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scene are portrayed sporting the peculiar mention of the fact that Ranganatha was
Vijayanagar cap so popular in that period. placed facing south to give perpetual
Vibheeshana departs from the darsana to Vibheeshana in Lanka, it has
Pattabhisheka hoisting the Ranga Vimana now become popular to add this story. This
on his head and strides to the banks of tale is given a greater sanctity by its
the Kaveri. He is received by Dharmavarma presence in the Koil-Ozhugu. However, this
Chola, a large gathering of people, rishis legend might have its root in a verse of
and other heavenly beings who welcome the Azhvars and later added on to the
the coming of the Vimana by bearing Mahatmya, giving to the Mahatmya itself
innumerable gifts. At that juncture, an antiquity that it cannot claim. There is
Dharmavarma suggests that Vibheeshana a Tamil verse in Tirumalai which says:
perform the brahmot-sava on the Kaveri. “Ranganatha rests on a serpent couch with
The label indicates that for eight days the his head to the west, his feet to the east,
festivities were performed with gaiety and his back to the north and his face turned
the ninth day was reserved for the to the south looking to Lanka”.
Rathotsavam that ended in avabhrita- This is from Tondaradipodi Azhvar’s
snana. The Vimana becomes immovable and Tirumalai that particularly highlights the
throws Vibheeshana into a hapless state. point that Ranganatha, the deity of
He beseeches the Lord to help him in his Sreerangam, lies south facing. The painting
plight. Ranganatha tells his devotees the ends with a large blue-print of the
story of the Kaveri. Srirangam temple complex. The
The Sreeranga Mahatmya while delineating pushkaranees mentioned in the labels are-
from the main story of the Ranga Vimana, Chandrapushkaranee, Bilva Teertha and
has many subsidiary or sub-plots to bolster Asva, Kadamba and other teerthas. The
up a weak mythical story. One such is the existence of these ponds, according to the
story of the Kaveri. According to the label is tied respectively to the redemption
mahatmya, in the age of the Sakyapar- of Chandra for Chandrapushkaranee, with
vata, Kaveri and Ganga quarreled about Indra and his absolution from the sin
their might. Going to Brahma to resolve related to the Ahalya episode and with
their differences, Kaveri returns embittered Vasishta.
by Brahma’s judgment that Ganga was the An important feature of the Sreeranga
greater of the two, as she arose from the Mahatmya murals is a set of three names
Vishnupada. Thoroughly upset with the mentioned as patrons. Their names occur
judgment, Kaveri enters into a severe at the end of each section of the paintings
penance when Vishnu manifests before her i.e., at the end of each corridor. As the
and promises to reside by her shore. whole group forms a single unit, it leads us
Revealing this story to Vibheeshana, Vishnu to infer that the financial commitment for
pleads his inability to proceed any further the execution of the work was possibly
and asks that he be allowed to remain on shared by them. Their names are-
the banks of the Kaveri. While the painting 1. Ramanujamma-the mother of
and the literary traditions do not make any Venkattayya (Ramanujamma nitya-sada-

seva, Venkattayyagari-thallee). at Srirangam temple, the gopuras and
2. Perumal Nayana’s son (Perumal Nayani general surroundings around the temple,
kumaru-kainkarya). but touches upon the origin of the Vimana
3. Nallamma Nayana, the son of Golla itself.
Venkatadri Nayan ( Golla Venkatadri Nayani “In the beginning Lord Brahma worshipped
kumarudaina, Nallamma Nayani Ranganatha as a Guha Devatha. Then Sri
kainkaryamu, Sreeranga Sthalamu). Hari orders Brahma to give it to Ikshuvaku.
We have not been able to locate the names Rama belonging to the Ikshuvaku dynasty
of the donors inscribed in the Sreeranga gifts it to Vibheeshana who then places
Mahatmya murals, in the Srirangam this vigraha in the middle of the Kaveri
inscriptions. Their names suggest that they where the river branches forming the island
belong to the Telugu Country. The of Srirangam; there on the chandrapush-
interesting feature is that one of the donors karanee, he places Ranganatha.”
is a lady Ramanujamma. Most probably, she By the 16th century, the sthala-purana
might have been a woman of considerable legend was fairly well-established and quite
means who had a special affection for popular with the Telugu kings. In the same
Srirangam. We come across names such period, a number of mahatmyas covering
as Nayana, in a number of slabs on the other temples were also written. The
floor in Srirangam both in the Tayar shrine Sreeranga Mahatmya itself was rendered
and the Ranganatha shrine. in Telugu by a number of poets between
Many concepts inherent in the Sreeranga the 16th and 18th centuries A.D. In the
Mahatmya can be traced back to the songs Nayaka period, no less a poet than
of the Azhvars themselves. The Sreeranga Vijayaranga Chokkanatha Nayak wrote the
Mahatmya which makes much of the Sreeranga Mahatmya.
quarrel between the rivers Ganga and Besides the mahatmya written by the
Kaveri, has most probably drawn its Nayaka king, a number of other versions
inspiration from the words which describes are available either in manuscript form or
one as purer than the other. This has been as published texts.
interwoven into a sthala-purana legend of The most popular version of the Mahatmya
not only Srirangam but also in the Kaveri is the work of one Gowranna Bhairava who
Mahatmya. wrote it around 1565. He was a great
In the post-azhvar period, the various Vishnu bhakta and in the Colophon of his
concepts centering around Ranganatha work, he states that the Satadhyayi version
were becoming crystallised into the nucleus of the Garuda purana was the nucleus of
for the Sreeranga Mahatmya. Certain his mahatmya. In the preface to Bhairava’s
iconographic details present in the songs mahatmya edition, the editor lists out
of the azhvars are present in the paintings other versions that were written in Telugu
around the Tiruvannazhi. around that period. Srigiri is supposed to
The next reference is in the Amuktamal- have written the earliest version of
yada of Krishnadevaraya who gives a vivid Sreeranga Mahatmya, but such a work no
description of not only the Ranga Vimana longer exists.


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