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Answers with Explanations

1. (c) Disclose : to make something known Confidant = having a feeling or belief that within the building
publicly you can do something. Towards : The preposition ‘towards’ is used
Disguise : to change the appearance of Thus, “Contemporary” is the correct differently in different situations.
somebody/something so that people cannot substitution for the given group of words. e.g. She took a step towards the door.
recognize him/her Forwards: in the direction that one is facing
6. (b) Let’s learn the meanings of the given
Complete : having or including all parts or travelling; towards the front.
Conceal: to prevent somebody/something e.g. He started up the engine and the car
Meagre = very small in amount. moved forward”
from being seen
Cardinal = of great importance. Work towards something means to try to
Disrupt : to stop something happening as
or when it should Scanty = barely sufficient. reach or achieve a goal.
Supplementary = additional; added to serve Thus, ‘towards’ is the most suited one.
After analyzing the meanings of the given
as a supplement. Hence, the correct sentence will be: It is
words, it is clear that ‘Conceal’ is the correct
Thus, after analyzing the meanings of said that children who use their body, mind
antonym for ‘Disclose’.
the given words, it is clear that the word and emotions for their own wellbeing, work
2. (d) Instant means happening or coming
“Cardinal” is the correct substitution for towards the wellbeing of others.
given group of words. 11. (a) The meaning of the idiom “Couch
Diverse means showing a great deal of Potato” means “a lazy and inactive person.
variety; very different. 7. (c) The sentence is grammatically incorrect
especially one who spends time watching
Prompt means (of an event or fact) cause and the error lies in the option “Your skill
television ”.
or bring about (an action or feeling). lie”. The error is related to verbs.
Example in sentence: Lokesh is becoming
Similar means having a resemblance in In the given statement, the use of the base a couch potato nowadays by eating Junk
appearance, character, or quantity, without form of the verb ‘lie’ is incorrect. food daily.
being identical. The verb which is used with third-person 12. (b) The idiom “Fit as a fiddle” means “in
Gradual means taking place or progressing singular present should be used in the simple very good health”.
slowly or by degrees. present tense according to the subject ‘Your E.g. My grandfather’s 89, but he’s as fit as
Hence, ‘gradual’ is the most suitable one. skill’. a fiddle.
3. (d) Assertion = a declaration or statement In the present tense, regular verbs are Thus, “Healthy and strong” is the correct
which says that you strongly believe formed by adding an ‘-s/-es’ in the third answer for the given idiom “Fit as a fiddle”.
something to be true. person singular.
13. (c) The given sentence is of direct form.
Rejection = the state of being rejected. Thus, the third- person singular verb ‘lies’ Let’s follow the rules given below to change
Continuation = state of being continued. should be used instead of the verb ‘lie’. it to indirect form :
Discussion = to have a talk about something. 8. (b) The sentence is grammatically incorrect ● The inverted commas (“ ”) used in Direct
Declaration: an announcement that is and the error lies in “ in the window ”. Narration will be removed in Indirect
written or official. There are two prepositions of direction, i.e. Narration and “that” conjunction will be
to and towards. used after ‘said’.
After analyzing the meanings of the given
words, it is clear that ‘Declaration’ is the ‘To’ is used for destination whereas ● The subject ‘I’ changes to ‘She’ and ‘You’
correct synonym for ‘Assertion’. ‘Towards’ is used for direction. changes to ‘Me’ in indirect speech.
In this sentence, the use of the preposition ● The tense of reported speech is present
4. (c) Nebulous - Vague or ill-defined (which
‘in’ is wrong because whenever we see any tense, so it will be changed to past tense in
is not clear)
view or outside things, we can’t use in. the indirect narration. i.e. ‘want’ changes to
Faith - Complete trust or confidence Instead of ‘In’ we will use ‘From’ ‘wanted’.
Stable - Not likely to give way or overturn, preposition as we are looking from inside
firmly fixed. Hence the sentence in indirect form will
to outside at the sea.
be: The manager said that she wanted me
Dearly - Very much or at a great cost 9. (a) Here article ‘a’ is used before the blank to attend the conference.
Vague - Of uncertain or imprecise in and we know that after article ‘a’ we should
14. (c) The first in the sequence should be the
thought or meaning. use Noun.
one that introduces us to the theme of the
And here ‘complain, complaining and
After analyzing the meanings of the given passage.
complainant’ will not be used because these
words it is clear that ‘Vague’ is the correct The passage is about the Borderless world.
are not nouns, they are actually verbs.
synonym for ‘Nebulous’. Thus, C will be the first in the sequence.
Only ‘Complaint’ is a noun here, so we must
5. (c) Let’s learn the meanings of all the options use ‘Complaint’ here. In A, we are talking about how we live,
first: how we exist in compartments, separated
10. (c) Into: expressing movement or action
Partner = one associated with another, by different parameters. Thus, A will be the
with the result that someone or something
especially in an action. next in the sequence.
becomes enclosed or surrounded by
Collaborator = a person who works something else. Living in the compartments, we are
together with others for a special purpose. e.g. Cover the bowl and put it into the fridge describing ourselves to the outer world as a
Within: inside something knowledge based society. So, D will be the
Contemporary = belonging to the same
next in the sequence.
period or time. e.g. We could not stop the spread of fire

6 SSC CHSL (10+2) PYQ & Practice Sets

At last, as we are describing ourselves there After analyzing the meanings of the given Thus, the correct sentence: “Even if I
is an ignorance also in the outer world and above words, the incorrectly spelt word is am killed, it will be a glorious death,” he
it is growing which is there is sentence B. ‘Implicatted’ and the correct spelling of this thought.
Thus, the correct sequence will be “CADB”. word is “Implicated”.
26. (c) The words in each pair are synonyms.
15. (d) The first in the sequence should be the 20. (d) The structures for active/ passive voices
one that introduces us to the theme of the are: 27. (b) The 5th letter from A correspond to 5th
passage. Active: Subject + has/have + verb (IIIrd form) from Z and therefore 9th letter ‘I’ from A
The passage is about a teenager who just + object. would correspond 9th letter ‘R’ from Z.
passed his driving test. Thus, B will be the Passive: Object + has/have + been + verb 28. (d) Terms taken alternately form two
first in the sequence. (IIIrd form) + by + subject. sequences.
In B, we saw that he was eager to drive his So, “The colour of the new car we want to These are :
father’s car, and he must take his father’s buy has been chosen by us” is the correct 3, 24, 63, ? 6, 30, 72, 132
consent. Thus, in D his father agreed. So D answer. 3 = 22 – 1 6 = 22 + 2
will be the next in the sequence. 21. (c) Other - the second one of two people 24 = 52 – 1 30 = 52 + 5
In D we saw his father agreed and later he or things. ‘Other’ is used with uncountable 63 = 82 – 1 72 = 82 + 8
wanted his son to drop him at a place before and plural nouns. 132 = 112 + 11
he took the car for servicing which we talked Self - refers to oneself or someone else. Next term = 112 – 1 = 120.
about in sentence C. So C will be the next Each - refers to every one of two or more 29. (a) alphabets follow the sequence +2, +3,
in sequence. people or things, regarded and identified +4, +5.
Then in sentence A, his father wanted his separately. And numbers are increasing by 2
son to pick him up at 4 pm after the service Another - refers to someone or something 30. (b) The above three numbers are multiples
so that they could go home safely. Hence, sharing an attribute in common with of the numbers at the bottom. Clearly 36, 18
A will be the last in sequence. the person or thing already mentioned. and 27 are all multiples of 9. So, the missing
Thus, the correct sequence will be “BDCA”. ‘Another’ is used with a singular noun. number is 9.
16. (c) Weighty - of great seriousness and Hence, the complete sentence: The two men
bowed to one another and parted. 31. (a) By making the interchanges given in (a),
22. (a) Relation - the way in which two or more we get the equation as,
Lightest - having little weight
Trivial - of little worth or importance concepts, objects or people are connected. 2 – 5 + 3 = 0 or 0 = 0 which is true.
Enormous - very big or very great Situation - a set of circumstances in which 32. (c) The word is divided into sections
As per the context of the sentence the one finds oneself. containing two letters each, then the
adjective “Enormous” is the correct choice Location - a particular place or position. selection are written backwards.
to qualify the noun “burden”. Station - a place or building where a As,
Correct sentence: The rising prices specified activity or service is based.
of essential food items have placed an Hence, ‘situation’ is the most suited one.
enormous burden on the poor. Thus, the complete sentence: Tom found
17. (b) We use ‘for’ with a period of time to refer himself in a difficult situation.
to duration (how long something lasts). 23. (c) Fight - to quarrel or argue.
Thus, ‘for more than 16 years’ is the most Think - to have a particular opinion, belief,
suited one. or idea about someone or something.
The correct sentence is: As we’ve been Similarly,
Figure - to play a significant role in a
neighbours, I have known Mrs. Shashi Singh RE ST RI CT CT RI ST RE
situation or event.
for more than 16 years.
Participate - to take part in an action or
18. (d) Impending (Immpending) : used to refer
to an event, usually something unpleasant endeavor.
or unwanted, that is going to happen soon. Thus, the correct phrase is : He was going
Unsustainable (Unsustanable) : something to fight three duels.
that is unsustainable cannot continue at the 24. (d) Place - a particular position or point in
same rate. 33. (d) The numbers assigned to form 1 to 26
space. respectively A to Z have been respectively
Insignificant (Insigneficant) : small or not Difference- a point or way in which people added.
noticeable, and therefore not considered
or things are not the same. TOY = (20 + 15 + 25) = 60
In the given question ‘Changeable’ is Matter - an affair or situation under
BOY = (2 + 15 + 25) = 42
correctly spelt. consideration.
PLAY = (16 + 12 + 1 + 25) = 64
Changeable : often changing. Time - an indefinite period.
Thus, the correctly spelled word is Thus, the correct phrase is : “in a matter of 34. (d) The pattern followed here is:
‘Changeable’. 442 + 1 → (1936 + 1)→ 1937
three hours.”
482 + 1 → (2304 + 1)→ 2305
19. (a) Implicated : to show that someone is 25. (c) Curious - eager to know or learn 362 + 1 → (1296 + 1)→ 1297
involved in a crime or partly responsible something. 522 + 1 → (2704 + 1)→ 2705 ≠ 2707
for something bad that has happened. Glorious - having, worthy of or bringing
Coercion : the use of force to persuade 35. (c) The father of his brother means “his
fame or admiration. father” is the only son of my mother means
someone to do something that they are
unwilling to do. Spurious - false or fake. “my mother”. That means that statement
Suppression : the act of being suppressed. Laborious - requiring considerable effort delivered by lady can be read as his father
Pressurised : to encourage someone to do and time, especially of a task, process or is my brother or in other words lady is the
or not to do something. journey father’s sister of the man’s father.

P 7
W Practice Set-1
36. (b) Left (triangle) become bigger and right = 8 + 3 3 + 12 3 + 18 − 8 − 6 − 8 3 A
figure (triangle) become smaller.
37. (d) In each step, the shaded portion and small –14 − 7 3 + 5 =3 F G E
dot move 90° clockwise and inside dots take
new place alternately. 52. (b) 49a 2 − b=  7a + 1   7a − 1 = 49a 2 − 1
 2  2 4
38. (c) B D C
39. (b)
+4  60 
+9 1 2×  =
BDGF = 20 sq. cm
⇒ b=  6 
K C O G 4
{Q The three medians divide the triangle
+4 +7 53. (d) secq – cosecq = 0
into six smaller triangles that all have the
+5 +3 ⇒ secq = cosecq ⇒ q = 45° same area.}
\ Secq + cosecq
H A M F V N Y Q 59. (c) A (square) = 484 sq. cm
= sec 45° + cosec 45°
+5 4
+3 Q A (circle) = × A (square)
= 2+ 2 =2 2 π
54. (d) 10 6 4 \ Area of circle
40. (b) Except 322, all others are divisible by + + = 1
20 15 x
3. 4 4×7
= × 484 = × 484
41. (b) According to question, AEBFGC 4 1 2 4 9 1 π 22
⇒ =1 −  +  ⇒ =1 − =
So, BF are sitting in the middle. x 2 5 x 10 10
= 616 sq. cm.
42. (c) The differences of two successive
\ x = 4 × 10 = 40 days 60. (b) Q Radius of hemisphere = Radius of
numbers is 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 etc. So the next
number is 65 + 31 = 96. 55. (c) Let the length of each train be ‘x’ meter. cone = Height of hemisphere.
43. (c) The first letter of the word is replaced by Total distance covered for overtaking the \ r = h (height of hemisphere
a set of two letters, one following it and the slower train = 2x = height of cone)
other preceding it in the code. the remaining According to question, 2
C.S.A (hemisphere) 2πr
letters of the code in order are one letter
⇒ =
preceding. 54 2x C.S.A (cone) πrl
60 × 60 92 − 72
44. (c)

( )
3 2x = r 2 + h 2 =l = 2 :1
45. (d) Sour Food Sweet ⇒ = πr 2r
200 20
61. (c) Equation
3 (1 + m2)x2 + 2mcx + (c2 – a2) = 0 has
I. False ⇒x= × 1000m
equal roots. So, b2 – 4ac = 0
II. False

\ (2mc)2 – 4(1 + m2) (c2 – a2) = 0
\ x = 150 m
56. ( a ) O v e r a l l r a t e f o r 2 y r s a t t h e
⇒ 4m2c2 – 4(c2 – a2 + m2c2 – m2a2) = 0
46. (c) Gooses Grebes Hawks rate 10% compounded yearly ⇒ 4 m 2 c 2 − 4c 2 + 4a 2 − 4 m 2 c 2 + 4m 2 a 2 =
10 × 10
⇒ a2 – c2 + m2a2 = 0
= 10 + 10 + = 21%
⇒ a2 + m2a2 = c2
So, conclusions II and III are follows. According to question.
⇒ a2 (1 + m2) = c2.
47. (c) Required answer = (11+3) = 14 21% = 672
48. (c) The pattern followed here is: 62. (a) a11 = 37, a20 = 73.
100% = × 100 = Rs. 3200
(12) – 1 → (1728 – 1) → 1727
3 21 So, a + 10d = 37
Simple interest a + 19d = 73
(14)3 – 1 → (2744 – 1) → 2743 – – –
3200 × 14 × 4 –9d = –36
(16)3 – 1 → (4096 – 1) → 4095 ≠ 4092 = = Rs1792
(19)3 – 1 → (6859 – 1) → 6858 \d=4&a=–3
57. (b) Let the C.P. of table be Rs ‘x’.
49. (d) \ a32 = a + 31d
C.P. of chair = Rs (500 – x). Then
50. (c) Squares of prime numbers. Hence 36 is S.P. – C.P. = Gain
odd one out. = –3 + 31 × 4 = 121
90 x (500 − x)110
+ = 500 + 10
51. (d)  x = 1
2+ 3 2+ 3
= = 2+ 3 100 100 63. (c) 2a + b = 3 ⇒ 2a + b = 3a + 12b
2− 3 2+ 3 4−3 a + 4b
⇒ 9x – 11x = 5100 – 5500
Now, ⇒ –2x = – 400 ⇒ x = 200 ⇒ a=−11b
x3 – 2x2 – 7x + 5
\ C.P. of the chair
= 500 – 200 = Rs 300
=(2 + 3)3 − 2(2 + 3) 2 − 7(2 + 3) + 5 a+b −11b + b −10b 10
∴ = = =
58. (c) Reqd. area of quadrilateral a + 2b −11b + 2b −9b 9

8 SSC CHSL (10+2) PYQ & Practice Sets

1 3 1  1 3 75. (b) Required %
64. (c) A=
:B =: 4:3 =8 − 3 ÷ 
2 8 2  4 4 41
= × 100 =
34.74 ~ 35%
1 5 1 13 4 17 13 76. (d) A famous seal of Pashupati is famous
B= :
= 3 : 5 and = 8 − ×= −
3 9 2 4 3 2 3 in which various animals are depicted like
rhino, buffalo, tiger, an elephant, and two
5 3 9 51 − 26 25 1 deers. God is represented with three heads
C= =: 5: = = = 4 and horns and is believed to be the image
6 4 2 6 6 6
of Pashupati.
71. (a) From given figure 77. (b) The provision for and Election
9 A Commission is dealt with in Article 324 of
4 : 3 : 5 : = 8 : 6 : 10 : 9
∴ A: B :C : D =
2 the Indian Constitution.

78. (b) Per Capita Income is a measure of the
65. (c) cos θ −=
sin θ 2 sin θ
2x° amount of the money that is being earned
B X per person in a certain area.
⇒ cos=
θ ( 2 + 1) sin θ C y°
cos θ ∠ACX = 3y° – y° 79. (a) The first antibiotic was discovered by
sin θ = ...(i)
( 2 + 1) Alexander Fleming. It was discovered in
= 2y°
\ cosq + sinq 80. (c) Osteomalacia is a marked softening of
∠ACX = 2x° + x° your bones that is most commonly caused
= cos θ +
cos θ
( 2 + 2 ) cos θ by a severe vitamin D deficiency.
( 2 +1 ) ( 2 + 1) ⇒2y° = 3x° ⇒ y=

81. (a) Decimal number system has unique 10
digits, that is, from 0 to 9, to represent a
72. (b)
2 ( )
2 + 1 cos θ
= 2 cos θ
A number and its base (or radix) is 10. The
decimal number system is also called a
( 2 +1 ) base-10 system as it has 10 digits.
82. (d) The constitution does not provide any
66. (c) M.P. = Rs 27,500 limit as to how many times a person can
30° be elected as President.
90 C B
S.P. = × 27,500 =
Rs 24, 750 20m 83. (c) Pyrometer is a device that is used to
Given, BC = 20 m measure relatively high temperatures, such
∠ACB = 30° as those found in furnaces. The majority
24750 × 100 Total height of the telegraph post is (AB + of pyrometers work by detecting radiation

= C.P. = Rs 22,500
110 CA) = ? from the body being measured
In DABC, tan 30° = AB / BC
84. (c) Kidneys are essential in the urinary
67. (b) Reqd. ratio of overall wages 1 AB
= system and also serve homeostatic functions
=8×7:5×9 3 20 such as the regulation of electrolytes,
20 maintenance of acid–base balance, and
= 56 : 45 ∴ AB = regulation of blood pressure. They serve
68. (d) Sum of 10 numbers = 35 × 10 = 350 the body as a natural filter of the blood,
Now, cos30° = and remove wastes which are diverted to
Average of remaining 2 number AC
3 20 the urinary bladder whereas the antibodies
{350 − (200 + 66)}
= are produced by plasma cells in the body.
= = 42 2 AC
85. (c) The henry is a unit of inductance.
∴ AC = 86. (a) The description of 16 Mahajanapadas is
69. (a) x × 8 + (10000 − x) × 10 =
950 3m
100 100 given in the Buddhist text Anguttara Nikaya.
 20   40   60 
So, AB + CA=  + =   87. (c) Mercury planet in the Solar System takes
⇒ 8x – 10x + 100000 = 95000  3  3  3
the shortest revolution.
⇒ –2x = – 5000 ⇒ x = 2500
88. (b) ‘International Girls in ICT Day’
\ Amount of loan taken from bank first = = 20 3 m is observed every year on April 27 to
Rs 2500. encourage and empower girls and young
73. (a) Required average
16 + 5 + 20 + 4 + 13 + 21 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 10 + 5 + 14
women to explore and pursue careers in
1  1  1 1  1 1 1   =
70. (b) 8 − 3 ÷ 1 − 1 − −   4 information and communication technology.
2  4  4 2  2 3 6   118
= = 29.5 The theme for this year is ‘Digital Skills
4 for Life’. International Telecommunication
1  1  1 1  74. (d) Required range of BSNL card Union (ITU) leads the observation every
=8 − 3 ÷ 1 − 
2  4  4 2  = 16 – 3 = 13 year.

P 9
W Practice Set-1
89. (b) ALU does the arithmetic and logical
operations in a computer system.
90. (a) The description of 16 Mahajanapadas has
been given in the Jain text Bhagwati Sutra.
91. (c) Mercury & Venus are the only two
recognized planets in our solar system
without moons.
92. (a) International Monetary Fund was
established in July 1944 at the United
Nations Bretton Woods Conference in New
Hampshire, USA.
93. (d) The Committee had seven members –
Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer, N. Gopalaswami,
B.R. Ambedkar, K.M. Munshi, B.L.
Mitter, Mohammad and D.P. Khaitan. B.R.
Ambedkar was the Chairman of the Drafting
94. (c) The capital of the Mughal realm was
changed from Agra to Delhi by Shah Jahan
in 1638.
95. (d) Dara Shikoh interpreted Bhagavad
Gita into Persian. He also translated 52
96. (a) Justice Aparesh Kumar Singh Singh
passed B.A. Honours and obtained his L.L.B
Degree from the University of Delhi. Justice
Singh has replaced the acting chief justice
of Tripura high court, T Amarnath Goud,
who assumed office last November. He has
practised at the Patna and Jharkhand high
courts as an advocate since 1990.
97. (d) On January 4, 2024, Vice admiral Dinesh
K. Tripathi took over as the vice chief of the
Indian Navy. He Succeeds Vice Admiral
Sanjay Jasjit Singh.
98. (b) LIC appoints Ratnakar Patnaik as Chief
Investment Officer, PC Paikray as Chief
Risk Officer. Patnaik is an industry veteran
and has an experience of 32 years. Patnaik
joined LIC as a Direct Recruit Officer in
September 1990.
99. (b) Utsa Patnaik is a well-known for social
scientists. The award is given every year by
the Malcolm & Elizabeth Adiseshiah Trust.
The prestigious national award winner is
selected by a nationallevel jury specially
constituted for this purpose, from the
nominations received.
100. (b) Chennai-based Ms Sudha Shivkumar
took over as the 40th President of the FICCI
Ladies Organisation (FLO), the oldest
women-led and women-centric business
chamber of Southeast Asia, at the 39th
Annual Session on March 31, 2023. Ms
Sudha Shivkumar is a lawyer and investment
banker by profession and has 32 years of
experience in the field.

10 SSC CHSL (10+2) PYQ & Practice Sets

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