Pollard-Taylor petrology report RINA prospect kalteng

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Petrology and comments concerning rock samples from the Rina

porphyry copper-gold prospect, Masuparia, Indonesia

R.G. Taylor and P.J. Pollard

Pollard and Taylor Geological Services
School of Earth Sciences, James Cook University
Townsville Qld. 4811
Email: peter.pollard@jcu.edu.au
Phone: +61 7 4781 6161
Fax: +61 7 4725 1501

November 2005

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect


This report examines a suite of thirteen rock samples from the Rina porphyry copper-
gold prospect, Kalimantan, Indonesia submitted by Lyle Thorne, Exploration Manager,
Prosperity Resources Ltd.. The working brief is very broad with drilling at an early
stage, and “anything and everything you can observe and comment on will be most
appreciated”. The specific instructions relating to this report from both hand specimens
and thin section descriptions are to:

a) Identify the host rock(s).

b) Identify phases and timing of alteration, as well as key mineral species.
c) Identify phases and timing of mineralization, and key mineral species.
d) If possible, provide a spatial relationship of points a) and b) to allow a basic
morphology of the system to be established.
e) Note any evidence of multiple intrusive events (i.e. overprinting of alteration
styles), as field observations indicate this may be the case.

Samples that were sent for analyses are listed in Table 1. The detailed sample
descriptions are included as an appendix, while this section presents overview
comments and paragenetic interpretations.

Sample ID Drill Hole Depth

1 RDH08 175.6m
2a RDH08 322.1m
2b RDH08 323.4m
3 RDH08 440.7m
4 RDH09 36.3m
5 RDH09 84.0m
6 RDH09 117.2m
7 RDH09 121.4m
8 RDH09 225.3m
9 RDH10 180.9m
10 RDH08 189.6m
11 RDH08 73.0m
12 RDH08 199.0m

Table 1: Location of samples from the Rina prospect

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Overview and comments

This section should be prefaced by the statement that the main author has not visited
the field project, and has only a petrological prospective. It should also be realized that
paragenetic perspectives are best achieved via a combination of both large scale (drill
core/rocks) and petrological perspectives. The data here should thus be regarded as
provisional, and needs to be placed in context via the field crew. The general
comments here are offered in the spirit of providing some general assistance, and some
details will inevitably change as work progresses.

The samples provided clearly define a major magmatic-related system with a clear
paragenetic progression which is very similar to many other intrusion-related systems
that are well documented in the literature.

Magmatic architecture

The samples were selected for alteration/mineralization observation, and as such, the
partial to pervasive alteration(s) obscure much of the details of the host intrusive rocks.
This is especially true for estimates of the content of original K-feldspar, particularly
in the altered matrix, while minor silicification affects estimation of the amount of
original quartz in some samples. However, sufficient data are available to allow a
reasonable interpretation. The emerging data record the following, with less certain
classifications marked by the question marks. The textures range from dominantly
fine- to medium-grained porphyritic, and all appear to be intrusive rocks.

Tonalite (S1)
Quartz diorite? (S2A)
Monzonite/Monzodiorite? (S3)
Granodiorite/Tonalite? (S4)
Granodiorite/Tonalite (S7) (Figure 1)
Tonalite (S11 - least altered)

The suite of intrusive rocks is characterized by high plagioclase contents and low K-
feldspar and quartz contents with compositions ranging from granodiorite and tonalite
to monzonite. The major accessory mineral is magnetite (indicating magnetite-series
rocks), together with rare zircon.

The UST (Unidirectional Solidification Texture) rock is of particular interest, with

such textures being increasingly reported in the upper apical zones of porphyritic
intrusives related to certain types of porphyry centred copper-gold systems (e.g. the
Cadia and Northparkes systems in NSW and numerous examples in Mongolia
including the giant Oyu Tolgoi district). These are generally taken to indicate high
volatile activity and are utilized to indicate prospective domains in local/regional
exploration. They are widely reported in tin, tungsten, molybdenum, and gold-copper
systems, although generally lacking in the South American and southwest USA
porphyry copper systems. In many cases (i.e. Endeavour and Mongolia) they are
present in intrusions that form part of extensive intrusive suites occurring within a ten
to twenty kilometre radius.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

It could be surmised that the igneous suite (including the UST zones) will ultimately
prove to be part of a district wide igneous suite relating temporally to multiple
mineralization centres. With this in mind, local reconnaissance visits to other signs of
mineralization are worth consideration.

Figure 1. RDH09 121.4 m. Porphyritic Granodiorite/Tonalite

Altered feldspar (centre, dark - sericite/clay altered) in matrix (clear) of quartz and
altered (dark) feldspar. Photomicrograph illustrates the lack of textural retention and
difficulty of primary rock identification. Dark line in the lower part is a discontinuous
trail of magnetite grains. The NW trending trail across the upper centre of the picture is
similar but composed of chalcopyrite. Width of frame 5.6 mm.

Structural observations

The small samples preclude much comment. However, the dominant controls noted are
repetitive brittle fractures which channeled multiple phases of hydrothermal fluids. The
fracturing is intense within the samples examined, and in rare cases has produced
fragmentation and rotation to form breccia zones. One sample may represent an
intrusive hydrothermal breccia (S2A - RDH08, 323.4m). The intensity of fracture
development is the key element in major porphyry development.

The early stage quartz veining present in nearly all the samples (stockwork?) should
provide an easily recognizable criterion for field evaluation, and these sites have
suffered constant re-activations. The fractured quartz provides a particularly good host
for the late stage Fe-Cu sulphides.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect


Despite the difficulty of paragenetic evaluations in small samples, the provisional

results (see Table 2) provide an excellent and reasonably consistent picture. The early
stages are dominated by quartz veining and high temperature products such as biotite
(minor, Fig. 2), feldspar (prolific - albite/oligoclase, Figs. 3-5), and magnetite (prolific,
Fig. 7). The later lower temperature stages include sericite (prolific, Fig. 8), chlorite ±
carbonate ± epidote (not in all samples, Fig. 9), sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite, Fig.
10-13), and carbonate, with late clay. This is fairly a typical magmatic sequence. All
samples exhibit overprinting (successive stage) characteristics, with most samples
recording five to seven different stages. This is a common situation and presents a few
core logging difficulties.

Several features are worth comment.

1. Early feldspathic alteration: (Figures 3, 4, and 5). Feldspathic alteration is
common throughout, producing both alteration and infill veining. It is very
difficult, petrographically, to distinguish fine-grained albite from K-feldspar,
and some microprobe checks are recommended. However, in many cases it
was possible to establish the presence of alteration plagioclase, and a few
multiple twin measurements yield compositions of albite to the
albite/oligoclase border. Albitic alteration is clearly a major component, with
K-feldspar being subordinate and probably absent. The alteration is commonly
partly clay altered. Albite-rich alteration is increasingly reported in alkali
porphyry systems such as Cadia-Ridgeway, but is less common in the
‘conventional’ porphyry systems of the southwest USA and South America.
However, albitic alteration is increasingly reported peripheral to these types of
systems as well, e.g. at Yerington, Nevada.
2. Quartz stockworking (barren): (Figure 6). Quartz stockworks are also rare in
‘conventional systems’, but are a major feature in many S.W. Pacific (i.e.
Grasberg) and S.E. Australian porphyry domains. As observed previously, the
quartz stockwork veins fracture easily and provide numerous sites for later
sulphide deposition. This is a feature of both the Hugo Dummett north (Oyu
Tolgoi) and Grasberg systems, and helps to explain their very high grades.
3. Magnetite: (Figure 7). The prolific magnetite (best not termed potassic) is
another feature uncommon in the ‘conventional systems’, but now well
established in the S.W. Pacific and Australian domains, and is a key feature in
Iron oxide copper-gold deposits. This again, via brittle fracture and favorable
chemistry promoting copper-gold deposition, enhances prospects of major
4. Late stage sulphides: the sulphides at Rina all seem to be late stage products of
a sulphide-only stage, which again are more characteristic of selected S.W.
Pacific (Grasberg) and S.E. Australian porphyry systems.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure 2. RDH09 121.4 m. Biotite alteration

Fine-grained biotite (coloured) replacing feldspar phenocrysts (grey) and the matrix of
the porphyry (white quartz, grey feldspar). Width of frame 1.4 mm.

Figure 3. RDH08 322.1 m. Feldspar breccia matrix - porphyry fragment

Coarse-grained plagioclase mosaic (grey and white - right) appears to be albite with
rare multiple twins. This is the breccia matrix. The fine-grained quartz (white),
feldspar (grey), and epidote (coloured) are part of a fragment of porphyry (left). Width
of frame 1.4 mm.
Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure 4. RDH08 440.7 m. Albite vein

Coarse-grained, radiating albite (pale cream to dark) with quartz (white - top). The
dark material (centre) is pyrite. Width of frame 5.6 mm.

Figure 5. RDH09 117.2 m. Amphibole - Albite vein

Amphibole (centre dark green) with surrounding (mottled white) albite-altered wall
rocks (dark). Width of frame 1.4 mm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure 6. RDH08 189.6 m. Quartz vein

Typical early granular quartz vein (wall rock dark at top). Note lack of silicification.
Width of frame 2.8 mm.

Figure 7. RDH09 117.2 m. Magnetite stage

Discontinuous magnetite vein (pale) and associated magnetite grain clusters.
Width of frame 2.8 mm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Table 2: Summary of interpreted paragenetic data (see Appendix 1 for details)

S1 S2A S2B S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S9 S10 S11 S12

EARLY Biotite Biotite ?Biotite

Quartz Feldspar Feldspar - Quartz Quartz Quartz Quartz Feldspar Quartz plus Quartz Quartz Quartz
Amphibole ?Molybdenite silicification Feldspar
Feldspar Quartz Feldspar Feldspar Feldspar Feldspar - Quartz Feldspar
Amphibole -
Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite Magnetite
Sericite Chlorite - Chlorite Sericite Sericite Chlorite - Sericite Sericite - Sericite Sericite Sericite Sericite
Epidote – Epidote Carbonate Chlorite Chlorite Chlorite
Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides Sulphides
(Py, Cpy) (Py, Cpy) (Py, Cpy) (Py, Cpy) (Cpy) (Py, Cpy) (Cpy) (Cpy) (Py, Cpy) (Py, Cpy) (Py, Cpy) (Py, Cpy)
Bo Cc Molybdenite
Carbonate Carbonate
Clay Clay Clay ?Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay
LATE Covellite

NOTES: Py - pyrite; Cpy - chalcopyrite; Cc - chalcocite; Bo - bornite; Cv - covellite

Feldspar - when identified petrographically is albite/oligoclase

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

The main characteristics observed in the samples are multiple overprinting

hydrothermal stages with high temperature stages overprinted by the late events
(including sulphide deposition). The feldspar and especially the magnetite are
commonly focused in the central zones of the system, which are also probably the
zones of maximum fluid flow. It can be seen from the paragenesis and overprinting
that the conventional porphyry zoning (alteration) model is of very dubious application
in this style of system (NB: apart from minor biotite, the potassic alteration styles
appear to be lacking). Similarly, much of the sericite seems unrelated to sulphide
concentrations(?). It is suspected that delineation of the feldspathic, quartz vein, and
magnetite systems will provide the most useful vectors.


Apart from one sample showing silicification plus high pyrite (Figure 13), no evidence
of an advanced-argillic high-sulphidation component is present. The high pyrite zone
could well be part of the main porphyry system.

The pyrite/chalcopyrite relationships remain obscure. There seems to be evidence to

support two stages in some places, with pyrite (± trace chalcopyrite) veins and
stringers traversing rocks with dominant disseminated chalcopyrite alteration spots,
and there are also chalcopyrite-dominant veins (Figure 12). At this stage, the
relationships are too obscure to provide comment concerning pyrite/chalcopyrite

One sample contains primary bornite and probably primary chalcocite (Figure 11). In
many systems, bornite occupies the more central position (? higher temperature) of the
copper zonation.

Deposit type

The occurrence is clearly magmatic-related as indicated by the paragenetic sequence,

and appears to be an intrusion-centred system. The igneous connection is strongly
supported by the UST sample and a suite of contemporaneous mineralization related
intrusions can be anticipated at the district scale.

The paragenesis with early albite, major magnetite, and late sulphides is not
compatible with the ‘standard’ porphyry copper models as exemplified by the S.W.
USA and South American styles. Although classification of intrusion-related porphyry
copper systems are still emerging, there are clear similarities with the deposit
groupings of the Cadia-Northparkes types in S.E. Australia, and overlap with some of
the major copper-gold deposits of the S.W. Pacific (Grasberg - quartz stockwork, high
magnetite, late sulphide), and the emerging copper-gold provinces of Mongolia (Oyu
Tolgoi - quartz stockwork, significant magnetite, late sulphides). The early sodic
character also suggests S.E. Australian analogies, and a case could be made for an
IOCG linkage (early sodic, alteration, amphiboles, magnetite, and late sulphide). The
IOCG connection is perhaps made less attractive by the direct magmatic connection
(UST textured plutons). Regardless of the precise classification, the system is clearly
of major igneous centred ‘porphyry’ style, and it is possible that other occurrences will
occur in the local region.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure 8. RDH08 175.6 m. Sericite (and feldspar)

Discontinuous sericite veining/alteration (coloured) of feldspar altered zone (centre to
right – coarse-grained grey). Porphyry matrix to the right (quartz - pale, feldspar -
grey). Width of frame 2.8 mm.

Figure 9. RDH08 323.4 m. Epidote/chlorite

Epidote (yellow - centre, and high relief colourless) and chlorite (green) replacing
feldspar (pale). Dark opaque is magnetite. Width of frame 1.4 mm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure 10. RDH10 180.9 m. Pyrite and molybdenite

Pyrite (pale) with overprinting? molybdenite (grey) cutting a quartz vein (dark). Width
of frame 0.7 mm.

Figure 11. RDH08 440.7 m. Bornite and chalcocite

Disseminated bornite (pink), chalcocite (blue) occurring as alteration spots in
sericitized feldspar. Width of frame 0.28 mm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure 12. RDH09 84.0 m. Chalcopyrite

Chalcopyrite (yellow) in fractured quartz vein (dark). Width of frame 2.8 mm.

Figure 13. RDH10 180.9 m. Pyrite and-molybdenite

Pyrite (pale) and molybdenite (grey wispy) cutting quartz (dark). Width of frame 0.7

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect



Sample 1: The relevant stage is magnetite only. It should not be referred to as potassic
alteration. It is magnetite vein infill plus magnetite alteration spots. Best to abandon
S.W. USA porphyry terminology which confuses reality.

Sample 2A: the green/cream mineral is epidote (or epidote-chlorite combinations

replacing/veining feldspars). NB: there is no silica alteration - only quartz veins.

Sample 2B: As above

Sample 3: The white component (vein-like) is albite, and not carbonate. We do not use
ABD terminology and suggest the loggers just call them veins.

Sample 4: A and B will just result in massive confusion. There are quartz, albite,
magnetite, sericite, chlorite, chlorite-epidote, albite-amphibole, carbonate, and sulphide
veins within the sample set. This AB terminology is widely used in South America, but
is dangerous to import.

Sample 6: Could not find a large quartz vein? - or major sulphide?

Sample 7: Dark colour caused by suspected secondary biotite alteration.

Sample 8: Basalt suspected

Sample 9: No advanced argillic or high sulphidation assemblages. Silver mineral is


Sample 10: The biotite is a separate stage to the magnetite (and minor).

Sample 12: Yes - seems a UST feature.


Depth of system: There are no mineralogical parameters helping with depth

indications. The systems range from one to six kilometres in depth of formation.
However, the actual extent of mineralization/alteration will be at the kilometre scale -
i.e. top to bottom is usually in the 1-1.5km range.

Multiple intrusion: it would be surprising if there were not multiple intrusions.

However, there is no evidence to suggest more than one hydrothermal system. The
paragenesis seems reasonably consistent. However, it is hard to be that ‘clever’ with
only twelve samples and no knowledge of the core.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Sample 1: RDH08 - 175.6 m

Tonalite (porphyritic) with multi-stage hydrothermal overprinting

The texture/composition of the host rock is difficult to see through the overprinting
alteration/infill events. It is just discernable as fine-grained (1 mm scale grain size)
porphyry. The phenocrysts (~15%) are composed of feldspar (1 mm scale, partially
altered to sericite, clay and chlorite) representing 95% of the total phenocrysts. The
remainder of the phenocrysts are quartz (3-5% of the total, around 1 mm grain size)
and an unidentified mineral now totally altered to clay-sericite (3-5% of the total at
around 1 mm). From the general shape, amphibole is suspected. The matrix is some
50% quartz and 50% feldspar, although the quartz content may be overestimated, with
quartz veining a prominent feature. All feldspars are plagioclase but no multiple twins
were suitable for compositional identification. The rock would classify as tonalite.

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
Some five to six overprinting stages are present.
1. Quartz veining: Pale pink translucent quartz veins (3mm scale) are present,
composed of a mosaic of quartz grains (200µm to 1µm). No silicification
occurs adjacent to the infill.
2. Feldspathic: These components occur as
a) A vague vein (1 to 1.5mm) cutting the quartz with suspected fine-
grained ?plagioclase feldspar visible beneath overprinting sericite.
b) A vaguely bordered linear zone (1 to 1.5mm) containing fine-grained
plagioclase ± chlorite. The chlorite contains remnants of the host
mineral, which are too small for positive identification. Amphibole is
c) Large patches of 5-10mm interlocking feldspar grains, which are
interpreted as alteration. Multiple twin symmetrical angles (at 13o and
15o respectively) suggest albite.
3. Magnetite: Occupies 1-3% of the rock, occurring as grains (5 to 350µm), grain
clusters (300 to 400µm), and one discontinuous vein (1 to 2mm wide). The
grains are interpreted as typical magnetite alteration spots and mostly replace
feldspar. Some 15% of the magnetite grains contain patches (alteration) of
4. Sericite/Muscovite: This occurs throughout as both alteration (of feldspar) and
infill in cracks in quartz. Some of the network crack zones contain coarse-
grained muscovite (infill), with fine-grained alteration sericite prominent within
ex-porphyry zones.
5. Sulphides: A late stage pyrite vein (300µm width) traverses most of the above.
Some chalcopyrite grains occur along the pyrite vein channel, and traces of
chalcopyrite occur within the pyrite. Chalcopyrite also occurs within the altered
rocks as disseminated (alteration) spots (15 to 150µm), and as one
discontinuous vein (10µm wide by 400µm long) within a quartz vein. The
pyrite/chalcopyrite timing relationship is not clear, as is the sulphide/sericite

Interpreted paragenesis
1. Quartz veining
2. Albite veining and alteration - cuts quartz
Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
3. Magnetite veining and alteration spotting - cuts albite
4. Sericite - cuts the above
5. Sulphides (possibly chalcopyrite and pyrite - as separate stages?) - cuts sericite
or occurs within sericite as alteration spots.

Figure A1. RDH08 175.6m. Porphyritic tonalite with quartz veins (grey-pinkish
tinge), pyrite vein (yellow), magnetite vein (black - centre left), and magnetite
alteration spots (dark). The blurred feldspar outlines (white) reflect significant sericite
alteration (pale grey). Feldspathic alteration is not visible. Length of slab 5 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 2A: RDHO8 - 322.1 m
Breccia (quartz diorite?) with multiple stages of hydrothermal overprinting.

The hand specimen contains fragments (1-3 cm to 2-4 mm) within a fine-grained
matrix. The matrix is pale grey and the fragments, although difficult to see, can be
distinguished via the white feldspathic components. The generally rounded nature of
the fragments suggests a hydrothermal intrusive breccia, although larger samples are
required for confirmation.

The fragments are porphyritic igneous host rocks (altered), with some 20 to 30%
phenocrysts at the 0.5 – 1 mm scale. The phenocrysts were originally feldspar, and
have been subjected to suspected feldspathic alteration ± epidote, chlorite, clay,
magnetite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. No obvious altered ferromagnesian phenocrysts
are present, although they could be represented by rare chlorite clusters.

The porphyry matrix is some 15 - 20% quartz and 80 - 85% feldspar (altered). A
quartz-diorite composition is interpreted.

Breccia matrix
The breccia matrix (some 30%) is dominated by (95%) coarse-grained interlocking
feldspar grains (variably altered) at the 50µm to 1 mm scale (mostly 500µm). The
same material alters fragment feldspars, and is interpreted as an alteration of the matrix
of the milled breccia. The feldspar exhibits patchy extinction, and contains rare albite
twinning, commonly of short distance within an individual grain. One symmetrical
albite twin extinction measurement (8o) suggests the composition is albite-oligoclase.

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
1. Feldspathic (albitic): See above
2. Quartz veining: As 300µm wide veins traversing both the matrix and
3. Magnetite: Occurring as isolated grains (100µm), larger grain clusters, and
discontinuous veinlets or grain trails of 75 to 100µm lengths.
4. Chlorite/Epidote: Epidote occurs prolifically as flakes or clusters of flakes (20
to 75µm scale) within (alteration) feldspar. It is interpreted that the widespread
chlorite veining, ± alteration, belongs with the epidote stage.
5. Sulphides: The sulphides (0.2 to 0.3% of the rock) are represented by pyrite
and chalcopyrite (around the 2 to 1 ratio). Pyrite occurs as grains (150 to
200µm), and as grains forming linear vein-like zones. Chalcopyrite occurs as
grains of 5 to 20µm (rarely 100µm) within feldspar, or more rarely as spots
within pyrite. The pyrite/chalcopyrite relationship is unclear, but all the
disseminated sulphides are interpreted as alteration spots.
6. Carbonate: This occurs as grains within plagioclase, and also in and along
veinlets with chlorite.
7. Clay: This is represented by cloudy feldspars (alteration).

Paragenetic interpretation
1. Feldspathic - mostly alteration of breccia matrix.
2. Quartz veining - infill.
3. Magnetite - veining and alteration spotting
4. Epidote (± /chlorite ± carbonate).
Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
5. Sulphides* - pyrite and chalcopyrite - minor veining ± alteration spotting
(*relative timing to epidote unclear)
6. Clay - alteration

Figure A2: RDH08 322.1m. Quartz diorite(?) with breccia fragments discernable
via white feldspar zones (porphyry). The pale grey material surrounding and altering
fragments is hydrothermal feldspar (albite). Most of the dark spots and hair line veins
are magnetite (infill-alteration). Clay alteration provides the white colouration of the
porphyry feldspars. Greenish tinges (right of main fragment) are epidote ± chlorite.
Length of slab 4.5 cm

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 2B: RDH08 - 323.4 m

The hand specimen is a porphyritic igneous rock essentially identical to the fragments
present in sample 2A. The matrix is variably grey with a white tinge.

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
1. Feldspar: Coarse feldspathic zone(s) that are interpreted to represent
feldspathic alteration. Obscured via heavy clay alteration.
2. Amphibole-quartz-carbonate veins: 1 mm wide veins which contain variable
amounts of amphibole, quartz and carbonate grains. There are also hints of
feldspar, and some overprinting may be present suggesting this is not a true
assemblage. Chlorite alteration in places.
3. Magnetite: This is well represented (5-10%) occurring as minute veins, isolated
grains, and grain clusters. The disseminated grain spotting is an alteration
4. Chlorite-epidote ± carbonate - minor: As veins and alteration spots.
5. Sulphides: Pyrite and chalcopyrite constitute some 0.2 to 0.4% of the rock, in a
ration around 1.5:1. A pyrite vein (millimetre scale) contains chalcopyrite
grains at various points, suggesting a similar timing, and some 50% of the
chalcopyrite is partially altered to covellite and chalcocite (secondary
6. Clay alteration: Feldspars and matrix are clay altered, producing the white
‘tinge’ on the hand specimen.

Paragenetic interpretation
1. Feldspar-Amphibole (± ?quartz-carbonate)
2. Magnetite
3. Chlorite-Epidote (± ?carbonate)
4. Sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite)
5. Clay - alteration

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure A3: RDH08 323.4m. Porphyritic intrusive rock with dark veins/spots of
magnetite throughout. The pale green (late) veins are predominantly epidote ± chlorite.
The larger black veins (bottom left side) are amphibole and feldspar (overprinted in
places by green epidote). Length of slab 4.5 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 3: RDH08 - 440.7 m
Feldspar porphyry (?monzonite, monzodiorite) with multi-stage hydrothermal

The hand specimen consists of altered porphyritic igneous rock, heavily overprinted by
both infill veining and alteration. The veins are grey quartz, cut by white (?)albitic
veins, with later veins of pyrite. Molybdenite flakes are also visibly associated with the

In thin section, the host rock of some 50 to 60% feldspar is totally altered to fine-
grained sericite, and the original texture is difficult to resolve. The hand specimen
suggests about 10 to 20% original feldspar phenocrysts (1.0mm scale) are now mostly
sericitized. Quartz content is low (1-2%). Unaltered windows reveal rare albite
twinning. Rutile-TiO2 clusters suggest some original ferromagnesian content. The host
rock cannot be accurately identified from this information, but is estimated to be in the
monzonite/monzodiorite area.

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
Some four to five overprinting stages are present
1. Quartz veining: The earliest recognizable stage is coarse-grained quartz infill
veining, with minor areas of undulose extinction (strain).
2. ?Albite: Coarse-grained albite occurs within the quartz as a separate stage
infilling around brecciated vein quartz. The albite is unusual, and under
crossed nicols ranges from clear untwinned crystals, to unusual radiating
clusters with radial extinction. This is the white mineral in hand specimen.
3. Sericite: This is prolific within the host rock (replacing feldspar), and is also
present as infill cutting the quartz, and occurring in rare aggregates within the
albite. Coarser grained muscovite and isolated grains/grain clusters of ‘rutile-
TiO2’ are considered part of this assemblage.
4. Sulphides (other than molybdenite): These constitute some 0.3-0.4% of the
rock occurring in vein (pyrite) and disseminated (alteration spots) format
(pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, and chalcocite). The chalcocite-pyrite minerals
are in an approximate 1:1 ratio. The minor amounts of bornite-chalcocite
occur both separately and together, and appear to be primary sulphides (i.e.
chalcocite does not replace bornite). The general sulphide grain sizes are 5 to
20µm. Two to three pyrite veins (45 to 110µm wide) are present. Pyrite-
chalcopyrite relationships are not clear.
5. Molybdenite: Occurs within the quartz veins as infill, and is some 1-2% of
the vein area. It is cut by the pyrite veining, but it is not totally clear whether
or not it belongs with the quartz, or is a later overprint.

Interpreted paragenesis
1. Quartz veining (± molybdenite) - position of molybdenite unclear
2. ?Albite veining - pyrite/copper sulphide relationship unclear (but late stage)
3. Sericite/muscovite/‘rutile-TiO2’ - veining and alteration
4. Sulphide veining ± alteration (pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, and chalcocite)

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure A4: RDH08 440.7m. Strongly altered porphyry (bottom). Quartz vein (dark
grey - left) cut by albite veining (grey-white). Albite alteration (white) is also visible
(below quartz vein - left). The darker grey is sericite (top right). Molybdenite (silver),
and sulphides (yellow) are also present. Length of slab 5 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 4: RHD09 - 36.3 m
Granodiorite/tonalite? porphyry with multiple stage hydrothermal overprinting.

The hand specimen is an extremely altered (grey, white) porphyritic igneous rock. A
prominent grey quartz vein (2 to 3 mm wide) is offset, and the offset zone is occupied
by a 1 mm grey vein (albite) with white components. Discontinuous magnetite veins
(0.5mm) cut the porphyry host, and sulphides (chalcopyrite) occur as spots (5 to
10µm) within the sericitized host porphyry.

Petrographically the host porphyry contains some 30-40% phenocrysts (0.5 to 1.0
mm), which are plagioclase variably altered to sericite, chlorite and carbonate. Some 3-
4% of the phenocrysts are now chlorite, ± minor epidote, ± TiO2-rutile grains, which
are interpreted as original ferromagnesian mineral sites (amphibole and/or biotite). The
60 to 70% matrix (50 to 70µm) is approximately 30-40% quartz with the rest being
cloudy feldspar. Alteration effects prevent accurate host rock identification, but the
quartz and high plagioclase contents suggest porphyritic granodiorite or tonalite.

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
Some five to six overprinting stages are present.
1. Feldspathic: The clear porphyritic texture becomes somewhat vague in one
corner of the thin section and both feldspar phenocrysts and matrix are changed
to patches of coarse mosaic textured feldspar grains (100µm). The grains are
cloudy and untwinned, with variable within-grain extinction common. A K-
feldspar/albite distinction is not possible (although albite is suspected). Veins
of feldspar can also be seen cutting phenocryst plagioclase in less altered (non
mosaic) zones.
2. Quartz veining: Coarse granular quartz infill dominant veins are clearly early
3. Albite veining (± quartz): The quartz veins are faulted, and the offset fracture is
occupied by an unusual ?albite. This ranges from coarse (untwinned) granular,
to prismatic/fibrous, with rare multiple twinned rectangular grains. Minor
quartz is present. Some chlorite (high magnesium style) occurs with the albite).
4. Magnetite: This occurs as veins (30 to 40µm wide) and magnetite grains (1 to
10µm). Some chalcopyrite (2 to 3 µm) occurs within the magnetite.
5. Sericite ± chlorite ± carbonate: Sericitic alteration is relatively mild, affecting
most of the feldspathic components. Some muscovite is also present. Chloritic
clusters are interpreted as alteration of ferromagnesian grains (amphibole-
biotite), probably as part of the general mild sericitic regime.
6. Sulphides: The sulphide content (0.5 to 0.7%) is composed of chalcopyrite
grains (10 to 15µm, and up to 50µm), some with muscovite/sericite association.
One white grain (10µm) could not be identified (possibly a telluride?)

Interpreted paragenesis
1. Quartz veining
2. Feldspathic alteration (suspected albite)*
3. Albite veins*
4. Magnetite veins plus alteration
5. Sericite (± chlorite, ± carbonate)
6. Sulphide (chalcopyrite alteration)
[* These two are possibly linked]

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Figure A5: RDH08 175.6m. Altered porphyry. Quartz vein (N-S) is faulted and
offset by NW-SE structures containing albite veins (white). The host rock is mildly
sericitized ± chlorite, carbonate (greenish colouration). The minute black
discontinuous stringers are magnetite. Length of slab 5.5 cm

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 5: RDH09 - 84.0 m
Unidentified host - multi-stage hydrothermal alteration

The hand specimen consists of a 1-2 cm wide grey quartz vein which has been
fractured and overprinted by chalcopyrite ± pyrite. The composition of the host rock is
not obvious due to feldspar and chlorite alteration. In thin section, the original rock
type is not discernable, and the mineralogy is dominated by coarse plagioclase
feldspar, now overprinted by chlorite veining ± alteration, carbonate alteration, sericite
alteration, magnetite, and sulphides.

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
1. Quartz veining: The quartz veins contain two distinct grain sizes of quartz
mosaic. A finer mostly outer mosaic (40 to 100µm) is linked to a coarser (100
to 1.0µm) mosaic silica. It is not clear whether these are both infill or whether
the finer is an alteration zone. Some coarser grained zones do not grade into
finer against the wall rocks, and variable infill is thus suspected. Some of the
coarser grains exhibit zoning.
2. Feldspar: Two types are recorded.
a) The quartz veins contain minor plagioclase (suspected
albite/oligoclase), which occurs as central vug infill, and as cross
cutting veinlets.
b) The coarse granular nature of the host rock plagioclase is also
suspected as alteration. The feldspar composition could not be
determined microscopically.
3. Magnetite: Occurs as isolated grains, grain clusters, and as prominent grain
alignments forming vein-like structures. Grain size varies from 40 to 250µm.
One associated white hematite(?) grain was noted. The magnetite content is 1-
2% in selected areas
4. Chlorite-carbonate (‘Rutile-TiO2’): This occurs as both vein and alteration
format, consisting of approximately equal proportions of green chlorite and
paler carbonate. Their close association suggests they are linked (some sericite
is also present). ‘TiO2-rutile’ grains are present and suspected as belonging to
this stage.
5. Sulphides: These are represented in crackle vein format overprinting the
fractured quartz vein (10-15%; chalcopyrite 90-95%, ± minor pyrite 5-10%),
and as minor veins and alteration spots within the wall rocks (0.5-1%
chalcopyrite-only). Within the vein styles, pyrite crystallizes prior to
chalcopyrite. Some chalcopyrite also occurs within magnetite grains.

Interpreted paragenesis
1. Quartz veining (± ?alteration) - alteration is not confirmed
2. Feldspar - infill plus feldspathic alteration (albite/oligoclase suspected - needs
microprobe confirmation).
3. Magnetite - veining plus alteration.
4. *Chlorite-carbonate ± ‘Rutile-TiO2’, minor sericite.
5. *Sulphides - chalcopyrite and pyrite
[*Timing relationship is not clear]

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Figure A6: RDH08 175.6m Quartz vein (grey cut by chalcopyrite/pyrite network
stringers (yellow). Dark veins (right) are magnetite. The white wall rock is suspected
feldspathic alteration, overprinted by greenish chlorite ± sericite alteration. Length of
slab 5.6 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 6: RDH09 - 117.2 m
Breccia-porphyry overprinted by multi-stage hydrothermal events

The hand specimen is extremely altered, with small altered feldspar phenocrysts just
visible across half of the slab (a porphyritic intrusive). The remainder of the rock is an
irregularly bordered breccia with fragments at the 2 mm to 1 cm scale. The fragments
are extremely altered, and the matrix is a fine-grained pale grey material (found to be
feldspar under the microscope). The border area of the breccia zone contains dark infill
± whiter fringing material (amphibole ± feldspar).

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
1. Feldspar-amphibole ± titanite ± quartz: This stage is the major feature with
inter-connecting network veining containing variable amounts of amphibole
crystals and feldspar. The feldspar is generally coarse-grained (750µm), but
ranges down to 20µm. Cloudy (clay?) alteration is common, and rare
symmetrical multiple twins confirm plagioclase. One symmetrical twin angle
(5-6 degrees) suggests oligoclase composition. Most of the grains are
untwinned. The fragments, and adjacent wall rocks, exhibit fine-grained
feldspathic alteration (10 to 20µm scale). The amphibole (750µm) is present as
large crystals. The veins also contain quartz, and one large (500µm) crystal of
titanite is present. It is not entirely clear whether or not all of the quartz belongs
to the assemblage, and overprinting of earlier quartz veins is possible.
2. Biotite: The feldspar/amphibole altered host porphyry contains some 5 to 15%
of fine-grained biotite. The biotite flakes and clusters are partially altered to
chlorite but where unaltered exhibit a bright orange-red pleochroism. This is
suspected as earlier biotite alteration (see Sample 7).
3. Magnetite: This occurs as grains, grain clusters, discontinuous and continuous
veins constituting some 1 to 2% of the rock.
4. Sericite: Fine-grained sericite occurs throughout, and is particularly common in
the cloudy ex-feldspar phenocryst zones of the host rock.
5. Chlorite: Chlorite veins are a minor component, associated with chloritic
alteration of amphibole (and biotite).
6. Carbonate: These veins are a minor late stage component, with minor
carbonate alteration affecting the amphibole.
7. Epidote: Traces of epidote occur within a feldspar vein and within the altered
host rock.
8. Sulphides: These are represented by chalcopyrite grains (0.25 to 0.5%)
9. Clay?: Clouding of feldspar phenocrysts and the albite indicate late stage clay

Paragenetic interpretation
The complex inter-relationships in this specimen are difficult to decipher at this close
scale, although clearly some five to seven stages are involved.
1. Biotite (alteration) - timing uncertain, possibly pre-sericite)
2. Quartz veins? - possible early quartz
3. Albite-amphibole, ± titanite, ± quartz - veins /alteration
4. Magnetite
5. Sericite, Chlorite, Sulphides, and Carbonate - relative timing unclear for each.

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Figure A7: RDH09 117.2m. Altered porphyry/breccia and porphyry (lower sector).
The dark irregular ‘vein’ zone is amphibole (dark) and albite (white). The white
extends outwards becoming paler threads of albite alteration around darker fragments
(upper breccia), and into the lower porphyry. Later sericite ± chlorite and epidote cause
the pale green colouration. Length of slab 5.5 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 7: RDH09 - 121.4 m
Granodiorite/tonalite with multi-stage hydrothermal overprinting

The hand specimen is a dark grey altered porphyry. Some 40 -50% of the rock contains
dark round spots which were originally feldspar phenocrysts. The phenocrysts are 90-
95% plagioclase feldspar (3 to 4mm scale) variably altered to chlorite, biotite, and
clay. Biotite occurs as coarser (ex-phenocryst?) grains (250µm), and also as fine biotite
(50µm). The finer material occurs as single flakes clusters of flakes within feldspar
grains or as isolated groups. It is red-brown (pleochroic), commonly partially altered to
chlorite, and interpreted here to represent secondary biotite alteration. The matrix of
the porphyry is composed of feldspar, biotite, and some 30% quartz. The dominant
plagioclase and 20-30% quartz content suggest a granodiorite/tonalite classification.

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
Some four to five stages are present, including:
1. Biotite: See above
2. Amphibole-feldspar (plagioclase) veins ± alteration: The feldspar is mostly
untwinned, but rare multiple twinning confirms plagioclase.
3. Quartz veining: Small quartz veins cut the feldspathic veins/alteration.
4. Magnetite veins plus alteration: The magnetite grains appear to replace
5. Chlorite-sericite: General background sericite alteration of feldspars, and
chloritization of biotite/amphibole.
6. Sulphide: The rock has some 0.2% chalcopyrite occurring as grains (5 to
100µm), and one discontinuous vein (1 to 3mm).

Interpreted paragenesis
1. Biotite alteration?
2. Amphibole-feldspar (plagioclase) - veins and alteration
3. Quartz vein - cuts amphibole?
4. Magnetite veins and alteration
5. *Sericite-Chlorite - alteration
6. *Sulphides - alteration
*relative timing not clear

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Figure A8: RDH09 121.4m. Crowded (ex)porphyry now extremely altered. The
dark spots are ex-feldspar, now altered to biotite and overprinted by chlorite. Some of
the darker veins are amphibole ± albite. The white component is probably albite.
Length of slab 5.5 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Sample 8: RDH09 - 225.3 m

Altered rock - possibly basalt?

The hand specimen is fine-grained and lacks discernable texture. The rock is extremely
soft, and under the hand lens there are hints of altered phenocrysts, abundant fine-
magnetite, and some vague linear paler zones.

The rock is composed of sericite/muscovite, considerable clinozoisite, and is

overprinted by major clay alteration (the linear pale zones). The sericite/muscovite and
clinozoisite components are alteration assemblages, but sufficient remnant texture
remains to suggest a porphyritic rock (10-20% phenocrysts).

Magnetite grains/crystals are disseminated throughout forming some 1-2% of the rock.
They are partially altered to hematite. There is no evidence to suggest the former
presence of olivine or other significant mafic components (i.e. concentrations), and an
original basaltic composition is suggested.

Figure A9: RDH09 225.3m. Dark rock - vague ex-?feldspar phenocrysts (right -
pale) preserved in clinozoisite, sericite, and clay alteration. The fine pale veins are clay
zones. Suspected original basaltic rock. Length of slab 4.5 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 9: RDH10 - 180.9 m
Porphyry with multiple hydrothermal overprints.

The hand specimen consist of pale grey altered (silicified) rock with remnant feldspar
phenocryst outlines, and minor sericite traversed by 0.5 to 1 cm scale quartz veins. The
quartz is broken and overprinted by irregular granular pyrite.

The host rock is composed of a fine-grained silica mosaic with grains at the 50 to
75µm scale. Within the mosaic, vague fine-grained sericite zones are interpreted as ex-
feldspar phenocrysts (10-20%). The lack of feldspar in the matrix (now fine-grained
silica mosaic) suggests silicification via alteration of the original porphyry matrix.

The quartz veins are composed of coarser-grained material (100 to 300µm) cut by
sulphide veining representing some 15-20% of the rock. The sulphides are 98-99%
pyrite, 0.5% chalcopyrite, and 1-2% molybdenite. The molybdenite/pyrite relationship
is not totally clear, but molybdenite appears to form around broken pyrite at one point.

Sericite also cuts the quartz vein, but has no clear spatial link with the infill sulphides.
Some TiO2-rutile grains occur in the altered porphyry zone, forming as grains and
grain clusters in and around the sericite.

Paragenetic interpretation
1. Quartz veining plus alteration
2. Sericite veining plus alteration
3. Sulphide veining plus alteration (pyrite, and trace chalcopyrite)
4. Molybdenite

Figure A10: RDH10 180.9m. Quartz vein (grey) and silicified wall rock (grey-white)
cut by pyrite vein (yellow) and molybdenite (grey-silver). Intermediate grey wispy
zones (top left) are sericite stringers. Length of slab 5.5 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 10: RDH08 - 189.6 m

The hand specimen is a highly altered porphyritic rock with visible dark grey quartz
veins, magnetite veins/grains, and white-grey sericite-clay in a multiply fractured
(brecciated) rock. The original rock type is observable in some fragments as highly
altered porphyritic igneous (the feldspars are now clay/sericite and magnetite). The
rock appears to have been crowded porphyry.

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
Some six to seven stages are present.
1. Quartz: The original brecciation has coincided with the formation of the quartz
vein (network) with granular silica veins (20 to 50µm) some 0.3 to 0.5cm scale.
Minor finer-grained silica within the zone might represent alteration, or just a
variation in infill grain size.
2. Feldspar: The quartz veins are cut by a mosaic textured infill (20 to 50µm) of
feldspar. The latter is untwinned (extremely clay altered), but from the white
anisotropy, and the previous samples, is identified as albite/oligoclase.
Granular feldspar patches represent alteration zones within the host rock.
3. Magnetite: This occurs as discontinuous veins, isolated grains, and grain
clusters ranging from 20 to 120µm. Rare grains range up to 300µm. Magnetite
constitutes some 5 to 8% of the rock. It occurs within feldspar, and the broken
quartz veins.
4. Sericite: The sericite is abundant as fine-grained vein infill and alteration of
feldspathic components. It is commonly present as halos around magnetite
grains and also cuts magnetite.
5. Sulphides: these occur as chalcopyrite grains and rare discontinuous veins
(50µm wide) representing some 0.25 to 0.35% of the rock. A discontinuous late
overprinting pyrite vein is also present and appears separate to the chalcopyrite.
6. Clay: Late clay alteration is abundant with more than one type present.
Microscopically, a dark cloudy clay, and a pale brown clay (under ordinary
light) can be distinguished.
7. Chlorite (± biotite): in one fragment of sericitized/argillized porphyry, there are
specks of slightly chloritized orange-red biotite within the feldspar, resembling
the biotite alteration style of sample 7. Chlorite also occurs (ex-ferromagnesian
minerals) in the porphyritic rocks, and as veins/linear zones overprinting the
quartz and porphyritic rocks.

Paragenetic interpretation
1. Quartz veins
2. Biotite alteration (not confirmed - see above)
3. Albite/oligoclase veins plus alteration
4. Magnetite veining plus alteration
5. Sericite veining plus alteration
6. Chlorite veining plus alteration
7. Sulphide (pyrite and chalcopyrite) veining plus alteration
8. Clay - alteration (two types?)

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure A11: RDH08 189.6m. Complex rock where black components are clay and/or
magnetite. White components are mostly clay. The grey components are combinations
of quartz and/or albite. The brecciated texture is visible to the right where a large
fragment (white/grey) sits between two grey zones. Length of slab 5.5 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 11: RHD08 - 73.0 m
Tonalite with multi-stage hydrothermal overprinting.

The hand specimen is of a mildly altered grey-white flecked porphyritic rock, which
on the thin section slab grades from pale grey at one end to white-cream at the other.
Disseminated sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite) are visible. The rock contains some
50% phenocrysts, comprising 90-97% plagioclase (0.5 to 1 mm), approximately 1%
quartz, and approximately 1% of an unidentified mineral (now 1 to 3 mm chloritized
and argillized brown clay), which is possibly amphibole judging by the crystal
pseudomorph. The matrix (50 to 100µm) is some 40% plagioclase and 60% quartz.
One discernable multiple albite twinning yielded and angle of 11 to 9 degrees, which is
around the albite-oligoclase border. Some plagioclase is zoned. The rock would
classify as tonalite.

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
1. Sericite: This is the most represented alteration occurring as flakes within
feldspars. Occasional muscovite is present.
2. Carbonate: Present as minor veins and alteration spots (post-sericite).
3. Quartz (± albite): Minor quartz veins, with minor albite grains. The veins are
100µm wide.
4. Sulphides: The rock contains some 0.3 to 0.4% sulphide, with some 40%
chalcopyrite and 60% pyrite (15 to 200µm) occurring as isolated grains, and
linear grain alignments.
5. Clay: The feldspars-sericitized-chloritized zones are overprinted by late clay
(brown in ordinary light, and white to the eye).

Interpreted paragenesis
1. Quartz ± albite veins (Note: albite might be late infill)
2. Sericite alteration
3. Sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite) vein plus alteration
4. Clay - alteration

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

Figure A12: RDH08 73.0m. Porphyry - altered, with mild sericitization (grey) of
feldspars (white). Carbonate vein (white). Chloritized ferromagnesian phenocrysts
(dark). Pyrite grains (yellow). Length of slab 4.5 cm.

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect
Sample 12: RDH08 - 199.0 m.
UST texture plus overprinting hydrothermal stages

The hand specimen consists of altered fine-grained (0.5mm) igneous rock (50% dark
and 50% pale). The lower igneous unit is cut by dark quartz veins (1 mm) and a pyrite
vein (0.5mm). This passes sharply into a fine-grained white quartz-feldspar zone (1 cm
wide) containing rare curving quartz ‘veins’. The upper junction consists of quartz
crystals (equant to rounded), which form a 0.4 cm layer, with rounded crystal faces
projecting into the fine-grained quartz-feldspar zone. The sequence is completed by a
return to the fine- to medium-grained porphyry. This is clearly a unidirectional
solidification texture (UST).

Petrographically, the fine white zone contains some 50% quartz and 50% feldspar. The
quartz is intergrown with the feldspar and is extremely irregular in shape. The
feldspars (sericitized and cloudy) are plagioclase, and range from irregular granular to
radiating prismatic (with radial extinction). The radiating species is tentatively
identified as albite (microprobe identification required). Minor chlorite grains may
represent original biotite.

The main (lower) zone is composed of some 60-65% feldspar and 35-40% quartz, with
5-10% ex-ferromagnesian minerals now represented as chlorite-epidote. One multiple
albite twin measurement was obtained (6-7o) suggesting oligoclase as the principle
feldspar. The quartz occurs in grain clusters. A brown clay alteration (ordinary light)
occurs in pseudomorphic format, suggesting replacement of a phenocryst (possible

Alteration-hydrothermal stages
At least two to three stages are present.
1. Quartz vein, ± feldspar ± pyrite: Overprinting is suspected.
2. Sericite: All feldspathic components exhibit mild sericite alteration.
3. Sulphides: These are represented by pyrite veins and grains occurring within all
rock types. The grain size varies from 20 to 100µm. Chalcopyrite also occurs,
but only in grain format (20 to 40µm). The pyrite-chalcopyrite ratio is around
2:1, with total sulphide content at around 0.2-0.4%.
4. Magnetite: This is extremely common in the lower porphyry (4-5%) as 50 to
250µm grain/grain cluster style. Some chalcopyrite grains cluster around
others. The magnetite occurs in trace amounts within the fine-grained zone, and
as to two to three very large grains within the quartz (0.1mm scale), and 1-2%
in the upper igneous unit. It is not clear whether or not the magnetite is primary
or hydrothermal. A vein in the hand specimen suggests a hydrothermal origin.

Interpreted paragenesis

1. Quartz veining (± albite*, and pyrite*) - *both of these might be an overprint

2. Magnetite veining plus alteration
3. Sericite alteration
4. Sulphide (pyrite and chalcopyrite) veining and alteration
5. Clay

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Figure A13: RDH08 199.0 m. UST texture - quartz (grey - pointing to NE), fine-
grained quartz-feldspar rock (white), and porphyry - sericitized (top and bottom). The
dark vein (centre) is quartz. Length of slab 5.5cm

Pollard & Taylor Geological Services Rina porphyry copper-gold prospect

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