Technical Hands On Assessment - Answers

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Technical Hands On Assessment - Answers

1. Basically there are four testing levels namely,

a) Unit Testing,
b) Integration Testing,
c) System Testing,
d) Acceptance Testing.

2. Difference between System Testing and UAT

S.No UAT System Testing

1 Done by the actual users or clients who will be Done by the Software
using the software in real-time Development Team or

2 Testing is done based on the real life scenarios Testing is done based on
the specified requirements

3 Test environment involves the real-world Test environment involves

Testing environment or
Production like

4 Focuses on Testing if the software works as Focuses on Testing if the

expected by the user in their day-to-day software works as
operations designed

3. Bug Life Cycle:

Bug life cycle is a process which involves various stages a bug or defect or issue goes
through, from finding the defect till the defect is completely resolved and closed.

4. Difference between Priority and Severity

Priority is defined as the urgency of fixing a particular defect while severity is the degree
of the impact which a bug affects the software or system.

Priority Severity Example Bug

H H A bug that makes the whole application crash if user clicks a

button or opens the application

H L Spelling mistakes on the main page or home page of a website

L H A feature or functionality that is rarely used does not work in an

application. Eg. About section

L L Spelling mistakes or font mismatch on the feature or

functionality that is rarely used. Eg. About section
Technical Hands On Assessment - Answers

5. Test Matrix is also known as Test Plan or Test Strategy is a document which outlines the
testing approach and scope of a particular release. It is prepared before Test case
design or execution while RTM is the document that maps and traces the relationship
between different aspects in the Software Development Life Cycle such as
requirements, test cases and defects. It is prepared during the Test case design and is
updated throughout the project.

6. Localization Testing is Testing a software whether is suitable for specific regions or

locality. It helps the software to look usable for the target audience. Internationalization
Testing is Testing a software whether it is suitable to adapt to different languages and
cultures. It ensures the software has all the international support.

7. Test Scenarios to login feature of a web application. Tests should be stopped once all
the test scenarios are executed.

1. To verify user opens the website url in browser

2. To verify the following values should display on the login page
a. Website / Company's logo
b. User name / Mobile no label with field
c. Password label with field
d. Forgot password CTA
e. Login button
3. To verify the "User name / Mobile no" label with field should display on the
login page
4. To verify the by default "User name / Mobile no" label with field is empty
5. To verify the empty validation snack message should display If the retailer click
Login button with empty fields.
6. To verify the caption and alignment of the empty validation snack message
7. To verify the min validation snack message should display below the number
field If the user enters less than 3 values and click Login button
8. To verify the max validation snack message should display below the number
field If the user enters more than 330 values and click Login button
9. To verify the special character validation snack message should display below
the number field If the user enters special characters and click Login button
10. To verify the snack message is not displayed If the user enters valid user name
11. To verify the snack message should display on the right top corner of the login
12. To verify the snack message should disappears within 3 sec
13. To verify the by default password field is empty
14. To verify the empty validation snack message should display If the user empty
the password field and click Login button
15. To verify the caption and alignment of the empty validation snack message
16. To verify the min validation snack message should display If the user enters
less than 4 characters and click Login button
17. To verify the alert and snack message is not displayed If the user enters valid
Technical Hands On Assessment - Answers

18. To verify the password eye button should display next to the password field
19. To verify the password eye button should reveal the password characters in
plain text If the user click the eye button
20. To verify the password characters should hide If the user again click the eye
21. To verify the snack message should display on the right top corner of the login
22. To verify the snack message should disappears within 3 sec
23. To verify website navigates to website home page if user enters the valid user
name and valid password
24. To verify app navigating to forget password page if user click the Forget
password CTA

8. To cover all the Statements we need at least 2 Test cases. To cover all the Branches
We need at least 4 Test cases.
9. Automation is highly used to automate the repetitive and time consuming test scenarios
and cases. This helps in improving the efficiency of the project and time management.
10. Test Cases for VISUAL BI

1. To verify user is able to manually enter the data

2. To verify user is able to manually copy and paste the data
3. To verify user entered data displays properly
4. To verify user is able to add data from data sources like SQL, .csv ,excel data,
Google spreadsheet etc
5. To verify user added data from the data sources like SQL, .csv, excel data,
google spreadsheet are displaying properly
6. To verify Chart is generated based on the user provided data
7. To verify user is able to choose different type of Chart like Pie, Line etc
8. To verify user chosen Chart type is displaying with correct data
9. To verify user is able to switch between different Chart types as many times as
the user requires
10. To verify user is able to customize the Charts based on the color, font and
11. To verify user chosen color is displaying on the chart
12. To verify user chosen font is displaying on the chart
13. To verify user chosen border is displaying on the chart
14. To verify chart updates based on the user updated data and color, font and
borders are maintained
15. To verify chart is not generated if user not manually adds data or not connects
from data sources like SQL, .csv ,excel data, google spreadsheet etc

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