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1. State Rolle’s Theorem? And explain Geometrical interpretation of Rolle’s Theorem. [5M] [CO3-L1]

2. State Lagrange’s Mean value theorem? And explain its Geometrical interpretation. [5M] [CO3-L1]
3. Verify Rolle’s Theorem for f ( x )=x ( x +3)e 2 in the interval [ −3 , 0 ] [5M] [CO3-L3]

4. Verify Rolle’s Theorem for f ( x )=e x (sinx−cosx ) in [ π 5π

4 4 ] [5M] [CO3-L3]

5. Verify Lagrange’s Mean Value theorem for f ( x )=2 x 2−7 x +10∈ [ 0 ,5 ] [5M] [CO3-L2]

b−a −1 −1 b−a
6. If a< b , Prove that 2
< tan b−tan a< 2 Using Lagrange’s Mean Value theorem.
(1+b ) (1+a )

π 3 −1 4 π 1
Deduce the following: i) + < tan < + [5M] [CO3-L3]
4 25 3 4 6

sinα−sinβ π
7. Using Cauchy Mean Value Theorem, prove that =cotθ where0< α <θ < β< . [5M] [CO3-L3]
cosβ−cosα 2

8. State Cauchy Mean Value Theorem and verify the same for the functions
f ( x )=e , g ( x )=e ∈ [ 2 ,6 ]
[5M] [CO3-L3]

9. Obtain Taylor’s series expansion of the function Sinx in powers of (x− ). [5M] [CO3-L2]
x 2 6
10. Show That sin2 x=x 2− + x ±−−−−−−. [5M] [CO3-L2]
3 45
2 4 x 3
x x x e 1 x x
11. Show that log ( 1+e x ) =log 2+ + − +… and hence deduce that x = + − + … [5M] [CO3-L3]
2 8 192 e + 1 2 4 48
12. Verify Taylor’s Theorem for f ( x )=(1−x ) 2 with Lagrange’s form of remainder up to 2 terms in[ 0 , 1 ]. [5M] [CO3-L3]


; if ( x , y ) ≠(0 , 0)
1. Show that the function f ( x , y )= √ x 2+ y 2 is continuous at origin. [5M] [CO4-L2]
0 ; if ( x , y )=(0 , 0)

2 2
y ∂ f ∂ f
2. if f ( x , y )=log ( x + y ) + tan
2 2 −1
then prove that + 2 =0 [5M] [CO4-L2]
x 2
∂x ∂y
∂w ∂w ∂w
3. Ifw=( y −z )( z−x ) (x− y ), find the value of + + . [5M] [CO4-L3]
∂ x ∂ y ∂z
2 2
x y ∂u ∂u
4. If sinu= ,
2 show that
x +y =3tanu [5M] [CO4-L3]
x +y ∂x ∂y

1 ∂x ∂θ
5. If x=r cosθ , y=r sinθ then prove that =r [5M] [CO4-L2]
r ∂θ ∂x

3 3 du
6. If u=xlogxy where x + y +3 xy =1 find [5M] [CO4-L3]

∂(x , y , z) 2 ∂(r , θ , ∅ )
7. If x=r sinθcos ∅ , y=r sinθsin ∅ , z=r cosθ , show that =r sinθ and find [5M] [CO4-
∂(r , θ , ∅ ) ∂(x , y , z)

8. Find the Extreme values of x 3 +3 xy 2−15 x 2−15 y 2 +72 x [5M] [CO4-L3]

9. An aquarium with rectangular sides and bottom (and no top) is to hold 32 liters. Find its dimensions so that it

Will use the least amount of material. [5M] [CO4-L3]

10. Find the point on the plane x +2 y+ 3 z=4 that is closest to the origin. [5M] [CO4-L3]

11. Expand f ( x , y )=tan

( xy ) in powers of ( x−1) and ( y−1 ) up to third degree terms. Hence compute
f ( 1.1 , 0.9 ) approximately. [10M] [CO4-L3]

12. Expand e 3 x cos 3 y in powers of x and y up to second degree terms. [5M] [CO4-L2]

∞ ∞
1. Evaluate ∫ ∫ e
2 2
−(x + y )
dx dy [5M] [CO5-L2]
0 0

2 2
x y
2. By changing into polar coordinates, evaluate ∬ 2 2 dx dy over the annular region between the circles
x +y
2 2 2 2 2 2
x + y =a and x + y =b (b> a). [10M] [CO5-L3]

2 √ cos 2 θ
3. Evaluate ∫ r
∫ 2 2
dr dθ [5M] [CO5-L2]
0 0 ( 1+r )
a √ a2− x2
4. Evaluate ∫ ∫ √ x 2+ y 2 dx dy by changing in to polar coordinates. [5M] [CO5-L2]
−a 0
3 2
5. Evaluate ∫ ∫ xy ( x+ y ) dx dy [5M] [CO5-L2]
0 1

1 2− x

6. Change the order of integration in ∫ ∫ xy dx dy and hence evaluate the double integral. [10M] [CO5-L3]
0 x

1 x

7. By Change the order of integration, evaluate ∫ ∫ xy dx dy [10M] [CO5-L3]

0 x2

1 x x+ y
8. Evaluate ∫ ∫ ∫ ( x + y + z ) dz dy dx [5M] [CO5-L2]
0 0 0

9. Find the area of the loop of the curve r =a(1+ cosθ) [5M] [CO5-L2]

10. Using spherical polar coordinates, evaluate ∭ xyz dx dy dz taken over the volume bounded by the sphere

2 2 2 2
x + y + z =a in the first octant. [10M] [CO5-L3]

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