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Faculty-Specific Directed Writing Prompt: Short Report on Poor Sales Performance of

Indigo Textile Ltd. in Lahore

Objective: You are to write a concise report analyzing the reasons behind the poor sales
performance of Indigo Textile Ltd. in Lahore. This report should be structured to provide
clear insights and recommendations to the management team of the company.


1. Title:
o Create a clear and concise title for your report.
2. Executive Summary:
o Summarize the key points of your report in a brief paragraph.
o Include the main findings, reasons for poor sales, and a brief overview of your
3. Introduction:
o Provide background information on Indigo Textile Ltd.
o Mention the significance of Lahore as a market for the company.
4. Sales Data Analysis:
o Present the sales data for Indigo Textile Ltd. in Lahore over the past few
quarters or years.
o Highlight trends and patterns in the data.
o Use graphs or charts to illustrate the data for better understanding.
5. Factors Contributing to Poor Sales:
o Analyze the internal factors (e.g., product quality, pricing, marketing
strategies, supply chain issues).
o Examine the external factors (e.g., economic conditions, competition,
consumer preferences, regulatory changes).
o Provide evidence and examples to support your analysis.
6. Customer Feedback:
o Summarize any customer feedback or surveys that highlight issues with Indigo
Textile Ltd.'s products or services in Lahore.
o Discuss common complaints or suggestions from customers.
7. Competitor Analysis:
o Identify key competitors in the Lahore market.
o Compare Indigo Textile Ltd.'s performance with that of its competitors.
o Highlight any strategies used by competitors that could be adopted by Indigo
Textile Ltd.
8. Recommendations:
o Based on your analysis, provide actionable recommendations to improve sales
in Lahore.
o Suggest changes in marketing strategies, product offerings, pricing, or any
other relevant areas.
o Consider short-term and long-term strategies.
9. Conclusion:
o Summarize the main points of your report.
o Emphasize the importance of implementing the recommendations to improve
sales performance.
10. References:
List all sources of information used in your report
Ensure proper citation format as per faculty guidelines.
11. Appendices (if necessary):
o Include any additional data, charts, or documents that support your report but
are too detailed to be included in the main body.

Formatting Guidelines:

 Use a professional and formal tone throughout the report.

 Ensure clarity and coherence in your writing.
 Use headings and subheadings to organize the content.
 Keep the report concise and focused, ideally between 1000 to 1500 words.
 Proofread the report for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.


 Submit your report by [insert deadline here].

Evaluation Criteria:

 Depth of analysis and understanding of the issues.

 Use of relevant data and evidence to support arguments.
 Clarity and coherence in writing.
 Practicality and feasibility of recommendations.
 Overall presentation and adherence to formatting guidelines.

By following these instructions, you will provide a comprehensive and insightful report that
will help Indigo Textile Ltd. understand and address the reasons behind their poor sales
performance in Lahore.

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