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Project Plan for Bangkit 2022 Product-based Capstone

Problem Statement
Depression is a common mental disorder; there are three main symptoms persistent low mood,
loss of interest, and lack of energy; in the worst case can lead to suicide. According to WHO,
about 264 million people experience depression worldwide, and however, rates of depression
treatment are of low quality worldwide. Several factors reduce depression treatment, including
traditional treatment that is time-consuming, expensive, and ineffective, and the possibility of
patients hiding their actual mental state during interviews.In such cases, the doctor cannot make
a correct diagnosis. These factors require a detection system that can help individuals assess
their state of depression personally.

Research question
1. How to Design a Depression Detection system using Emotional Audio-Textual Depression
Corpus (EATD-Corpus)
2. How does the Depression Detection system perform using Emotional Audio-Textual
Depression Corpus (EATD-Corpus)

Team ID : C22-PS309

Active Team Member:

● (ML) M2004G0185 - Vanda Fitriyanah - ITS
● (ML) M2004F0269 - Gilang Rahmat Akbar - ITS
● (ML) M2004F0305 - Muhammad Arif Faizin - ITS
● (MD) A2180G1755 - Zalsabila - UNAIR
● (MD) A2180G1753 - Amelia - UNAIR
● (CC) C7152F1681 - Aulia Faturrachman - STTB

Inactive Team Member:

● None
Project Plan for Bangkit 2022 Product-based Capstone
Final Selected Themes
● Human Healthcare & Animal Welfare

Title of the Project:

Depression Detection using Emotional Audio-Textual Depression Corpus (EATD-Corpus)

Executive Summary/Abstract:
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest
and can interfere with our daily functioning. Today, actually depression is one of the most
common mental illnesses suffered by many people. Young people, adults, teenagers, and even
the elderly suffer from it. Many people don’t realize that they have a mental illness, including
depression, or underestimate the depression they are suffering from, which can be dangerous
for them. Early and timely diagnosis has a significant effect on the appropriate management of
depression and its comorbidities. In this capstone project, we will build a depression detection
approach utilizing speech characteristics and linguistic contents from participant interviews. In
this project, we use the Emotional Audio-Textual Depression Corpus (EATD-Corpus), which
contains audios and extracted transcripts of responses from depressed and non-depressed
volunteers. And then, we will use classifiers that have been chosen to predict depression in
patients and statistics for each classifier. We will also make applications from these tools so the
users can make predictions while adding training data. In the end, we will also evaluate the
EATD corpus dataset, make improvements to the presentation of the data, visualize the data
and also evaluate the methods used.

How did your team come up with this project?

We come up with a project starting with formulating the problem that we will solve based on the
topic and analysis of issues in our environment. From the formulation of the existing problems,
we look for references from journals, books, websites, and other sources to solve previously
formulated issues. After that, we look for data sets that will be used, and design applications
made starting from machine learning, cloud computing, and mobile development study path. So,
we realize what we designed and try the application that has been made. We divide the making
of this project according to our specification field.

Project Scope & Deliverables:

Project Scope
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we
think, feel and act, and it is crucial for every stage of life. One of the mental illnesses is
depression. It is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest
and negatively affects how you think, feel and act.
Project Plan for Bangkit 2022 Product-based Capstone
Further, we want to help people self-detect depressiveness to prevent depression disorder with
early detection to overcome the negative effect of depression through the emotional
audio-textual depression method

● Create a survey-based Depression Detection Application
● Develop Depression Detection Application using Speech-to-Text recognition to
processed by Natural Language Processing
● Develop Audio-based Detection that improve the prediction

Project Schedule:



Project Research

Build Survey-based Model (ML)

UI/UX Design (MD)

UI/UX Design (CC)

Train and Deploy Survey-based Model (ML)

Web Development (CC)

API Development (CC)

Build Speech-based Model (ML)

App Development (MD)

Train and Deploy Speech-based Model (ML)

Deploy to Google Cloud Platform (CC)


Project Plan for Bangkit 2022 Product-based Capstone
Based on your team’s knowledge, what tools/IDE/Library and resources that your team
will use to solve the problem?
Machine Learning
- TensorFlow.
- Keras.
- Google Colab.
- Dataset EATD-Corpus.
Mobile Developer
- Tools (Android Studio, Kotlin, Figma).
- Library Layout (Lottie Animation Library, Buble Tab Bar).
- Library Storage (Room Library,Firebase Storage).
- Library Networking (Retrofit Library, Chucker Library).
- Library Dependency Injection (Koin).
- API Microphone (API MediaRecorder).
Cloud Computing
- Tools (Visual Studio Code, Git, Figma).
- IDE (Nodejs).
- Library (Express.js, Cors, nodemon, axios, Rev.AI.
- Resources (App Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud Monitoring, Cloud SQL).

Based on your knowledge and explorations, what will your team need support for?
- Mentors: mental health parties such as psychologists or psychiatrists who know about IT.
- Data: EATD-Corpus.
- Supporting resources: the contents of questions asked during the interview.

Based on your knowledge and explorations, tell us the Machine Learning Part of your
In the first one, we review the dataset (EATD). Make improvements to the presentation of the
data, visualize data, and evaluate the methods used. We also classify data using classifiers.
Then reviewing models that have been used, make improvements in accuracy with our own
models, and conduct experiments on existing datasets.

Based on your knowledge and explorations, tell us the Mobile Development Part of your
Users can access this project through a mobile application. The UI/UX design for this
application uses Figma, and the design is then translated into an application using kotlin in
Android Studio. In building this application, we choose MVVM ( Model-View-ViewModel) as our
Architecture Pattern. We use flutter as an app development toolkit used so that this application
can be developed as a cross-platform application.
Project Plan for Bangkit 2022 Product-based Capstone

Based on your knowledge and explorations, tell us the Cloud/Web/Frontend/Backend

Part of your capstone?
First of all we will create an app engine and then we will set up a cloud service to train a model.
After that we will create a sound storage for the dataset to store the patient’s voice after that we
will create a private API for the speech recognition with few options, one of them is with the third
party services like Rev.AI API where sound recognition API is to give the conclusion that the
patient has a depression or not.

Based on your team’s planning, is there any identifiable potential Risk or Issue related to
your project?
In this project, the user must input some data to get the results of the diagnosis; one of the data
required is audio data. However, this data may experience some disturbances, which will lead to
inaccurate diagnosis results. Therefore, conditioning is needed by the user to be in a quiet place
and can be realized in the form of a warning in the application. In addition, a good audio signal
preprocessing process is also needed to overcome problems with the input audio. Based on the
various parameters used in diagnosing depression in users, there can be several things that
cause the inaccuracy of the diagnosis results. Therefore, a machine learning model with high
accuracy is needed to produce the correct diagnosis results.

Any other notes/remarks we should consider on your team’s application :


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