ISHA PATEL A70240723013

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ISHA PATEL A70240723013


Out of the given five health behaviours, according to me and my lifestyle
I would really like to incorporate proper sleeping schedule and regular
exercise in my daily routine.
Currently, I do not have a proper sleeping schedule. There is no fixed
time at which I go to bed and there is no fixed time at which I wake up.
According to my current daily routine I just get approximately five and
half hours of sleep so I want to change and try to at least get 7 hours of
sleep. As good quantity and quality of sleep has many benefits such as
improved mood i.e. adequate amount of sleep improve energy levels
which leads to more positive mood and improved brain functions like
memory and cognitive thinking. Quality sleep also promotes cardiac
health by allowing the blood pressure to decrease, thus reducing the risk
of heart disease and other related diseases. Sleeping for at least 7 hours
each night helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, reducing the
risk of Type 2 diabetes. Additionally, a good night’s sleep increases
energy and alertness for the following day. As there are lot of benefits to
adequate sleep, I will try to implement this change in my daily routine by
fixing a time to go to bed and to wake up and will try my best to stick to
the routine until it becomes my everyday habit.
Another thing I would like to change in my daily routine for better is
regular exercise. Currently, I don’t do any exercise every day. The only
physical activity I do during the whole day is that I take a walk for half an
hour. I want to incorporate some exercise and yoga as physical activity
in my daily routine as there are many benefits of regular exercise such
as it keeps your body and mind active and fit, boosts energy levels,
improves brain health and memory, strengths muscles and bones,
prevents access weight gain, boosts endurance, promotes better sleep
etc. As regular exercise is very beneficial for maintain a healthy lifestyle,
I will start exercising regularly every day for at least half an hour
everyday in addition with walking.

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