Drug abuse meaning, types,symptoms

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· Tho concepts of. drug. drui•:ab]l~, drug dependen~... drug addiction..

~ @J1stinen~ ..syndrome

,? ~me cJari rug~is a c!tcmical ~ ~ a- , ,.

,/ sutistance ass-0elated with • l!islinct - h ical- or s ·c o o , cal - -

~,. , -!CC ·. ~ .t alters a pctSan•s 110rmal .bodily proceises ~~ functions. But
-~-this di 1niti0n IS WO bJOacl. Jh midical sense.• a diug :, BJ)Y ~ -
prescnDed by a p~ysi~huLo_t.~a.~a.c t~.d~~ ! Y~~ ~ ,e,p~a, or 1

_ - seating and pfevcnmig dise~~•n·dlillt•trn~t by i~ cbe11Uca} na~~d

· its ·effeci ~n .th~ sllUCt~ a~d· fu~~t.i~ns or a l i ~ O:TPnism.~~~ -,tc
p _ -chol0g1cal and socio~ . cal contexts, dru1 ,LS ·a term fior ~

mt -
:· fanning su . ce w. i~' idlrectly_affects · - . n.c~ · us- . , · •
. Mom (X)et:isely, ,t,.re~!S ll;l che'!~cal substance whi~b affects :•anx
badil~y _lun c1ion, mood, P,teep~on, or conscioumess which bas

: ,p otendal fot misuse, and,whTch may be hannful ·to the individual or \\!e 1

· sqeie~" (Josq, .. 11 • . . • · n terms o ll\i.s de m1tmu. the Geciuel"::.

~ use of drug =is considercd SQ. _~ , emus and sometimes!~unmtTl~ and
.; -
1 1

- I I •

: ~Ii-social, ~tit arouses a.~.~et~ $J{.~~~~~n~l-nnd hostilcff~'\'~ t~ ·.

~ ~,. ......... .
f~y~ ~ .s~~, ~~Qbt,nw itt India
• • • I~

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366 . ''•l,

· ~ · • • drug are h~~evcr, r~utivdy

on t11e/pan of general public.. 5~me s ~ icd 'by ·iiarmfut
fMocuous and are not -addlctive or acco pan . traSt
.. • h '-. I ~ cal-cffrr•~ rrhe use·of such drugs stands ·in marked con .
p ys10 ogi ~ -· \!.!!: • e and , LSD or lhc
IO •'-c use of ilfegal gn1gs.. like bcco•n. coca1n . d
.. "' - . b
consumption of legal drugs hko ~ ~0.!.:-10 ac;,9, • 'barb1tura1es, •!l.,n
bhnnful ,--tt
amphewnines all oJ which are associaied~1m diS\11'\C Y ,
ph c eff~ oo the person engaged in them_:.J -~ I . . te drug
ru abu.r ·s the use of illicit drug or misuse, egillma kin
res ting physical or ps~chological h:lrm. ~t'_:.i~l~des s~o . ~
ganja or ha.rhish, talcing 'her.oil\ or cocaine or LSJ?,,1nJ~~g mQrp.h~e,
I • . drinjgng nlcohol, and so forth'.·- ~ are
so'me6mes re(e:ri'ed,to as bemg
I •
'high on speed' or 'trip' or 'getting kiclcs' ::•. :· · ··'. ·
' -if>rug 'dependence denotes any nbitful or frequeot:uscyr a drug. :11e
"iepcndence' cart eitht.T be ; physical or psycholog_19a1J Physical
dependence occurs with the repeated use o~ the drug_':"~e,:t the body ~s
adjusted to the prcsence of a drug and w1U suffer,P!lm, :ciscomfort ~r.
' i[!f if the use of the drug ~s.discontlnued. ' : ·•· ., . . .
Tho word ad1Uscfr~!t is , generally used to .'. q~sep~ .?,hys1cal .
i dependence. Tb€, 'addiction' er 'physical- depel)d~nc-¢ JS a s~

.. whereby me body requir,--4 continued. administrotiQll '.oE the Jdrug; in
•• I
order to rii,i'ctio~ooy- funetioning •is l!llw..srCQ:~th if, the dtug''js '
( . ,. withdrawn, .and. withdrawal .cymptorns appear in a plut,em specific for
the °grog. The tOtal react.Ion to deprivation is lcndwn..._as abstinence
~., · ·· - - - - - =--~-·

-.-• .-.,. . :>-
-:::._l,The chronic drug user develops a feeling that ~e must cons13nQy
increase- the-dose in order to produce the same effect asJhat from 'the
iniOal dose. This phehomenon 1s· .called tole~pn~d.111.t leprcsents the
I •• • ~Y's abifuy to adopt ti)the'prese·nce of a foreign s~tfst;tnce. How~v-~r. .
tolerance does not develop for all drugs or in all individuals •: though
with certain drugs (for example morphine), addicis ha~e ~ ·known Id ~;
build up great tolerance-very quickly. C.ross toleranc¢ ,refers to the fact '
tiiaNQ!erancc-development for: one drug may also re$ultin tolerance fOf :
'similar-drugs. . ·· -·~ ., ~
ri>,u1cbolagicot dependgice oc,:curs when an in<i;iy}.<J~~fam~ to. rely-
.. dh-n drug foe the f~lihg of well-being it f'.lrQl:luc:es. The word ·
ltubitua!icifTs' s~ctimes us~. to refer to ·psy~h'j.C· or:·p~ycfiological
'I • •. d~:iden.ce.. The differel)ce7>eiweezf'"•fia@iuafioii'. and 'addiction' is
I ,.
' . that habi:. !S .Q.Qt c§iiipiilsive~~ction isJMdictjon,; to. drug Ill
. eans a
- that t.'!~ booy ~omes so·dependent 10 ih~~lf:~ff~ts !)!·the drug ,t4,at
·-·· ~ ·•.
I • 9n~ust cannot cfu without il. ·
- ·- - - ...

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The characteris(lcs of drug ~diction are: (l) an. overpowcpf~-.---:- -

~ire or need (comeu)s1on1to-contmuc raking -che drug-and lO ob_ta:1 11·

by any means; (2) a tendency to increase :.he dose;,@) a psycho~gtc ·'
~nd generally a physical dependence on ~ eff«:rs of lhe drug:; ; ~
(4)_an effect de~ental_to the individual-~ to the·society . ✓r-::-..

. Nature and lmpa~t or Abusable.Dru~ ) ~

The abusable drugs may be divfded into six categori . co ol,
'----- fa ·;~
SM1a!iv§ stlmulanis,cr:n:~. plcasao1
·use40y so~ple
~~llnci]IO&W, and mco:
coftDl IS
and social)1e ~ . while

·others take it as a ~ which enables them to "!'od\

11 ~ acu as a
sedative which calms down ne~ or a bnd of an aoacslhcuc: which
'reduces the pain ·or living:-(A.!£ohol _re)ic:vM ·1ension and ICS;F1S
. aggressive.inhibitions. It aj__so im~ judgement and (?pTes c:oofllSlOO.'.\
r41:,,Sedaiives or_dee_re~qpts relax_lhe ceotral ~oos sysu:m;•i::ldoce
,. off'"eep'iu\d-prov1de a·~ g eff~ 't._.ranquiJil;.' 'IDd ~ fall
, into thiSt ca~gory. Medically, these ~ I n higb ~~•
.',~insoi:nnja, epilepsy an,d to relax patrCJJis'befcn and during~ As
· depressants, . they ,depress actions 9.f ~ervcs aod ;r~rseJes rln AD!'lJ
quantiti~s. they slow. down breathing and bean-beating and make_the
user reJaxed; but in ·hjgher doses, their effects rcscrnole alcohol
in,. ·which.
. the user becomes
- - - .,..slug@.
gloomy and
sornetim~ irritable and quarrelsome.tlis a ifily IO think. concentra1e,
and wor~ !S impaired 81\d his emoii . , trol is weakened
. ~timul@Wleti"'.ate the.cen ri&VO~-~ ~ _relieve tensions,
6ieatinilirdep~s.,iQll. induce insomnia~ a p§soo-awake). ~
alet'tness, co~'M j • faugue and~~vc ~ s , and lessen
. aggressi_ve inbt'$iUllS..:.. ·JI:he -most widely -kno stimulants are
· . amphetam,~es Woi>ulirTy ·.call¢- •~p~)' ~cine·· aoa _mire.
Modcl'atedo~~-or amphetamine; when properly presailiedby a doctor;
can check fatigue and produce feelings of alenncss, scll-coofidence and .
. ·.well · being. Heavier doses·,cau.se-·ex.trcme nervonWss-:- urftil:iility,
h~'1ache, sweating, diarrhea, and llllClear ~ . - - -: .
Tue stimulant ~gs ace usually laken o'@ly, though some (likd
m~~~e) · are ~~by intravMQµ.5 injcctigri'"'These drugs do not
·prod~co physical ~ pendencc, though they axe psycholOgically
. a&licting. heavy u~ of tll~ :µnpbewnincs cai~varying .
degrees or ·mtclleraiial, emotional, social and economic d~oration.
Abruptly with~wi,ng. the ~g can result in mental illness ahcfa deep

suicidal depre~ on.
• •
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4 -~ ~ l, lik;sed:itives; produce a. deprcssan
. t effect on the central
ncrvr._us. system. \They pro<loce • (echngs of ~lcasu~ ·•$BOiJh, ind_
sur,enonty,_Jt:duc,c,. hunger, Jessen inhibitions, . and i:nerease .
$.iggestlbilliy. Included ln lhiS; category are Q11ium, l]l8rl]uina.. httOin
(-smack), ~orphine; pcthindme, cocaine (a1ropiatesJaild• ~ i s , 1
(charas, ganja, on~ bh'ang). Heroin is o while powder mad'.e from
·morphine; cocaine is made from the !coves of the coca bush and is
odourtes!:; cannabis is obtained from the hemp plant ; J1nd marijuana is
· a particular fonn of c~nab!s. Heroin, moiyhinc, pclhldlne and cocaine
nre used either by inhaling (the powder), or injccti_ng the llquifiectr°onn:
Opjur/il and marijuMa may be smoked, snlfft,d o r ~
. tThe · withdrawal symptoms very with Ille, degree of physical
dependence. The symptoms, after eight ~ 12 hours after the last dose.
arc · shaking, swcating, chills, diarrhea, naoseo, menial anguish, and ;
abdominal and leg cromps: Thereafter, symptoms increase in int~ilY.
re11ch a pca1c between 36 to ·72Jlours, and then gradoallt~ ovr,r _I
the nc:x.t five to 10 d:i~. Howe~, l¥ealcnCSS. ~omma, neiVOUSJ)C:SS
and muscle pain may PQtsistfo~ seveml weeks~ \ ·
r;· Hallucinogens produce distortions of pcrceptiqn (seeing or ~caring.
· ~ different way th~ .they actually are) and dream: tmage3. ·
Their. use is not aclvlfui by medicaJ] pracdd~e well-Jcoo~·dnlg •
in this: group is LSD, whl.ch is man-made chemlcaL It i.§ so powcdt!J ,
that one~ prodoces three lrucb hum~ doses. An ~unl•l~teially -1
smaller than a grain of salt can ptcdu&e poss ps1chotsc reactions in· ~
hufl!an beings. LSD may be obtained as !'- small white pill, as ~ :l
czystalline powder in capsules, or in liquid in ampules. Usually. LSD is •l
taken orally but it may be •injected. The effect" of an average dose of !
LSD ~ally lasts from . eight to 10 hom: Pnnic. tk?.essiC)4 and i
~anent_severe~ta] de~ent can re_sult from an ~ p l to ·
withdr:aw from its me... .

Nicotine nas
includes clgare~ bidi, cjg~. -sn~ffs anct tobacco. j
no .medl~ use/: :t'h~· risk of .physical dCP.Clldcnce, 4
however, may be thcre.~t l~s-to' relaxation, stimulates central nervous i

'S}'Slffll, lncrcases wakefulness and 1emoves•borcdom. B11t the frequent

or the heavy use of nicotine may cause ~ attaclt, lung cancel, and
bron<:h:ltis. The law d~ not classify fhls. as a drug~. 'JI' • ·
Stirnlwanis, de.PfCSSllDt&, ~tics and hallucino~s are also called
- , . ; . _ ~ ugs. • ;,/ . •r_·· . . .
.. . ..

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.•• Vcr,ftinc' .
-. Pa.lo !ac:4 .
: :, Rcj;nltf ~
! . . •1
• ••~
-in bc:illll ,

. • Froqoa,t~o(Jaw
•· ~

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!:!!1: " Ct1.A>tiV16CSS

> Abra;:it~<C:b~IJ&M --
.V Behavloral'alpsi~
• •
A 4zug•
a'blni: al":Y• bc!;:,cs
. di!rcrcnlzy• .ID.t.bcbisviar)nc!ic::ses c1::rt)' lb\ b: Is oddi.e-.:d
.• • Ph'JJ]tal ..,• .. !O drugs. Bchiviaral sip ~ ·bdi~ that the t.:illlics

•• upa.blo 0!' stimbf•tins a ~uOQ..rm bo adJicth c r.J t. •

• A.,..,1a .a!\J

. . '• addicli,,_ e n d ~ a habit~ k® .., oblip'IRl. .t
• Be!Jmolll1 • . •

'l:an becoo,;ldaed a.ii tddictioo,·Fo:.~z:-o r..riousii;ns
· #. P1dlol~uJ •
• • sbowfng. pcno:i is adcfc'trd c!Np :
• •
- - •.
- ,- · . , _ . , _ , . ; p A.bo,-_
.~d!otoglcal Sip,:. .
. . ~ of' dt1VJ;1 ~ ~ cbaqge ~ ~~& .ood bchav!oc ol
~ .P"G!)Q-:& alw'\)11 mii•ins in ,:i,:aan~·~ ·~ ;
• ~1n..1t1~ · 1· ·
· • b.
.,e . "ii~

< A:.1.0rtcbt •
. • : • -S-wfag
.- --::-in".'m
"'_oo_d_._.".,..~_. · ;·
• F s A fill bcbaviot .. \
.. . ~•e -~ i ·
.; Ova- ~live -~ · ' ~ ··
. . ..
m-r .. • ·~ of ~ ._ . 1I
• Always tcyi.og (!;i &Cl .. . • ~llllluzo .. . ' .. I. '.
• a ~ nervous_
• U-""'Cplain.ed chengr, in P"!"?'"I~
~ A.'ways .seeldug,pavaey
.. •~ ·inancnt!·,ene.ss .. ,
• D cpceasi~ · ,
',._.;Jal cd . . • .
...,~ ft? ".fltWiQiltSOCSS
•· ~ lu c:riM:d•I •dhmcis . .. _ • ~ ui ftt1ing af'feor & ~ ·.
•• O'vt:r all . cban2" in persomli!y. · • Clnn.ge in belief& . • (
. .' .
0 •

~cadenilc Slps:-
.. · .
. ,(
.. . .

'(1/' ~ ifu. .;.~hi o persnn...,.,;.jc,,.hy_~ : ~ q r

cn..;11wpti,Jn le,ads' to iow m~1 lartilfllffi! _in ach!X'~·
co~ 2nd tt,~,den chacge in ,ocla! n , c ~ . ·
~ . . .
• . Al>lll'1ITl'l'"iw from ullooVcollep•
' .
• Pooracacbnk perfoimauce .. ..
l Juitatai behayior ~ cJas, mtt~
··· _-·_; ·,~ beb.avlor in claas ·:· · . ...... •.
• &come.,: sccretive.

. "'l'Y .,
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