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Exercise 1
Complete the sentences below using ‘a’ or ‘an’.
1 We practise football for ____________ hour every day.
2 My brother wants to buy ____________ new dictionary.
3 Is your friend ____________ good squash player?
4 Wind-surfing is not ____________ easy sport to learn.
5 ____________ hobby is something you like to do in your spare time.
6 Are you ____________ member of the Tennis Club?
7 Our school has____________very good basketball team.
8 This magazine has ____________ interesting article on my favourite athlete.
9 Lucy always eats ____________ apple at lunchtime.
10 Henry won ____________ gold medal in the swimming competition.
11 You need ____________ uniform for school.
12 Lee Lai Shan won ____________ gold medal in ____________ exciting sport.
13 I want to buy ____________ hat and ____________ umbrella.
14 I have ____________ aunt in Australia.
15 ____________ tennis racket costs about $500.
16 She is ____________ honest woman.
17 I need ____________ new shirt for school.

Exercise 2

Complete the passage below using ‘a’ or ‘an’.

Donald is (1) ____________ eighteen-year-old student. He is the captain of (2) ____________ famous Hong
Kong basketball team. He practises every day and he has (3) ____________ basketball court close to where
he lives. He is (4) ____________ very good player. He thinks that it is (5) ____________ healthy sport. Every
day, Donald practises for (6) ____________ hour in the morning and (7) ____________ hour in the evening. ‘I
think that Dennis Rodman is (8) ____________ interesting basketball player,’ says Donald. ‘He is (9)
____________ popular NBA player. I want to be (10) ____________ famous basketball player too.’

Exercise 3

Complete the passage below using ‘a’ or ‘an’.

Ronald is (1) ____________ seventeen-year-old boy. He works in (2) ____________ sports shop. It is (3)
____________ good job. He works for eight hours every day and has
____________ hour for lunch. Today he sold (5) ____________ volleyball and

____________ ‘Air Jordan’ T-shirt. It was (7) ____________ expensive T-shirt, it cost $250 dollars. Ronald
is (8) ____________ happy worker today because the manager gave him
____________ one hundred dollar bonus. He will buy (10) ____________ Manchester United football shirt
with the money.

Exercise 4

Rewrite the sentences below by adding ‘the’ in the correct place. You may need to add more than one ‘the’ in
some sentences.

1 My aunt lives in United Kingdom.

2 We must be at airport at 5 p.m. to catch our flight.
3 I cannot see parade because there are so many people in front of me.
4 He is putting his photos of Disneyland in photo album.
5 My sister is learning to play piano.
6 We are going to cinema to see new Jackie Chan film.
7 I am going to book shop to buy a new history book.
8 Great Wall of China is longest wall ever built.
9 You must remember to wear a hat in sun.
10 She bought little boy a baseball cap from sports shop.
11 I forgot my watch so I don’t know time.
12 Are you watching World Cup tonight?
13 Jeff and Terry play drums in school band.
14 We are going to Philippines for our next holiday.
15 I am eating chocolates you bought me.
16 Highest mountains in Europe are Alps.
17 Biggest ocean in world is Pacific Ocean.

Exercise 5

Complete the passage below with ‘a’ or ‘the’.

When I am older, I want to travel around (1) __________ world. I want to travel in
__________ large boat and by train. I want to visit (3) __________ Himalayas and
__________ Rockies. I want to see (5) __________ red bus in London and ride
__________ camel in Africa. I want to go canoeing on (7) __________ Amazon and
sleep in (8) __________ small wooden house in the jungle. I want to swim with
__________ shark in Australia and walk along (10) __________ Great Wall of China.

Exercise 6
Complete the passage below with ‘a’ or ‘the’.
We stayed in (1) __________ hotel in London. (2) __________ hotel was called
‘(3) __________Windsor’. We went on (4) __________ sightseeing tour of (5) __________city in (6)
__________ morning. (7) __________ tour included visiting many famous buildings. We saw (8) __________
Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace. Later on we had
__________ seafood lunch in (10) __________ seafood restaurant. (11) __________ restaurant is very famous
and (12) __________ lunch was delicious.

Subject and object pronouns

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences below with the correct subject pronouns.

1 My sister enjoys listening to music. __________ has a lot of CDs.

2 Paul has four brothers. __________ are all very tall.
3 Mark and I are classmates. __________ are both thirteen.
4 I have twenty-two computer games. __________ are all exciting.
5 Sally has a pet called Socks. __________ is a cat with white feet.
6 We visited Beijing and Xian last week. __________ are both very old cities.
7 Sammi is Ken’s girlfriend. __________ is very pretty.
8 Let’s go to Peking Palace. __________ is a famous Chinese Restaurant.
9 My brother Paul flies jumbo jets. __________ is a pilot.
10 Do you like my homepage? __________ is very colourful, isn’t it?
11 Paul has a big family. __________ has five brothers and two sisters.
12 I bought these CDs from HMV. __________ are new.
13 Have you read this book? __________ is very good.
14 I like karaoke. __________ is fun.

Exercise 2

Complete the passage below with the correct subject pronouns.

My grandfather’s birthday is on the same day as mine. (1) __________ is on the first of January. (2)
__________ am much younger than my grandfather but (3) __________ like the same things. (4) __________
love playing computer games. (5) __________ is an exciting pastime. My grandfather enjoys it too, but I
usually win.

My grandmother hates computer games. (6) __________ enjoys jigsaw puzzles instead.
__________ says that my grandfather and I should do more exercise. My mother agrees with her. (8)
__________ go swimming together every morning at the swimming pool in Kowloon Park. After their swim,
__________ walk to the Jade Garden Restaurant to eat dim sum. Sometimes, my grandfather and I go too
— (10) __________ always order a lot of food.

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences below with the correct object pronouns.

1 Paul collects basketball stickers. He has lots of __________.

2 Mr Lau tells very funny stories. I enjoy listening to __________ speak.
3 The members of the Drama Club want you to tell __________ how you feel
about acting.
4 My family and I are going on holiday in August. My father is taking
__________ to Canada.
5 Tom is not a good swimmer, so he asked me to teach __________ how to swim.
6 Rebecca gave Helen a storybook — Helen will like __________very much.
7 My sister is studying in England. I will visit __________ there next year.
8 Please give the ball back to the children. It belongs to __________.
9 I think that this pencil belongs to me. I left __________ here yesterday.
10 We are enjoying ourselves in Japan — why don’t you come and join __________?
11 Look at __________. I am talking to you!
12 They want you to go with __________.
13 Gigi and I always talk in class. The teacher always scolds __________.
14 Martin is very clever. You should ask __________ to help you with your homework.
15 Jenny eats a lot of chocolate. She likes __________ very much.
16 Don’t lend __________ your pen. She will lose it.

Exercise 4

Complete the letters below with the correct subject or object pronouns.

Dear Simon,

__________ have just returned from my holiday in America — (2) __________ was amazing. Here are
some photographs of (3) __________ with my family at Disneyworld, Florida.

My sister, Anna, loves Mickey Mouse and there are lots of photographs of (4) __________ standing next to (5)
__________. The man wearing glasses is my uncle. My mother is in front of (6) __________. (7) __________
are both waiting to go on a ride but my mother is afraid, so my uncle is talking to (8) __________.

I am saving money to go to Disneyworld again. I really like (9) __________ very much. Maybe (10)
__________ can go together next year!

Best wishes


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