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Starting Out with Java From Control Structures through

Data Structures 3rd Edition Gaddis Solutions Manual

Starting Out With Java From Control Structures Through

Data Structures 2nd Edition Gaddis Test Bank

Starting Out With Java From Control Structures Through

Data Structures 2nd Edition Gaddis Solutions Manual

Starting Out with Java From Control Structures through

Objects 6th Edition Gaddis Test Bank
Starting Out with Java From Control Structures through
Objects 7th Edition Gaddis Test Bank

Starting Out with Java From Control Structures through

Objects 7th Edition Gaddis Solutions Manual

Starting Out With Java From Control Structures Through

Objects 6th Edition Gaddis Solutions Manual

Starting Out with Java From Control Structures through

Objects 5th Edition Tony Gaddis Test Bank

Starting Out with Java From Control Structures through

Objects 5th Edition Tony Gaddis Solutions Manual
Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Data Structures 3e (Gaddis and Muganda)
Chapter 6 A First Look at Classes

6.1 Multiple Choice Questions

1) One or more objects may be created from a(n):

A) field
B) class
C) method
D) instance
Answer: B

2) Class objects normally have ________ that perform useful operations on their data, but primitive
variables do not.
A) fields
B) instances
C) methods
D) relationships
Answer: C

3) In the cookie cutter metaphor, think of the ________ as a cookie cutter and ________ as the cookies.
A) object; classes
B) class; objects
C) class; fields
D) attribute; methods
Answer: B

4) Which of the following are classes from the Java API?

A) Scanner
B) Random
C) PrintWriter
D) All of the above
Answer: D

5) When you are working with a ________, you are using a storage location that holds a piece of data.
A) primitive variable
B) reference variable
C) numeric literal
D) binary number
Answer: A

6) What is stored by a reference variable?

A) A binary encoded decimal
B) A memory address
C) An object
D) A string
Answer: B

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
7) Most programming languages that are in use today are:
A) procedural
B) logic
C) object-oriented
D) functional
Answer: C

8) Java allows you to create objects of this class in the same way you would create primitive variables.
A) Random
B) String
C) PrintWriter
D) Scanner
Answer: B

9) A UML diagram does not contain:

A) the class name
B) the method names
C) the field names
D) object names
Answer: D

10) Data hiding, which means that critical data stored inside the object is protected from code outside the
object, is accomplished in Java by:
A) using the public access specifier on the class methods
B) using the private access specifier on the class methods
C) using the private access specifier on the class definition
D) using the private access specifier on the class fields
Answer: D

11) For the following code, which statement is NOT true?

public class Sphere

private double radius;
public double x;
private double y;
private double z;
A) x is available to code that is written outside the Circle class.
B) radius is not available to code written outside the Circle class.
C) radius, x, y, and z are called members of the Circle class.
D) z is available to code that is written outside the Circle class.
Answer: D

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
12) You should not define a class field that is dependent upon the values of other class fields:
A) in order to avoid having stale data
B) because it is redundant
C) because it should be defined in another class
D) in order to keep it current
Answer: A

13) What does the following UML diagram entry mean?

+ setHeight(h : double) : void

A) this is a public attribute named Height and is a double data type
B) this is a private method with no parameters and returns a double data type
C) this is a private attribute named Height and is a double data type
D) this is a public method with a parameter of data type double and does not return a value
Answer: D

14) Methods that operate on an object's fields are called:

A) instance variables
B) instance methods
C) public methods
D) private methods
Answer: B

15) The scope of a private instance field is:

A) the instance methods of the same class
B) inside the class, but not inside any method
C) inside the parentheses of a method header
D) the method in which they are defined
Answer: A

16) A constructor:
A) always accepts two arguments
B) has return type of void
C) has the same name as the class
D) always has an access specifier of private
Answer: C

17) Which of the following statements will create a reference, str, to the String, "Hello, World"?
A) String str = "Hello, World";
B) string str = "Hello, World";
C) String str = new "Hello, World";
D) str = "Hello, World";
Answer: A

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
18) Two or more methods in a class may have the same name as long as:
A) they have different return types
B) they have different parameter lists
C) they have different return types, but the same parameter list
D) you cannot have two methods with the same name
Answer: B

19) Given the following code, what will be the value of finalAmount when it is displayed?

public class Order

private int orderNum;
private double orderAmount;
private double orderDiscount;

public Order(int orderNumber, double orderAmt,

double orderDisc)
orderNum = orderNumber;
orderAmount = orderAmt;
orderDiscount = orderDisc;
public int getOrderAmount()
return orderAmount;
public int getOrderDisc()
return orderDisc;

public class CustomerOrder

public static void main(String[] args)
int ordNum = 1234;
double ordAmount = 580.00;
double discountPer = .1;
Order order;
double finalAmount = order.getOrderAmount() —
order.getOrderAmount() * order.getOrderDisc();
System.out.printf("Final order amount = $%,.2f\n",
A) 528.00
B) 580.00
C) There is no value because the constructor has an error.
D) There is no value because the object order has not been created.
Answer: D

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
20) A class specifies the ________ and ________ that a particular type of object has.
A) relationships; methods
B) fields; object names
C) fields; methods
D) relationships; object names
Answer: C

21) This refers to the combining of data and code into a single object.
A) Data hiding
B) Abstraction
C) Object
D) Encapsulation
Answer: D

22) Another term for an object of a class is:

A) access specifier
B) instance
C) member
D) method
Answer: B

23) In your textbook the general layout of a UML diagram is a box that is divided into three sections. The
top section has the ________; the middle section holds ________; the bottom section holds ________.
A) class name; attributes or fields; methods
B) class name; object name; methods
C) object name; attributes or fields; methods
D) object name; methods; attributes or fields
Answer: A

24) For the following code, which statement is NOT true?

public class Circle

private double radius;
public double x;
private double y;
A) x is available to code that is written outside the Circle class.
B) radius is not available to code written outside the Circle class.
C) radius, x, and y are called members of the Circle class.
D) y is available to code that is written outside the Circle class.
Answer: D

25) It is common practice in object-oriented programming to make all of a class's:

A) methods private
B) fields private
C) fields public
D) fields and methods public
Answer: B

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
26) After the header, the body of the method appears inside a set of:
A) brackets, []
B) parentheses, ()
C) braces, {}
D) double quotes, ""
Answer: C

27) In UML diagrams, this symbol indicates that a member is private:

A) *
B) #
C) -
D) +
Answer: C

28) In UML diagrams, this symbol indicates that a member is public.

A) /
B) @
C) -
D) +
Answer: D

29) In a UML diagram to indicate the data type of a variable enter:

A) the variable name followed by the data type
B) the variable name followed by a colon and the data type
C) the class name followed by the variable name followed by the data type
D) the data type followed by the variable name
Answer: B

30) When an object is created, the attributes associated with the object are called:
A) instance fields
B) instance methods
C) fixed attributes
D) class instances
Answer: A

31) When an object is passed as an argument to a method, what is passed into the method's parameter
A) the class name
B) the object's memory address
C) the values for each field
D) the method names
Answer: B

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
32) A constructor is a method that:
A) returns an object of the class.
B) never receives any arguments.
C) with the name ClassName.constructor.
D) performs initialization or setup operations.
Answer: D

33) The scope of a public instance field is:

A) only the class in which it is defined
B) inside the class, but not inside any method
C) inside the parentheses of a method header
D) the instance methods and methods outside the class
Answer: D

34) Which of the following statements will create a reference, str, to the string, "Hello, world"?

(1) String str = new String("Hello, world");

(2) String str = "Hello, world";
A) 1
B) 2
C) 1 and 2
D) neither 1 or 2
Answer: C

35) Overloading means multiple methods in the same class:

A) have the same name, but different return types
B) have different names, but the same parameter list
C) have the same name, but different parameter lists
D) perform the same function
Answer: C

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
36) Given the following code, what will be the value of finalAmount when it is displayed?

public class Order

private int orderNum;
private double orderAmount;
private double orderDiscount;

public Order(int orderNumber, double orderAmt,

double orderDisc)
orderNum = orderNumber;
orderAmount = orderAmt;
orderDiscount = orderDisc;

public double finalOrderTotal()

return orderAmount - orderAmount *

public class CustomerOrder

public static void main(String[] args)
Order order;
int orderNumber = 1234;
double orderAmt = 580.00;
double orderDisc = .1;
order = new Order(orderNumber, orderAmt, orderDisc);
double finalAmount = order.finalOrderTotal();
System.out.printf("Final order amount = $%,.2f\n",
A) 528.00
B) 580.00
C) 522.00
D) There is no value because the object order has not been created.
Answer: C

37) A class's responsibilities include:

A) the things a class is responsible for doing
B) the things a class is responsible for knowing
C) both A and B
D) neither A nor B
Answer: C

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
38) Instance methods do not have this key word in their headers:
A) public
B) static
C) private
D) protected
Answer: B

39) Which of the following is NOT involved in finding the classes when developing an object-oriented
A) Describe the problem domain.
B) Identify all the nouns.
C) Write the code.
D) Refine the list of nouns to include only those that are relevant to the problem.
Answer: C

40) This is a group of related classes.

A) archive
B) package
C) collection
D) attachment
Answer: B

41) Quite often you have to use this statement to make a group of classes available to a program.
A) import
B) use
C) link
D) assume
Answer: A

42) Look at the following statement.

import java.util.Scanner;

This is an example of
A) a wildcard import
B) an explicit import
C) unconditional import
D) conditional import
Answer: B

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
43) Look at the following statement.

import java.util.*;

This is an example of:

A) a wildcard import
B) an explicit import
C) unconditional import
D) conditional import
Answer: A

44) The following package is automatically imported into all Java programs.
B) java.default
C) java.util
D) java.lang
Answer: D

6.2 True/False Questions

1) An object can store data.

Answer: TRUE

2) A class in not an object, but a description of an object.

Answer: TRUE

3) An access specifier indicates how the class may be accessed.

Answer: TRUE

4) A method that stores a value in a class's field or in some other way changes the value of a field is
known as a mutator method.
Answer: TRUE

5) Instance methods should be declared static.

Answer: FALSE

6) A constructor is a method that is automatically called when an object is created.

Answer: TRUE

7) Shadowing is the term used to describe where the field name is hidden by the name of a local or
parameter variable.
Answer: TRUE

8) The public access specifier for a field indicates that the attribute may not be accessed by statements
outside the class.
Answer: FALSE

9) A method that gets a value from a class's field but does not change it is known as a mutator method.
Answer: FALSE
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
10) Instance methods do not have the key word static in their headers.
Answer: TRUE

11) The term "default constructor" is applied to the first constructor written by the author of a class.
Answer: FALSE

12) When a local variable in an instance method has the same name as an instance field, the instance field
hides the local variable.
Answer: FALSE

13) The term "no-arg constructor" is applied to any constructor that does not accept arguments.
Answer: TRUE

14) The java.lang package is automatically imported into all Java programs.
Answer: TRUE

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
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such as we have written in our temples.” Καθαρτικαι δε (ευχαἰ, επι αποτροπαις
λοιμικων νοσημοτων, ἢ παντοιων μολυσμων’ οιας δε και εν τοις ιεροις εχομεν
130. Porphyry, in lib. ii. De Abstinentia, mentions Seleucus the theologist, and
Suidas says that Seleucus the Alexandrian wrote 100 books concerning the Gods.
131. These books (βιβλοι) were most probably nothing more than short
discourses, such as the treatises now are which are circulated as written by
Hermes, and which, as Iamblichus informs us, contain Hermaic doctrines.
132. A great priest, a scribe of the Adyta in Egypt, by birth a Sebanite, and an
inhabitant of Heliopolis, as he relates of himself.
133. In the original, πρωτος και του πρωτου θεου και βασιλεως, which Gale
translates, prior etiam primo Deo, et rege [sole]. But the addition of sole in his
translation is obviously most unappropriate and false: for Iamblichus is evidently
speaking of a deity much superior to the sun.
134. For Ημηφ here, Gale conjectures that we should read Κνηφ Kneph: for
Plutarch says that the unbegotten Kneph was celebrated with an extraordinary
degree of veneration by the Egyptian Thebans.
135. Hence the moon is said by Proclus to be αυτοπτον της φυσεως αγαλμα,
the self-visible statue or image of nature.
136. Proclus in Tim. p. 117, cites what is here said as the doctrine of the
Egyptians, and also cites for it the authority of Iamblichus. But his words are, και
μην και η των Αιγυπτιων παραδοσις τα αυτα περι αυτης (της υλης) φησιν. ο γε τοι
θειος Ιαμβλιχος ιστορησεν οτι και Ερμης εκ της ουσιοτητος την υλοτητα
παραγεσθαι βουλεται., i. e. “Moreover the doctrine of the Egyptians asserts the
same things concerning matter. For the divine Iamblichus relates that Hermes also
produces matter from essentiality.”
137. This is most probably the Chæremon who is said by Porphyry, in lib. iv.
De Abstinentia, “to be a lover of truth, an accurate writer, and very conversant with
the Stoic philosophy.” Τοιαυτα μεν τα κατ’ Αιγυπτιους υπ’ ανδρος φιλαληθους τε
και ακριβους, εντε τοις Στωϊκοις πραγματικωτατα φιλοσοφησαντος
138. This was the ninth king in the twenty-sixth dynasty of the Saitan kings.
139. This city is mentioned by Plato in the Timæus, who represents Critias as
saying “that there is a certain region of Egypt, called Delta, about the summit of
which the streams of the Nile are divided, and in which there is a province called
Saitical.” He adds, “of this province the greatest city is Saïs, from which also King
Amasis derived his origin. The city has a presiding divinity, whose name is, in the
Egyptian tongue, Neith, but in the Greek Athena, or Minerva.” It is singular that
Gale, who is not deficient in philology, though but a smatterer in philosophy,
should have omitted to remark in his notes this passage of Plato.
140. Proclus, in MS. Comment, in Alcibiad. cites one of the Chaldean oracles,
which says,

——πορθμιον ουνομα το δ’ εν απειροις

Κοσμοις ενθρωσκον.

i. e. “There is a transmitting name which leaps into the infinite worlds.” And in
his MS. Scholia in Cratyl. he quotes another of these oracles, viz.

Αλλα εστιν ουνομα σεμνον ακοιμητῳ στροφαλιγγι,

Κοσμοις ενθρωσκον, κραιπνην δια πατρος ενιπην.

i. e. “There is a venerable name with a sleepless revolution, leaping into the

worlds through the rapid reproofs of the father.”
141. For εχεται in this place, I read περιεχεται.
142. Gale, in his translation of this part, has entirely mistaken the meaning of
Iamblichus, which he frequently does in other places. For the words of Iamblichus
are, οταν γαρ δη τα βελτιονα των εν ημιν ενεργῃ, και προς τα κρειττονα αναγεται
αυτης η ψυχη; and the version of Gale is “quando enim pars nostri melior operari
incipiat, et ad sui portionem meliorem recolligatur anima.” For τα κρειττονα is not
the better part of the soul; but when the better parts of the soul energize, the soul is
then intimately converted to itself, and through this conversion is elevated to
superior natures.
143. Viz. The science of calculating nativities.
144. i. e. The joint risings and settings.
145. i. e. Through a period of 300,000 years; and Procl. in Tim. lib. iv. p. 277,
informs us that the Chaldeans had observations of the stars which embraced whole
mundane periods. What Proclus likewise asserts of the Chaldeans is confirmed by
Cicero in his first book on Divination, who says that they had records of the stars
for the space of 370,000 years; and by Diodorus Siculus, Bibl. lib. xi. p. 118, who
says that their observations comprehended the space of 473,000 years.
146. “We say,” says Hephestion, “that a star is the lord of the geniture, which
has five conditions of the lord of the nativity in the horoscope; viz. if that star
receives the luminaries in their proper boundaries, in their proper house, in their
proper altitude, and in the proper triangle.” He also adds, “and if besides it has
contact, effluxion, and configuration.” See likewise Porphyry in Ptolemæum, p. 191.
147. According to the Egyptians every one received his proper dæmon at the
hour of his birth; nor did they ascend any higher, in order to obtain a knowledge of
it. For they alone considered the horoscope. See Porphyry apud Stobæum, p. 201,
and Hermes in Revolut. cap. iv.
148. In the original ενταυθα δε ουν και η της αληθειας παρεστι θεα, και η της
νοερας επιστημης. But instead of η της νοερας απιστημης, which appears to me to
be defective, I read η κτησις της νοερας επιστημης.
149. For θεωτος here, I read θεωτερος.
150. In the original, by a strange mistake, των θνητων is inserted here instead
of των νοητων, which is obviously the true reading. The version of Gale also has
151. i. e. Man, considered as a rational soul, connected with the irrational life;
for this man has dominion in the realms of generation.
152. See the second edition of this work in Nos. XV. and XVI. of the
153. i. e. Of natures which are not connected with body.
154. For in these, all are in each, but not all in all.
155. By an unaccountable mistake here του σωματος is inserted instead of της
ψυχης; but the mistake is not noticed by the German editor of these Scholia.
156. And in consequence of this mistake, for αυτο in this place, we must read
157. Odyss. xi. 612.
158. Iliad xv. 605.
159. For μουσικης here, it is necessary to read μαντικης.
160. And for μαντικην read μαντικη.
161. For υπο here, it is necessary to read υπερ.
162. The German editor of these Scholia, instead of πρακτικῃ which is the true
reading in this place, and which he found in the manuscript, absurdly substitutes
for it πυκτικῃ, as if Hercules was a pugilist. See my translation of the Dissertation
at Maximus Tyrius, on the Practic and Theoretic Life.
163. Vid. Olympiodor. in Aristot. Meteor.

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