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AS 1055.2-1997 Acoustics - Description and measurement of environmental noise - Application to specific situations

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Australian Standard

Acoustics—Description and

Part 2: Application to specific

measurement of environmental
AS 1055.2—1997
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee AV/5, Acoustics, Community
Noise. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on
Purchased By : Mr Aidan Murray. Licensed to Barclay Engineering on 26 October 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10158375).

20 June 1997 and published on 5 July 1997.

The following interests are represented on Committee AV/5:

AirServices Australia
The Association of Consulting Engineers, Australia
Australian Acoustical Society
Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council
Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia
Council of The City of Sydney
CSIRO — Division of Building, Construction & Engineering
Department of Defence
Ministry of Health, New Zealand
National Acoustic Laboratories
Royal Australian Institute of Architects
Royal Australian Planning Institute
The Institute of Marine Engineers Australia/New Zealand Division
University of Sydney

Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject
to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new edit ions as necessary. It is
important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition, and any
amendments thereto.
Full details of all Australian Standards and related publications wil l be found in the Standards Australia
Catalogue of Publications; this information is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australian
Standard’, which subscribing members receive, and which gives details of new publications, new editi ons
and amendments, and of wit hdrawn Standards.
Suggestions for improvements to Australi an Standards, addressed to the head offi ce of Standards Australia,
are welcomed. Notification of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australi an Standard should be made
without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate acti on taken.

This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 95367.

AS 1055.2—1997
Purchased By : Mr Aidan Murray. Licensed to Barclay Engineering on 26 October 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10158375).

Australian Standard

Acoustics—Description and
measurement of environmental

Part 2: Application to specific


Originated as part of AS 1055—1973.

Previous edition AS 1055.2— 1989.
Third edition 1997.


ISBN 0 7337 1277 0
AS 1055.2 — 1997 2
Purchased By : Mr Aidan Murray. Licensed to Barclay Engineering on 26 October 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10158375).


This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand
Committee AV/5 on Acoustics, Community Noise, to supersede AS 1055.2 — 1989,
Acoustics — Description and measurement of environmental noise, Part 2: Application to
specific situations . This Standard is based on ISO 1996-3:1987, Acoustics — Description
and measurement of environmental noise— Part 3: Application to noise limits. This
Standard is a result of a consensus among representatives on the Joint Committee to
produce it as an Australian Standard. New Zealand has proceeded with a separate review
of its environmental noise Standard NZS 6802:1991.
It is Part 2 in a series of Standards on the measurement and assessment of environmental
noise. The objective of this Part is to provide guidelines for setting noise limits and
describes procedures for checking compliance with such limits and for investigations of
specific environmental noise situations. It is assumed that noise limits are established by
relevant authorities according to these guidelines and may be embodied in Noise Limit
Requirement documents, to which references are made.
This Standards is not a regulatory document and users should ascertain, from the relevant
regulatory authority, details of specific requirements laid down in each State or Territory.
The term ‘informative’ has been used in this Standard to define the application of the
appendix to which it applies. An ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and


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3 AS 1055.2 — 1997
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1 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5 SPECIFICATION OF NOISE LIMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6 CHECKING COMPLIANCE WITH NOISE LIMITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7 INFORMATION TO BE RECORDED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


CONTAINING RESIDENCES IN AUSTRALIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
AS 1055.2 — 1997 4
Purchased By : Mr Aidan Murray. Licensed to Barclay Engineering on 26 October 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10158375).


Australian Standard
Acoustics— Description and measurement of environmental noise

Part 2: Application to specific situations

1 SCOPE This Standard describes data acquisition methods that —

(a) enable the investigation of specific environmental noise situations; and
(b) enable specific acoustic situations to be checked for compliance with a specific
noise limit.

2 APPLICATION This Standard shall be read in conjunction with the definitions and
procedures set out in AS 1055.1.

3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this

1055 Acoustics —Description and measurement of environmental noise
1055.1 Part 1: General procedures
1055.3 Part 3: Acquisition of data pertinent to land use
1217 Acoustics —Determination of sound power levels of noise sources
1217.5 Part 5: Engineering methods for free-field conditions over a reflecting plane
2680 Acoustics —Performance for tape recording equipment for use in acoustical
measurement systems
3744 Acoustics —Determination of sound power levels of noise sources — Engineering
methods for free-field conditions over a reflecting plane.


4.1 General The purpose of specific noise investigation is to obtain acoustical data
upon which an assessment of the acceptability of noise can be made. A choice shall be
made from the following:
(a) Adjusted percent exceedance A-weighted sound pressure level (L A%,adj,T ) and
background A-weighted sound pressure level (LA90,T ).
(b) Rating level, (L Ar ,T).
NOTE: This is consistent with descriptors used in AS 1055.1 and AS 1055.3. In order to
estimate the severity of noise annoyance using this descriptor, it is necessary to compare the
rating level with a noise limit as specified by the relevant regulatory authority.
(c) Percent exceedance A-weighted sound pressure level (L A%,T).
4.2 Measurements
4.2.1 General The noise shall be measured at the relevant time and place (see Note 4).
Where the chosen descriptors are the adjusted percent exceedance A-weighted sound
pressure level (L A%,adj,T) and the background sound pressure level (L A90,T), the
measurements shall be made in accordance with Clause 4.2.2. Where the chosen descriptor
is the rating level (L Ar ,T), the measurements shall be made in accordance with

5 AS 1055.2 — 1997

Clause 4.2.4. Where the descriptor is the percent exceedance A-weighted sound pressure
Purchased By : Mr Aidan Murray. Licensed to Barclay Engineering on 26 October 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10158375).

level (L A%,T), the measurement shall be made in accordance with Clause 4.2.5.
1 Where appropriate, the ambient sound, with and without the noise investigated, should be
recorded using instrumentation at least complying with the requirements of Type A
equipment in AS 2680 for subsequent analysis.
2 Additionally, other types of measurement may be desirable depending on the situation to be
investigated, or may be specified by the relevant regulatory authority. Such measurements
may include spectrum analysis of the ambient sound, with and without the noise being
investigated (octave band, one-third octave band, or narrow-band analysis, as necessary),
where the noise has characteristics such as narrow-band components or low-frequency
components not adequately reflected in the A-weighted level.
3 Any unusual noise (e.g. dogs barking or insects and the like) not relevant to the
measurement of the parameter being reported should be excluded from the data, or if this is
not possible, its presence should be noted and recorded.
4 If measurements are performed at other than the relevant time and place justification should
be provided.
5 If it is not possible to measure L A90,T at the relevant place and time in the absence of the
noise that is being investigated, it should be measured at a similar location. Where it is not
possible to measure L A90,T at a similar location, it may be estimated in accordance with
Appendix A. A similar location is one which would be expected to have a similar
background level to the site under consideration (e.g. by reason of traffic flow or general
industrial activity).
6 Where the measurements are made inside a building, the importance of transmission through
windows, doors, ventilation ducts or similar should be investigated. To determine the
importance of these effects, measurements should be performed with windows and doors
fully opened and with windows and doors closed. Wherever possible, measurements should
also be made outside the building.
4.2.2 Measurement of adjusted percent exceedance A-weighted sound pressure level
(L A%,adj,T) and background A-weighted sound pressure level, (L A90,T) The noise shall be
measured at the relevant time and place. The level of the total ambient sound (including
the noise being investigated) shall be measured to determine L A%,T. The background sound
pressure level (L A90,T) shall be measured in the absence of the noise being investigated.
4.2.3 Measurement of steady noise sources There are numerous commercial, industrial
and residential sources of noise which operate for long periods of time and whose noise
emission characteristics may be described as being steady.
The measurement procedure and determination of potential annoyance from such sources
shall utilize the following measurement procedures:
(a) The measurement parameters that shall be recorded with the noise source operating
are the statistical parameters of L A10,T and the L A90,T .
(b) The measurement parameters that shall be recorded with the noise source
inoperative are the statistical parameters of the L A10,T and the L A90,T.
(c) The determination of relevant noise emission and extent of noise exceedance for the
steady sound source for the two measured conditions (noise source operating and
inoperative), require the following parameters to be determined and compared:
(i) The difference between LA10,T (noise source operating), and L A10,T (noise
source inoperative).
(ii) The difference between LA90,T (noise source operating), and L A90,T (noise
source inoperative).

AS 1055.2 — 1997 6

(iii) Where the noise emission characteristics of the noise source is truly steady,
Purchased By : Mr Aidan Murray. Licensed to Barclay Engineering on 26 October 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10158375).

then a valid assessment of potential annoyance may be determined by the

difference between L A90,T (noise source operating), and L A90,T (noise source
inoperative) together with any tonal correction that is specified by this
Standard or those nominated by the relevant regulatory authority.
The measurements shall be performed at the relevant place, and at the relevant time.
4.2.4 Measurement of rating level, (L Ar ,T) The noise shall be measured at the relevant
time and place. The level of the total ambient sound (including the noise being
investigated) shall be measured to determine L Ar ,T.
Where the rating level is obtained by adjustments for tonal character of the noise, the
applicability of such adjustments in the specific situation shall be investigated.
4.2.5 Measurement of percent exceedance A-weighted sound pressure level, (LA%,T) The
noise shall be measured at the relevant time and place. The level of the total ambient
sound (including the noise being investigated) shall be measured to determine L A%,T.
Where relevant, additional measurements of LA%,T shall be made in the absence of the
noise being investigated.
1 The sampling rate may affect the results obtained and should be stated.
2 The percent exceedance level chosen may vary between 0.1 and 10.
4.3 Assessment of other factors in noise annoyance The methods of assessment
described in this Standard involve the measurement of sound pressure levels in dB(A).
This has been found to give a good correlation with annoyance caused by continuous
broadband noise. However, in assessing the severity of noise annoyance, care shall be
exercised because other factors may be important.
NOTE: Noise annoyance may have many causes, including the following:
(a) A high noise level over certain periods of the day or night either in absolute values or
related to the ambient sound or the background sound at the receiver position in the absence
of the noise being investigated.
(b) A single event or unusual change in the character of the noise.
(c) The presence of some characteristics in the noise which are not sufficiently reflected in the
A-weighted level. Examples of such characteristics are tonal components and impulsiveness
not adequately described in terms of tonal and impulse adjustments, if any and strong low
frequency components.
(d) Strong ground or building vibrations, or vibrations of certain parts of a building, e.g.
windows. Usually, noise will occur simultaneously with such vibrations.
(e) Psychosocial factors, e.g. personal sensitivity to noise and attitudes towards the source.
(f) History of occurrence and expectations raised as a result of previous assurance being given.


5.1 General Noise limits may be set by the relevant regulatory authority on the basis
of survey measurements in existing situations or on the basis of general considerations of
compatibility with human activities and land use.
A Noise Limit document published by the relevant regulatory authority should comprise a
number of basic elements which in combination uniquely define the circumstances under
which compliance with the noise limits can be verified. These elements are —
(a) specification of noise limits and the noise sources to which they apply;
(b) locations where and time during which noise limits shall be complied with;

7 AS 1055.2 — 1997

(c) conditions of source operation, where applicable; and

Purchased By : Mr Aidan Murray. Licensed to Barclay Engineering on 26 October 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10158375).

(d) meteorological conditions, where applicable.

NOTE: Because of the intrinsic variability of sound sources and sound propagation, and the
measurement uncertainty, noise limits should be specified in such a way that any excess can
be clearly demonstrated.
5.2 Specification of noise limits
5.2.1 Long-term time average rating level (L Ar ,LT) Determination of the long-term time
average rating level in accordance with AS 1055.1 shall be required. Rules for application
and magnitude of adjustments for tonal or impulsive characteristics of the noise, if any,
are established in AS 1055.1.
The time interval over which the rating level shall be determined (from measurements or
calculations) depends on the character of the variation of the noise. If possible, the time
interval should cover more than any typical variation cycle. For situations where the
received noise levels are mainly determined by meteorological conditions, or where the
emitted noise varies in a complex manner, the time interval may be as short as eight hours
or as long as one year.
1 In many cases, an authority may prefer to specify additional noise limits in other terms, e.g.
the percent exceedance A-weighted sound pressure level (L A%,T).
2 In complex cases, it may be useful to establish limits for the received level produced by all
contributing sources. For enforcement and control purposes, it may, however, be more
appropriate to specify limits for the emission of an individual source or group(s) of sources.
3 The maximum permissible level specified will depend on many factors such as time of the
day, activities to be protected and climatic, social and economic factors.
4 Special noise limits may be given for periods during which the source is known to emit
unusual types or levels of noise, e.g. when the source is receiving maintenance service.
5.2.2 Locations The locations where the noise limits have to be complied with shall be
clearly specified. They shall be suitable for the measurement of the noise from the
source(s) under consideration. Emphasis shall be placed on performing the measurements
at the relevant place and relevant time. The microphone position, including its elevation
above the ground or floor level shall be stated (see AS 1055.1).
Where the receiver positions are unsuitable for measurement of the noise from the source
under consideration, additional positions shall be specified where such measurement can
be made (checkpoints). The maximum permissible level at the checkpoints shall be
derived from the level specified at the receiver positions.
1 Alternatively, where the receiver positions are unsuitable, limits may be specified in terms
of sound power level of the source. Methods for determining this quantity should then be
specified, e.g. according to AS 1217.5 or ISO 3744.
2 In specifying locations, the importance of certain transmission paths should be considered.
This may be of special importance for indoor receiver positions, e.g. transmission through
open or closed doors and windows.
3 A checkpoint may be an intermediate position between source and measurement point. Its
position is generally selected to simplify the assessing of the noise emission from a specific
source with reduced impact from extraneous noise sources.
5.2.3 Source operation Where appropriate, the operating conditions for which the noise
limits are given shall be specified.
5.2.4 Meteorological conditions For specification of meteorological conditions, see
AS 1055.1.

AS 1055.2 — 1997 8


Purchased By : Mr Aidan Murray. Licensed to Barclay Engineering on 26 October 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10158375).

6.1 Instrumentation The instrumentation shall comply with the requirements specified
in AS 1055.1.
6.2 Location of measurement positions Measurements for verification of compliance
with noise limits shall be carried out at the positions and at the elevations specified in the
Noise Limit Requirement document. Where the positions so specified appear to be
insufficient for a reliable evaluation of the noise from the source under investigation,
additional positions may be selected. (See Note 3, Clause 5.2.2.)
6.3 Measurement time intervals and meteorological conditions Measurements shall
be made over the time intervals and under the meteorological conditions specified in the
Noise Limit Requirement document.
NOTE: If meteorological conditions during measurements are not specified in the Noise Limit
Requirement document, measurements should be reasonably distributed over the range of
meteorological conditions for the site under consideration.
6.4 Assessment of compliance with noise limits Compliance with noise limits may be
assessed by the relevant regulatory authority on the basis of comparison of the long-term
time average rating level (or other relevant levels) according to the requirements given in
the Noise Limit documents with the noise limits given in those documents.
NOTE: If there are significant variations in source emissions, fluctuation in transmission
properties and measurement uncertainties, it is appropriate to conduct a statistical analysis of
the levels determined.

7 INFORMATION TO BE RECORDED In addition to information to be recorded in

accordance with AS 1055.1, a report on the investigation of compliance or of a complaint
shall cover at least the following points:
(a) A reference to the Noise Limit document in question, if relevant.
(b) Date and time of measurement.
(c) Details of the measurement positions.
(d) Weather conditions during the measurements (wind direction, wind velocity, relative
humidity, temperature, recent precipitation).
(e) Operating and loading conditions of the sound source(s) under investigation.
(f) Instrumentation used and types of analyses made.
(g) Results of any acoustical measurement or calculation of the noise from the source(s)
under consideration.
(h) Noise due to other sources.
(i) Any calculation procedures used in evaluating the measurements.
(j) Results and interpretation.
(k) Any other information prescribed by the Noise Limit Requirement documents, if
A report on the investigation of a specific environmental noise situation shall also cover
the following additional points:
(i) Levels and duration of normal and possibly unusual noises.
(ii) Date and time of occurrence of the noise under investigation, where applicable.
(iii) Description of the noise being investigated.
(iv) Associated observations (vibrations, amplitude or frequency modulation or similar).
(v) Weather conditions at the time of investigations, e.g. temperature inversions.
(vi) Conditions of possible noise sources at the time of investigation, if known.

9 AS 1055.2 — 1997
Purchased By : Mr Aidan Murray. Licensed to Barclay Engineering on 26 October 2010. 1 user personal user licence only. Storage, distribution or use on network prohibited (10158375).


This Appendix may only be used as a guideline. Whenever possible values of L A90,T shall
be measured in accordance with Clause 4.2.1. Where the measured values are obtainable,
this Appendix shall not be used.

Average background A-weighted sound pressure level, LA9 0,T

Noise area
Description of Sundays and
category (Notes Monday to Saturday
neighbourhood public holidays
1 and 2)
0700–1800 1800–2200 2200–0700 0900–1800 1800–2200 2200–0900
R1 Areas with
negligible 40 35 30 40 35 30
R2 Areas with low
density 45 40 35 45 40 35
R3 Areas with
medium density
transportation or 50 45 40 50 45 40
some commerce
or industry
R4 Areas with dense
transportation or
55 50 45 55 50 45
some commerce
or industry
R5 (See Note 3) Areas with very
transportation or
in commercial 60 55 50 60 55 50
districts or
industrial districts
R6 (See Note 3) Areas with
extremely dense
transportation or
65 60 55 65 60 55
industrial districts

1 The division into noise area categories is necessary in order to accommodate existing sound levels encountered at
residential sites in predominantly commercial or industrial districts, or in areas located close to main land transport
routes, i.e. road and rail.
2 The noise area category most appropriate should be selected irrespective of metropolitan or rural zoning and will
vary from location to location.
3 Some industrial and commercial sites are not predominant sources of high background sound levels.


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