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Watch the video Mental Health Care in a Pandemic: Dealing with Anxiety and More

2. Write at least 5 words with its meaning, that you think you have learned,
including a sentence for each.

● Self-isdating: Self-isolation (stay in your room) means staying indoors and

completely avoiding contact with other people.
Eating healthy and being at peace is selfisdating for health.

● Tricky: of a task, problem, etc.) requiring care and skill because difficult or
doing an operation on the eyes can be tricky.

● Mindfulness: the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.

I need mindfulness to learn.

● Bedsheets: a sheet for a bed.

I want to buy these bedsheets, they are perfect.

● Wellbeing: the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

It is not good to stress about your well-being.

3. Answer the multiple choice question

Which is not true?

-A little stress can be helpful.
-Too much stress can negatively affect our mental health.
-Taking care of our minds is easy.

In the "Notice 3 Things" exercise, we should notice 3 things that we can:

-see, hear, and read
-see, smell, and touch
-see, hear, and touch

What is a "motivating" activity?

-something that makes us energetic to give effort
-something that makes us sleepy
-something that makes us understand our bodies

According to this video, which is helpful for your mental health?

-watching a lot of news on TV
-going for a walk outside
-sleeping late

Why should we contact our friends or coworkers every day?

-It relieves stress.
-It teaches us how to use Zoom.
-It helps us feel confident about our work.

How much time should we spend checking reliable news sources about the
-at least 3 hours a day
-no more than twice a day
-never check the news

How can you do "box breathing"?

-Put a box on your head and breathe slowly.
-Breathe slowly for 4 minutes.
-Breathe in 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, breathe out 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds.

What should we do before going to bed?

-eat a meal
-watch a movie on our tablet
-have a warm shower

How can you do a "body scan"?

-Relax your body, starting with your feet, and finishing with your head.
-Relax your body, starting with your head, and finishing with your feet.
-Massage your feet and head.

4. Make a postcast of 2 min of what you learned of the video

5. Make a postcast of 2 min explaining what you have done to take care of your mental
health during the pandemic

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