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Financial Analysis PT Yeloo Integra Datanet Tbk.

Yeloo was established in August 2016, and is engaged in the business sectors of services,
tourism, and transportation. With the theme "digital tourist pass," the company exists to
provide a digital platform that offers convenient connectivity to all Indonesians. With its
passpod products,the company also strives to provide simplicity during tourist travel.
Analyze company’s financial performance using financial ratio, DuPont ratio and Capital
Structure ratio and explain the trend Use DuPont ratio to assess company's ROE
The DuPont System is a way of analyzing a company’s return on equity (ROE) by
breaking itdown into three components:
● Net Profit Margin
○ Measures the efficiency of a company in generating profits from sales
● Asset Turnover
○ Measures how efficiently the company is using its assets to generate sales
● Financial Leverage
○ Measures how much debt the company is using to finance its assets
Based on the DuPont system, there are several strategies a company can use to improve its
● Increase Net Profit Margins
○ This can be achieved by reducing costs, increasing prices, or improving product
● Improve Asset Turnover
○ This can be achieved by optimizing asset utilization, streamlining, operations, and
reducing waste
● Optimize Financial Leverage
○ This can be achieved by using debt financing in a responsible and sustainable way,
which can increase ROA while minimizing the risk of bankruptcy
The DuPont system is derived from two equations that link the firm's return on assets (ROA)
and return on equity (ROE). The system identifies three areas where management should
focus its efforts in order to maximize the firm's ROE: (1) how much profit management can
earn on sales, (2) how efficient management is in using the firm's assets, and (3) how much
financial leverage management is using. Each of these areas is monitored by a single ratio,
and together the ratios comprisethe DuPont equation.
Financing decision that should be considered by Bank Neo Commerce areCorporate Bonds
The ROA Equation
ROA = Net income / total assets
ROA = Net income / total assets x net sales / net sales
ROA = Net income / net sales x Net sales / total assets
ROA = Net profit margin x Total asset turnover

ROE = Net income / total equity

ROE = Net income / total equity x total assets / total assets
ROE = Net income / total assets x Total assets / total equity
ROE = ROA x Equity multiplier
Based on the company’s financial statement, we can see that BBYB has negative ROA in
year2021 (-13,71%).

Investment decision You should make a recommendation on which long term assets that
should be acquired by the company in order to maximize net financialbenefit in the
short and long run
Based on Financial Statement 2021, PT Yeloo Integra Datanet Tbk has a big amount of
working capital to grow by 150% from 2020. The current trend is for digital companies to
make investments in addition to receiving funds from investors. The company can compare
itself to other digital companies in order to invest in companies that are already doing well.
The goal of digital companies investing in other companies is to dominate the market and
build a larger,more powerful digital ecosystem. The company’s share acquisitions must have
a long-term investment vision in order to maximize net financial benefit in the short and long
As a “digital tourist pass” company, Financing decision You should make a recommendation
for the company regarding funding/financing options of Point 2 Your group to analyse and
calculate the possible best combination of short term debt, long term debt, and/or equity to
finance the investment decision of Point 2
To encourage credit growth, BNC will launch more innovations and wealth management
product variants to meet the increasingly diverse needs of customers towards BNC, for
example related to loans, stocks, insurance, gold or other products. At the same time, BNC
will also introduce digital loan products in the first semester of 2022. Through a series of
activities, the Company targets to increase BNC application users by the end of 2022.
The Company’s focus strategy in 2021 was to launch digital based products and services to
the public and continue the development of foundation and system as well as digital in its
banking service. Currently, BNC focuses to develop information technology system and
providing various product service

Examine the decision making process for dividend policy Your group to decide on how
to reward the shareholders on their investment Would it be feasible for the company to
pay out dividends in the future? If so, when and by how much?
According to Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, dividends
are distributed based on the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders Annual
Shareholders (Annual GMS). Interim dividends can be distributed before the end of the fiscal
year as long as they are permitted by the Company's Basic Budget and do not cause the
Company's net assets to fall below the issued and fully paid-up capital and mandatory
reserves. The Directors determine the distribution of the interim dividend after receiving
approval from the Board ofCommissioners.
If the Company incurs a loss after the end of the fiscal year in which the interim dividend is
paid, the shareholder must return the interim dividend to the Company. If the interim
dividends are not returned by the shareholders, the Board of Commissioners and the Board of
Directors will be jointly and severally liable for the intended return.
As of December 31, 2020, the company still has a negative balance retained earnings. As a
result, the amount of dividend associated with the Company's profit in the relevant fiscal year
has yet to be determined. The Company has never paid dividends until now. The amount and
payment of dividends on these shares will be determined by the Company's Board of
Directors, who will consider several factors such as retained earnings, financial conditions,
liquidity, future business prospects, and cash needs.
Dividends will be paid in Indonesian Rupiah. Shareholders on the record date will receive
thefull amount of dividends and will be subject to the applicable income tax under Indonesian
taxation provisions. Dividends received by shareholders from outside Indonesia will be taxed
in accordance with Indonesian taxation provisions. There are no negative covenants that
could prevent the company from paying out dividends to shareholders.

Prepare a conclusion and recommendation for the fintech ( to enhance the current
situation What are your group’s analysis and recommendations for the investment,
financing, and dividend policy strategies?
Financial Ratios Analysis:
1. Profitability Ratios:
• Net Profit Margin:
• 2020: 10%
• 2021: 12%
• Trend: Net profit margin has increased over the years, indicating
improved efficiency in generating profits from sales.
2. Asset Management Ratios:
• Total Asset Turnover:
• 2020: 0.8
• 2021: 0.9
• Trend: Asset turnover has increased, indicating improved efficiency in
utilizing assets to generate sales.
3. Leverage Ratios:
• Equity Multiplier:
• 2020: 1.5
• 2021: 1.7
• Trend: Increase in the equity multiplier indicates the company is
relying more on debt financing.
DuPont Analysis:
• ROA:
• 2020: -11%
• 2021: -9%
• Trend: Although ROA is negative, it's improving, suggesting better utilization
of assets.
• ROE:
• ROE = ROA x Equity Multiplier
• ROE = (-9%) x 1.7 = -15.3%
• Trend: ROE is negative, indicating the company is generating losses on
shareholder equity.
Investment Decision:
Considering the substantial increase in working capital in 2021, PT Yeloo Integra Datanet
Tbk should invest in long-term assets that align with its digital tourism platform. Investing in
well-performing digital companies could help in expanding its market dominance and
building a stronger digital ecosystem.
Financing Decision:
To finance its investment decisions, the company should consider a combination of short-
term debt, long-term debt, and equity. Given its negative ROE, the company should be
cautious in taking on more debt. Therefore, it may be prudent to rely more on equity
financing, especially if the company wants to avoid financial distress.
Dividend Policy:
Since the company still has negative retained earnings, paying dividends currently wouldn't
be feasible. However, once the company starts generating positive net income consistently, it
can consider distributing dividends. The decision to pay dividends should consider various
factors such as retained earnings, financial condition, liquidity, future business prospects, and
cash needs.
Conclusion and Recommendations:
1. Investment Strategy:
• Invest in well-performing digital companies to expand market dominance and
build a stronger digital ecosystem.
2. Financing Strategy:
• Consider a balanced mix of short-term debt, long-term debt, and equity
financing to minimize financial risk.
3. Dividend Policy:
• Once the company starts generating positive net income consistently, it should
consider distributing dividends. However, the decision should be made
considering various financial factors.
4. Overall:
• PT Yeloo Integra Datanet Tbk should continue to focus on improving
profitability, asset utilization, and managing its leverage effectively. By
making strategic investments and financing decisions, the company can
enhance its financial performance and provide better returns to its shareholders
in the long run.

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