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Name: Lim, Lyssa Antonette K.

One of the branch or agency of United Nation base on the Philippines is the UNHCR or
the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. UNHCR has been active in the
Philippines for over 40 years, focusing on asylum seekers, refugees, migration issues,
and statelessness. Its work is guided by the UN principles on internal displacement,
emphasizing human rights and international laws.

UNHCR's main goal is to protect the rights and well-being of refugees, helping them seek
asylum, find safe refuge, and return home voluntarily. They provide international
protection, humanitarian aid, and work with governments to find long-term solutions. In
the Philippines, UNHCR faces challenges such as recurring displacements in conflict-
affected Mindanao and indigenous communities in Eastern Mindanao being displaced
from their ancestral lands. Communication is also difficult due to poor internet and phone
signals at some IDP sites. Additionally, UNHCR works to support families displaced by
war, conflict, and violence, ensuring their basic rights are protected.

The UN helps the Philippines achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by
working with the government and other partners. They focus on reducing poverty,
boosting economic growth, and improving healthcare and nutrition. The UN supports
better education, especially for marginalized groups, and promotes gender equality by
addressing violence and supporting women's economic roles. They work to provide clean
water, sanitation, and affordable clean energy. The UN also promotes fair work
conditions, labor rights, and supports small businesses. Climate action includes
promoting sustainable farming and reducing disaster risks. They help strengthen
governance, justice, and peace efforts, especially in conflict areas. By fostering
partnerships, the UN aims to drive sustainable development in the Philippines.

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