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thank you for accepting my friend request and please don't be offended if i bugged
you uninvited. Actually I'm new to Facebook..a colleague just introduced it to me
and said it was good as you get to meet old friends as well as new friends..I'm
giving it a trial since i don't normally have the time to meet people in the public
setting..your profile appeared on my timeline when i sign up. I went through your
profile and liked it, that allowed me to send you a friend request..Would love to
get the opportunity to know you,I hope it's not a bad idea to make friends
right?..if you don't mind us being friends, feel free to drop me a message soon so
we could talk things..have a great day ahead.

thank you for accepting my friend request and please don't be offended if i bugged
you uninvited. Actually I'm new to colleague just introduced it to me and
said it was good as you get to meet old friends as well as new friends..I'm giving
it a trial since i don't normally have the time to meet people in the public
setting..your profile appeared on my timeline when i sign up. I went through your
profile and liked it, that allowed me to send you a friend request..Would love to
get the opportunity to know you,I hope it's not a bad idea to make friends
right?..if you don't mind us being friends, feel free to drop me a message soon so
we could talk things..have a great day ahead.

Don't be offended if i bugged you uninvited...your profile appeared on my timeline
when i sign up. I went through your profile and liked it, that allowed me to send
you a message..Would love to get the opportunity to know you, I hope it's not a bad
idea to make friends right? feel free to drop me a message soon so we could talk
things..have a great day ahead.

Don't be offended if i bugged you uninvited...your profile appeared on my
timeline when i sign up on I went through your profile and liked it, that
allowed me to send you a message..Would love to get the opportunity to know you, I
hope it's not a bad idea to make friends right? feel free to drop me a message soon
so we could talk things..have a great day ahead.

how are you? hope you are keeping fine. i write to acknowledge receipt of your
message and thank you for giving me the opportunity to get acquainted with you, you
really do sound like an interesting person to know, I most confess it's my pleasure
coming across you. I think i have to tell you a little about me because i found you
interesting... I'm from Dytown Ohio united state, 51 years old, with the Special
Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha team assigned to Company B, 82nd Airborne
Division as a lieutenant. I'm deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as
a member of the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force�Syria. I'm 6'1 "I'm a
fun to be man, I'm single, never married. I love families too, I'm honest,
faithful, loving, emotional, romantic, passionate, hardworking caring and God
fearing... I enjoy exercising daily which either involves weight training or
aerobics. I think it is important to exercise and eating very healthy meals.

I love to go out for boxing, to nice romantic dinners and shopping at large malls.
I enjoy romantic music and slow dancing as well. I enjoy people who are confident
with themselves and are not afraid to express themselves in a diplomatic way. I
believe that this should be discussed and communicated clearly when two people
first meet.I do not believe in wasting my time or the other persons time because
life is too short. I believe each person should be allowed to be who they are and
to be free to give their best for each others mutual benefit. I do not like
controlling people who do not communicate well and have agendas or excessive
previous baggage. I like people who I can have a good conversation with and we can
communicate in a mutually beneficial way...I like people who are interested in
exercise and physical fitness. I like people who read to improve themselves and
find value in self help books. I also like people who are either spiritual but not
necessary religious.
Alternatively you can email me ( ) as i would also like to
know you better.

yea its really been long boo,all is well with me over here and i missed talking to
you too. thank you for you care just that i barely
come online dis days because am presently with a patrol team in Northern
Afghanistan invading and bursting the taliban hideouts for some time now so i have
got no time to spend in the IT centre. How is work anyway? hope to hear from you
soon, Have a nice day!

Hello Pretty,
how are you? hope you are keeping fine. i write to acknowledge receipt of your
message and thank you for giving me the opportunity to get acquainted with you, you
really do sound like an interesting person to know, I most confess it's my pleasure
coming across you. I think i have to tell you a little about me because i found you
interesting. I'm from Huntington Beach, California, 45 years old, with the Special
Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha team assigned to Company B, 82nd Airborne
Division.I'm deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as a member of the
Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force�Afghanistan.I do drink little not
much, i'm 6'1"...I'm a fun to be guy, I'm single, never married. I love families
too, I'm honest, faithful, loving, emotional, romantic, passionate, hardworking
caring and God fearing... I enjoy exercising daily which either involves weight
training or aerobics. I think it is important to exercise and eating very healthy

I love to go out for boxing, to nice romantic dinners and shopping at large malls.
I enjoy romantic music and slow dancing as well. I enjoy people who are confident
with themselves and are not afraid to express themselves in a diplomatic way. I
believe that this should be discussed and communicated clearly when two people
first meet.I do not believe in wasting my time or the other persons time because
life is too short. I believe each person should be allowed to be who they are and
to be free to give their best for each others mutual benefit. I do not like
controlling people who do not communicate well and have agendas or excessive
previous baggage. I like people who I can have a good conversation with and we can
communicate in a mutually beneficial way...I like people who are interested in
exercise and physical fitness. I like people who read to improve themselves and
find value in self help books. I also like people who are either spiritual but not
necessary religious.

I also enjoy attending a good church that leaves you feeling better about yourself
when you leave.I like healthy foods such as a good seafood salad I love the color
brown. I like to snuggle when it rains or read a good book, reading any of the
self-help books, listening to romantic music or 60's music and exercising, I also
enjoy, football, Golf, Running, Swimming, Volleyball.

I like singing and I play several instruments,I play guitar, trumpet, oboe, and a
little piano would love to learn. I love kids & I treat all kids as if they are my
own cuz i believe children are special gifts from God... I favor none but give my
love & support to them & try to be the godly man I am supposed to be. Since I'm a
little boy,As far back as I can remember I've always cared for people & had a big
heart. I cared for people even after they hurt me.

I love being in the great outdoors seeing the natural beauty God has given to us
that others take advantage of.. I love snuggling with the ones I love while
watching a movie. I enjoy meeting others & making a difference in the lives of
those around me. I recently found out that some special people in my life really
look up to me & the feeling of that is AMAZING!

I have a few favorite movies. My all time favorite is "City of Angels" it's a movie
where a man sacrificed his life as an angel to experience what it was like to love
the woman he was drawn to. I also love Notebook, Sweet November, Sleepless in
Seattle, Grease, Never been kissed, anything with Reese Witherspoon. I like
romantic comedies, action movies, Romantic, & ones based on a true story like
Titanic, & Pearl Harbor. i also like love cards.

What makes me smile is seeing those I love smiling & knowing I put that smile on
their faces. :-)
I do have a tendency to cry easily, I cry also when I'm happy & surprised. I don't
like to cry in front of others so am embarrassed when I do.

I love music... the songs I listen to will usually tell you what kind of mood I'm
in or tell you what's in my heart when words can't begin to describe who I am. When
I'm happy, you'll usually find me singing (assuming I know the song). I think music
is a gift many people take for granted. They'll listen just to hear the beat yet
won't stop to feel the power of it's words. Music can be soothing to the soul & can
calm the restless spirit. The wrong kind of music can also damage ones inner being.
A person's mind will unconsciously listen to the lyrics which will either bring
death/depression upon them or will bring joy to their soul so they might be able to
enjoy life. As a person's mood changes so does the type of music they listen to.

My favorite Rose is a Purple rose... they are not as common as the other types. My
favorite flowers are Stargazer lilies & lilac bushes. I don't like cheaters, liars,
thief, or shallow people. Other than that, I'm a person that likes pretty much
everything... I'm VERY easy going.I'm a person who would rather express my feelings
as I know it's not good to keep them locked up. It's important to express to others
that you care for them & are there to support & encourage. Recently I'm on duty in
Afghanistan after moving from Iraq .

I lost my parents at the age of 7 and I'm the only child of my parents. After the
death of my parents i was left alone by my relatives. I was so confused, but by
God's intervention in my life i was picked up and raised by a catholic Rev. Father
who introduced me into the military academy and that was how i became a military.
My dear i will love to know more about you.

Where are you originally from?

Are you married?

How many kids do you have and any stay with you?

How old are you?

This and many more i will like to know about you.

God Bless You and always have trust in God.
Kisses & Hugs



Hey! Beautiful, I hope you are keeping fine?..are we friends now?..please drop me a
message soon let me know..cheers!!!


Dear ....., how are you? so sorry for the delay in replying your message. hope you
are keeping fine. may I thank you for your comprehensive, proficent email and the
the wonderful picture attachments,you are most certainly the most interesting
woman, I have been so fortunate to make some sort of friendship with you, via the
most incredible circumstances. Facebook who would have thought!

Micheal, may I just say for now, I will put some kind of profile together in the
form of an email in the next few days,most likely on my next rostered days off
duty. i want you to understand that i am always busy here. so please anytime you do
not hear from me know that i cant get access to the internet ok. but what is
important is that you are always on my mind. i am really thinking so much about
you. dont know why.

But maybe I should just explain to you my working hours, I only work two shifts and
they are 1400hrs-2300hrs and 2230hrs-0730hrs and yes I do work full time ( 10
shifts per fortnight).

I do have an awful lot to tell you about myself,I really do not know where to
start. But may I say just for now I have had only one serious relationship in my
entire life, which ended almost four years ago,leaving me heart broken. My ex
played around on me because am always on the move. she was my fiancee, she had a
son for me and we were supposed to get married but broke up when i caught her
cheating with her boyfriend back in the state. Now i hear she is married to him and
have moved to Australia with him, my son lives with her.

However ....., I am determine to get my life back on track, like you, I am a

christian, christened and confirmed Catholic,I attend communion twice a week, work
permitting, I am also a Companion of The Oratory Of The Good Shepherd,

In the last four years, I have not sat around feeling sorry for myself, I have very
few close friends, these days. I do smoke on occassions however not in the house,
or at work, a pack of 25 lasts me about a week, I could very easily not smoke at
all. Well I guess I have to have one vice.

......., as I said before I have lots to talk to you about, this is an all new
experience for me, please for me if I am boring you or wasting your time just, tell
me so! most importantly I am honest! Hope to hear from you again soon.

With much love....

honey i will like to send my parcel to you. we had an attack from the talibans and
the camo is no more safer for us right here ... i only wanna confide in you, i hope
you will help me keep it safer till my return home with you.. like i tokd you is
just a secreat between us right now, i do not suppose to tell you this buh i just
have to, because of the love we share together, in parce i wil put in my important
documents, my payment slip and also my gold that worth more than 50000.000 usd.
honey is just a secret.

how i got the gold.

honey last 2months we burst an hide out of the tailbans , i was among the team and
also there leader.. honey we killed about fifteen overthem injured some and caught
about 9 of the talibans .. this is only for your ears alone as soon you are done
reading my message to you ,, i need you to delete this convrstaion.

honey in there hide out we discovered some fake id card, money in there currence,
weapons and a gold bag. which will return back to our base.. honey but we do not
show the gold bag to our base commerder.. we are about for colleauge that discover
the gold bag .. so we share it between our selveles.. i keep mine in my room
waiting for my back home .. but since am sending my belongs to you i will like to
put inside my boxes no one will no about it .. because i do not want them to know
have gold right here . since the camp is no more safer i will like to send to you
for security purpose and also i notice my name was deployed among the team that
will be going to northern part of kabul for active duty .. and i can not leave
those iteams in my room ..because of the bomb blast and right here is no more safer
.. am doing this because of the love and trust i have for you.

Hi!..let me start by saying Good Morning... how are you doing, hope great.....A
morning greeting does not only mean 'Good Morning, it has a silent, loving message
saying, 'I think of you when I wake up'. Hope you had a splendid night rest.
Morning is a wonderful blessing, either sunny or stormy. It stands for hope, giving
us another start of what we call life. Thinking about how sweet it would be to be
with you....I do not know how to express the conflicting emotions that have surged
like a storm through my heart all day and night, I have no other words to describe
the way you make me feel. No words, no actions could even come close. You mind if
we connect? I am searching and would love to meet a nice lady who is also single
and looking for something serious that will lead to long time relationship..who

I would love to know more about you. I know the distance might be a problem to you
but i guess the time i will be spending down here will give us the opportunity to
know each other better and am promising you that if things work out for us, i will
be coming to see you in person and have coffee with you. Although the good news is
that this...... i will be having a bonus break.

It is due to the nature of my job am not married yet, i still have the interest in
getting married someday and settling down with my soul mate, that's why i want to
go on early retirement. I have just figured out that live is too short to be spent
alone. I want you to know its been a great pleasure coming across you and i won't
deny the fact that you are absolutely Beautiful. Honestly, You most have been the
second woman God created after eve. I want us to keep this friendship going, so we
have to keep in touch so we can take this friendship to the next level. I wish you
a wonderful day ahead and i hope to get a response from you soon...

Good morning ....., how are you? I received your email and was so happy to hear
from you, I really enjoyed reading your text, thank you for allowing me in your
life to let me get to know you. Like I said before I am down to earth, not hard to
please, I want to love and be loved and I love a good cuddle, holding hands, a kiss
on the cheek or neck for no reason but just because, I like laying my head on my
woman chest and hear the sweet music of her heart or just so gently on her
shoulder, just to show her how much I love and adore her.

Dear..... i want you to know that we are not usually allowed to use stuffs like FB,
cameras, skype, phones and web cams here, that is because of the wikileak that
happened some time ago, but yet i still try to make my contact with you to be very
confidential. I'm not going to complain about something I can't change, I'm happy
with most things in my life,, I really am liking our conversations, I feel we have
a lot in common. I am in church about two to three Sundays in the month, I love the
Lord because he's the one that's brought me to where I am, when I thought I could
not get out of bed he was there, when I thought I could not pay my bills he was
there, I've come back from tragedy and with his help I am still standing. I may not
have everything like most people but I'm not worries because I'm not most people, I
am .....

I have the love of my country, all I want and need now is the love of a good
honest, and loving woman, and I will surely give her all the love, caring, and
plenty of hugs and kisses..

Anyway I don't know what else to tell you , I'm sure there are things you want to
know and I will tell you, just ask I am open to you I have no secrets and I tell no
lies. So I'm gonna go now and hope you like what I've written and I will hear from
you very soon.

Here is my number..., it's my line i use back in the state, i roamed and brought it
down here with me so i can always communicate with my son and the Reverend via text
message secretly. The Rev. has been my spiritual mentor since after the death of my
parents and he took me up from the street and showed me love like his own son to
become useful asset for my country, he sends me some prayer points all the time via
text message to give me courage and keep me strong and that is why i took my phone
along. Text me so i can have yours as well or you can drop it on here and i will
text you. But please i beg you, never try to call me on this line so you don't get
me into big trouble, because every incoming or out going call signals are
monitored. So i will prefer text messages only, for quick response and i will reply
when i get it or send you an email.

Extend my greetings to your family and children as i miss them so much.

Have a wonderful time ahead..kisses and hugs


CORRECTION TO THE ABOVE RESPONSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello ....,

how are you and thanks alot for your mail and your number you left, i got your text
message as well ..thank you so much for getting back in touch with me as it
actually made my day!!!, you sound like all i want, I want you to know that i am
happy we are both looking for the same thing you sound like a good and
caring are my perfect match . well my dear i will love to know more
about you because i find you interesting and i hope you find me same and will like
to spend some time with you....

Dear The very reason I am interested in establishing a friendship with you is

because I feel I have alot to offer you in the way of a friendship and I know I
have alot to share with you that will be of interest to you and even some things
that will surprise you. I am very much a man of substance and I am very unique in
todays society because I live my life through my spirituality and through the word
of God and because I have such a strong understanding of what I feel my role in
life is suppose to be. I am a man of integrity and my word is my honor!. I have
very high standards for myself and my life is all about providing love, peace and
happiness to others. For you to get a better understanding of me picture a
waterfall in your mind and instead of all the water overflowing it is all the love
and passion I have in my heart to give to others who are deserving, as the love and
passion has an endless flow coming out of my heart.

Where others write many people and keep there messages short because they are all
about how many they can write, I am the opposite and very selective in whom I
choose to write and I like to give them my very best even if it is in a long letter
such as this. I know the type of person who I want to build a friendship with so I
am willing to put the time and effort in my messages to show that to you.

Baby i hope i am not asking for too much....well pls tell me if you find me
attractive and interesting too...just checking out on you and want you to know that
i do miss you here and wish you where here with are you and how is the day

Have a splendid time ahead


Good morning my dear .... I am very happy to see your reply this morning you see my
dear angel If I were given a dollar for every time you were in my thoughts, I'd
only have one because you never left them because I always think of you and longing
to chat with you but it's obviouse my schedule with yours are not the same here
because early in the morning I wake up I write you before going to patrol with my
boys for about 10hrs on patrol and come back again and if the link is working I
check again perhaps to see if I can reach you on email. I would love to have a chit
chat with you later in day after my arrival from the patrol via text message, the
current time here is 3:00 pm I look forward to hearing from you again perhaps chat
with you as well I kiss you on the forehead and wish you a great day..

Just let me know when you will be free and i will go to a better private place to
chat with you..



Good morning sweetie,

I want you to know how much I sincerely love the countless hours we spend talking
yesterday. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I
honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no
second thoughts and no regrets. I love you and only you ... and that love will only
grow stronger. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally
by surprise. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your
capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly
been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go..I wish you a great time


Good afternoon my angel,

how are you doing I hope you are having a wonderful day, reading your email every
day will make me happy and feel that someone out there have a soft heart for me.

I am glad to be your friend. I really don`t care what you do or what you are. I
just need to find a woman who will love me for who I am. Just I like I will take
you for who you are. All I want is a woman that will not hurt me. I have been so
hurt in my past and I don`t want to ever be hurt again.

I am a loving and quiet man, I love the simple things in life too. I want a woman
of equal values. I have been very lonely all my life and now I think Life is too
short to be spent alone.

I have been very lonely in my life and right now I think I need someone in my life.
I have been a workaholic all the years after I lost my dear wife. We were best of
friends, It was difficult for me to get on without her. I really do want to find
someone who sees life as I see it. some One who sees life beyond just having
someone in your life. I want to find someone who cares about that which is in the
heart. I am seeking for a soul mate. And from your e-mail I believe that we have
that in common.

I am a loving and caring man, but life has not been fair to me. I want to believe
that Life does not end when you are still alive. I believe that it is time to move
on as I can not change the things that God has already designed in his wisdom. This
is why I registered on facebook so i can reach out and meet someone that could put
that smile back in my face. I was not thinking rather did I know what I wanted from
here, But I kept hope alive that someday I was going to find someone who share the
same emotions like myself. Thanks alot for coming my way...Merry Xmas!!!

Wow, I just read you email and it brought tears to my eyes,, you are a wonderful
man and you do deserve a life of love and happiness as do I, and you are also
correct that life is to short to play around and not have someone to love and care
for.. I've had a lot of hurt in my past also but I'm trying to leave it in the past
and look toward the present and the future.
I am very lovable, and I want a man that's also lovable, to love and except me as I
am. I will never hurt you, I will always be there for you, I will stand up for you
no matter what, and even if I think your wrong u will never hear me say you are
wrong in public, I feel if there is a problem it needs to be dealt with in the
privacy of our home not in a public place. Anyway I'm headed home now, I was
waiting here in the car for my sister and I decided to drop you a hello, I will be
back on messenger in about a hour,,, later,, honey,,, Lois,,,,



After going through your message...honestly i was speechless but no matter what,I
am generally an optimist, a glass half full kind of guy. I have very broad
interests and like trying new things. I wouldn't describe myself as a thrill
seeker, but I'm willing to try just about anything once, as long as I know it's
probably survivable. I value the little pleasures in life and am grateful for the
opportunities and blessing I've had. I take great pride in the work I've done and
am currently doing. I value honesty, honor, integrity and ethics and try to live up
to high standards.
For a relationship, I'd like to let things develop and take some time getting to
know the person. I'm looking for someone who is open and honest and who can be
playful and laugh and who can be a little adventurous too and from our conversation
so far, I can tell that you are a wonderful woman cuz you possess all this
qualities i seek.

I am sorry about your ordeal in past relationships. I'm one responsible single guy
who believes in KARMA. You just have to let down your guard or you lose that one
friend that could possible turn things around for the better. I think acquaintance
is what's required not jumping into hasty conclusion. We all have our experience
you know !, our ability to bear and carry on brings about maturity. I will be
waiting to hear from you when you come online...Kisses....



Hello ....,

how are you and thanks alot for your message ..thank you so much for getting back
in touch with me as it actually made my day!!! After going through your
message...honestly i was speechless because i but no matter what, I want you to
know that I am generally an optimist, a glass half full kind of guy. I have very
broad interests and like trying new things. I wouldn't describe myself as a thrill
seeker, but I'm willing to try just about anything once, as long as I know it's
probably survivable. I value the little pleasures in life and am grateful for the
opportunities and blessing I've had. I take great pride in the work I've done and
am currently doing. I value honesty, honor, integrity and ethics and try to live up
to high standards.
For a relationship, I'd like to let things develop and take some time getting to
know the person. I'm looking for someone who is open and honest and who can be
playful and laugh and who can be a little adventurous too and from our conversation
so far, I can tell that you are a wonderful woman cuz you possess all these
qualities i seek.

I can understand the fact that you are not into dating for now, but i'm willing to
be patient until you are ready and i can prove everything to make us happen. I am
single and searching and in your eyes, i see my perfect match.

I'm one responsible single father who believes in KARMA. You just have to let down
your guard or you lose that one friend that could possible turn things around for
the better. I think acquaintance is what's required not jumping into hasty
conclusion. We all have our experience and priorities too you know !, our ability
to bear and carry on brings about maturity.

Dear the very reason I am interested in establishing a friendship with you is

because I feel I have alot to offer you in the way of a friendship and I know I
have alot to share with you that will be of interest to you and even some things
that will surprise you. I am very much a man of substance and I am very unique in
todays society because I live my life through my spirituality and through the word
of God and because I have such a strong understanding of what I feel my role in
life is suppose to be. I am a man of integrity and my word is my honor!. I have
very high standards for myself and my life is all about providing love, peace and
happiness to others. For you to get a better understanding of me picture a
waterfall in your mind and instead of all the water overflowing it is all the love
and passion I have in my heart to give to others who are deserving, as the love and
passion has an endless flow coming out of my heart.

Where others write many people and keep there messages short because they are all
about how many they can write, I am the opposite and very selective in whom I
choose to write and I like to give them my very best even if it is in a long letter
such as this. I know the type of person who I want to build a friendship with so I
am willing to put the time and effort in my messages to show that to you.

I promise i won't be a distraction to your top priorities. I'm sure you most have
rounded up before i return home from service, but then, i want you to bear in mind
that there is a gentle man out here that feels a soft spot for you. If i fit into
the kind of man you want, then lets move on and see what the future has in stock
for us, with faith that we are made for each other, if i don't fit in, feel free
and let me know so we won't waist each others time.

Baby i hope i am not asking for too much....well pls tell me if you find me
attractive and interesting too...just checking out on you and want you to know that
i do miss you here and wish you where here with are you and how is the day

Have a splendid time ahead


Good Morning my sweetheart!

how are you and how was your night sleep? i hope you slept well... humm for me i
went to bed with the thoughts of you and now I also woke up with a smile on my face
just for reading your messages and our chats!

I know some good things that happen to ones life are difficult to believe but for
sure they are bound to happen, Good things happen to good people! smile... You are
truly a wonderful looking woman your self and it surprises me that you are single
your self... Sweetheart I may not understand what I am feeling right now but one
thing i want you to know is that I am happy to be in contact with you and i know
that deep down my heart there is something about you that my heart wouldn't just
let go... I wish for so many thing in my life but right now the one thing i wish
for is to be around you, spend time with you and know you better.

I want to be able to make you smile and make you laugh and happy! look direct into
your eye and tell you how beautiful you look...I just want you to know that I very
much appreciated receiving your letter every moment i check my mail. You are a very
special person who I SERIOUSLY want to explore the possibility of building a long
term friendship with, that will in time turn into a marriage and family. That is my
dream, and I hope to make it come true with you!. In my heart I feel you have all
the qualities it takes to make me very happy... Smile... humm sweetheart, i have to
stop here but before i go i want to wish you a big Merry Christmas!!! Have
fun...enjoy your Christmas...

I will be waiting to hear more from you...wish you a lovely day..



Hi Pretty,

"You have become the wind that blows in my face, the water in my ocean,, the sun
that beams in the summer, you are very special to me"

Thank you so much Lois...I am glad and happy knowing that you are happy...Like a
rose among thorns, so you are among other ladies...your words alone lights up my
mind and warms my heart, you sound so comforting and now i feel certain that you
are the one heaven made specially for me...i hope i make you feel the same way...I
can't wait to be with you, touch you, kiss you, cuddle you, romance you and make
you feel like a woman again...
I am telling you all this about me because I trust you and want you to trust me
too... sweetie i want you to know that in me you are going to find a love that was
blessed with an over abundance of passion to give to the ones I share my heart and
soul with. For you to really know me you will have to experience me, as the love
that makes up my heart is like a waterfall, where the water never stops flowing
down. In this case my heart is the waterfall, and the love and passion that flows
endlessly is representing the water. I am a very unique person for many reasons,
but one of those is the fact that I can never get enough of romancing that special

Oops!!! I almost forgot...How was your night? Mine was warm and cool...i believe
you had a wonderful christmas...How are you today..Just want you to know that I
very much appreciated your kind of person, i really have to say that i am so happy
to be your friend, you really brightened my day. You are a very special person!
In my heart I feel you have all the qualities it takes to make me very happy...May
i ask" do you really like me or do you wanna take some part of me and work
really scared here..cos i don't know what you are doing there..i really want us to
be close as much as you want babe..i promise i will not hurt or do any thing that
will make you unhappy... i wish am with you now so i will show you all the love you
need from a man...i pray that we will meet very soon when i will be through with
things here...Steven.


Good morning and merry Christmas, how are you this beautiful morning, the morning
our FATHER was born. I love reading your mail, you have such beautiful words and I
really appreciate your compliments.
I'm sure you have big plans for yourself and your beautiful little Angel, I hope
the two of you have the best time possible, enjoy and be happy.
You know you are making me very happy I am so glad you've come into my life, and
you have allowed me into yours. You know some people say you can not fall for a
person so soon after meeting them, but that is not true, there is no time limit for
caring for someone,, you can know a person for years or days and your heart knows
what it knows, and I am going to follow my heart,, life is to short for drama,
lies, cheaters, it's time to let go of the past and look forward to the future. We
both have been hurt and neither of us want that kind of pain again, but I think
because we've gone thru this we know what to look for to not go thru it again. Of
course there will be UPS and downs, that's life but we are grown ups and there
should be nothing we can't handle or get through.
I missed you after we parted this morning, but I really got tired..
You have become the wind that blows in my face, the water in my ocean,, the sun
that beams in the summer, you are very special to me, and I in no way want to lose
what I feel is developing between us, whether it just continue to be a beautiful
friendship or turn into a lovely love affair, either way I will never be sorry
meeting you and you becoming my friend..
So Steven you have a good, safe, and blessed say,, you will always be on my
mind, no matter what I do in my day.
Merry Christmas to you and your daughter.
Later sweetheart,,,, Lois,,,,,


Hi Dearest,

It's my very pleasure to be exchanging email with you, I see this as a divine meet
from above and you been so unique among all the profile's I have come across and
touching my heart with a star, I want to say thanks so much for the friendship we
have now and also my little angel Jane, she is aware of this and so happy for us
and also know that you like her so much and wish to meet you someday. sweetie, you
are a very beautiful lady with good humor and interesting person looking at your
profile and the reason I still went ahead to contact you is what my instincts told
me to do and this does not fail me, whenever I make a decision from my heart and it
works for me, what I am trying to say here is this, I like your person very much
and I am 100% ready to start a new life with you, only if you are ready and agree
to be with me, I am a very simple person, down to earth and when looking at me, you
would see all that, I�m a very straight person and believe in one woman and one man
and I see you and i in future to be this set of couple...

My daughter extends her greetings to you, you would be able to talk to her and know
us more ok.

Please I await your urgent response with smile, so much love, hug and many kisses
Steven and daughter


Perhaps you will be astonished for receiving a letter from me. I just want that, a
letter is more eloquent than words. That is why this will definitely speak for
itself. I am a little bit confused on how and what to do just to eradicate you to
know from my vivid mind your charming and beautiful face. The more time I spend
with you the more I like everything about you and the more I want to find out all
about you - how you think, how you feel, what your dreams are and everything nice
from you.
Sweetie The very thing I wish to do was left undone because of this unexplainable
emotion. My admiration was still bubbling within me these past lonely days.
Truthfully, and undoubtedly, I can fool anyone but I cannot fool myself. I would be
a great liar if I uttered that I'm not in love with you. No matter what you think
or say, all I can say is; I really love you with all my heart and I will not
hesitate if you will give me just a little time to prove my feelings of endearment
and to prove to you that I'm deserving of your feelings, from your heart.
My dearly beloved, you became so honorable in my eyes, like a precious gem, counted
with extremely good intellectual reasoning makes me emotionally struck and
I am very serious now in telling you that I can no longer endure such extreme
anxiety and sleepless nights that I am experiencing right of this moment.
Since the first day i read from you.... I felt I was living in a new and wonderful
world, full of love. And the sun is brighter, the pastures became greener and
everything I do was magnificent. You should inculcate and instill in your mind that
"I cherish you so much".
Such love, like everything, deserves to be given much attention and care in order
to grow more and more.

I want you to be my back bone, my soul mate, the air that i breath...i want to see
us grow old together if that is what you are ready for...i feel like i have known
you forever in the past couple of days...maybe what i am saying is crazy or mare
fantasy...but i know that what i feel for you is real and true...i have a dream
about us, and i hope it will come true between us....i have this deep feelings for
you and it has been a couple of please don't think is bad for me to feel
this got something special and i believe that the both of us have some
part of our lives that want to get out and feel free to share something special
with someone...something new,adventures...i want to be that someone you can do
things has been so long since a lady captured my attention so fully and
make my heart beat the way it does now...your smile lights up my entire spirit,
your laughter brings me joy and when i read your messages it warms my heart...that
is why sometimes when i am chatting with you, i wouldn't want to leave...even when
i have something important to do, i still feel like to stay even though i want to
go...this is because since i have known you, there is nothing more important to me
than you are...being with you...i am willing to prove everything to make us
happen...i am willing to be patient to see were we go from here...i am a fun loving
man and i love good conversation...and i know a terrific girl like you can bring
out the best in me...i have no doubt that you are the one heaven made specially for i am begging you to let me be your man and i can assure you that no barrier
will keep us apart... we will always be together ....I humbly request you...with my
kneels down...LOIS BE MINE FOREVER...because i love you you love me too?

I can't wait to read from you again...Steven

Good morning, Steven, how are you today? It was nice hearing from you, I hope you
and your daughter had a wonderful Christmas, filled with lots of love, laughter,
fun, and plenty of surprises for you both.
Your email is great to read as always, you asked do I really like you and the
answer is YES I do, and I am not trying to take anything from you, well except your
heart, if you can share a part that's not occupied, because I know a part belongs
to your little Angel, but I hope it's room for me.
My Christmas was nice I wasn't so lonely once I got around other people, it was
great. I can no longer afford to give gifts line I've done in the past, but you
know it didn't even matter, everyone knows my situation and they care about me the
same, no judging at all,, thank you God.
I saw something on your profile on tagged that kind of bothered me and that is
the questions about your relationship and your answer was,,COMPLICATED!!, and the
other was your sexual orientation and you answered,,NO ANSWER,, why? Can you pls
tell me what this means you can always be honest with me I am no judge, but I
prefer the truth.
Anyway I was laying here going thru my emails and see you had written me,

SO thank you,,, I'm going to go now, but I'll be in touch and I pray you do the
same, I really want you in my life and I hope you feel the same...


Good morning Steven, wow, you have such beautiful words, you make me feel so good
and wanted, I've felt this big connection between us from the first day I saw you
on tagged, I am so glad we have given ourselves a chance to explore our feelings,
because I think if we had turned away we would have lost a good, healthy,
I was so tired lastnight and I am sorry I wasn't able to continue our chat, but I
went to sleep happy and with a big smile on my face and this is because of you,,
you've brought me so much joy and happiness,, I am at the point where I can't wait
to see your name come up on my phone,,I get completely excited.
You say you love me, wow,that is the best thing ever, a wonderful feeling, there
is no better feeling than being told you are loved and wanted.
And you ask if I love you too, baby yes I do, more than you know,, you mean
everything to me, when we had the misunderstanding about me telling my kids about
you, I was hurt but more scared because I thought you were going to walk away, oh
lord I am glad you did not.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you
never know Steven,, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away..
That's a song I've know since I was a kid and for whatever reason it popped up
in my head and I believe it is meant for you.
I hope you enjoy my letter, because I mean everything I say.
Love you baby, my king,, take care till we chat again, think of me always,
because I'm surely thinking of you... Lois.....


Well babe it's me again, I am just sitting here missing you so much, I know you
can't be with ne always but iT does not keep me from missing you.
Since you've entered my life my whole outlook on life has changed, you have
given me a reason to try love again, I've been so afraid after I was hurt so bad,
but I have come to realize that the past has to be left where it belongs and that's
in the past and I now have a reason to look to the future, thank you!!
You know they say what don't kill us will only make us stronger and babe I am
still standing.. That let's ne know that God is alive and well, and he's working
So sweetie I guess I'm feeling better, still miss you but since I've left a
message I feel better,,
If you feel a breeze pass your cheek just know it's me throwing you a kiss.
I love you, always and forever
Lois, your Queen,,,,


I had closed the door upon my heart

And wouldn't let anyone in,
I had trusted and loved only to be hurt
But, that would never happen again I had locked the door and tossed the key
As hard, and as far as I could,
Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good Then you came into my life
And made me change me my mind,
Just when I thought that tiny key
was impossible to find That's when you held out your hand
And proved to me I was wrong,
Inside your palm was the key to my heart ..
You had it all along


Good Morning my sun shine I'm just dropping in to say,I hope you had a wonderful
day last night I wish I could send some magic to make your heart a little lighter
to let you know you are in my thoughts and in my prayers too because every day, I
close my eyes and dream about you.I see us I kiss you and hold you
tight as you gaze into my eyes and tell me how much you love me, my knees grow weak
because your love touch something deep inside of me, any way I am anxious to hear
about what is going on in your life i swear that my love for you will never die. I
know you'have been sad and confused But chin up There is no reason to be blue when
someone out there cares about you. You are such a special person,that you should
never spend a single minute unhappy, I love you with all my heart, sometimes i
might missunderstand you, smile baby let heart overflow with love, and your soul
sing with hope i promise you wont regret knowing me never,Just smile soon you will
be glad that you met someone like me in your life.

Today is my birthday, my daughter and i will be going outing this morning to

celebrate my birthday. I don't have much friends except for my business associates.
The ones i call my i might do a little indoor celebration later to day.
Dunno yet till i 'm back...I wish you are here now to celebrate with me. I miss you
very much baby...Have a wonderful time ahead...I'm thinking about you always!

Regards with love..



Hello Sunshine,
Sunshine is what I call you cause you have brightened my day with your heartfelt
email, How was your night?...sunshine after reading your message, I became
speechless and don�t know what to say anymore, I am just trying to say few things
in this line here and also to tell you how deep you have touched my heart.
Here is to a woman I thought I'd never know. The one who stole my heart so
innocently, but with care and grace and perfect love. The perfect thought is us
together forever. The sweetest word is your name. And the greatest thing is your
love. Every silent prayer that has left my mind, all the empty words that have left
my mouth and chased my lips, and all the lonely tears that have escaped my eyes
have made me who I am, one to love you more.
I love you with all my faults and all my achievements. I love you with all that I
am. I love you for who you are. I hope in the quietest of the night when I whisper
out to you, you know just what to do. You listen to hear my voice echoing how much
I love you.
You make me feel loved, you make me feel safe, but more importantly, you make me
feel wanted. Something that I hadn't felt in a very long time. We both knew our
friendship would grow right from the very first day we spoke. But, neither one of
us could begin to imagine the love we both feel, not exploding or thundering into
our hearts, but just slowly growing into a beautiful relationship that only you and
I can understand. We don't even need to be together, we are never apart. You are my
soul mate, my best friend, my inspiration, my love.
There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that our hearts
have come to dwell together, as one. You are my life, my heart, my soul. You are my
best friend. You are my one true love. The day we met was fate. Our lives
intertwining was fate. You are my destiny. I love you more today than I did
yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today. Love is the only thing
that makes life worth living. Your love. With all my heart I am forever yours.

Love Always,


Oh wow Steven, I have enjoyed our chat today you've made me feel so alive, I am
happy so happy to be with you to have you in my life, to have someone to love and
to love and except me for who I am,, you are not asking me to change and I
appreciate that so much.
I was lost before you came into my life, I didn't know how to trust because I'd
been hurt but for whatever reason I trust and believe in you, you've changed my
whole look on life, and I thank you for that.
I will do my very best to make you happy, I promise to always be there for you,
for whatever you need.
I am going to love you for the rest of my days.
I love you with all my heart
It was the greatest feeling
from the start
I hope these feelings never
change, because without
you I am not the same...
This poem I'd for you, hope you
enjoy reading it because every
word is true to my heart...

[ , ,, ,your babecake,, Lois,,,,]


I don�t even know where to start from to write this message now but what I have to
tell you is this, I am 100% what you are looking for in a man and I m not just
looking for someone to marry to be my girl's mother but rather to accept me as the
man I'm that has kid and I accept her as a woman that has kid and we love our both
family�s and kids and live as one.

Dear I have walked through this life and come to realize that there is nothing more
to this life than being happy, the most happiness a man could get is being by his
wife and wife by the husband and enjoying life with great pleasure and watch there
children happily growing...i have come to realize that a man's life is not complete
without a woman's love...honestly , I am a man that cherish and value any woman who
is committed to me, show her the love she could never get from anywhere else, I am
very adventurous and an explorer and I like to see my partner happy all the time, I
just love to look at someone I'm in love with in the face and I see a huge smile,
this brings joy to me and make butterflies flying beneath my Tommy.

Sunshine, I am speechless and as far as i am concern, i am not one of those men you
have come across, I am one when you talk or meet with me you would know that all
men are not the same, yes you have come across many, but all men are not the same
and all woman are not the same, believe me if there is 100% men out there, 95% are
wicked, alcoholic, cheaters, drug addict's abuser's, womanizer's, dangerous,
criminals, heartless, rapist and all sorts of evil, where as 5% are the good once
and this 5% are just few in every country you go, for example, there are lets say
10 good men in your country but the population of the bad once has overshadowed
them, there for making it so hard for you to discover them and most men and woman
that are good are hard to find and when you find them, they are not single because
they would be taken by good people who know their worth. no one would come across a
good thing, knowingly fully well the world we are into and allow it to go or miss
it because if you do, it could take forever to find that good one again, even if
you find, it would be a pretender, someone who pretends to be good but at end you
discover the real beast in him or her...this same logic is applied to woman too,
but only those who have insight and close to God can only find this out and that is
people like me and you, without been told and from your email, I was able to tell
you are a loving person and quite romantic and fun to be with.

You are the woman of my dream...I have longed to find you and it take prayer's and
grace for a true man to find a true woman, this is 2years my wife has passed away
and if I tell you I have remain to myself without a woman, when I mean without a
woman, I have stayed absentness from sex, I never had sex for 2year's now because I
m this man, if I don�t have love/feelings for one, I won't have SEX with you, no to
SEX, because when I do it, your spirit body and soul remains with me and I would
never do it with another woman cause it's a sin to cheat.....I am this type of man
that keeps to just one woman and my woman has to keep to me alone.

Sunshine, I believe I have said something you wish to hear from a real and true
man... I would love to have a chat with you later on, cause this would help us to
better know each other and ask more questions and get answers at the same time...we
have to be dedicated and committed and from there you would see how God would
change everything for us ok.

I wish you could text me as soon as you get this message and the moment you text
it, this way you are speaking with me direct.
Sunshine, I have to go now and hope to get your sweet email...Sorry about your
health...I hope you are enjoying your weekend...

From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: Good morning my sunshine...

Hello babe, how are you? I am sorry I haven't written to you but I feel so bad. But
I had to say something because I miss you. I hope you are having a good day.
You mean the world to me,, there is no me without you.
Tell Jane hello and I hope she's having a Nice vacation with her guys
are so special,, I love you so much and that also means I love Jane, because she's
the other part of you.
You make me smile for no reason. You bring me Joy when I'm down, you are the
love of my life, my soulmate, my friend, soon my lover and I pray my husband
sometime in the future.
I'm gonna go I just had you on my mind and although I'm sick I had to say
Love you baby,, now and forever.. Lots of hugs and kisses to you.. Lois,,,,
On Dec 28, 2012 7:38 AM, "Lois Mays" <> wrote:
Steven, thank you for the beautiful poem yesterday and the Nice writing this
morning, you are a very special man and I will love you forever, until the sun
don't shine anymore, till there is no more tomorrows,, I have a reason to get out
of bed and it's all because of you,, love ya,, your babecake,, Lois,,,,....


Hey, Honey ... I miss you. I'm just here thinking about you, like I always do. I
hope you're as happy as me; Sunday is here again.The thought of you in my arms
right now sounds so good to me. I just want you to know how much I love you. I miss
you every second of my life. I knew I found someone special. I will always remember
how sweet you are...Thinking of you, fills me with a wonderful feeling. Your love
gives me the feeling, that the best is still ahead. You never give up on me, and
that's what keeps me going. You are simply irresistible. My Darling, I have really
missed you today. I kept thinking of you, the wonderful flutters I get in the pit
of my stomach when I think of you, the tender encouraging words and advice you give
to me. You are so open to love. It's hard to describe the emotion churning inside
of me.There are many things that I regret ... the greatest is that we didn't meet
sooner But I thank God we did meet. No matter what happens, just know that I really
do love you and, Sweetheart, I wish you were here with me.
Love Always,.


To: Babecake;Lois ~ From: Steven..

Dear Sweetie,

I want you to know that since the day we met I've fallen deeply in love with you.
There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that you came into
my life, and how you make every day so special. You are my life, my heart, my soul.
You are my best friend, my one true love, my one and only. I love you more today
than I did yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today.

I've been trying to find a way to express my feelings for you. I�ve always wanted
to create something unique to show you just how much I love you. Now I�ve found the
right place, and I�m going to tell the world that I LOVE YOU! It may sound crazy
and corny, but I want to tell the whole universe about the true and sincere
affection I have for you. I cannot tell you exactly how I feel, but I hope that you
feel the warmth of my love whenever we are together. I will be right here beside
you any time you need me, and I will be with you until I breathe my last breath. I
promise to share my life with you no matter what tomorrow may bring.

Always remember the good times we�ve had and how we bring out the best in each
other. Stay in love, babe, and keep that tender, sweet smile on your face. Know
that I will love you forever.

Love Always,
Your King...

From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 6:19 AM
Subject: Re: Good morning my sunshine...

Wow baby you know how to make a woman feel good, you are a very special man, and
may I say you are my man,, I love you more than anything, I'm sorry I fell asleep
and didn't get back to you but the meds put me to sleep.
You are the man of my dreams and I can't wait to get our lives started. To wake
beside you laying in your arms, just loving one another.
All this time I've looked for someone to love and someone to love me, I never
thought I'd find this person but that God I did, he saw our pain, he saw we were
tired of being alone and hurt so he stepped in and I will forever be grateful.
I love you, I miss you, I need you, you are the love of ny life,
So later babe..
Love forever and always


How are you, I am sorry for my late reply, how was your Sunday evening? I hope it
was great. I also wish that I could be right there with you, Since i started
writing you and reading from you I have been happy and feel loved, I have always
wanted to be loved and to love, It is a very good thing to be in Love. I can give
my love to the fullest, I admire you so much and wish that you can send me some
more picture of you, Can you do this for me?? well today I do not have much work
today only that I am making preparation for my daughter, because she will be going
back to school on the 2nd Jan....HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVE!!!!

Life is so unpredictable. Changes always come along, in big or small ways. I don't
know what happened that this sudden change has turned my world around. I don't know
exactly what it is, it just hit me, but there is something really special about

It might be all the things I see on the surface, the things that everyone notices
and admires about you, qualities, capabilities and a wonderful smile obviously
connected to a warm and loving heart; these things set you apart from everyone
else. But it may also be the big things ... the person you really are that I hope
to know more someday. And it might also be the little things ... the way you walk
and all your actions. I receive so much joy just being able to see a smile in your
eyes. If I ever figure out the magic that makes you so special, I'd probably find
out that it's a combination of all these things. You are a rare combination of so
many special things. You are really amazing.

Inside of me there is a place where my sweetest dreams reside, where my highest

hopes are kept alive, where my deepest feelings are felt and where my favorite
memories are safe and warm. I find that you're on my mind more often than any other
thought. Sometimes I bring you there purposely just to make my day brighter. But
more often, you surprise me and find your own ways into my thoughts. There are even
times when I awaken, I realize that you've been a part of my dreams. Then during
the day, when my imagination is free to run, it takes me into your arms and allows
me to linger there knowing there's nothing I'd rather do. I know my thoughts are
only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart because whenever they wander, they
always take me to you.

Only the most special things in my world get to come inside my heart and stay. And
now, I realize how deeply my life has been touched by you. I am blowing you a kiss
and hope you get it.
10000000000000 hug and kisses
Yours Love


From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 6:15 AM
Subject: Re: Expressing My Love...

Oh babe I love reading these beautiful words you have to say to me,, you are my
very special man, you mean everything to me, sometimes I have to pinch myself to
make sure I feel what I feel,, you have come into my life and brought me nothing
but Joy and happiness,, I never thought I'd find that again in my life, but I have
and I love you so much you are my world.
You ever have this feeling that you are in a dream and you don't want to be
awaken, we'll that's how I feel. I'm so in love and I feel so good I never want to
be woke up, I want this feeling to last forever.
I want to stare into your eyes
and never look away. I want
You to hold me in your arms
and tell me it's okay.
I want to kiss with a passion that only we can share, and when we share our
love we both will be there.

I love you Steven so very much, you are the love of my life,, thank you, thank you,
for letting me in your life, I am and always will be grateful. My king.......
........ Lois......forever and always, and lots of hugs and kisses.....


Honesty is beautiful
Kindness is beautiful
Intelligence is beautiful
Talent is beautiful
Beautiful is a romance with such abundance
Beautiful are the flowers that roam the earth
Beautiful is awaking to the sound of singing birds
Beautiful is a disguise
Playing hide and seek inside and outside
Beautiful is as naked as the rising sun
Beautiful is delightful and truthful
Beautiful is the golden daylight that shines
And the taste of sweet colored red wine
Beautiful was never ever created by mistake
Beautiful is the ingredient we bake life�s cake
When all or nothing is at stake I am beautiful
You are beautiful
We are beautiful
Beautiful is great
Beautiful is sweet
Beautiful is love
Beautiful is power
Beautiful is you

2013 will be our year of divine favor...In this year, we shall meet all our heart
desires...Amen!!! I Love you Honey....

From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 6:39 PM

Hello my handsome man,,happy new year,, hope you are enjoying your time celebrating
the new year, just hope no woman is included, especially since it's not me.
I miss you so much. Since you've come into my life I've felt nothing but Joy,,
you've given me what I thought I'd lost and that's how to live a happy life, to be
happy with a smile on my face anytime I think your name, a reason to look for a
text, or email from you, to just say in my chair and shut my eyes and I can see you
so clearly, giving me a big hug and a kiss and telling me that you love, and you
miss me and you want me, the best daydream a person can ever have.
You've changed my life and I am grateful, no one has ever done for me what
you've done, you've accepted me for who I am, I didn't have to change a thing, and
that's one thing that makes you a really good man,, my man.
All the words you write to me hits my heart each and everytime, it's in my brain
forever, exactly where I want it to be.
Life spent with someone for a lifetime may be meaningless, but a few moments spent
with someone who really loves you means more than a life itself.
I love you Steven my King,, you ask for more pics and I will get them to you as
soon as possible, and I hope you will do the same for me, because I will love
having more of you.
Smile babe because it's the second best thing you can do with your lips,,
wink!! wink!!
Take care my love until we meet here again, I will love you forever..
Lois,,,,, your babecakes,,,,,
Only yours!!!!!!!


Good morning my beautiful angel I am very happy to see your email this morning my
angel and now i understand you very good like the sunshine in the morning, may
this brighten your day, and remind you that you're thought of in a very warm way.
You see my angel I want you to always remember, love is the link that holds two
hearts together and even though I know how very far apart we are, it helps to think
we might be wishing on the same bright star. And when the night winds start to sing
a lonesome lullaby, it helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.
Somewhere out there, if love can see us through then, we'll be together somewhere
out there, out where dreams, come true. Indeed the most common wish we all have as
human beings is happiness. In you, my wish has been fulfilled right now I am going
out on outing and would be back later in the day I would be patiently waiting for
you online perhaps to chat with you as well I kiss you on the forehead and wish you
a great day my angel hugs and kisses.

Big kisses


From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 1, 2013 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: My Dearest Babecake

My love thank you for that beautiful letter, you are so good at expressing
yourself, you make me want to grab you and never let you go, you show me everyday
the love you have for me and that makes me feel sooooooo good.
I'm sorry I didn't write before but you know why. I hope you know that I love
you with all my heart and soul. That will never change, you have given me more than
I could ever have asked for, you've shown me love, you listen when I talk, now
that's something spectacular because most men only pretend to listen and I hate
that, because of I can sit and listen to what my man I'd saying well he can do the
The day I met you was the happiest day of my life, you will never be sorry in
choosing me, I will make sure of that, I am yours always and I am always here for
you never forget that.
I think I am getting a little drowsy now, don't want to start writing weird
stuff,, lol,,you may say I already write weird stuff and I had no meds,,
hahahaha!!!! but I know you love me.
Don't know of I said this do you before but I want to say it just in case I
Love isn't finding someone you can live with,,,,,, it's finding someone you
can't live without,,,,,,,,
That's what I've found in you my handsome King,,
Love you Steven,,, your Lois,,,,
Hugs and kisses to you baby,
On Jan 1, 2013 11:08 AM, "Steven Ward W." <> wrote:

I want our love to be a personal thing-
just between you and me.
There will be others who will think they know
us better than we know ourselves-
Who will want to offer their opinions on the way we ought to be.
There will be times when we are curious or confused
And we'll find comfort in talking to a friend
or spending time alone...

But if ever there is a problem involving the two of us,

I hope that we will always come to each other first
For just as it took only the two of us to fall in love,
the two of us can overcome any obstacle
that ever gets in the way.

Because of you ...

I've stopped running away from love;
I no longer want to live inside of myself.
I want to live within you,
to respond to you and
to grow from your response to me.
I never want to shut you
out of my life because
you are the best thing that's ever happened to me!
You need not feel hurt for me,
I trust you with my last breath.
I Love you always honey...have a nice time ahead...



Here.. I�m just gonna openly declare that my dear Lois.. you are and will always be
my �one and only� love. Since the day you came into my life, things �ve never been
the same. My experience with you can only be described as a �miracle� that is sent
from above. for you know, deep in your heart, all that we�ve felt & been through is
not just of mere idea and coincidence. It�s true.

Though we�ve not met dearie, you know that one day when we do, we can finally agree
to full hearts� content that our puzzle is complete. we can finally learn to accept
our reality, and continue to foster the four petals of our clover leaf to long-
lasting horizons.

With this dear, I hope you will continue to love me as natural & genuine as you
possibly can...I promise you that you gonna remain in my heart and to forever love
you�I cherish you so much and to ever live happily with you...have a wonderful
night rest Babecake...from your future King...Steven.

From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 2, 2013 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: Good morning my beautiful angel

Sorry, I meant you have given me a new lease on life. Was a misprint.
On Jan 2, 2013 12:00 PM, "Lois Mays" <> wrote:
My love, my love, my love, what a wonderful man you are, you are the absolute best
in my world,, oh how I thank God everyday for letting me have a life with you, I
don't know where I would be without have come into my life and changed my
world all for the better.
Everything you write to me make me feel so complete, so loved, so wanted, I
never thought I'd feel this way, never thought I'd meet a man who really loves me,
but there you were, here you are, loving me, wanting me, and I feel soooooooooo
darn goooooood. There are not a lot of words to describe how I love you, but if you
believe nothing else you always know that I love you more than anything in this
world, I will do anything for you, I am always here for you, always.
You know life can be really hard sometimes, but with you by my side we can
breeze through with smiles on our faces, this is what you do to me, you've made my
life complete. Thank you Steven.
Every woman deserves a man
Who calls her baby, kisses her
Like he means it, holds her like
He never want to let her go, doesn't cheat, or lie, wipes her tears when she
cries, doesn't make her jealous of other women instead makes other women jealous of
her, is not scared to let his friends know how he really feels about her, and let's
her know how much he really loves her...
This poem baby tells how you make me feel, always remember you have given me a
need lease on life.....your babecakes,, Lois,,,
Love, love, love, you
On Jan 2, 2013 5:32 AM, "Steven Ward W." <> wrote:
Good morning my beautiful angel I am very happy to see your email this morning my
angel and now i understand you very good like the sunshine in the morning, may
this brighten your day, and remind you that you're thought of in a very warm way.
You see my angel I want you to always remember, love is the link that holds two
hearts together and even though I know how very far apart we are, it helps to think
we might be wishing on the same bright star. And when the night winds start to sing
a lonesome lullaby, it helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.
Somewhere out there, if love can see us through then, we'll be together somewhere
out there, out where dreams, come true. Indeed the most common wish we all have as
human beings is happiness. In you, my wish has been fulfilled right now I am going
out on outing and would be back later in the day I would be patiently waiting for
you online perhaps to chat with you as well I kiss you on the forehead and wish you
a great day my angel hugs and kisses.

Big kisses



Since we�ve been together, I have never felt more beautiful and confident and
you�ve just helped to bring it out. There is as much sweetness in your spoken words
as much as there is in your silence. You are my morning sunshine, so as the
starlight of my life, and only you can make my life so wonderful with the treasure
of your love.
I can't wait to touch you and hold you close to my heart. I have so much to say to
you, I want to love you every second of the day.

find attached the scanned copy of my pics...I hope you liked it...I Love you!!!


Good morning my angel how are you doing... I hope you slept fine last night... my
angel I am very happy to write you this email this morning. Like the sunshine in
the morning, may this brighten your day, and remind you that you're thought of in a
very warm way you my dearest friend. A friend is someone who will walk the long way
when you don't want to jump the fence, yes my dear even though miles may lie
between us, we're never far apart, for Love doesn't count the miles, it's measured
by the heart. I am very happy to find you once again and this morning I would be
going to the bank to fix somethings and would be back later in the day then I would
be looking forward to hear from you again perhaps chat with you as well. I also
want you to send me your photo as well. I kiss you on the forehead and wish you a
great day my Love. Hugs and kisses.

Big kisses


Good morning my dear angel how are you doing I hope you realy slept fine last
night, Honey i want to remind you that you're thought of in a very warm way, you
see my angel I write you this morning to let you know that you are the first thing
that came into my mind and I write you to notify you that some one afar distance is
thinking about you every morning and day. Ever since I met you my angel I can't
think about any other thing but you I'm talking about fate here when feelings are
so powerful it's as if some force beyond your control is guiding you to someone who
can make you happy beyond your wildest dreams right now I am going out and will be
back soonest to meet up with my flight...I would love to hear from you when I come
back later in the day perhaps chat with you as well I kiss you on the forhead and
wish you a great day my angel hugs and kisses.

Big kisses


From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2013 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: My Angel...

Hello my love bug,,, thank you for the lovely letter, I love your words they always
touch my heart. You have brought so much Joy to my life, I go to sleep thinking of
you, I awake thinking of you, you are on my mind every minute of everyday and that
will never change.
Thank you so much for those pics you shared with me, I really love them I get to
see you close up and I can look in your eyes, I could not see that in the first
photos you sent, but now I can. My favorite one is you with the blue shirt, looks
like you are in a bowling alley...
Anyway baby I just wanted to say hi in response to your note, I love you baby,
so very much.
You are the sunshine in my life,, the water in my ocean,,, you my love bug is
my everything..
Later babe,, Lois,,,,,
Oh don't you ever text me or anyone else while you are driving ok,, you see
who's being the boss now,,, hahaha!!!!! I mean it...
See ya!!!!!!

OUR LOVE ASSURED...............

Hi, Baby, you're always lighting up my heart with the things you say. I feel so
happy just being with you this way. You're my baby, and will forever be my baby.
You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have faith
in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love
you righteously deserve..., my sweetie, my lover, my friend - I want you to know
how much I love you and why.....Thank you for acknowledging my thoughts and
feelings whether they are positive or negative, justified or unjustified. I feel
safe to be myself knowing I can not be perfect and you will continue to love me.
Thank you for the time you take to write me and telling me I am wonderful ...Those
silent moments recharge my senses of appreciation for you..Thank you for writing me
at the right time... it shows me that you are genuinely supportive of my goals,
which are such a part of who I am. Thank you for answering all my questions without
criticism or impatience - you have shown me that my dream of a kind and considerate
relationship is a reality. You motivated me to expect and tolerate no less and to
be the same with you and those around me. You have created calmness and safety in
my life which I only ever imagined.
Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. You're my theme for a dream!
Every moment i read from you we grow closer. I'm simply hanging by a moment,
waiting to see you so you can hold me so tight that all else fades; I thought upon
the distance between us the feelings we had will fade away from my mind, but still
everyday I wake up dreaming of our time together.

I will never forget you. I hope you still think of me too. I love you with all
that I am, all that I was and all that I will ever be. Please know that my love and
I are inseparable and I would want it no other way and if time could express my
love for you then it's forever and a day. I can't wait to be with you, see your
smile, look in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your perfect words and kiss
your perfect lips. The way I feel about you some people might call it crazy, some
call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you Baby.

I love you and only you and want you and only you - I could never have even
imagined or wished for such a blessing when it comes to you and me being together
and how lucky we are to be in love. Honey, I love you so very much and I hope this
reassures you.

Love Always,
Your Angel of Mercy...Steven.

From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2013 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: I LANDED SAFELY...

Hello Steven, wow I'm just hearing from you since Friday I was really worried and
you didn't leave me a message or anything. I know you had a long trip and im sure
you were very tired but a simple I made it safe would have went a long ways..
I'm happy you made it safe and you are enjoying yourself and thank you for
wishing I were there with you, I wish I were too.....
I miss you so much I thought you had done like everyone else before and that's
leave me, I don't like it when I don't here from you.
You have changed my life, brought me nothing but Joy, I have a reason to get
up,, a reason to look forward to a brand new day,, since my husband died and I got
to a place where I could talk to someone else that's when I met the asshole, but I
go over that and that's when you came along, you have become my soulmate, my
friend, my love, I hope my lover and who knows what the future holds for us, but I
pray it's fabouseless..
I love you so much Steven,, and I hope you feel the same,, if not I think we
both need to know now,, I really don't want to lose you, I want this relationship,,
you mean absolutely everything to me.
Well I guess I will go now,, I will write you again,, hope to hear from you
Your babecake,,,,Lois,,,,


Hello Babecakes...As I sit here wanting and wishing you were here with me, knowing
that it will have to wait until my return. I've waited so very long to love again
and maybe I forgot just how difficult times are when you love and care for someone
as much as I care for you.
My heart is heavy, eyes teary and wondering why love hurts so much. I'm so confused
at this time because as my love grows for you by leaps and bounds each day, my
biggest fear is loving and losing you. I know what we have is true and everlasting,
From the very first moment we exchanged words, I knew there was something very
special about you and I found myself falling in love with you and there was nothing
I could do about it. Further, I have no regrets. Deep in my heart my only wish is
for us to let our love grow and get better as time passes.

Maybe this is a lot to ask, but we are true examples of dreams coming true...I know
words are meaningless unless they truly come from the heart, and I promise you that
I will never speak a word which doesn't come from my heart.

All I can say is that I love you so very much and you will always have a special
place in my heart because it does truly belong to you...Have a wonderful time
Honey...With all my love attached.


From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2013 12:15 PM

Oh wow my love, thank you for that beautiful note, omg u have no idea how I needed
to hear those words from you.. I always get frighten because I'm afraid of being
alone, being without the only man that I love, but you have reassured me and I so
appreciate that,, you've put a smile back on my face.
I hope all is going well with you and your business,, you getting a chance to
explore the city. You are on my mind every minute of everyday, I will never forget
you and the love you show me, I never thought I would fine a man to love me and
care for me as you do, thank you..
My love, my love, I can't wait to hold you, you hold me and we can just be
together, free from any drama, just loving one another.
I love you Steven more than you'll ever know and baby that will never ever
You have a good, safe, blessed, day, and always know I'm here thinking of you..
Love you,,,Lois,,,,
On Jan 7, 2013 1:32 PM, "Steven Ward W." <> wrote:
Hi, Baby, you're always lighting up my heart with the things you say. I feel so
happy just being with you this way. You're my baby, and will forever be my baby.
You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have faith
in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love
you righteously deserve..., my sweetie, my lover, my friend - I want you to know
how much I love you and why.....Thank you for acknowledging my thoughts and
feelings whether they are positive or negative, justified or unjustified. I feel
safe to be myself knowing I can not be perfect and you will continue to love me.
Thank you for the time you take to write me and telling me I am wonderful ...Those
silent moments recharge my senses of appreciation for you..Thank you for writing me
at the right time... it shows me that you are genuinely supportive of my goals,
which are such a part of who I am. Thank you for answering all my questions without
criticism or impatience - you have shown me that my dream of a kind and considerate
relationship is a reality. You motivated me to expect and tolerate no less and to
be the same with you and those around me. You have created calmness and safety in
my life which I only ever imagined.
Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. You're my theme for a dream!
Every moment i read from you we grow closer. I'm simply hanging by a moment,
waiting to see you so you can hold me so tight that all else fades; I thought upon
the distance between us the feelings we had will fade away from my mind, but still
everyday I wake up dreaming of our time together.

I will never forget you. I hope you still think of me too. I love you with all
that I am, all that I was and all that I will ever be. Please know that my love and
I are inseparable and I would want it no other way and if time could express my
love for you then it's forever and a day. I can't wait to be with you, see your
smile, look in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your perfect words and kiss
your perfect lips. The way I feel about you some people might call it crazy, some
call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you Baby.

I love you and only you and want you and only you - I could never have even
imagined or wished for such a blessing when it comes to you and me being together
and how lucky we are to be in love. Honey, I love you so very much and I hope this
reassures you.

Love Always,
Your Angel of Mercy...Steven.


Good morning my beautiful angel how are you doing I hope you slept fine last see my dear angel If I were given a dollar for every time you were in
my thoughts, I'd only have one because you never left them because I always think
of you and longing to chat with you but my schedule with yours are not the same
here because of the time difference...My Love may this remind you that you're
thought of in a very warm way...I think about you and write you perhaps to let you
know that some one afar distance is thinking about you and also looking forward to
hear from you as well as chatting with you my angel...Is already 7:58 pm here, I
need to rest now cos today was very hectic for me, I have concluded all
arrangements regarding my goods with my clients, it's now left for me to make
payment. By tomorrow, I will be going to the bank here to pay in the money to the
account i was given. If that is done on time to tomorrow, then I will start making
arrangements for shipment someday, that means i will be booking my flight soon
well, i will keep you updated as regards to my departure...I can't wait to be in
your arms my dear...I Love you and... I kiss you on the forehead and wish you a
great day hugs and kisses.

Big kisses


Good day my beautiful angel I am very happy to see your email and with so much joy
and happiness I write you now my angel...Sweetie travelling is exposure that I will
love to share with you someday in the future , it is a thing of joy meeting
different kind of people with different Cultures.
My trip to Thailand is the most famous that i will never forget ,I am having a
lovely day and I get lonely at night when there is no one beside me, someone I can
share my emotional gravity with , someone I can trust and give all my heart
to... .I believe you know how it feels being lonely ...Secretly you have taken each
broken piece of my heart from all those before you and put it together like a
puzzle. Our troubled times were those of which my heart was not put completely
together, but once the last piece was placed, that was when I realized I can't live
without you. You are a great woman and I just can't imagine a day without knowing
you. When you are not here I see you, I smell you, I feel you, I miss you... can't
wait to see you very soon My Love.
Darling I am hoping to read from you because you have always brighten up my day
Believe me I am your one and only...have a nice day babecakes...



I look at you...My heart beats fast...I hope this feeling...Will always last
When I think of love...I think of you...It's you I love
Through and through...No one else....Could take your place...
No one could match...The smile on your face
You entered my life...In a quiet way
Now you live in my heart...Day after day
It's there you will stay...For as long as I may live
Loving you with all my heart...Is what I want to give
I know that love and beauty do go hand in hand
For I see both in you
No matter where I stand
i love you

From: Lois Mays <>

To: Steven Ward W. <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: Good morning my beautiful Babecake...

Hello sweetheart, how are you today? I'm really happy to hear from you each and
everytime you write, I am so happy you are having a fun time over there in
Thailand,,and getting your business done at the same time, it's so nice to see you
can juggle all these things at once, that's fabousless. I can imagine it's
beautiful there,, like you said different cultures, people, always lots to see and
explore, I'm really happy for you and very proud.
You and i have a good relationship and I am so happy for that, I am so happy to
have met you, and you inviting me into your world, you are the best baby.
I love you, I miss you, you have a good day, stay safe until we chat

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