and
is rare among bird families and is comparable to that seen in Rose 1991: fig. 1).
some Psittaciformes (and others e.g. Podargidae and The caudal foreshortening of the anteorbital region of the
Microcarbo melanoleucos; Andors 1992; Zusi 1993). cranium and the concomitant caudal repositioning of the cra­
The only specimen which preserves the craniorostral hinge niorostral hinge in dromornithids (Murray and Megirian 1998;
in near articulation is SAMA P59516, although the joint is Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 126; Worthy et al. 2016a) is
overlapped by the dorsocaudally displaced rostrum, and thus evident in G. newtoni. The result is a lack of preorbital zone in
not visible in its entirety. The articular surface on the dorso­ the cranium, contrasting with all other galloanserans. The hinge
caudal rostrum is preserved in specimens SAMA P59521 and transects the orbit just rostral to the processus postorbitales in
SAMA P59517 (Appendix One: Figure A2), although signifi­ G. newtoni but is located further caudal in species of Dromornis,
cantly damaged in the latter. The caudal regions of the prae­ in rostrocaudal alignment with the process.
maxillaries and the nasals (and the lacrimals, see below) are There have been no lacrimals previously unambiguously identi­
synostosed to form a surface for articulation with the cranium. fied for G. newtoni; the lacrimal and its processes identified and
This is less robust and appears proportionally more dorsoven­ figured for the original skull (SAMA P10838) by Murray and
trally narrow and caudally flattened than that of Dromornis Vickers-Rich (2004: fig. 107, p. 60, 127) cannot be verified by direct
planei (NTM P9973–2), in which, robust, bulbous and caudally examination of the relevant material. Furthermore, we do not
prominent lateral articular ‘condyles’ (internal processes of recognise any separate and unfused lacrimals in the new skull
nasolacrimals, sensu Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004: fig. 181, material presented herein. Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004,
184) lie either side of a distinct medial fossa. These condyles p. 127–128) did not find evidence of orbital processes of the lacri­
were considered to be reciprocal structures to the deep lateral mals in other dromornithids. However, they inferred that the
supraorbital processes may have fused to the dorsorostral cranium
fossae seen on several dromornithid crania (which also were
as the ‘anterolateral processes’ and that the lacrimals contributed to
identified for Sylviornis neocaledoniae Poplin 1980 and
the lateral dorsocaudal rostrum as ‘nasolacrimal processes’ (Murray
Megavitiornis altirostris Worthy 2000 by Mourer-Chauviré and
and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 235, fig. 180, 184). Instead, considering
Balouet 2005; D. planei and D. stirtoni, by Murray and Vickers- the material at hand, we interpret the area caudolateral of apertura
Rich 2004: figs. 52, 76, 77), and may be formed in part from the nasi ossea as representative of the synostosis between the head of
frontal processes of the nasal bones. Unlike the completely the lacrimal and the caudal rostrum, whereby the caudoventral
mobile, true diarthrosis in S. neocaledoniae, the dromornithid projection on the rostrum dorsal of angulus tomialis and laterally
form would have provided relative lateral stability for the cra­ adjacent to processus jugalis of the maxillare, may be homologous
niorostral hinge, while allowing significant free movement of with the processus orbitalis of the lacrimal. This interpretation is
the rostrum in the occlusal plane (Murray and Vickers-Rich supported by the distinct, dorsoventrally elongate process on the
2004, p. 235; as was similarly observed for M. altirostris by caudal margin of the Dromornis planei rostrum NTM P932–2. The
Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005). Genyornis newtoni appears latter is linked with the more ventral arcus jugalis by a narrow
to have homologous condyles on the dorsocaudal rostrum (see channel and appears ventrally separate from the more rostral
4.6), although they are much smaller evidencing less stability nasal bar, forming an opening (i.e. fenestra antorbitalis), and is
was required for the relatively smaller rostrum. consistent with a ventrocaudal process of the lacrimal.
The medial section of the dorsocaudal-most rostrum is Thus, we do not support the hypothesis regarding fusion of
occluded in specimens SAMA P59516 and SAMA P10838, and the lacrimal to the cranium in dromornithids. This lack of
post-mortem damage is present in this region in specimen synostosis is typical of basal galliforms, such as megapodiids,
SAMA P59521. Thus, the presence or absence of a sulcus to and some basal anseriforms, i.e. Anhimidae,
receive a median prominence as observed in D. planei (see Anachronornithidae, Anseranatidae, Presbyornithidae, and
median process/tuberosity of Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004: even basal anatids, e.g. species of Biziura, Dendrocygna, and
figs. 52, 76, 77, 181–184), cannot be confidently assessed. Coscoroba (see Olson and Feduccia 1980; Zelenkov and
However, the median part of the dorsocaudal rostrum of Stidham 2018; Tambussi et al. 2019; De Mendoza et al. 2020;
SAMA P59521 has an abraded surface approximately rostro­ Field et al. 2020: SI p. 26–27; Houde et al. 2023). Consequently,
caudally-level with the previously described articulatory con­ this state is considered plesiomorphic for members of
dyles and suggests that in a better-preserved state it would Galloanserae (Tambussi et al. 2019). However, the lacrimals of
have caudally exceeded these condyles and dorsally overlapped S. neocaledoniae, gastornithids, Danielsavis nazensis Houde
any median prominence of the dorsal cranium. In SAMA et al. 2023, and some galliforms are fused to the frontals and
P10838 and P59516, there is no evidence of an obvious dorsal span the craniorostral hinge to articulate with the nasals (pers.
depression on the rostral cranium that participates in the cra­ obvs. photos of specimen AMNH 6169 of Gastornis giganteus;
niorostral articulation, opposing the median dorsocaudal ros­ Matthew and Granger 1917; Andors 1992; Murray and Megirian
trum (see ‘frontal groove’ of Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, 1998; Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005; Houde et al. 2023;
p. 235), however, this area is not fully exposed in either speci­ Mayr et al. 2023). The fusion of the lacrimal to the frontals
men. The craniorostral hinge divides the rostrocaudal skull which occurs in anatids is considered a feeding adaptation (see
length into two dorsally convex sections (as viewed laterally), Fisher 1955; Dzerzhinsky 1982; Zelenkov and Stidham 2018).

Figure 2. Genyornis newtoni caudal orbit, NMV P256893, rostral view showing the caudal orbit and quadrate articulation with the skull and mandible: A. Image; B.
Annotated outline. Annotations: ap.zyg.oss., aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans; cr.or., crista supraorbitalis; f.pseu., fossa pseudotemporalis; mand., mandible; m.lev., origin
for m. levator palpebrae dorsalis; n.for., foramen neurovasculare; quad., quadrate. Scale bar: 10 mm. Dark grey shading indicates regions where damage precludes
morphological assessment, and light grey indicates foramina and fossae. Dotted lines provide approximate region corresponding to labelled area, and do not indicate exact

In the megapodiid species with the largest rostrum, Cranium

Macrocephalon maleo, no synostosis of the lacrimal is present and
Orbit and rostrodorsal region of cranium
instead, there is a very small frontal articulation and a much larger
The cranium of G. newtoni, as for other dromornithids, is marked
one with the rostrum. In G. newtoni specimens which retain the
craniorostral hinge, there are no apparent laterally facing articula­ by large (relative to the cranium), widely separated orbits extending
tory facets, processes or osseous lobes on the cranium that could caudolaterally from the craniorostral hinge, that occupy the rostral
articulate with a more lateral lacrimal head or supraorbital process; 45% of total cranial rostrocaudal length and 35% of cranial dorso­
nor have any been identified in the crania of other dromornithids ventral depth, in lateral view. Specimen SAMA P59516 preserves
(Murray and Megirian 1998; Worthy et al. 2016a). The only articu­ both orbits with an estimated interorbital width across the dorsal
latory surfaces on the cranium are those rostrally facing, as part of surface of the frontals of minimally 74.4 mm, although poor pre­
the hinge joint (i.e. anterolateral processes of Murray and Vickers- servation of the cranium likely underestimates that of the undis­
Rich 2004, p. 235). Considering the form of M. maleo, an alternative torted skull, and precludes standard interorbital width
hypothesis to that above is that the lateral edge of the caudal measurements (measurements are restricted to the region just cau­
rostrum in G. newtoni may have been a mediolaterally thin, dorso­ dal of the hinge). As for all dromornithid crania, there is no
ventrally tall facet that adjoined an unfused lacrimal. However, an depressio frontalis, the roof of the cranium is smoothly curved in
implication of this separate or discrete lacrimal scenario would have sagittal section, contrary to most galloanserans.
been a severely restricted orbital space in G. newtoni, and since no The crista supraorbitalis (Figure 2, 3; sensu Livezey and
separate lacrimals have been reliably identified for any dromor­ Zusi 2006) of G. newtoni is a sharp crest along its entire length
nithid, this hypothesis is considered unlikely. that encloses about a third of the circumference of the orbit

Figure 3. Lateral view of the left side of the cranium of Genyornis newtoni: A. SAMA P59516 with shaded indication of focus region; B. SAMA P59516 image and annotated
outline, digitally removed from the image of the entire skull; C. NMV P256893 image (includes part of the mandible and quadrate ventrally) and annotated outline; D. Left
rostrolateral view of Anhima cornuta specimen NMV B12574, box denotes region of focus in E., Quadrate disarticulated; E. Rostrolateral view of the left lateral cranium of
Anhima cornuta specimen NMV B12574. Annotations: an.tymp., annulus tympanicus; ap.dep.m., an aponeurotic site of origin of m. depressor mandibulae; ap.zyg.oss.,
aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans; cr.zyg., crista zygomatica;, crista nuchalis transversa; cr.or., crista supraorbitalis;, crista aponeurosis articularis; f.pseu.,
fossa pseudotemporalis;, impressio m. depressor mandibulae; imp.sup., impressio m. AME superficialis; jug., jugal arch; mand., mandible; m.a.e., osseous meatus
acusticus externus; pr.par., processus paroccipitalis;, processus postorbitalis; pr.sup., processus suprameaticus; quad., quadrate; t.pseu., tubercle
for m. pseudotemporalis (specifically aponeurosis pseudotemporalis superficialis). Scale bars: A. 50 mm, B., C. 20 mm, D., E. 10 mm. Dark grey shading indicates regions
where damage precludes confident morphological assessment, and light grey indicates foramina and fossae. Dotted lines provide approximate regions corresponding to
labelled areas, and do not represent accurate boundaries.

from the hinge to the processus postorbitalis. In rostral view, Genbrugge et al. 2011: fig. 4, Cr7, Cr8), species of Phoenicopterus
the crest flares laterally as a convex arc far more than in [Phoenicopteridae], and Porphyrio [Rallidae] (pers. observ.; Baumel
species of Dromornis. When viewed laterally, the caudal part and Witmer 1993, annot. 89). Discussion on the variation in the
of the crest appears straight as in Ilbandornis woodburnei, and morphology of this region between species of Dromornis and
less rounded than in D. planei. This lack of curvature of the Ilbandornis is covered by Worthy et al. (2016a), although we suggest
orbit in lateral aspect is enhanced by the medially convergent a different musculature arrangement following a reassessment of
rostral half of the supraorbital crests that are also relatively the relevant osseous correlates.
dorsoventrally flattened. Its dorsal and ventral surfaces are We also associate the aforementioned fossa
penetrated by numerous neurovascular foramina, in addition with m. pseudotemporalis superficialis (e.g. Dzerzhinsky 1982,
to the unique vesicular surface texture (most apparent on also see above references), and the feature termed the ‘fossa pseu­
specimen NMV P256893, see Figure 3C, see also Stirling dotemporalis’ by Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 240, figs. 52,
1913, p. 113). The crista supraorbitalis of Gastornis giganteus 76, 77, 92, 188). Murray and Megirian (1998) attributed this fossa to
is a robust, laterally-prominent crest of bone (Matthew and ‘mm. protractor quadratus and pterygoideus’ and Worthy et al.
Granger 1917; also pers. observ. from photographs), more so (2016a), to ‘mm. AME medialis et superficialis’. This particularly
than that of the dromornithids. The wide mediolateral width well-developed cavity in dromornithids has been recognised as
between supraorbital crests contrasts with the narrower form characteristic of this family (Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004,
typical of Anseres, as well as the late Paleocene anseriform p. 76), but is also typical of anseriforms, in support of systematic
Anachronornis anhimops Houde et al. 2023 (see Houde et al. affinities with that group (Murray and Megirian 1998, p. 80, 96;
2023). Contrary to Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 263), we Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 240). An especially similarly deep
find no evidence of an impression or fossa for ‘nasal salt fossa is present in anhimids (pers. observ., also see Dzerzhinsky
glands’ (fossa glandulae nasalis, also see King 1993) on the 1982). Other anseriforms, such as Anseranas semipalmata and
dorsal frontal area in any G. newtoni specimens. However, we Anser caerulescens, have a distinct depression for the muscle origin
recognise the presence of a vascularised depression in species in the same position. That in the latter species is notably more like
of Dromornis, where it is largest and most obviously depressed that of Dromornis murrayi, in which the fossa is shallower than in
in D. planei (see Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 263), other dromornithids.
which may or may not be associated with a nasal gland. The In association with the fossa pseudotemporalis and the medi­
anhimid Chauna torquata has a morphology comparable with ally adjacent tubercle, the impression for the origin
the latter, especially. of m. pseudotemporalis superficialis appears to maximally extend
to the laterally adjacent aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans and
processus postorbitalis on the caudal orbit in all dromornithids.
Caudal orbit
The area of origin extends to a rostroventral portion of the
Just ventromedial of the caudal part of the crista supraorbitalis, on lateral cranium (including the temporal fossa, see
the dorsocaudal surface of the orbit, is a dorsoventrally tall, rugose ‘Nomenclature’) in several avian clades, e.g. palaeognaths
surface, pitted by numerous foramina, that likely corresponds to the (Elzanowski 1987, p. 83; Holliday and Witmer 2007: and refer­
origin of m. levator palpebrae dorsalis (m.lev., Figure 2 see also ences therein), although, is typically restricted or confined behind
Shufeldt 1890, p. 55–56; Fisher and Goodman 1955: fig. 2; the eye to the area muscularis aspera in anseriforms and galli­
Elzanowski 1987). This is consistently present among dromornithid forms (e.g. Lakjer 1926; Hofer 1950; Davids 1952a; Starck and
crania that preserve this region. Barnikol 1954; Goodman and Fisher 1962; Fujioka 1963;
The caudoventral part of the orbit, which includes the area Dzerzhinsky and Belokurova 1972; Zweers 1974; Dzerzhinsky
muscularis aspera, is marked laterally by a distinct fold of bone 1982; Weber 1996; Matsuoka et al. 2008). The latter, in effect,
formed by the processus postorbitalis and aponeurosis zygomatica forms the fossa pseudotemporalis, similar to the apparent dro­
ossificans (see ‘Temporal region’ for discussion of the osteology and mornithid condition. The incidence and variable development of
myological correlates of this region). The area muscularis aspera is cristae on the area muscularis aspera, and expansion of the
not completely visible in any specimen of Genyornis newtoni, but is pseudotemporal fossa presumably acts to increase the attachment
well-preserved in specimens of Dromornis murrayi, D. planei and surface area for this muscle within its restricted region of origin.
Ilbandornis woodburnei. In these taxa, a rostrally projected tubercle The relative expression of the muscle origin area appears to
sits, dorsal to the foramen n. maxillomandibularis (identified in correlate with size of the mandible, being deeper in species
Worthy et al. 2016a), and medial of a distinct fossa; this fossa is with larger mandibles.
identifiable in G. newtoni specimen NTM P256893 but not the parts
more mesad. The tuberculum likely hosts the aponeurosis pseudo­
Temporal region
temporalis superficialis (see also Davids 1952a, p. 89–90, fig. 10 a, b,
‘aponévrose 10, tuber 10’; sensu Dzerzhinsky and Potapova 1974; As in all galliforms and anhimids, the dromornithids have relatively
Weber 1996), in association with the m. pseudotemporalis super­ small processus postorbitales that project ventrally and slightly
ficialis (Vanden Berge and Zweers 1993: annot. 19), which is rostrally; in contrast, in non-anhimid anseriforms they are more
a significant component of the adductor mandibulae internus elongate and rostrally directed and contribute to the ventral margin
group (e.g. Dzerzhinsky 1982; Vanden Berge and Zweers 1993; of the orbit (Baumel and Witmer 1993, annot. 14; Zusi and Livezey
Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004; Holliday and Witmer 2007), in 2000; Field et al. 2020). The basal anseriform Anachronornis anhi­
recognition of a similarly located crest or attachment region in mops also has postorbital processes that project only slightly ros­
other galloanserans (e.g. Anhima cornuta, Anseranas semipalmata, trally and are not as rostrocaudally extensive as those in anatoids
Alectura lathami). Prominent cristae associated with the apo­ (however, see below, Houde et al. 2023).
neuroses of m. pseudotemporalis, have been identified in other The aponeurosis zygomatica (sensu Elzanowski 1987; Weber
birds that also have proportionally heavy mandibles. These include 1996; Zusi and Livezey 2000) is one of the major aponeuroses of
heavy-billed finches (e.g. Geospiza fortis [Thraupidae], see the external adductor musculature complex (specifically m. AME

profundus, pars zygomaticus) in Neornithes, although its ossifica­ processus zygomaticus does not contribute to this morphology in
tion to form aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans (AZO; sensu Zusi anseriforms and that the morphology was better explained as an
and Livezey 2000, p. 166) only occurs in some neornithine species evolutionary product of the rostral extension of the origin for
(Zusi and Livezey 2000). Additionally, the interaction and develop­ aponeurosis zygomatica to the processus postorbitalis and the
ment of the ossified and unossified aponeurosis, processus zygo­ aforementioned ventromedial migration of the origin of m. AME
maticus and processus postorbitalis, and the consequent impacts on profundus, pars coronoideus (see above). Recently, Houde et al.
the arrangement of the associated musculature, varies across (2023) dismissed Zusi and Livezey’s interpretations and advocated
Galloanserae, and has systematic importance (see Zusi and for a sphenotemporal process, and the presence of a processus
Livezey 2000; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004: fig. 136). To ade­ zygomaticus that abuts the laterosphenoidale ventrally at sutura
quately illustrate the morphology presented in G. newtoni and other laterospheno-squamosa in anseriforms. We instead find the
dromornithids, contextual description of the state in other galloan­ hypotheses stemming from the comprehensive homological and
serans is required. The myology of the adductor chamber in galli­ ontogenetic study of this region by Zusi and Livezey (2000) to be
forms has been extensively researched (e.g. Burggraaf 1954a; more compelling, especially in consideration of the following
Fujioka 1963; Dzerzhinsky and Belokurova 1972; Dzerzhinsky important observations: (1) identification of a potential incipient
1974, 1980; Weber 1996; Zusi and Livezey 2000). In most galli­ processus zygomaticus at the caudal-most area corresponding to
forms, ossification of aponeurosis zygomatica occurs and the resul­ the origin of the aponeurosis zygomatica in some immature anseri­
tant AZO extends rostrally from the processus zygomaticus; in forms; (2) the recognition that in anatids, the rostroventral exten­
many, the aponeurosis connects rostrally with the ventral tip of sion of squamosum and its shape in its interaction with the
the processus postorbitalis (see Kirikov 1944; Olson and Feduccia laterosphenoidale (including processus postorbitalis) at sutura
1980; Dzerzhinsky 1982, 1995; Zusi and Livezey 2000). Complete laterospheno-squamosa can falsely resemble a processus zygomati­
connection forms the orbitozygomatic junction (sensu Elzanowski cus; and (3) the region of the squamosum which interacts with the
and Mayr 2017) and encloses a secondary temporal fenestra (see laterosphenoidale is non-homologous with the area from which the
Elzanowski and Mayr 2017). This morphology is notably extreme in processus zygomaticus arises in many other Neornithes (see Zusi
gastornithids, in which the AZO forms a large, robust bridge, and Livezey 2000, p. 170, fig. 4, 5; Mayr and Manegold 2021). We
traversing more than half the side of the cranium (Matthew and thus opt to follow the homological interpretations of Zusi and
Granger 1917; Troxell 1931; Andors 1992; Murray and Vickers- Livezey (2000), herein, owing to lack of evidence that rejects the
Rich 2004; Elzanowski and Mayr 2017). findings of their focused study, nor robustly supports alternative
In the basal anseriform family Anhimidae, the aponeurosis hypotheses. Zusi and Livezey (2000) further noted that while the
zygomatica also ossifies to form the AZO, however, unlike galli­ impressio m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus, was also similarly
forms, there is no zygomatic process (Zusi and Livezey 2000). The medially located in other anseriforms, its relationship to osseous
aponeurosis zygomatica has a linear attachment along the rostro­ structures was different in non-anhimid anseriforms. There is little
caudal length of the lamina lateralis cranii (sensu Zusi and Livezey to no ossification present for the zygomatic aponeurosis (crista
2000), and passes medial to, and rostrally beyond, the processus zygomatica sensu Zusi and Livezey 2000, see below) in addition to
postorbitalis (see Dzerzhinsky 1982; Zusi and Livezey 2000: fig. 6, 7; a distinct processus zygomaticus being absent (the homologous
Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 166–167, fig. 136). The apo­ locus may be represented by a tubercle, see Zusi and Livezey
neurosis is ossified along much of this length in adult anhimids, 2000), and the processus postorbitalis (of the laterosphenoidale
except for in its rostral-most part (Zusi and Livezey 2000, p. 173– bone) is rostroventrally developed and orientated. The
175). Through myological, ontogenetic and homological studies impressio m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus, effectively has
relating to the osseous structures of the adductor chamber in greater association with the processus postorbitalis in Anseres
these birds (Dzerzhinsky 1982, 1995; Zusi and Livezey 2000), it is (that is anseriforms exclusive of anhimids, see Livezey 1997;
currently understood that the wedge-shaped temporal region cor­ Worthy et al. 2017b), compared to arising from the ventromedial
responding to the AZO and postorbital process is related to the AZO as in species of Chauna and Anhima.
evolutionary medial migration of the origin of m. AME profundus, In dromornithids, it is clear that considerable ossification of the
pars coronoideus (sensu Zusi and Livezey 2000; terminology of aponeurosis zygomatica occurs and produces a morphology,
Holliday and Witmer 2007), relative to a typical galliform state. including a distinct, conspicuously rostrally projected AZO, which
This medial retreat of fibres that would normally arise from the we interpret to be a near identical osteological arrangement to that
dorsotemporal fossa effectively truncates the lateral squamosum of anhimids (also previously mentioned by Murray and Vickers-
rostrally from the caudoventral orbit, while impressio m. AME Rich 2004; Worthy et al. 2016a). This morphology is observed in all
superficialis (caudotemporal fossa) remains on the caudolateral dromornithid crania with adequate preservation. As a result, in
squamosum. Consequently, the AZO is closely associated with the G. newtoni, the m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus, is inter­
processus postorbitalis in anhimids and contributes to the laterally preted to originate ventromedially on the AZO (also inferred for
adjacent crista m. AME superficialis (sensu Zusi and Livezey 2000; species of Dromornis and Ilbandornis by Murray and Vickers-Rich
using terminology of; Holliday and Witmer 2007), and laterally 2004: fig. 188) and the impressio m. AME superficialis is represen­
delimits the impressio m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus tative of the only part of the m. AME complex to remain on the
(Dzerzhinsky 1982; crista zygomatica sensu Zusi and Livezey 2000). lateral squamosal (and the ‘temporal fossa’). The various features of
Dzerzhinsky (1982, p. 1031) originally interpreted this complex this region are best preserved in specimen NTM P256893 (Figure 2)
as a sesamoidal ossification and superimposition upon the proces­ of G. newtoni, as well as Ilbandornis (OMV2000:GFV:20 pers.
sus zygomaticus (i.e. AZO), fused to a caudoventrally expanded observ.) and D. planei (NTM P9464–106, see Murray and Vickers-
base of the processus postorbitalis, effectively closing the dorsotem­ Rich 2004).
poral fossa, and termed the resultant composite osseous structure In G. newtoni, the impressio m. AME profundus, pars coronoi­
the processus sphenotemporalis (see also Dzerzhinsky 1995). Using deus, is a wide and deep, mediodorsally expanded depression,
ontogenetic evidence, Zusi and Livezey (2000, p. 175–177, 180–181) which is more similar in form to Chauna torquata than Anhima
further honed interpretations on the homology of this structure, cornuta, and although slightly differs in osteological homologies
regarding the contribution of the AZO. They noted that the (see below), is similar in shape to the same impression in Anseranas

semipalmata and Anachronornis anhimops. It is more dorsoven­ region of attachment for this muscle in all anatids compared in this
trally expansive than in Ilbandornis woodburnei, and more compar­ study, and possibly Presbyornis pervetus Wetmore 1926 (USNM
able to Dromornis planei. The impression is bordered 299846). This foramen was not identified in dromornithids or
dorsomedially by a rostrocaudally elongate crest, and laterally by Anhima cornuta. Considering this foramen is aligned with the
the crista zygomatica which may be nearly confluent and contin­ sutura laterospheno-squamosa, most visible in younger individuals
uous with the crista m. AME superficialis in the rostral-most area, (e.g. Cygnus olor, see Houde et al. 2023: fig. S2), it may be associated
but not caudally (see below, also Zusi and Livezey 2000: fig. 6, 7, with the fusion of the two bones in adulthood. Presence or absence
p. 175). The crista zygomatica is formed from the crest-like ossifi­ in dromornithids and anhimids cannot be confirmed potentially
cation of the aponeurosis zygomatica where it meets the cranium, due to the AZO deforming this region.
ventral or ventromedial of the dorsolateral bounds of the origin The partes superficialis et zygomatica of m. AME profundus
of m. AME superficialis, and is not mutually exclusive with respect (Zusi and Livezey 2000; Holliday and Witmer 2007; Appendix
to the more extensive aponeurotic ossification that characterises Three) originate on the lateral and medial sides of the unossified
AZO in many galloanserans (see Zusi and Livezey 2000: fig. 6, aponeurosis zygomatica, respectively (Zusi and Livezey 2000,
p. 175, Table 2). Scarring, present both laterally and medially on p. 169), and are located well rostrad in galloanserans compared to
the rostroventral AZO in specimen NMV P256893 of G. newtoni, the condition in other avian orders due to the relatively large size
suggests that it predominantly or exclusively supported the unossi­ of m. AME superficialis (see Zusi and Livezey 2000, p. 177, fig. 8). In
fied aponeurosis zygomatica. Comparably, in D. planei, the unossi­ anseriforms, these two distinct bellies, partes superficialis et zygo­
fied aponeurosis zygomatica appears to have additionally emanated maticus, uniquely originate from the unossified aponeurosis zygo­
from the postorbital process (see Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004: matica rostral of its attachment to the processus postorbitalis (Zusi
fig. 188, ‘crista AME superficialis’). In anatids (e.g. Anser caerules­ and Livezey 2000, p. 177, figs. 6 and 8). The morphology in dro­
cens, and Tadorna tadornoides), the minor ossification of the apo­ mornithids appears similar to anhimids (see Murray and Vickers-
neurosis zygomatica (if present) typically produces only a low, Rich 2004: fig. 136), so the bellies are deemed likely to arise from the
ridge-like crista zygomatica which is ventrally separated from, and unossified aponeurosis zygomatica in G. newtoni, in a similarly
medial to, the crista m. AME superficialis (Zusi and Livezey 2000, rostral position. Any attachment surface(s) corresponding
p. 175, fig. 6). with m. AME medialis cannot be identified and may be interrelated
It is likely that aponeurosis zygomatica emanated from the with those of m. AME profundus, considering that this muscle is
rostrocaudal length of lamina lateralis cranii in the late Paleocene not easily distinguishable from the latter muscle part in birds
anseriform Anachronornis anhimops, as it does in anhimids, and (Holliday and Witmer 2007, p. 481; Appendix Three).
a small caudal impression, rostrally adjacent to processus supra­ As aforementioned, the impressio m. AME superficialis (caudo­
meaticus would have accommodated the origin for m. AME super­ temporal fossa) is the only part of the temporal fossa retained on the
ficialis. The latter state is also comparable to that of anhimids, while lateral squamosal in dromornithids (see ‘Nomenclature’, and also
the relatively expansive impressio m. AME profundus, pars coro­ Murray and Megirian 1998; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004;
noideus, best resembles the anseranatid and dromornithid condi­ Worthy et al. 2016a). It is characterised by a depression that extends
tion. Like anseranatids, but unlike anhimids and dromornithids, caudally from processus postorbitalis and the rostral end of the
there is no conspicuous rostral projection with apical ossified fibres AZO to a variable position dorsal of the dorsocaudal margin of the
or scarring, and related mediolateral thickening of the ventral osseous meatus acusticus externus (external auditory canal) and is
lamina lateralis cranii, that would be typical of an extensively relatively medially positioned like in Anhimidae (see Zusi and
ossified aponeurosis zygomatica. This is further supported by the Livezey 2000). The dorsal bounds of this muscle origin are rounded
observable sutura laterospheno-squamosa ventrally on and poorly defined on the lateral squamosal in all dromornithids,
Anachronornis anhimops, which comparatively appears obscured and clearly dorsolateral of crista zygomatica (see Figure 4). In
by the development of AZO in anhimids and dromornithids, but contrast, crista m. AME superficialis is pronounced ventrally, crest-
importantly denotes that the more rostral area corresponds to the like in its association with aponeurosis mediosuperficialis (sensu
laterosphenoid and processus postorbitalis (see Houde et al. 2023: Dzerzhinsky 1982; Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene 2002), and
fig. 1 A). Ontogenetic evidence suggests that rostral development of nearly confluent with the crista zygomatica across most of its
the laterosphenoid bone, not associated with the AZO, is character­ rostrocaudal length in both anhimids and anseranatids, and also
istic of Anseres, where rostral projection of this region is addition­ apparently in anachronornithids (see above and Zusi and Livezey
ally accomplished through the development of the AZO in 2000, p. 175; Houde et al. 2023). Presumably, the lack of a distinct
anhimids and dromornithids (Zusi and Livezey 2000). crista m. AME superficialis caudal of the AZO in dromornithids
Additionally, as evidenced by some incomplete fusion of cranial may have myological implications with regards to superficial apo­
elements in the cranium of A. anhimops, its cranium shape and neurotic attachment and proportional forces acting in this region
pattern of suture arrangement closely resembles the skull of juvenile (Bernhard 1924; Bryant and Seymour 1990 and references therein).
Chauna torquata, before the AZO has entirely developed (compare While the degree of ossification of aponeurosis zygomatica in
Zusi and Livezey 2000: fig. 5 A; Houde et al. 2023: figs. 1D, S3). anatids clearly differs from that of dromornithids and anhimids
While the rostral projection of processus postorbitalis in (and anseranatids and anachronornithids to a lesser extent, see
A. anhimops is superficially similar to the state of anhimids and above), the dorsoventral separation between the dorsal bounds of
dromornithids, it is thus likely analogous, in support of this taxon impressio m. AME superficialis and crista zygomatica in anatids is
possessing an intermediate condition between extant anhimids and more comparable to the dromornithid condition. The caudal extent
Anseres (Houde et al. 2023, p. 16). of the impressio m. AME superficialis in dromornithid taxa is
A foramen temporale venosum (sensu Mayr et al. 2021) has been variously defined by a pronounced tubercle or dorsoventrally
recognised within the region of origin for m. AME profundus, pars aligned ridge. This tubercle (in part) relates to an aponeurotic
coronoideus, in Galliformes, leading this feature to be considered attachment of the caudal m. AME superficialis (crista aponeurosis
a cranial autapomorphy of the group (see Mayr et al. 2021: fig. 4). articularis, sensu Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004: fig. 188; fig. 4).
Despite variation in the location of the non-ossified aponeurosis Compared to the large and rugose form of D. planei, the crest is less
zygomatica, a seemingly homologous foramen is also present in the pronounced in Ilbandornis woodburnei and even less distinct, and

Figure 4. Soft-tissue attachment sites on the cranium of a dromornithid, illustrated using a digitally modified representation of Ilbandornis woodburnei (QMV 2000:gfv:20)
due to the relative lack of deformation in this skull and the conservative nature of dromornithid skull morphology: A. Rostral aspect; B. Caudal aspect; C. Ventral aspect; D.
Right lateral aspect; E. Oblique (rostrolateral) aspect. Abbreviations:, origin site of aponeurosis articularis; ap.dep.m., an aponeurotic site of origin of m. depressor
mandibulae;, origin site of aponeurosis mediosuperficialis; ap.sup., origin site of aponeurosis superficialis; ap.zyg., origin site of aponeurosis zygomatica (muscle
fibres of m. AME profundus, pars zygomaticus, and m. AME profundus, pars superficialis, originate from the medial and lateral surfaces of this aponeurosis, respectively); lig.
oc.mand., attachment area corresponding to the origin of ligamentum occipitomandibulare, continuous with that of membrana postmeatica;, attachment area
of origin of ligamentum postorbitale;, origin area of m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus; m.AME.sup., origin area of m. AME superficialis; m.biv.cerv.,
insertion area of m. biventer cervicis; m.c.c., origin area of m. cucullaris capitis; m.comp., insertion area of m. complexus; m.dep.mand., origin area of m. depressor
mandibulae;, origin area of m. protractor pterygoidei et quadrati;, origin area of m. pseudotemporalis superficialis; m.rec.cap.dors., insertion
areas for slips of m. rectus capitis dorsalis;, insertion area of m. rectus capitis lateralis;, area for aponeurosis of insertion of m. rectus capitis
ventralis, pars lateralis;, insertion area of m. rectus capitis ventralis, pars medialis; m.spl.cap., insertion area of m. splenius capitis;,
attachment area of membrana atlantooccipitalis dorsalis;, attachment area of membrana atlantooccipitalis ventralis;, attachment site of
membrana postmeatica, which incorporates and is not separatable with respect to the more ventromedial ligamentum occipitomandibulare. Scale bar: 50 mm.
Illustrated attachment areas on the cranium are non-extensive estimates; only the sites corresponding to selected muscles, aponeuroses, membranes and ligaments
are indicated.

more of a low ridge in G. newtoni. Several galliform taxa have an present centrally on the cotyla quadratica squamoso-otica in
angular, rostrally protruding ossified aponeurotic fibre mass asso­ D. murrayi, D. planei, and I. woodburnei, likely a remnant of
ciated with this region caudal of the processus suprameaticus (e.g. the associated foramen pneumaticum dorsale (Baumel and
Lagopus lagopus), whereas in anseriforms, including anhimids, the Witmer 1993: annot. 25; Mayr 2020) along with a second
caudal-most attachment of the m. AME superficialis is represented small foramen at the medioventral margin of the aforemen­
by an incurvate and variably pronounced ridge, dorsal of the supra­ tioned dorsal tympanic depression. A large foramen just medial
meatic process. of this and between the articulatory surfaces is associated with
The inferred myological topology associated with the dromor­ the foramen for ramus occipitalis of arteria ophthalmica
nithid adductor chamber (Figure 4 C–E), as evidenced by patterns externa. Due to similarities in quadrate morphology (see
of fossae and cristae upon the skull (discussed above), are similar to ‘Quadrate’), and relatively consistent morphology for this region
the anhimid condition, as explored and illustrated by several across all dromornithid specimens where it can be observed, we
authors (e.g. Dzerzhinsky 1982; Zusi and Livezey 2000; assume that G. newtoni likely had a similar cotyla quadratica
Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene 2002). The primary variations squamoso-otica and associated features. This morphology is
between these two lineages, aside from greater rostrocaudal fore­ uncommon within Galloanserae and differs dramatically from
shortening of the dromornithid cranium, is present in the propor­ the condition in non-anhimid anseriforms, and megapodes
tional sizes of the processus postorbitalis and AZO, which are which typically possess two distinct quadratic cotylae, cotyla
enlarged and more robust, the dorsoventral separation between quadratica squamosi and cotyla quadratica otici, separated by
crista zygomatica and the dorsal bounds of m. AME superficialis, a deep recessus tympanicus dorsalis, and an associated, gener­
and the development of crista aponeurosis articularis. The greater ally large foramen pneumaticum dorsale (sensu Mayr 2020; e.g.
size and depth of the impression m. AME superficialis (caudotem­ see Anseranas semipalmata, Tadorna tadornoides, and Alectura
poral fossa), the proportionally enlarged rostral end of the AZO, lathami). In many non-megapodiid galliforms and
and evidence for further attachment for the non-ossified portion of S. neocaledoniae (see Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005), the
the aponeurosis zygomatica on the postorbital process in species of cotylae are only separated by a thin depression continuous with
Dromornis, may be also linked to the larger, heavier mandible a dorsally located recessus tympanicus dorsalis consistent with
relative to skull size, compared to G. newtoni and species of the more closely applied condyles on the quadrate head (e.g.
Ilbandornis. In D. planei, we associate the relative reduction of the Acryllium vulturinum and Lagopus lagopus).
processus postorbitalis and the process tip not ventrally overhan­ In Genyornis newtoni, SAMA P59516, the quadratic capsule is
ging the ossified zygomatic aponeurosis with the requirement for bounded laterally by a thin osseous wall, perforated by a small,
greater adductor musculature throughout this region; this may ovular (9.4 mm high, 7.1 mm wide) fenestra, through which the
imply that the ligamentum postorbitale was absent, as observed pars otica of the quadrate, still in articulation, can be viewed. This
for the large-billed finch Geospiza fortis (see Genbrugge et al. lamina extends caudoventrally from the AZO, to join the thin, bar-
2011, p. 692). This ligament is also absent in the erismaturine anatid like annulus tympanicus (processus postglenoidalis, sensu
Oxyura jamaicensis (see Goodman and Fisher 1962). Specimen Stellbogen 1930; see also Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 77;
SAMA P59516 of G newtoni, shows the ventral extent of the pro­ Mayr 2020). There is little evidence for this lamina being an artefact
cessus postorbitalis was variable in this lineage; we recognise three of preservation or damage in specimen SAMA P59516, and damage
potential drivers: (a) intraspecific variation associated with an to both SAMA P59520 and NMV P256893 precludes a non-
absence of selection pressures on the shape of the processus post­ ambiguous assessment of this feature in these G. newtoni speci­
orbitalis and presence of the ligamentum postorbitale, (b) sexual mens. This feature may then reflect unusual intraspecific variation,
dimorphism in the mass of the muscles in this region, as SAMA arising from an extension of the squamosum, or ossification of
P59516 is considered a likely female (Chinsamy and Worthy 2021) aponeurosis zygomatica, m. AME superficialis, a membrane, liga­
and NMV P256893, sex unknown, and (c) ontogenetic variation. ment, or cartilage. Alternatively, the absence of this character in
Although the ligamentum postorbitale serves to coordinate motion other dromornithid taxa, and all other assessed galloanserans, may
of both upper and lower jaws as the mandible is depressed, it is not imply that this character is autapomorphic to G. newtoni.
required as it is only one of several means of doing this (Zusi 1967; The processus suprameaticus is mediolaterally flattened in
Bout and Zweers 2001). G. newtoni, as in D. planei, and less prominent than the more
rounded, ventrally protruding process in I. woodburnei, which is
more distinct from the annulus tympanicus, a bony ridge connect­
Lateral aspect of the caudal cranium
ing the process ventrally with the ala parasphenoidalis (Stellbogen
In all three partially preserved crania of G. newtoni, specimens 1930; Mayr 2020). In all dromornithids, the lateral overhang of the
SAMA P59516, NMV P256893, and SAMA P59520, the otic small processus suprameaticus relative to the caudolateral margin
head of the quadrate remains articulated in the quadratic cotyla of the cotyla quadratica squamoso-otica is minimal (D. murrayi) to
of the cranium, ultimately obscuring it. For other dromor­ lacking (D. planei, I. woodburnei, G. newtoni). This is uncommon
nithids where it is visible, e.g. I. woodburnei specimen within Galloanserae, even those with an annulus tympanicus (see
QMV:2000:GFV:20, I. ?lawsoni NTM P907–27, and D. planei below), due to variation in the rostrocaudal location of the process
specimen QM F57947, we use the term, cotyla quadratica squa­ relative to the cotyla. The processus suprameaticus of Gastornis
moso-otica (named for the close approximation of the two giganteus and S. neocaledoniae, considerably laterally overhangs
quadratic cotylae which, together form a single articular facet, the caudolateral margin of the cotyla quadratica squamosi.
see also Baumel and Raikow 1993, annot. 25; also termed In species of Ilbandornis and Dromornis, the annulus tympani­
recessus quadratica, sensu Worthy et al. 2016a). In species of cus is especially robust compared to G. newtoni. Ossification of this
Ilbandornis and Barawertornis, the residual homolog of recessus bar also occurs in some anatids (Anser caerulescens, Cereopsis
tympanicus dorsalis extends dorsolaterally as a shallow fossa, novaehollandiae, and Cnemiornis calcitrans; see also Worthy et al.
partly separating the constituent cotylae, at their ventromedial 1997, 2017b: app. 1, char. 16), odontophorids (Callipepla califor­
margins, although it is thinnest and deepest in B. tedfordi nica), and phasianids (Perdix perdix and Syrmaticus soemmerringii,
(specimen QM F58013). An exceedingly small foramen is for the latter see Mayr 2020: fig. 8), suggesting variable development

among galloanserans. In dromornithids, the ventromedial exten­ relative to the bony external auditory canal, and lacks defined
sion of the annulus tympanicus from processus suprameaticus, to margins, making it seem confluent with the temporal fossa in
fuse to the enlarged and laterally projecting ala parasphenoidalis, some taxa. Comparatively, anseriforms have a much larger
encloses the osseous meatus acusticus externus ventrorostrally. The impressio m. depressor mandibulae. In the most extreme forms
enclosed nature of the osseous meatus acusticus externus, differs (e.g. Anhima cornuta, Anseranas semipalmata, Melanitta perspicil­
considerably from most galloanserans, including the gastornithids lata, Aythya australis), the impression extends dorsally along the
and sylviornithids, which appear to lack an ossified annulus tym­ crista nuchalis transversa to near its dorsal terminus with raised
panicus associated with the processus suprameaticus. In G. newtoni, ridges delimiting all sides. Although predominantly hosting
the lateral opening of the ear (the osseous meatus acusticus exter­ the m. depressor mandibulae (van Gennip 1986; Vanden Berge
nus) is relatively small and circular, approximately 10.8 mm high and Zweers 1993), the impression m. depressio mandibulae may
and 10.05 mm wide in SAMA P59516, although it is more oval also have hosted fibres relating to the caudal-most origin of
shaped in NMV P256893. Species of Dromornis and Ilbandornis the m. AME superficialis, as it does in most neognaths, including
have a proportionally larger and less enclosed (especially ventrally) Galloanserae (see Holliday and Witmer 2007). Concomitantly, in
osseous meatus acusticus externus relative to the rostrocaudal G. newtoni as in other dromornithids, the rostral-most extent of the
length of the cranium, and the laterally flaring and broadly curved origin of m. depressor mandibulae is indicated in part by crista
margins give a more funnel-shaped appearance in these taxa aponeurosis articularis. Comparatively, in Anhima cornuta, the
(Murray and Megirian 1998; Worthy et al. 2016a). Much of the crista associated with the rostral-most origin of m. depressor man­
otic region, and the more medial cavum tympanicum proper (see dibulae is distinct, while the crest indicating the caudal extent of
Witmer 1990; Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 21), is obscured by the m. AME superficialis located further rostrally. The rostrocaudal
sediment and compression in all specimens of G. newtoni and, foreshortening of the caudal part of the cranium in dromornithids
therefore, cannot be described in further detail (see Mayr 2020 for has seemingly narrowed the distance between the two muscles. This
an assessment of the otic region in Neornithes), although as is suggests that the greater size and number of associated cristae is
typical for Galloanserae, the pila otica is observed to be non- likely to accommodate both the caudal-most origin of the m. AME
trabeculated (see Mayr 2020). superficialis and the dorsorostral-most origin of the m. depressor
The processus paroccipitalis projects far ventrally and slightly mandibulae (see 4.4.4 for further descriptions of
laterally, terminating 58.5 mm past the ventral margin of the oss­ impressio m. depressor mandibulae). Unlike in anhimids, the
eous meatus acusticus externus in specimen SAMA P59516 of caudal m. AME superficialis and rostral m. depressor mandibulae
G. newtoni. The process is mediolaterally compressed and flattened are closely spaced in anseranatids, and in anatids they abut each
with subparallel rounded rostral and caudal edges. In lateral view, other at a single common crest similar to the dromornithid state
the process is proportionally slenderer and more dorsoventrally (see above).
elongate than in other dromornithids. In these species, e.g. In G. newtoni, the rostral bounds of impressio m. depressor
I. woodburnei, more extensive fusion of the process with the ala mandibulae are also continued ventrorostrally by a pronounced
parasphenoidalis creates a rostrocaudally wide and robust triangu­ crest that ventrocaudally borders the osseous meatus acusticus
lar structure, when viewed laterally, like that of non-anhimid externus. The neck muscle m. cucullaris capitis attaches to the
anseriforms; anhimids and galliforms have far smaller processus cranium just rostrad and superficial of the rostral-most origin
paroccipitalis, which extend maximally to a point level with the of m. depressor mandibulae in anseriforms, in close association
ventral floor of the otic region. The elongated length of the proces­ with the rim of the bony external auditory canal (m. dermotempor­
sus paroccipitalis in G. newtoni, resembles that of the processes in alis sensu Goodman and Fisher 1962; Dzerzhinsky 1982; Vanden
Ga. giganteus and S. neocaledoniae. In G. newtoni, a marked attach­ Berge and Zweers 1993: annot. 7; Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene
ment region for the ligamentum occipitomandibulare on the ros­ 2002) and is perhaps related to this crest in G. newtoni.
trolateral surface of the ventral part of the processus paroccipitalis is The m. cucullaris capitis originates more dorsorostrally in many
largely obscured or damaged in all specimens that preserve this galliforms (e.g. Dzerzhinsky 1980; Weber 1996). Presumably, the
area, but it is visible on the left processus paroccipitalis of SAMA relatively pronounced crest that separates impressio m. depressor
P59516. This attachment is an ovoid, well defined mark in mandibulae from impressio m. AME superficialis (see above) may
G. newtoni but is comparatively better developed in both have hosted this attachment in other dromornithids.
D. planei and D. murrayi as a circular, flattened surface. In
I. woodburnei, the shallow depression indicating the ligamentous
Occipital region, caudal view
attachment area is relatively smaller and less clearly delimited than
in all these species. Delimiting the caudal extent of the impressio m. depressor mandi­
On the dorsolateral surface of the processus paroccipitalis, the bulae, in dorsoventral alignment with the condylus occipitalis, at
fossa subtemporalis, or more specifically, the the lateroventral junction of the crista nuchalis transversa and crista
impressio m. depressor mandibulae (van Gennip 1986; Weber ventralis (crista occipitalis, sensu Dullemeijer, 1951; sensu Ghetie
1996; terminology of Zusi and Livezey 2000; see ‘Nomenclature’), et al. 1976; crista occipitalis, sensu Landolt and Zweers 1985; linea
is a dorsoventrally elongate, impressed surface, variably obscured nuchalis transversa, sensu Weber 1996), are bilaterally paired pro­
by taphonomic damage in all G. newtoni specimens. In most dro­ minentiae exoccipitales (Owen 1873, p. 512; Mivart 1896: fig. 9;
mornithids, including G. newtoni, the impression is well-defined Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004; Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 1; SI T.4).
rostrally in partial association with crista aponeurosis articularis The two crests form a V-shaped notch ventrally upon each promi­
(of m. AME superficialis, see above); however, in D. planei the nentia, likely associated with the insertion of the m. rectus capitis
impression is especially obvious and well delimited on all sides, lateralis, which attaches here in many bird groups including anseri­
such as in specimen NTM P9464–106, where the origin forms and galliforms, superficial to the insertion of the lateral most
of m. depressor mandibulae expands dorsoventrally and is exten­ part of m. splenius capitis on the caudal cranium (see Boas 1929;
sively scarred. It is positioned rostrally adjacent to the crista nucha­ Davids 1952b, 1952c; Goodman and Fisher 1962, p. 118; Zusi and
lis transversa as in most birds (Baumel and Witmer 1993, annot. Storer 1969; Ghetie et al. 1976; Landolt and Zweers 1985; Vanden
104). In galliforms, the attachment surface is small, more dorsal Berge and Zweers 1993: annot. 43, 44; Lautenschlager et al. 2014;

Jones et al. 2019; Böhmer et al. 2020). The prominences are well more like the deep, curved incisura in many extant and extinct
developed in Anhima cornuta and many other anseriforms (e.g. galloanserans, including S. neocaledoniae and Ga. giganteus
Anseranas semipalmata, Aythya australis), but are to a greater (Andors 1988, p. 138). The condylus occipitalis is pedestalled on
extent in the dromornithids, especially species of Dromornis, a slightly constricted column in G. newtoni, to approximately the
where they contribute to the laterocaudal flare of the cranium same extent as in I. woodburnei, although slightly less so than in
margins. species of Dromornis. Compared to the large, rounded foramen
As in all dromornithids, anhimids, and most galliforms, the magnum found in most galloanserans, that of all dromornithids is
crista nuchalis transversa is identifiable, although it is not par­ a dorsally tall, rectangular opening with sub-parallel sides and a size
ticularly distinct in G. newtoni. Comparatively, the crest is more that only slightly exceeds that of the condylus occipitalis. Ga.
prominent in anseriforms including Anachronornis anhimops giganteus also has a foramen magnum proportionally small com­
(see Houde et al. 2023: fig. 1E), enhanced by deeper fossae pared to the condylus occipitalis (Matthew and Granger 1917,
dorsal and ventral to it (for an extreme, see Oxyura australis), p. 312; Andors 1988, p. 183; pers. obvs). As in I. woodburnei (see
and the developmental effects of the forces associated with Worthy et al. 2016a) and D. planei, the condylus occipitalis and
muscles which insert upon or near it, i.e., the m. complexus foramen magnum are orientated directly rostrocaudally on the
(m. cucullaris caput part, sensu Goodman and Fisher 1962, caudal cranium of G. newtoni. The placement of the condylus
p. 116) along its edge, the deeper m. splenius capitis, and the occipitalis and foramen magnum in D. murrayi is unique among
dorsally situated m. biventer cervicis (Ostrom 1961, p. 88, and dromornithids in that it is more ventrorostrally positioned and
references therein; Goodman and Fisher 1962, p. 116–117; directed, similar to the plane observed in anhimids. In all dromor­
Landolt and Zweers 1985; Vanden Berge and Zweers 1993: nithids, a fossa subcondylaris is lacking or very shallow; there is no
annot. 41–43; Lautenschlager et al. 2014; Böhmer et al. 2020). identifiable depression in the region ventral of the condylus occi­
The shape of the crest, although distorted, suggests that the pitalis. The depth of the fossa in other galloanserans is variable with
caudal dorsal profile of the cranium of G. newtoni is rounded, some species developing a distinct cavity (e.g. Tadorna
like all other dromornithids. With the exception of some speci­ tadornoides).
mens such as NTM P9464–106, the mid-dorsal parietal region The paired fossae parabasalis (Figure 5C) are shallow in
of the caudal cranium in dromornithids is not well-known as G. newtoni and most other dromornithids; in D. planei they are
most specimens either do not preserve this region (e.g. NTM deeper. The fossae are bordered medially by a distinct crest, likely
P907–27) or have damage precluding visibility (e.g. QMV:2000: the crista fossae parabasalis, which is considered present in many
GFV:20, QM F57974, SAMA P59516). Based on all available anseriforms (Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 86), as it separates
evidence, this region in all dromornithids appears to be dis­ the foramina within the fossa parabasalis from those more medial.
tinctly flattened, and lacks (1) a prominentia cerebellaris, (2) It is less distinct in D. planei and species of Ilbandornis and indis­
a crista nuchalis sagittalis (develops to differing degrees primar­ tinct in D. murrayi. The two foramina for the n. hypoglossi (XII) are
ily in goose-type non-anhimid anseriforms, and generally absent represented by a larger foramen just medial to the fossa parabasalis,
in other galloanserans, Landolt and Zweers 1985; Tambussi near the condylus occipitalis, and a second smaller foramen, more
et al. 2019), and (3) fonticuli occipitales (considered ventrally, on the medial margin of the crista fossae parabasalis.
a synapomorphic feature for most anseriforms; lateral occipital Within the fossa, are the foramen n. vagi (X), the foramen
fontanelles sensu Beddard 1898; Landolt and Zweers 1985; n. glossopharyngealis (IX), the ostium canalis carotici (for the
Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 87; Ellrott and Schmitz carotid and the branch of cranial nerve VII), and the ostium canalis
2010; Tambussi et al. 2019). ophthalmici externi (for venae and arteria ophthalmica externa;
The crista ventralis is well developed in dromornithids, as in Baumel and Witmer 1993; Weber 1996: fig. 6; Worthy et al.
most anseriforms, although to a lesser extent than in the gastor­ 2016a; Handley and Worthy 2021). The foramen n. vagi and ostium
nithid Ga. giganteus. The crista ventralis distinctly separates relative canalis ophthalmici externi sit dorsally within the fossa parabasalis,
dorsal and ventral regions of the caudal face, as it extends laterally, with the former being the largest of the two, and both medial-most
from a short distance above the dorsal margin of the foramen and dorsal-most of three foramina that are nearly aligned dorso­
magnum, to converge with the crista nuchalis transversa at the ventrally, including the foramen n. glossopharyngealis, and ostium
prominentia exoccipitalis (described above). The crista ventralis canalis carotici most ventrally. Damage and sediment infilling limit
overhangs the ventral region of the caudal cranium which is steeply further interpretation on the morphology of this region in
angled rostroventrally and encloses a deep depression on either of G. newtoni. The placement and arrangement of the fossa parabasalis
its ventrolateral sides by the more lateral prominentia exoccipitalis and the associated foramina does not appear to vary much from
and processus paroccipitalis. This depression is more common in that of other dromornithids. Variation is present between dromor­
anseriforms than in galliforms in which the crista ventralis is less nithids and Ga. giganteus, as well as extant galliforms and anseri­
distinct and more rounded, although some, e.g. Sylviornis neocale­ forms, where the fossa is located further lateroventrally from the
doniae, and to a slight extent, Alectura lathami, also have this region condylus occipitalis; in some anseriforms, the location transitions
depressed and the crista, rostroventrally angled. Differing from to be nearly on the ventral surface of the cranium (e.g. Oxyura
dromornithids however, this region in anseriforms appears almost australis, Cygnus atratus, Tadorna tadornoides, and Melanitta
dorsoventrally compressed, and in many (e.g. Melanitta perspicil­ perspicillata).
lata), the condylus occipitalis is ventrally displaced nearer to dor­ Notably like the condition observed in Anhima cornuta, ventral
soventral alignment with the lamina parasphenoidalis. of the fossa parabasalis in all dromornithids, the crista basilaris
The condylus occipitalis is rounded laterally and ventrally and transversa and crista basilaris lateralis (see Landolt and Zweers
has a shallow incisura mediana condyli flattening the dorsal surface 1985, p. 625) are relatively indistinct, although where they intersect
and creating a smooth transition into the ventral floor of the fora­ is a prominent (10.4 mm wide in G. newtoni) and rounded tuber­
men magnum (see also in Stirling 1913: plate XXXVI, Figure 3). culum basilare. The bilaterally paired structures here identified as
The incisura is intermediate in depth in G. newtoni compared to tubercula basilaria (see Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 83) are
other dromornithids; in I. woodburnei, this dorsal concavity is synonymous with the mamillar tuberosities as described by Worthy
extremely shallow, yet in D. planei and D. murrayi, it is distinct, et al. (2016a). Each represents the area for attachment of the heavy

Figure 5. Caudal and ventral views of the cranium of Genyornis newtoni, digitally cropped from the images of the entire skull: A. SAMA P59516 image and annotated outline
in caudal view; B. SAMA P59516 fossa parabasalis and associated foramina for nerves, focus region outlined in A.; C. Complete ventral view of SAMA P59516 with box
indicating region featured in D.; D. Ventral cranium, SAMA P59516 image and annotated outline, rotated anti-clockwise from C. Annotations: can., canal tentatively
identified as canalis orbitalis (see Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 95); cfp., crista fossae parabasalis; coe., ostium canalis ophthalmici externi; cond.oc., condylus occipitalis;, crista basilaris lateralis;, crista nuchalis transversus; cr.ven., crista ventralis; f.para., fossa parabasalis; fng., foramen n. glossopharyngealis (IX); fnh.,
foramen n. hypoglossi (XII); fnv., foramen n. vagi (X);, incisura mediana condyli; for.mag., foramen magnum; i.para., lamina parasphenoidalis; m.rec., insertion for
musculus rectus capitis dorsalis; occ., ostium canalis carotici and branch of nerve VII; pr.basi., processus basipterygoideus; pr.par., processus paroccipitalis; prom.ex.,
prominentia exoccipitalis; r.para., rostrum parasphenoidalis (basis rostri parasphenoidalis);, septum interorbitale;, tuba auditiva communis; tubc.bas.,
tuberculum basilare. Scale bars: A., D. 20 mm, B. 10 mm, C. 40 mm. Dark grey shading indicates regions where damage precludes morphological assessment, and light
grey indicates foramen and fossae. Dotted lines in D. indicate the alignment and distortion of the sagittal plane of each region.

aponeuroses for insertion of m. rectus capitis ventralis, pars later­ and Witmer 1993: annot. 97; Livezey and Zusi 2006: char. 0123,
alis, and for slips of the m. rectus capitis dorsalis on the caudal side p. 44, fig. 8); confusion is likely due to the two coinciding in some
(see Landolt and Zweers 1985, p. 646–649; see Figure 4). The birds (see Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 83). Bock (1960b)
tuberculum basilare forms a ventral protuberance of the basiocci­ considered the processus medialis parasphenoidalis to be absent
pitale at its rostrolateral junction with the exoccipital, prooticum, in all Galloanserae, and thus we also assume its absence in
and basisphenoidale (Worthy and Scofield 2012), which are over­ dromornithids.
laid during ontogenetic development by the lamina parasphenoi­ The attachment surfaces of the cervical muscles on the basis
dalis (Jollie 1957; Baumel and Witmer 1993). Differing from our cranii externa (basicranium) are not well-pronounced in
use, Landolt and Zweers (1985, p. 625, 1987) instead used the term G. newtoni although they are in I. woodburnei, specimen
tuberculum basilare to refer to the bulla basitemporalis (sensu QMV:2000:GFV:20 (see Figure 4), and D. planei, specimen
Davids 1952b). This emanates from the lamina parasphenoidalis NTM P9464–106, so inferences of muscle attachments are facili­
in many anseriforms, e.g. Anas platyrhynchos, and galliforms, e.g. tated by these two specimens (also see Boas 1929; Davids 1952b;
Alectura lathami, and is here considered absent in dromornithids. Goodman and Fisher 1962: fig. 6–7, p. 118–122; Fujioka 1963:
We choose to follow Baumel and Witmer (1993) for nomenclatural pl. VI; Zweers et al. 1987; Böhmer et al. 2020; Worthy et al.
consistency, and as disparity exists over whether the term ‘mam­ 2016a). The ventral surface of the tuberculum basilare acts as
millary processes’ (sensu Pycraft 1902) refers to the tubercles, or to the insertion point of m. rectus capitis ventralis, pars lateralis.
the processus medialis parasphenoidalis (Bock 1960b; sensu Baumel The m. rectus capitis ventralis, pars medialis, attaches further

rostrally on a large, round area of the flattened surface of the of the processus basipterygoidei in dromornithids is a conclusive
lamina parasphenoidalis. A distinct impression for the insertion feature supporting their placement within Galloanserae
of one of three paired branches of m. rectus capitis dorsalis is, (Elzanowski 1977; Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 93; Weber
in D. planei, on the caudodorsal surface of the tuberculum 1993; Dzerzhinsky 1995; Livezey 1997; Murray and Vickers-Rich
basilare, and appears as a slight depression in G. newtoni. The 2004, p. 163; Mayr 2017, p. 107) and has been used several times to
remaining two paired heads of the m. rectus capitis dorsalis assist in the placement of other fossil birds within this radiation
each have distinct, small, and ovular correspondingly paired (e.g. S. neocaledoniae, see Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005).
attachment depressions (also see Lautenschlager et al. 2014;
Worthy et al. 2016a). The most rostroventral of the two sits
medially to the tuberculum basilare, on the caudal side of crista
basilaris transversa, whereas the more caudomedial insertions The quadrates (Figure 6) of G. newtoni that were described by
are just ventral of the condylus occipitalis, in an area that would Stirling (1913: pl. XXXVI, fig. 4–8), and again by Murray and
relate to just rostral of fossa subcondylaris if it was marked, Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 60–62, fig. 38), were near complete.
near the mediolateral midline of the skull. In non-anhimid However, they could not be located for this study so, consequently,
anseriforms, aponeurotic attachment marks associated with the we redescribe the quadrates using new material (specimens SAMA
insertions of the m. rectus capitis dorsalis branches are formed P59516, SAMA P59520, NMV P256893: fig. 6, and SAMA P53830)
on the caudal side of, and medial to the tubercula basilaria, and in conjunction with the description and plates published by Stirling
in some taxa, e.g. Cygnus atratus, these structures become con­ (1913). The specimens appear to be of comparable size, although
tinuous along the crista basilaris transversus. Additionally, each differential preservation restricts quantitative comparisons.
tuberculum basilare is ventrolaterally extended along each Previously, Murray and Megirian (1998) suggested that the quad­
respective crista basilaris lateralis, relating to a more developed rates of G. newtoni correspond most closely with those of D. planei
region of insertion for the m. rectus capitis ventralis, pars although we recognise clear proportional differences between the
lateralis. Comparatively, in galliforms, the two cristae, the pair two species; the quadrate of G. newtoni is less robust, more tapered
of tubercula basilaria, and the aponeurotic attachment surfaces dorsally, and has a more elongate pars otica and processus orbitalis.
associated with insertion of the rectus capitis ventralis muscles, The proportions and morphology of the quadrates of G. newtoni
are relatively flattened or less defined/pronounced. The crista are, instead, more like those attributed to species of Ilbandornis.
basilaris transversa extends mediolaterally, forming a low or Regardless, all dromornithid quadrates are medially concave, form­
indistinctive, near-straight band across the caudal basicranium, ing a deep c-shape from the head of the pars otica down the medial
as defined by the rostral boundary of fossa subcondylaris (see side of the quadrate. This curvature is extreme in D. stirtoni (NTM
Landolt and Zweers 1985, p. 625). P3202). Only the quadrates of Anhima cornuta appear to show
a similar curvature although this is coupled with mediolateral
flattening that is absent in dromornithids.
Ventral aspect
As per the quadrate morphology of Ilbandornis sp. (NTM
The lamina parasphenoidalis (Figure 5 C-D) presents a smooth P3237), D. stirtoni (NTM P5401, NTM P3202) and D. planei
uninterrupted surface, curving laterally onto each parasphenoid (NTM P9464–100, NTM P9464–118; for all see Murray and
process of the ventral cranium. In several other dromornithids, Megirian 1998; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004; Worthy et al.
such as D. planei and I. woodburnei, the lamina parasphenoidalis 2016a), the head of the pars otica in G. newtoni also has a single,
merges rostrolaterally with ala parasphenoidalis, however, this tran­ sub-oval and dorsally convex compound structure comprising two
sition is relatively abrupt in G. newtoni, specimen SAMA P59516, adjoined capitula, capitulum squamoso-oticum (new term, refer­
and is most similar to D. murrayi in this regard. Damage and ring to the fused capitulum squamosum and capitulum oticum).
obfuscation in all other available specimens of G. newtoni prevents Paired with the receiving singular joint cavity of the cranium (see
more thorough assessment of this condition. In I. woodburnei, the cotyla quadratica squamoso-otica and recessus quadratica, above)
lamina parasphenoidalis tapers rostrally into a point ventrorostral this is characteristic of articulatio quadrato-squamoso-otica, as in
of the tuba auditiva communis (see Worthy et al. 2016a). This is species of Gallus, for example (see Baumel and Raikow 1993: annot.
inferred for G. newtoni and species of Dromornis, as although the 25). Due to the lack of a distinct vallecula intercapitularis, only
region is damaged, the remaining bone suggests a similar morphol­ a dorsally raised angularity, which represents the rostrolaterally
ogy. Aside from specimen SAMA P59516 of G. newtoni, the ros­ orientated lateral rim of the capitulum oticum articular surface,
trum parasphenoidalis is only preserved in D. planei (NTM P9464– indicates the location of the junction between the two capitula in
106), in which it is mediolaterally wider, dorsoventrally flatter, and G. newtoni. Similarly, only the variable pronunciation of the edges
proportionally more robust. The rostrum parasphenoidalis is trun­ of the articular surfaces of the capitula in rostral view reveal the
cated just rostral of both processus basipterygoidei in G. newtoni, extent of each capitulum in other dromornithids. In extant galloan­
whereas it ends caudal to the rostral terminus of the processes in serans, the capitula are distinct with a variably deep and wide
D. planei. Additionally, unlike in D. planei, in ventral view, the vallecula intercapitularis. In Sylviornis neocaledoniae and species
rostrum parasphenoidalis in G. newtoni does not extend rostrally of Gastornis, the vallecula intercapitularis is shallow and the capi­
past the craniorostral hinge, which is likely a result of the lesser tula are closely abutting (Matthew and Granger 1917; Andors 1988;
rostrocaudal compression in the cranium relative to D. planei. The Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005; Bourdon et al. 2016). In many
septum interorbitale extends rostrally and dorsally from the rostral- anatids, the pars otica is functionally single-headed (Zelenkov and
most rostrum parasphenoidalis as a thin osseous wall between the Stidham 2018).
orbits and is well developed in SAMA P59516. The processus The shape of the conjoined capitulum in G. newtoni is similar to
basipterygoidei in G. newtoni are smaller relative to cranium size that of the smaller quadrates attributed to D. planei (NTM P9464–
than in D. planei although, in both, they are widely separated by the 118) and D. stirtoni (NTM P5401); more rounded mediolaterally
rostrum parasphenoidalis, with flat, elliptical articular surfaces, and dorsally than the quadrates of Ilbandornis sp. (NTM P3237,
which protrude laterally from the rostrum parasphenoidalis on NTM P3235). In G. newtoni, Ilbandornis sp., and D. stirtoni (NTM
very short, stout pedestals. The location, shape, and sessile nature P5401), a ridge runs ventrally from the capitulum squamosum to

Figure 6. Genyornis newtoni right quadrate, NMV P256893: A. Lateral view, image and annotated outline; B. Medial view, image and annotated outline; C. Dorsal view; D.
Ventral view; E. Rostral view; F. Caudal view. Annotations: cap.s-o., capitulum squamoso-oticum; cond.l., condylus mandibularis lateralis; cond.m., condylus mandibularis
medialis;, condylus pterygoideus including facies articularis pterygoidei;, crista medialis; cr.tymp., crista tympanica; d.caud., depressio caudomedialis; d.rost.,
depressio rostromedialis; d.sup., depressio supracondylaris; for.rost., foramen pneumaticum rostromediale; f.basi., fossa basiorbitalis; fov.q., fovea quadratojugalis; musc.,
tubercles for insertion of m. protractor pterygoidei et quadrati; o.cap., otic part of capitulum squamoso-oticum; p.oti., pars otica; p.sub., prominentia submeatica; s.cap.,
squamosal part of capitulum squamoso-oticum; t.sub., tuberculum subcapitulare; v.inco., vallecular intercotylaris. Scale bars: 10 mm. Dark grey shading indicates regions
where damage precludes morphological assessment, and light grey indicates the foramen pneumaticum rostromediale.

become confluent with the tuberculum subcapitulare (sensu predominantly corresponds to the origin of m. adductor mandibu­
Elzanowski and Stidham 2010: Table 2; see also SI 2). However, lae posterior lateralis (Goodman and Fisher 1962; Vanden Berge
the quadrates of D. planei and D. stirtoni contrast with those in and Zweers 1993; Zusi and Livezey 2000; Holliday and Witmer
species of Ilbandornis and G. newtoni, in that the capitulum squa­ 2007; Appendix Three). In galliforms and anhimids,
mosum variably overhangs the shaft of pars otica; this is to the the m. adductor mandibulae posterior muscle bellies instead arise
greatest extent in D. stirtoni, where it markedly overhangs laterally ventrally and rostrally near the base of the orbital process (e.g.
the tuberculum subcapitulare. compare Davids 1952a; Fuchs 1954a; Fujioka 1963: figs. 3–8, 10;
The tuberculum subcapitulare (eminentia articularis, sensu Dzerzhinsky 1982; Weber 1996; Zusi and Livezey 2000: fig. 8;
Lowe 1926; Weber 1996; adductor crest, sensu Murray and Vickers- Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene 2002: fig. 7). Considering the
Rich 2004) is considered a typical galloanseran character, despite its many similarities observed between anhimids and dromornithids,
variability in shape and size, and absence in some species of Crax particularly pertaining to the external adductor musculature (see
(as discussed by Elzanowski and Stidham 2010; Elzanowski and ‘Cranium’), we expect homological association of the tuberculum
Boles 2012; Field et al. 2020: SI, p. 28). In G. newtoni, the tubercu­ subcapitulare with m. AME superficialis to be more likely. In sup­
lum forms a long crest, starting from near to the lateral capitulum port of this assessment, the G. newtoni quadrates with complete
squamoso-oticum and spanning up to one third of the dorsoventral orbital processes figured by Stirling (1913: pl. XXXVI) possess
height of the quadrate. This may be associated with a well- a well-developed crest near the basal orbital process which is con­
developed aponeurosis articularis (sensu Weber 1996), as described sistent with the more typical origin of m. adductor mandibulae
for several extant galloanserans (e.g. Burggraaf 1954a; Dzerzhinsky posterior (see below; also e.g. Davids 1952a; Weber 1996; Holliday
and Belokurova 1972; Dzerzhinsky and Potapova 1974; and Witmer 2007).
Dzerzhinsky 1982; Weber 1996; Zusi and Livezey 2000; see SI 2) An especially extensive tuberculum subcapitulare is typical for
and aponeurosis quadrata (sensu Dzerzhinsky and Potapova 1974; dromornithids and is proportionally shorter but still elongate in
Dzerzhinsky 1982; aponeurosis Q2, sensu Weber 1996), related to species of Presbyornis and some megapodiids, compared to the
a large point of origin for a slip of the m. AME superficialis (sensu smaller form of other galloanserans (Elzanowski and Stidham
Holliday and Witmer 2007), that also originates on the dorsally 2010). The dromornithid form is also generally more robust
adjacent cranium (see ‘Cranium’; e.g. Hofer 1950; Zusi and Storer (Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004; Worthy et al. 2016a), and although
1969; Dzerzhinsky 1982; Weber 1996; Zusi and Livezey 2000; proportionally variable in size, it is uniquely unpronounced on the
Holliday and Witmer 2007 and references therein; Elzanowski quadrate of D. murrayi (see Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 4 A, B). The
and Boles 2012). This muscle origin area is particularly large in bipartite tubercle of anhimids is potentially associated with
galliforms and anhimids (Weber 1996). Comparatively, in Anseres, a fragmented ancestral crest (Elzanowski and Stidham 2010;
the m. AME superficialis does not originate upon the quadrate. Elzanowski and Boles 2012), which may be derived from
Instead, a similarly located, but non-homologous, tubercle a structure not dissimilar to that of G. newtoni. In species of

Gastornis, the tuberculum (‘process for m. AME profundus and depressio caudomedialis (sensu Elzanowski et al. 2001), ventral to
associated aponeuroses’, sensu Andors 1992; tuberculum musculi the compound capitular heads. The small, shallow, and triangular
adductor mandibulae, sensu Bourdon et al. 2016) is dorsoventrally depressio caudomedialis is comparatively more dorsoventrally
shorter than that of dromornithids, developing more as extensive in specimen SAMA P53830. In other dromornithids, the
a prominent, conical tubercle which is hooked ventrally in caudomedial depression is ventrally confluent with a broad depres­
G. parisiensis (see Bourdon et al. 2016; Mourer-Chauviré and sion on the caudal pars mandibularis, that is especially bowl-like in
Bourdon 2020). This tuberculum is also likely related to the origin species of Dromornis. In quadrates of G. newtoni, this ventral
of m. AME superficialis in gastornithids and many galloanserans, depression is variably deeper.
compared to the relatively atypical association with m. adductor The foramen pneumaticum basiorbitale is common among
mandibulae posterior that is characteristic of Anseres (see above). crownward birds, including those in the genera Ichthyornis,
In specimen SAMA P53830 (see Appendix One: Figure A3 C), Conflicto, Pelagornis, Presbyornis (see Field et al. 2020: SI p. 28),
on the medial side of pars otica, a small foramen is present, which is Danielsavis and Anachronornis (see Houde et al. 2023; Mayr et al.
absent in other specimens. The medial face in this specimen appears 2023), as well as galliforms (Elzanowski and Stidham 2010). The
flat relative to both SAMA P59520 (see Appendix One: Figure A3 F) foramen is occasionally present in D. planei (e.g. NTM P9464–100)
and NMV P256893 (see Appendix One: Figure A4) which both and absent in D. stirtoni yet remains unknown for G. newtoni and
have a distinct depressio rostromedialis (sensu Elzanowski et al. Ilbandornis sp. due to taphonomic damage. Variably located and
2001), covering most of the medial side of the pars otica. In speci­ often vestigial foramina have been identified in a similar region of
men NMV P256893, yet absent in SAMA P59520, a large (7.3 mm the derived quadrates of anhimids, although the foramen pneuma­
high, 3.6 mm wide), rostrally situated and oval foramen is present ticum basiorbitale is absent in anatoids (Elzanowski and Stidham
within this depression. A similarly located and obvious foramen is 2010). The foramen is also absent in gastornithids (Mourer-
also found in D. planei, D. murrayi and Ilbandornis sp. and absent Chauviré and Bourdon 2020) and likely absent in S. neocaledoniae
from the imperforate quadrates of D. stirtoni (see Worthy et al., (see Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005: fig. 6).
2016a: fig. 4F). In several of the dromornithid quadrates, there Small tubercles in G. newtoni just ventral to the foramen pneu­
appears to be a ridge which traverses dorsally from the region of maticum rostromediale are equivalent to what was interpreted as
articulation with the pterygoid and curves rostrally around the the attachment for the ‘posterior ligament of the quadrate’ by
caudal edge of fossa basiorbitalis prior to continuing along the Murray and Megirian (1998) for dromornithids. This medial area,
foramen’s ventrocaudal margin towards the caudal-most part of and the more rostral fossa basiorbitalis, corresponds to the insertion
the capitulum squamoso-oticum on the head of the pars otica. This of m. protractor pterygoidei et quadrati and interrelated apo­
strut-like ridge is distinct in some specimens (e.g. D. planei NTM neuroses in many studied avian taxa (e.g. Fuchs 1954b; Starck and
P5401; Ilbandornis sp. NTM P3237), including in specimens of Barnikol 1954), including the megapodiid Aepypodius arfakianus
G. newtoni (SAMA P59520; NMV P256893, SAMA P53830, as by Weber (1996: Q3). Regardless of the exact homology, this rugose
well as the complete quadrates described by Stirling 1913: pl. attachment surface is observed in all dromornithid specimens,
XXXVI), but is rounded and inconspicuous in others (e.g. although the shape of the attachment region slightly varies. For
D. planei NTM P9464–118, only visible by manipulating specimens example, in D. planei, the attachment region is small and triangular.
under a light source). Should this ridge be homologous with the Despite consistent damage to the caudal side of all G. newtoni
crista medialis, then the foramen can be matched with that of the quadrates, the presence of a well-developed prominence projecting
galliform foramen type (following descriptions by Elzanowski et al. dorsocaudally from the pars quadratojugalis of the processus later­
2001; Elzanowski and Stidham 2010) and thus, following Worthy alis (sensu Elzanowski et al. 2001) is evident, most especially in
et al. (2016a), we tentatively assign the term foramen pneumaticum specimen SAMA P59520. This correlates with the massive quad­
rostromediale. ratojugal eminence described by Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004,
Comparably, most extant anseriforms have a foramen pneuma­ p. 62), is visible in the quadrate images figured by Stirling (1913: pl.
ticum caudomediale; in anhimids, the foramen is considered vesti­ XXXVI), and is also indicated by the preserved structure of the
gial and is often absent (Elzanowski and Stidham 2010, p. 315). quadrates of species of Ilbandornis and Dromornis despite also
While typically in the caudomedial position, in some anseriforms it having consistent damage to the region. Articulated quadrates of
appears rostrally displaced (e.g. species within Anserinae and G. newtoni (SAMA P59516, NMV P256893, SAMA P59520), show
Mergini, Elzanowski and Stidham 2010). In fossil taxa, this projection to be directed towards the dorsal processus parocci­
Anachronornis anhimops and Presbyornis species have a variably pitalis and aligned with the ventrocaudal bounds of the osseous
developed foramen pneumaticum caudomediale or deep associated meatus acusticus externus. The position and orientation of this
depression (Elzanowski and Stidham 2010: fig. 5; Houde et al. 2023, structure suggests it is homologous with the prominentia submea­
p. 17, fig. 1 L – M); Conflicto antarcticus Tambussi et al. 2019 has tica (sensu Elzanowski 1987) of anatoids (also noted by Elzanowski
both a rostromedial as well as a caudomedial pneumatic foramen and Boles 2012, p. 908), however, it is a comparatively inflated
(Tambussi et al. 2019: fig. 6); early Eocene Danielsavis nazensis has structure in these taxa, instead of the strong projection that appears
neither foramen but forms a deep depressio caudomedialis (Houde characteristic of dromornithids (pers. observ.; see also Elzanowski
et al. 2023: fig. 5 H – I, 7 D, p. 29; Mayr et al. 2023: fig. 3); the Upper and Stidham 2010). The prominence likely provided attachment for
Cretaceous Asteriornis maastrichtensis Field et al. 2020, of near- the membrana postmeatica (Elzanowski 1987; sensu Baumel and
galloanseran affinities (Field et al. 2020) has only the rostromedial Raikow 1993: annot. 37) and was closely associated with
pneumatic foramen. the m. depressor mandibulae and incorporated aponeuroses
The proposed homology of the foramen is further supported by (Elzanowski 1987). Together, these soft-tissue structures would
the confident identification of the crista tympanica on the caudal have effectively participated in the caudal wall of the external
pars otica in some dromornithid specimens, which is especially auditory canal, as it does in anatoids and other taxa which possess
pronounced in G. newtoni SAMA P53830 (see also Elzanowski a homologous prominentia, e.g. tinamous (see Davids 1952a;
and Stidham 2010). On specimen NTM P256893, a short (6.4 Elzanowski 1987 and references therein; Elzanowski and Stidham
mm), component of the crista tympanica is present approximately 2010). A more medial processus submeaticus (sensu Elzanowski
4.8 mm caudolateral of the crista medialis and laterally delimits and Stidham 2010), a feature common among anseriforms

including anhimids, which hosts tissues that connect with the All dromornithids have the galloanseran bicondylar form of the
processus suprameaticus of the cranium (and more closely asso­ mandibular process (Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004; Mayr 2017;
ciated with the rostral bounds of meatus acusticus externus), is Worthy et al. 2017b), although the pars mandibularis is consider­
absent in G. newtoni and all dromornithids (see ligamentum post­ ably larger proportionally in species of Dromornis than it is in
quadratum, sensu Dzerzhinsky 1982; Elzanowski 1987). In galli­ G. newtoni and Ilbandornis species. The complete articular surface
forms, the prominentia submeatica occurs only in cracids, and is narrow, the condyles are near equal in size, and both are rostro­
a processus submeaticus is absent (Elzanowski and Stidham caudally elongate ovate shapes, tapering towards the midline of the
2010). Additionally, quadrates of Presbyornis species (see articular surface with overlap of their long axes just greater than half
Elzanowski and Stidham 2010), Ga. parisiensis (see Bourdon et al. the length of the condyles. Unlike other galloanserans, the articular
2016: fig. 2), Ga. giganteus (see Matthew and Granger 1917: Pl. surface is relatively flat, the two condyles are not well defined
XXII, fig. 2a) and S. neocaledoniae (see Mourer-Chauviré and individually, and the vallecular intercotylaris is shallow and dorso­
Balouet 2005: fig. 6 E-F) all lack both the prominentia submeatica ventrally wide. The condylus mandibularis lateralis is markedly less
and processus submeaticus. ventrally convex and the condylus mandibularis medialis, slightly
The only complete orbital processes of the quadrate known more so (see also Worthy et al. 2016a). Comparatively, in gastor­
for G. newtoni are those presented by Stirling (1913), from nithids and S. neocaledoniae, both condyles are ventrally convex,
which this updated description is based. The processus orbitalis separated by a deep vallecula intercondylaris (Bourdon et al. 2016;
of D. stirtoni (specimen NTM P3202) and the quadrates Worthy et al. 2016a; Mourer-Chauviré and Bourdon 2020).
described by Stirling (1913) for G. newtoni are similar in length For articulation with the jugal arch, galloanseran quadrates,
to that of the pars otica from which it extends rostrally at including in Ga. parisiensis and S. neocaledoniae (see Bourdon
a wide angle. The rostral tip of the orbital process in et al. 2016; Mourer-Chauviré and Bourdon 2020) typically have
G. newtoni is slightly curved ventrally and medially in associa­ a deep bowl-like fovea quadratojugalis linking the distinct facies
tion with the origin of m. pseudotemporalis profundus along its quadratojugalis ventralis and facies quadratojugalis dorsalis.
edge (e.g. see Davids 1952a; Fuchs 1954a). The straight dorsal Comparatively, in G. newtoni and other dromornithids, the
margin intercepts the pars otica just ventral of the capitulum fovea quadratojugalis is a large, shallow, plate-like structure at
squamoso-oticum, the latter is only comparable to that of the base of the prominentia submeatica with no distinct facies
Anseranas semipalmata; in anatids (but not Dendrocygna), this quadratojugalis dorsalis. Only in Ilbandornis sp. specimen NTM
dorsal margin is markedly concave. Comparably, the right angle P3235 is there a small, raised shelf which indicates the potential
between the processus orbitalis and pars otica in gastornithids presence of the facies articularis ventralis. In G. newtoni, an
and S. neocaledoniae, is like many other anseriforms, and smal­ angular ridge defines the ventral margin of the fovea quadrato­
ler than most galliforms (see also Elzanowski and Stidham jugalis and overhangs the lateral mandibular condyle. Whether
2010). the rim extends dorsally cannot be determined due to tapho­
As in many galloanserans, including species of Anhima, nomic damage in all quadrates we observed for G. newtoni. An
Anseranas, Oxyura and Cygnus, and G. parisiensis (see Bourdon embayment, separated from the depressio subcondylaris by
et al. 2016), the fossa basiorbitalis on the medial side of the proces­ a ridge, is present between the fovea quadratojugalis and the
sus orbitalis is large and deeply excavated for insertion lateral mandibular condyle. This is relatively shallow in
of m. protractor pterygoidei et quadrati (e.g. Davids 1952c; Fuchs G. newtoni, as in species of Ilbandornis, whereas in D. stirtoni,
1954b; see Stirling 1913). Rostrally, a second depression, likely the it is especially distinct. A depressio supracondylaris (sensu
depressio protractoris (sensu Elzanowski et al. 2001) is evident and Elzanowski and Stidham 2010) appears to be present just ros­
separated from the fossa basiorbitalis by a prominent, rostrocaud­ tromedial to the fovea quadratojugalis in the Stirling (1913: pl.
ally narrow ridge. On the lateral surface of the orbital process, XXXVI, fig. 4–8) quadrates of G. newtoni; however, equivalents
a sharply-ridged crista orbitalis (sensu Elzanowski et al. 2001) cannot be verified in any available specimens.
traverses longitudinally along the long axis from the rostral apex
before turning sharply obliquely to extend close to the dorsal
margin of the process. While probably associated
with m. pseudotemporalis profundus rostrally, the latter structure There are two poorly preserved, disarticulated pterygoids in the
and flattened surface in between evidences an especially well- caudal area of specimen SAMA P 59516, which are visible from
developed attachment site predominately corresponding to the ventral perspective, on left and right sides of the skull
origin of m. adductor mandibulae posterior (see above, also e.g. (Figure 1). The right pterygoid appears to present a cup-like
Davids 1952a; Fuchs 1954a; Goodman and Fisher 1962; Weber facies articularis quadratica, similar to the pterygoids of other
1996). dromornithids. The fragmentary nature of these elements pre­
There is no evidence for a distinct facies articularis pter­ vents more comprehensive description.
ygoidea ventrally on the processus orbitalis. The morphology
of this region is instead more like the anseriform and cracid
conditions: the raised condylus pterygoideus is dorsally con­
fluent with, or adjacent to, the facies articularis pterygoidea The rostrum (Figure 7) of Genyornis newtoni is composed of
(see Dzerzhinsky 1982; Elzanowski and Stidham 2010; completely synostosed elements (praemaxillaria, maxillaria,
Zelenkov and Stidham 2018). In G. newtoni, the condylus nasalia, palatina, and vomer), indicating that all studied speci­
pterygoideus is a small oval tuberosity (Murray and mens represent adult individuals. The lacrimalia also appear
Megirian 1998; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004), less distinct to be completely fused to this structure. There is no complete
than in other dromornithid quadrates (see Worthy et al. arcus jugalis preserved for any specimen although fragments
2016a). In all, the ventral margin of the condylus pterygoideus of the jugal arches and caudal maxillare (i.e. mainly contrib­
meets the rostral edge of the condylus mandibularis medialis uted to by the processus jugalis of the maxillare) are used to
(see also Stirling 1913, p. 119; Elzanowski and Stidham 2010; interpret morphology (see Table 1). In dorsal view, the ros­
Worthy et al. 2016a). trum is nearly three times longer than its maximum width

Figure 7. Genyornis newtoni rostrum, lateral views: A. SAMA P59521 left lateral view image and annotated outline; B. SAMA P59521 right lateral view; C. SAMA P59517 left
and right lateral views. Annotations: ang., angulus tomialis; ca., casque; cr.tom., crista tomialis; fov., foveae corpusculorum nervosorum; lac., lacrimal ;, margo
lateralis palatini; nas., apertura nasi ossea; pala., palatinum; p.o.l., processus orbitalis of lacrimale; pr.jug., processus jugalis of the maxillare; pr.max., processus
maxillopalatinus of the maxillare; pr.n.m., processus nasalis of the maxillare; sul.para., sulcus paratomialis. Scale bars: 20 mm. Dark grey shading indicates regions
where damage precludes morphological assessment, and light grey indicates fenestrae, foveae, and aperturae.

(SAMA P59521, see Appendix Two) and has a broad and may be associated with the conchal and or maxillary diverticula
rounded tip. The lateral margins narrowly diverge and are of the antorbital sinus (Witmer 1990; Mayr 2018b) and the
notably convex, the culmen is sharply angled over the mid- presence of paired depressions covered with dimples on the
length zone, the sides are flat or slightly shallowly concave, dorsal surface, bilateral to the midline, may suggest this area,
and in lateral aspect, the tomial surface is flat. The rostrum of at least, was highly vascularised. Although the casque is absent
specimen SAMA P59521 is larger than SAMA P59517, and in other dromornithid species with identified rostra (Dromornis
greater in dorsoventral height although the height of both planei and D. stirtoni), two specimens of D. planei (NTM
specimens is proportionate to length. SAMA P59517 is likely P9973–2 and NTM P9464–107) have distinct grooves which
from a male (Chinsamy and Worthy 2021), with the SAMA follow the same triangular shape of the casque from the dorsal
P59521, thus presumed to be of the smaller female morph. borders of the aperturae nasi osseae (external nares; sensu Zusi
1993) to meet rostrally along the culmen. The triangular space
within is also heavily vascularised in D. planei specimens, most
Dorsal and lateral view: os praemaxillare et os nasale
conspicuously in NTM P.9973–2 and NTM P932–2. The casque
On the dorsocaudal surface of the rostrum, a well-defined, of S. neocaledoniae is similarly located on the rostrum (rather
lowly-raised, triangular structure, interpreted as a ‘casque’, than the cranium), although it is a much larger, dorsally pro­
abuts the entire width of the craniorostral hinge and rostrally minent, ornament (Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005). Few
terminates in a rounded point at the dorsal culmen. Complete other galloanserans have such bony ornamentation on the skull
synostosis of the processus praemaxillaris nasalis (sensu Livezey and rostrum with exceptions being species of Melanitta, and
and Zusi 2006) and the processus frontalis praemaxillaris (sensu some species of Numididae and Cracidae (e.g. Mitu mitu; see
Livezey and Zusi 2006) contribute to the casque. The casque Mayr 2018b for a review).

Figure 8. Dromornis planei rostrum, specimen NTM P932–2, shows distortion and cavitation on the surface of the bone: A. Right side; B. Left side; C. Close-up image of the
distortion on the rostrodorsal-most part of the left side of the rostrum. Annotations: ar.jug., arcus jugalis; cr.tom., crista tomialis; fen., fenestra; lac., lacrimal; p.o.l., processus
orbitalis of lacrimal. Scale bars: A., B. 50 mm and C. 20 mm.

The rostrum, as per other dromornithids, is dominated by large, horizontal groove present in Dromornis specimen NTM P.9464–
flattened plates of the paired praemaxillaria and maxillaria, which 107. This may suggest that the rhamphothecal sheath covered the
fuse into a single robust structure, a feature shared with other giant complete rostrum aside from the casque.
galloanserans such as the gastornithids and sylviornithids (see The rostrum is widely triangular in transverse section, contra
Andors 1988, 1992; Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005), as well Murray and Megirian (1998, p. 59, 67) who described the rostrum
as anseriforms, and some cracids. Comparatively, most galliforms of G. newtoni as laterally compressed, reminiscent of the extremely
have weakly fused upper jaw elements (see Field et al. 2020). Aside narrow rostrum attributed to species of Dromornis. However, reas­
from taphonomic fragmentation, especially prominent in SAMA sessment of the latter, suggests taphonomic mediolateral compres­
P59517, the surface texture of the plates is smooth and likely were sion may have been underestimated. In specimen NTM P.9973–2
shallowly depressed (accommodating for slight taphonomic defor­ (D. planei), the only seemingly uncompressed rostrum of
mation). There is no evidence of the extensive cavitation and fold­ Dromornis, the angle at which the lateral sides diverge from the
ing that is prominent on specimen NTM P932–2 of Dromornis culmen increases ventrally, suggesting the maximum mediolateral
planei (Figure 8) and NTM P9245 of D. stirtoni (Murray and width of the ventral rostrum (not preserved), would be far greater
Megirian 1998: fig. 15; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004: fig. 195). than that of the preserved part, and so at least equal in width to the
Due to differential preservation on both sides of these rostra, the cranium. Should this be the case, the relative width of the rostrum
cause of this surface texture remains unknown, although it could be may not vary so drastically from that of G. newtoni.
associated with a soft-tissue structure on the dorsal rostrum, or The culmen in lateral aspect, gently curves ventrally towards its
alternatively be pathological in nature. On the Genyornis rostrum, tip, lacking the hemispherical curvature of the dorsal profile char­
there is no indication of the extent of the rhamphotheca – unlike the acteristic of species of Dromornis (see Murray and Megirian 1998:

Figure 9. Genyornis newtoni rostrum, specimen SAMA P59521, and comparison of palatine and jugal arch morphology: A. Ventral/Palatal view image and annotated
outline; B. Dorsal view image and annotated outline; C. Caudal view image and annotated outline; D. Hypothetical reconstruction of the palatines of Genyornis newtoni
(pale orange), pars lateralis palatini (dark orange), and the jugal arch (brown) from specimen SAMA P59521; E. the galliform condition, Ortalis canicollis (see Zusi and
Livezey 2006: fig. 7A); F. the anseriform condition, Anser albifrons (see Zelenkov and Stidham 2018: fig. 2A). Annotations: ang., angulus tomialis; bulb., bulbous regions
largely associated with each palatine including complete synostosis with the processus maxillopalatinus of the maxillare, the processus rostralis of the palatines, and the
processus palatinus of the praemaxillary; ca., casque;, choana nasalis ossea; cr., craniorostral hinge; cr.tom., crista tomialis; cul., culmen; fen.pal., fenestrae palatina;
fos.cho., fossa choanalis palatini; fov., foveae corpusculorum nervosorum; lac. – lacrimal; iam.d. – lamella dorsalis, pars choanalis palatini;, margo lateralis palatini;
os.pal., ossa palatina; pal., palatum osseum; pons.mj. – pons maxillaro-jugalis; pr.cho. – processus choanalis palatini; pr.jug., processus jugalis of the maxillare; pr.max.,
processus maxillopalatinus;, septum nasale osseum;, supranarial plate (of processus maxillopalatinus); sul.para., sulcus paratomialis and associated depression;
sut.Vm., sutura vomeromaxillaris; vom., vomer. Scale bars: 20 mm, D.-F. not to scale. Dark grey shading indicates regions where damage precludes morphological
assessment, light grey indicates sulci, fenestrae, foveae, and aperturae, dotted lines follow the rostral continuation of the sulcus paratomialis, and the white arrows in B and
C indicate the lateral articular ‘condyles’ (internal processes of the nasolacrimals, sensu Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004).

fig. 6, 7, 15, 28, 30) and the relatively planar deep gastornithid rostra towards the rostral apex is absent in Dromornis. The rostral apex
(Andors 1988: pl. 1; Andors 1992: fig. 1, 2; Bourdon et al. 2016: is mediolaterally wide and rounded with numerous foveae corpus­
fig. 1). Conversely, the dorsoventral shallowing of the culmen culorum nervosorum perforating it, as common among

anseriforms (Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 41), which Murray the descending orbital process of the lacrimal and the jugal arch in
and Megirian (1998) used to argue the presence of a thinly cornified dromornithids is unknown, due to the completely fused morphol­
and well-developed nail on the bill tip. Although absent or very ogy of the former part; whether it was derived from ossification of
subtle in G. newtoni, there is a slight rostral hook on the end of the ligamentum jugolacrimale (e.g. os lacrimale communicans of
rostrum of D. stirtoni (see Murray and Megirian 1998). Both Cariamiformes, see Degrange et al. 2015; Degrange 2021) or con­
Sylviornis neocaledoniae (see Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005: tributed to by other bones (Mayr 2022b). In anatids, the jugo-
fig. 5), the juvenile gastornithid Omorhampus storchii (previously lacrimal ligament provides a strong connection between two well
synonymised with Ga. giganteus by Andors 1988; Louchart et al. developed processes on both the lacrimal and jugal arch (Davids
2021), and specimens of Ga. parisiensis show a ventral curve of 1952c; Zweers 1974).
crista tomialis suggesting a small hook-like structure. A rostrally
hooked bill is common among the galliforms and some anseri­
Palatum osseum
forms, including Anhima cornuta, Anseranas semipalmata,
Presbyornis species (see Zelenkov and Stidham 2018), Following Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004), we here, consider the
Dendrocygna species and Oxyura australis, although in non- dromornithid palate, desmognathous (as described by Huxley
anhimid anseriforms the hook is not a sharp point but instead 1867). Desmognathy is typical for anseriforms, and some basal
generally forms a rounded lip. galliforms, including some cracids and megapodiids (Dzerzhinsky
The external nares (aperturae nasi osseae) are holorhinal (the 1995; Zusi and Livezey 2006; Mayr 2018a), and is considered to
caudal border of the nostrils end rostral to the craniofacial hinge have derived several times from a relatively plesiomorphic schizog­
and are generally oval in shape, e.g. Bock 1964), as is common nathous palate (Hofer 1945), which is observed in some galliforms
among galloanserans (Sibley and Ahlquist 1990; Dzerzhinsky 1995). and Asteriornis maastrichtensis (see Field et al. 2020: SI, p. 22).
Relative to the size of the rostrum, they are exceedingly small, The ventral rostrum of Genyornis newtoni consists of
circular, and located dorsocaudally, differing in location from the a continuous, plate-like palatum osseum, comprising synostosed
further ventral but similar shaped nares of gastornithids (Matthew structures relating to the praemaxillaria, maxillaria, palatina, and
and Granger 1917; Andors 1988, 1992). The external nares are vomer (see Huxley 1867; Zusi and Livezey 2006), as in species of
slightly more rostrocaudally elongate in SAMA P59516, compared Dromornis, gastornithids (Matthew and Granger 1917; Andors
to that of SAMA P59517 and P59521. Three shallow grooves radiate 1988), and sylviornithids (Worthy 2000; Mourer-Chauviré and
rostrally from a neurovascular foramen, located on the lateral sur­ Balouet 2005). Similarly, all anseriforms have extensive palatal
face, just rostrad of the nasal aperture. These correspond well with development due to the central fusion of the paired processus
passages for nerves and blood vessels (see Murray and Vickers-Rich maxillopalatinus of the maxillaria, although their palate retains
2004, p. 237, fig. 185), potentially terminal ramifications of the a central fenestra. The development of a bony palate is variable in
ophthalmic (V1, rami rostri maxillaris from praemaxillary rami of galliforms though restricted to the rostral-most region of the upper
ramus medialis and rami nasales interni of ramus lateralis) and bill. In G. newtoni, the shallow nature of the palate suggests a large
maxillary nerves (V2, specifically rami nasales externi of nervi internal cavity within at least the caudal ¾ of the rostrum.
nasopalatinus), which can be extensive and well developed in this The palatal region of Dromornis planei was described from
area of the rostrum in anseriforms (see Bubień-Waluszewska 1980). specimen NTM P.9464–107 (see Murray and Megirian 1998),
A second foramen and deep, dorsoventrally aligned vascular groove although direct observation suggests the compression and subse­
are located caudolaterally from the nares, on each post-narial bar quent damage to the specimen had obscured most features, and the
composed of the fused processus nasalis of the maxillare, processus palatines are not preserved. The preserved osseous plate present on
maxillaris of the nasal, and the lacrimal. The region surrounding the ventral aspect of the D. planei rostrum NTM P. 9973–2, and
and rostral of the nares is more heavily vascularised in species of partially retained in NTM P.932–2, is not considered the palatum
Dromornis, with a ‘narial groove’ Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004) osseum; instead, we identify this as the ventral surface of the pila
attribute to functional ‘nasal salt glands’ (i.e. fossa glandulae nasa­ supranasalis (composed of the praemaxillary processes of the nasale
lis). These grooves may be better compared with the sulcus nasi that and the frontal processes of the praemaxillare) which forms the roof
is typical of gastornithids (see Bourdon et al. 2016; Mourer- of the internal nasal cavity. This is for several reasons: a) in the
Chauviré and Bourdon 2020). We do not interpret any furrow as D. planei rostrum NTM P.932–2, the dorsolateral face of the prae­
related to nasal salt glands in G. newtoni (see also ‘Orbit and maxillaria extend considerably further ventral than the roof; b) the
rostrodorsal region of the cranium’). external nares open internally within the rostrum, ventral to this
Viewed laterally, the fused processus nasalis of the maxillare, osseous roof; and c) neither specimen retains any traces of the
processus maxillaris of the nasal, and lacrimal (post-narial bar) is palatines or associated structures which would be expected should
aligned obliquely with respect to the dorsoventral plane. Fused this be the palatum osseum.
laterally to the casque, the dorsal-most lacrimal appears to lack Two sutures on the palatum osseum, at margo medialis palatini,
a distinct processus supraorbitalis, instead terminating caudally in are each representative of the intersection between the ventral
line with the craniorostral hinge (see ‘Craniorostral hinge’). The processus maxillopalatinus of the maxillare (sensu Baumel and
processus orbitalis (also termed the descending or ventrocaudal Witmer 1993: annot. 58; Zusi and Livezey 2006; Mayr 2018a,
process of the lacrimal; Cracraft 1968; De Mendoza et al. 2020) p. 3), and the more lateral, raised and synostosed structure formed
follows the alignment of processus maxillaris, mediolaterally thin­ of the processus praemaxillaris, processus rostralis of the palatines,
ning ventrally and projecting caudally as a distinct angular flange of and processus palatinus of the praemaxillary bone. These sutures
bone at its ventral terminus, immediately dorsal and lateral to the traverse rostrad in parallel towards the apex rostri, and possibly
co-ossified rostral-most processus jugalis of the maxillare (see supported a median palatal ridge (ruga palatina mediana) between
below). In D. planei NTM P932–2, there is contact between the them (see McLelland 1993). The medial fusion of the paired pro­
lacrimal component and the jugal arch, and a sulcus formed cessus maxillopalatinus in G. newtoni, an anseriform feature
between them on the lateral side. Rostral of their intersection, an (Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 58), creates a single suture rostral
obvious fenestra is evident (Figure 8), which has not formed in of the vomer (see below), contributing to the rostrocaudally con­
G. newtoni. The homological nature of the structural link between tinuous, shallowly concave, palatum osseum. Three small, oval

fenestrae palatina (sensu Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 13) are a shelf which air could pass over and into a cavity within the
mediolaterally aligned with this central suture and spaced caudor­ rostrum. Caudally along the mediolateral midline, a thin ridge of
ostrally upon the palatum osseum. The median depression is likely bone traverses from the craniorostral hinge to the vomer; we inter­
analogous to the ‘median suture’, that is described as dividing the pret this ridge to be an incorporated septum nasale osseum, which
palatines and maxillopalatine process in gastornithids (see Matthew also co-ossifies to the processus maxillopalatinus of the maxillare in
and Granger 1917). The pits on the palatum osseum in the juvenile parrots (Mayr 2018a). While damaged, the lack of any prominent
gastornithid specimens, identified as neurovascular canals by caudal extension of the septum nasale osseum suggests that it was
Louchart et al. (2021), are absent in dromornithid specimens, not connected to the more caudal mesethmoidale and the inter­
although these authors associated the presence and size with the orbital septum, thereby creating a hiatus craniofacialis septi ventrad
age of the individuals, which suggests that, even if they were present of the craniorostral hinge (Jollie 1957; Baumel and Witmer 1993).
through the ontogenetic cycle of G. newtoni, they would be absent This is entirely consistent with the high mobility of the rostrum
in the adult specimens available. relative to the cranium as predicted by the mobile craniorostral
Most galloanserans and the gastornithids (see Andors 1988; hinge (Craniorostral hinge Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 235).
excluding Omorhampus storchii, see Louchart et al. 2021: fig. 1 Laterally, this supra-narial plate of the processus maxillopalati­
and G. parisiensis) have a variably thin and sharp crista tomialis. nus contacts the caudomedial side of the combined processus
In G. newtoni, the crista tomialis is instead goose-like (e.g. Anser maxillaris and processus nasalis for their complete dorsoventral
anser) with an angular junction between the dorsally ascending length (see Figure 9). This forms a distinct crest which medially
lateral plates of the rostrum (praemaxillaria). It is continued by borders a dorsoventrally elongate and flat, caudally facing depres­
a distinctly flattened tomial surface, which widens towards the sion that is laterally delimited by the caudal edge of the orbital
rostral apex, and is characterised by rugose, osseus material. In process of the lacrimal. The depression resembles that on the caudal
some anatids, similar osseous material is observed on macerated lacrimal of Balaeniceps rex (Balaenicipitidae) which similarly has
skulls, which support the ventrally overlying rhamphothecal lamel­ lacrimals that are solely fused to the caudal rostrum (Bühler 1980;
lae rostri on the tomium maxillare (e.g. Zweers et al. 1977). see ‘Craniorostral hinge’). Notably, this region in anhimids is also
However, Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 168) considered it flattened rostrocaudally (see Cracraft 1968). This depression is
unlikely that dromornithids ‘would have developed any but the most visible in rostrum specimens of D. planei, although it is shallower.
rudimentary lamellae’ on their tomia. The sulcus paratomialis The ventral-most part of the orbital process of the lacrimal (and
(sensu Livezey and Zusi 2006) in G. newtoni shallowly depresses associated structures, see above) meets the processus jugalis of the
the rostrocaudal length of the tomial shelf, is confluent with con­ maxillare laterally and forms a caudal angular flange which demarks
cavitas palati, and becomes deepest caudally towards the processus the ventrocaudal most extent of the depression. Immediately med­
jugalis of the maxillare, just lateral of the palatines. Unlike a typical ial, the depression contacts a prominent and deep sulcus (see light
anatid rostrum, the crista tomialis (and angulus tomialis) migrates grey filled outline, Figure 9C) which travels mediorostrally beneath
dorsally in the caudal area, corresponding with this change in sulcus a bridge of the maxillare formed between the processus jugalis and
depth. This is notably similar to the morphology of Anhima cornuta the medially adjacent post-narial bar (possibly processus nasalis of
in which a deep depression is present just rostral of the processus the maxillare), onto the caudal surface of the supra-narial plate, just
jugalis, lateral of the processus maxillaris of the palatines. caudodorsal of the palatines. This sulcus on the supra-narial plate is
Compared to G. newtoni, the sulcus upon the tomial surface in delimited medially by a sharp crest and laterally by a sheet of
D. planei (see Murray and Megirian 1998) is more mediolaterally processus maxillopalatinus which is co-ossified with the dorsome­
narrow in the rostral half, widening and becoming shallower later­ dial surface of lamella dorsalis of pars choanalis of the palatines,
ocaudally in effect of the dorsal retreat of crista tomialis. Regardless, enclosing the choana nasalis ossea laterally (dashed outline,
they are overall similar in the sense of relating to the overlapping Figure 7A). The caudolateral margin of this sheet is marked by
caudal tomia of the articulated jaws, described by Murray and a robust bar, the pons maxillaro-jugalis (sensu Livezey and Zusi
Vickers-Rich (2004), which was functionally attributed to 2006), which buttresses the palatines dorsally and is likely part of
a sheering facet and differentiated from the more rostral tomia in the maxillare. A deep cavity is present on the lateral surface of
species of Dromornis. lamella dorsalis, confluent with the sulcus paratomialis (see
above) and extends dorsocaudally onto a small triangular angulus
tomialis (sensu Livezey and Zusi 2006). Although this flange could
Maxillare, septum nasale osseum and arcus jugalis
derive from the praemaxillare as in galliforms (see Livezey and Zusi
The processus maxillopalatinus of the maxillare is not visibly tra­ 2006; Mayr 2018a), due to the similarities with anseriforms in this
beculated as in Anseranas semipalmata, however, the process is region, it appears more parsimonious to identify it as an extension
enlarged and shows extensive co-ossification, a feature common of the maxillare.
among anseriforms but not galliforms (Mayr 2018a). This region of The processus jugalis of the maxillare in SAMA P59521 is
the rostrum is best preserved on specimen SAMA P59521, and broken caudally, at the point where arcus jugalis becomes dis­
therefore, forms the basis of the following descriptions. As in tinct with respect to the rostrum and lacks the more caudal
anseriforms, the paired maxillopalatine processes of the maxillaria region relating to fusion with the jugal bone. In anatids, and to
are fused to one another along the mediolateral midline of the a lesser degree anseranatids, the processus jugalis uniquely
rostrum, however, this is more extensive in G. newtoni and appears projects from the maxillary bone from a point ventral of, and
to continue dorsocaudally towards the craniorostral hinge to form coincident with, the rostrolateral margin of the mediolaterally
an apparent supra-narial plate (, Figure 9), notably similar to expanded processus rostralis of the palatinum (see Zusi and
parrots. The plate appears to join the dorsal-most nasal bones Livezey 2006, p. 155; Zelenkov and Stidham 2018).
caudodorsally although crushing is evident in this region, and so Comparatively, in galliforms, gastornithids, and sylviornithids,
this may be a taphonomic feature. By comparing the morphology of the processus jugalis is positioned far lateral and more dorsal of
the synostosed ventral nasal and praemaxillary bones (pila supra­ the processus rostralis, so there is no interaction present
nasalis) in specimens of Dromornis, it is likely that these plates were between the two processes. Neither of these states are directly
not entirely fused to the ventral casque-region, but instead formed comparable to the rostrum of G. newtoni, which appears

intermediate, i.e. the processus jugalis is more mediorostral of caudolateralis palatini which clearly did not project much more
the galliform-position but not to the extent of the typical ana­ caudally than what is preserved, based on the positions of other
toid condition. Resultantly, processus jugalis extends from the bones and articulatory surfaces (e.g. processus basipterygoideus, see
maxillary bone just dorsolateral of the processus rostralis of the Figure 6). The processus pterygoideus palatini, and the region of
palatinum and contributes to the aforementioned depression articulation with the pterygoids (facies articularis pterygopalatina),
associated with the sulcus paratomialis (see ‘The palate: palatum has been damaged or lost in all specimens and cannot be commen­
osseum’). This is very similar to the intermediate state also ted upon. The relatively short rostrocaudal length of the palatines in
observed in Anhima cornuta. dromornithids, is entirely expected given the very short crania in
Fragmented parts of the arcus jugalis of G. newtoni can be these birds. That observed in specimens of G. newtoni, is more like
described from specimens SAMA P59516, SAMA P53830 grazing anseriforms than the filter feeding taxa (Marugán-Lobón
(Appendix One: fig. A3a), and SAMA P10838, which corresponds and Buscalioni 2006; Pecsics et al. 2017). Regardless of the simila­
to the jugale and quadratojugale bones. The caudal part of the arcus rities in the dromornithid palatal structure to that of anseriforms,
jugalis, which would have largely corresponded to the quadratoju­ the general shape of the palatines appears to be unique among
gale bone, has a slender, slightly mediolaterally compressed shaft galloanserans, even when compared to gastornithids and sylvior­
which bows ventrally and then laterally towards the caudal region nithids (for comparison see Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005:
to participate in the articulatio quadrato-quadratojugalis. Caudal of fig. 2).
the poorly developed condylus quadraticus, the terminus of the The rostrocaudally short ossa vomeris are fused along their
jugal arch is rounded caudally and flattened mediolaterally as per entire length, forming a single rod-like central element, here
the description and figure of this region by Stirling (1913). referred to as the vomer, that defines the medial margins of the
Ventral of all other processus, including the processus jugalis, on bilaterally paired choana nasalis ossea. Caudally, the vomer is fused
palatum osseum, the maxillaria and praemaxillaria join the pala­ laterally to pars choanalis palatini, specifically processus choanalis
tines through robust and complete synostosis of the processus palatini. A sutura vomeropalatina is not visible between the area
praemaxillaris maxillaris, the processus rostralis of the palatinum, corresponding to the vomer and the palatines, suggestive of com­
and the processus palatinus praemaxillaris. This region is defined plete synostosis between these two elements. This is reminiscent of
rostrally by paired, rostrocaudally elongate, bulbous surfaces (see an anseriform state, where the suture is indiscernible in adults. By
Figure 9A: bulb.; described as ‘bulges of spongey bone’ for D. planei contrast, no fusion occurs between these elements during matura­
by Murray and Megirian 1998) which lack a flexible zona flexoria tion in galliforms and the vomer is comparatively easily disarticu­
palatina. We assume the absence of a processus palatinus of the lated (Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 78; Zusi and Livezey 2006,
maxillare (Zusi and Livezey 2006; sensu Mayr 2018a, SI 2) as this p. 162). The margin of choana nasalis ossea is continued caudolat­
process is not common among neognaths (nor within Galloanserae, erally, and then rostrally by the margo choanalis palatini of the
see Mayr 2018a: p. 7–8). lamella dorsalis, pars choanalis of each palatinum, and defines the
rostral limits of fossa choanalis palatini on each palatine (see Zusi
and Livezey 2006). The vomer is connected to the processus max­
Palatinum et vomer
illopalatinus of the maxillare dorsorostrally, where a narrow ros­
The pars choanalis et lateralis palatini of the palatine together form trally directed triangle identifies the sutura vomeromaxillaris. This
mediolaterally flattened, and largely dorsoventrally aligned, osseous marking is perhaps contributed to by the linea that demarks the
wings. The pars lateralis palatini extends ventrolaterally from the synostosis of the left and right maxillopalatine processes, typical of
ventral margin of lamella dorsalis, pars choanalis palatini (espe­ anseriform birds (see above; Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 58).
cially visible in G. newtoni SAMA P59517, P59516), ventral to the Unlike some galliforms, anhimids and anseranatids, there is no
level of margo medialis palatini, a character shared with D. stirtoni contact between processus choanalis palatini or the vomer with
(see Murray and Megirian 1998, p. 67 and 80, fig. 15). In anseri­ rostrum parasphenoidale (Zusi and Livezey 2000, p. 161–162); the
forms, the pars lateralis palatini is mediolaterally narrow along the terminus of the latter is far caudad in dromornithids. As in adult
ventral margin of lamella dorsalis, whereas in galliforms, it is absent anatids (Zusi and Livezey 2000, p. 162), there is complete separation
or represented only by a thickened crista lateralis on the lateral between palatum osseum and rostrum parasphenoidale in
margin of pars choanalis palatini (Zusi and Livezey 2000, p. 158, G. newtoni. The vomer of gastornithids (see Matthew and
fig. 7). This variation has been utilised previously to support close Granger 1917) and Sylviornis neocaledoniae (see Mourer-Chauviré
association of fossil taxa to either lineage (Sylviornis neocaledoniae, and Balouet 2005) is small and not a major contributor to the
see Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005). The relatively mediolat­ palatal roof (Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 78).
erally widened structure of the ventrolateral palatines in G. newtoni
is considered more anseriform-like although pars lateralis palatini
appears to be proportionally greater in its ventrolateral extension
(Figure 7A; e.g. compared with species of Anser), which may be The partial mandible originally described by Stirling (1913: pl.
functional (see Discussion) and/or related to an enlarged surface XXXVII, fig. 1–3; SAMA P.10788, Figure 10), differs a little from
area associated with the origin of musculus pterygoideus (e.g. the mandible of the near-complete skull specimen, SAMA P59516.
Lakjer 1926; Goodman and Fisher 1962; Zusi and Livezey 2006; The former is longer from the rostral apex to the caudal-most point
Holliday and Witmer 2007). Unlike those of G. newtoni, the pala­ on the fossa articularis quadratica, and the symphysial region is
tines of most extant taxa do not project far below the plane of the proportionally shorter, 7% of length compared to 16%. This may be
crista tomialis, if at all; only anhimids appear to have a palatine that indicative of intraspecific variation and potentially sexual dimorph­
extends noticeably ventrad of the crista tomialis (Figure 3D). ism. The mandible fragments of SAMA P59517 (Appendix One:
Additionally, the angulus caudolateralis on pars lateralis of the Figure 4) represent the partes intermedia et caudalis, and have
palatine of anseriforms is also absent in galliforms (Zusi and suffered much damage, rendering most measurements uninforma­
Livezey 2006, p. 147, fig. 7). The palatines in G. newtoni specimens tive, although the pars caudalis and the fossa articularis quadratica
SAMA P59521, P59516, and P59517 are eroded at their ventrocau­ are relatively intact. There are two additional isolated specimens
dal-most extremities, although appear to terminate in angulus that represent the rostral part of the mandibles, NMV P256893 and

SAMA P59520, which preserve in good condition the left and right 1996: fig. 2). The sulci in G. newtoni and D. planei are, as in Anseres,
pars symphysialis, respectively. rostrocaudally elongate and relatively flat compared to galliforms
The specimens are typically larger than that of the incomplete and anhimids. They are especially similar in form and position to
mandible attributed to Ilbandornis sp (NTM P2774–2; Worthy et al. that of Cereopsis novaehollandiae and to a lesser extent, Anseranas
2016a), and dorsoventrally taller and more robust than that attrib­ semipalmata, as other anseriforms generally possess less well-
uted to Barawertornis tedfordi (QM F57895; Worthy et al. 2016a); defined and mediolaterally narrower depressions and retain
they are proportionally rostrocaudally longer with respect to max­ a dorsally overhanging medial plate (sensu Burggraaf 1954b), the
imum dorsoventral height than mandibles attributed to all species latter of which is comparatively absent in dromornithids. In galli­
of Dromornis which are comparatively far taller. Mandibles of forms (Burggraaf 1954b: fig. 31) and anhimids, these sulci are
species of Dromornis are considered more massive and deeper restricted to the caudal margin of the symphysial region and meet
than those of species of Gastornis (see Angst and Buffetaut 2013), along the midline, just ventral of the medial plate.
although the opposite is true for all other dromornithid genera. Paired foramen neurovasculare (Stirling 1913: p. 114; Baumel
Mandibular rami of anseriforms are generally dorsoventrally taller and Witmer 1993; sensu Livezey 1997: char. 16; lingual median
than those of galliform birds (Mayr et al. 2023), however, this symphysial foramina, sensu Stidham 1998) are located on the dorsal
character appears to be homoplasious when considering giant gal­ surface of the rostral mandible, either side of the symphysis, and sit
loanserans (e.g. Sylviornis neocaledoniae). at the rostral-most point of an associated shallow, predominately
Mandibles of G. newtoni are overall robust, with complete fusion rostrocaudally aligned sulcus (potentially homologous with the
of elements eliminating indications of the respective boundaries canalis primordialis, see Burggraaf 1954b; and the longitudinal
and areas of interactions between elements, even along the man­ vascular groove, see Currie et al. 1993), as best seen in G. newtoni
dibular symphysis. The rostrocaudal length of the symphysis, 44.2 specimens NMV P256893 and SAMA P10788. Like in galliforms
mm in specimen SAMA P59516, varies slightly between dromor­ and anhimids, the foramina are each positioned within an elongate
nithid species, although, all are far shorter than the extreme length depression which extends caudally, whereas in the mandibles of
of the gastornithids, that have a unique rostrocaudal elongation of D. planei and non-anhimid anseriforms, the foramen is located
the symphysial region accounting for 44% to 48.1% of total mand­ relatively further rostromedially on the rostrum mandibulae than
ible length (Matthew and Granger 1917; Witmer and Rose 1991; these depressions and the associated sulci extend further caudally.
Angst and Buffetaut 2013). A similarly great length was also noted In this region of the rostral mandible, the crista tomialis of
for the Sylviornithidae (Worthy 2000, p. 357; Mourer-Chauviré and G. newtoni is thin. Caudally a rostrocaudally long, wide, flat surface
Balouet 2005: fig. 8; Worthy et al. 2016b). The apex rostri of the of bone, extends medially from the near indistinct crista tomialis, as
rostrum mandibulae in G. newtoni is curved with a notably blunt tip described for Ilbandornis sp (see Worthy et al. 2016a). The medial
which approaches the shape of some anseriforms, e.g. Anseranas margin of the shelf is truncated sharply as it drops ventrally towards
semipalmata, more so than in other dromornithids, although it the lateral margins of the aforementioned paired depressions which
lacks the distinct dorsoventral flattening of this region, notably house the foramen neurovasculare. The shelf decreased in medio­
extreme in Cygnus atratus and Melanitta perspicillata. The density lateral width caudally (see also Stirling 1913). Such a flat tomial
of foveae corpusculorum nervosorum both dorsally and ventrally is surface is also identified in the mandible of gastornithids, although
low, relatively comparable to Anhima cornuta and galliforms. the crista tomialis is more distinct, sharper and more blade-like
The rostral mandible of G. newtoni, as evidenced by SAMA across its entire length (Troxell 1931; Angst and Buffetaut 2013:
P10788, NMV P256893, and SAMA P59520, has two symmetrical fig. 2). Extant galloanserans appear to lack the shelf, and instead
depressions or broad sulci on the caudoventral part of the dorsal have a typically thin and sharp (as in many galliforms) or wide and
symphysis that extend caudally from this region along the medial rounded (i.e. Anseres) crista tomialis. A similar medial crest and
side of their respective mandibular ramus (Figure 10 D). They are associated tomial shelf is only present in the anhimids although it is
divided at the midline by a low, wide, rugose elevation. Dromornis far less developed, restricted in its rostral extension, and may not be
planei (specimen QVM:2000:GFV:440 and NTM P9464–112) has homologous in origin (see Previatto 2012: fig. 21, 23).
similar sulci. This morphology is likely associated with the gular The mandibular rami in G. newtoni and other dromornithids
and extrinsic lingual apparatus musculature, and adjoining fasciae diverge caudally from the symphysis only slightly (fig. 1 g;
and glands that contribute to the sublingual floor of the mouth Murray and Megirian 1998: figs. 11, 18, 20), at a much smaller
cavity (see Homberger and Meyers 1989); the rostrolateral ridge angle than in mandibulae attributed to most galliform and
that dorsally bounds each depression across their rostrocaudal gastornithid taxa (although see Stirling 1913, p. 115). The dor­
length (dotted line, Figure 10 D) may indicate the origin of sally elevated angulus dorsalis mandibulae (ADM, sensu Livezey
the m. mylohyoideus (m. mylohyoideus anterior, sensu Burggraaf and Zusi 2006: characters 0662, 0679, 0680) is just rostral to the
1954b; m. intermandibularis, sensu Fujioka 1963; Homberger and pars caudalis of the mandible and is coincident with the same
Meyers 1989). The m. genioglossus originates in the symphysial ridge that hosts the processus coronoideus as in all dromor­
area in several avian taxa, as has been inferred for gastornithids nithids – the former marking the caudal-most limit of the
(Homberger 1986, and references therein; Andors 1988; Angst and rhamphothecal sheath (Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 43),
Buffetaut 2013: fig. 2; Jones et al. 2019), however, this muscle is and broadly correspondent with aponeurosis superficialis (sensu
absent in adult galloanserans, including Gallus, Aepypodius (see Dzerzhinsky and Potapova 1974; Dzerzhinsky 1982; see
Fujioka 1963; Homberger and Meyers 1989; Weber 1996) and Figure 10; see also Weber 1996). In all dromornithids this
Anas (see Zweers et al. 1977). Instead, in addition appears dorsally raised, although it is confluent with, rather
to m. mylohyoideus, these sulci in G. newtoni/dromornithids are than distinctly dorsally produced, the dorsal edge of the ros­
likely associated with the fascia intermandibularis and fascia sub­ trum mandibulae. Among extant galloanserans, the ADM is
lingualis, and also potentially m. branchiomandibularis rostralis only clearly dorsally prominent with respect to the level of the
which arises from the rostral region of the medial mandible more rostral tomium in Anseres, in most galliforms it is subtle.
(Gadow and Selenka 1891; Goodman and Fisher 1962; Fujioka As in crown group Anseres, the dorsal elevation of angulus
1963; Zweers 1974; Homberger and Meyers 1989: p. 235–239, dorsalis mandibulae can be clearly distinguished from the
table 21, regarding clarification, synonymy and homology; Weber more rostral crista tomialis in late Paleocene Anachronornis

Figure 10. Genyornis newtoni mandible morphology: A. Caudal view of skull part NMV P256893, partially preserving ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis ventrally, which
retains the medial process of the mandible; B. Image and annotated outline of SAMA P59516 in right lateral view, digitally removed from the image of the entire skull; C.
Ventral view of the symphysial region of mandible specimen SAMA P59516; D. Caudal view of symphysial part of mandible specimen NMV P256893; E. Dorsal view of
symphysial part of mandible specimen NMV P256893; F. Proposed arrangement of insertions of the adductor muscle complex on the lateral side of the mandible for
dromornithids (drawn from specimen NTM P2774–2 of Ilbandornis sp. due to the limited distortion and conservative nature of dromornithid skull morphology) compared
with re-drawn examples of extant galloanserans, Anseres – Anas platyrhynchos (Davids 1952a: fig. 3b), Anhimidae – Anhima cornuta (NMV B12574), Megapodiidae –
Aepypodius arfakianus (Weber 1996: fig. 2a) and Phasianidae – Gallus gallus (Fujioka 1963: fig. 7). Annotations:, cotyla lateralis.; cr.par., crista paracoronoidea rostralis
and crista paracoronoidea caudalis.; ADM, angulus dorsalis mandibulae; AVM, angulus ventralis mandibulae; exc., excavation associated with the region of recessus conicalis
in anatids; f.neur., foramen neurovascularis.; m.AMEPc, m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus; m.AMEs, m. AME superficialis; m.AMEPs, m. AME profundus, pars
superficialis; m.AMEPz, m. AME profundus, pars zygomaticus; m.AMP, m. adductor mandibulae posterior;, abraded prominence and approximate area for insertion
of m. pseudotemporalis profundus; pr.cor., processus coronoideus (approximate position indicated, not visible as it is obscured by associated cranium);, processus
lateralis mandibulae;, processus medialis mandibulae; pr.ret., processus retroarticularis; sym., pars symphysialis, rostrum mandibulae; tom., crista tomialis; Scale
bars: A., C.-E. 10 mm, B. 20 mm, F. not to scale. Dark grey shading indicates regions where damage precludes morphological assessment, and light grey indicates fenestra.

anhimops, whereas in early Eocene Danielsavis nazensis, there is Dzerzhinsky and Belokurova 1972; Dzerzhinsky 1982; Weber
comparatively no clear transitional change in dorsoventral 1996; Zusi and Livezey 2000). Anhima cornuta appears inter­
height (as in galliforms, see Houde et al. 2023: figs. 1, 7; Mayr mediate between Anseres and galliforms with respect to proxi­
et al. 2023). The adjacency of the processus coronoideus and mity between processus coronoideus and ADM, and interrelated
ADM in Anseres confines the insertions of the m. AME pro­ myology (see Figure 10; Dzerzhinsky 1982).
fundus partes zygomaticus et superficialis and m. AME super­ The gentle rostral transition from the ADM to the tomial margin
ficialis to within a relatively caudal area (e.g. Davids 1952a, of G. newtoni differs markedly from Anseres, in which the steep
1952b; Goodman and Fisher 1962; Zusi and Livezey 2000). rostral incline of the ADM is comparatively near perpendicular,
Their similarly close proximity in dromornithids, likely results such as in Anser caerulescens, and even the fossil anseriform,
in the same musculature arrangement, as also interpreted for Anachronornis anhimops which also has a relatively steep incline.
D. planei (see Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004: fig. 189). This The rounded rostral profile of the ADM in G. newtoni is largely
contrasts with a typical galliform state, whereby the ADM is reminiscent of that in D. murrayi (see Worthy et al. 2016a), and is
relatively far rostral, and the attachment surfaces for these less consistent with the more sloped form of Ilbandornis sp. NTM
external adductor muscles extend more rostrally on each man­ P2774–2. Both rami of Barawertornis tedfordi (QM F57895) are
dibular ramus (relative to its total length, e.g. Kirikov 1944; damaged in this area, although the left ramus mandibulae is better

preserved in this region and does not appear to differ substantially Appendix One: Figure A4) and Ilbandornis sp. NTM P2774–2 (see
from other dromornithids, although more detailed comparisons are Weber 1996: fig. 26; Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 3A).
not possible. The form of the ADM in transition to the tomial The damaged lateral surfaces of all mandibles known for
margin in G. newtoni is less hyperdeveloped than in species of G. newtoni, restrict a confident examination of some structures
Dromornis (see Murray and Megirian 1998). pertinent to galloanseran systematics, such as the exact nature of
A lack of symmetry in the rostrocaudal curvature of the ridge the crista(e) paracoronoidea (lateral coronoid process, sensu
that hosts the ADM is evidenced in the G. newtoni mandible Goodman and Fisher 1962; see also Weber 1996; terminology of
described by Stirling (1913), whereby the more dorsocaudal angle Weber and Hesse 1995, p. 295; Matsuoka et al. 2008; Mourer-
on the caudal part of this ridge represents the processus coronoi­ Chauviré and Bourdon 2020; SI 2), which is a laterally shifted homo­
deus. This region is obscured (SAMA P59516) or damaged (SAMA logue of the tuberculum paracoronoideum of many birds (see Weber
P59517) in other specimens although the visible shape is consistent 1996, p. 27). In galliforms and anhimids, the crista paracoronoidea is
with this morphology. This is also consistent with other dromor­ separated into two crests, distinguished as the crista paracoronoidea
nithids of which G. newtoni is largely similar to that of D. murrayi rostralis and caudalis, which are perpendicular to near parallel to one
(see Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 3). In Ilbandornis sp., Barawertornis another and closely approximated, or touching, at their dorsocaudal-
tedfordi (see Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 3), and especially D. stirtoni most points (sensu Weber and Hesse 1995; Weber 1996). In the
and D. planei (larger in the latter taxon proportionally, see Murray Megapodiidae (including Alectura lathami) and Acryllium vulturi­
and Vickers-Rich 2004: fig. 109), the processus coronoideus pro­ num (Numididae), these two cristae are more widely separated, and
jects more sharply and prominently dorsocaudally. This may evi­ the rostral part is well-defined and rostrally extended into a process
dence a less well-developed aponeurosis coronoidea (sensu or flange (Weber and Hesse 1995, p. 295; Weber 1996, p. 27, 28).
Iordansky 1970; aponeurosis rostralis, sensu Dzerzhinsky 1982; A similarly located, but undivided crista paracoronoidea forms
also following Weber 1996) in association with m. AME profundus a prominent processus paracoronoideus (sometimes mistakenly
coronoideus (Weber 1996; Zusi and Livezey 2000; Holliday and referred to as the processus coronoideus, see Weber and Hesse
Witmer 2007; Matsuoka et al. 2008) in both G. newtoni and 1995; Weber 1996) in non-anhimid extant anseriforms
D. murrayi, compared to other dromornithids. The processus cor­ (Figure 10F), and is analogous to the well-developed crista paracor­
onoideus in dromornithids (except for species of Dromornis) is onoidea rostralis in Megapodiidae (Weber 1996).
comparable to the small caudally protruding angle in Anhima As far as can be discerned for G. newtoni, a distinct rostrocaud­
cornuta or Oxyura australis, lacking the more extensive lateral ally elongated crista paracoronoidea rostralis is present, caudoven­
flare of most Anseres (e.g. Cereopsis novaehollandiae), and differs tral of the processus coronoideus, corresponding to the aponeurosis
from the prominent tubercle-like protrusion of most galliforms. paracoronoidea externa (sensu Weber 1996) and the associated
In other dromornithids, especially species of Dromornis, the ridge, insertion of m. AME superficialis (see Figure 10F; also
just caudal of the processus coronoideus, shows greater attenuation Dzerzhinsky and Potapova 1974; Dzerzhinsky 1982; Zusi and
in height towards the fossa articularis quadratica than in G. newtoni. Livezey 2000). The crista paracoronoidea caudalis is less well-
Such variation may be associated with the attachments of corre­ marked, yet is likely represented by a relatively swollen, dorsocaud­
sponding musculature; m. adductor mandibulae posterior inserts ally-ventrorostrally elongated ridge just caudoventral of its rostral
on the lateral surface between the processus coronoideus and the counterpart. This is likely associated with the aponeurosis paracor­
fossa articularis quadratica in neognaths, a pattern galloanserans – onoidea interna (aponeurosis caudalis interna, sensu Dzerzhinsky
and most likely dromornithids – also adhere to (e.g. Dzerzhinsky and Potapova 1974; Dzerzhinsky 1982; sensu Weber 1996), which
1982; Zusi and Livezey 2000; Holliday and Witmer 2007). Variable receives some fibres from, and caudally bounds, the insertion
development of areas related to insertions of mm. pseudotemporalis of m. AME superficialis (Weber 1996, p. 46, 53). The form and
superficialis et profundus and m. pterygoideus on the medial surface, position of this structure may also be contributed to by the devel­
and the origin of m. branchiomandibularis caudalis (m. geniohyoi­ opment of the caudally adjacent insertion of m. adductor mandi­
deus, lateral slip, sensu Goodman and Fisher 1962, only reported for bulae posterior (Weber and Hesse 1995, p. 58; Weber 1996;
Mergini among anatids) on the ventral edge and ventral half of the ‘adductor fossa’ Zusi and Livezey 2000; Murray and Vickers-Rich
lateral caudal ramus (e.g. Goodman and Fisher 1962; Dzerzhinsky 2004: fig. 56; see above). A similar morphology is observed in
and Belokurova 1972; Homberger and Meyers 1989; Weber 1996), Barawertornis tedfordi, with regards to both the rostral and caudal
also likely contribute to this morphological disparity. Species of cristae. Comparatively, Ilbandornis sp. (NTM P2774–2) has dis­
Dromornis additionally have a deeply depressed medial mandibular tinct, lowly raised, narrowly separated, and parallel rostral and
surface correlated with the large attachment site of caudal paracoronoid crests (Murray and Megirian 1998: fig. 12;
the m. pterygoideus (Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 241, fig. Worthy et al. 2016a). This also appears to be the case in well-
189), in association with their relatively dorsoventrally deep caudal preserved D. planei and D. stirtoni specimens (e.g. NTM P9464–
mandible. A low, rounded, and subtle bulge on the dorsal part of the 112, P98107, see Murray and Megirian 1998; Murray and Vickers-
ramus mandibulae between the processus coronoideus and fossa Rich 2004; Worthy et al. 2016a). The nearly parallel orientation of
articularis quadratica – likely homologous with the area for insertion the cristae in dromornithids appears to resemble that of the
of m. pseudotemporalis profundus in other galloanserans (Davids Anhimidae and Phasianidae, more than that of the Megapodiidae.
1952a; Fujioka 1963; Zweers 1974; Weber 1996; Matsuoka et al. In contrast, the late Paleocene ‘screamer-like’ Anachronornis anhi­
2008) – can be observed in Ilbandornis sp., Dromornis murrayi, and mops, Wyoming, preserves a laterally projected processus paracoro­
is especially pronounced for B. tedfordi, however, its form is not noideus, as is typical of Anseres. However, this is comparatively less
accurately assessable in any specimens of G. newtoni. While similarly laterally developed than crown group representatives (see Houde et al.
located in some birds, this bulge is not to be considered equivalent to 2023). The early Eocene Danielsavis nazensis has a well-developed,
the tuberculum praearticulare (sensu Weber 1996), for aponeurosis flange-like crista paracoronoidea rostralis that compares well with the
praearticularis caudalis (sensu Weber 1996) of m. pterygoideus dor­ aforementioned megapodiid condition (Houde et al. 2023; Mayr et al.
salis, which is instead positioned just rostral of the fossa articularis 2023). In gastornithids, the crista paracoronoidea rostralis is potentially
quadratica on the medial mandible in dromornithids, as is especially homologous with a long, predominately dorsoventrally orientated
evident on the right caudal ramus of G. newtoni (SAMA P59517, see ridge which extends caudodorsally to meet the processus coronoideus.

This ridge is further rostral of the processus coronoideus compared to P2774–2, D. planei, and D. murrayi all have a caudal fenestra (see
the relatively caudal placement and rostrocaudal extension of this crest Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 3). Although considerable variation in the
in dromornithids; a second faint ridge is evident in some gastornithid size and shape of the fenestra caudalis mandibulae is present within
specimens, notably Ga. parisiensis MHNT.PAL.2012.1.1, which is galloanserans, the presence and absence of the fenestra among some
caudally displaced from, but in near parallel dorsoventral orientation dromornithids is seemingly unusual. Only in anhimids, is this
with the aforementioned crest, and may be homologous to the crista fenestra exclusively absent. Intercepting the caudal fenestra on the
paracoronoidea caudalis in this taxon (see Matthew and Granger 1917, medial side of the mandible of Ilbandornis, an obvious ridge
p. 312, pl. XXI; Angst and Buffetaut 2013: fig. 3C; Angst et al. 2014: fig. stretches rostrocaudally along pars caudalis towards the processus
4; Mourer-Chauviré and Bourdon 2020: figs. 1, 2). medialis mandibulae, representing the ventral edge of the fossa
The rounded angulus ventralis mandibulae (AVM; sensu Livezey aditus canalis neurovascularis (see Murray and Megirian 1998: fig.
1998; Livezey and Zusi 2006) of G. newtoni is positioned at a point 12; Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 3). This is well-developed in mandibles
noticeably caudal to the processus coracoideus, as in B. tedfordi and attributed to Dromornis planei (e.g. NTM P9464–112), also present
D. stirtoni. In contrast, in Ilbandornis sp. NTM P2774–2, and speci­ in B. tedfordi and to a far lesser extent, in G. newtoni.
mens of D. murrayi, and especially D. planei, the AVM is relatively A medial mandibular process of G. newtoni is well-preserved only
more rostrad. In D. planei and D. stirtoni (see Murray and Megirian in the fragmentary caudal ramus of SAMA P59517 and NMV
1998: fig. 12; Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 3), the AVM is more pro­ P256893.4 and is partially visible on the skull of SAMA P59516. The
nounced ventrally, and more robust than in other species. This would medial process is larger than its lateral counterpart although propor­
support greater attachment regions for relevant musculature on tionally to a far lesser extent than that of all extant galloanserans. In
medial and lateral sides (e.g. m. AME externus partes superficialis G. newtoni, like that of B. tedfordi, the process is short, truncated
et profundus, m. adductor mandibulae posterior and m. pterygoideus medially, and invaginated caudally as it curves to form a deep and
ventralis, and m. branchiomandibularis caudalis, see Figure 10F, also mediolaterally wide depression on the caudal surface. The medioven­
Goodman and Fisher 1962; Vanden Berge and Zweers 1993; Murray tral edge of this depression likely accommodated the attachment of
and Vickers-Rich 2004; Holliday and Witmer 2007; Matsuoka et al. ligamentum occipitomandibulare (Davids 1952a, 1952c; Goodman
2008; Holliday 2009). In contrast to mandibles attributed to and Fisher 1962, p. 133; Bock 1964; Zweers 1974: fig. 14;
D. stirtoni, D. planei and Ilbandornis sp., there is less of Dzerzhinsky 1982: fig. 3; ligamentum neurocranio-mandibulare,
a dorsoventral shift from the AVM to the ventral edge of the rostral- sensu Baumel and Raikow 1993). Although there are no deep,
most processus retroarticularis in both G. newtoni and B. tedfordi, depressed recessus conicalis as in anatids, nor an excavation as deep
although not as level as in D. murrayi. Although less accentuated than as that in Anseranas semipalmata, Anachronornis anhimops, Conflicto
in the dromornithids, the AVM is only distinct as a rounded structure antarcticus or Presbyornis pervetus, the depression (Figure 10A: ‘exc’.)
in goose-like anserines including Cereopsis novaehollandiae, Cygnus on the caudal surface of the process appears like the shallow depression
atratus, Branta canadensis, and Anser caerulescens. The AVM is in the region on mandibles of Anhima cornuta. This is perhaps also
indistinct in species of Gastornis. comparable to the mandible of galliform-like stem anseriform, or
The ventrocaudal edge of the AVM of G. newtoni continues as anseriform-like stem galliform, Danielsavis nazensis, which also lacks
a low ridge dorsocaudally onto the lateral mandibular face and a distinct fossa caudalis and recessus conicalis (see Houde et al. 2023:
forms the caudal and ventral margins of a shallow depression just fig. 5C; Mayr et al. 2023). Comparatively, this side of the process is
rostroventral to the processus lateralis mandibulae (lateral mandib­ dorsoventrally thinner and caudally rounded in most galliforms and
ular process), which likely corresponds to the bounds of the inser­ has a horizontal mediolaterally oriented crest in some megapodes (e.g.
tion of m. adductor mandibulae posterior (Figure 10 F; Dzerzhinsky Alectura lathami).
1982; Weber 1996; Zusi and Livezey 2000; Holliday and Witmer The rostromedial surface of the processus medialis mandibulae is
2007). This fossa is deeper and more distinct in mandibles attrib­ gently sloped dorsorostrally-caudoventrally in G. newtoni, and would
uted to species of Dromornis (e.g. see ‘fossa for external adductors’, have primarily related to insertions of parts of m. pterygoideus ven­
Murray and Megirian 1998: fig. 16; ‘adductor fossa’, Murray and tralis (see following for references). Rostrally, a large, flattened, or
Vickers-Rich 2004: fig. 56). Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004: figs. shallow attachment surface likely primarily supported the insertion
54, 56, 189) labelled an area near the ventral margin of the mandible of m. pterygoideus dorsalis (Davids 1952a; Fuchs 1954a; Fujioka
of D. stirtoni, close to this fossa, as a ‘groove for m. mylohyoideus’ 1963; Zweers 1974; Dzerzhinsky 1982; Weber 1996; Holliday and
for ‘m. mylohyoideus posterior’ (similarly labelled by Davids 1952a, Witmer 2007; Matsuoka et al. 2008; Bianki et al. 2013; see Appendix
1952c). In this sense, this more appropriately relates to the passage Three). The medial process is also well-preserved in Barawertornis
for m. serpihyoideus and m. stylohyoideus, passing across the tedfordi QM F57985 (Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 3) and on the left
ventral mandible towards the lingual apparatus, from the caudal ramus of Dromornis planei NTM P9464–112 (Murray and Megirian
processus retroarticularis, and is involved in retraction of the ton­ 1998: fig. 11–12). In these taxa, the process largely conforms with that
gue and the raising of the tongue and trachea (see Davids 1952a, of G. newtoni with regards to shape. Immediately dorsal of
1952c; Goodman and Fisher 1962; Fujioka 1963; Zweers 1974; sensu the m. pterygoideus dorsalis insertion area, an apparent rostral con­
Homberger and Meyers 1989; Weber 1996; Matsuoka et al. 2008). tinuation of the processus medialis mandibulae as an obvious ridge or
This form of the ventral mandible may also be influenced by the tubercle corresponds to tuberculum praearticulare for the attachment
origin of m. branchiomandibularis caudalis on this area of the of aponeurosis praearticularis caudalis (see above; Weber 1996). The
caudal ramus (see above; Fujioka 1963; Homberger and Meyers pattern of pterygoideus muscle attachments also appears similar
1989; Weber 1996; SI 2). The path of the former muscles on the across all dromornithids, although the surface for insertion
ventral edge of the caudolateral mandible, especially, may contri­ of m. pterygoideus dorsalis, rostral of processus medialis mandibulae,
bute to the development of the low ridge that continues from the is slightly more excavated in Ilbandornis sp. NTM P2774–2, and well-
ventral margin onto the lateral face in G. newtoni and D. stirtoni. impressed in D. planei and D. stirtoni (see Murray and Vickers-Rich
As in B. tedfordi, D. stirtoni, and gastornithids (Angst and 2004, p. 241). Medially adjacent to cotyla medialis mandibulae,
Buffetaut 2013; Worthy et al. 2016a), the mandible of G. newtoni a foramen pneumaticum articulare is obvious dorsally on the medial
is imperforate, lacking both fenestra caudalis mandibulae and process of D. planei (NTM P9464–112), Barawertornis tedfordi and
fenestra rostralis mandibulae. Contrastingly, Ilbandornis sp. NTM Ilbandornis sp., although its presence is unknown for G. newtoni.

Notably, the articulatory region differs considerably from those on et al. 2016a), although in all, the proportional sizes of the two
gastornithid mandibles, the latter of which instead have greater cotylae to the surrounding pars caudalis mandibulae are more
morphological similarity to with S. neocaledoniae: the crista inter­ like those of Anhima cornuta and megapodes than to other
cotylaris is sharper and more distinct, processus medialis mandibulae galloanserans (in Anseres the medial cotyla is greatly
is proportionally larger and more medially elongate, and the proces­ expanded rostrocaudally and near equal in mediolateral
sus lateralis mandibularis is also proportionally larger, as width with the lateral cotyla, and in non-megapodiid galli­
a prominent, convex tubercle (see Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet forms, the lateral cotyla is larger mediolaterally).
2005: fig. 8; Angst and Buffetaut 2013: fig. 2). The presence of a caudally prominent and laterally compressed
The noticeable lateral overhang of the cotyla lateralis of processus processus retroarticularis is characteristic of Galloanserae (Baumel
lateralis mandibulae in G. newtoni appears more like that of some and Witmer 1993; Ericson 1996; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004;
galliforms and anhimids than the relative lack of lateral projection in Mayr 2017; Mayr et al. 2018; Tambussi et al. 2019; Field et al.
species of Dromornis, B. tedfordi, and Ilbandornis sp (Worthy et al. 2020). While all caudal mandibles attributed to G. newtoni are
2016a: fig. 3). In most non-anhimid anseriforms, the edge of the incomplete, the processus retroarticularis is relatively visibly rostro­
cotyla is more prominent, and in some derived forms, develops caudally short, lateromedially compressed, and robust with a caudal
a lateral or rostral angularity (e.g. Melanitta perspicillata and Anas extension almost equal to its dorsoventral depth, similar to the
superciliosa). A caudally cambered ridge caudally borders the sloped morphology of other dromornithids (Worthy et al. 2016a) and
rostral surface of the process; the morphology of this surface likely Gastornis giganteus (Matthew and Granger 1917: pl. XXI; AMNH
developed in relation to the insertion of the m. adductor mandibulae 6169; Angst and Buffetaut 2013: fig. 4). The process is directed
posterior (see above). In some galloanseran taxa where this muscle caudally and has a slight dorsal upturn at its end creating a clear
can be divided into distinct bellies, the lateral part consistently inserts angle on the dorsal margin, immediately caudal to the fossa articu­
on this area of the caudodorsal mandible (Holliday and Witmer laris quadratica. All dromornithid mandibles are somewhat damaged
2007), and is associated with the attachment of a strong aponeurosis in this region, and so the extent of the dorsal upturn of the retro­
(e.g. aponévrose 15, Davids 1952a; m. quadratomandibularis ‘10A’ articular process, and its caudal extremity, cannot be precisely ascer­
Fujioka 1963; ‘a. 11’ Dzerzhinsky and Belokurova 1972). A distinct tained. However, remnants of the rostral origin of the retroarticular
lateral part of this muscle, the corresponding attachment to this area process suggest some variation is present among dromornithids:
is absent in anhimids (Dzerzhinsky 1982; Zusi and Livezey 2000), but D. planei has a steeply curved dorsal margin; D. stirtoni, a steeply
present in anseranatids and is typical of anatids (e.g. Goodman and curved ventral margin, yet a shallower dorsal curve; and D. murrayi
Fisher 1962; Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene 2002; Bianki et al. and B. tedfordi are considered to lack dorsal deflection, as their
2013), consequently preventing a confident assessment of its presence retroarticular processes only project caudally. No mandible of species
in G. newtoni and other dromornithids (contra Murray and Vickers- of Dromornis preserves a complete processus retroarticularis, yet
Rich 2004: e.g. fig. 189). The potential lack of the ligamentum post­ Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 81 and 105, fig. 57) speculated
orbitale in G. newtoni and the rest of the dromornithids, may be that D. stirtoni had a high, angular, caudodorsal tip. With new
a factor in the variable development of the lateral mandibular process. evidence from G. newtoni, if we are to assume D. stirtoni had similar
Additionally, a small tubercle is variably developed just rostral of the morphology, such recurvature and caudodorsal apex would not be
lateral mandibular process where the ligamentum postorbitale approximated. The processes on the mandibles of G. newtoni are
attaches (Baumel and Raikow 1993: annot. 42) in galliforms and dorsocaudally rounded and only have a small dorsal projection
anseriforms but not in dromornithids. The ligamentum lacrimoman­ (SAMA P59516, right side). The process is caudally orientated as in
dibulare also attaches in this region in most anseriforms and is most anseriforms (e.g. Anseranas semipalmata), not laterally
associated with filter feeding in anatids due to its absence in non- deflected as in many galliforms (e.g. Pavo muticus and Gallus gallus).
filter feeders, e.g. Anseranas semipalmata (see Davids 1952c;
Goodman and Fisher 1962, p. 131, 132; Baumel and Raikow 1993:
Hyobranchial apparatus
annot. 41; Bout and Zweers 2001; Zelenkov and Stidham 2018). The
lack of evidence supporting such specialised feeding in dromor­ Specimen SAMA P59516 retains, in association, two disarticulated,
nithids suggests this particular ligament was absent in this family. near complete ceratobranchials (ceratobranchiale), the rostral-most
A feature common to all Galloanserae and present in part of the basihyal (basihyale), broken just rostral of the articulatio
dromornithids, is the bicondylar articulation with the quad­ ceratobasihyalis, and a partial, crushed paraglossum. Part of the left
rate (Dzerzhinsky 1995; Ericson 1996; Mayr et al. 2018; Field ceratobranchial is also preserved on the ventral-most caudal mand­
et al. 2020). This has assisted in supporting the galloanseran ible of NMV P256893. These are the first osseous elements of the
affinities of other fossil taxa including Conflicto antarcticus hyoid skeleton identified for any dromornithid.
(see Tambussi et al. 2019). Of the articulatory region of The basihyal articular surface for the articulatio paraglosso-
G. newtoni, the caudal part of the right mandibular ramus is basihyalis in dorsal and lateral view, is similar to that of Anser
visible in SAMA P59517 and allows a dorsal view of the fossa caerulescens, where the basihyal thins bilaterally and expands dor­
articularis quadratica, while the cotyla lateralis is visible on soventrally to form a curved saddle-type joint (see Baumel and
the left side of SAMA P59516, and cotyla medialis is retained Raikow 1993: annot. 51). The dorsal surface appears flat and ven­
in specimen MNV P256893. These specimens show a similar trally the articular surface extends rostrally, to a blunt, taphonomi­
morphology regarding the separation of the cotylae in other cally worn tip; this shape is present in Alectura lathami although
dromornithids and galloanserans (see Worthy et al. 2016a). proportionally much smaller than those of anseriforms that possess
Both cotylae are oval, angled obliquely to the main axis of the this structure, e.g. Anseranas semipalmata and Anser caerulescens.
mandibular ramus, separated by a low crista intercotylaris The body of the basihyal is rostrocaudally long and bilaterally
although seeming to overlap for much of their long axis, narrow, proportionally more so than other anatid and anseranatid
and the cotyla medialis is deeper than cotyla lateralis (see taxa (e.g. Anser caerulescens, pers obvs.), as is typical of Anhimidae
also Worthy et al. 2016a). The cotylae in G. newtoni, and Galliformes, and lacks the wide form and wing-like projections
Ilbandornis sp., and B. tedfordi are more rostrocaudally elon­ of Danielsavis nazensis (see Mayr et al. 2023: fig. 3). The lateral
gate compared to those in species of Dromornis (see Worthy expansion of the basihyal expected for the articulatio ceratohyalis

(articulation with the ceratobranchials), including any indication of Anhimidae (20 unambiguous and four ambiguous), the branch
each process lateralis of the basihyal (sensu Zweers 1974), cannot be to which received high bootstrap support (96.73%). The
identified on the specimen. Additionally, no urohyal (urohyale) is Genyornis newtoni + Ilbandornis species clade was supported
preserved, fused (as in Anser caerulescens) or separate (Gallus by just one unambiguous and three ambiguous character state
gallus, see Homberger and Meyers 1989: fig. 1) to the basihyal. changes (bootstrap support for this branch is 45.61%), and the
The paraglossum (Figure 11B) is present in specimen SAMA Dromornis clade distinguished by four unambiguous changes
P59516, near the rostral end of the mandible, crushed between (bootstrap support is 64.59%).
the medial aspect of the right mandibular rami, and the ventral A branch to the clade including all non-anhimid crown group anseri­
surface of the attached rostrum. This bone is perforated by forms¸ Conflicto antarcticus, Presbyornis pervetus and Nettapterornis
a large, obvious central foramen (for., Figure 11B), and is overall oxfordi was recovered sister to the Anhimidae + Dromornithidae clade
a mediolaterally symmetrical, triangular, arrowhead shape. The in all MPTs, with high bootstrap support (98.75%), in association with 16
paired cornua, or processus paraglossus caudalis (sensu character state changes (11 unambiguous and five ambiguous). A sister-
Homberger and Meyers 1989), extend caudally away from the taxon relationship between Conflicto antarcticus and a clade including
body of the bone but have lost much of their caudal length due Nettapterornis oxfordi + Anseres was recovered in 46.41% of bootstrap
to taphonomic damage. The general morphology of the paraglos­ replicates, related to nine character state transitions (three unambiguous
sum is similar to the form of most birds (see Baumel and and six ambiguous). The branch including Presbyornis pervetus and
Witmer 1993: annot. 80) including galliforms (see McLelland crown group Anseres, sister to Nettapterornis oxfordi, has low-
1968; Homberger and Meyers 1989). The paraglossum of non- moderate bootstrap support (42.95%), associated with two unambiguous
anhimids is comparatively rostrocaudally longer and more oval and three ambiguous character state changes. The branch to crown
or rectangular (e.g. Zweers et al. 1977: fig. 6). The overall shape group Anseres, sister to Presbyornis pervetus, is related to eight unambig­
of this bone in Anhimidae is intermediate in form, being slightly uous and five ambiguous character changes and received moderate
rostrally tapered, but also bilaterally wide. bootstrap support (79.32%).
The ceratobranchials have a shaft minimally 115.7 mm in A branch comprising a clade of crown group Galliformes,
rostrocaudal length. They are displaced from the mandible Gastornis giganteus, and Sylviornis neocaledoniae was recovered
and rostrum and disarticulated. Additionally, the articular as sister to the Anseriformes clade in 54.03% of bootstrap repli­
ends are both damaged, preventing identification of either cates, supported by eight unambiguous and six ambiguous char­
end. The shaft does not gently curve in one direction as in acter transitions. A poorly supported (48.01%) branch that
many galloanserans but instead curves twice to be slightly includes a clade of Gastornis giganteus, Sylviornis neocaledoniae,
sigmoidal, potentially a result of taphonomic distortion. and all non-megapodiid galliforms is associated with three unam­
biguous character state changes and four ambiguous ones.
A branch to a clade including the Gastornithidae and
Phylogenetic analyses
Sylviornithidae was resolved in 72.76% of bootstrap replicates;
Parsimony analysis 13 unambiguous and two ambiguous character state changes
support the monophyly of this clade as sister to a one comprising
The heuristic search resulted in 2 MPTs (Most Parsimonious
crown group Phasianoidea. The branch to the clade containing
Trees) with a length of 786 steps, where a total of 122,871,532
crown group Phasianoidea as sister to Gastornis giganteus and
rearrangements were tested. Both MPTs (phylograms displayed
Sylviornis neocaledoniae received moderate bootstrap support of
in SI 5) have a Consistency Index of 0.2799, Homoplasy Index
71.92% and was distinguished by three unambiguous character
of 0.7201, Retention Index of 0.6939 and a Rescaled Consistency
state changes and five ambiguous ones.
Index of 0.1942. The MPTs vary only in the exact topological
relationship of Anas superciliosa (Anatini), Aythya australis
(Aythini) and Melanitta perspicillata (Mergini) to one another, Bayesian inference
as evidenced by the associated formation of the polytomy in the
MrBayes output was analysed in part using Tracer v. 1.7.2 (Rambaut
strict consensus tree (Figure 12A). All other relationships,
et al. 2018). All four independent runs converged and achieved
including those described below, were recovered in both MPTs.
Since modern taxa were topologically constrained based on stationarity. All runs had a Potential Scale Reduction Factor (PSRF,
genetic data (see Materials and methods: Phylogenetic analyses), Gelman and Rubin 1992) of 1.000. The Standard Deviation of Split
only the phylogenetic relationships of fossil taxa are described Frequencies (SDSF) approached 0.0 as MCMC runs converged, with
herein. A branch to the monophyletic clade containing all an average value across runs of 0.004799. After burn-in (20%), the
crown group Anseriformes, Asteriornis maastrichtensis, mean log likelihood statistics (LnL) and Effective Sample Size (ESS)
Conflicto antarcticus, Presbyornis pervetus, Nettapterornis values for each run from one to four were −2505.3998 and 7601.4,
oxfordi (Olson 1999) and Dromornithidae, was recovered in −2505.2851 and 7750.2, −2505.33 and 8001, and −2505.4065 and
44.69% of bootstrap replicates and is supported by two unam­ 7817.2, respectively. Post-burn-in trees of the four independent
biguous (see SI 5 for all state changes discussed here) and 18 runs were combined to produce a consensus tree, which is displayed
ambiguous character state changes. This clade to the exclusion with posterior probability (PP) support values (PP in Figure 12B). As
of Asteriornis maastrichtensis was resolved in 76.57% of repli­ above, only the topological relationships of fossil taxa and the asso­
cates and supported by three unambiguous and five ambiguous ciated support for their resolved positions will be focused on here.
apomorphic state changes. A branch to the Anhimidae + The topological relationships are similar to those recovered in
Dromornithidae clade was found consistently across MPTs parsimony analysis with respect to the clade that is associated with
and received moderate bootstrap support (76.4%). The modern and fossil anseriforms. The most inclusive anseriform
Anhimidae + Dromornithidae clade is supported by 13 unam­ clade, formed of Anhimidae, Dromornithidae, Conflicto antarcti­
biguous and 10 additional ambiguous character state changes. cus, Nettapterornis oxfordi and Anseres, is robustly recovered with
There are 24 character state changes that distinguish a posterior probability (PP) of 1. The posterior distribution sup­
a monophyletic dromornithid clade with respect to the ports the monophyly of a Anhimidae + Dromornithidae clade, as

Figure 11. The hyoid elements of Genyornis newtoni specimen SAMA P59516: A. Complete specimen SAMA P59516 in ventral view; B. paraglossum, arrows for orientation
(dorsal, ventral); C. Right lateral view of the basihyal and both left and right ceratobranchials in situ, image rotated 90 degrees clockwise from A.; D. Annotated outline of
hyoid elements, arrow for orientation of basihyal only (clockwise: dorsal, rostral, ventral, caudal). Annotations: a.cb., damaged region just rostral of the articulatio
ceratobasihyalis; a.pb., surface corresponding to articulatio paraglosso-basihyalis; bh., basihyal; cb., ceratobranchials; cor., cornua (processus paraglossus caudalis); for.,
central foramen. Scale bars: A. 40 mm, B. 10 mm, C., D. 20 mm.

a distinct group sister to other anseriforms, but is poorly supported

including fossil taxa Gastornis giganteus and Sylviornis neocaledo­
(PP of 0.46, resolved in 49.25% of post-burn-in trees). A clade
niae, which is also weakly supported (PP of 0.65), and one compris­
including all dromornithid species is supported with PP values of
ing all crown group galliforms and Asteriornis maastrichtensis (in
0.77 and recovered in 80.82% of post burn-in trees. This is sister to
contrast to the position of A. maastrichtensis in the analysis parsi­
a poorly supported clade comprising of Anhimidae (PP of 0.67),
mony optimality criterion) that is resolved with low support (PP of
resolved in 65.24% of post-burn-in trees; the low support and
0.53). The posterior distribution recovers fossil Asteriornis maas­
frequency for the Anhimidae clade may be linked to a clade com­
trichtensis as sister to the megapodiid taxa in a monophyletic clade
prising Dromornithidae + Chauna chavaria as sister to Anhima
(PP of 0.41). A monophyletic clade, sister to the aforementioned,
cornuta which occurred in 26.58% of post burn-in trees, but was
comprising all non-megapodiid crown galliforms received weak
not produced in the majority-rule consensus tree (Figure 12B). The
support (PP of 0.65).
exact interrelationships of dromornithid taxa within this clade
receive low PP values for their resolved positions. A clade compris­
ing Genyornis newtoni and species of Ilbandornis is resolved but is Remarks
weakly supported (PP of 0.54). Other fossil and modern anseri­
forms are resolved in a strongly-supported clade (PP of 1). In Dromornithidae are phylogenetically resolved within Anseriformes,
contrast to parsimony analysis, the fossil taxon Nettapterornis with close affinities to Anhimidae across both phylogenetic meth­
oxfordi is resolved basal to Conflicto antarcticus, the latter of ods, as evidenced in both consensus trees (see Figure 12).
which is resolved in a monophyletic clade including the Anseres Phylograms illustrate relatively little variation in branch lengths
with weak support (PP of 0.69). The clade including Presbyornis across dromornithid species, in the context of the wider
pervetus and crown group Anseres is supported by a PP of 0.85, Galloanserae, indicating only minor morphological change with
while the posterior probability of the clade comprising all non- regards to the characters assessed (Figure 12 and SI Figure 1). It
anhimid crown Anseriformes receives strongly support (PP should be noted that while a clade of Anseriformes including
of 0.99). dromornithids are strongly supported in Bayesian analyses (PP
All fossil and modern Galliformes, as well as Gastornis giganteus of 1), bootstrap support for this clade (excluding Asteriornis maas­
and Asteriornis maastrichtensis, are united in a poorly supported trichtensis) is only moderately supported (76.57%). This can likely
clade (PP of 0.47). The base of this clade is characterised by a clade be attributed to the nature of bootstrapping, where alternative

Figure 12. Galloanseran consensus trees derived from skull characters to assess the relationships of dromornithids: A. Parsimony strict consensus tree cladogram of 2 MPTs
(length = 786, corresponding phylograms are displayed in SI 5), bootstrap support values are displayed below each corresponding branch; B. the consensus tree phylogram
based on Bayesian inference (majority-rule, undated). The scale bar in B. relates to degree of morphological change across branch lengths. Posterior Probability values are
specified next to respective nodes. The suborders Anhimae and Anseres are indicated, as is the superfamily Phasianoidea. Branches are differentially coloured
corresponding to Galliformes (green) and Anseriformes (blue). The additional colour gradient across branches is indicative of support values in both consensus trees
displayed (bootstrap values and posterior probabilities, respectively). Fossil taxa are shown in bold.

topologies can be preferred in the random resampling of characters relationships reported for an unconstrained parsimony analysis by
with replacement in each pseudoreplicate. This is due to the poten­ Field et al. (2020) which was associated with low bootstrap support
tial occasional exclusion of characters that are strong drivers of the values, as well as positions moderately and strongly supported by
resolved topology in the extensive heuristic search and may also the posterior distribution in both tip-dated and undated Bayesian
represent characters multiple times in the ‘bootstrap matrix’ analyses (PP of 0.93 and 1.0, respectively), and favoured by their
(Felsenstein 1985). All dromornithids are united in stepping-stone analyses. In contrast, Asteriornis maastrichtensis is
a monophyletic clade to the exclusion of non-dromornithids in all resolved sister to the most inclusive crown group anseriform clade
analyses, associated with high bootstrap support and low posterior in parsimony analyses herein, yet the branch to the clade including
probability values. The latter may be reflective of shared character­ this taxon and anseriforms only received low support values
(42.98% bootstrap support). Field et al. (2020) cited the lack of
istics among dromornithids and anhimids, and resultant alternative
a postcranial skeleton in this taxon and the inability to appraise
branching arrangements within the wider clade comprising all of
other fossil taxa for certain characteristics as contributing factors in
these taxa (such as a Dromornithidae + Chauna chavaria clade,
it being resolved among stem galliforms in undated Bayesian ana­
sister to Anhima cornuta, see above). Similarly, the low posterior lysis. The inability to consistently and strongly resolve the topolo­
probability values estimated for the monophyly of a clade including gical relationships of Asteriornis maastrichtensis in this study using
dromornithids and anhimids can be associated with alternative exclusively skull characters, is similarly likely contributed to by
topological placements of Dromornithidae and Anhimidae, variably limitations regarding the number of codable characters and the
as sister to a strongly supported clade (PP of 1) that includes effects of missing data (e.g. Weins 2003, 2006), and notably a lack
Nettapterornis oxfordi, Conflicto antarcticus and Anseres (including of information pertaining to the lateral and caudal cranium in this
Presbyornis pervetus). Specifically, the clade comprising Anhimidae taxon. More extensive testing using a wider sample of modern and
+ Nettapterornis oxfordi, Conflicto antarcticus and Anseres occurred fossil taxa, and postcranial characters, is needed to better under­
in 32.87% of post burn-in trees estimated by the posterior distribu­ stand how Asteriornis maastrichtensis relates to modern and fossil
tion, compared to a frequency of 17.85% for a Dromornithidae + Galloanserae.
Nettapterornis oxfordi, Conflicto antarcticus and Anseres clade. In general, the differing topologies and inability to strongly
These topological arrangements were comparatively associated resolve or support the placement of several taxa, especially near
with low bootstrap support values of 13.77% and 6.10% respectively, the base of Galliformes and Anseriformes, is likely reflected in the
under parsimony optimality criterion. limited sample of characters (and to a lesser degree, taxa) used in
Consensus trees derived from maximum parsimony and these precursive analyses (skull features only; see Materials and
Bayesian phylogenetic approaches differ topologically in the posi­ methods: Phylogenetic analyses), missing data associated with fossil
tions of Nettapterornis oxfordi and Conflicto antarcticus, where the taxa, related taxon instability among trees, and conflicting signal of
latter taxon is more basal in Anseriformes in all MPTs, whereas relationships between some taxa. The phylogenies presented herein
Bayesian phylogenetic inference resolved them in a relatively more are primarily presented as a means of phylogenetically testing the
derived position as sister to Anseres. Their close relationship, as influence of morphological characters described and compared in
supported in both analyses here, was inferred by the MPT presented this study on higher-level taxon associations and are not intended
by Tambussi et al. (2019), although these authors specifically to represent an exhaustive test of phylogenetic relationships. We
resolved these taxa as sister to one another within a monophyletic acknowledge the preliminary nature of these analyses, and the need
clade. These topological differences are likely highly contributed to to further test the phylogenetic placement of Dromornithidae
by our focus on skull characters exclusively, where the additional among Galloanserae in a more focused phylogenetic study invol­
incorporation of postcranial ones will likely better resolve their ving a more complete morphological character set (across the
phylogenetic relationships. postcranial and cranial skeleton). We perceive benefits of further
Inconsistencies across parsimony and Bayesian inference meth­ elaboration and comparison of Bayesian-inferred and parsimony-
ods are also evident in the phylogenetic positions of Asteriornis based phylogenetic methods, more consideration of their appropri­
maastrichtensis and the clade containing Gastornis giganteus and ateness in resolving the interrelationships of fossil taxa with regards
Sylviornis neocaledoniae (see Figure 12). A clade comprising the to crown group Galloanserae, and a more complete evaluation of
latter two taxa is consistently resolved in a basal position among topological arrangements, however, these are outside of the scope of
Galliformes, on a basal branch sister to a clade that includes all this study.
galliforms in Bayesian analysis, while under parsimony criterion it
is resolved in a relatively more derived position, sister to a branch Discussion
comprising Phasianoidea, as part of an inclusive clade that is itself,
sister to Megapodiidae. The associated low branch support under The fossils of Genyornis newtoni described above, are nearly incom­
both methods is illustrative of this topological inconsistency, likely parable to those used to describe the skull of this species in 1913
contributed to by the presence of only three unambiguous character (Stirling 1913; see Appendix One: Figure A1), 1998 (Murray and
state changes supporting the resolution of these taxa in a clade sister Megirian 1998), and again in 2004 (Murray and Vickers-Rich
to non-megapodiid crown galliforms in parsimony analysis. As for 2004). The new material is better preserved, less fragmentary, and
dromornithids, these results contrast with those presented by provides a more complete basis for interpreting the skull morphol­
Worthy et al. (2017b) and Tambussi et al. (2019), whereas a sister ogy of G. newtoni and creating an updated reconstruction
taxon relationship between Gastornithidae and Dromornithidae is (Figure 13). Some original interpretations of the skull are sup­
not supported by parsimony analysis or Bayesian phylogenetic ported, e.g. the lack of the large dorsally convex shape of the
inference using skull characters. Our results thus recover rostrum described for species of Dromornis. However, the new
Gastornithiformes (sensu Worthy et al. 2017b) as a paraphyletic specimens reveal different proportions of the cranium and rostrum
clade. and that the apparent narrow width of the rostrum is unsupported.
The poorly supported basal galliform affinities for Asteriornis We additionally illuminate further details of the morphology not
maastrichtensis resulting from Bayesian inference, is comparable to previously recognised, reported on, and/or preserved.

Figure 13. An artistic reconstruction of the skull of Genyornis newtoni, based on all available fossil material, left lateral view. Illustration by Jacob C. Blokland. Scale bar is
equal to 50 mm.

The Dromornithidae shared by all dromornithids, the most extreme rostrocaudal compres­
sion of the cranium occurred only in species of Dromornis, with
Following the findings of Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 328)
successive shortening from D. murrayi to D. planei and D. stirtoni,
and Worthy et al. (2016a), the overall structure of the dromornithid
with the cranium of the latter twice as bilaterally wide and three times
skull is highly conserved and varies little amongst the species,
dorsoventrally taller than its rostrocaudal length (see Worthy et al.
G. newtoni included. The results of the phylogenetic analyses herein
2016a; Handley and Worthy 2021).
also support this (see above, Figure 12 and SI Fig, 1). Although no
Regardless of such general similarities in morphology among
feature is necessarily unique to the family, together all features form
dromornithids and further similarities to species of Ilbandornis, the
a characteristic morphology. This is inclusive of, but not limited to:
skull of G. newtoni does show specific features which characterise
the structure of the synovial craniorostral hinge and its transection of
the taxon and give support to its generic distinction. This includes
the rostrodorsal portion of the orbit; a hemispherical dorsal cranial
surface in caudal view; the reduction in cranium rostrocaudal length; the smaller, more enclosed osseous meatus acusticus externus and
the rostral extension of aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans along the the especially long and slender processus paroccipitalis, both of
ventrolateral postorbital process and the medial retreat of which, may have relevance to functional adaptations for increased
impressio m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus; the presence of an musculature attachment on these areas. Another feature, so far
annulus tympanicus and a rostroventrally enclosed osseous meatus unique to G. newtoni, is the presence of the triangular casque on
acusticus externus; the enlarged and ventrally elongate processus the rostrum, and the hypothesised extent of the rhamphotheca
paroccipitalis; the fossa pseudotemporalis on the caudal wall of the which covers most of the upper beak – apparently more than in
orbit; the lacrimal fused to the caudal rostrum; the desmognathous species of Dromornis. This may suggest a potentially significant
palate; the fused elements of the mandible which eliminate flexion difference in communication and sexual displays, and there are
therein; the small medial mandibular processes; the oblique, sheering several possibilities as to what the function of such a structure
tomial margin of the caudal rostrum and corresponding part of the may be, similar features are known in other galloanserans such as
mandible; the broad shape of the retroarticular process; and the Sylviornis neocaledoniae, and in curassow cracids (Mayr 2018b).
laterally arched and single-headed quadrate. Brightly coloured casques on the bill have a clear sexual display
The skull morphology of G. newtoni appears to be most similar to function. Furthermore, the rostrum of G. newtoni also differs from
that of Ilbandornis species, as supported by results of the phylogenetic those of species of Dromornis in its wide, and rounded, more
analyses, and suggests a closer relationship to one another (and spatulate shape, with far shallower depth (see ‘Rostrum’).
possibly to Barawertornis tedfordi), than to those within the mono­ Although the upper bill morphology is unknown for species of
phyletic Dromornis clade (see Figure 12). Many features of the skulls Ilbandornis, it has a dorsoventrally shallow mandible compared to
of G. newtoni and species of Ilbandornis are more slender than those species of Dromornis, and given the similarities in the cranium,
attributed to species of Dromornis. This is especially noticeable in the quadrate, and mandible with G. newtoni, we may expect the ros­
quadrates which seemingly show two forms: a robust Dromornis- trum to also be similar in morphology.
type, and the slender G. newtoni/Ilbandornis-type with a more elon­
gate pars otica, less lateral overhang of the pars otica by the capitulum
squamoso-oticum, and a proportionally smaller pars mandibularis
(see Figure 6; Worthy et al. 2016a: fig. 4). Additionally, although the Previous phylogenetic analyses resulted in the weak association of
foreshortening of the frontal and parietal bones of the cranium is dromornithids with the gastornithids in the Gastornithiformes

Stejneger 1885 (Worthy et al. 2017b). The morphological descrip­ the synovial craniorostral hinge could have evolved as an essential
tions and phylogenetic analyses presented herein, although preli­ functional adaptation to a specific feeding strategy (see 6.4). The
minary, are not congruent with this hypothesis, warranting further various configurations between the lacrimals and the rostrum and
discussion on the evolutionary relationships of these groups with cranium in these taxa, being fused to the rostrum in dromornithids,
larger datasets as more complete specimens become available while they are totally fused to the frontals but articulate with the
rostrum in gastornithids and sylviornithids (pers. observ.; Andors
1992; Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005), possibly conferred an
Skull morphology
additional degree of lateral stabilisation in the latter families, as in
Dromornithids and gastornithids share various aspects of cranial large anatids (Bühler 1980, p. 452), compared to dromornithids (cf.
morphology but differ markedly in others. Some identified shared Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004: fig. 184). The dromornithid state
characters in both families are reflective of their galloanseran affi­ instead better resembles the less laterally confined hinge of parrots
nities, for example, the sessile processus basipterygoideus of the (except that the lacrimals exclusively articulate with the cranium
crania, the extensive processus retroarticularis of the mandible (see rather than the rostrum in these birds, see Tokita 2003)
Baumel and Witmer 1993; Weber 1993; Dzerzhinsky 1995; Ericson In Anatidae, and especially in species of Dendrocygna, the pro­
1996; Livezey 1997; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004; Mayr 2017; cessus orbitalis of the lacrimal is ventrocaudally developed, coupled
Mayr et al. 2018; Tambussi et al. 2019; Field et al. 2020), the with a similarly orientated ligamentum lacrimomandibulare that
prokinetic skull, and holorhinal nares (Sibley and Ahlquist 1990; likely prevents caudal displacement of the mandible during water
Dzerzhinsky 1995). Other morphological features conform to typi­ expulsion in feeding (Zelenkov and Stidham 2018, and references
cal anseriform traits, such as the fused elements of the rostrum, the therein). The fusion of the lacrimals to the frontal bones in many of
flat, enclosed palatal roof, caudally restricted external nares, shape these birds provides strength against caudal pulling, in the action of
and angle of the mandibular condyles on the quadrate, and the long this ligament (Zelenkov and Stidham 2018). However, this ligament
processus paroccipitalis (see also Andors 1988, 1992). Notably, in is absent in galliforms, anhimids, presbyornithids and anseranatids
the phylogenetic analyses, few, if any morphological character states (although represented by extensive fascia in the latter, see
Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene 2002; Zelenkov and Stidham
shared by both gastornithids and dromornithids, are only found in
2018), most of which do not have lacrimals that are fused to the
galliforms (character 72, ambiguous for Anhimidae).
cranium or rostrum either (see ‘Craniorostral hinge’, character 32).
Other characters, such as the synovial craniorostral hinge, and
This is paired with the absence of a strongly ventrocaudally directed
the reduction of the anteorbital/supra-orbital region of the cra­
orbital process in all the aforementioned taxa, which is also not
nium, are less common in Galloanserae and yet are present in
observed in dromornithids, sylviornithids or gastornithids. Thus,
dromornithids, gastornithids and sylviornithids. These features
the fusion of the lacrimals to the cranium in sylviornithids and
likely inform more on a homoplasious functional adaptation to
gastornithids cannot be an adaptation to the feeding specialisations
the robusticity and large size of both upper and lower jaws, rather
typical of Anatidae, in this regard. In anatids, however, the frontal-
than being representative of close relatedness phylogenetically. For
fused lacrimals articulate with a distinct notch on the caudal ros­
sufficient mobility of the prokinetic upper bill and flexion capabil­
trum, which acts as a stop, supporting the mobility of the upper jaw,
ities of the zona flexoria craniofacialis to be maintained, the region
and reinforcing this joint against breaking and excessive upper bill
must be non-pneumatic, very flat, and in larger species, composed
retraction (Fisher 1955; Zelenkov and Stidham 2018). In sylvior­
of sheets of overlapping thin bone (Bühler 1980, p. 450, 451). This
nithids and gastornithids, the strong and complete fusion of the
limits the strength of the region against feeding and movement
lacrimals with the frontals, and their corresponding clear articula­
stress, making it the weakest point of the prokinetic upper bill
tory structure on the caudal rostrum (pers. observ., see Matthew
(Bock 1966). The transformation of a flexion zone to a synovial
and Granger 1917; Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005) may have
joint that is not spanned by any thin osseous tissues, allows greater
provided strength in a similar manner.
flexion between the cranium and rostrum; as seen in parrots
The ventrally short processus orbitalis of the lacrimal in sylvior­
(Psittaciformes), for example, which have syndesmotic or synovial
nithids and gastornithids also contrasts with the dromornithid
articulations with cartilaginous enclosures (Bühler 1980, p. 450,
451). Witmer and Rose (1991) suggested the connective tissue condition (character 33). The ventral end of this process supports
within a synovial joint would provide the stability required to the ligamentum jugolacrimale which runs to the tuberculum lacri­
manage the stress associated with a large, heavy upper jaw, in male on the rostral arcus jugalis, which is well developed in anatids
reference to the form in gastornithids. As described above (Davids 1952c; Goodman and Fisher 1962; Bock 1964; Baumel and
(‘Craniorostral hinge’), the dromornithids, especially the larger spe­ Raikow 1993), and may limit protraction of the rostrum (Fisher
cies, and S. neocaledoniae, have evolved a ball and socket arrange­ 1955). The processus orbitalis in anhimids is ventrally descending
ment to the hinge-like joint that confers much stability while but not as robust as in anatids but is similarly coupled with
allowing rotation on the occlusal plane (Murray and Megirian a ligamentum jugolacrimale that is stronger than what is typically
1998; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004; Mourer-Chauviré and observed in galliforms (see Ghetie et al. 1976; Dzerzhinsky 1982,
Balouet 2005). The synovial hinge is then likely a size-scaling p. 1031). The ventrally long and narrow orbital process in presby­
phenomenon, allowing, or deriving from, the development of larger ornithids is also hypothesised to have supported this ligamentous
skulls without the limitations associated with flexion zones. Should attachment to the jugal arch (Zelenkov and Stidham 2018). The
this be the case, gastornithids, dromornithids, and sylviornithids poorly developed and ventrally short processus orbitalis on the
would have convergently evolved this hinge type as an adaptation to lacrimals of sylviornithids and gastornithids probably did not host
gigantism; a hypothesis supported by the restriction of this hinge a well-formed ligamentum jugolacrimale if it was present. In con­
type primarily to giant galloanserans. Reduction of the anteorbital trast, the strut-like complete ossification between the processus
region of the cranium could provide additional hinge support, as orbitalis and the jugal arch in dromornithids presumably provided
the increase in the robusticity and surface area available on the additional strength across the rostrum and arcus jugalis, and
cranium for the rostrum to articulate with, would assist in mana­ reduced bending at the rostral end of the latter (zona flexoria
ging and distributing a stress load. Alternatively, or in association, arcus jugalis); comparatively, this region is a more mobile synovial

socket and joint articulation in sylviornithids and gastornithids additionally linked the development of massive palatines in gastor­
(character 96, Matthew and Granger 1917; Mourer-Chauviré and nithids to a requirement for large muscle attachments, specifically
Balouet 2005). the m. pterygoideus, which they propose to be one of three impor­
As discussed in the section ‘Temporal region’, the formation and tant ways of increasing bite force and may explain the similarly
structure of the lateral cranium (including the AZO) and the loca­ massive size of the palatines of dromornithids. Unfortunately, con­
tion of associated musculature (characters 7–12), is a major point of firmation of the area involved, and development and use of these
difference between the gastornithid and dromornithid skulls. This muscles can only be made by assessing the formation of the separate
region is nearly identical between dromornithids and anhimids, cranial bones in chicks (e.g. Mayr and Manegold 2021) in associa­
with respect to homologous structures. Comparatively, that of tion with myological dissections as per Zusi and Livezey (2000),
gastornithids is more like the morphology of many cracids and both of which are not possible for these fossil taxa (see also palaeo­
phasianids, especially regarding the robust orbitozygomatic junc­ myological considerations as per Ostrom 1961, p. 88–89).
tion and resultant secondary temporal fenestra (see Figure 14). Aside from the dorsoventrally broad processus retroarticularis,
Elzanowski and Mayr (2017) recognised cracids and phasianids to and the large size—intermediate between that of species of
have independently evolved this morphology, because the closure Dromornis and G. newtoni—the mandible of all gastornithids varies
of the orbitozygomatic junction is not so complete in the stem considerably from that of dromornithids. Instead, several features
galliform S. neocaledoniae, and extant megapodiids. Therefore, of the mandible of Gastornis species bear more resemblance to that
independent evolution in the gastornithids would be possible. of S. neocaledoniae, including the great proportional rostrocaudal
The extreme size of the ossified aponeurosis zygomatica and length of the symphysial region (character 59), and the morphology
secondary temporal fenestra in gastornithids is linked to a second of pars caudalis of the mandibular ramus, specifically the articula­
adaptation in this group for an increase in the surface area available tory region. Similarly, the rostra of both Gastornis species and
for the external adductor muscles, primarily related to the origin S. neocaledoniae appear superficially like that of dromornithids,
of m. AME profundus, pars superficialis, on the lateral orbitozygo­ with large palatines, flat, fused, plate-like lateral surfaces and
matic junction, but also m. AME profundus, pars zygomaticus, a casque structure (the latter only between S. neocaledoniae and
medially, and m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus, within the G. newtoni). However, both differ from dromornithids in their
more medial, enclosed and well-excavated dorsotemporal fossa on maxillary articulation with the jugal arch, the small vomer, not
the squamosum, and possibly some fibres related to m. AME super­ likely contributing to the palatal roof, and the sharp tomial margin
ficialis dorsal of the quadrate articulation (see ‘Cranium’, also (Matthew and Granger 1917; Mourer-Chauviré and Balouet 2005).
Witmer and Rose 1991, p. 102; Weber 1996; Zusi and Livezey In the cranium, neither gastornithids, nor sylviornithids, have
2000; Holliday and Witmer 2007). The rostrocaudally compressed a rostrally enclosed osseous meatus acusticus externus (and
cranium of species of Dromornis and the different morphology of cavum tympanicum), and they both retain distinct capitula on the
the lateral cranium in dromornithids allows for a comparatively far head of the quadrate despite it being functionally single headed.
smaller surface area for origin of m. AME profundus, pars coro­
noideus and would not have supported such a hyperdeveloped
Phylogenetic relationships of the giant flightless
musculature. However, numerous well-developed osseous struc­
galloanserans as informed by skull morphology
tures of the jaw apparatus in dromornithids show some emphasis
on the m. AME superficialis (with some associated cristae on the Among the Galloanserae, three extinct, basal lineages diversified to
dorsal or dorsocaudal margin of the osseous meatus acusticus include giant terrestrial forms in the families Dromornithidae,
externus), m. adductor mandibulae posterior, m. pterygoideus, Gastornithidae, and Sylviornithidae (Worthy et al. 2016b; 2017b).
and the m. pseudotemporalis superficialis (associated fossa and We exclude the Brontornithidae Moreno and Mercerat 1891, from
tubercle within the area muscularis aspera), indicative of consider­ the comparative and phylogenetic analyses following the findings
able jaw power. The especially heavy and robust quadrates in on the phylogenetic affinities of the group by Worthy et al. (2017b).
species of Dromornis compared to that of G. newtoni and species The cranial material that can be associated, then only tentatively,
of Ilbandornis, and the lack of a pneumatic foramen in this bone in with this taxon is restricted to a fragmented mandibular symphysis
D. stirtoni, may be further adaptions for supporting and maintain­ and a quadrate, which has a condylus mandibularis caudalis on pars
ing large muscle mass in order to adduct the massive mandible. mandibularis (for most recent analyses see Worthy et al. 2017b: fig.
Functional implications of the dromornithid jaw apparatus are 5; Agnolín 2021: fig. 6). This feature is absent in all quadrates of all
explored further in ‘Ecomorphology and niche adaptations’. crown-group, and definitively placed fossil galloanserans which all
The contrasting conditions in both families appear to be driven have a bicondylar articulation (e.g. see Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1982,
by the need for well-developed musculature, in part to support large 1995; Mayr 2017, 2022a; Field et al. 2020).
upper and lower jaws, but is limited by the variation in underlying Recent phylogenetic analyses have aligned the dromornithids
cranium morphology (especially influenced by the development of with the gastornithids to include them in the order
the AZO). Further indications of large muscle size from analysis of Gastornithiformes, in effect, excluding them from the orders
the crania of Gastornis species are evident in the crista nuchalis Galliformes and Anseriformes, or being considered distinct at
sagittalis, prominentia exoccipitalis, and processus paroccipitalis. ordinal level. However, this relationship was weakly resolved in
Such adaptations for enlarged muscle attachments have led to the the phylogenetic analyses by Worthy et al. (2017b), and several
suggestion that the adductors were unusually powerful (Andors authors have since questioned it. Mayr (2022a), one of such
1988, p. 137) and were a driving factor in the carnivory hypothesis authors, listed several cranial and postcranial characteristics of
(see also Witmer and Rose 1991; Mayr 2022a, p. 52), although it also dromornithids which distinguish them from gastornithids, and
may support a folivorous diet including hard food items (Andors suggesting the relationship was supported only by convergent char­
1992; Mayr 2022b). It was not considered that the extensive mus­ acters. Our morphological comparisons and phylogenetic assess­
culature may be required to manipulate such a large rostrum and ments also find little support for a dromornithid-gastornithid clade
mandible without great force, a factor which further analysis of the (see above); several major differences in the morphology of the
skulls of these taxa may shed light on. Witmer and Rose (1991) skulls are present, and many similarities can be explained by the

Figure 14. Two select morphological features which show variation across Galloanserae, and, in isolation as single character studies, indicate different phylogenetic
hypotheses for the evolutionary placement of the Dromornithidae: A. the presence of either the rostromedial or caudomedial foramen (dark orange) in relation to the crista
medialis (light orange) on the quadrate, in medial view; B. the relationship between the aponeurosis zygomatica and processus postorbitalis, in addition to the presence of
an ossified portion (dark orange) of the aponeurosis zygomatica (light orange). Dotted and dashed branches in B. illustrate alternative hypotheses discussed in text; the
unresolved position illustrated by the dotted line denotes the uncertainty of the order of divergence between the anhimids and dromornithids. Positions of Conflicto
antarcticus and the Presbyornithidae are based on Tambussi et al. (2019: fig. 14) and Houde et al. (2023: fig. 9B). Nodes do not correlate with time. Not all families within
Galloanserae are displayed. Morphologies drawn from photos and figures in literature: A.: Anseres – Anseranas semipalmata (see Elzanowski and Stidham 2010: fig. 5C),
Anhimidae – Anhima cornuta (see Elzanowski and Stidham 2010: fig. 8B), Presbyornithidae – (see Elzanowski and Stidham 2010: fig. 5B), Conflicto antarcticus – (Tambussi
et al. 2019: fig. 6A), Dromornithidae – Genyornis newtoni (NMV P256893), Megapodiidae – Megapodius freycinet (see Elzanowski and Stidham 2010: fig. 5A), Phasianidae –
Gallus gallus (FUR 119); B.: Anseres – Sarkidiornis melanotos (see Zusi and Livezey 2000: figs. 6D, 7D), Dromornithidae – Genyornis newtoni (SAMA P59516), Anhimidae –
Chauna torquata (see Zusi and Livezey 2000: figs. 6C, 7B), Megapodiidae – Alectura lathami (SAMA B2439), Phasianidae – Meleagris gallopavo (see Zusi and Livezey 2000: fig.
4 G). Silhouettes (designed by PLM) are illustrative representations of species in the same family or appropriate clade, as indicated. Images are not to scale.

galloanseran affinities of the lineages and convergent functional analyses and most/all morphological ones (see Figure 12; for addi­
adaptation to large body and skull size. Thus, we consider enough tional examples, see Worthy et al. 2017b; Kuhl et al. 2021). These
evidence is present to warrant reconsideration of this relationship. traits may instead be plesiomorphic for Galloanserae and lost gradu­
As an example, one of the most enticing similarities between the ally associated with the evolution of Anseres and close relatives (see
dromornithids and the gastornithids is the synovial craniorostral SI 5). Indeed, many similarities between Galliformes and
hinge. As aforementioned, there is a high likelihood that the shared Anseriformes are considered to be relatively primitive states (see
hinge type convergently evolved as a functional adaptation to feed­ Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 168–169). Therefore, we infer
ing or supporting large skull size. This suggests that the morphology a priori polarisation for several characters.
of this region may not be as phylogenetically important in inform­ For example, the paracoronoid crests on the lateral mandible
ing upon the higher-level evolutionary relationships of these taxa. that are present in dromornithids, and typical of galliform birds, are
The separation of dromornithids and sylviornithids in phylogenetic also present in anhimids (Weber and Hesse 1995; Weber 1996).
analyses, and the sister-group relationship between gastornithids Anhimids also have a processus postorbitalis that lacks the distinct
and sylviornithids, further supports minimally two independent rostral extension typical of other anseriforms (this is also true for
evolutions of the craniorostral hinge. Additionally, this supports Presbyornis pervertus, specimen USNM.VP.299846, pers. observ.,
our identification of morphological similarities between gastor­ see also Olson and Feduccia 1980; Zelenkov and Stidham 2018:
nithids and the convincingly galliform, S. neocaledoniae, showing fig. 3), and they lose the fonticuli occipitalis that are typical of
the importance of recognising these similarities when reassessing waterfowl in adulthood (Ericson 1997). Additionally,
gastornithid relationships. a discernible, yet not prominent, crista nuchalis transversa is
Andors (1988, 1992) recognised the mosaic structure of several observed in anhimids, galliforms and dromornithids, in contrast
elements in gastornithids as evidence of ‘intermediacy between the with the hyper-developed form of many anseriforms. The location
orders Galliformes and Anseriformes’ and considered them to be of the condylus occipitalis at near mid-dorsoventral height on the
the ordinal-level sister-group to anseriforms, and more broadly caudal surface of the cranium in most dromornithids (excluding
related to galliforms. Similarities with galliforms, including cracids D. murrayi in which it is more ventrally positioned), is also a trait
and phasianids were considered symplesiomorphic, and some shared with both galliforms and anhimids.
shared features with anhimids were considered evidence of con­ That several conditions considered typical of galliforms appear
sanguinity with basal anseriform stock. Comparatively, Murray and to be symplesiomorphic for anseriforms is especially important to
Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 167) concluded that any relationship consider with regards to the quadrate, as archaic fossil relatives such
between gastornithids and anseriforms is ‘undoubtedly remote’, as the near-galloanseran Asteriornis maastrichtensis (see Field et al.
noting that they appear to have more in common with the 2020), and the basal anseriforms Presbyornis pervetus and Conflicto
Megapodiidae. Our study of the skull morphology and phylogenetic antarcticus, appear to share quadrate traits with basal galliforms
analyses support a closer relationship of gastornithids with basal (see Elzanowski and Stidham 2010; Elzanowski 2014; Zelenkov and
galliforms than anseriforms. Stidham 2018; Field et al. 2020: SI). The Upper Cretaceous
A. maastrichtensis possesses a foramen pneumaticum rostrome­
diale, typical of galliforms, although there is an apparent, deep
Dromornithids within Galloanserae
depression on the caudomedial side of the medial crest, which is
Bayesian and parsimony-based phylogenetic analyses by Worthy potentially a precursor to the state that characterises most anseri­
et al. (2017b) variably placed Gastornithiformes at the ordinal level, form taxa. Early Eocene Danielsavis nazensis appears to have
as sister to galliforms and anseriforms respectively with no signifi­ neither foramina (Elzanowski 2014; Houde et al. 2023; Mayr et al.
cant results favouring either placement. Ultimately, however, the 2023), although it also forms a deep depression on the caudomedial
slightly higher support and 13 identified unambiguous characters in surface (Houde et al. 2023: fig. 7; Mayr et al. 2023: fig. 3C). Despite
their study, suggested the placement as sister to galliforms to be clear anseriform affinities, Conflicto antarcticus has both
most likely. Handley and Worthy (2021) additionally considered a rostromedial and caudomedial pneumatic foramen (Tambussi
aspects of the morphology of the brain, several cranial nerves, and et al. 2019: fig. 6), while species of Presbyornis often have
trigeminal ganglia to support this placement (see below). The a markedly deep depressio caudomedialis where a caudomedial
alternative pull of dromornithids to galliform or anseriform pneumatic foramen is occasionally present (Elzanowski 2014).
lineages may be a function of the early diverging nature of the of Similarly, late Paleocene Anachronornis anhimops has a deeply
this group, resulting in plesiomorphic characters confounding the grooved depressio caudomedialis that terminates in a diminutive
results of analyses. foramen pneumaticum caudomediale on one quadrate but may not
be present on the other (Houde et al. 2023). Additionally, morpho­
genetic instability in the development of the pneumatic diverticula
has been recognised for both anhimids (Elzanowski 2014) and
This study found little evidence to support the sister-group relation­ presbyornithids (Elzanowski and Stidham 2010), as the caudome­
ship of dromornithids and galliforms due to dromornithids having dial foramen is vestigial and often absent. In anhimids, their parti­
relatively few exclusively galliform skull characteristics. Typically cularly erratic pneumatic variability has been correlated with their
crown group galliform characters which are present, include the highly derived quadrate morphology and may be evidence of
apparent absence of a crista nuchalis sagittalis and fonticuli occipitalis a transitionary state with respect to the more derived evolution of
(character 19), the short and ventrally directed processus postorbitalis the caudomedial pneumatic foramen (Elzanowski and Stidham
of the cranium (character 7), the presence of paracoronoid crests on 2010). While some non-anhimid anseriforms possess the caudome­
the lateral mandible (character 80), and the foramen pneumaticum dial foramen in the caudomedial position, in others it is rostrally
rostromediale on the pars otica of the quadrate (character 38). Such displaced (e.g. species within Anserinae and Mergini, Elzanowski
characters could evidence galliform affinities for the dromornithids. and Stidham 2010). This factor, in addition to the variable presence
However, many of these are also observed in anhimids (previously of the rostromedial foramen in individuals of G. newtoni and other
discussed by Dzerzhinsky 1982), concordant with their early diver­ dromornithids, demonstrates the diversity regarding the status of
gence as basal anseriforms supported by all molecular phylogenetic the pneumatic foramina within Galloanserae and challenges the

weight of using the presence or absence of these foramina as nature of the skull, the medial fusion of the paired maxillopalatine
polarising traits, with respect to assigning fossil taxa to galliform process of the maxillare, and the fusion of elements within the
or anseriform clades. Regarding the dromornithids, this character rostrum, with large, flat praemaxillary and maxillary plates broadly
may preclude close affinities with the danielsavids, presbyornithids, fused with the nasals, are additional characters dromornithids share
anachronornithids, anseranatids, and anatids, but has limited utility with anseriforms. The desmognathous palate, which provides sup­
for definitively supporting or excluding a close relationship with port (character 97) for the separation of these clades in the phylo­
any other galloanseran lineage (see Figure 14A). genetic analyses, could further support anseriform affinities,
A similar case can be made for the foramen pneumaticum although this has been proposed to have evolved several times
basiorbitale, which is typically present in crown group galliform independently from the schizognathous plesiomorphic condition
birds, as well as Asteriornis maastrichtensis, Danielsavis nazensis, in anseriforms and galliforms (Hofer 1945; Dzerzhinsky 1982, 1995;
Conflicto antarcticus, Anachronornis anhimops, and Presbyornis Zusi and Livezey 2006; Mayr 2018a; Field et al. 2020: SI).
pervetus (Elzanowski and Stidham 2010; Tambussi et al. 2019; Moreover, there are several similarities with the anseriforms in
Field et al. 2020; Houde et al. 2023; Mayr et al. 2023). However, the quadrates of dromornithids. These include the angle and size of
this region of the quadrate is associated with considerable pneu­ processus orbitalis compared to pars otica, the presence of the
matic variability in both anhimids and cracids (Elzanowski and prominentia submeatica (albeit less inflated, see character 53), the
Stidham 2010), and appears variably present in Dromornis planei, deep fossa basiorbitalis, the angle of the medial condyle compared
yet absent or unverified in other dromornithids. Homoplasy to the lateral one on pars mandibularis, and the adjacent or con­
regarding this character in relatively basal galloanserans may addi­ fluent condylus pterygoideus and facies articularis pterygoidea (see
tionally be affected by gigantism, considering the additional ‘Quadrate’). The latter differs from the condition in Presbyornis
absence of a basiorbital pneumatic foramen in both gastornithids pervetus, Asteriornis maastrichtensis, megapodiids and all phasia­
and sylviornithids. nids, which instead develop a separate facies articularis pterygoidei
on the caudoventral base of the processus orbitalis (Elzanowski and
Stidham 2010; Field et al. 2020). Dzerzhinsky (1982) and
Elzanowski and Stidham (2010) concluded that this latter state
In recent decades, dromornithids have been considered to be basal was likely to be symplesiomorphic for galliforms and possibly all
anseriforms based predominantly on cranial material (Olson 1985; Galloanserae.
Vickers-Rich 1991; Murray and Megirian 1998). Murray and As discussed in sections ‘Temporal region’ and ‘Skull morphol­
Vickers-Rich (2004) provisionally refined this to a sister-group ogy’, the form of the AZO and the processus postorbitalis, and the
relationship with the Anhimidae to the exclusion of other anseri­ related structural arrangement and osseous correlates for the man­
forms, although they suggested that a full revision of the systematic dibular adductor muscles in dromornithids, show compelling simi­
relationships of Anseriformes and anseriform-like birds, following larities with the anhimids. This morphology does not occur
identification of additional early Palaeogene fossil representatives, anywhere in the galloanseran radiation aside from anhimids and
may result in dromornithids becoming an independent anseriform differs considerably from that of galliforms. However, dromor­
Suborder. From our independent assessment of the skull morphol­ nithids also share some similarities in the shape of this region
ogy of dromornithids, it is clear that the proposed anseriform with Anseranas semipalmata, as previously described. Concordant
affinities of these birds are well-founded; we find support for the with the basal relationship of anhimids relative to other crown
skull synapomorphies identified by Murray and Vickers-Rich group anseriforms and several hypothesised character transforma­
(2004, p. 152–154) in addition to several more that further sub­ tions (e.g. lamellae rostri, see Livezey 1997), the osteo-myological
stantiate this relationship. condition in Anseres is potentially derived from a state more similar
The goose-like rostrum of G. newtoni is a key factor supporting to non-anserean Galloanserae (such as anhimids and dromor­
placement among basal anseriforms (5 character state changes in nithids), whereby more extensive ossification of the zygomatic
our phylogenetic analyses that support a clade containing crown aponeurosis of the latter was secondarily lost in Anseres in associa­
group anseriforms, including dromornithids, are associated with tion with structural modification of processus postorbitalis to sup­
the rostrum). The rostrum and mandible show morphological port the adductor musculature (see Zusi and Livezey 2000). Fossil
similarities with several taxa which are representatives of other anseriforms such as Presbyornis pervetus and Conflicto antarcticus
independent occurrences of the polyphyletic ‘goose’ type (Li and also appear to lack such ossification, resembling the state typical of
Clarke 2016; Olsen and Gremillet 2017; Pecsics et al. 2017), includ­ Anseres, relative to the seemingly more plesiomorphic anhimid and
ing Cereopsis novaehollandiae. This is potentially linked to the dromornithid conditions. In this sense, the adductor complex mor­
convergent evolution of a primarily herbivorous diet and grazing phology in birds like dromornithids and anhimids appears an
behaviour (Olsen 2015), and the elevated rate of beak shape evolu­ appropriate precursor to the structure of the true waterfowl,
tion compared to other bird clades (Cooney et al. 2017; Olsen and Anseres. This may be a contributing factor to the low support values
Gremillet 2017). Both have ultimately contributed to the evolution in the phylogenetic analyses for the clade comprising dromor­
of diverse feeding ecologies among anseriforms (Li and Clarke nithids and anhimids, as such morphology might instead suggest
2016). the Dromornithidae to be an independent basal anseriform lineage
Of the cranium, the development of the paired exoccipital pro­ with morphologies somewhat intermediate between anhimids and
minences (for characters see Appendix Four) and the tubercula anseranatids (as per the hypothesis shown in Figure 14A: dotted
basilaria, as well as the low, sessile basipterygoid processes are like line; see ‘Remarks’). The homology of this region appears increas­
that of anseriforms, with the shared states in dromornithids and ingly important regarding the evolution of the anseriforms and
anhimids unambiguously supporting their close relationship, as identification of character transitions across the Galloanserae
found in both phylogenetic analyses. For the mandible, the low radiation.
angle of divergence of the rami, the presence and size of the dorsal An aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans is observed in many adult
and ventral mandibular angles, the caudally directed processus crown group galliforms and may extend rostrad until near the level
retroarticularis, and the inferred arrangement of the muscle attach­ of processus postorbitalis, which is comparable to anhimids in this
ments are all important anseriform characteristics. The prokinetic respect (Zusi and Livezey 2000). In some galliforms, such as

megapodiids and cracids, the ossified aponeurosis is non-extensive and anhimids, and was resolved ambiguously among Anseriformes
and may not reach the postorbital process (Dzerzhinsky 1980; Zusi in phylogenetic analyses (Houde et al. 2023; also see Mayr et al.
and Livezey 2000). Zusi and Livezey (2000) documented similarities 2023). A taxonomically unassigned, fossil from the early-middle
in the location of the m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus, Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming, was considered more
between megapodes and anseriforms (i.e. the medial rotation and closely related to Anseres than anhimids. Concomitantly described
reduction of impressio m. AME coronoidea). They used this as fossils from the early Eocene London Clay Formation, England,
evidence of the basal divergence of megapodes within the including Danielsavis nazensis, were collectively considered more
Galliformes, as supported by all phylogenetic analyses using mole­ closely aligned with the Anhimae than Anseres (Houde et al. 2023;
cular data (e.g. Ksepka 2009; Jetz et al. 2012; Worthy et al. 2017b; also see Mayr 2022a). Mayr et al. (2023) recently refined attribution
Kuhl et al. 2021), and to hypothesise the nature of the transforma­ of material to Danielsavis nazensis and demonstrated that many
tion to the anseriform-form from a hypothetical, common ancestor shared characteristics with anseriforms were homoplasious, while
with galliforms. Considering the morphological similarities a relatively greater number of morphological aspects aligned with
between species of Megapodiidae and Anhimidae for this adductor galliforms, even considering that some may be plesiomorphic for
complex, the plesiomorphic state of this region may be intermediate the group. Part of this included the recognition that the presence of
between that of megapodes and anhimids, potentially similar to the several characters which were used to exclude this taxon from
morphology of the Eocene stem galliform Gallinuloides wyomin­ galliform affinities may in fact be plesiomorphic for Galloanserae
gensis Eastman, 1900. No ossification is present in this latter taxon or Neognathae, rather than apomorphies exclusively relating to
(see Mayr and Weidig 2004), which could be expected in stem anseriforms. It was therefore considered as either the most early
Galloanserae given the osteo-myological structure present in basal diverging anseriform, outside of the crown clade, or a stem group
galliforms is less hyper-specialised with regards to independent jaw galliform with some anseriform characteristics, warranting family-
joint mobility and rostral positioning of the adductor muscles (e.g. level distinction (Danielsavidae, see Mayr et al. 2023). These fossils
compared to phasianids, see Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1980, 1982; Zusi significantly preserve an important combination of characters for
and Livezey 2000). understanding the evolutionary trajectories of Anseriformes and
An alternative scenario then, is that the apparent lack of both Galliformes, which additionally extends to interpreting the rela­
a processus zygomaticus and ossification of the zygomatic apo­ tionship between Anhimae and Anseres, and character-state polar­
neurosis in fossil anseriforms, such as Presbyornis pervetus and ity. In particular, Ericson (1997, p. 477) specifically noted the
Conflicto antarcticus, is the plesiomorphic state, which is present presence of a ‘laterally located coronoid process’ on the mandible
in Anseres. This would resultantly infer the ossification of the of the Wyoming fossils. This observation was confirmed for
zygomatic aponeurosis in anhimids, and, considering their close Anachronornis anhimops and also reported for the unnamed
similarity, dromornithids, to be a derived state (see also Olson and Green River Formation taxon by Houde et al. (2023) and appears
Feduccia 1980; Ericson 1997; Zelenkov 2011, p. 909; as per the most representative of the paracoronoid process (see ‘Mandible’), which
parsimonious topology of Tambussi et al. 2019). The implication of is characteristic of Anseres (processus paracoronoideus, see Weber
this hypothesis would imply that the rostral movement of the and Hesse 1995; Weber 1996). The relatively less laterally produced,
adductor complex in Anseres was achieved through adaptation of analogous structure on the lateral mandible of Danielsavis nazensis
the structure of processus postorbitalis only, without any antece­ is more similar to that in megapodiids (Mayr et al. 2023), particu­
dent contribution by AZO. In this case, a sister relationship larly, a well-developed crista paracoronoidea rostralis that is char­
between the Dromornithidae and Anhimidae would be best sup­ acteristic of this clade (Weber 1996). The presence of the former
ported, as found in the phylogenetic analyses (Figure 12; and illu­ process in ‘screamer-like’ early birds has been used in support of the
strated in Figure 14B: dashed line) with the morphology of the AZO hypothesis that the modern anhimid skull is derived with respect to
evolving early in their most recent common ancestor; similarities an ancestral condition that is typical of Anseres (including presby­
with anseranatids would then be convergent. ornithids, Ericson 1997). However, current fossil evidence regard­
Both hypotheses interpret the independent evolution of the ing the existence of superficially similar, but non-homologous
processus postorbitalis and AZO complex in galloanseran lineages structures in nearly contemporaneous fossil galloanserans, is in
as a sufficient explanation for the variation in the structure. conflict with this proposed evolutionary trajectory. Furthermore,
Unfortunately, we do not yet have adequate cranial material for dromornithids, like the closely allied anhimids, and also galliform
some fossil galloanseran lineages to better test such hypotheses; this birds, also possess paracoronoid crests (crista paracoronoidea ros­
adductor complex region is lacking in the skull of Asteriornis tralis and crista paracoronoidea caudalis) rather than the singular
maastrichtensis (see Field et al. 2020), although considering the process of Anseres. To be consistent with the aforementioned
patterns of variation in this region within Galloanserae, and its hypothesis, it is most parsimonious to assume that the dromor­
basal positioning, it appears unlikely that this taxon would have nithid-anhimid condition was present in their most recent common
developed an AZO (see above). Regardless of which hypothesis ancestor, or alternatively, that both lineages independently evolved
ultimately takes precedence (dotted line or dashed line: this following their divergence. The large dromornithid foot cast of
Figure 14B), the shared state of this unique character between (at least) Eocene age from Redbanks Plains Formation, Queensland,
anhimids and dromornithids appears to be an important link evi­ temporally constrains both these scenarios (Vickers-Rich and
dencing their close evolutionary relationship. Molnar 1996).
Prior to their formal description, several anseriform fossils were More generally, the pattern of evolution whereby the anhimid
historically reported on and described as anhimid-like, especially skull is derived, is also considered less parsimonious or improbable
with reference to their non-spatulate (‘fowl-like’) bill shape, and and unsupported by our phylogenetic analyses (see also, Livezey
contextually cited as pivotal in the understanding of anseriform 1997; Worthy et al. 2017b; Zelenkov and Stidham 2018; Houde et al.
evolution (e.g. Houde 1996; Ericson 1997; Boles 1999; Olson 1999; 2023). In consideration of the close relationship between presbyor­
Mayr, 2022a). Of these, the recently described fossil anseriform nithids and anatids found here and in cladistic analyses (Ericson
family, Anachronornithidae, is represented by Anachronornis anhi­ 1997; Livezey 1997), their shared similar complex jaw and lingual
mops, of the latest Paleocene Willwood Formation, Wyoming, morphology (see Olson and Feduccia 1980), and the ‘primitive’
which possesses several synapomorphies characteristic of Anseres presbyornithid postcranial osteology (see also De Pietri et al.

2016), it has been suggested that, rather than evidencing the basal Despite concluding basal galliform similarities from the dro­
position of Presbyornithidae in Anseriformes, the unique suite of mornithid brain and associated nerves, the results of Handley and
morphological characters in this family may represent extreme Worthy (2021) could alternatively be interpreted as supporting
specialisation (Mayr 2022a) or the retention of plesiomorphic post­ a basal- or sister-anseriform relationship, as is consistent with our
cranial characters with respect to Neognathae. The latter is perhaps interpretation of the skull osteology and phylogenetic analyses. The
evidenced by postcranial synapomorphies between presbyornithids features assessed are variable in their likeness to those of the two
and some fossils closely associated with anatids (Romainvillidae, anseriforms and two galliforms included in the study, showing the
e.g. Mayr 2008; De Pietri et al. 2016; Zelenkov 2018). In this case, dromornithid brain to have a hybrid character set reflective of their
the anserean-type adductor complex would not need to be plesio­ external skull morphology. Characters shared with the galliforms
morphic for all anseriforms and could have evolved from an anhi­ and basal anseriforms, Anhima cornuta and Anseranas semipal­
mid- and/or galliform-like condition, as supported by character mata, include the separation of the glossopharyngeal and vagus
transitions across the phylogenetic trees (shown in Figure 12). nerves, the surface area ratios for the optic lobes, and the rostral
This is further evidenced by poor-specialisation for filter feeding location of the wulst structures on the dorsal endocast. Several
in Presbyornis pervetus, despite the indication of lamellae (Ericson characteristics were limited to dromornithids and Gallus gallus
2000; Stidham 2001), which better supports Presbyornithidae as (e.g. the transmission of the maxillomandibular branch of the
a possessing a transitional state to filter-feeding Anseres, retaining trigeminal ganglia through the cranium and the log length shape
some plesiomorphic galliform-like characters, rather than being ratio for the caudal telencephalon module), although these are likely
itself plesiomorphic to Anseriformes (Zelenkov and Stidham inconsequential phylogenetic indicators given Gallus gallus is
2018; Houde et al. 2023). In consideration of skeletal characters in a derived phasianid (in the context of all Galloanserae). Only
the early Wyoming anseriform fossils (above) that distinguished morphological attributes which are shared between dromornithids
them from presbyornithids, and clearly represented dissimilar ecol­ and Leipoa ocellata (Megapodiidae, a basal galliform, i.e. the surface
ogies, Houde et al. (2023) concluded that any shared character area ratio of the cerebellum module) could support galliform affi­
states must be plesiomorphies of Anseriformes. Furthermore, nities for the dromornithids, yet these are limited.
these authors draw comparisons in jaw apparatus morphology Considering both the numerous shared characteristics between
between Anachronornis anhimops, Presbyornis pervetus, and dromornithids and anhimids, and the discussed morphological
Conflicto antarcticus to suggest that the spatulate bill form was transformations towards the evolution of early Anseres, we inter­
gradually evolutionarily derived from ancestors with more galli­ pret the evolutionary placement of the Dromornithidae, within the
form-like jaws, consistent with our hypothesis and phylogenetic Anseriformes, as likely sister to the Anhimidae, or alternatively an
analyses. Better understanding of the phylogenetic polarities of independent lineage branching more basal to anhimids and Anseres
morphological characters important in the early evolution of or between anhimids and anseranatids. The former-most hypoth­
Anseriformes, and the exact relationship of these fossil clades esis is resolved in both parsimony and Bayesian analyses and we
among extant counterparts, awaits a more focused investigation thus, advocate for the inclusion of Dromornithidae along with
(see also Field et al. 2020: SI). Anhimidae, within the Suborder Anhimae (as per Nguyen et al.
In addition to those discussed in the section ‘Dromornithids 2010). Both lineages then would together represent basal anseri­
within Galloanserae’, other compelling links between the dromor­ forms in the gradual transition from galliform-like birds to those of
nithids and anhimids are the absence of the fenestra caudalis more anatoid character. They may also have relatively close affi­
mandibulae, and the apparent absence of the foramen temporale nities to early anseriforms from Wyoming, particularly in consid­
venosum. While pterygoids identified for G. newtoni are fragmen­ eration of their mosaic, apparently somewhat relatively derived
tary, we find it pertinent here to note that the facies articularis morphology, seemingly intermediate between Anhimae and
pterygopalatina on the pterygoids of other dromornithids, appears Anseres (see Houde et al. 2023). Whether the postcranial morphol­
comparable to that of anhimids as described by Zusi and Livezey ogy of the dromornithids supports these inferences, is beyond the
(2006). They seemingly lack the more complex articulation scope of our study, although Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004)
described for Anseres, e.g. the rostral development of the processus found postcranial evidence supporting anseriform affinities.
palatinus du ptérygoïde (sensu Davids 1952b). Instead, the surface
is a concave, oblong facet, aligned nearly dorsoventrally along its
Palaeogeographical considerations
main axis, as it is in species of Anhima and Chauna (see Zusi and
Livezey 2006, p. 160). Unlike anhimids, however, the facies articu­ The long fossil record of dromornithids show the endemic
laris pterygoidea is positioned in the rostral half of the pterygoid, Australian family obtained large size by the Eocene and essentially
and better compared to the condition in waterfowl (see Ericson all its characteristic morphological features by the late Oligocene
1997). Within anseriforms, the superficial shape of the mandible, (Vickers-Rich and Molnar 1996; Worthy et al. 2016a).
and the convex dorsal profile of the rostrum are additional simila­ Gastornithids are only known from the Paleocene to middle
rities that dromornithids share with anhimids and not Anseres Eocene of Europe, and the early Eocene of North America, and
(originally noted by Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 149, 158). Asia (for review, see Mayr 2022a). This discord in the localities of
Furthermore, in dromornithids and anhimids, the processus jugalis the two groups has been proposed to be a limitation to the dro­
of the maxillare is located dorsal and slightly lateral of the palatines, mornithid-gastornithid clade hypothesis. Mayr (2022a, p. 59) stated
which extend further rostral of the processus jugalis (Figure 9D–F). no current palaeogeographical reconstructions show potential dis­
This contrasts with the state in Anseres in which the palatines are persal routes in the early Cenozoic for large flightless birds between
more dorsal of the processus jugalis and both converge rostrally. Eurasia and Australia. Regardless of our findings, this cannot be
Conversely, the presence of a prominentia submeatica is better used to rule out a close relationship between the two families as
compared with several anatids, and Anseranas semipalmata there is currently no reason to assume gastornithids and dromor­
(although in form it is projected, rather than bulge-like), while nithids did not share a volant common ancestor and evolve flight­
a lack of processus submeaticus contrasts with the anhimid condi­ lessness, large body size, and concomitant morphological
tion (see ‘Quadrate’; Elzanowski and Stidham 2010; Elzanowski and adaptations independently. Given that the fossil record and several
Boles 2012). molecular-based phylogenetic approaches support a pre-KPg

divergence estimate between Anseriformes and Galliformes (van morphology, although, given limitations, we recommend dedicated
Tuinen and Dyke 2004; Clarke et al. 2005; van Tuinen et al. 2006; kinetic and biomechanical analyses to appropriately test that which
Brown et al. 2008; Stein et al. 2015; Worthy et al. 2017b; Field et al. is discussed below.
2020; reviewed by Mayr 2022a), it is possible that the last common
ancestor between the dromornithids and other Galloanserae
Bite force and jaw opening
diverged within the Upper Cretaceous. Additionally, fossil evidence
not yet discovered, may provide evidence linking or further separ­ Recent studies on dromornithids have concluded that they had
ating the two lineages geographically. weak, or not especially powerful bite force capabilities due to the
Regarding anseriforms, an apparently overrepresentation of inferred reduction in surface area on the lateral cranium for attach­
basal lineages in Australasian faunas supports a Southern ment of the external adductor muscles (Murray and Vickers-Rich
Hemisphere origin for the radiation (Worthy et al., 2023). This 2004; Worthy et al. 2016a). Furthermore, a negative relationship
includes several extant crown group anseriform lineages such as between bite force and body mass identified for birds may implicate
Anseranas semipalmata (Anseranatidae) in Australia, and species of proportionally low bite forces for dromornithids in consideration of
Chauna and Anhima (Anhimidae) in South America. Fossil anseri­ their large size (Dickinson et al. 2022). However, assessment of
forms are comparatively widespread with an extensive record cov­ biomechanical attributes associated with dromornithid jaws is mul­
ering both the southern and northern Hemispheres (for a review, tifaceted, and the interactions of all elements contributing to the
see Mayr 2022a, p. 59–68; also Houde et al. 2023). Despite limited potential force exerted throughout jaw closure is complex, requir­
terrestrial vertebrate fossil sites sampling the Eocene and Oligocene ing consideration of numerous factors. All galliforms and anseri­
of Australia (Worthy et al. 2017b), several fossil anseriforms have forms share morphological adaptations which support powerful
been described, showing the lineage was present in Australia and bite force, i.e. the lack of the ligamentum jugomandibulare laterale,
the Southern Hemisphere throughout this time. For example, pres­ and the variable rostral positioning of the processus postorbitalis
byornithids Wilaru tedfordi Boles et al. 2013 (late Oligocene: De and/or AZO complex (Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1980, 1982; Dzerzhinsky
Pietri et al. 2016) and Murgonornis archeri Worthy, De Pietri, and Grintsevichene 2002), both explored in greater depth below.
Scofield, and Hand, 2023 (early Eocene: Worthy et al., 2023), the Considering the relatively definitive galloanseran affinities for dro­
anseranatid Eoanseranas handae Worthy and Scanlon 2009 (late mornithids, specifically with anseriforms, and Dollo’s law, dromor­
Oligocene/early Miocene: Worthy and Scanlon 2009), and several nithids are phylogenetically constrained with respect to the
crown group anatids (Oligocene-Miocene: Worthy 2009). limitations imposed by inherited morphological adaptations, char­
Additionally, a putative fossil quadrate of an anhimid-like taxon acteristic of this group; some of which, such as the loss of the
was described from the early Eocene Tingamarra Local Fauna by aforementioned ligament, can be confidently assumed to have
Elzanowski and Boles (2012). existed in Dromornithidae but cannot be observed by direct exam­
In a similar manner to the anseriforms, basal extant galliforms ination of the fossils alone.
(the Megapodiidae) are also restricted to the Southern Hemisphere. In most birds, the relative non-elasticity of the ligamentum
However, conversely, the Southern Hemisphere fossil record for jugomandibulare laterale plays a role in locking the jaw joint and
galliforms is far less extensive, being restricted to a single fossil is intrinsically connected to the condylus mandibularis caudalis on
megapodiid taxon Ngawupodius minya Boles and Ivison 1999, pars mandibularis of the quadrate and the corresponding caudal
described from the late Oligocene of Australia (Boles and Ivison cotyla on the mandible, that acts as a pivot for abduction. The loss
1999), and Namaortyx sperrgebietensis Mourer-Chauviré et al. 2011, of both the ligament and the condyle (and mandibular cotyla) in
of unknown affinities from middle Eocene of Namibia, southern Galloanserae is therefore equivalently linked, to allow freedom of
Africa (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 2011). Most stem galliform lineages, longitudinal sliding between the quadrate and mandible, with ros­
such as the Quercymegapodiidae, Paraortygidae, and tral movement of the mandible limited by the caudally attaching
Gallinuloididae, and potentially the Danielsavidae (see Mayr et al. ligamentum occipitomandibulare (Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1980, 1982,
2023), are known from the Northern Hemisphere (see Mayr 2022a, 1995; Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene 2002). The loss of the lateral
2022, and references therein). jugomandibular ligament removes constraints on the functionality
The occurrence of latest Cretaceous Asteriornis maastrichtensis of the pterygoid muscles, allowing them to effectively retract the
in Belgium challenges the hypothesis of a Gondwanan origin for bony palate and quadrate with respect to the cranium, and adduct
crown birds (Claramunt and Cracraft 2015), as phylogenetic ana­ the rostrum without causing automatic, responsive movement of
lyses suggest a phylogenetic position as a stem galloanseran, prox­ the mandible (Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1995, and references therein).
imal to the divergence between Galliformes and Anseriformes, or Concomitantly, adduction of the mandible is primarily and more
a basal galliform (Field et al. 2020; see Figure 12). However, the efficiently performed by the external adductor muscles and the
early Paleocene anseriform Conflicto antarcticus, shows definitive superficial pseudotemporal muscle (Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1995;
anseriforms had already diversified and dispersed into the Southern Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene 2002). This then has major func­
Hemisphere shortly after this time (Tambussi et al. 2019). This tional implications for the jaw closing mechanisms in Galloanserae,
presence of anseriforms in the Southern Hemisphere by the early and by extension, inferences of dromornithid jaw biomechanics,
Paleocene, and proposed austral origin of the anseriforms, contrast­ due to the resultant relative independence of lower and upper jaw
ing that of galliforms (Mayr 2022a) and the gastornithids, provide movement, and consequential specialisation of osteo-myological
appropriate support for our hypothesised anseriform affinities of structures contributing to efficiency in their respective roles
the dromornithids. (Dzerzhinsky 1980, p. 155–156).
In galloanserans, powerful jaw movement is especially afforded
by the rostral positioning of the processus postorbitalis and/or AZO
Ecomorphology and niche adaptations
complex, and associated adductor musculature (especially m. AME
The kinetic abilities of the dromornithid skull, specifically of profundus, partes zygomatica et superficialis) from the point of jaw
Dromornis species, have been explored previously (see Murray rotation (i.e. the area of articulation with the quadrate), resulting in
and Vickers-Rich 2004). Here we further elaborate on the ecology, a longer lever arm for efficient transmission of forces during lower
cranial kinesis, and the functional application of dromornithid skull jaw adduction (Dzerzhinsky 1974). This increased space is also

associated with greater area for muscle attachment, 1980). Such functional adaptations, coupled with specialisations for
particularly m. AME superficialis and m. adductor mandibulae adducting the lower jaw (above), would have resulted in formidable
posterior, interrelated with other shared biomechanical features closing power of the jaws, although not as proportionally extreme as
(as discussed by Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1980, 1982; see also Zusi and those that may be inferred for gastornithids. Evidently, the lack of
Livezey 2000). Dromornithids have jaw adductor musculature ema­ the lateral jugomandibular ligament, and resultant muscle speciali­
nating in association with a rostrally developed processus postorbi­ sation with respect to function in the isolated movement of the
talis and AZO complex, especially comparable to anhimids (see upper and lower jaws (Dzerzhinsky 1980), likely translated to
above), and while their cranium is rostrocaudally compressed, this positively affecting potential bite force capabilities in
is primarily with relation to the supraorbital area, and does not dromornithids.
appear to limit the available caudal attachment area for mandibular The consumption of fixed, resistant foods which place greater
external adductor muscles. Neither does it reduce the distance and differential stress loads on the upper or lower jaws, are related
between the quadrate and the orbit. This would likely somewhat to the significant evolution of independent jaw mobility in
similarly achieve the functional benefit of increased bite force Galloanserae (Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene 2002). In a bird
produced from the aforementioned rostral positioning of the that possesses a ligamentum jugomandibulare laterale, such as non-
adductor musculature that occurs in other galloanserans (see Galloanserae, upwards pressure exerted upon the upper bill would
Dzerzhinsky 1974). Accordingly, several structures corresponding automatically impact the jaw joint and depress the lower bill; this is
to the origin of the m. AME superficialis on the cranium and to be avoided during activities such as digging, as opening the beak
quadrate of dromornithids (crista m. AME articularis, tuberculum would result in an influx of sediment or water into the mouth
subcapitulare) are well-developed. The site of origin of m. adductor (Dzerzhinsky 1974). Isolation of the movement of each jaw relative
mandibulae posterior on the quadrate is similarly well formed, to the other can therefore be considered advantageous as it restricts
interrelated with a vast insertion site on the lateral caudal mandible, passive protraction, and is especially beneficial when feeding on
and evidencing strong retraction power for adducting both the attached, coarse vegetation, or in association with mediums that
mandible and the rostrum (Goodman and Fisher 1962; may exert resistance, such as digging through wet and dry sediment
Dzerzhinsky 1974). In close association with the origin (Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1980, 1982). A morphological feature of note
of m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus (Murray and Vickers- with regards to this, and jaw closing, are the mandibular cotylae in
Rich 2004, p. 240), the obviously excavated fossa, associated crests dromornithids which are oblique with respect to the rostrocaudal
and tuberculum in the area of origin for m. pseudotemporalis plane (as especially observed in Ilbandornis sp. NTM P2774–2 and
superficialis in dromornithids marks an extensive and likely hyper­ Dromornis planei NTM P9464–112, and perhaps in Genyornis new­
trophied superficial pseudotemporalis muscle (Murray and toni SAMA P59517), which can be compared with the orientation
Vickers-Rich 2004) which also participates in the adduction of the of those in Penelope jacucaca (Cracidae). The angle of the cotylae in
lower jaw (Dzerzhinsky 1974). this taxon, offset from the sagittal plane of the mandible, have been
Furthermore, the large, dorsoventrally deep and wing-like pala­ interpreted as contributing to efficiently locking the quadrate-
tines in dromornithids provide an expansive attachment surface for mandible joint at the point of maximum retraction (Dzerzhinsky
both dorsal and ventral bellies associated with m. pterygoideus 1980, and references therein). The action of tearing off fixed vegeta­
muscles (e.g. Dzerzhinsky 1982; Vanden Berge and Zweers 1993: tion that is clasped between these jaws creates additional forces of
annot. 21; Carril et al. 2015). This has been considered one of protraction, and so this joint locking is hypothesised as
several mechanisms for increasing bite force (see Witmer and a mechanism of preventing passive opening of the jaws that is
Rose 1991, p. 100) as they provide a surface for powerful muscle effective even with a relatively weak jaw apparatus, especially
leverage (Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 244). Their insertion when additionally contributed to by dorsoventral compression
area on the mandible also appears well developed in dromornithids placed under the taut caudally attaching ligamentum occipitoman­
(see ‘Rostrum’; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 241, fig. 189), and dibulare (Dzerzhinsky 1980). In conjunction with the oblique align­
so, in conjunction with the anchoring ligamentum occipitomandi­ ment of the cotylae, the transverse, lateromedial movement of the
bulare, contraction of these muscles from their fixed point on the quadrate during contraction of the m. pseudotemporalis profundus
mandible provides a large force of retraction to caudoventrally pull and m. adductor mandibulae posterior, in adduction, provides
the quadrate and bony palate, and efficiently adduct the rostrum, reinforcement to this lock (Dzerzhinsky 1974). While dromor­
which is further facilitated by the mobility of the craniorostral hinge nithids do not appear to have such a distinct mandibular crista
in its relatively caudal position (Dzerzhinsky 1995; see also Murray intercotylaris as P. jacucaca, the inclination of the cotylae may
and Vickers-Rich 2004: fig. 190). The deep pseudotemporal muscle indicate some similar adaptations for efficiently feeding on attached
(m. pseudotemporalis profundus) also acts to retract the rostrum, vegetation while mechanically minimising the use of musculature
with corresponding areas of origin on the rostrolateral processus that would resist adduction. As P. jacucaca is a representative of
orbitalis (crista orbitalis) of the quadrate, and its insertion the a basal galliform with relatively weak jaw musculature, the advan­
medial mandible, whereby the former, as a lever arm, is pulled tage in foraging enabled by this structural specialisation has been
caudoventrally to lower the rostrum (Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1980; considered an archaic adaptation, important in the successful radia­
Bühler 1980). This muscle also acts to adduct the mandible tion of Galloanserae (Dzerzhinsky 1980), and as such may be
(Goodman and Fisher 1962; Zweers 1974; Buhler, 1980). The sur­ symplesiomorphic with respect to Dromornithidae.
face of origin is especially marked in dromornithid quadrates, when Analysis of the skull morphology of dromornithids also allows
preserved, and infers strong emanating musculature. Similarly, in some interpretations of other biomechanical features of the jaw
addition to the adduction of the lower jaw (see above), apparatus, particularly related to finer adjustment in upper and
the m. adductor mandibulae posterior, which originates on the lower jaw interaction. The aforementioned adaptations for
lateral quadrate and extends to the mandible, also participates in increased mobility of the quadrate are associated with several addi­
active retraction of the rostrum in an arc-like path (rather than tional related adaptations in the dromornithids. The low crista
purely ventrally, see Dzerzhinsky 1974: fig. 1A). This active low­ intercotylaris between the lateral and medial cotyla on the mandible
ering of the upper jaw thus assists in severing material between the of dromornithids allows for additional rotational movement of the
jaws, compared to only vertically clasping them (Dzerzhinsky 1974, quadrate upon this surface (Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004). In

conjunction with forces exerted by m. protractor pterygoidei et contraction of parts of this musculature may have been able to
quadrati, and the muscles involved in quadrate-mandible adduction slightly reposition the mandibles on the frontal plane, and hypothe­
(m. pseudotemporalis profundus and m. adductor mandibulae sised that when supported by other musculature involved in adduc­
posterior), low intercotylar crests may have enabled the movement tion, this would allow dromornithids to control the edges of their
of the quadrate that thus shifted the fulcrum across the mandible jaws transversely when forces were applied to resistant objects. The
surface during feeding, as is observed in species of Anas (see deeply socketed origin of the superficial pseudotemporal muscle on
Goodman and Fisher 1962; Zweers et al. 1994, p. 269; Murray and the caudal orbit of all dromornithids, near the level of, or just dorsal
Vickers-Rich 2004). The contraction of the m. protractor quadrati to the tomial margins, indicates high levels of control over, and
et pterygoidei, via quadrate and pterygoid movement relative to the resistance of, axial rotation and mediolateral displacement of the
cranium, is the primary driver of active protraction and elevation of mandible, but also maintenance of strong, stable adduction (see also
the rostrum (Bühler 1980), and is likely facilitated by the mobility of Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 244). This would be supported
the craniorostral hinge, however, the dorsal quadrate is further and further enhanced by the aforementioned rostral positioning of
freed for greater movement by the functional single-headedness of the external adductor muscles, and the active lowering of the
the capitulum squamoso-oticum and supporting modifications to rostrum enabled by the m. adductor mandibulae posterior
the quadratic cotyla of the cranium in which it sits. With no (Dzerzhinsky 1974; Dzerzhinsky and Grintsevichene 2002). Based
buttressing from a distinct otic capitulum, the quadrate can rotate on their considerable control over movement of the upper and
mediolaterally around its dorsoventral axis, rather than being lower jaws independently, and proposed vectors involved in muscle
restricted to a primary rostrocaudal direction of movement (see action, it has been suggested that dromornithids were well-adapted
Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1982; Zweers 1974; Murray and Vickers-Rich for holding and manipulating food held in the tip of the beak, and
2004, p. 244; Zelenkov and Stidham 2018). Notably, movement of had relatively high static bite force in this region, as is achieved by
the quadrate is further unhindered in dromornithids by the weak other goose-type anseriforms (Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004;
condition of interlocking articulation points between the quadrate Olsen and Gremillet 2017; Pecsics et al. 2017). Considering these
and both the pterygoids and jugal arches (also see Samejima and adaptations, as well as those corresponding to a highly developed
Otsuka 1987). In most galliforms, the pterygoid articulates at two lingual apparatus, Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 245) con­
points on the quadrate, whereas in anseriforms (although to a lesser cluded that the manipulative jaw abilities of dromornithids may
extent in anhimids, see Elzanowski and Stidham 2010), cracids and have been approaching, or comparable to, those observed in
dromornithids, the simplicity of the single continuous quadrate- parrots.
pterygoid articulation and the lack of a fortifying secondary articu­ Dzerzhinsky (1974) noted that the extensive retroarticular pro­
lation on the orbital process (see Dzerzhinsky 1982; Elzanowski and cess of the caudal mandible in Galloanserae (specifically in refer­
Stidham 2010; Zelenkov and Stidham 2018), permits rotation of the ence to Tetrao urogallus) may be primarily related to the necessity
quadrate while maintaining contact with the pterygoid for a more caudal origin of lingual musculature on its lateral surface
(Dzerzhinsky 1974; Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004). Effectively, (e.g. m. serpihyoideus and m. stylohyoideus). While a complete
this mobility in quadrate-pterygoid articulation would have limited retroarticular process is not known for any dromornithid, pre­
the capacity for transferral of forces to stress and distort the palatal served areas indicate that it was large, dorsoventrally deep, and
apparatus during adjustments of the quadrate (Zelenkov and extended well caudal of the fossa articularis quadratica, not unlike
Stidham 2018). Less potential for deformation is also facilitated by other galloanserans, and certainly also accommodated lingual mus­
the very robust palatines of dromornithids, which, in conjunction culature on its lateral surface. In Gallus gallus, the paraglossum is
with this mobile, continuous articulation, would have been able to small and relatively broad, as it is in Genyornis newtoni, which, in
effectively transmit protraction forces through rostral quadrate the former taxon, supports a large, thick and somewhat flexible
movement (Zelenkov and Stidham 2018). Furthermore, dromor­ tongue in the context of a feeding apparatus specialised for pecking
nithids lack a bowl-like fovea quadratojugalis for the articulation (Zweers et al. 1994). How this affected the function and manipul­
with the quadratojugale and instead only retain a shallow, plate-like ability of the lingual apparatus in dromornithids is unknown,
articular facet. This weak articulation, in conjunction with the however.
robust jugal arch that would have been resistant to deformation Because of the size and lever-like caudal extension of the retro­
or lateral flexion, would have also been able to efficiently impart articular processes, and the consequent oblique nature of insertion
rostrocaudal forces during upwards movement (protraction) of the of m. depressor mandibulae, contraction of this muscle produces
rostrum. This adaptation combined with the mediolateral rota­ a strong protraction force, and efficient abduction of the lower jaw
tional mobility afforded by the ball and socket-like quadrate- (Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1980). In several galliforms, this morphology
cranium joint morphology, may have thus been able to partly has been associated with optimised forceful gaping, against soil
compensate for the lack of flexibility in the jugal arch. These quad­ resistance or to overcome the friction of vegetation stuck between
ratic adaptations are therefore vital for maintaining independent the upper and lower jaws (Dzerzhinsky 1980; Zweers et al. 1994),
movement of the upper bill of dromornithids, while also enabling and has also been related to the rapid filter-feeding jaw movements
use of its robust and inflexible structure for other aspects of feeding. in anatids (Bühler 1980). The plausibility of the latter in dromor­
This is in contrast to other galloanserans, especially Anseres, nithids is not well supported considering other aspects of their
wherein flexibility of the jugal arches particularly, is integral for anatomy. The development of the processus retroarticularis is gen­
feeding (see Zelenkov and Stidham 2018). erally considered an adaptation to depress the lower jaw against
Rotational mobility in jaw use is also complimented by other resistance (Zweers et al. 1994, p. 246, 271), and the well-developed
aspects of the dromornithid skull. This importantly extends to the retroarticular process in dromornithids would then imply that
craniorostral hinge, whereby the uniting ligamentous attachments forceful opening of the mandible was important in their feeding
between the caudal rostrum and rostral cranium may have allowed or other aspects of their ecological niche.
some small degree of rotation on transverse, frontal and sagittal Consequently, considering the aforementioned adaptations, we
planes (Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 241). Given the obviously do not support the hypothesis that dromornithid jaws had an
impressed and extensive attachment of m. pterygoideus, Murray especially weak bite force, despite rostrocaudal compression of the
and Vickers-Rich (2004) also suggested that independent cranium. While this latter factor may have limited the potential

force generated in the closing of the jaws, dromornithids have (2021), who found the well-developed somatosensory and sensor­
inherited adaptations such as independent rostrum-mandible imotor capabilities of dromornithids to be indicative of a selective
mobility that are characteristic of other galloanserans, which has soft browse diet dominated by leaves, new growth, and fruit. The
permitted associated subsequent osteological specialisation and morphology of the skull of Genyornis newtoni as described above,
hyper-development of musculature involved in feeding. This likely further supports herbivorous niche occupation, in a manner not
translated to powerful bite forces, jaw opening, and also notable unlike that of geese or the Anhimidae. The lack of several filter-
manipulative abilities in relation to feeding on plant matter. feeding adaptations that are contrastingly present in Anseres, nota­
However, despite the shared characteristics or comparisons that bly the thin, flexible jugal arch, and the modified attachment of the
can be drawn between dromornithids and other galloanserans, the jugal arch and palatines to the rostrum (see Zelenkov and Stidham
unique combination of traits observed in the dromornithid skull do 2018), and the more similar nature of these regions to galliforms
not present any close known analogue. The robust palatines and all and anhimids, supports an absence of specialised filter feeding in
associated components form a single functional structure in dro­ the diet of dromornithids.
mornithids, while another is formed by the adjacent articulations of Relationships have been identified linking relatively rostrocaud­
the quadrate and pterygoid, indicated by the elongate mandibular ally short and dorsoventrally high skulls and rostrocaudally short
condyles of the former that are longitudinally aligned with the axis palatines with grazing and omnivorous diets, in contrast to the
of the latter. Together with the jugal arch as a third functional unit, more elongate, gracile skulls of filter feeding and piscivorous anseri­
dromornithids exhibit a structural condition of the palatal appara­ forms (Goodman and Fisher 1962; Pecsics et al. 2017). In dromor­
tus that is typical of anseriforms (Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1982; Zelenkov nithids, the rostrocaudal compression and rostral foreshortening of
2017; Zelenkov and Stidham 2018). In contrast, the dorsoventral the cranium may then be associated with a capacity for grazing-type
separation of the palatines and jugal arches where they interact with behaviour and niche occupation. As in species of Dromornis,
the rest of the rostrum is unlike Anseres, nor especially comparable Genyornis newtoni also possesses shearing planes at the caudal
to galliforms (for comparative description of the functionality of the region of the upper and lower bill, created by overlapping of the
palate in Galloanserae, see Zelenkov and Stidham 2018: fig. 2). The lateral plate on each side of the rostrum and the corresponding
implication of this is that the functionality of the dromornithid tomial shelf of the lower jaws in articulation. The nearly vertical
palatal apparatus is unique with respect to the condition of any one oriented planes of the interlocking jaws in this region may con­
galloanseran order (Dzerzhinsky 1974, 1982; Zelenkov and Stidham tribute to the efficiency of clamping and tearing fixed vegetation (as
2018: fig. 2). However, aside from the quadrate-quadratojugal described for some galliforms, see above and Dzerzhinsky 1980),
articulation, this distinctive character composition is in some and is additionally considered to be functionally important for
ways intermediate between that which is characteristic of each of shearing of small and resistant objects (see Murray and Vickers-
these galloanseran orders, as would be expected by a close evolu­ Rich 2004). This caudal tomium is differentiated from the more
tionary affinity to anhimids, which also appear somewhat inter­ rostral crista tomialis in dromornithids, although the surface of the
mediary in their morphology and functionality of the palatal latter is comparatively flat in G. newtoni and contrasts with the
apparatus (see Dzerzhinsky 1982). more angular cristae in species of Dromornis, which probably
relates to different feeding ecologies (see Murray and Vickers-
Rich 2004; Worthy et al. 2016a). Dromornithids also appear to
Feeding and aquatic adaptations
have well-developed neck musculature, to support their large (and
The typical galliform skull morphological arrangements support heavy) heads. Their expansive, high attachment over the caudal
feeding through digging, active tearing of attached and sometimes cranium that reaches the dorsal apex of the calvaria, more similar
coarse vegetation, or grasping of fruits and grains, compared to the to Anseranas semipalmata than that of anhimids, would have direc­
grazing, submerged dexterous manipulation of soft aquatic-based ted forces away from the occipito-atlas joint to be distributed
plant matter, and filter-feeding that is typical of many anseriforms further down the neck, likely in association with pulling or tugging
(e.g. compare with Tetrao urogallus, see Kirikov 1944; Dzerzhinsky at resistive vegetation, such as when browsing (see Murray and
1974, 1980, 1982, p. 1036–1039; Zweers 1974; Zusi and Livezey Vickers-Rich 2004). The difference in dorsoventral location of the
2000). In anhimids, their structural arrangement combined with foramen magnum between dromornithids (i.e. the dorsoventral
a galliform-like bill, likely supports their consumption of coarser middle of the skull in Genyornis newtoni and Dromornis planei,
foliage through grazing and aquatic macro-feeding, as well as fora­ for example, compared to the more ventral position in D. murrayi)
ging in mud – although it is unknown if they filter-feed while suggests variability in postural holding of the head relative to the
digging (Dzerzhinsky 1982; Naranjo 1986). Anseranas semipalmata neck, or in exact feeding behaviour between species.
also feeds predominately on water-based macro-vegetation, and The presence of the synovial craniorostral hinge in dromor­
filtration-feeds in mud (Davies 1963; Murray and Vickers-Rich nithids likely permitted greater upwards movement of the rostrum,
2004). ultimately increasing the available gape width, and allowing for
Dromornithids have long been known to be herbivorous (for food of larger size to be consumed (see Bock 1960a). According to
a review, see Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004). Genyornis newtoni is Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 246), the rostrum of species of
no exception with the consistent presence of jasper, sandstone, Dromornis was capable of much dorsoventral movement at the
claystone, and quartz (Rich and van Tets 1984) gastroliths, found craniorostral hinge, contributed to by the proportionally dorsoven­
associated with its skeletons, being a strong link to herbivory. These trally thin articular surface, and possibly some slight axial rotation.
gastroliths are small in size (most in range 4–8 mm in diameter, This is a key benefit of this hinge type for parrots in which it likely
with few over 12 mm) and overall mass ratio with respect to mean evolved in association with feeding on hard and large items (Tokita
body mass, suggesting only soft foods are being consumed and not 2003). The desmognathous, and inflexible upper jaw would have
items such as twigs (Handley and Worthy 2021: SI, p. 36; see SI 6 for structurally reinforced and strengthened the rostrum (Dzerzhinsky
additional data of G. newtoni gizzard stones). This is consistent with 1980). The enclosed bony palate, and interpretations on the tongue
the dromornithid diet as proposed by Murray and Vickers-Rich mobility of dromornithids that may have mirrored parrot-like
(2004, p. 295–322), who extensively explored known dromornithid manipulative abilities (see above, Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004,
habitat and available sources of food, and Handley and Worthy p. 245), allowed some capacity to crush food with their tongue on

the palatal roof (as in some passerines, see Bock 1960a). It is glands’ (fossa glandulae nasalis) in any dromornithid (see
unknown whether the dromornithids may have been better able ‘Cranium’ and ‘Rostrum’), which Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004)
to maintain the position of their eyes relative to their food, although suggested were adaptations to more arid environmental conditions,
the rotational movement of the rostrum about the craniorostral and against habitation of freshwater or rainforest regions.
hinge would likely allow the cranium to maintain a constant food – The aquatically adapted skull may seem contradictory to pur­
eye position, as is important for many birds (see Bock 1960a). ported terrestrial locomotion adaptations in the hindlimbs of
Many of the features which distinguish anseriforms from galli­ G. newtoni and other dromornithids. The hind limbs (including
forms, are considered derived transformations intrinsically linked the blunt, hoof-like, but mobile toes and inferred elastic recovery
to the transition to aquatic habitats (Dzerzhinsky 1982) early in the system of the ankle joint), as described by Murray and Vickers-Rich
evolution of anseriforms; given aquatic habitat preference for anhi­ (2004, p. 221–225), were hypothesised to be adaptations for terres­
mids (e.g. Naranjo 1986) and the aquatic-adapted morphology of trial locomotion in dromornithids. In the context of the hypothesis
other fossil anseriforms (see Mayr 2022a). These characteristic that dromornithids were at some point adapted to exploiting aqua­
anseriform adaptations which are also present in dromornithids, tic-associated habitats, then such unusual morphology of the hind
are more parsimoniously symplesiomorphic and evolved prior to limb may be a result of large birds which rely on aquatic systems
the divergence of the dromornithid lineage, rather than conver­ being forced to adapt to hard, dry ground. This would occur as they
gently. The closure of the osseous meatus acusticus externus ven­ become less confined to water and travelled increasingly long dis­
trorostrally on the dromornithid skull (in association with annulus tances between appropriate habitats due to dry environmental
tympanicus) may additionally be associated with aquatic adapta­ conditions, ephemeral lake systems, and increasing aridity in
tions. This is an inferred adaptation for isolating the ear from the Australia since the middle Miocene (for reviews of environmental
quadrate while the head is submerged in water, whereby movement changes and their influence on the dromornithids, see Murray and
of this bone could periodically deform the ear cavity, making it Vickers-Rich 2004; Angst and Buffetaut 2017). In this way, forced
difficult to protect the ear from water ingress and create acoustic range expansion may be related to diversification of their diet to
interference (Dzerzhinsky 1982, p. 1039). In G. newtoni, the osseous include soft browse not exclusively associated with near-freshwater
meatus acusticus externus is enclosed to an extreme degree and in regions. Indeed, the variable hindlimb morphology of dromor­
turn well separated from the quadrate, compared to other nithids (especially late Miocene forms) demonstrate adaptations
dromornithids. to different modes along the cursorial-graviportal spectrum of
This then suggests two options for dromornithid habitat pre­ locomotion and have been paired with contrasting capacity to
ference. First, that dromornithids were adapted to aquatic- expand their range, as well as potential for nomadic or migratory
associated habitats (e.g. edges of wetlands, large lakes, and flood lifestyles (Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004; Worthy and Yates 2015).
plains, as discussed by Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 2, 157,
167; initially proposed by Stirling and Zietz 1900) and had a varied
Variation of rostrum shape within the Dromornithidae
grazing folivorous and frugivorous diet with relation to foraging in
the surrounding environment, not dissimilar to anhimids (see Across dromornithids, beak shape varies considerably when com­
above). This is additionally supported by the common discovery paring G. newtoni to species of Dromornis and suggests divergent
of dromornithid fossils around former bodies of water, such as Lake evolutionary history and possibly niche adaptation. For example,
Callabonna and Alcoota (see Worthy and Yates 2017), and the the tomial margin of G. newtoni rostral of the palatines is bordered
inferred tethering of G. newtoni to channel systems and floodplains by a wide, flattened tomial surface more effective for crushing and
(Stirling and Zietz 1900; Smith 2009). The second hypothesis is that gripping than the thinner, grooved margin of Dromornis (see
dromornithids were constrained by or retained ancestral adapta­ Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 245–246). Additionally, the gen­
tions to the sub-aquatic environments yet did not necessarily utilise eral shape of the bill varies, with G. newtoni lacking the extreme
these in association with a sub-aquatic niche or environment. dorsoventral height and dorsal curvature of the rostrum noted for
Desmognathy in the rostrum, and the caudal position of the species of Dromornis (see ‘Rostrum’ and Murray and Megirian
choana nasalis ossea in Genyornis newtoni, may have additionally 1998); such height may have increased resistance to reaction forces
offered protection against water ingress (achieved by fascia in from crushing seeds (as was identified in Darwin’s finches, see
Chauna torquata, see Dzerzhinsky 1982). Furthermore, the flat Herrel et al. 2005). The shorter rostrocaudal rostrum length relative
tomial surface of the rostrum in G. newtoni with associated rough to cranium length for G. newtoni, likely instead facilitated greater
osseous material similar to that which supports rhamphothecal dexterity and proportionally increased power of the jaw muscula­
lamellae rostri in some anseriforms, is consistent with the idea ture (see above, Goodman and Fisher 1962, p. 169), and may be
that dromornithids may have possessed very rudimentary lamellae associated with the wide shape and flattened tomial surface of the
on their tomia, most comparable to anhimids, to facilitate the beak of Genyornis newtoni, absent in species of Dromornis.
successful seizing and tearing of slippery attached aquatic vegeta­ Goodman and Fisher (1962, p. 170) noted that force is applied
tion (see Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004). Murray and Vickers-Rich more effectively in birds with narrow bill tips (species of
(2004) additionally suggested that the sulcus paratomialis of dro­ Dromornis) compared to those with wide bill tips (G. newtoni).
mornithids may have also allowed expelling of excess water in this There are currently no known rostra associated with species of
method of feeding. Many anseriforms also have adaptations for Ilbandornis or Barawertornis, although their relatively slender and
straining water from the between their jaws in food acquisition dorsoventrally narrow mandibles (see Worthy et al. 2016a), com­
(Dzerzhinsky 1982). Alternatively, simple, non-extensive rham­ pared to those of Dromornis species, may suggest that their upper
phothecal lamellae could be used in efficiently gripping and tearing jaws were also not so dorsoventrally deep.
other types of fixed plant matter with the jaws and considering the The synovial craniorostral hinge of dromornithids was sup­
more blade-like rostral tomia in species of Dromornis, may have ported by two lobes which would act to stabilise the joint and
supported diversification with regards to other dietary preferences, restrict excessive movement at high force loads (see ‘Craniorostral
including an inferred head-level browsing niche in this lineage (see hinge’). As the lobes are proportionally larger in species of
Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 192). It is also worth noting here Dromornis than in G. newtoni, less movement in the former
that we do not find convincing evidence for supraorbital ‘nasal salt would have likely been possible, potentially driven by the large

size of the rostrum requiring increased stability. Although the of Ilbandornis, it is difficult to deduce the exact relationships
incorporation of the lacrimal into the rostrum would have between such factors and beak shape diversity among dromor­
increased robusticity of the caudal rostrum itself, other than pro­ nithids. The discovery of further cranial material especially, will
viding some lateral strengthening and stabilisation at the hinge, this be vital in better elucidating the patterns of dromornithid evolution,
was likely limited since the dorsal lacrimal did not appear to have and how interspecific differences in morphology relate to environ­
caudally crossed the hinge in dromornithids. mental changes across the Cenozoic of Australia.
Beak shape evolution in anseriforms has both facilitated and
been driven by expansion into new ecological niches (see Olsen
and Gremillet 2017) and this may have played a role in this varia­
tion. Olsen and Gremillet (2017) found that an increase in culmen The discovery of new skull fossils of the Pleistocene dromor­
angle led to an increase in stress resistance, and in finches, bite force nithid Genyornis newtoni, and their description and phyloge­
has previously been positively correlated with depth of the beak (see netic analysis in this study, have considerably furthered the
Herrel et al. 2005); the latter a factor likely contributing to beak current understanding of this taxon, as well as the
shape evolution in parrots. Such a driver may have been more Dromornithidae. Their morphology, based on their osteology
dominant in the Dromornis group resulting in such disparate ros­ and inferred syndesmological and myological structures, likely
trum shapes relative to the shape of G. newtoni. Alternatively, the facilitated a wide gape, fine and independent control over
more goose-like shape of the rostrum of G. newtoni may be movement of the upper and lower bills, and adaptations for
a derived morphology resulting from a transition towards water-associated habitats, potentially retained from the early
a similar niche occupation as some geese. This could have been divergence of the anseriform lineage from stem Galloanserae.
driven by millions of years of adaptation to changing environmen­ We support a varied soft-browse, folivorous and frugivorous
tal conditions and food resources, linked to the expansion of scler­ diet, as previously proposed for dromornithids, although varia­
ophyll and grassland habitats across Australia, which Murray and tion between Genyornis newtoni and species of Dromornis, sug­
Vickers-Rich (2004, p. 295–322) consider an important factor in gest differences in niche occupation and beak functionality.
dromornithid evolution and extinction. This study additionally provides a more complete morphological
We thus propose two alternative hypotheses for such variation basis for addressing the relationships within this family, and with
in beak shape among dromornithids. Genyornis newtoni displays other galloanserans. We find support for the generic distinction of
a derived morphology driven by adaptations to Australia’s the genus Genyornis, and little evidence for close galliform or
Quaternary environment. Alternatively, G. newtoni may have gastornithiform affinities. There are few features of the skull
been descended from close relatives of Ilbandornis species and which could be inferred as confident indicators of such affinities
retained an Ilbandornis-type bill. The difference between the and the differing approaches to the evolution of large, deep mand­
Genyornis- and Dromornis- type jaws then may have been driven ibles between dromornithids and gastornithids, appear to be driven
by divergent niche occupation, allowing geographic and temporal by functional adaptations to their respective ecological niches,
overlap of species of Ilbandornis and Dromornis, of which two and constrained by their contrasting galloanseran ancestry. Instead,
one species, respectively, were sympatric in Alcoota and perhaps a more compelling hypothesis, and that which we advocate for, is
Bullock Creek local faunas. The two alternative hypotheses for that the dromornithids have basal anseriform affinities, and are
adaptation to aquatic environments (see ‘Feeding and aquatic adap­ likely sister to the Anhimidae, within the Anhimae. Even among
tations’), may both be applicable but to different dromornithid their diverse modern relatives within Galloanserae, and indeed all
lineages, that is, one lineage retaining a water-based feeding habitat of Aves, only the anhimids appear to be a close morphological
and the other, only constrained by historical aquatic adaptations. counterpart in skull anatomy, despite some notable divergences.
Having a large, heavy skull, as is especially characteristic of However, the complexity surrounding the hybrid concoction of
Dromornis species, is a large energy investment (estimated to have galliform and anseriform traits in the skull of dromornithids, pre­
been between 5–8 kg in D. stirtoni, see Murray and Vickers-Rich sents an impediment in determining phylogenetic affinities using
2004), and thus must have been integral to evolutionary fitness in morphology. Identifying ancestral or plesiomorphic conditions is
this group of birds, such as feeding on large and/or resistant items. challenging for both observational and phylogenetic studies, espe­
It is possible that the need for such large head size may have also cially considering the great age of the Galloanserae lineage, with
been a factor that necessitated the evolution of correspondingly only a fragmentary Upper Cretaceous and early Palaeogene fossil
large body, since large body size alone is not a sufficient driver of record. The early divergence of dromornithids likely contributes to
increased head size (as exemplified by the skull to body proportions the combination of galliform and anseriform characters which has
of flightless palaeognathous taxa). Irrespective of what drove large produced conflicting findings, and unresolved placements in pre­
body and head size in dromornithids, compensatory adaptations vious phylogenetic studies. Consequently, the dromornithid form
for additional structural robusticity are required for supporting provides an unforeseen opportunity to consider character polarities
such a large structure, and to also enable functional capabilities at deep within the Galloanserae clade and indicates that future ana­
such extreme dimensions. As such, the large skull size of Dromornis lyses of morphology in early diverging Anseriformes, especially,
species may itself predominately explain their mediolaterally nar­ must be considered within the greater context of the entire
row and dorsoventrally deep rostrum that has capacity for reducing Galloanserae radiation. Although we find phylogenetic support
vertical compression, torsion, and shear, to maintain rigidity in for several hypothesised character polarities in our preliminary
such a large bony structure which is only supported by a single phylogenetic study, there remains a need for a more extensive
suspension point (see Murray and Vickers-Rich 2004, p. 235). analyses, to aid in better understanding and resolving the interre­
Other functional roles which may have significantly contributed lationships of all early diverging fossil galloanseran lineages.
to the variation includes sexual selection, and functions associated
with vocalisation, preening, and thermoregulation, which can lead
to trade-offs with feeding performance (e.g. Clayton et al. 2005; Acknowledgments
Bright et al. 2016; Olsen and Gremillet 2017, and references There are many people who contributed to this research, who we would like to
therein). As there is currently no rostrum attributed to any species acknowledge. Firstly, Adam Yates provided access to many MAGNT specimens,

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Century: Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting of the Society
All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published of Avian Paleontology and Evolution; 4–7 June 1996; Washington, D.
article, the appendices and supplementary information files. C.: Smithsonian Contributions to Palaebiology. 89:199–206.

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Appendix 1: Additional figures of original and new fossils assigned to Genyornis newtoni

Figure A1. SAMA P 10838, Stirling (1913) original skull of Genyornis newtoni as it is currently: A. lateral view of the skull; B. dorsal view of the skull, showing the block in
which the skull has been set. Annotations: ap.zyg.oss., aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans; cond.oc, condylus occipitalis; cr.or., crista orbitalis;, processus postorbitalis.
Image a credit: Mahala Fergusen. Scale bar: 2 cm.

Figure A2. Laterally compressed rostrum, specimen SAMA P59517, transected by a fault in the clay matrix which has offset the caudal part from that more rostral: A. right
lateral; B. left lateral; C. dorsal; D. ventral. Annotations:, angulus caudolateralis; ca., casque; cr.tom., crista tomialis; cul., culmen;, margo lateralis; nas.,
apertura nasi ossea; pala., os palatinum. Scale bars: 20 mm.

Figure A3. Additional skull specimens of Genyornis newtoni: A. NMV P256893, partial dorsal calvaria in dorsal and ventral views; B. SAMA P53830 jugal arch, right side,
medial, lateral, and dorsal views; C. SAMA P53830, right quadrate; D. SAMA P53830 partial condylus occipitalis and occipital region of the cranium; E. SAMA P59520, ramus
mandibulae, pars symphysialis, right side, dorsal and ventral views; F. SAMA P59520, partial left lateral cranium in medial (left) and lateral (right) views. Annotations: an.
tymp., annulus tympanicus; c. quad, condylus quadratica; cap.s-o., capitulum squamoso-otica; cond.oc., condylus occipitalis;, crista medialis; cra., cranium; d.rost.,
depressio rostromedialis; m.a.e., osseous meatus acusticus externus; mand., mandible; quad., quadrate. Scale bars: 10 mm.

Figure A4. Additional specimens of Genyornis newtoni: A. NMV P256893 partial left skull medial view; B. – G. SAMA P59517, fragmentary mandibular rami, B. right ramus
mandibulae, pars caudalis and pars intermedia in lateral view; C. and medial view; D. left ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis et intermedius, lateral view; E. and medial view;
F. fragmentary right ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, dorsal view; G. and rostral view. Abbreviations:, cotyla medialis mandibulae; cer., ceratobranchial; d.rost.,
depressio rostromedialis; imp.cor., impressio m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus;, insertion area of m. pterygoideus dorsalis;, processus lateralis
mandibulae;, processus medialis mandibulae; t.prae., tuberculum praearticulare. Scale bar: 10 mm.

Appendix 2: Measurements of skull elements assigned to Genyornis newtoni

Table A1. Genyornis newtoni skull measurements. Rounded to the first decimal point.

Element and Measurements Specimens (mm)

Cranium SAMA P59516 NMV P256893/
SAMA P53830
Total rostrocaudal skull length, including both the cranium and rostrum. Note: This is a minimum estimate of 296 –/–
skull length considering the displacement of the cranium relative to the rostrum which has resulted in the
rostrum overlapping the most rostral part of the cranium.
Width of lateral side: from prominentia exoccipitalis to rostral margin of processus postorbitalis at ventral 61.6 59.3/–
base of crista orbitalis, in horizontal alignment.
Note: For specimen SAMA P59516, measured on left side of the cranium.
Height of caudal cranium: from ventral point of processes paroccipitalis to most dorsal point on crista nuchalis 126.8 –/–
Dorsoventral height of caudal cranium along the mediolateral midline. 83.9 –/–
Fossa pseudotemporalis: mediolateral width and dorsoventral height (W/H). – 9.8/6.6
Processus paroccipitalis: maximum length from ventral base of osseous meatus acusticus externus. 55.1 52.5/–
Width of caudal side, occipital region: mediolateral width in alignment with the condylus occipitalis. 88.6 –/–
Osseous meatus acusticus externus: mediolateral width and dorsoventral height (W/H). 10.6/12.1 14.4/12.7
Condylus occipitalis: mediolateral width and dorsoventral height (W/H). 16.4/16.1 –/17.3
Foramen magnum: width and height (W/H). 16.9/24.4 –/–
Individual tuberculum basilare: mediolateral width and dorsoventral height (W/H). Note: For specimen SAMA 12.6/15.3 –/–
P59516, measurements from left tubercle.
Processus basipterygoideus: rostrocaudal length of the articular surface. 15.2 –/–
Quadrate NMV P256893 SAMA P53830
Maximum height from rostrocaudal midpoint of the ventral margin of pars mandibularis to dorsal-most point 47.2 –
on pars otica.
Pars otica: Height from dorsal margin of fovea quadratojugalis to dorsal-most point on pars otica. 28.1 31.0
Capitulum squamoso-otica: mediolateral width/rostrocaudal length. 12.8/12.8 –
Depressio rostromedialis: dorsoventral height. 12.5 –
Foramen pneumaticum rostromediale: dorsoventral height. 6.3 –
Pars mandibularis: maximum length of long axis including both articular surfaces. 26.2 –
Rostrum SAMA P59521 SAMA P59517
Rostrocaudal length of the rostrum from the centre of the craniorostral hinge to rostral apex. 212.4 237.1
Maximum dorsoventral height of the fused praemaxillare/maxillare plates, from the caudal end of the 72.9 (34.3% length) 81.2 (34.2% height)
culmen, just rostral of the casque, ventrally to the tomial surface.
Maximum mediolateral width of the rostrum between left and right margo tomialis. 76.05 NA
Rostrocaudal length of casque. 51.4 59.1
Mediolateral width of the casque. 76.3 N/A
Rostrocaudal length of the ventral rostrum, not including the vomer and palatines. 129.4 162.6
Dorsoventral height of the caudal post narial bar, not inclusive of the casque. 32.4 39
Os palatinum: maximum dorsoventral height from point of interaction with the os maxillare near the angulus 42.8 45.1
tomialis to the ventral-most extent of the palatinum.
Mandible SAMA P59516 NMV P256893
Note: all measurements from
right side of specimen.
Rostrocaudal length of mandible: caudal end of processus retroarticularis to rostral tip of ramus mandibulae, 293 N/A
pars symphysialis.
Depth of mandible: dorsoventral height from highest point on the angulus dorsalis mandibulae to the 61.5 N/A
immediately ventral point on ventral side. This is approximately the rostral-most point of the angulus
ventralis mandibulae.
Rostrocaudal length of processus retroarticularis from its caudal extent to the caudal margin of processus 39.7 N/A
lateralis mandibulae.
Ramus mandibulae, pars symphysialis, rostrocaudal length. 44.2 N/A
Maximum mediolateral width of mandible at processus medialis mandibulae. N/A 25.5
Rostrocaudal length of angulus ventralis mandibulae where it is entirely distinct ventrally with respect to the 81.8 N/A
rest of the ventral mandible margin.
Appendix 3: Homological correlations for the terminology associated with the adductor muscles of the mandible across relevant literature

Table A2. (Part 1) Homological correlations for the terminology associated with musculus adductor mandibulae across examples of relevant literature.
Part 1

Dzerzhinsky and
Matsuoka et al. Grintsevichene Zusi and Livezey Vanden Berge and Dzerzhinsky and
Holliday and Witmer (2007) (2008) (2002) (2000) Weber (1996) + Zweers (1993) Potapova (1974) Zweers (1974)

Musculus adductor mandibulae externus

Musculus adductor mandibulae Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars
externus superficialis adductor adductor mandibulae adductor adductor adductor caudolateralis (ACL)
mandibulae mandibulae externus, pars mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae
externus externus articularis, caput externus, pars externus, pars externus
superficialis, profundus externa articularis profunda profundus, pars
A-portion caudalis (Aec) [caudalis]1 caudalis (Aec)
Musculus adductor mandibulae Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars
externus profundus, pars adductor adductor mandibulae adductor adductor adductor rostromedialis (ARM)
superficialis mandibulae mandibulae externus, pars mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae
externus externus superficialis externus, pars externus, pars externus
superficialis, superficialis (Aes: zygomatica ventralis3 superficialis (Aes)
C-portion also see
Dzerzhinsky and
Potapova 1974;
Dzerzhinsky 1982)
Musculus adductor mandibulae Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor Musculus Musculus Musculus Associated with aponeurosis 2a (ap.2a)
externus profundus, pars adductor adductor mandibulae adductor adductor adductor
zygomaticus mandibulae mandibulae externus, pars mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae
externus externus medialis zygomatica + externus, pars externus, pars externus medialis
superficialis, (Aem) musculus adductor zygomatica ventralis (Aem)
B-portion mandibulae
externus, pars
articularis, caput
externa (in part)
Musculus adductor mandibulae Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor Musculus Musculus Musculus Associated with aponeurosis 4a (ap.4a)
externus profundus, pars adductor adductor mandibulae adductor adductor adductor
coronoideus mandibulae mandibulae externus, pars mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae
externus medialis externus coronoidea externus, pars externus, pars externus
profundus rostralis coronoidea rostralis profundus, pars
(Aer) [temporalis] * rostralis (Aer)

Musculus adductor mandibulae internus

Musculus pterygoideus dorsalis Musculus Musculus — Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus pterygoideus dorsalis medialis
pterygoideus pterygoideus pterygoideus pterygoideus pterygoideus
dorsalis medialis dorsalis (various dorsalis medialis
Table A2. (Continued).

Part 1

Dzerzhinsky and
Matsuoka et al. Grintsevichene Zusi and Livezey Vanden Berge and Dzerzhinsky and
Holliday and Witmer (2007) + (2008) (2002) (2000) Weber (1996) + Zweers (1993) Potapova (1974) Zweers (1974)
Musculus pterygoideus Musculus Musculus — Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus pterygoideus ventralis lateralis +
ventralis pterygoideus pterygoideus pterygoideus pterygoideus pterygoideus musculus pterygoideus dorsalis lateralis; musculus
ventralis lateralis ventralis lateralis; (various ventralis lateralis; pterygoideus ventralis medialis
+ musculus musculus subdivisions musculus
pterygoideus pterygoideus reviewed) pterygoideus
dorsalis lateralis; ventralis medialis; dorsalis lateralis +
musculus musculus musculus
pterygoideus pterygoideus pterygoideus
ventralis medialis ventralis caudalis ventralis medialis
+ musculus
Musculus pseudotemporalis Musculus Musculus — Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus pseudotemporalis superficialis
superficialis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis
superficialis superficialis (Pss: superficialis superficialis superficialis (Pss)
also see
Dzerzhinsky and
Potapova 1974;
Dzerzhinsky 1982)
Musculus pseudotemporalis Musculus — — Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus pseudotemporalis profundus
profundus pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis
profundus profundus profundus/ profundus (Psp)

Musculus adductor mandibulae posterior †

Musculus adductor mandibulae Musculus Fibres of musculus Musculus adductor Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor Musculus adductor mandibulae externus
posterior lateralis adductor adductor mandibulae adductor adductor mandibulae profundus (AEP)
mandibulae mandibulae externus, pars mandibulae mandibulae ossis posterior (Ap),
externus externus articularis, caput caudalis2 quadrati possibly in
profundus profundus interna [caudalis]† association with
caudalis, attached their mandibular
to musculus aponeurosis
adductor posterior
mandibulae insertionis
posterior (Aec*)
Musculus adductor mandibulae Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor Musculus adductor mandibulae posterior (AMP)
posterior medialis adductor adductor mandibulae adductor adductor mandibulae
mandibulae mandibulae posterior mandibulae mandibulae ossis posterior (Ap),
posterior posterior (Ap) caudalis2 quadrati [caudalis] from aponeurosis

quadratica (apq)
Table A2. (Continued).

Part 2

Holliday and Witmer Dzerzhinsky and Zusi and Storer Goodman and Davids (1952a,
(2007) Belokurova (1972) (1969) Fujioka (1963) Fisher (1962) b, c) Hofer (1950) Lakjer (1926)
Musculus adductor mandibulae externus
Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus masseter medius (5B) Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor mandibulae externus
adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor profundus (III kaud.)
mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae
externus externus, pars externus, part 2 externus, externus (m. add. externus, pars
superficialis profunda caudalis superficialis, Ia ext) superficialis
(Aec) portion
Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus masseter superficialis (5A) Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus

adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor mandibulae externus superficialis
mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae (I)
externus externus, pars externus, part 1 externus, externus (m. add. externus, pars
profundus, pars superficialis (Aes) superficialis, Ic ext) occipitalis
superficialis portion
Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus masseter superficialis (5A) Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor mandibulae externus
adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor medialis (II)
mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae
externus externus, pars externus, part 2 externus, externus (m. add. externus, pars
profundus, pars medialis (Aem) superficialis, Ib ext) medialis
zygomaticus portion
Musculus adductor Musculus adductor Musculus Musculus masseter profundus (6) Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus adductor mandibulae externus
mandibulae mandibulae adductor adductor adductor adductor profundus (III rost.)
externus externus, pars mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae
profundus, pars profunda rostralis externus, part 3 externus, medialis externus (m. add. externus
coronoideus (Aer) (M. II) ext) temporalis

Musculus adductor mandibulae internus

Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus pterygoideus dorsalis medialis Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus pterygoideus, pars dorsalis
pterygoideus pterygoideus, pars pterygoideus, pars (11Ab) pterygoideus pterygoideus pterygoideus, medialis
dorsalis dorsalis medialis dorsalis, lateral dorsalis, medial dorsalis medialis pars dorsalis
branch part medialis
Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus pterygoideus dorsalis lateralis Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus pterygoideus, pars ventralis
pterygoideus pterygoideus, pars pterygoideus, pars (11B) + musculus pterygoideus ventralis pterygoideus pterygoideus pterygoideus, lateralis + musculus pterygoideus, pars
ventralis ventralis lateralis; lateralis, medialis (9A); musculus pterygoideus ventralis, lateral ventralis lateralis pars ventralis dorsalis lateralis; musculus pterygoideus,
musculus dorsolateral ventralis lateralis (9B) + pterygoideus part + musculus + musculus lateralis + pars ventralis medialis; musculus
pterygoideus, pars branch + dorsalis medialis (11Aa) pterygoideus pterygoideus musculus pterygoideus, pars dorsalis 1
dorsalis lateralis + musculus dorsalis, lateral dorsalis lateralis; pterygoideus,
musculus pterygoideus, pars part; musculus musculus pars dorsalis
pterygoideus, pars lateralis, pterygoideus pterygoideus lateralis;
ventralis medialis ventromedial ventralis, medial ventralis medialis musculus
+ musculus branch + part pterygoideus,
pterygoideus, pars musculus pars ventralis
dorsalis caudalis pterygoideus, pars medialis;
dorsalis, medial musculus
branch pterygoideus,
pars caudalis
Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus temporalis (7) Musculus Musculus — Musculus pseudotemporalis superficialis
pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis
superficialis superficialis (Pss) superficialis superficialis superficialis (m.
pseudo. sup.)
Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus quadratomandibularis (10C) Musculus Musculus — Musculus pseudotemporalis profundus
pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis pseudotemporalis
profundus profundus (Psp) profundus profundus profundus (m.
pseudo. prof.)
Table A2. (Continued).

Part 2

Holliday and Witmer Dzerzhinsky and Zusi and Storer Goodman and Davids (1952a,
(2007) Belokurova (1972) (1969) Fujioka (1963) Fisher (1962) b, c) Hofer (1950) Lakjer (1926)

Musculus adductor mandibulae posterior
Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus quadratomandibularis (10A) Musculus Musculus Musculus —
adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor
mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae
posterior lateralis posterior (Ap), to posterior externus, externus externus, pars
aponeurosis a.11 profundus (M. III) profundus (m. profunda
add. ext. prof.)
Musculus Musculus Musculus Musculus quadratomandibularis (10B) Musculus Musculus Superficial —
adductor adductor adductor adductor adductor musculus
mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae mandibulae adductor
posterior medialis posterior (Ap), posterior posterior (‘a’ and posterior (m. add. mandibulae
from superficial ‘b’ parts in Mergus post.) externus, pars
aponeurosis a.12 merganser) profunda
— not treated in the particular study.

+While we follow Holliday and Witmer (2007) for all muscles included here in general, the homologies of more specific parts of musculus pterygoideus, not addressed in-depth by these authors, are associated in this study herein
following the relationships inferred by Weber (1996), namely musculus pterygoideus ventralis lateralis, musculus pterygoideus ventralis medialis, musculus pterygoideus ventralis caudalis, and musculus pterygoideus dorsalis.
Also see Weber (1996), Tab. 11.
Because of the ambiguity in the displayed figure by Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993: fig. 6.5) corresponding to the insertions of musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars profunda [caudalis], and musculus adductor
mandibulae externus, pars ventralis, the muscle synonymous with musculus adductor mandibulae externus superficialis (sensu Holliday and Witmer 2007) may be predominately equable to musculus adductor mandibulae
externus, pars profunda [caudalis], but may also relate to musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars ventralis, in part.
While Weber (1996, p. 57) recognised that there is some differentiation in the exact insertion area of fibres relating to their musculus adductor mandibulae caudalis (to the aponeurosis paracoronoidea interna, and rostrad of the
articulatio quadrato-mandibularis), likely representative of parts recognised in other studies, beyond this mention there is no differentiation of these parts.
Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993: annot. 18) described part of the musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars ventralis, as originating on the processus postorbitalis, but then erroneously or accidentally displayed this part
originating upon the caudal orbit on the diagram (fig. 6.5) of Podilymbus podiceps that was adapted from Zusi and Storer (1969: Figure 6). Instead, this area corresponds to the origin of musculus pseudotemporalis superficialis
(part 2) of the latter authors’ study.
*Zusi and Livezey (2000) suggested that their musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars coronoidea, is synonymous with musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars rostralis [temporalis], of Vanden Berge and Zweers
(1993). However, Holliday and Witmer (2007) suggested that their musculus adductor mandibulae profundus (and included parts) is equivalent to musculus adductor mandibulae externus pars ventralis of Vanden Berge and
Zweers (1993) and interpret musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars coronoidea, of Zusi and Livezey (2000) as part of their musculus adductor mandibulae profundus. Musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars
rostralis [temporalis], of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993) was also considered synonymous to musculus adductor mandibulae externus superficialis (Holliday and Witmer 2007: Table 2). Based on the origins and insertions
illustrated and described in Zusi and Storer (1969), and those of the derivative adaptive diagram and annotations of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993), it is revealed that musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars rostralis
[temporalis], of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993) is comparable to musculus adductor mandibulae externus profundus, pars coronoideus, of Holliday and Witmer (2007), and not equivalent to musculus adductor mandibulae
externus superficialis, contrary to the latter study. This is supported by reporting that the terminal insertion of musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars rostralis [temporalis], of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993) relates to
processus coronoideus (sensu stricto, see Baumel and Witmer 1993: annot. 44), which is comparable to musculus adductor mandibulae externus profundus, pars coronoideus, of Holliday and Witmer (2007), and can be
compared with muscles that insert on this feature in other studies (e.g. musculus adductor mandibulae externus profundus, pars rostralis, sensu Dzerzhinsky 1982, and others).
†Musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars profunda [caudalis], of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993) was interpreted as synonymous with musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars articularis (likely caput externa) by Zusi
and Livezey (2000). The latter name was considered equivalent to musculus adductor mandibulae externus superficialis, while the former is considered synonymous with musculus adductor mandibulae posterior by Holliday
and Witmer (2007: Table 2), and thus there appears to be a conflict in this assignment of synonymy. An overarching issue is that musculus adductor mandibulae posterior may not exist in two separate parts in some birds but
may do (as medial and lateral parts) in some Galloanserae and Neoaves (see Zusi and Storer 1969; Holliday and Witmer 2007, p. 467). Musculus adductor mandibulae posterior was not divided into parts by Zusi and Storer (1969)
and was hence not labelled in separate parts on this same diagram that was adapted by Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993: fig. 6.5).
Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993: annot. 18) categorised their musculus adductor mandibulae, pars profunda [caudalis], as an external adductor muscle, and stated that it acts independently of the musculus
adductor mandibulae ossis quadrati [caudalis]. They did not explicitly say that their musculus adductor mandibulae, pars profunda [caudalis], originates on the neurocranium in part, while the associated
diagram of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993: fig. 6.5), adapted from Zusi and Storer (1969: fig. 6), shows part of the origin in this region. The insertion displayed in this figure as labelled by Vanden Berge and
Zweers (1993: fig. 6.5) leaves ambiguity with regards to whether it is better associated with the musculus adductor mandibulae externus or the musculus adductor mandibulae posterior (sensu Holliday and
Witmer 2007). However, the original figure and related description of the muscle illustrated by Zusi and Storer (1969) would also imply this corresponds to part of the external adductor musculature.

Furthermore, the annotation given by Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993: annot. 18) describes this muscle as deriving solely from the quadrate, which when their subsequent figure labels their musculus adductor
mandibulae, pars profunda [caudalis], as inserting on the caudal mandible in an area comparable to where part of musculus adductor mandibulae posterior may insert in some taxa, it can be interpreted
ambiguously, however, and may be considered as synonymous with part of musculus adductor mandibulae posterior, therefore (as per Holliday and Witmer 2007: table 2).

Holliday and Witmer (2007: 467) equated musculus adductor mandibulae posterior with only musculus adductor mandibulae ossis quadrati [caudalis] of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993) in text but associated
both this muscle and musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars profunda [caudalis], with musculus adductor mandibulae posterior in their related table (table 2). Considering Holliday and Witmer’s (2007)
interpretation that musculus adductor mandibulae posterior lateralis is synonymous with musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars articularis, caput interna (of Zusi and Livezey 2000), combined with the
suggestion by Zusi and Livezey (2000) that their pars articularis is equivalent to musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars profunda [caudalis], while the latter authors’ musculus adductor mandibulae
posterior is the same as musculus adductor mandibulae ossis quadrati [caudalis] of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993), it makes sense that musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars articularis, caput externa
of Zusi and Livezey (2000) would then correspond well with musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars profunda [caudalis], of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993), and thus an external adductor muscle
(musculus adductor mandibulae externus superficialis, sensu Holliday and Witmer 2007). In contrast, Holliday and Witmer’s (2007) musculus adductor posterior medialis can be considered the same as musculus
adductor mandibulae posterior (sensu Zusi and Livezey 2000, when musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars articularis, caput interna is present), and the same as musculus adductor mandibulae ossis
quadrati [caudalis] of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993).
We thus consider musculus adductor mandibulae externus, pars profunda [caudalis], of Vanden Berge and Zweers (1993) as inequivalent to part of the musculus adductor mandibulae posterior, and instead
associate it with the musculus adductor mandibulae externus superficialis. It should be noted that this assigned correlation is dubious and the area labelled as associated with this muscle by Vanden Berge and

Zweers (1993: fig. 6.5) may receive fibres from both musculus adductor mandibulae posterior and musculus adductor mandibulae externus superficialis.
^ Specific term not mentioned in the particular study; non-abbreviated terminology derived from closely related studies using the same labelled acronym (cited)

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Appendix 4: Morphological character list

Characters for the phylogenetic analysis. Original character list derived from Worthy et al. (2017). Reassessment, modifications, and additions made to characters,
states and coding based off personal observations and assessment of other matrices from Andors (1988), Bourdon (2005; 2011), Clarke (2002), Cracraft and Clarke
(2001), Dyke et al. (2003), Elzanowski and Stidham (2010: char. 1), Ericson (1997), Field et al. (2020), Ksepka (2009), Livezey (1986; 1996; 1997), Livezey and Zusi
(2006), Mayr and Clarke (2003), Murray and Vickers-Rich (2004), Stidham (2001), Worthy and Lee (2008), Worthy and Scofield (2012), Worthy et al. (2017), Zusi
and Livezey (2000).
Note: Here we use the name Nettapterornis oxfordi for the taxon previously called Anatalavis oxfordi following recommendations in Houde et al. (2023).
Note: As we, and others (e.g., Worthy et al. 2016), are unable to assign the quadrates attributed to the genus Ilbandornis to species level, and since character state
coding across all Ilbandornis sp. quadrates observed does not vary, we have opted to code the quadrate for both species identically. We treat the mandible similarly.
Note: We do not code the retroarticular process for Asteriornis maastrichtensis, following changes to specimen interpretation as reported on at the 10th
International Meeting of the Society of Avian Palaeontology and Evolution by Crane (2023).
Ordered Characters:
1, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 26, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 50, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 81, 85, 87, 88, 90,
92, 95, 98.
The above characters are ordered in recognition that the states in these characters represent a morphocline where the transition between relative extremes (i.e.,
states 0 to 2 or greater number) must pass through an intermediate state (or states). Assuming an unordered system of character state changes for such characters
would not be accurate to the morphology observed and would often be biologically implausible.

Complete skull
(1) Skull, lateral and dorsal perspectives, rostrocaudal proportions, rostrocaudal length of the rostrum (as measured between the rostral apex of the rostrum and the
craniofacial hinge, in line with the rostral-most extension of the os frontale) relative to the rostrocaudal length of the cranium (as measured between the
craniofacial hinge, in line with the rostral-most extension of the os frontale, to the most caudal point on the occipital region of the cranium): 0. Rostrum
rostrocaudally shorter than the cranium; 1. Rostrum near equal to or up to 1.5 times the rostrocaudal length of cranium; 2. Rostrum is between 1.5 to 2 times the
rostrocaudal length of cranium; 3. Rostrum is greater than 2 times rostrocaudal length of the cranium. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 1) and Field et al.
(2020: char. 1). Ordered.
(2) Skull, craniorostral hinge, formation, and hinge type: 0. Flexion zone absent or indistinct, no transverse sulcus, limited flexion; 1. Well-developed flexion zone
present and distinct; 2. A synovial joint, essentially a hinge. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 8), see also Mayr & Clarke (2003: char. 5).
(3) Skull, presence of an osseous casque or other elaborate osseous structure: 0. Absent; 1. Present on rostrum; 2. Present on cranium.

(4) Cranium, lateral and dorsal perspectives, frontals, rostral truncation or rostrocaudal shortening, location of the craniorostral hinge (rostral termination of the
frontal bones) in relation to the orbital area: 0. Frontals are extended rostrally, craniorostral hinge is far rostral of the orbits; 1. Craniorostral hinge intersects the
most rostral point of the orbits; 2. Frontal bones are rostrally truncated, craniorostral hinge transects the dorsal-most point, at the supraorbital area of the orbits;
3. Frontal bones are substantially rostrally truncated, craniorostral hinge transects the orbits in near rostrocaudal alignment with, or caudal of, the processus
postorbitalis. Ordered.
(5) Cranium, lateral and rostral perspectives, caudal orbit (and/or lateral cranium), area muscularis aspera, origin of the m. pseudotemporalis superficialis and
presence of fossa pseudotemporalis, status and form: 0. Not distinct, area muscularis aspera is nearly flat; 1. Distinct, a shallow depression demarked dorsally by a
ridge; 2. Distinct, fossa pseudotemporalis present as a deep fossa within a larger depression; 3. Homologous origin of the m. pseudotemporalis superficialis is not
restricted to caudal orbit, present on lateral cranium. State 3 is typical of Palaeognathae (see Dzerzhinsky, 1983; Elzanowski, 1987).
(6) Cranium, lateral and rostral perspectives, caudal orbit (and/or lateral cranium), area muscularis aspera, tuberculum for origin of m. pseudotemporalis
(superficialis): 0. Absent; 1. Present and projected; 2. Low osseous crest; 3. Lowly-raised rugose region. Modified from Dyke et al. (2003: char. 4). Note:
Although Picasso et al. (2023) identified this crest as the origin of the m. pseudotemporalis superficialis in the Rhea, for tinamous, Elzanowski (1987) noted that
the tubercle is the origin of the ligamentum orbitoquadratum to which the m. pseudotemporalis is attached. As in either case, the crest is associated with the m.
pseudotemporalis, we opt to treat the crest as the same across Palaeognathae and code its presence in palaeognaths accordingly.
(7) Cranium, lateral perspective, postorbital temporal region, processus postorbitalis, orientation: 0. Projects ventrally; 1. Directed rostroventrally; 2. Projected
strongly rostrally. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 46). Also see Bourdon (2011, char. 57), Ksepka (2009, char. 11), Zusi & Livezey (2000: p. 175).
(8) Cranium, lateral perspective, temporal region, relationship between areas of origin of m. AME profundus and m. AME superficialis, associated aponeuroses and
their respective osteological structures (e.g., crista zygomatica, crista m. AME superficialis): 0. Origin area for m. AME profundus and associated structures are
wholly dorsal or rostrodorsal of those corresponding to m. AME superficialis; 1. Origin area for m. AME profundus and associated structures are rostral or
slightly rostroventral of those of m. AME superficialis; 2. Origin area for m. AME profundus and associated structures are clearly rostroventral of those of m.
AME superficialis, where the latter extends substantially dorsal of the former; 3. Not comparable, the deep m. AME is not well differentiated or clearly subdivided
with respect rostral (m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus) and caudal parts (m. AME superficialis). Note: In Palaeognathae, the combined regions of origin
associated with the m. AME occupies areas of processus postorbitalis, processus zygomaticus (including crista temporalis), processus orbitalis of the quadrate,
directly or via related membranes, ligaments or fascia (see Dzerzhinsky, 1983); Elzanowski, 1987). Interpretation of states for neoavians follows the array of
literature available for various taxa (e.g., Dzerzhinsky & Ladygin, 2004; Dzerzhinsky & Potapova, 1974; Dzerzhinsky & Yudin, 1974; Fisher & Goodman, 1955;
Korzun, 1998; Kuular, 2002; Sokolov, 1995).
(9) Cranium, lateral perspective, temporal region, processus zygomaticus, status: 0. Absent, osseous projection in area (if any) is homologous with aponeurosis
zygomatica ossificans; 1. Present. See Zusi & Livezey (2000) for details regarding this subject. Sylviornis neocaledoniae is coded as present following Mourer-
Chauviré & Balouet (2005). Despite the lack of juvenile skull material preserving this region for Gastornis giganteus, a processus zygomatica is also coded as
present considering the similarities in the morphology of the lateral cranium to Galliformes (e.g., secondary temporal fenestra formation) which is inconsistent
with the absence of this feature (see Zusi & Livezey, 2000).
(10) Cranium, lateral and ventral perspectives, temporal region, aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans, status and rostral development: 0. Absent or minor ossification;
1. Variably ossified and rostrally developed; 2. Extensively ossified, rostrally developed to intersect or exceed the processus postorbitalis. Modified from Worthy
et al. (2017: char. 18), see also Bourdon (2011, char. 88), Dyke et al. (2003: char. 19), Ksepka (2009, char. 12 and 13), Livezey (1997: char. 8), Murray & Vickers-
Rich (2004: char. 8, table 8), Zusi & Livezey (2000: p. 160, 175-177). Note: Numididae are coded as 0 as there is no ossification of the aponeurosis present, see
Hofer (1950) and Zusi & Livezey (2000: p. 160). Ordered.
(11) Cranium, lateral perspective, processus postorbitalis and aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans, formation of a secondary temporal fenestra, status: 0. Absent; 1.
Present. See Zusi & Livezey (2000) and Elzanowski & Mayr (2017).
(12) Cranium, lateral and ventral perspectives, temporal region, processus postorbitalis and/or aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans, location of the impression for the
origin of m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus: 0. M. AME profundus, pars coronoideus does not form a distinct belly of the m. AME, associated fibres and
interrelated parts of the m. AME originate on the lateral cranium; 1. Located laterally on the cranium, in a clear impression between the processus postorbitalis
and processus zygomatica and/or aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans, may additionally originate ventrolaterally on the medial aspect of the aponeurosis
zygomatica ossificans, if present; 2. Restricted to a medioventral location on the lateral cranium, lacking the significant dorsocaudal expansion onto the lateral
side of the cranium; 3. Originates ventrally or medioventrally on the aponeurosis zygomatica ossificans, mediolaterally narrow; 4. Located medioventrally,
medially expansive but confined laterally; 5. Located medioventrally, expansive both medially and laterally, often slightly visible from lateral perspective.
Associated with Bourdon (2005: char. 27, 44; 2011: char. 59), Ericson (1997: char. 4), and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 19). Note: see Hofer (1950), Fujioka (1963),

Dzerzhinsky & Belokurova (1972), Dzerzhinsky (1983), Elzanowski (1987), Weber (1996), and Zusi & Livezey (2000). Ordered – specific ordering of states is
imposed following observations of evolutionary transitions (i.e., medial movement of the m. AME profundus, pars coronoideus, among galliforms and
anseriforms) by Zusi and Livezey (2000) as also discussed in the main text. An unordered model is additionally not evolutionarily plausible (e.g., state 4 to state
0 in one step).
(13) Cranium, lateral and ventral perspectives, otic region, osseus meatus acusticus externus, annulus tympanicus bridges the ala parasphenoidalis and processus
suprameaticus to form a complete ring, enclosing the osseus meatus acusticus externus ventrorostrally, status: 0. Absent, no tympanic enclosure; 1. Partial or
complete tympanic enclosure, thin and fragile; 2. Complete closure, robust and obvious. Modified from Livezey (1997: char. 4) and Worthy et al. (2017: char.
16), see also Bourdon (2005: char. 28), Livezey and Zusi (2006: char. 0019), and Worthy and Lee (2008: char 17). Ordered.
(14) Cranium, lateral and ventral perspectives, otic region, processus suprameaticus, osseus meatus acusticus externus, cotyla quadratica otici (or otic part of the
cotyla quadratica squamoso-otica), location relative to the more laterally positioned processus suprameaticus: 0. Cotyla is located caudal or caudoventral of the
processus suprameaticus, the rostral bounds of osseus meatus acusticus externus are caudally located; 1. Cotyla is rostrocaudally aligned with the processus
suprameaticus; 2. Cotyla is rostral of processus suprameaticus, the rostral bounds of osseus meatus acusticus externus are rostrally located. See Mayr (2020: p.
80). Ordered.
(15) Cranium, ventral perspective, otic region, separation of the cotyla quadratica otici and cotyla quadratica squamosi, development: 0. Cotylae widely separated; 1.
Cotylae are close together medially, width of separation increased laterocaudally; 2. Cotylae close together for entire border, narrowly separated; 3. Two cotyla
adjacent, separated only by a thin ridge; 4. Cotylae form a single articular surface (cotylae quadratica-squamosi-otica); Modified from Bourdon (2005, char. 50;
2011, char. 72), Livezey and Zusi (2006: char. 0150). Ordered.
(16) Cranium, lateral perspective, os exoccipitale, processus paroccipitalis, length of ventral extension from the cranium and placement relative to the os
parasphenoidale, lamina basisphenoidalis: 0. Processus paroccipitalis is near absent or short, terminates dorsad of, or in dorsoventral alignment with, the
lamina basisphenoidalis; 1. Processus paroccipitalis is short, terminates just ventral of the lamina parasphenoidalis; 2. Processus paroccipitalis has minor
elongation, terminates noticeably ventral of lamina parasphenoidalis; 3. Processus paroccipitalis is conspicuously elongate, extends considerably further
ventrally past the lamina parasphenoidalis. Modified from Bourdon (2005: char. 43, 108; 2011, char. 56), Livezey (1997: char. 3), and Worthy et al. (2017: char.
45). Ordered.
(17) Cranium, lateral, caudal and ventral perspectives, os exoccipitale, processus paroccipitalis, position of the connection of the ala parasphenoidalis to the
processus paroccipitalis: 0. Connects to the ventral-most processus paroccipitalis; 1. Connects just dorsal to the ventral apex of processus paroccipitalis; 2. The
ventral apex of processus paroccipitalis extends considerably ventral of its connection with ala parasphenoidalis. Ordered.
(18) Cranium, lateral and caudal perspectives, caudal cranium, crista nuchalis transversa and areas associated with insertions of m. complexus, m. biventer cervicis,
and m. splenius capitis, form: 0. Crista nuchalis transversa is visible yet relatively flat and confluent with curvature of cranium; 1. Crista nuchalis transversa is a
partially distinct ridge, accentuated caudally by paired depressions of muscle insertions in dorsal area; 2. Crista nuchalis transversa is a distinct ridge or flange
for its complete dorsoventral length due to expanded and ventrally undercutting depressions of muscle insertions along caudal margins. Modified from Livezey
& Zusi (2006: char. 0033), see also, Bourdon (2005: char. 90). Ordered.
(19) Cranium, caudal perspective, os supraoccipitale, fonticuli occipitalis, presence in adult condition: 0. Absent, 1. Present. Livezey (1997: char. 5), see also
Bourdon (2005: char. 45), Ericson (1997: char. 1), Livezey (1986: char. 9), Mayr & Clarke (2003: char. 27), Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: table 8: char. 9),
Worthy & Lee (2008: char. 8), Worthy et al. (2017: char. 30). Note: In Anhimidae, the fontanelles are lost in adults (Ericson 1997). We code Nettapterornis as 1
considering the relevant statement in Olson (1999) and Conflicto as 1 due to Tambussi et al. (2019) stating the presence of fonticuli despite it not being clear in
the figure.
(20) Cranium, lateral and caudal perspectives, occipital region, prominentia exoccipitalis, status and form: 0. Absent or indistinct from processus paroccipitalis; 1.
Present, lowly raised caudal prominences; 2. Present, well-developed caudal prominences with distinct bulbous appearance.
(21) Cranium, caudal and ventral perspectives, occipital region, area encompassing the occipital region, ventral of the crista ventralis, degree of convexity or
concavity: 0. Flat or convex; 1. Slightly depressed; 2. Noticeably concave; 3. Noticeably concave, substantially accentuated by the extreme caudolateral
development of the exoccipital prominences. Ordered.
(22) Cranium, ventral perspective, occipital region, lamina parasphenoidalis, caudal region, tuberculum basilare, form: 0. Low, ridge-like tubercles, undifferentiated
from the crista basilaris lateralis and/or crista basilaris transversa; 1. Prominent, ventrally raised tubercles joined by crests aligned with the crista basilaris
lateralis and transversa, often right-angled in shape or profile; 2. Prominent, ventrally raised, rounded tubercle in lateral area; 3. Developed in association with,
and coincident with, the processus medialis parasphenoidalis. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 25). Note: see also Livezey & Zusi (2006: chars. 0065 and
0123), Parker (1895), Pycraft (1900: 172), Mayr & Clarke (2003: char. 30), Worthy & Scofield (2012: char 18).
(23) Cranium, caudal and ventral perspectives, occipital region, foramen magnum, shape: 0. Rounded, oval or near circular; 1. Rectangular, both dorsal and ventral
margins near perpendicular to lateral sides; 2. Triangular, dorsal margin distinctly apexed dorsally. See Livezey & Zusi (2006: char. 0027, 0028).
(24) Cranium, caudal and ventral perspectives, os parasphenoidale, lamina parasphenoidalis, bulla basitemporalis (sensu Davids 1952a, b): 0. Absent or indistinct, 1.
Present, not well developed; 2. Present, well-developed. Ordered.
(25) Cranium, caudal and ventral perspectives, os parasphenoidale, lamina parasphenoidalis, degree of overall ventral convexity: 0. Flat; 1. Rounded or inflated.
From Livezey and Zusi (2006: char. 117).
(26) Cranium, lateral perspective, os parasphenoidale, ala parasphenoidalis, shape or profile in lateral view: 0. Dorsally arced or concave lateral margin, often
directed rostrodorsally immediately rostral of processus paroccipitalis, proceeds rostrally on the horizontal (dorsoventral) plane; 1. Linear lateral margin
directed rostrally or rostroventrally from processus paroccipitalis; 2. Ventrally curved or convex, rounded flange. See also Worthy & Lee (2008: char. 12), and
Worthy et al. (2017: char. 20). Ordered.
(27) Cranium, ventral perspective, rostrum parasphenoidale, processus basipterygoideus, presence as distinct and developed process: 0. Absent; 1. Present.
Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 27). Note: The presence of a process is assessed regardless of the presence of an articulatory surface (see below).
(28) Cranium, ventral perspective, rostrum parasphenoidale, articulatio pterygobasipterygoidea and facies articularis pterygoidea, articulation and contact between
pterygoid and rostrum parasphenoidale (through facies articularis pterygoidea), status: 0. Absent; 1. Present. Note: Some birds (e.g., Accipiter fasciatus) possess
a relatively vestigial processus basipterygoideus that is clearly present yet does not articulate with the pterygoid (coded as 0 here).
(29) Cranium, ventral perspective, rostrum parasphenoidale, articulatio pterygobasipterygoidea, facies articularis pterygoidea, shape and development of articular
surface: 0. Facies articularis pterygoidea is absent or vestigial; 1. Present, large and clearly ovoid articulatory facet, may be slightly tapered. 2. Facies articularis
pterygoidea is irregularly shaped and not flattened. Modified from Mayr & Clarke (2003: char. 24).
(30) Cranium, ventral and lateral perspectives, rostrum parasphenoidale, facies articularis pterygoidea, degree of relief with respect to rostrum parasphenoidale: 0.
Facies articularis pterygoidea is absent or vestigial; 1. Facies articularis pterygoidea is sessile and confluent with the rostrum parasphenoidale; 2. Facies
articularis pterygoidea is sessile and slightly raised with respect to the rostrum parasphenoidale, well defined; 3. Facies articularis pterygoidea is present and
slightly pedestalled upon a short processus basipterygoideus; 4. Facies articularis pterygoidea is present upon a pedicellate (stalked) processus basipterygoideus,
elongate. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 29), see also Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: char. 13, table 8) and Mayr (2022). Ordered.
(31) Cranium, ventral perspective, rostrum parasphenoidale, facies articularis pterygoidea and/or the processus basipterygoideus, position: 0. Facies articularis
pterygoidea is rostrolaterally adjacent to lamina parasphenoidalis, caudal to rostrum parasphenoidale; 1. Facies articularis pterygoidea is just rostral of, and
distinctly separated from the rostral lamina parasphenoidalis on caudal-most rostrum parasphenoidale; 2. Facies articularis pterygoidea is located far rostrally
from the lamina parasphenoidalis, and rostral on rostrum parasphenoidale. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 28). Note: based on embryological
evidence, Weber (1993) interpreted that the processus basipterygoideus of Galloanserae was non-homologous with that of other Neornithes. However, further
assessment using a larger range of taxa is deemed necessary to more adequately test this (see Dzerzhinsky, 1995; Ericson, 1997; Zusi & Livezey, 2006), and were
considered conversely homologous by Worthy et al (2017: char. 28). Ordered.

(32) Lacrimal, dorsal perspective, synostosis with frontale and/or nasale: 0. Lacking; 1. Synostosed to frontale, caudal of craniorostral hinge; 2. Synostosed to nasale,
rostral of craniorostral hinge; 3. Synostosed to both nasale and frontale, extends across the craniorostral hinge. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 9), see
also Ericson (1997: char. 3), Livezey (1986, char. 10; 1996, char. 6; 1997: char. 15), Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: char. 5, table 8), Stidham (2001: char. 21),
Worthy & Lee (2008, char. 4).
(33) Lacrimal, lateral perspective, processus orbitalis and processus supraorbitalis, relative dorsoventral and rostrocaudal length, respectively: 0. Processus orbitalis
is dorsoventrally shorter than the rostrocaudal length of processus supraorbitalis; 1. Respective lengths are near equal or processus orbitalis is slightly longer; 2.
The dorsoventral length of processus orbitalis far exceeds the rostrocaudal length of the processus supraorbitalis. Ordered.
(34) Lacrimal, lateral perspective, processus orbitalis, dorsoventral length of the processus orbitalis relative to the dorsoventral height of the rostrum: 0. Short,
especially so, does not approach the dorsoventral midline of the rostrum height; 1. Intermediate, approaches the dorsoventral midline of the rostrum height; 2.
Long, length approaches the dorsoventral height of the rostrum, approaches or overlaps the jugal arch. Ordered.

(35) Quadrate, dorsal and caudal perspectives, pars otica, capitulum oticum and capitulum squamosum, separation of the capitulum by vallecula intercapitularis: 0.
Absent, the two capitulae are fused to form a single articular head, the capitulum squamoso-otica, vallecula intercapitularis is absent, vestigial or indistinct; 1.
Cotylae are close together and the vallecula intercapitularis is mediolaterally narrow; 2. A significant space between cotylae exists, the vallecula intercapitularis
is mediolaterally wide. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 49), see also Bourdon (2011: char. 30, 35), Elzanowski & Stidham (2010: char. 7), Mayr &
Clarke (2003: char. 34), Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: char. 14, table 8). Ordered.
(36) Quadrate, lateral perspective, pars otica, capitulum squamosum, degree to which articulatory surface of capitulum squamosum extends ventrally onto the
lateral surface of the pars otica, status: 0. Absent, dorsally confined; 1. Present, slight curve of articular surface onto lateral side; 2. Present, significant ventral
extension of the articular surface. Modified from Worthy & Lee (2008: char. 21) and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 57). Ordered.
(37) Quadrate, medial perspective, pars otica, dorsorostral of crista medialis, sulcus pneumaticus, status: 0. Nondescript surface, absent, or indeterminate; 1. Sulcus
pneumaticus is present, but indistinct; 2. Sulcus pneumaticus is present, and distinctly depressed. May be associated with Stidham (2001: char. 14). Note: see
Elzanowski & Stidham (2010: figure 5) regarding the presence of the sulcus pneumaticus with regards to a rostromedially positioned foramen pneumaticum.
The sulcus pneumaticus appears indeterminant or absent in all non-anhimid Anseriformes because the pneumatic foramen is positioned caudal of the crista
medialis, which contrastingly corresponds to depressio caudomedialis. Ordered.
(38) Quadrate, medial and caudal perspectives, pars otica, foramen pneumaticum caudomediale and foramen pneumaticum rostromediale, presence and position:
0. Both foramina are absent; 1. Foramen pneumaticum rostromediale is present only; 2. Both foramina are present; 3. Foramen pneumaticum caudomediale is
present only; 4. Foramen pneumaticum caudomediale is present only, but is rostrally positioned. See Elzanowski & Stidham (2010), Worthy & Scofield (2012:
char. 50 and 52), and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 51 and 52). Note: we follow Worthy et al. (2017) for the coding of Anhima cornuta, although differ from their
coding for Cereopsis novaehollandiae following Elzanowski & Stidham (2010: p. 315) who recognised that some taxa within the Anserinae sub-family and
Mergini tribe show a rostral displacement of the caudomedial pneumatic foramen. Ordered.
(39) Quadrate, lateral perspective, pars otica, tuberculum subcapitulare associated with the m. AME superficialis (and aponeurosis articularis), development: 0. Not
applicable, no visible corresponding feature on the quadrate; 1. Crested, follows the dorsoventral long axis of the pars otica; 2. Well-developed conical-shaped
tubercle; 3. Large tubercle, extremely well developed, dorsoventrally expanded. See Bourdon (2005: char. 19; 2011: char. 53), Livezey (1997: char. 49), Mayr &
Clarke (2003: char. 35), Stidham (2001: char. 17), and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 50). Note: The m. AME superficialis does not originate on the tuberculum
subcapitulare in Anseres. Due to differences in positions and spans of muscle origins, the superficially similar feature on the pars otica in the latter taxa instead
corresponds to m. AM posterior, and thus should be treated separately (see char. 39, below).
(40) Quadrate, lateral perspective, pars otica and processus orbitalis, position of origin for m. AM posterior: 0. On, or close to, processus orbitalis; 1. Pars otica. Note:
The origin of m. AME superficialis is associated with the tuberculum subcapitulare on the pars otica of the quadrate in most Neornithes, however, this muscle
originates more dorsally on the lateral cranium in Anatidae and does not have this same attachment to the quadrate. Instead, a superficially similar tubercle is
related to the origin of m. AM posterior in anatids, which is comparatively more ventral on the quadrate in other birds (e.g., see Davids, 1952a; Goodman &
Fisher, 1962; Zusi & Livezey, 2000).
(41) Quadrate, lateral perspective, pars otica and corpus quadrati, tuberculum or prominence associated with the m. AM posterior on the pars otica, status and
development: 0. Non-descript surface; 1. Present, low ridge; 2. Present, clearly crested eminence; 3. Present, well-developed and expansive tubercle. See
Bourdon (2005: char. 19; 2011: char. 53), Livezey (1997: char. 49), Mayr & Clarke (2003: char. 35), Stidham (2001: char. 17), and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 50).
Note: The conspicuous eminence associated with m. AM posterior on the processus orbitalis corresponds to the medial part of m. AM posterior (m. AM
posterior medialis), whereas attachment on the quadrate body or pars otica is related to the lateral part (m. AM posterior lateralis), in taxa which have clear
differentiation of this muscle into medial and lateral parts (e.g., see Fujioka, 1963; Goodman & Fisher, 1962; Weber, 1996; Zusi & Livezey, 2000; Holliday &
Witmer, 2007). While overall large and well developed, this differentiation is not observed in anhimid species, which possess an m. AM posterior that is
characteristic of the medial part only (Dzerzhinsky, 1982: 1034). Comparisons here should strictly observe the influence of the origin of m. AM posterior upon
the corpus quadrati and pars otica (most often related to m. AM posterior lateralis), rather than any corresponding to the more rostral origin on processus
orbitalis (m. AM posterior medialis or m. AM posterior). Ordered.
(42) Quadrate, lateral and medial perspectives, pars otica and processus orbitalis, relative lengths: 0. Pars otica is longer than processus orbitalis; 1. Pars otica and
processus orbitalis are subequal in length; 2. Pars otica is shorter than processus orbitalis. Ordered.
(43) Quadrate, lateral perspective, pars otica and processus orbitalis, orbital angle (the angle between the long axes of pars otica and processus orbitalis, sensu
Elzanowski & Stidham 2010: p. 310): 0. Obtuse, greater than 100 degrees; 1. Right or acute angle, 90 degrees or less. From Elzanowski & Stidham (2010: char. 6).
Note: This does not refer to the curvature of the dorsal profile between pars otica and processus orbitalis, but rather the orientation of the long axes of pars otica
and processus orbitalis).
(44) Quadrate, lateral perspective, processus orbitalis and pars otica, dorsal profile, curvature of the dorsal margin of the processus orbitalis as it intersects with the
rostral side of pars otica: 0. Deep curvature of the dorsal profile; 1. Marked, but weak, curvature of dorsal profile; 2. Minor curvature of the dorsal profile, little
distinction between dorsal margin of processus orbitalis and rostral margin of pars otica. Related to Livezey (1986: character 15), Ericson (1997: char. 11),
Worthy & Lee (2008: char. 22), Worthy et al. (2017: char. 58). Ordered.
(45) Quadrate, lateral perspective, processus orbitalis, shape: 0. Processus orbitalis is dorsoventrally broad across its rostrocaudal length (superficially rectangular);
1. Processus is triangular, dorsoventrally wider caudally and tapering rostrally to the apex; 2. Processus orbitalis is dorsoventrally narrow across its rostrocaudal
length. Related to Bourdon (2005: char. 94, 112), Dyke et al. (2003: char. 22), Ericson (1997: char. 11). Ordered.
(46) Quadrate, medial perspective, corpus quadrati, foramen pneumaticum basiorbitale, presence: 0. Absent or vestigial; 1. Present. Modified from Stidham (2001:
char. 13), Elzanowski and Stidham (2010: char. 1), and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 54). Note: some Chauna torquata have a vestigial foramen, see Elzanowski and
Stidham (2010: table. 4).
(47) Quadrate, rostral and medial perspectives, processus orbitalis and pars mandibularis, condylus pterygoideus and facies articularis pterygoidea, association: 0.
Facies articularis pterygoidea is separated from the condylus pterygoideus, a narrow articular surface or ridge between is variably present; 1. Facies articularis
pterygoidea and condylus pterygoideus are adjacent. Modified from Livezey and Zusi (2006: char. 600), Elzanowski and Stidham (2010: char. 4) and Worthy et
al. (2017: char. 56). Note: Elzanowski and Stidham (2010) suggested that the condition where the articular surfaces are adjacent is the plesiomorphic condition
(see also Worthy et al. 2017: char. 56).
(48) Quadrate, medial perspective, processus orbitalis and pars mandibularis, facies articularis pterygoidea, position: 0. Facies articularis pterygoidea is conspicuous
on the medial face; 1. Facies articularis pterygoidea is on the ventromedial margin of the ventral processus orbitalis, visible in medial perspective; 2. Facies
articularis pterygoidea is ventrally or ventrolaterally located on rostral pars mandibularis and partially on the ventral margin of processus orbitalis, not visible in
medial perspective. Related to Livezey and Zusi (2006: char. 600). Ordered.

(49) Quadrate, rostral perspective, pars mandibularis, condylus pterygoideus, prominence: 0. Flat, not developed; 1. Bulbous, broadly rounded tubercle; 2. Sharply
defined, subangular or conical tubercle. Modified from Bourdon (2011: char. 34) and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 56).
(50) Quadrate, rostral perspective, pars mandibularis, processus medialis, condylus pterygoideus and condylus mandibularis medialis, distinction and dorsoventral
separation between the ventral margin of condylus pterygoideus and the rostral margin of condylus mandibularis medialis: 0. Ventral margin of the condylus
pterygoideus is confluent with the rostral margin of the condylus mandibularis medialis (inseparable); 1. The two condyles are dorsoventrally separated by a
narrow furrow on the rostral pars mandibularis; 2. Dorsoventrally wide separation of the two condyles, condylus pterygoideus is located markedly dorsally.
(51) Quadrate, ventral perspective, pars mandibularis, mandibular condyles, number and presence of condylus mandibularis caudalis: 0. Three mandibular
condyles, condylus caudalis is present; 1. Bicondylar mandibular articulation, only condylus mandibularis lateralis and condylus mandibularis medialis are
present. See Bourdon (2005: char. 25; 2011: char. 1), Livezey (1997: char. 51), Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: char. 16, table 8).
(52) Quadrate, ventral perspective, pars mandibularis, condylus mandibularis lateralis and processus orbitalis, orientation of the long axis of condylus mandibularis
lateralis relative to that of the processus orbitalis (and/or the main rostrocaudal alignment of the quadrate): 0. The long axes of the lateral mandibular condyle
and processus orbitalis are approximately aligned and parallel; 1. The caudal part of the lateral mandibular condyle is slightly rotated laterally, with its rostral
terminus angled relatively rostromedially, compared to the orientation orbital process (less than 180 degree angle formed); 2. The lateral mandibular condyle
has its long axis near perpendicular to that of the orbital process, producing a near 90 degree angle with respect to the main rostrocaudal alignment of the
quadrate. See also Livezey (1997: char. 52) and Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: char. 17, table 8). Ordered.
(53) Quadrate, lateral perspective, pars mandibularis, processus lateralis, processus submeaticus and prominentia submeatica, presence: 0. Both the process and the
prominence are absent; 1. Only the prominentia submeatica is present; 2. Both the prominentia submeatica and processus submeaticus are present; 3. Only the
processus submeaticus is present. From Elzanowski & Stidham (2010: char. 3), see also Ericson (1997: char. 12) and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 48). Presbyornis
pervetus is coded as 0. Note: Following Elzanowski & Stidham (2010: fig. 8), we code anhimids as 2, despite whether the process is homologous with the
prominentia submeatica, as noted by Worthy et al. (2017: char. 48).
(54) Quadrate, lateral perspective, pars mandibularis, processus lateralis, fovea quadratojugalis: 0. A flat articular surface; 1. A shallow depression; 2. Distinctly
depressed; 3. A very deep fovea. Ordered.
(55) Quadrate, lateral and caudal perspective, pars mandibularis, processus lateralis, cotyla quadratojugalis, development of caudal or caudoventral margin: 0.
Margin is absent, fovea quadratojugalis is completely open caudoventrally, conspicuously notched appearance as a result; 1. Fovea quadratojugalis is partially
closed caudoventrally at the base of the fovea (medially) by a notched caudoventral rim; 2. Fovea quadratojugalis is completely enclosed caudoventrally by a
thin osseous rim; 3. Fovea quadratojugalis is completely enclosed, rim is uniformly well developed around fovea quadratojugalis. Modified from Worthy et al.
(2017: char. 59). For a discussion on this character, see Elzanowski and Stidham (2010). Ordered.
(56) Quadrate, lateral perspective, pars mandibularis, processus lateralis, cotyla quadratojugalis, facies articularis quadratojugalis dorsalis and facies articularis
quadratojugalis ventralis, presence: 0. Absent or indistinct; 1. Present, distinct.

(57) Mandible, dorsal and ventral perspectives, rostrum mandibulae, ramus mandibulae, pars symphysialis, apex rostri, shape: 0. Rounded and bulbous rostral apex,
bilaterally broad and flared with respect to the more caudal mandibular rami, producing a conspicuously spatulate shape; 1. Rounded and spatulate at the
rostral apex, but not bilaterally widened relative to more caudal mandibular rami; 2. Mandibular rami are tapered to a blunt rostral apex; 3. Mandibular rami
are tapered to a pointed rostral apex. See also Livezey (1997: char. 22). Ordered.
(58) Mandible, rostral perspective, rostrum mandibulae, ramus mandibulae, pars symphysialis, apex rostri, degree of ventral convexity or curvature of dorsal
surface: 0. Dorsal surface is deeply ventrally convex, lateral sides curve steeply dorsally; 1. Shallowly centrally convex, with weak lateral curvature; 2. The dorsal
surface of the symphysial region is almost flat. Modified from Clarke (2002: char. 44), Mayr & Clarke (2003: char. 43). Ordered.
(59) Mandible, dorsal perspective, rostrum mandibulae, ramus mandibulae, pars symphysialis, rostrocaudal length of the symphysis relative to complete mandible
rostrocaudal length: 0. Short, restricted to within the most rostral quarter of the mandible; 1. Extends significantly caudally, greater than one quarter the
rostrocaudal length of the entire mandible.
(60) Mandible, dorsal and ventral perspectives, ramus mandibulae, lateral divergence of the mandibular rami as continued caudally from pars symphysialis: 0. None
or very little, mandibular rami are near parallel, inter-ramal width is consistently narrow; 1. Minor, slight diverging, inter-ramal width is narrow but gradually
increases caudally; 2. Marked, inter-ramal width significantly increases caudally. Ordered.
(61) Mandible, lateral perspective, ramus mandibulae, curvature of the mandibular rami: 0. Mandibular rami are arched (convex) dorsally; 1. Mandibular rami are
not substantially curved (relatively straight); 2. Mandibular rami are arched (convex) ventrally. Modified from Livezey (1996: char. 4; 1997: char. 17), Worthy &
Lee (2008: char. 23), and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 61). Ordered.
(62) Mandible, dorsal perspective, rostrum mandibulae, ramus mandibulae, pars intermedia and pars symphysialis, mediolateral width: 0. Mediolaterally narrow,
thin; 1. Mediolaterally wide, robust mandibular rami.
(63) Mandible, dorsal, medial and lateral perspectives, rostrum mandibulae, pars intermedia, margo tomialis and crista tomialis, form: 0. Margo tomialis is not
expanded, often sharp and crest-like; 1. Margo tomialis is slightly mediolaterally expansive relative to the more ventral ramus, producing a robust, rounded
edge; 2. Margo tomialis is conspicuously lateroventrally expanded and deflected, often rounded; 3. Margo tomialis is medioventrally expanded and deflected,
producing a flat and obliquely sloped tomial surface; 4. Margo tomialis is laterally expanded as nearing pars symphysialis to create a flattened surface. Note: a
marked crest is observed caudally, medioventral of the tomial margin in both Anhima cornuta and Chauna chavaria specimens, absent in other taxa examined.
However, it does bear some resemblance to the medioventrally expanded tomial margin that is characteristic of dromornithids, and may represent an less well-
developed form of such a structure.
(64) Mandible, lateral and ventral perspectives, rostrum mandibulae, ramus mandibulae, pars intermedia, mediolateral slant across the dorsoventral height of the
rami, ventral of tomial margin: 0. Mandibular rami are slanted medially as continued ventrally; 1. Mandibular rami have no mediolateral slant as continued
(65) Mandible, lateral perspective, rostrum mandibulae, ramus mandibulae, pars intermedia, groove that extends rostrocaudally along each lateral mandibular
ramus, ventral of margo tomialis, status and form: 0. Absent or only a slight rostrocaudally elongate depression; 1. Present, groove is dorsoventrally thin, and
often not well-defined; 2. Present, groove is dorsoventrally thin and well-defined for the complete rostrocaudal length of ramus mandibulae, pars intermedia; 3.
Present, groove is dorsoventrally broad. Modified from Ericson (1997: char. 17).
(66) Mandible, medial and lateral perspectives, pars intermedia, fenestra rostralis mandibulae, presence and form: 0. Absent; 1. Fenestra rostralis mandibulae is
open medially although completely covered laterally; 2. Fenestra rostralis mandibulae is open and ovoid laterally although completely covered medially; 3.
Fenestra rostralis mandibulae is open and ovoid laterally and open as a thin slit medially; 4. Fenestra rostralis mandibulae is open as a thin slit both medially and
laterally; 5. Fenestra rostralis mandibulae is open and conspicuously ovoid both medially and laterally. Note: degree of medial and lateral opening is related to
the interaction between the os dentale, os spleniale, os praearticulare and os suprangulare.
(67) Mandible, lateral perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis and pars intermedia, angulus dorsalis mandibulae and rostrum mandibulae, relationship
between angulus dorsalis mandibulae and the caudal margo tomialis: 0. Confluent, a gradual slope connects angulus dorsalis mandibulae and margo tomialis; 1.
Abrupt, a distinct, dorsoventrally short and variously rounded step is observed at the transition between margo tomialis and angulus dorsalis mandibulae; 2.
Strongly abrupt, considerable dorsoventral displacement is observed at the transition between margo tomialis and angulus dorsalis mandibulae. Ordered.
(68) Mandible, lateral perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, angulus dorsalis mandibulae and processus coronoideus, relative dorsal elevation: 0. The dorsal
apex of processus coronoideus is dorsal to angulus dorsalis mandibulae; 1. The dorsal apex of processus coronoideus and that of angulus dorsalis mandibulae
exist on approximately the same dorsoventral plane; 2. The dorsal apex of processus coronoideus is ventral to that of angulus dorsalis mandibulae.
(69) Mandible, lateral perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis and pars intermedia, processus coronoideus, angulus dorsalis mandibulae and angulus ventralis
mandibulae, rostrocaudal positioning of angulus ventralis mandibulae: 0. Positioned markedly caudal to processus coronoideus; 1. Positioned slightly caudal or

rostrocaudally aligned with processus coronoideus; 2. Positioned rostral of processus coronoideus and caudal of angulus dorsalis mandibulae; 3. Positioned
noticeably rostral of angulus dorsalis mandibulae. Note: taxa that do not possess an unambiguous angulus ventralis mandibulae (see character below) should be
coded as ‘?”. Ordered.
(70) Mandible, lateral perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis and pars intermedia, angulus dorsalis ventralis, prominence: 0. Ambiguous and not defined; 1.
Variably rounded; 2. Well defined, prominent. Ordered.
(71) Mandible, dorsal perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, fossa articularis quadratica, cotylae fossae articularis, number of cotylae: 0. Three cotylae; 1.
Two cotylae. Modified from Ericson (1997, char. 13), and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 60).
(72) Mandible, dorsal perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, fossa articularis quadratica, cotylae fossae articularis, orientation of cotylae medialis
mandibulae and cotylae lateralis mandibulae: 0. Cotylae are parallel, both rostrocaudally aligned; 1. Cotylae are nearly perpendicular, cotylae medialis
mandibulae oriented rostrocaudally; 2. Cotylae parallel, cotylae medialis mandibulae oriented mediolaterally. Modified from Andors (1988: char. 20) and Mayr
& Clarke (2003: char. 38).
(73) Mandible, dorsal perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, fossa articularis quadratica, cotylae fossae articularis, cotyla medialis, shape: 0. Mediolaterally
wide, rounded oval; 1. Relatively equal mediolateral and rostrocaudal widths; 2. Rostrocaudally elongate. Ordered.
(74) Mandible, dorsal, rostral and caudal perspectives, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus medialis mandibulae and fossa articularis quadratica,
rostromedial projection of cotyla medialis with respect to the profile of the rostral processus medialis mandibulae and the more ventral ramus mandibulae:
0. Absent, not defined rostromedially; 1. Rostromedial margin of the cotyla medialis is marked in dorsal view, but indistinct with respect to the more ventral
ramus mandibulae; 2. Rostromedial margin of the cotyla medialis is conspicuous in dorsal view, and distinctly projects to overhang the more ventral ramus
mandibulae. Ordered.
(75) Mandible, dorsal perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus medialis mandibulae, shape of rostromedial-most cotyla medialis mandibulae: 0. Not
arced to hemispherical or broadly rounded; 1. Subangular, almost right-angled.
(76) Mandible, dorsal perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus medialis mandibulae, orientation of medial-most area: 0. Caudally oriented; 1.
Completely medially projected; 2. Rostrally oriented. Ordered.
(77) Mandible, rostral and caudal perspectives, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus medialis mandibulae, degree of dorsal orientation as continued
medially: 0. Level, projects medially, does not project dorsally; 1. Projects mediodorsally; 2. Projects strongly dorsally. Note: A long, narrow, and dorsally
oriented processus was listed as a synapomorphy of Galloanserae by Cracraft & Clarke (2001, char. 41). Mayr & Clarke (2003, char. 45) found this state to be
more widely distributed, to the exclusion of Palaeognathae (Worthy et al. 2017: char. 68). Also modified from Bourdon (2011: char. 51). Also see character
below. Ordered.
(78) Mandible, dorsal perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus medialis mandibulae, length of the process medial of cotyla medialis mandibulae: 0.
Short; 1. Long.
(79) Mandible, dorsal, rostral and caudal perspectives, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus lateralis mandibularis, form: 0. Absent, the cotyla lateralis does
not project laterally; 1. Distinctly projected laterally, but confluent with the more ventral and rostral mandibular ramus; 2. Well-developed laterally and distinct
from the more rostral mandibular ramus. Modified from Ericson (1997: char. 16), Livezey (1997: char. 24), Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: table 8, character 20).
(80) Mandible, lateral and dorsal perspectives, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, insertion of m. AME superficialis, aponeurosis paracoronoidea and corresponding
ossified structures, status and form: 0. Aponeurosis paracoronoidea is absent and therefore, so is any associated paracoronoid tubercle or crest; 1. Tuberculum
paracoronoideum is present on the dorsal edge of the mandible, caudal of processus coronoideus, and may extend somewhat laterally onto the lateral mandible;
2. Located on the lateral mandible as separate rostral (crista paracoronoidea rostralis) and caudal (crista paracoronoidea caudalis) crests, crista paracoronoidea
is rostrally extended and process-like in its development; 3. Located on the lateral mandible, crista paracoronoidea rostralis and caudalis are close together
dorsally, or touching at their dorsocaudal-most points to form an acute angle, respective rostral and caudal crests are perpendicular to near parallel to one
another; 4. Crista paracoronoidea is undivided, forms a prominent processus paracoronoideus. Note: see Weber & Hesse (1995) and Weber (1996) for details
regarding the aponeurosis paracoronoidea and associated crests or tubercula. The prominent processus paracoronoideus in anatids is analogous to the
prominently developed crista paracoronoideus rostralis of megapodiids (Weber & Hesse, 1995; Weber, 1996). The aponeurosis paracoronoidea is primarily
related to the caudally located m. AME superficialis. This part of the external adductor musculature is not distinct in Palaeognathae to the same degree it is in
Neognathae, where it is instead interrelated with other portions of the musculature (specifically the fibres associated with the more rostral deep part, m. AME
profundus, pars coronoideus); the lack of this distinct subdivision equates to a lack of any osseous structure on the mandible associated with it (see
Dzerzhinsky, 1983; Elzanowski, 1987; Weber & Hesse, 1995; Weber, 1996).
(81) Mandible, lateral perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus retroarticularis, caudal development and projection: 0. Absent or present only as a
rostrocaudally short, dorsoventrally aligned crest; 1. Present as a rostrocaudally short projection which extends caudally no more than its dorsoventral height at
its rostral origin; 2. Present as a caudally long osseous projection, where total caudal length is greater than the dorsoventral height at its rostral origin but less
than twice this height; 3. Present as a caudally long osseous projection, where total caudal length is greater than twice the dorsoventral height at its rostral
origin. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 64). Ordered. Note: Because of the wide taxonomic range being treated here, the lack of a processus
retroarticularis must be a considered state for the following characters related to this structure.
(82) Mandible, lateral perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus retroarticularis, degree of dorsal margin curvature: 0. Not applicable, processus
retroarticularis is absent; 1. The dorsal margin is not curved dorsally as continued caudally; 2. The dorsal margin broadly or subtly curves dorsally as continued
caudally; 3. The dorsal margin is conspicuously curved dorsally as continued caudally, particularly towards the caudal tip. Modified from Bourdon (2011: char.
52), Livezey (1997: char. 20), Mayr & Clarke (2003: char. 44), Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: table 8), Worthy & Lee (2008: char. 25). Note: observations should
be restricted to the dorsal margin of the retroarticular process for this character, and not the ventral margin.
(83) Mandible, lateral perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus retroarticularis, shape: 0. Processus retroarticularis is absent; 1. Dorsoventrally
narrow and acicular (needle-like); 2. Dorsoventrally splayed and broad.
(84) Mandible, dorsal perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus retroarticularis, direction/angle from which the processus retroarticularis extends
caudally: 0. Process retroarticularis is absent; 1. Directed laterocaudally; 2. Extends caudally in line with the angle of the mandibular rami. Modified from
Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: table 8) and Worthy & Lee (2008: char. 25).
(85) Mandible, caudal perspective, ramus mandibulae, pars caudalis, processus medialis mandibularis, form of caudal surface, status of fossa caudalis and
development of recessus conicalis: 0. Fossa caudalis is absent, the caudal processus medialis mandibularis is flat, dorsoventrally narrow; 1. Fossa caudalis
absent, caudal processus medialis mandibularis is flat, dorsoventrally expansive; 2. Fossa caudalis is present and shallow, dorsoventrally expansive; 3. Fossa
caudalis is present and deep, dorsoventrally expansive; 4. Fossa caudalis is significantly depressed, a large and deep recessus conicalis is present, dorsoventrally
expansive. Modified from Ericson (1997: char. 14), Livezey (1997: char. 21), Stidham (2001: char. 22), Worthy & Lee (2008: char. 26), Worthy et al. (2017: char.
65). Note: we code Presbyornis pervetus and Nettapterornis oxfordi based on descriptions by Olson (1999). Ordered.

(86) Rostrum, co-ossification of rostral elements (particularly, maxillaria, nasalia and praemaxillaria): 0. Absent or partial; 1. Present.
(87) Rostrum, dorsal perspective, rostrum maxillae, apex rostri, shape: 0. Rostral end is broadly rounded, spatulate; 1. Rostral end is laterally spatulate or rounded,
with a pointed rostral apex; 2. Tapered to a point. Modified from Livezey (1997: char. 32), Bourdon (2005: char. 46), and Ericson (1997: char. 10). Ordered.
(88) Rostrum, lateral perspective, culmen, dorsal profile of caudal two-thirds of rostrum (caudal of rostrum maxillae): 0. Non-arced or linear to very subtly dorsally
convex; 1. Dorsally arced throughout the rostrocaudal length; 2. Strongly dorsally convex throughout the rostrocaudal length. Ordered.
(89) Rostrum, lateral perspective, rostrum maxillae, profile of the dorsal rostrum maxillae towards its rostral apex: 0. Dorsally convex, uniform with respect to the
more caudal rostrum; 1. Linear, not arced, uniform with respect to the more caudal rostrum; 2. Flattens and dorsoventrally levels with respect to more caudal
rostrum, may appear ventrally arced; 3. Conspicuously dorsally inflated at the rostral apex.

(90) Rostrum, lateral perspective, apertura nasi ossea, development and span: 0. Very large, comprises most of, or a large proportion of, the lateral sides of the rostrum;
1. Large, comprises nearly two-thirds of the lateral side of the rostrum, the rostrocaudal length of the rostrum rostral of the apertura nasi ossea is no more than half
the rostrocaudal length of the apertura nasi ossea itself; 2. Comprises approximately one-half of the lateral side of the rostrum, the rostrocaudal length of the
rostrum rostral of the apertura nasi ossea is equal to or slightly greater than the rostrocaudal length of the apertura nasi ossea itself; 3. Small, caudally restricted,
approximately one-third to one-quarter the rostrocaudal length of the rostrum; 4. Very small, well restricted to within the caudal half of the rostrum, less than one-
fifth of the rostrocaudal length of the rostrum. Modified from Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004: char. 2, table 8); Bourdon (2005: char. 101). Ordered.
(91) Rostrum, lateral perspective, apertura nasi ossea, positioned significantly dorsally on rostrum: 0. Absent, centrally positioned dorsoventrally; 1. Present.
(92) Rostrum, ventral perspective, palatal surface, palatum osseum, os palatinum, degree of palatal ossification and closure of the fenestra palatina: 0. Very little to
no ossification, the fenestra palatina is large; 1. Partial but marked ossification, fenestra palatina is large; 2. Near complete palatal ossification, the fenestra
palatina is slit-like or reduced to a small opening. Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 7). Ordered.
(93) Rostrum, ventral perspective, palatal surface, palatum osseum, fenestra palatina, closure caudally: 0. Absent, fenestra palatina is open caudally, continuous with
choana nasalis ossea; 1. Present, fenestra palatina is caudally closed through fusion of the vomer, palatines, and/or praemaxillary bones; 2. Present, fenestra
palatina is caudally closed through medial fusion of the processus maxillopalatinus of the maxillary bones.
(94) Rostrum, lateral and ventral perspectives, ossa palatina and ossa vomeris, fusion along the mediolateral midline caudally (synostosis interpalatina, sensu Zusi &
Livezey, 2006), with or without the vomer: 0. Absent; 1. Present, medial palatines are directly fused to one another or fused to, and separated by, a mediolaterally
thin vomer; 2. Present, medial palatines are fused to the vomer, which widely mediolaterally separates the palatines. Note: medial fusion is characteristic of
anseriform taxa, although not universally, to the exclusion of galliforms (see Zusi & Livezey, 2006). Modified from Worthy et al. (2017: char. 36).
(95) Rostrum, ventral and lateral perspectives, os palatinum and os maxillare, position of the interaction between the processus rostralis of the palatinum and
processus palatinus of the maxillare relative to the processus jugalis of the maxillare: 0. The rostral processus rostralis palatini is medially separated and ventral
of the rostral processus jugalis of the maxillare; 1. The rostral processus rostralis palatini is medially separated and slightly ventral of the rostral processus jugalis
of the maxillare; 2. The rostral processus rostralis palatini converges with the rostral processus jugalis of the maxillare, and is slightly ventral to it; 3. The rostral
processus rostralis palatini converges with the rostral processus jugalis of the maxillare, and is dorsal to it. Modified from Ericson (1997: char. 9), Worthy et al.
(2017: char. 33). Note: This character is derived from observations of Zelenkov & Stidham (2018). State 2 can also be associated with a concavity that forms
lateral of the processus rostralis palatini. Ordered.
(96) Rostrum, lateral perspective, arcus jugalis, os quadratojugale and processus jugalis of the os maxillare, arcus jugalis forms a synovial articulation with the
rostrum: 0. Absent, the elements are fused; 1. Present.
(97) Rostrum, palatum osseum, palatal type: 0. Desmognathous; 1. Schizognathous; 2. Other. See Mayr & Clarke (2003: char. 11), Murray & Vickers-Rich (2004:
char. 10, table 8), and Zusi & Livezey (2006).
(98) Rostrum, ventral and lateral perspectives, os palatinum, pars lateralis, form and development: 0. Pars lateralis absent, a slightly enlarged lateral margin (crista
lateralis) may exist; 1. Pars lateralis is poorly differentiated; 2. Pars lateralis is present but not well developed, does not extend far laterally or ventrally; 3. Pars
lateralis is lateroventrally or ventrally flared, does not extend ventrally past the level of the tomial margin; 4. Pars lateralis extends considerably ventrally beyond
the level of the tomial margin. See Livezey & Zusi (2006: p. 158); also relevant is Bourdon (2005: char. 68), Livezey (1997: char. 41, 42), Mayr & Clarke (2003:
char. 16), and Worthy et al. (2017: char. 34). Ordered.
(99) Rostrum, ventral and lateral perspectives, os palatinum, pars lateralis, formation of angulus caudolateralis palatini: 0. Absent; 1. Present.
(100) Rostrum, lateral and ventral perspectives, os palatinum, fusion to os pterygoideum (in adult birds): 0. Absent, 1. Present. From Worthy et al. (2017: char. 41).
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Benito et al. (2022).

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